My Villain Academia Mega Analysis

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"Oh, don't worry guys. The video will be out soon enough"! Yeah, right ... it's been practically a whole month since I said that. Sorry about this, y'all. Man, I suck at keeping promises. Anyway, here's the final product, enjoy! It may end up being a boring video full of shallow analysis and redundant information. If so, I'm sorry, but this is just my way of praising something I admire. I've never done anything like this before, so I hope you understand how much I love this silly little shonen manga. Oh, and sorry if my english is difficult to understand, I also intend to add subtitles in the future. God, this is so cringy.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/PedroCaffe22 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Spatterx23 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Amazing content. I would love to help with Portuguese subtitles. Can you enable community contributions for your video?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Hareels 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
not so recently boku no hero academia completed one of its most intriguing arcs very questionable creative decisions were made and for better or worse precaution certainly elements that completely changed the course of the story there were surprises and disappointments however the fight between the league of villains and the meta Liberation Army enriched the narrative in an unprecedented way here I will analyze all the attributes demos caught my attention during the villain arc and try to demonstrate how the other was able to write a story far above what is expected from an action manga with that said let's get started it is quite clear that horikoshi loves to vary and explore different genres throughout his work in the pro hero arc for example we were introduced to a family drama focused on endeavour the you a school festival war brought us a slice of life story based on heroes personal struggles there was also the epic hi daughter a dark whose events signaled the change of tone that the story would have from then on we even had a short comedy session with Todoroki and bak ago right after the Shia high cycle arc which was an intense police investigation tale about the Japanese mocking the universe of the series however what all these arcs have in common is the climax which always results in some sort of confrontation that's obvious after all boku no hero academia is above all else a shounen fights are necessary factor in keeping readers engaged with the narrative however I find it interesting that the arc whose structure most resembles that of a conventional battle manga is aimed at the villains the classic formula in which a group of young people must defeat a major threat as they evolved their powers and receive flashbacks in the middle of a war has never been more evident now of course this was not the first time the series used traditional narrative tools of the genre but the identity of the arc is directly related to the fact that the villains our leading is shown an adventure perhaps there is a reason behind us especially if we consider the events of the previous arc the joint training arc suffered several pacing problems the number of pages per chapter decreased considerably over the weeks and in addition the other had to take some breaks it was painful to follow the development of the UA first years in such a dragging way to make things worse there was also the six quirks fiasco which completely divided the fandom many were concerned about the big reveal as they interpreted it as a sign that the power scale was going crazy and the series was doomed to only get worse over time it was a difficult experience for the readers no doubt I mean at least in the West this arc was not very well received to compensate for this disappointment it will be necessary for the other to give his fans something that could assure them of the serious quality consistency horikoshi then took the easy route he designed a relatively simple basic Shaolin arc and chose the Metta Liberation Army an organization that had already been mentioned in the series to antagonize the main cast in this section of the story which gave it a good deal of hype however to guarantee even more its success the other decided to switch sides and tell the story from a new perspective after being criticized for having waste too much the balance in favor of the heroes horikoshi immediately delivered an emmanuel power to the league of villains however from a critical point of view I would say the arc in question is somewhat exaggerated in its entirety the notion that six people can resist the murders and tensions of an entire urban population is undeniably absurd even by the series standards this war against the gang of criminals seems unnecessarily hyperbolic I would even say that the individual confrontations of the arc unfortunately left something to be desired as well twice didn't even face skeptic directly the fight between getting and Davi didn't add up to anything and most of the fights were concluded in an extremely abrupt way not to mention other equally frustrating details such as red Astros armor that was barely even used in the vague participation of giganto maka in the final fight and personally I also didn't really like how the other took advantage of this arc to advertise the second enemy film in any case these failures are compensated by the general execution of the arc which fulfilled its function better than any other in the series the plot itself may not be the best but it fits perfectly in its narrative context the story is clearly building up as it sets the stage for a huge clash to come the excessive grandeur of the arc is a way of highlighting the magnitude of its events for the story's future the battle against the Liberation Front is essential for the series main villains to become a greater threat than ever this arc is nothing more than a promise brilliantly expressed to readers through a war start only by the villains it is a means of anticipating the greater danger that the heroes will eventually face and the other has demonstrated this in a surprisingly bold and unusual way the metal aberration army arc is impressive in many ways but what attracted me the most was how horikoshi managed to create something truly different and unique at a time where originality is lacking another factor that impressed me a lot was the way he developed a league after all let's face it the gang has always been a little incompetent throughout the series most of the group's attacks resulted in costly losses and provided very little profit this is because the leadership of the team has always been in the hands of Shigure rocky a childish and unmotivated young man unable to reproduce the same intimidating presence as that of his master however the character has clearly been changing over time and the villain arc certainly marks a peak in his evolution Tomasz transformation was certainly planned from the beginning by the author and this is evident through the league's subtle growth in the story there were other villains in the series who didn't belong to the shiitakes gang and yet represented an obstacle for both the heroes and the league it says if both the good guys and the bad guys are using the same resources to build a ladder her occur she wants to make it clear to the readers that all the secondary threats of his work have the narrative function of evolving both the heroes and the villains and it is precisely this parallel development that makes possible the existence of an arc focused solemnly on the bad guys of the series if the league of villains had been an imminent force right off the bat the art would probably not have been as successful and could have even led to the cancellation of the manga the confrontation between classes 1a and 1b had already caused a lot of controversy and even so the other had that boss to bet on actually singular concept it's no easy task keeping the readers interested in a completely different perspective from the usual one for about five months the other found a way to innovate the classic with his valence and because of that horikoshi strengthened my respect for him through this arc even though not all delete members were properly developed throughout the villain arc they still have enough attributes to stand out in the narrative mister compress for example is extremely expressive if we pay attention to his journey as a character he uses his masks to represent the variation of his emotional state during the story and in this art the magician finally went back to using the mask he wore for the first time when he debuted in this series in addition he expressed the leaks conditions and needs through his unquestionable longing for sushi which turned out to be relevant in the end when the group finally got the meal they wanted so much the arc concluded the acquisition of sushi is what connects the prologue to the epilogue of this part of the story mr. chompers desire indirectly verbalizes the evolution of the league of villains just as his mask signals a new beginning for him and the group itself however when it comes to character development he himself has not changed much I imagine that the other is saving his moment for another occasion another character there hasn't had his chance to shine yet is Dobby in the battle he only served to hood apocrypha a great soldier from the Liberation Front however it was interesting to watch him face someone with a quirk similar to that of his younger brother Shoto and yes I'll be assuming dobby is a Totoro key because come on of course he is anyway not only that but getting follows the ideals that endeavour once followed as well the notion that strong quirks are more important than anything else is a style of thinking that Dobby despises and interestingly unlike darbian show two apocryphal embraces his position as someone that's being used for an ax specific cause so it will be fun to follow the dynamics between Dobby and gate and from here on out since they are allies now anyway although the fight between the two did not receive the attention it deserved Dobby was nevertheless a relevant piece for the conclusion of the arc he was the one who formed main bridge between hawks and the paranormal Liberation Front which will certainly have catastrophic repercussions in the future after all hawks enumeration for endeavour forms a remarkable symbolism in relations the tale of Icarus a character in Greek mythology known for his careless actions wherever he is hawks will always be flying too close to the Sun be it endeavour or his firstborn Toa in conclusion Dhabi's excellence in this art were designed to be relevant in the long run however among the secondary members of the league the one who stood out the most was without a doubt spinner Iguchi provided this arcs narrative focus and was genuinely developed throughout it he assumed the position of narrator and played a very important role especially if we considered the nickname of this arc my villain academia that title is there for a reason the neighbour presents not only the obvious inversion of protagonists at this point in the story but also a distorted version of the teachings of the hero school takes you to rocky for example for him everything is just a video game in this arc the character acquires experience through the servants of all for one so he can pass the phases of his private academy so to speak before we come in the king of the underworld figure rocky must learn to be a respectable villain this entire arc symbolizes a kind of final test for the league and no one would be able to demonstrate this better than spinner the character finally overcame his big inspiration influenced by stain and decided that he wants to be part of the villain Academy Iguchi represents the ordinary lower-class citizens unhappy with society and he's there to verbalize how tumorous goals can be as inspiring as those of the hero killer well at least within the universe of the series after all unlike stain spinner spend time with sugar rocky they live together they fought together as a result EBG was able to see the ambition in the eyes of his leader and contemplate the future he envisioned spinner saw with his own eyes the landscape that Chirac had promised a vast and destroyed horizon so in this arc eager to gain the strength to fight for a cause and became one of sugar rock his most loyal allies among the members of the group spinner was the one who mentally matured the most because he learned to respect his leader since the beginning he was the only one who listened to tomorrow's words and show a legitimate interest in the game's ideals the leaguer presents a real school for Iguchi who is still learning the ways of villainy this is spinners Academy more than any other member and that's why there is no one more suitable than him to narrate this arc [Music] toga received a curious development in this arc the fight against Kazuki has subtly deepened the reasons why the character is obsessed with the relationship between midoriya and otaku there is a very strong physical resemblance between deco and Saito the girls first victim chemical projects the distorted attraction she had for her classmate in Erica's admiration for Midori it's a fun parallel created by the author but there's a more interesting aspect of the way he explored the yandere the character introduced us to a new concept in the series universe the evolution of quirks in fact the entire arc has a great debate around special abilities and how they are treated in society according to read estro quirks are directly linked to a person's character and we've seen an extreme case of this in toga herself the character shows a sick and disturbing interest in blood but that is naturally part of who she is because of this Kazuki wants to take advantage of the girl's case to prove the people that the mere existence of quirks is already a contributing factor to the increase of crimes in Japan for deliberation from the hero society manufacturers its own villains just by restricting the special abilities which is one more reason to liberate them Kazuki says that if it weren't for the current loss toga could have had a normal life however in the girl's eyes her lifestyle is as normal as any other this contrast leads us to question even more the existence of superpowers as something exciting if we think about it most of the serious conflicts are directly related to quirks the lack of a special ability was one morally depressed midoriya in his childhood the possession of a strong quirk contributed a lot to the problematic formation of bak ago the colleagues of Shinto misjudged him due to the nature of his superpower Todoroki restricted himself from using his fire powers due to his father's blind search for a powerful hair ultimately everything revolves around quirks and nobody exemplifies this idea as perfectly as toga the character portrays very well the theme of freedom present throughout the arc she suffered because of her parents constant repression over her core and the release of her special ability was what led her to ecstasy only when the characters overcome some sort of emotional barrier do they break the breaks and await their quirk it was like that with twice and shigaraki as well the evolution of special abilities represents happiness for these characters however this does not mean the breaks no longer exist they just have been updated alongside their respective evolutions Herick osha has always been very good at dealing with limitations that go for example used as black book for literally one second and realized right away that is stupid and muted in its entirety toga can utilize the quirk of the person she transforms herself into but this also minimizes the time she's able to maintain that form twice is now able to create a gigantic army but the greater the number of clones each copy is considerably much weaker shigaraki has enough power to crush an entire city but in doing so he suffers a noticeable amount of damage and if he's not careful he could even doesn't repeat himself in the process the author was able to better contextualize the evolution of quirks in this art which was a tremendous relief for the readers the great confrontation between the league of villains and the meta Liberation Army introduced a renewal of quirks the concept may even have been an aspir but the development employed on the idea made the experience much more digestible over the course of the story he Mikoto Gaudi buted the awakening of special abilities in a violently sudden way which was also fascinating the character does not follow the ideals of the hero killer and couldn't care less about society all the girl wants is an easy life where she is able to enjoy herself without having to control her impulses and if the only way to find happiness is to enter the world of villainy she will gladly accept this route as her normal life twice is a disturbed character haunted by madness and despair in this art he had to overcome his fears and face the past through skeptics puppets horikoshi even named one of the chapters of this event in reference to one of the Joker's most classic phrases all it takes is one bad day this in itself is already very interesting makes us question whether the other had any other intention besides paying tribute to Batman in fact if we pay attention the entire art revolves around a huge bad day it's a horrible day for the League of villains which turns out to be a terrible day for the Liberation Front as well and from a broader perspective it is also a bad day for the heroes due to the birth of the paranormal Liberation Front horikoshi also created several visual rhymes referring to the Killing Joke throughout the arc and even title an entire volume after the villains sentence however while Al more emphasizes in his work they are any of two crazy people being unable to help each other horikoshi demonstrates the opposite in his character Jim who was able to find comfort in the League of villains shigaraki and his companions were able to come together due to a genuine feeling of a faction that has been created between them over time however the one who most values this bond between them is twice and for this reason he is the most appropriate character to start this section of the story so in a way horikoshi interpretation is much more optimistic if compared to Alan Moore's another character that also resembles the image of the Joker is Reed s true I don't think I even need to explain why his appearance sums up the vile atmosphere present throughout the arc quite appropriately both were destro and twice our characters strongly influenced by society what sets the two apart however is the fact that Jin recognizes his condition as someone who does not fit the system while rikiya genuinely believes in his political position and aims to reform society that's why from a narrative standpoint the confrontation between the two characters in the tower is one of the most interesting moments of the arc twice is a direct consequence of societies in Justices while Reed estra represents an extremist ideological bubble in contrast toga who provided the readers with a new perspective on exploration of quirks in the series Jim presented us with a more complex view on society in relation to the league of villains he found a home among other outcasts who also went through bad days and is willing to risk his life to rescue the man who gave him the hope he has always sought booba gaara's eagerness to come from the liberation from is purely emotional and not rational at all however among the members of the league his reasons are the most empathetic shigaraki sees the situation as an opportunity to beat giganto macchia while his allies are merely following the leaders orders the motivation to save Gearin however is much more accessible to readers Jin is the villains comic relief the friendliest and the most human of the group because of that the character alone makes us cheer for the league he doesn't provide the narrative focus of the arc but he considerably favors the empathy of the reader towards the villains and it doesn't stop there twice was the one who gave his team the reinforcements they needed a game-changing army his participation was fundamental in this battle because until the moment of his evolution the narrative excuse that was being used to justify the league's resistance in the war was a little sloppy before a Destro's called the gang members had been improving their skills through the Restless struggle they were having against giganto machia and the spite of circumstances no one died of exhaustion during this period it's an extremely unlikely scenario but nothing too absurd if you consider the fact that humans and stories seem to have much more stamina than normal furthermore it's no use trying to find total realism in the Shonan anyway the point here is that it was precisely the precarious conditions of the league that made it possible for them to win with Destro's planned backfired as he did not imagine that his trap could strengthen the group's mental state rather than oppress it even though they were poor weak and exhausted they all managed withstand deliberations from Sutekh for an entire hour however all this effort would have been in vain had it not been for twice who received the little push necessary to overcome his limits and unlock the true potential of his quirk consequentially booba Gaara finally paid his debt to the gang Jin is the one-man army of the league of villains hero of the meta Liberation Army arc and a force to be reckoned with [Music] tanka Shimura origin part to this chapter contains possibly the most brutal sequence of the entire work up to that point the end of the previous chapter had already made it very clear what was going to happen with this the other had two options to show nothing after all information that Chiaki had murdered his entire family had already been revealed or to show what happened despite not needing to as it would be redundant her eco she chose the second option but the way he executed this segment was so masterful that he got impossible to say there are no layers to it firstly let's look at the deaths that followed and try to understand what tangos real intentions were the dog and the sister died by chance tanco legitimately had no idea what was going on in his eyes hana was a coward for not bearing the consequences of her actions so she died doing what she did best running away however she was the only one who gave him more support and apologized not only that but she also shared the same position as her brother as they both feared their father her death like that of the dog was accidental regarding his mother and grandparents he was not sure but it's implied he already suspected his own murderous intentions if we look closely at the first panel on page 9 it looks like one of the mothers hands is covering a wicked smile on her son's face her eco she gives us to understand that at the time tanco tried to convince himself that he didn't want to have killed his family while in the present shigaraki seems to finally recognize reality deep down he enjoyed what he did his family members clearly did not agree with Kota rose ideals and yet no one came to the boy when he needed it most for a five-year-old this is synonymous with betrayal his grandparents always seemed indifferent to their son in law's actions so their death stayed in the background demonstrate another absence makes no difference and although his mother gave him lots of love and affection she chose his father's side tanka was unable to understand she defended him the boys Envy is evident which introduces a clear Oh Oedipus complex into the narrative after all the only one intentionally murdered by his own son was none other than kotor Oh putting these things in perspective we can see how this was all a big domino effect Kotaro ironically also suffered because of a complex he had with his mother Nana left her son for adoption which caused him to maintain an intense hatred against Hiro Society subsequently this hatred would be projected into the rules of his house along with the fear of losing another family member again to protect everyone he made a decision to never talk about heroes again Kotaro probably felt like he was doing something for the greater good the classic I'm doing this because I love you kind of thing unfortunately his fear only caused more hatred and anguish within tankles little heart when koto finally realized he was doing something wrong and decided to change his actions to build a happy family that his mother and wife always dreamed of it was too late we can see a pattern here these deaths are aligned in order of who tanco found guilty for not having protected him this whole frustration towards his relatives resulted in an intense inner hatred and that was what blossomed his quirk this is symbolically represented with the house his father built going down and his age finally disappearing thus the main villain of the series is born shigaraki in a way chapter 236 can even be considered forced moon Chan's existence for example is somewhat unnecessary the animal clearly serves only as a narrative tool to enhance the tragedy on the scene however as the chapter his intention is precisely to emphasize the horror president chirac his childhood I think I understand the others decision in the end horikoshi contextualized shigaraki his behavior as a spoiled boy who wants to destroy the things he hates while telling a fascinating family tragedy the rough and coarse line of the drawings alongside the narrow panels throughout the chapter are very different from the visual style that is normally expected from the work in particular page 14 reminded me a lot of the drawings by June g2e renowned horror manga author madness and terror are clearly exposed on the child's face in a very sinister way it is a frightening illustration what the other developed here was a very dark bloody and melancholic graphic show with the purpose of demonstrating the loss of humanity from its main villain chapter 236 is phenomenal and undoubtedly one of the bests in the work [Music] with the revelation of Shigure Aki's past it became easy to draw several parallels between him and other characters after all themes of family misfortune are nothing new in the series the conditions of the Todoroki family for example alludes to tinker's childhood like Arry tamarah developed a rare quirk and accidentally killed his family you can even relate him to boggle both grew up in a problematic household and shigaraki prematurely considered bucko to be interested in his cause as the anger and hatred in the boy's heart reminded him of himself anyway the most apparent parallels in this arc were without a doubt those between Tamra and midoriya the similarities between the two had already been established in the work both our nerds wear red shoes and were chosen to in hurt a great power this connection is especially pronounced in the overall arc where both characters had to face someone who was supposedly a better candidate to succeed the respective mentors on one hand we had chisaki a much darker coder and ambitions villain who challenged Yurok his reckless and hath he waits on the other hand we had Merial an exceptionally good nature and charismatic student who tested dec whose dreamy spirit both the hero and the villain needed to prove that they are worthy of their position at the end of the arc chisaki and emilio got screwed being no longer able to use their powers however if after the Yakuza tale there were still doubts that Toma and I could reflect each other these last events in the manga left the comparison being inevitable the conclusion of the villain arc includes several visual rhymes that evoke past events starting with the character design itself it's impossible not to notice the similarity between tango and midoriya as children their faces and hair are very similar both wanted to be heroes and not only that but their sentimentality is quite highlighted after shiki aki used his super attack to destroy deca city his right arm was severely injured notably resembling Decker's after his fight against muscular in fact we destroy and muscular are physically similar figures when in combat position another element that further strength the idea of an inevitable confrontation between the two in the future was the revelation behind the name shigaraki during the flashback in Chapter 237 it's revealed that Chiaki is actually the surname of all-4-one so just as midoriya and Tamara are connected to the shamora family both are also connected to the shigaraki family this connection emphasizes that both could have taken a different path had it not been for the minor complications of Destiny unfortunately it was not Deku who reached out to Tenko it was all for one and just as dick who saw hope in Toshi nori tomar saw the same in Shigure Aki another interesting detail that can be pointed out between these lineages is the image of the smile which is obviously a very important factor throughout the entire work it primarily represents hope but it can also represent madness shigaraki or main villain smiles on several occasions and I feel like this serves to illustrate his origin the character is a descendant of all mites predecessor and because of that he shares several similarities to her for example none on a device torsion or way to remember his origin if he was in a difficult situation and that is exactly what Tamra does in his fight against REE destro like grandma like grandson the relationships between good guy and bad guy successor and predecessor master and apprentice are endless in boku no hero academia I wouldn't be able to list all of them even if I wanted to of course this is nothing new or original it's obviously not the first time that any work draws parallels between the good guy and the bad guy I just wanted to emphasize here the fact that several of the connections between deco and aki became more notorious thanks to the villain arc they are always present of course but it was only in this arc that we had a direct confirmation by the author the met elimination army wants to abolish laws that restrict quirks it's an extremist group that intends to restructure the current system of society favoring quirks and their users those without special abilities would benefit the least so to speak for a long time this organization was led by Chikara yotsuba she also known as destro however with the rise of all might the group began to act in the shadows Chikara passed away and the leadership of the army was in hurted by Riccio to boshy his son also known as Reed destro now Riki is an intriguing fellow he was trained to be a leader and carries the weight of the Liberation Front in his bag since he was a child and although he believes strongly in his father's ideals he does not consider himself to be free after all Reed estriol dedicated his life and quark only to the Liberation Army in his eyes his father's legacy is a burden to bear there is an evident contradiction here it's important to notice this as it strengthens the reasons why Rica presents Tamara with the Liberation Front the story makes it clear that we destro didn't appreciate his role and emphasizes his happiness in giving up the responsibility he never asked for however what made him make that decision to answer that question we need to better understand Shiraki situation for a long time Tomer unconsciously deprived himself of his memories because he was afraid to face reality and admit his psychopathic intentions however Reed Astro by destroying the hands of the shamora family breaks trigger Rocky's emotional locks and throws him into the past after winning his memories back and remembering the words of Ophir one Toma reinterprets his story what happened was not a tragedy it was a pleasure with dead shigaraki was able to revive the áfourá that he initially considered taboo in his childhood without fear of being happy he uses the full potential of his quirk he's free upon witnessing Tamara's freedom modesto perceives his excitement he notices shakira is happiness in using his power the enthusiasm and elation on the boy's face Arkin tatius it's as if his embracing Destro's ideals while celebrating his special ability this captivates with estro which leads him to have an epiphany just as Rika accidentally freed Shigure a key from his insecurities shigaraki makes Rika aware of his position and frees him to read sto realizes that he was bound by the beliefs of his doctrine his ancestors and his bloodline but now he sees the truth in shigaraki while the Liberation Front only seeks destro idealized freedom shigaraki has already achieved it he embodies the principles that registro craves in a perfect society what Rick initially thought of as mere childishness was in fact the peers definition of his own ambitions in this way we destroy finally finds the opening to get rid of his suffering if this young man was able to support the weight of our history so casually then he is certainly the perfect candidate to inherit my father's ideals conclusion the metal aberration army is yours to command and so that shows ideology is merged with the League of villains which results in the birth of a new group the paranormal Liberation Front Tomer is recognized by giganto machia and gains full respect of OD co-author one's private doctor however shigaraki has also conquered influence in politics the entertainment industry an army too will include twice and support item technology not to mention the new Nomis an experimental high n nearly killed endeavor Japan's current number one hero the surrender of free chaotzu Bakshi provided an astronomical level of hype for the future of the series we can only hope that the other will be able to live up to those expectations but due to the events in the latest chapters it looks like it won't be long before we know the answer okay where to start with this character the young successor of all-4-one is an extremely contradictory villain if we look at him more broadly so it's very difficult to try to understand the general motivation of his actions in any case it seems that the character has a special place in the other's heart in 2007 horikoshi published a one-shot in the ahkamaat Jump magazine simply titled tenko I strongly recommended by the way it's a good read the story's about a boy who aims to destroy all swords during a period of war in feudal Japan tanco the protagonist has several similarities with shigaraki being practically a kind of prototype of the character beyond their name and appearance both characters are orphans and share an inexhaustible hatred towards something the two also have the power to disintegrate the things they touch and both have a tragic past involving the accidental death of a loved one it's not the first time that horikoshi has done this he loves to recycle characters from his best words however when it comes to Shigure Aki the author is extremely considerate various visual elements of the original one-shot were reproduced and adapt in some way or another in boku no hero academia apparently tanco is a very important character for horikoshi so much so that he received an entire arc to star in not only that but the other began to insert themes of divinity to further emphasize the relevance of Shigure Aki throughout the villain arc first let's try to understand these topics better the arc literally begins with the league annihilating a religious cult stealing the organization's of elbow jewelry and belongings twice even starts to make jokes about religion in the course of the narrative however shigaraki promises the doctor that he will show him a beautiful horizon between heaven and hell this promise curiously ends up providing a very strong religious symbolism throughout the entire battle the panel where Kazuki Hodes token our arms for example is clearly a reference to Pieta an iconic Christian art theme best known for Michelangelo scooped her produced in the 15th century also as if the drawing not enough proof the reporter points out that the story of Hema Co will be known worldwide if the girl gives in to the Liberation Front this is almost an explicit mention of Jesus Christ after she Guara keyblock trade estos attack his coat practically became a cloak giving him the appearance of a dark messiah as if he were the very angel of death it's a way of expressing to readers how monumental this moment is for the character and it also demonstrates the terror he represents after all horikoshi is villains tend to be portrayed as true demons from stains monstrous appearance to overhauls twisted mind what the other wants to express here is the undeniable threat of his main bad guy Shigure ah he was chosen by all for one he is the fallen angel who will bring chaos to the word of heroes and become the symbol of terror the author demonstrates this visually through this arc as if to say from the dust we came and to dust we shall return it's also possible to compare the damage that shigaraki did to take a city with the American atomic bomb being the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki now I don't know if the illusion was intentional on the others part but if it was then his character is significantly more frightening the nuclear attack on Japan is undoubtedly one of the most tragic events in the history of the world applying any kind of visual reference to this terrible episode should be enough to cause at least some unease among the islands inhabitants from this point of view Shigure Aki is an exceptionally evil figure for the Japanese people he pulverized most of an entire city causing more damage than the Battle of Kamino as a result Tomer proved to be a monster of destruction and now he represents a unique nightmare it's not the first time that the character demonstrates his potential as a terrifying villain the hero killer himself retreated after threatening shigaraki his eyes are enough to install fear in people and that is a recurring element in the series Deku stain and even baka felt a scary or of the league's leader in the villain arc Tomer outdid himself and was even able to cancel trumpets quark with just a glance no wonder giganto maka saw the intimidating countenance of his master in shigaraki the character literally wants to destroy the world his motivation is the most classic example of villainy we could have and Yenta that's exactly what makes him the perfect antagonist for deco shigaraki is guided simply by his hatred and seeks nothing but pure destruction he is basically the personification of evil just as deco is the personification of heroism well again at least for the serious standards anyway it's precisely his attitude that makes him terrifying the character in question was undoubtedly created in order to frighten the reader but that's not all Tamra's development as a character is irrefutable whether it was for the best or the worst then in depends on the opinion but it's impossible to deny his evolution horikoshi expresses this in several ways from changing the texture of the character speech bubbles to the visible alteration of his haircolor Higurashi is also the culmination of all the themes covered during this arc he was rejected by society just like toga only to sink into the world of villainy and it all started with a bad day just like twice plus he needs to liberate himself from his securities and his best if you know what I mean haha anyway let's analyze his journey at the beginning of the series figoratti attacks you a high school and claims his actions are justified because almighty and his students are government-sponsored instruments of violence however torsion or he realizes that the villains words are mere disguise of his true intentions Tamara has no specific belief all he want to do is destroy this lack of conviction was the character's greatest weakness at the beginning of this series however after being cornered by stain shigaraki reveals his deepest desire to kill all might and end hero society at this point stain mentions the existence of a vile sprout within tamara and recognizes his potential unfortunately she kuraki was still too immature to take the hero killers words seriously what ignited the conviction Hill acted however word echoes words after Midori linked staines ideals to the symbol of peace Tomer finally understood the source of his hatred in the end it all comes back to Olamide stained deco they were all influenced by him the society itself is sustained because of his presence is the world in windchill Araki grew up the one in which no one helped him when he needed it most the world of here all my tis has always been and will always be his primary target in light and unfulfilled he uses the ideal self by stayin as a stepping stone and takes advantage of the convictions of others to gain strength just to fulfill his desire to destroy all things in any case it's not now that shigaraki truly succeeds in his evil plans he fails miserably in his attempt to convert Bukka go and lose his powerful allies and also get separated from his master only after this tremendous fall the stoma begins to wake up to reality conviction is important but not enough to lead the underworld which is why his confrontation with overhaul is so important at each encounter with a new villain shudrak his challenge question-it and consequentially taught indirectly again tamra takes advantage of the ideals of others to achieve his goal with sting he acquired vigor and with overhaul patience chisaki taught him the importance of planning strategy and calculation only after understanding this this figure akhi formulate the coup between overhauls plans thus achieving his first triumphant victory however after witnessing the relationship between Sasaki and his subordinates Tomer also discovered the value of a fundamental element in leadership compassion the feeling of equality and mutual respect between the members of the league is something that has been growing since the imprisonment of all-4-one however the overhaul arc is a turning point it is precisely in this arc that there is a collective understanding of the gang that they need to work together and in harmony the league safety was in the hands of shigaraki one false move and he could compromise everything they've built or in this case destroyed it was only in this situation that Tamara really learned to value his small family well since we got this far is shigeki finally able to lead the underworld nope the real challenge starts now all the knowledge Tomer acquired throughout the arcs were extremely important for his growth but in the end he has achieved nothing so far even after ruining overhauls group the league had to bear with the consequences for not joining the organization the gang was in a critical situation in need help the time has come to test shigaraki there is still an essential ingredient for the character to become the greatest villain in Japan and that is merit and this time he won't be able to rely on the ideologies of any other villain to prove his worth tomorrow we'll need to overcome this obstacle alone the meta Liberation Army arc is the final test of his villain Academy and it all started when the ajikko interrogated Chiaki about his true purposes after all why would he help someone who was only partially able to fulfill his goal and get rid of the symbol of peace only then the stammerer voice his ambition he loans for much more than just a throne as he was educated by all for one and grew up believing in the fusion of hate and delight as the purest definition of freedom even if he destroys all might and the hero society his anger will never entirely disappear so the only possible solution is to destroy everything from this point of view what chichi Aki seeks is in fact something very simple and ironically very human freedom he just wants to be free however to achieve such freedom he will first need to get rid of all the things he hates and what does he hate all how can anyone be so human and inhuman at the same time it's so controversial that he ends up providing the character with an enigmatic beauty for me this is what makes yoga rock is such an interesting villain Toma rejects those who claim to be serving a greater purpose because for him everyone is in fact just making excuses to get rid of the things they hate if we look at it from this angle Toma is a purist villain free of ideologies his goal is so simplistic and versatile that he was able to enchant even the leader of the Liberation Front with destro shigaraki also confirmed that he's willing to morph his ways so that his allies are comfortable in the world in which he intends to create anyway it's just like he said at the end of the arc all these details are just part of the script and therefore are irrelevant conviction planning and empathy are also part of these details after everything is destroyed he doesn't really care what happens next it's kind of suicidal isn't it Shikha Rocky's few words were enough to say by the doctors expectations now he just needed to win the approval of giganto macchia and we all know how this story ended toma is a very weird villain for sure the character itself is not charismatic at all as he take advantage of the ideologies of other bandits to shape his gang which makes him a true parasite he collects the best qualities of the villains he encounters so that in the end he can become the greatest of them all he is without a doubt a distorted version of deku whose development also consists of using the teachings of other heroes to forge his own identity conceptually I imagine that the villain arc is the culmination of Tomas trajectory as a character what will happen from here on out will simply be the consequences of the path he has taken however I may be wrong everything will depend on what the other wants to do with his villain but considering that shakira is a very privileged character I think Hiroshi has big plans for him only time will tell and with that I concluded my analysis God it was a lot of work to organize it all anyway the villain arc was quite a read for me full of surprises and twists I felt that the league completely outshine the Liberation Front which impressed me a lot Destro's ideology is already interesting in itself and in addition the small provocations in the course of the work were creating a very high expectation about the character which only made fans more anxious to meet the villain so I would never imagine any scenario where the league could stand out more than the army that was so pressured in the course of the series perhaps this is because Figaro Rocky's group literally introduced the concept of quark evolution okay it could be argued that this happened actually for the first time in the arc prior to this where the revelation of Deku six quirks occurred but honestly I feel like her eco she was still too shy to admit what he had done so far it was only in the villain arc that he came to rub on our faces and admit his decisions a childish way to justify medoras development but well it worked at least for now boku no hero academia never ceases to amaze me the series started out as a very generic and naive Shonen but is now exploring very interesting topics like society family freedom equality and madness within the context in which it finds itself the arc of the league of villains is one of the best constructed in the entire series I think it's already possible to realize how much I fell in love with it it was really a delight to read and I can't wait for what the work will bring us next Sheldon's are silly stories to pass the time simple but fun and this series is no exception however it's great when our favorite authors are capable to demonstrate why we love reading their stories so much through their art
Channel: Pedro Caffé
Views: 5,718
Rating: 4.9193082 out of 5
Keywords: mha, my hero academia, boku no hero academia, hero academia, bnha, villain academia, my villain academia, mega analysis
Id: 3t6GTBu2MiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 31sec (2851 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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