Best Of Rob Dyrdek & Big Cat 😼 Fantasy Factory

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- [Big Cat] Hey Rob. Someone dropped off a couple pairs of shoes. - Whoo! Whoo! Rawr! Rawr! You're the Big Cat, yes or no? - Yes. - Did you ever think when you were the little kitty that your cousin was gonna end up with 14 signature pro model shoes? I have a shoe release party. I've never even had one. Do you feel bad for me or you feel good for me? Do you feel bad for me for having 13 shoes without a release party, or do you feel good for me 'cause I have a 14th shoe release party? - I'm gonna say a little bit of both. - Do you want me to keep callin' you the Big Cat? - You can call me whatever you want. - What does your MySpace say? - Big Cat. - It says Big Cat! You know what I'm saying? So not only are you called it, but you claim it! Just think how much tougher and more respect you would have in the streets with two forearm tats of two screaming lions, a mustache, and a long mane. - No. - Aw, man. You disappoint big cats everywhere, man. I might have to start callin' you Little Kitty. (smooth electronic music) (upbeat hip hop music) The IQ results are in. - Oh my God, I'm so excited. - Just tell us! I'm so anxious, I'm freaking out! - Let's start with Geoff, let's start with Geoff. (all clapping) - Geoffrey Taylor. - Esquire. - 116. - What? - Oh my God. - Who does that even reach? - Above average, above average. - It's above average. - Above average, above average. (all clapping) - [Rob] Okay, okay, okay. Tracy. - 107. - 107. - Nice! - Oh, you're just below above average. - Just below above average. - I'm nervous for you. - Okay, now if I could figure out how to open it. - Oh yeah, wow. - [Geoff] This isn't looking good, it's not looking good at all. - I hope that was scary. - I got a 94, uh! - That's average. - It's good, it's good. - Apparently he totally snuck in there. - Come on, come on. - That's good, it's good. - Come on. - That's average. - That's good, that's good. - [Chanel] Just do Scott's, come on. - Big Cat. - Here you go. - Please have lower than a 94. (all laughing) - What is it, what is it? - Pull her out. - Oh! - 126. (all cheering) (muffled yelling) - He's a genius! - Whoa! - Oh my God. - Scott's the smartest person here. - Congratulations man, that's awesome. - That's crazy. - Come on, Turtle, you're smart. - Crazy. What is it, what is it? - 100. (all screaming) - Oh my God. - Six points higher than me, let's just put it like that. - Now we are ready for the betting portion of our IQ test. - This is where things get interesting. - Let's go. I got $1,500 on the line here. - It's not even about the money. It's about the ego. - I wanna see what you got. - 113. - Oh, that's good. (all clapping) - Above average, above average. - God, I hope I beat Jeremy. - What is it? - Oh God. - What'd you get? - Oh Lord. - 118. - Son of a (beeps). What'd you have? (Jeremy screaming) (all laughing) (beeps) - Oh my God! - I'm in the money, I'm in the money. - I shoulda bet on the Big Cat. The Big Cat's a closet genius. Dammit. - [Chanel] Okay, Rob go. - (beeps) Stupid! - What'd you get, what'd you get? - 101. (all screaming) - We're average. - Drama's smarter than me? What a horrible idea! - Yes! - I'm gonna go be dumb. If anyone needs anything from me just let me know. - There's something I need. $1,500. (all laughing) (Rob screaming) - Can you help me out? - Sure. - I would like to reveal to your brother his new car. I need you to kind of roll the door for the big presentation. - You got him a new car? - That's right. Big Cat. I feel bad 'cause I was trying to teach Drama about being reckless and I lost control. So as fun as it was to smash your car, I'm gonna receive 10 times that joy that I got with that sledgehammer, when I see your face when you see your new car. So why don't you take a seat. Chris, I'm gonna run outside. When you hear the horn, rip her up. - I'm kinda nervous. - Why? You have a new car. (cat meowing) Was that the horn? - Was that? (door squeaking) (cat meowing) - Oh my God. It is so much worse than I could imagine. Oh my God. (cat meowing) Wow. - Whoo! Dude, this thing is so beautiful. Look, a cute little cat car. - [Big Cat] There's no way you can drive that on a road. - Yeah, you can. This thing is the sickest cat car ever! - What did you (beeps) do? - [Big Cat] How do you get a car wash? Shampoo? - No, you gotta bring out a dog groomer, huh? (lion roaring) Look at how sick this is! Uh, God, look at this cat's hair just flowing in the wind right now. - It's so (muffled speaking) man. (horn honking) - Yep, it's a cat. ♪ Well I don't know where they come from ♪ ♪ But they sure do come ♪ ♪ I hope they comin' for me ♪ - [Rob] Look at all these people, how excited they are. It's like I want to share the cat car with the people. Don't you feel that way? - Yeah. ♪ Cat scratch fever ♪ - I like your car, homie. - Hey, appreciate that, man. (muffled speaking) It's a badass car, homie. What's up, girl? This Big Cat, you pretty little thing. (Rob meowing) (woman screaming) Yeah, look at that, man. Chicks dig that (beeps). What if we just turn around and there's just a trail of kitties running behind this thing? - Yeah baby! - Yeah! - What do you think about your car, man? - [Big Cat] I don't know if attention like this is gonna be fun. - [Rob] You're bringing joy to the streets. - Every day? - Every day. - That old car, new car. - Rest in peace '66. We got a cat car up in this piece. (smooth hip hop music) I gotta say, man, I love and respect all things Big Cat, but I realize this is unrealistic. Do you want to drive this around every day? - No. - Well, you wanna know what? You don't have to. But you are the Big Cat, you know what I mean? So you gotta see what makes this thing so special. - Oh man. - Look at this! Just a good old fashioned cop car, man. (Big Cat meowing) - Get on in there, man. You're welcome. (engine revving) Like that's just saying, "Yo, I'm the Big Cat." You wanna know what? From a distance it just looks like a (beeps) taxi. Yeah, who just came up off someone being reckless? ♪ Big Cat did Big Cat did ♪ (upbeat hip hop music) - Hi. - Hello. I'm Chanel. Nice to meet you. - Mark Edgar Stephens, nice to meet you. - Mark Edgar Stephens? - Yes. - I'm here to see Rob. (phone beeping) - Hold on one minute. (phone ringing) - Hello? - Mark Edgar Stephens is here to see you. - Okay, can you just hold him right there? I'll be right in. - Okay. You're here to help with-- - Big Cat. - Got it. - How you doing, sir? - Hey Rob. How are ya? - How you doing? - Very nice to meet you. - Welcome, welcome. So I got a situation. - Yes. - That's why we called you in. I mean it's my cousin. A good friend of all of ours and he's just awkwardly painful. - So it gets awkward and then it gets more and more awkward? - Yeah. - Okay, okay. - So let me get everybody in the conference room and then let's surprise him. I just want to make sure he doesn't know. Just the idea of doing this intervention made me nervous. - Hey Drama, how are you? - How are you, sir? - Mark, nice to meet ya. - Nice to meet ya, yes sir. - Nice to meet ya. - Oh my God, man, it's so real. It just became a real medical issue. (all laughing) Just kidding. (phone ringing) - Hello? - Hey Big Cat. - Yeah. - Can you come on up to the conference room real quick? - [Big Cat] Yeah. (all laughing) - God. - Oh God, man. - Oh my God. - [Chanel] He's like, "Uh, what's up?" - Hello. - Big Cat. Hey. - How you doing? - I'm Mark. - Nice to meet you. - How are ya? - Good. - Go ahead and have a seat. Big Cat, we have brought you into the room today because there's a little bit of social awkwardness that's happening with you that may be affecting you. - Is this like an awkward intervention? (all laughing) I feel like I have a crack problem. - No. Just know that we all care about you. - Okay. - [Mark] All right, Chanel. - Okay, dear Big Cat, the other day when you came to pick me up for work and you awkwardly took a picture of me in my shower cap and then tweeted it, it was kind of strange to me. (all laughing) It's even more awkward when we drive to work and you were quiet the whole ride, leaving me to hear nothing but myself breathing. (all laughing) I truly believe that with the right help, we can transform you from an awkward, quiet guy into a graceful, social butterfly. (all clapping) - Very well done. Drama, this is your brother. - Here we go. - Look him in the eyes. - I can't, I can't. There's an awkward block, man. - Okay, okay. - My letter, okay. Dear Big Cat, aka my brother, I want to apologize for not stepping in earlier, but when you're born into awkwardness it's hard to pinpoint exactly where the problem is. I can only imagine the weird moments I went through as a newborn baby. (all laughing) - [Rob] Oh my God! (muffled speaking) - You wanna hold him? (all laughing) With that being said, I'm here to help you step out of this awkward fog and live a life full of ambition, laughter and blank stare-free conversations. (all laughing) Sincerely, Drama. - Thank you Drama, thank you. (all clapping) - All right, Rob. You got a lot to say. - I can look you in the eyes and tell you I love you. And not feel awkward, and we can stare (laughs). - He got you. - He got me, man. I tried, I tried. To my cousin, my friend, you need to know your awkwardness not only affects you, but it affects everyone around you with awkwardness. I am afraid if we don't step in now, you will be awkward for the rest of your life. And no, no, no, no, I will not let that happen, I won't. And I know making your office a cage, man, has driven you into a deep, dark awkward hole that you can't climb out of. I will fight for you. I will throw you a whisker that pulls you out of that hole. Please accept this help today and live a life without awkwardness. - Thank you, Rob. Thank you, thank you. (all clapping) Is there anything you want to comment on before we do a little bit of work together? - I didn't realize it was a problem to all my friends. Like I feel like I have an alcohol problem. (all laughing) - You know what? Stand up for a second. Let's stand up together. What happens when you're seeing all these people focused on you? - I just don't like being the center of attention. - There you go. All right, so we just got to the source of the awkwardness. Okay. (all clapping) Here's-- - But let me ask you as your expert opinion. Would it be smart to make him an absolute and total center of attention and make him work through that? - It's actually called exposure therapy. And exposure therapy, what you do is you place somebody in an atmosphere of the thing it is that they most fear. - I don't like where this is going. - So if we're doing the 7-Eleven project, make him give the speech when we do the grand opening. - Yes, the opening! - Being there in front of everybody, it's one of the things that actually breaks down the fear so that the behavior can actually change. Okay, all right, so we got a deal then? - This is great. - Yeah? - Ladies and gentlemen, a Big Cat. Let's give him a hug, guys. Group hug. (smooth hip hop music) - [All] Big Cat, Big Cat, Big Cat, Big Cat, Big Cat. ♪ I don't wanna be awkward anymore ♪ ♪ I wanna not be awkward anymore ♪ - Aw nice! - That is so awesome. - Let's open it up. - Oh wow. - No way. - What? - Yeah! (Rob screaming) ♪ Give me fi give me fi ♪ ♪ Give me no lie ♪ - I mean you can't call the cops on this. - No. - The cops can't even (beeps) with this. (heavy rock music) - That (beeps) looks like a straight stage. We got one more thing though, one more thing. Big Cat, you want to join the Bleeding Frogs? - Sure. - Come on out. Yeah, every great band's got its own mascot. Covered in dripping blood. - Oh, no way. - Yeah. - [Big Cat] Can I change my answer? - [Rob] You already committed, man. You're in the Frogs now, man. - [Big Cat] Oh my God. (all laughing) - Yeah! - Oh my God. - Yeah. - Let me pour some blood on you. Blood. (groovy heavy rock music) - Okay, thanks. (Chanel laughing) - Nice! - Ah! ♪ He's a bleeding frog ♪ ♪ I'm a bleeding frog ♪ ♪ He's a bleeding frog ♪ ♪ He's a ba ba ba ba ba ♪ ♪ Bleeding frog ♪ Yeah, that looks awesome. (Chanel laughing) (can spritzing) ♪ I'm a bleeding frog it's who we are ♪ ♪ What I am ♪ ♪ This is what I do ♪ ♪ And these are the things that I like ♪ ♪ Oh we know what I do and I'm doing it right ♪ ♪ (muffled singing) and be everything that I am ♪ ♪ There's a frog all over me ♪ (muffled singing) ♪ I'm a bleeding frog ♪ ♪ I'm a bleeding frog ♪ ♪ I'm a bleeding frog ♪ ♪ I'm a bleeding frog ♪ ♪ Ow roaming down the 405 ♪ (muffled singing) ♪ I'm a bleeding frog ♪ ♪ I'm a bleeding frog ♪ ♪ I'm a bleeding frog ♪ ♪ I'm a bleeding frog ♪ ♪ Ow ♪ (muffled singing) ♪ 'Cause we're the bleeding frogs and you know who we be ♪ (muffled singing) ♪ I'm a bleeding frog ♪ ♪ I'm a bleeding frog ♪ (crowd cheering) - (muffled speaking) and good night! (heavy rock music) Yeah! (all cheering) That was incredible. We might have to change our name. Oh my God. Look how sketchy that thing is. It's like a wild, floating wildebeest. - If I die hugging this guy, I'm gonna be really upset. - Well, I'mma tell you what. At least you die-- - You're hugging your bro. - [Rob] Loving your brother, and that's serious stuff. - Yep, you can explain that to my mom. - Helmet cams. - Yes! We want to capture this moment. - [Instructor] All right, gentlemen. Step onto this platform. (muffled speaking) - [Rob] Oh my God. I am so glad that I am not on the outside of this basket! - We just went so high so quick. Holy (beeps). Guys, I love my brother. Hey watch this, hey Scott, I love you. - I love you too. - Love you too, man. Let's take this all in. - Oh man, you're gonna love each other like you never thought possible. Oh my God (laughs)! Yes! I'm so scared, I'm in the basket. - On five, here we go. - This is a fear (muffled speaking), guys. - Oh my God. - And five, four, three, two, one. - [Rob] Goodbye guys. (horn honking) (heavy rock music) (both laughing) - Oh God! - Oh my God. Oh God! Oh God. (fist thwacking) Oh, it hit me in the face. (horn honking) - Those are two brothers that love each other to the bone so good and hard right now. (horn honking) (camera thwacking) - Oh! - [Rob] Oh my God, oh my God, they were like two feet from the ground. - Ah, love hurts. Bungee jumping is so stupid. Oh my God, oh my God. - That was amazing. - How do you feel guys? - I feel so bonded and ready to throw those away. - How about one last group hug, you know what I'm saying? (horn beeping) - [Drama] I hate those things. I'm so glad it's over. - [Big] Proud of you guys. - No need for these anymore. We got two brothers that love each other hard, man. - Ah, I'm so happy to see those go. - Hello? - Hey Big Cat. Wanna come up here? I have something I'd like to talk to you about. Hey. Take a seat. Before I take you on this journey of embracing your paste and turning you into a pasty prince, I kinda want to give you an example of what it means to be pasty and perfect. What I'm about to do is show you a couple of my friends that I've embraced paste the same way I believe you should. Here is my first friend. Look at him. You don't want to be a man don. - Hi, Big Cat. - Stand up and look at each other in the face. Let me just see what two pasty piece of perfection look like together. - I really don't want to. - Wow. Unbelievable man. Send in the next pasty piece of perfection. Have you ever seen a hotter chick in your life? - No offense, yes. (Chanel laughing) - Last but not least, proving anyone can embrace their paste, this beautiful man, also known as the Big Paste. - They thought I was you upstairs. - They really did. Guys, is he not beautiful the way he is? - Yes, you are. - [Rob] But couldn't he be a shade bit whiter? - Yes, you can. - Let's all get up and take a look at each other. We're just one big pasty pack, man. (Chanel laughing) Allow me to take you on a journey to turn you into the pasty prince that you were always meant to be. Embrace who you are. Paste up. Hug yourself. Hug yourself, aw man. So much paste. - Love paste. - You're almost invisible. - It's so warm and pasty in here. - It's almost invisible. Hey Cat! It's time to turn you into a pasty prince. Come on. - Paste, pasty man! Hey, change him up. (both clapping) Make him dapper. - 'Cause he is about to turn into a pasty prince. Aw, it's just a light pasty paste. - Dude, right in the eye. - Aw man! - Oh, there we go. Now we are getting somewhere special. (heavy rock music) - Looking good, bro. - This isn't working. We lost it. - It's up in his brain. - It's in there? - Yes, it's above it. - Okay, get it out. - Put your head back. - Oh, get it, oh! - [Rob] Open. (all laughing) It's bad! - It's stuck. (all laughing) - [Drama] Sounds like a scary movie scene. That was like a scary (beeps) movie. - It came back. - Look at this hardy pants right here, man. - Pick whatever you want, 'cause I'm not gonna like any of it. - [Rob] Then it's this (beeps). Sit me down, Drama. - And we are. - Got it taken down! - Oh, we're parted. - Gotta take it down. - Maybe we should step outside and let him reveal himself to us so we can get the full effect. (lion roaring) I don't even want to look. (upbeat electronic music) I hear the footsteps of a prince. Whoo! - [Big] Damn. - I mean look at this, look at this. A studly man don and a passionate pasty prince. - Come a long way. - Do you remember what I let him do when he was the man don? - No. - I remember what he did. - What'd he do? - Held that flag, bro. - He held that flag. - Yeah. - So we need your help. It's gonna be dark out there when I flip that car and it's gonna be dangerous. I need something bright and pasty that I can see for sure that can send me on my way. Just be normal. It's a normal day. Just you out doing what you do. Oh my God. - Wow. - Super star. - [Drama] Pushing it. (skateboard clanking) (all whooing) - Yes! - Someone's getting comfortable. ♪ Yo pasty ♪ ♪ Yo pasty pasty pasty ♪ ♪ You're so pasty ♪ ♪ You're pasty pasty pasty ♪ ♪ Pasty prince ♪ Have you seen my flag boy at all? - I think we have. (Rob laughing) - I just can't. I mean I'm just like-- - I gotta take my glasses off. They're too bright. - I just can't. I can't, man. I can't. - Oh my God. It's so much different in public. - I can't, look man. You look like the most amazing pasty man that's gonna be a big part in me being able to do this stunt, 'cause I'm not gonna know when to go, but when I see this I'm not gonna be able to take my eyes off of this. (Rob crying) Flag guy gotta go, I gotta go. Embrace your paste! You have embraced your paste and you have a look if you're willing to accept and take-- - I'm not. - That's going to take you very far and make you very rich. - Not how I want to get there. - [Drama] You want to get a Chevy deal out of this. - You might get your own car line. The Chevy paste. I appreciate this. I couldn't do it without you. - Let's just get it over with. - That was good. (eagle screeching) - My brother, my brother. How you feeling, man? Wow, (meows). - How does a fake lion paw shed this much? - This is authenticity because today is all about authenticity. What I have coming here is a cat behaviorist. It's the first step in me and you becoming true partners because I only do this when you truly become born a lion. - Okay. (lion roaring) - Hello Mieshelle. - Hello. - This is my cousin. He refers to himself as the Big Cat. - You made that up, not me. - What? - You made that nickname up. - But do you believe it? That you're a big cat? - In here. - By the end of today I'm hoping the both of us are strong lions ready to lead a pride. - Yeah, it's not what you're gonna be doing. (animal shrieking) (Mieshelle laughing) This is the most common greeting that they do. You're gonna scent mark each other by rubbing up against each other's cheeks. - Oh! - God! - He's way up in there, son. (Big laughing) - You're acting like a house cat. (Rob roaring) Come on. - Greet him, uh oh. (Big Cat grunting) Oh (laughs). - [Drama] Oh no! (Rob purring) - Perfect. I mean this is a really simple one. It's just the marking of territory. - Got you, bro. - And you're really gonna arch your back, 'cause it's exercise too. So like you're stalking each other. (Rob hissing) (both yelling) What do you think it means to be born a lion? - I think that everybody has greatness in them, a heart of a lion in them. And it's just a matter of finding what brings it out of you. - I couldn't agree more. I'm almost shedding a tear off of how wonderful that answer was. - And that's what it is. You're trying to bring out the predator, but we have to prey on something. (animals screeching) (soft mysterious music) - Ah! - Oh, there he is. So you gotta get as close as you can, as stealthily as you can. (Big screeching) Go, go, go. (all grunting) - [Drama] Get him, get him! (Rob roaring) - [Mieshelle] Take him down! (Rob yelling) (muffled speaking) (all yelling) Yeah, hold him down. (both grunting) - That was well done. - That was awesome. (both yelling) (Mieshelle laughing) - You're an amazing zebra. - [Big] Gotta get my call (muffled speaking). - I got outlioned here today. - I told you, it's in there. - Next step is taking the shell of a lion and making it a real lion via the process of nature, okay? - Don't know what that means. - Well, just know that it means you're about to become a true lion in the realest sense of the word. From the beginning to the end, the alpha and the omega. Rawr, rawr, rawr, rawr. (upbeat electronic music) Come on out here, man. Come on out here. Punch the (beeps) out of this hand. Show me the power you got. Yeah, he's got some power. I don't even wanna take the risk. What do I want? A broken hand? - No, you don't bro. - Okay, we know you're about to go into the octagon and kick the (beeps) out of some (beeps), right? Okay, but here's the one thing about Big Cat right now. He doesn't quite have the vibe of a murder kitten, right? So what we're gonna do here today is make you look like a murder kitten. - How are you gonna transform him into that? - There's a handful of things that you can do to a man to make him scary, okay? And I've got 'em all here with me today. First up spray tan. (air whooshing) Let's airbrush some muscles on him. (bluesy rock music) Nothing says I'm willing to kill a man like (beeps) cat tattoo. Oh man, look (beeps). Look at that. Right now I'm a little shook, almost. All right, I think he needs one more thing. I'm feeling like-- - That. - No, no, no. - Yes. - Right here. - Face? - Please do that. - Probably gonna stomp somebody out if he's got this on his face. 100%. - Rawr. - That might be over the top. - It might be over the perfect. - Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the weigh in for tonight's featured exhibition bout between Marcus Kowal and Scottie Pfaff. 145.5. 145.4. ♪ It's showtime ♪ ♪ No time to waste ♪ ♪ I'm gonna (muffled singing) ♪ ♪ No time no time to waste ♪ (bell ringing) ♪ My whole life been defined by fate ♪ (legs thumping) ♪ It's showtime ♪ - Oh yeah! Give it to me, man. Give it to me and I'll tell you what. Okay, I'm gonna tell you right now. You wanna know who kicks (beeps) out of people on a daily basis? A man that has a panther tattooed on his forehead. Okay, are you ready? Are you ready, how you feeling? - I feel good. - How you feeling? - I feel good. - You feel great? - Yeah. - The reality is this. A young kitten, he doesn't know no better. So when he walks into a giant lion, he attacks him. And guess what? That lion just might get his neck bit in just the right place where he bleeds out. (all laughing) Okay? Let's give him some time, okay? He's gotta get in his shorts. He's gotta warm up. And let's great ready to stomp the (beeps) out of people, man. - Good luck. - Punch, punch it. Ow (beeps). Let's go, Big Cat. (intense rock music) - Ladies and gentlemen, we'd like to welcome you all to the first and possible last feature exhibition bout here at the Fantasy Fight Factory. One cage, two fighters, three two minute rounds of MMA action. Introducing would you welcome from Los Angeles, this is Marcus Kowal. (audience clapping) (audience booing) And now would you welcome his opponent, the pride of Akron, Ohio, this is Scott Pfaff! (audience cheering) (heavy rock music) - His face off! Ain't nothing, nothing, nothing stopping the Murder Cat. Let's go! (audience cheering) Let's go! (heavy rock music) - We went over the rules in the back. Protect yourself at all times. Obey my commands at all times. If you want to touch gloves, touch 'em now. Best of luck to both of ya. - [All] Murder King, Murder King, Murder King. - Goody, you ready? Let's get it on! (bell ringing) (audience cheering) - Oh, okay. There you go, Big Cat. (fists thwacking) There you go, Big Cat. Don't be afraid to use those legs. There you go. Keep that hand up. Get that, there you go. - Come on, Mark. Stop that. (audience yelling) - Tell him, you got it, you got it. (body thumping) - [Audience] Oh! (bell dinging) (audience cheering) - Get down, get down, get down, get down. Absolutely you did good, okay? Don't let him sweep the cage. Okay, okay? Stand down and give it all you got. - All right, we ready? Second round, ready? Let's get it on. (heavy rock music) (audience yelling) - Rush him! (audience yelling) Oh! (bell dinging) To the fences. (audience cheering) Punch upper cut. Upper cuts till you drop him. Swing him the upper cut. Let's go. - Touch gloves, third and final round. Best of luck. Step back. You ready, you ready? Let's get it on! (audience yelling) (muffled singing) Roll out of it. Tuck, tuck, hammer fist. (audience yelling) You got to get, get around and punch. You got to swing out of it. Roll out of it. Go, go, go! (audience yelling) (fist thwacking) You can get out! Oh! (audience yelling) (dramatic suspenseful music) Oh, he's got him. - Come on, Cat! - Get out of there, Cat. You got him, buddy. (audience cheering) (bell dinging) - Good job, take it out. How you feeling, baby? Good job, you were in there for a little bit. - [Announcer] Ladies and gentlemen, referee big John McCarthy stops the fight one minute 14 seconds of the third and final round. Your winner, Marcus Kowal. (audience cheering) - As the owner of this fine establishment, I'd like to congratulate you for being the first and only champion. - Push it forward. - All right. The champion, give it up! (audience clapping) - We have another belt here for Scott Murder Kitten Pfaff! (audience cheering) (bell dinging) - Now ladies and gentlemen, this man's a champion for just stepping in here in the first place, right? Now he got beaten on, whipped around and chocked down, kinda tooled with. But the reality of it is he deserves a plastic belt. (audience cheering) The world's first plastic champion. God bless MMA and God bless the Murder Kitten. (audience cheering) - Oh my gosh. I fell asleep in the tanning bed today (laughs). - [Announcer] Ladies and gentlemen, please put your jazz hands together for Robert Lightfoot, Silky Black and the Old Gray Cupids. (audience clapping) - Hey, don't slow it down yet. Don't slow it down. Come on, give it up for my man Silky. (audience clapping) I know y'all out here trying to have a good time. A lot of you look like you're in love. I like love, right? When we came up with this song, we called it "Perfect Girl," right? And what it's really about is finding love and treating a woman right. - For sure. - Old Gray Cupids, give it to us. (upbeat jazz music) Oh! Taking me back now, Silky. - [Big] Oh, 1986, baby. ♪ Baby ♪ ♪ What you doing with me at night ♪ ♪ Is so so right girl ♪ What is it, Silky? ♪ She's the perfect girl ♪ ♪ The perfect girl (muffled speaking) ♪ ♪ Baby girl I know you're hungry so hungry ♪ ♪ For the love of your life ♪ ♪ Tell him like it is ♪ ♪ But let me tell you one thing ♪ ♪ What you tell me ♪ ♪ What we're doing feels so right so right ♪ ♪ And it feels so good girl ♪ ♪ So good everything that you do ♪ ♪ Look what you doing baby ♪ ♪ I need to let you know girl ♪ ♪ I'm deeply in love with you ♪ ♪ Oh so in love ♪ ♪ Two wrongs can't stop our love ♪ ♪ Hear the planets and the stars above ♪ ♪ With a passion oh so right ♪ ♪ Her booty knocks me out like a Tyson rod ♪ ♪ Is it going down tonight ♪ ♪ Give it up girl I just can't fight ♪ ♪ Come and hear Big Silky roar ♪ ♪ Purr purr perfect girl ♪ ♪ Baby what you do to me tonight ♪ ♪ Is oh so right girl ♪ ♪ 'Cause you're the perfect girl ♪ ♪ The perfect girl ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ - I feel like I'm in the air right now. How about you two right there? I know that looks like an aspiring young couple. I'll tell you what, if you love the girl next to ya, lock her lips up tough right now. ♪ Perfect girl ♪ - Come on. ♪ Perfect girl ♪ - Come on. ♪ Perfect girl perfect girl ♪ ♪ Perfect girl yeah ♪ (audience clapping) All right, thank you all, thank you all. Y'all find love, find peace and happiness and never forget, everybody's perfect somehow. Take care. - I'm available for private parties and bar mitzvahs. (audience laughing) (smooth bluesy music) - [Rob] All right, here we go, man. - All I can taste is eggs. - It's a moment of truth, ostrich style. Okay, those birds are twice as big as I thought. - [Drama] Those are dinosaurs, man. - Hey guys. - How you doing? Rob. - Rob? Joe Hedrick, my son, Aaron. - I appreciate you doing this for us. As you know, it's a battle between cousins. Whoever wins in the race, they're the winner. But the loser has to drink an entire ostrich egg. - A whole ostrich egg? - Are you more likely to fall off or to just lose because of speed? - If you get off the side, you're done. I'm gonna say one of you is gonna fall off. - Oh, I like that. Who's that gonna be? - I'm on, I'm holding tight, man. - Who's that gonna be? - I am holding so tight. - All right, let's get to work, man. It's go time now. You said you wanna get on an ostrich as a cousin bet. It always seem so fun before you gotta actually do it. - [Joe] Got your birds, race is on. - Race is on with your big ass bird. - Get up on him. All right guys, you getting on? Now when they leave, guys, they're gonna go quick. So be with them when they go. On your mark, (suspenseful slow music) get set, go! (playful country music) Go! Ride your bird! Stay (muffled speaking), Scott. Stay in there, Rob! (body thumping) - Oh! - Whoa! (Rob coughing) - What place did I get? Okay. We'll let him breath man. At least you ain't sucking down an egg. - Look, I got my ribs stomped out. - I wanna see the replays, see who won. - [Drama] He got hit hard as (beeps). - I slammed and then his bird mowed me over. I slammed over the finish line. - It doesn't matter who won. I'm the guy who has to drink the damn egg. - There's two winners. There's only one loser. - But the reality of it is it was nice that all of us slammed. Good for us, man. I tell you what, why don't we all split the egg? 'Cause I'm thinking we all slammed, let's split the egg. - Every now and then you gotta lose one. - In this case, I think we all lost together. - I think we won and you lost. - Fair enough. - All right, we'll see you down the road. - Yes sir. - Thank you so much. - Thank you. - That damn prehistoric bird. I'm gonna end up drinking the whole damn egg and I'm gonna (beeps) out a small bird.
Channel: MTV's Ridiculousness
Views: 2,031,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big cat, best of big cat, big cat fantasy factory, big cat mtv, big cat rob & big, best of, compilation, supercut, Ridiculousness, Fantasy Factory, Amazingness, Chanel West Coast, Steelo Brim, cat videos, rob dyrdek, host, internet, clip, celebrity, steelo, chanel west coast, viral, clip show, show, language, violence, fail, do-it-yourself, diy, stunt, fail compilation, fantasy factory, rob & big, viral videos, scared, sink holes, Ridiculousness MTV, big cat rob dyrdek, Rob Dyrdek Big Cat
Id: TFsdK2kSJLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 11sec (2111 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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