My Ten Favorite Games After 20 Years Of Gaming

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yo what's going on guys it's your boy Knight I really still don't have an intro so let's just get going today we're going to be doing my top 10 favorite games of all time I've played a lot of games and we're going to try to narrow it down to 10 today full disclaimer yes this is just my opinion it's like my favorite games of all time not necessarily the best objective games of all time so we're just going to be going with what I think are my 10 favorite games I've played throughout the years uh rules before we get started real quick it's going to be pretty much single player games only if they have like a multiplayer component like something like Dark Souls summons or like notes like if they have a multiplayer component it's fine as long as the game is predominantly single player we're also going to be limiting it to one game per franchise so for example if there was a Mario game on the list I would just be like okay what's my favorite Mario game oh Mario Galaxy boom that's on the list and as uh specific to me I'm also going to be limiting from software games to like their own franchise cuz well yeah technically you know Dark Souls seiro bloodborne Elden ring are all different franchises for the sake of this list not being the souls born list I'm going to make the executive decision to move them to being the from software franchise uh the games are pretty much just rated about everything about them level design gameplay sound it's just how much I love the games overall in general and although I'll try to keep them to a minimum if you see a game that you want to play there will probably be some spoiler so I'm just going to give a spoiler warning now just in case uh other than that uh before we get started let do a couple honorable mentions real quick uh my honorable mentions being Dishonored to the witness The Binding of Isaac Celeste Sonic and the Black Knight uh Dungeon Defenders if it counts as it's kind of debatable if Dungeon Defenders counts as single player or multiplayer but you know throw it in there uh being a dick uh seriously this game's actually Peak I don't know why they sleep on it and the honorary number 11 for this list will be uh Devil May Cry 5 realistically you can swap places like 11 through 9 and it's not really going to matter too much but I specifically wanted some Nostalgia picks on the list so for now at number 11 honorar is that even a word bro I'm tripping my last honorable mention will be Devil May Cry 5 very close to making to list with that out of the way tried to keep the intro under like 3 minutes we should be good let's get on to the big boys let's go number [Music] 10 coming in at number 10 we have the Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess so there was always really going to be a Zelda game on the list the question is just really which one uh the other two in consideration the most were majoras and breath of the wild but well breath of the wild is more of a survival game and majoras did make my least favorite thing in games that being timer is fun it just doesn't have the Nostalgia and the presence that Twilight Princess has in my opinion in Twilight Princess I was kind of lost as a kid and that was a big appeal of the game not really knowing where to go and actually having to figure out the puzzles was really fun to get used to from like a young age and whatnot speaking of the puzzles they were also kind of insane in Twilight Princess there were some pretty challenging ones and then there were some pretty stupid ones like the the whole Master Sword Temple thing we don't need to talk about that but even the I think it was the lake bed temple in particular that is how I figured out you could Google guides as a kid because that Temple was impossible to like six-year-old me uh Twilight Princess in my opinion has the best combat out of the Zelda games you get all the fancy arts and stuff you could become a wolf speaking of becoming a wolf the game is also super edgy which is kind of right up my allei personally I know it's not everyone's thing but that is my favorite design of Link Zelda and genon and I am kind of sad they changed them in Smash Brothers not going to lie I missed the Twilight Princess models uh the other thing the game has some insanely good bosses bro the final fight with Ganon was sick the dark nut fight was sick I think that's how you say his name most of the fights were crazy and it really fits the whole May Zelda theme of go to D dungon get an item and it just kind of looks cool with a good flare there's some the magic armor you know the good old days uh just probably I mean not probably it is by far my favorite Zelda game uh so that is what's going to take up number 10 on the list number nine [Music] coming in at number nine we have Pac-Man World 2 now this game is my childhood if there was going to be a 3D platformer on this list the options were between Pac-Man Worlds 2 and three uh Spyro 2 and Spyro 4 and Mario Galaxy but for me nothing's going to beat good old Pac-Man World 2 one of the main questions if you've played these games might be why two over three three is generally considered the time where the game went more to like buted mashy combat and while I still really enjoy three and think the world is built out two really just envelops that 3D platformer era type thing they had going one of the more unique things about Pac-Man World I was the kind of World System they had going there was like a forest an icy place a fireplace we do not talk about the water place for this game and then like a Halloween kind of spooky place and there was like four levels for each world and it was kind of just sorted out really nicely and they slowly introduced gimmicks as you went along making a really nice Pace when you play through the game for most of part the bosses were kind of mid all being one of the ghosts in some crazy Mech but other than that the final boss was insane that is my top G and definitely one of the goated villains of all time but the main reason Pac-Man 2 is here is honestly it's Innovation there were so many random cool gimmicks they introduced like having to be metal so you can go through fire the whole be doing thing in the woods it seems like such a dumb concept to have Pac-Man bounce on a Target and then launch yourself into the air but there is actually something so addicting and just generally fun about it that you enjoy doing it having the that use of Pac-Man's butt bounce just to propel him that far for gameplay purposes is kind of an insanely smart idea the ice levels were okay not too good the lava levels is really where it test your platforming abilities so those ones were all super solid the water levels are all for some godforsaken reason autoc scrollers so we don't talk about those and then the Halloween levels at the end kind of just test your abilities from everything you've learned so far and then of course the final boss is Peak but we don't really need to talk about that more than we've already did overall the gamepl is really where Pac-Man World 2 excels just being a really good 3D platformer there's also some cool bonus features like unlocking an arcade version of all the old arcade Pac-Man games for finding these tokens around the world that was really cool some levels have alternate exits there's a bunch of cool little polish that just makes the game really fun and overall one of the things I liked about it especially as a kid the most is the character of Pacman is just kind of the goat bro he he gets his wife stolen sometimes he has to go save the world and this guy is just smiling and balling through all the stages and well they remastered Pac-Man World one recently and I think it was pretty well-received so if we're getting a Pac-Man World 2 repack sometime soon you can bet I'll be there and I am waiting for the moment so without further Ado let us move on to Number [Music] Eight coming in at number eight is is undertale uh right off the bat this game is by far best experienced blind so you if you have no clue what this game is I highly recommend clicking off and skipping this section because undertale is an insanely way better playthrough well blind uh that being said actually talking about it a little bit the story of this game is Just Immaculate and that is the number one reason why it earns its place here for those of you who don't really know undertale is kind of based around three different routes you can take if you kill some things and let other things live you get the normal ending but if you choose to either not kill a single thing or go on a mass murder spree the game will change around you depending on your actions which is the really cool part of the game certain characters know things like when you save and when you load and all the game mechanics are actually things that are happening in the world and certain characters are aware about the game has really fun fights and patterns you have to learn nothing too hard but just kind of creative but it lets you play how you want to play do you want to murder everything and deal with the consequences or do you want to make all the friends along the way and have the happy ending the characters in this game specifically some like Sans and asgore are just amazingly well Rd and super nice to have around and for me specifically being a nice little Souls fan there are some hard fights thrown in if you take a little bit more of a devious route and any challenge is always up my alley so I appreciate having the option another thing that I would be a miss not to talk about when talking about undertale is the music if you've been on YouTube in the past what since this game released you've definitely heard undertale music in the background of certain people's videos it is inevitable and if you've never played undertale you probably didn't even know you were hearing undertale music but it is ridiculously good and definitely Toby my boy need some respect for making that overall undertale is just a really cute feel-good game or or a really scary game if you take the other option but like the game lets you do what you want and the world reacts around you and as a gamer really what more could you ask for the game is reacting to your choices so your choices matter and that feeling feels good not to mention the story and lore you can pull up is crazy well written so if you haven't tried undertale I try not to spoil too much but I highly recommend taking a shot at it you will not regret it number seven where's everyone going bingo coming in at number seven is Resident Evil 4 remake so one thing you should know about me right off the bat is I hate horror games like I absolutely refuse to play 99% of them to to put this into perspective some of my friends asked me to play horror maps in Roblox and I promptly declined because I am not playing horror games that being said somehow my brain told me it would be a good idea to try Resident Evil 2 and lo and behold I absolutely adored it mostly because there's not really jump scares it's just atmospheric and that I love when you don't have to rely on cheap jumpy Scare Tactics to get your horror across Resident Evil mostly the thing that it's well known for is having some Peak characters that really do highlight the strength of the narrative Leon was just the gigachad Jill is one of the most badass girls in video game history aah well in this game she probably needs to go back to her Resident Evil 2 voice was Ada so I mean you know bottom text on that one but the characters are really so compelling in almost all the Resident Evil games and it just highlights the good narrative it doesn't carry the narrative cuz the narrative is good it's campy and whatever but it's funny and nice but the characters are really just so high tier it makes the whole experience that much better and while I played the original Resident Evil 4 as a kid I did have some complaints with the controls but lo and behold in the remake this game plays smooth like butter it feels amazing Leon controls perfectly and not to mention Resident Evil 4 is less terrifying than Resident Evil 2 so I had a much better time the progression in Resident Evil 4 remake or just Resident Evil 4 in general is also insanely good the bosses are very well paced you get resources kind of as you go like there's more thaner snipers eventually ARS rocket launchers and it just keeps building and building up into this weird climax where your gun UNS blazing Rambo at some weird priest I don't know how Resident Evil makes that feel natural but they do and it is an amazing feeling the puzzles in the game were a nice touch but I personally thought they were a little too easy I think some of the puzzles in the older games were a bit harder and they could have gone back to that a little bit making Ashley a good character was an insanely good addition to the Remake and the section where you actually play as Ashley was really really cool and also fun to watch my friends react to and one thing I should praise now that this video is being made after is the uh what was it called separate ways DLC also really good pretty much just a free other playthrough playing as Ada feels just as smooth as playing as Leon and getting that little bit of extra story is always welcome so overall somehow I ended up liking horror games and Resident Evil 4 remake takes the number seven spot on the list number six [Music] taking home our number six place is hollow night yeah bro it has night in the name that's how you know it's going to be good let me start you off with a little side story of how I even found Hollow Knight in the first place uh I really like Souls games and hard challenges so my one friend who was playing through Hollow night at the time was going on about how this Pantheon thing is so hard and there's so many bosses so I naturally told him he was just bad and needed to get good so we made a deal if I could beat this thing called Pantheon 5 in one week's time he would have to play through the first original Dark Souls so did I beat Pantheon 5 in a week uh yes yes I did was it the Cakewalk I thought it was not so much to be fair 95% of the time was on this guy the other 5% was the rest of the game but that aside Hollow night is one of the greatest games I have ever had the pleasure of playing first of all the level design and progression is Flawless normally in Metroid vanas backtracking is terrible but with the certain upgrades you get to just Dash across the screen double jump you actually want to go back and use your new tools to access areas you couldn't previously get to the main draw of hollow night for me the bosses the things I spent hours grinding for that terrible week were amazing some of the bosses in this game are just Peak Lord Grim or whatever amazing boss the guy I spent way too many hours to count on on ironically probably my favorite boss the three sisters oh my got beautiful boss not to mention a lot of this game has DLC that is entirely free the entire Grim troop part of the game which is just a little DLC with one of the most Peak bosses in video game history at the end in entirely free and the main draw to the DLC at least for me is the god home expansion what this is for those of you who don't know is pretty much just a DLC where you have to Boss Rush every boss in the game but it also kind of gives you a training mode where you can try infinitely and get better at the bosses personally I think every game should have a god home feature if the Dark Souls games had it so I can just replay the bosses for footage and whatnot my life would be a lot easier thankfully seiro has it but I think every game that has some form of focus on boss fights really needs a feature like God home and the god home DLC is one of my favorite things that Hollow knight ever has and a peak gameplay decision personally speaking but the main draw of hollow Knight is just it's fun it's kind of like a 2d Souls game in a way you get upgrades you can unlock new areas the music is perfect the scenery is beautiful there's just nothing really too wrong with the game it all feels so fluid and even if you hate Metroid van is I highly recommend giving Hollow a try see if you can do that Pantheon 5 thing in about a week's time see how that goes for you but yeah highly recommend Hollow Knight and I think now it's time we move on to the the top five of the list number five close your eyes [Music] to feel all right just all bringing it home to the top five we have lies of PE lies of P has to be one of the best things that's happened to me in recent times without joke first off I expected Liza P to be another kind of mid soulslike game I played something like Mortal shell it was okay I played this one where you plays like a play Dr bird it kind of sucked I've played almost every Souls like there is so I really wasn't expecting something to ever come close to the magic that from software captures in their actual games well I was damn wrong about that because Li of P happens to be one of the best things my hands have ever touched and i' even rate it higher than some of the actual from software games the main thing Li ofp has going for it is options each weapon is kind of split into two there's the blade and the handle and you can mix and match every blade and handle to come up with your own crazy weapon ideas at will or just use some boss weapons that are stuck together either way there is a stupid amount of options you also get a Securo like arm that you can choose a wide variety of upgrades to do I did The Shield but you can also do the fire blast the web Slinger the Machine Gun there's again just a lot of options Li ofp also has insanely polished mechanics it kind of just does the the best of everything soulsborne does it has a bloodborne rally mechanic it has a par ing mechanic if you choose to use the shield but mostly the entire game is actually just parries which you need to get used to cuz it's kind of like seiro where parrying is more important than dodging that being said there's dodging there's Health pots it is a Souls like true and true but there's just so many good mechanics pulled from all the different from software games it amalgamates into one of the best experiences you could play specifically the mechanic of if you're out of Health Pots if you live long enough and land attacks it'll actually give you one Health pot back which is kind of like a last chance mechanic and in my opinion that was one of the smartest things they could have added and I absolutely love that the bosses in the game of course are for the most part absolutely amazing the ones that stand out to me in particular are of course the final boss uh locia and the king of Puppets were the three best fights for me and God damn they are really good and really tough honestly the final boss is no joke unironically uh one of the main things about the game and the last thing I'll touch on for now is that uh the endings and the new game plus are insanely solid this game has one of the best new game plus systems I've seen in every game ever throughout the game you have this P organ that lets you do a bunch of upgrades but there's some panels of the organ that are just kind of more upgrades that are only available to you in New Game Plus not to mention you're obligated to do New Game Plus because of the game's three different end endings that all drastically change how the story plays out and actually affect some of the characters depending on which of the endings you pick and they'll react differently in the world around you overall lies of P was the souls like that I never expected to reach the heights it did but oh boy am I glad it did the levels are beautiful the bosses are welld designed the music is amazing there's DLC or like a sequel of like Wizard of Oz theme coming soon as well and there's also another Souls like I don't remember the name but I'll throw it up on the screen right now that's promised to come out later this year that I'm just going to Hope reaches the level that Li ofp has overall if you like Souls games and you're put off by Souls likes give liip a try this game is Godly number four engage on connect us protect us like the heroes PES coming in at number four we have fire emblem in Gage I am one of the biggest fire emblem fans there is I love strategy and tactical thinking so the question was really which Fire Emblem game was going to be on this list uh three houses Awakening Fate's Conquest Path of Radiance it was really really close but overall the newest entry in the series engage actually sold me pretty hard which I know is an unpopular opinion in the Fire Emblem Community the story is the biggest complaint the game gets and and yeah it's nothing to write home about but it's just kind of simple and cute with a couple of obvious twists if you've ever played a fire emblem game before it's nothing special but I don't really play Fire Emblem games for the story so it just being simple and to the point kind of works for me the main positive people give for fire malom gauge is also going to be the same positive I give for it and that it is the best gameplay in the series Bar None hands down the emblem system is goated for the those of you who don't know Fire Emblem engage is Tire premise is that all the MC's of the past Fire Emblem kind of join you but you can mix and match which of the old MC's pair up with the characters from engage so it is just becomes a huge sandbox of who do you want with who do you want Marth with the main character to amplify his sword do you want to add him with Robin and cro to give him some magic you can do whatever you want in mix and match whoever you want with whoever you want and it is one of the funnest systems that gives some of the most replayability in the game the characters in engage were fun but I can see how they're not for everyone if you're used to like anime tropy the characters will be right at home for you but if that kind of puts you off and like you prefer more deep backstory than just kind of archetypes I can kind of see how the anime s characters aren't for everyone gameplay-wise though the game is amazing the levels in this game are some of the best in the entire Series in my opinion and they are just really fun to strategize through and use all the tools at your disposal to get around the main thing the main reason that engage Takes the Cake for me is just the amount of creativity and stuff you can do like challenge runs you can do a bunch of stuff you can do no emblems you can do emblems that are mismatched like bow things on Mages like you can do so so many things with the emblem system and for me I've played all the Fire Emblem games so having the main characters there that little Nostalgia boost they went for for the anniversary I'm not going to lie it kind of worked sorry for the email sound but having Mar by my side Camila Robin crom it feels cool seeing my boys fight with Ike Duo it's just nice so the emblem system the amazing gameplay and the crazy good level design if you have any love for strategy games or critical thinking at all I highly highly recommend Fire Emblem engage uh if you don't like the anime style it's not for everyone I get it but for me personally love firearm malum engage one of the most fun I've had with a game in a long time and it comes in at number four number [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] three coming in our number three spot on the list we have outer Wilds first off just like undertale play this game blind if you have any interest in space exploration and knowledge checks play this game blind click off right now go buy outer Wilds you will not regret it but for those of you who want a little bit more let me talk to you about some outer Wilds the main premise of this game that my friend sold me on it with is there is no natural progression like there is in other games there are no powerups there are no upgrades there are no character specific things it's just your knowledge about the world technically if you know what you're doing you can start the game and beat it in 3 minutes because you know how the world works the whole premise is that there's an alien race that you just got a decoder for and you have to go try to figure out what the alien race was doing but other than the planet that you're on that's kind of similar to Earth you don't know anything about the other planets or How the Universe interacts with itself so you need to learn to progress the game but you're only limited by that knowledge if you intuitively figure something out before the game tells you that's fine you can skip certain things just by being smart and I love that also outer Wilds is a atmospheric Masterpiece the music is Godly and just the things and environments you see are amazing they also have this weird thing where there's probably at least one planet that will freak you out if you have vertigo or really bad fear of heights there is a planet that you will not like if you have I think it's thalassophobia fear of water deep sea there is a planet you will not like if you have a fear of things jumping at you like me there is a planet you will not like if you have a fear of being crushed and being in tight confined areas there is a planet that will make you uncomfortable and that is the point you are going into an unknown place trying to learn what you can you are not going to be comfortable because the unknown makes humans uncomfortable it's a amazing amazing game so much so that the DLC when it came out I would have given it game of the year that year the DLC for AR Wilds came out in 2021 and the only competition was Resident Evil Village and guiltyy gear strive in my opinion for reference to touch on the DLC a little bit the main game kind of conveys you knowledge by reading you decode what the aliens say you learn something in a cryptic way and you apply it the DLC just shows you stuff in pictures there's slide reels you go through them and you just kind of have to learn by seeing and I in my opinion the DLC was better than the base game which is already an insanely High bar overall outer Wilds is just a master class in video game design and teaching the player without directly telling them your knowledge your creativity your ideas your understanding of the world around you is the only thing in the game that really matters and figuring out all the puzzles and figuring stuff out yourself the the click moments that you get when you finally understand how something works and you can go back and apply that knowledge that is insane dopamine rush to my brain and it is something I cannot replicate so please go play outer wilds and it comes in at number three number two [Music] [Music] taking home the silver medal on our list we have near automata AATA I'm still honestly not sure but again like out of wilds and undertale play this game blind please it is an entirely Story game for the most part please do not spoil yourself if you can avoid it I will be doing spoilers to a minimum but please play this game blind for those of you who don't know about near autom let me tell you about it this is one of the best stories told in fiction in my personal opinion this story will make you happy this story will make you ball your eyes out this is one of the greatest Stories being told and personally I think the main draw to the game should be the story that you get from it as well as the very fun gameplay for those of you who don't know I don't want to spoil too much but there are three different campaigns almost in near the first campaign is just you know you're this hot Android girl randomly you don't really know why you're there there's some humans or something on the moon you got to kill some aliens you don't really understand what's going on but you get through it you do what you got to do you kind of save the dayish and it ends on a relatively happy and positive note which you know might not last for very long if you choose to continue cuz you can then go into the second playthrough which is very much so similar to the first the same sort of things happen but you get a new perspective on it and it starts giving you information that you didn't have in the first playthrough for whatever reason and you kind of start asking the question why a little too much and the game kind of starts telling you some things that you maybe maybe not maybe definitely missed your first time around and it starts to become a little interesting then if you choose to play through the game a third time when you're starting to ask all these questions it puts through what can only be described as mental destruction trauma extraordinaire but yeah the Third campaign is it's something of Legends that's for sure on the gameplay side of things this game has insanely good amounts of customization there's a bunch of different weapons you can have two equipped on your main character 2B you can have swords Shields not Shields swords Spears fists honestly you can have a lot of different things and the game freely lets you mix and match what weapons you you want to combin and the weapon system is pretty fun pretty similar to a Souls game honestly another thing that near does amazing is they kind of go hand in hand it is the music and the level designs near music is one of the most tranquil things that the human ear could listen to I'm probably playing some in the background right now near music goes crazy and it perfectly complements the absolutely stunning levels that near presents even something as simple as a forest just looks so pretty in this game for some reason the amusement park is is obviously my personal favorite I know it's a lot of people's personal favorite but things like the lunar tier field the amusement park some of the levels in the castle towards the end some of the stuff in part three I don't want to spoil it all looks and feels beautiful and you really get yourself immersed in the story if you're someone that can put yourself in the shoes of these characters you are going to have an amazing experience overall near is something that I wish I could experience again completely blind the story is absolutely touching NES did nothing wrong it's just a story that's absolutely going to draw you in if you can try to understand what's going on and pick up on all the context clues near is one of the best games I've ever played only falling short to number one [Music] and taking the crown in our top spot and my currently personal favorite game of all time Elden ring ooh let that one sink in there this game is pretty much my childhood dream as a kid I was like dang I'm going to make a game where there's a open world where you can explore crazy cool areas and pick up a bunch of stuff hidden in different corners of the world yeah they just made that and it's about as good as I imagined as a kid if not better Elden ring has a bazillion weapons a bazillion spells incantations summons maidens and you can just mix and match everything and it all culminates into one amazing game that I didn't give a spoiler warning for this one cuz I can't spoil Elden ring there is just it's a game with infinite content and you can just do so much the game is so replayable but let's focus on the best thing the thing most people come to this type of game for the bosses every B okay not every boss most bosses in Elden ring are fun but fair and that is kind of the foundation that from soft built their games on you want something that will challenge you that will push you that you can learn but at the end of the day is fair and you can probably no hit the fight with enough attempts there are a couple bosses in other the ring don't get me wrong that are on a bit of the more uh [ __ ] side but those bosses aside there are also the goats and this game has its fair share of amazing fights and some of if not the best fights in the entire from soft Saga hands down the NPC quest lines in Elder ring are actually fun in Dark Souls one they kind of sucked in Dark Souls II they kind of cleaned it up a little bit in seiro they you could pretty much ignore all of them but in Elden ring they are actually really good and make 10% more sense than they did in Dark Souls 1 you get some pretty cool rewards from them you actually pretty decent stories and following the quest lines is one of the best things you can do one of them got me an entire New Ending and I was just following it cuz I like the character the NPC quest lines go crazy but as I said the main thing with Elden ring is it's it's the game of infinite possibilities like there's a bunch of weapons you can you can replay it infinitely New Game Plus exists there's just so much things to do and it's just so much good content I can't help but put Elden ring at the number one one spot it has my two favorite things in the world it has dragons and it has Ronnie and really what more in a game could you even ask for and that's the list those are the games that I really like sorry if I was just straight yapping for a lot of the video I tried to keep each section around 3 minutes and there's just so much I can say about some of these games I plan to do a deep dive into all of them in certain longer videos a bit later but for now I just wanted to get the main list across and I hope you enjoy it at least I hope you tell me what you liked about these games games or which games in the series that you like better or just your favorite games in general as well please I would love to know comment that down below and lick that subscribe button I couldn't really think anything but anyway thank you all truly so much for watching and I will see you all in the next one have a good night
Channel: Night
Views: 454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: topten, games, neir, elden ring, shadow of the erd tree, scadufragments, rhdan consort, night, night top tens, my fav games, top ten games
Id: TpFInOwwOyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 17sec (2177 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2024
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