My Process for Creating the Life I Want | Build With Rob EP 119

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do you want to understand the process for creating reality do you want to understand that you actually create your reality and do you want to understand the process because nothing is real until you make it real everything is just a probability until it becomes a reality and it's on you to turn that probability into reality and there are many ways to do that and at the end of this episode I'm going to tell you as somebody that really really has gotten good at turning probabilities into realities uh I'm going to share with you a little secret that you must fully apply when you apply this concept in order to get really good at this welcome to build with Rob where we are just living the dream together each and every week what am I doing I'm just sharing philosophies you know some are applicable some are just me ranting and raving about what I think is uh possible probable and sometimes real sometimes real uh for me a big thing that I think about all the time is controlling reality and and most people are like oh it's too crazy is that even possible coring you can't control reality and you absolutely can control reality that is that is the absolute truth and there is a process in it and it and and when you think think about all of the ways that you do create reality um you you don't even think about it you know you you know how to get to the store and you decide you want to go to the store and buy something you um you know with high probability you're going to get there you you been there before you go and do it and you get there and you buy your brand new jacket and you turn it into reality you know it was a a not an impossibility when you thought yourself I want to create uh go get a jacket uh from the mall um because you knew the mall's there you know how to get there you have the money to do it right now of course um when you push forward to get to the mall there's so many different things that could happen and but the truth is it doesn't matter how big or how small it is when you're trying to really get good at at creating reality it it really is about turning possibilities into probabilities into reality you know and that is the the structure and the process and and when you think about how goals and and systems and all the different things in life that you create um they are all put in place to try to get to the point of a higher probability of creating the reality that you desire and so you can just begin to look at everything through that lens you know and and it will always start with belief right if you think something is impossible then it's probably impossible right you have to have even a spark of belief that something is possible before you can Implement any bit of strategy to move that possibility to a probability if it has any chance of ever becoming real but that is the structure that is the structure you have to move something that's impossible to possible to probable to reality that is the process for creating reality and in any and you can do it in any aspect of your life now you have to be realistic right like you can't just all of a sudden deem the impossible possible you can't make that jump right you can't make that jump you can't lie to yourself and and say hey looks like I'm going to make a run at the NFL this year looks like the Browns lost their running back I I could probably uh put in the work create a create a plan you know make it probable if I start working out again even though I've never played football and I'm almost 50 I'm lying to myself that's a lie that's a lie that's not creating belief that's lying that is not a possible outcome that could become probable and then eventually reality it could never be and that's just where you know the rubber meets the road as it relates to belief you know you really and and again it doesn't matter what it is like as long as you believe it's possible then now there are all these different techniques to begin to move that to probable um before it becomes reality and and you know for me you know when you think about goals right what a goal does is is now takes something that you believe is possible and breaks it down into milestones and now um it becomes okay probable you know if you want to create a company and you break it down into the five things that you need to do in order to build that company and come up with the name design the product um you know find Partners raise money launch it right these five little phases if you break it down into five phases and and now the first thing that you need to do to to create a higher probability of that becoming a reality is now create the idea and you know that's sort of Milestone one connected to your goals you're just trying to add probability that you would be able to launch that company man if you come up at the right idea and then you go and find Partners man now you're into the second milestone you're feeling the energy that this is much more probable that we can make this happen and then you go and build a deck and you raise money what what now it's even higher probability that that's going to be a reality you know then you raise the money what now you make the product like what you just made it a reality but that is literally the sequence for everything that will ever happen in in in even a long that Journey it's just this continual push towards higher and higher probabilities before it becomes a reality and and guess what even inside that world there's still there is still a a world inside there where as it's going along and you're reaching it that actually doing it uh reveals itself that it's so much more difficult and it may not be something you even want to do you know and you know the IDE idea of understanding that everything big and small is just in this sequence of probabilities and everything will be based off of your knowledge and experience now if you've built and so and created multiple businesses and you want to build a company again it still starts with a much higher probability because now you have the experience and the understanding and the knowledge and you know all the people you need to connect with you know the type of plan you need to put together you know um you know who you could even go to to raise money all of this um creates a much higher probability of that becoming a reality so great strategies G great goals great plans experience knowledge understanding all of these things take ideas and accelerate them from possible to probable in a much higher level of becoming reality you know and and I think when I think about my approach to life I think about how many aspects of my life can I systematize so that I have a high probability of being consistent and having a high probability of the output I desire in all aspects of life you know because you got to think I created a entire system for my life called the rhythm of existence right the rhythm of existence is how my entire life flows each day uh each week each month each year you know and again it's just trying to create uh with a higher probability that each day I'm going to work out I'm going to brain train I'm going to meditate like all of these things that I know I need to do to be the best version of myself by designing them into a system system and then putting them in a calendar I'm just creating a much higher probability that that is going to be the reality of How I Live and then I got better and better at over time and now what is it it's every day it's every day I don't skip it whatsoever I Haven missed one day this entire year in in any of that core Health in that Rhythm that I've created but I created that system that allowed me to be more consistent so I could have a very high probability of doing all these things that I know that are also when I look out into the Super far future that I have a much higher probability of not having any health issues and being really healthy and and happy for a much longer time like that's how I look at it at all aspects of these sort of systems that I create they're just creating higher probability of a better future state in in my future reality that I'm not um going to become decrepit and fall and break a hip because I'm just going to be lean and mean to to 114 man oh man I like I might trademark that I L I might trademark that lean and mean to 114 man every year just another photo of me with my shirt off ripped leathery tan skin and um cuz who knows what type of like healthy steroids they'll have in like 50 years you know like right as I'm like pushing up towards a 100 they're going to have some sort of innovation and I'm going to be like you know the the the gray haired leather skin guy with just Rift just Rift okay um sorry I lost it I lost it sometimes you got to put a vision out there uh and who knows that could be a reality one day but again when I think about my life as a whole and everything even when I created the machine method in my process for building companies you know it is it is just creating a higher probability in in having successful businesses that I create creating a process beginning to optimize that process of turning a possible idea into a probable idea into reality now it's the um you know the process of of creating the success becoming a reality rather than just the product the endgame um and again adding all of these different aspects to my life to create higher and higher probability and then what ends up happening you end up creating reality when when you think about everything that I do and how it's all laded together and all interconnects and it seems like oh he's just really disciplined and got really lucky with a lot of different things and he's really smart with money and all these things all of these are just strategies goals and systems that are leading me to a higher probability of experiencing high energy time every single day and loving life thus creating reality thus creating my existence and thus creating a reality in existence that I absolutely love and enjoy living you know and that is the process for creating and managing your own destiny and your own reality and and if you look at all aspects of your life and what are all of the different places that I can add that to in in and create that consistency in that skill set of just being able to look at everything through the lens of okay it's possible uh how well do I know it what do I need to learn okay let's create a strategy uh to actually achieve it what are the five uh Milestones that I need to actually go through to make it a reality now it becomes probable now as you reach the mil Milestones it becomes even more probable until it becomes a reality that is the possible process for creating reality and it's on you to look at all aspects of your life and design it in a way through that phase and then the smaller things like your discipline and your health and saving money and and and getting really good with time and all these different things these are now the systems that you implement and the strategies that you implement will determine the ability for you to be more and more consistently creating the reality that you desire but that is the pathway to controlling it and the process but here's the catch here's the catch you can get incredibly good at designing strategies and systems and have a high probability of having an amazing day every single day but to truly truly have that happen you must also be highly adaptive because everything and all the probabilities that you put out into the future and all the planning and the strategies and systems you put in place the world just doesn't work like that so you can't be rigid in creating reality you have to be highly adaptive because a lot of things are going to occur a lot of things are going to happen and you have to look at it through the lens of like hey things happen let's make adjustments let's make change and let's evolve and and and live for the next day day uh even though this happened as opposed to looking at it as oh how could this happen there's always going to be something that happens because that is how life Works H but the truth is you have a lot more control over your reality and if you really begin to understand how to how to push everything in your life uh to a higher probability of consistently creating the life uh that you want to live man that is where you control reality you create your existence and you live an amazing life but you know what that requires that requires being know to look out in the future and deciding what that's going to be and really giving it all you got until you get there until next time see it believe it do it
Channel: Rob Dyrdek
Views: 18,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rob Dyrdek, Dyrdek, Dyrdek Machine, Machine Mindset, Machine Method, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, startup, venture capital, consumer, CPG, brand, branding, marketing, design, venture studio, incubator, brand studio, business, investing, partnership, angel investing, Ridiculousness, Rob and Big, Fantasy Factory, MTV, skateboarding, Machinism, life design, time design, time, energy, capacity, optimization, probability
Id: jOYCYy4t0VY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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