Nintendo Switch Games I Can't Live Without

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video games have the power to take us away to places we can only dream about there are games that are better at taking us there than others when a game is able to take you on their Journey The Experience can be Unforgettable these games create Everlasting memories those are times I personally look back on fondly I've played many of those games throughout my life on many different machines one of those is the Nintendo switch the switch has become one of my favorite consoles I've collected more games for it than any other gaming machine I've ever owned I love that I can play them at home and on the go it makes buying games way easier knowing that I can play them anywhere the game library for the switch is incredible we've been very fortunate to get so many great games with all the games the switch has and all the games I've bought for it it's been difficult to play them all some haven't been played there are many reasons why I haven't played these games which still remain in their plastic wrapped cases a lack of interest is the biggest reason I know at some point I wanted to play them though I still haven't gotten around to it time is also a factor not knowing if I like a game as a gamble even games that aren't terrible and Edge into kind of good territory are still a big risk with limited time though in contrast to this there are a few games I played multiple times they are so good I've decided to put more time into them they've made that much of an impact on me I chose to play them again because I know that the time I'll spend will be time well spent I won't regret it after I put the game down there aren't many of these that exist here are a few of those games foreign [Music] Super Mario Odyssey has become one of my favorite video games in general not just on the switch I love the worlds or kingdoms as they're called in this game they're some of the very best places Mario has ever been a part of and I'm glad I didn't skip it which I was very close to doing I haven't always been very hyped on 3D Mario games this is a little surprising even for myself because I'm a big fan of 2D Mario games those games have been a staple in my life some of them were out before I was born I learned how to play video games with 2D Mario Platformers Super Mario Brothers 3 and world are some of my favorite games ever made I even dove headfirst into the 2D side scroller Revival when Nintendo made the new Super Mario Brothers games on the DS and the Wii I also like the entries made for the 3DS and Wii U I just love 2D Mario games I haven't always shared that same love with the 3D Mario games well I should say I didn't have a chance to develop a love for them before the switch came out I had only ever played a little bit of the first Mario Galaxy Mario 3D Land and Mario 3D World I love 3D land in 3D World the are some of my favorite Mario games but they're kind of based on the 2D Mario game set in a 3D World so why haven't I fallen in love with every 3D Mario game well my family skipped the Nintendo 64 in favor of the PlayStation and we kept that going when Sony released the PS2 I completely missed out on Super Mario 64 and sunshine Mario 64 in particular was a big Miss it's gone down as one of the best games ever and I still haven't played very much of it I know this is going to be hard to hear but I'm not a big fan of the way it controls it has nothing to do with the Nintendo 64 Controller I actually really like that controller it has more to do with how Mario feels I still haven't been able to reign in how to fully control him in that game that's on me and if you like the way he feels that's awesome you've been able to do what I can't you can control Mario in Mario 64. I do however love how he controls in the 2D games so when the switch came out and a new 3D Mario game was announced for it I really wasn't all that hyped my interest level was pretty low but I was willing to give it a try I bought Super Mario Odyssey the was released and after I threw the Hat on the T-Rex I fell in love with it it's one of the best games I've ever played the level variety is spectacular and the level designs are top notch my favorite being the lost kingdom the music in that stage is unbelievably good the music overall is very good other great locations are the luncheon Kingdom the sand Kingdom and the Metro Kingdom with new dog City I also love that they included the small Retro Game references I'm so happy they put that in this game it was really something being immersed in that old Gaming world within this new game I like that they use different bosses this time around even if they weren't as memorable as the Koopalings in fact I don't remember any of their names or what they really looked like only that they were bunnies I still liked them but the star of the show is Cappy what an ability being able to turn into the enemies is amazing I've always wondered what it felt like to be some of those things I love turning into them and walking around I spent a good amount of time messing around as the common Mario enemies the cap also lets you get around the worlds which again is amazing catapulting off poles and riding the electric wires has always stuck with me the iconic jump off Cappy is always a fun move to pull off but the cap can also be used as a weapon instead of just being able to jump on enemies the Hat can be thrown to take down enemies that is awesome maybe it's a throwback to the boomerang suit you can do so many things with Cappy there are sections where you can turn into a tank and shoot a projectile there's also the previously mentioned part where you turn into a T-Rex and stomp your foes Cappy feels like a natural addition to the Mario ecosystem and one I fully embraced there's so much more to this game than I've mentioned here and I can't wait to Play It Again [Music] the first game I played for the switch was The Legend of Zelda breath of the wild it was many switch owners first game because it was a launch title Nintendo famously delayed the Wii U version to release it the same day as a switch it was a smart move and paid off handsomely breath of the wild blew me away keep in mind that I've been playing Zelda game since the very beginning even though the original game had been out for quite some time before I got to it nonetheless it was the first sell game I played as a kid I also played Link's Awakening non-stop on the Game Boy it's still one of my go-to games when I need something to play I'm huge fan of top down Zelda games so playing a new Zelda game that ditched all those old Zelda Staples was a little jarring but something I welcomed I'll always have those older games to play having something new was exciting this game is something else it stood alone as the ultimate open world game for six years it broke not just the Zelda formula but most of the gaming Norms as well being able to climb anywhere you want changed my thinking I could go in a straight line and not have to go around any mountains all I needed to do was climb over them it's something I've always wanted to do all the games I had played up to this point never offered so much Freedom you can do whatever you want if you don't want to continue the main story don't worry about it this game doesn't care you can literally just hike around the world doing nothing and it's still fun there's so much to see and do I've never gotten bored of it the korok seeds alone can keep you busy for years if you wanted but Nintendo didn't stop there along with climbing they give us a better way to get down from those peaks with the paraglider the paraglider ties this whole game together I use it so much I forget that it's not in other games it feels completely natural to use and it's fun I love gliding for long distances I try to use it as much as possible it's probably the most impactful part of the game that kind of goes unnoticed without this ability I don't think this game would have done as well as it has it also saves Time by helping you Glide over terrain while you look around at whatever else you can explore it can't be understated how much this game relies on exploration this version of Hyrule is huge and every region is unique from all the others from hot deserts and high Snowy Peaks to everything else in between including a region that is set in Autumn that might be my favorite part of the game I found myself walking around the world on foot rather than riding a horse except for at night the music is amazing and worth taking a course out for a ride thank you I always wanted to discover everything along my path I found that I'd missed many things when I took my horses out of the Stables I still prefer walking and running around on foot to this day though the master cycle zero is awesome it's really amazing that you can pinpoint a location in the distance and you can walk there just like you can in real life it takes just about as long to do too cooking also made me change the way I thought about things making dishes at increasabilities is really fun to explore I was actually kind of happy that I didn't have to go hunting for hearts everywhere the biggest complaint that I've heard about breath of the wild is that the weapons break too easily I was also bugged by this at first because it's difficult to start a game with such weak weapons that break easily though as the game progressed I found that I liked the mechanic it got me to use all my weapons instead of using just a few I also like that some of those weapons have specific Elemental abilities like fire ice and electricity those are fun to use I also like that the arrows have these abilities [Music] some of the bows even allow you to shoot multiple arrows at the cost of just one I find myself hunting down lionels for their awesome bows that do this the enemies are also really tough at first I remember the first Lionel I fought he destroyed me and I was afraid to encounter one for a long time after that I would go around and avoid them at all costs speaking of lionels these throwback enemies are awesome seeing them in this form was really great wizrobes also make a comeback I'm sure there are more I'm forgetting right now but I really like the Throwbacks to the old games and they are everywhere it seems like there are references on every part of the map to most of the older Zelda games Eventide island is very reminiscent of one of my favorite Zelda games Link's Awakening nothing will evoke more fear in me than the sound of the piano ramp up that happens when you are spotted by a guardian these enemies were terrifying for a long time eventually I was able to power up link enough to hold my ground but that still doesn't take away those fears when I first encountered them this game has given me hours and hours of extreme joy I love this game and I'll be playing it until I can't physically push buttons anymore foreign came out at the exact right time for me I had just started playing through the older Metroid games for the first time I'm glad I played them before this game I gained a huge appreciation for what they are Samus returns in particular was good to play before this game because they are very similar and I really liked it for the 3DS it's still the only Metroid game I've 100 it dread has some of the best feeling controls in the whole franchise even though they make you use the analog stick to move Samus they feel great I would have preferred an option to use the d-pad since it's a 2d game but it's not a big deal I found it very natural to control except for maybe shine sparking I definitely prefer a d-pad for that the developers gave Samus an amazing amount of dexterity in this game I love the inclusion of the slide that made moving around the world so much more enjoyable I was glad that I didn't have to use the morph ball for every small space the dash was something I found myself using all the time it feels great to pull off and Samus feels incredibly agile with it and it's extremely useful when engaging enemies the melee counter is back but somehow it feels better than in Samus returns though the timing is a little tricky for some of the enemies they seem like they're going in for an attack but hesitate slightly longer than you think they will and the consequences for getting that timing wrong is bigger than I expected but when you land those counters it feels great you really get the sense that you made a solid hit this game is tough I died more in this game than any other Metroid game I've played the boss fights in particular seem devastating in almost every fight I felt like I wouldn't be able to get past it then with a few more tries I began to figure it out and eventually overcame them this makes for incredibly memorable Encounters this game has a new enemy that struck the same fear in me as the Guardians in breath of the wild they are the emmi enemies or Emmys these are terrifying and I was scared of them for most of the game when I heard their little calls and sounds I wanted to do everything I could to get away from them for this you can use the new cloaking ability this is fun to use initially but I found that it wasn't all that effective I would usually get caught once the ability ran out though it did make for some tense encounters by the end of the game these enemy robots were so powerful it felt almost unfair but like all the other enemies and bosses after a few tries I was able to get past them what an awesome addition to an already amazing game the art direction is some of the best on the switch I like the Moody settings the lighting and shadows really put you in that world I wasn't always a Metroid fan these can be intimidating I thought they were all underground mazes that you had to get perfectly right or get lost forever though that's not completely wrong it's not right either dread has a few parts where I got lost and had to take a breather and figure out what to do next to be fair I've done this in every Metroid game sometimes you just don't know where to go until something clicks and that's part of what makes Metroid games great Metroid Drake came out at a time when I was just getting to know the series having been able to experience each game for the first time up to its release made it that much more enjoyable I liked it so much that I started it over again right after I finished it the first time it's a great 2D game that I can't wait to play again [Music] Country Tropical Freeze is one of my favorite games ever made it has everything I like in a game superb level variety great controls and Stellar music it also helps that it's a 2d side scroller this game has meant a lot to me over the years it's been my go-to when I need something fast-paced and challenging when I play it I get lost in the gameplay it's an actual step out of reality for me not many games can do that I'm usually hyper aware of what's going on in my surroundings but this game is different it grips my attention the art direction is something else I've always felt like the Donkey Kong Country game simulate real life weather really well the snow effects and snow Barrel blast in the first game on the Super Nintendo are still impressive Alpine incline and Tropical Freeze does something similar living in high mountains this level captures that climate perfectly you can almost feel the calderas Donkey Kong is ascending the fog in the Lower Valley and the clouds hovering on the mountain peaks is such a nice touch that happens in real life all the time I connect so well to this game personally that just doesn't happen all that often with the vast majority of games maybe I like it so much because I was so excited to play for the first time and it lived up to that hype that never happens anymore I usually try to block out any trailer or info in a game before it releases just so I don't get hyped and inevitably let down by my own imagination but that was different with Tropical Freeze I was one of those weirdos that couldn't wait for it to come out I love playing it for the first time on the Wii U it was a challenge but I loved it I've been a fan of the series since the beginning the original Donkey Kong Country remains my favorite game to this day I played it as much as I could as a kid and it's also a challenging game I remember being taken away by how amazing each stage was it was unlike any other game I had ever played the music is amazing as well as the controls I would say the first three Donkey Kong Country games have the best feeling controls of any game ever made when the series returned on the Wii I couldn't believe my eyes Nintendo had made a new Donkey Kong Country game it's the reason I bought a Wii I didn't regret that decision at all it's a great game I've played it many times though I would say the 3D version is better though there were a few things I didn't care for I immediately noticed how different the characters felt to control those original games felt like you had complete control over those characters actions happen immediately after you press the button these new controls take some getting used to Donkey Kong feels a little sluggish and heavy there's a real weight to him and you can only play as Donkey Kong Diddy Kong is in this game but he's more of a power-up giving you more hearts and letting you Glide for a few seconds with this jet pack if you've ever played the first Donkey Kong Country game you know Diddy was the one you wanted to be also there were a few level types that didn't make the cut for the new entry those being water and snow stages they just aren't there I was so excited to play those because they resonated so much with me as a kid playing this new game and completing each level they were nowhere to be seen instead we got a fossil area which is cool but I like those snow stages they were difficult to beat and when I did overcome those levels that feeling of accomplishment was Unreal because it was earned returns had moments like that but those eyes known water stages were in the past that is until four years later when Nintendo released the newest Donkey Kong Country game tropical frieza's central theme is based around snow and ice a dream come true for me I couldn't wait to play it but what about the other stage type that was missing in the first level after you break out of the airplane and grab the extra life to the left you slide down the embankment into the water as you begin to swim around which you couldn't do in returns a version of Aquatic Ambience slowly takes over after this just a few seconds into the game I knew I was in for an adventure that felt like it had been tailor-made for me that was a moment I'll never forget there's a whole world and levels themed around swimming ice and snow levels there are also other amazing level types my favorite area is probably juicy jungle this island has some really great stages and music the music overall in this game is amazing David Wise returned to compose it he was the one who did the music for the first and second game and also Donkey Kong Country 3 on the Game Boy Advance it really adds to the gameplay the transition from Aquatic Ambience to lockjaw Saga gets me every time there's just one thing I didn't like about this game I couldn't play it on the go unlike Donkey Kong Country Returns that had a portable version on the 3DS at this time Tropical Freeze was stuck on the Wii U meaning I could only play it when I was at home because I was traveling all the time for work I only had a few chances to play it that is until Nintendo released it on the switch I was really happy they did this I had no problem buying it again I wanted so bad to have this game on the go and I finally got it playing dkc Returns on the 3DS made me appreciate that game more than when I played out on the Wii having Tropical Freeze on a portable also made me appreciate that game even more I played it every chance I got in my downtime it was easy because I always had it with me I had more opportunities to play it I honed my skills as I traveled for work it's by far one of the games I've gotten the most out of both on the Wii U and the switch it's been worth every penny because I played it so much and that's all thanks to it being on the switch [Music] Link's Awakening is one of the most unique Zelda games ever made it doesn't take place in Hyrule instead coholent Island lays the stage for Link's first handheld Adventure this island isn't just a hunk of land sitting in the ocean it almost has a life of its own being a character in the story every turn seems to have a puzzle you need to figure out in order to Traverse it it's like a giant dungeon I love that unlike the newer games that give you the freedom to go where you want whenever you want though I like that approach too there are so many things in this game that give it life and character like the ghost that follows you around until you take him to his house after he reminisces for his spell he asks you to take him to his grave where he finally leaves you to rest that part shows up out of nowhere but it's something I've never forgotten this game is full of moments like this Mario characters show up in some Dungeons and you can jump on them like Mario does to defeat them the Mambo fish teaches you a song with a skit that song gives you the ability to warp to different places on the map leaders of the games just have you get out the map and choose the location to go I'll admit that I like that way too but this one has you play a really catchy tune to do that I've never gotten sick of hearing it either I love that the end goal in this game is a giant egg on top of a mountain it's things like this that make this Zelda game Stand Out Among the rest small encounters like this happen all the time in this game Link's Awakening is different from most other Zelda games Zelda's not even in it you don't need to save a princess you're just trying to find your way off the island the puzzles are engaging and the dialogue is some of the best written for a video game Link's Awakening has many things I love about it it's absolutely amazing that Nintendo decided to remake it for the switch the art style is superb I know I'll get some Flack for this because it isn't to everyone's taste but I love it it's like looking down on a tiny plastic Zelda world it was a dream come true that we got this game the music is great I like how they reimagined it some of the tracks are amazing this is a great game and it's extremely important to me I got the original game with a Game Boy for one of my birthdays growing up this is the very Game Boy and Link's Awakening cartridge I got that day it's so important I kept both for all these years I can't say the same for my NES SNES or even my PS1 I have Revisited this game many times throughout my lifetime I've played the monochrome original the DX Edition on the Game Boy Color and also that same addition on the 3DS virtual console and now this remake many times over when asked what Zelda game people should start with I usually steer them toward the original Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past or Link's Awakening I mentioned that they will probably need a guide to get through the first game but it's good to know where everything started I usually emphasize that Link's Awakening is my favorite out of the bunch and there's a newer version for them to play on the switch these top-down games are the foundation that all Zelda games are built on even tears of the Kingdom has references to this game having played these older titles has made me appreciate the newer games even more if there's one Zelda game you should experience I would confidently recommend Link's Awakening [Music] video games have an incredible power they take you away to places you can only dream about the switch has given us that power at home and On The Go transforming the way games are played we don't have to split our time and money into two different gaming worlds they are combined into one console the switch has a vast game Library there's not enough time to get around to every game but there are incredible games made for the switch that deserve to be played some even more than once these are some of those games I'll continue to play them in the coming years and most likely the rest of my life [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Neander Meander
Views: 8,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nintendo switch, switch, best nintendo switch games, nintendo switch oled, nintendo switch pro, switch oled, switch lite, switch v2, nintendo, legend of zelda, breath of the wild, evolution of the switch, switch evolution, best nintendo switch, best switch, switch differences, nintendo switch differences, mario kart 8, metroid dread, metroid switch, amiibo, nintendo games, nintendo console, nintendo handheld, nintendo evolution, 3DS, New 3DS XL, New 2DS XL, Nintendo bad, gba
Id: xTYYQm9TjYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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