Great Habits Are The Foundation, Not The Final Goal | Build With Rob EP81

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habits are the foundation they are not the goal going Beyond habits to making something a way of life or completely intuitive to who you are as a human being that right there that is the goal [Music] welcome to build with Rob it is your boy Rob Dyrdek it is your show with your friend I'm your friend I'm your friend you listen to me I'm just like you're you're you know your your Rich uncle you know what I mean it's got got us got everything together you know I mean he's just he's just happy he's not my rich Uncle he's just really happy you know he's real organized he's systematic uh he's kind of a philosopher if you catch him at a party he's gonna corner you and try to give you a Life Plan speech you know what I mean that's basically what what Rich Uncle Rob will do to you you know what I mean I mean look you catch me at a party or in the streets you catch me at a pool on vacation I I will hold court and end up giving some sort of like machine mindset Life Speech it's just it's just what I do it's what I do and it's basically why I you know what this show is for you as my friend and listeners uh that listen to this show because it is an expression of my personal philosophy as I as I live it and breathing on an ongoing basis um something that I'm passionate about um understanding deeper and and creating a an overall philosophy that has multiple many philosophies inside of it that together make up one beautiful concept of the machine mindset that's just driving you uh to live a happy harmonious high quality existence you know I've preached it over and over because this is your life to create and you get to make it whatever you want you're the Visionary of that life and you have the ability to create whatever you want and you you know it because you've listened to this show um that it is all art science and magic man you you get to create it uh the proven ways and and and different aspects of goal setting and evolution all these things that are scientifically proven uh will lead you to a magical life or at least you uh creating your own magic and what I like to say making your own luck um you know through uh applying this sort of philosophy and these principles and and you know today's episode is really really about sort of um this idea of habits right and and good habits and bad habits and how incredibly important habits are in in and how kind of like you know how how toxic the word habit even sounds you know what I mean because you you really tie all your bad habits to the word habit you know what I mean you know you don't really tie all the good things you do to the word habit you usually look at like all these these bad habits that I have that I that I need to change you know and and you know the definition of a habit uh you know a regular tendency or practice especially one that is hard to give up right like in that and that's what it is right like something that's really hard to give up sounds negative you know it sounds like oh like you know I've got a bad habit of smoking cigarettes you know what I mean oh they're so hard to give up it's a you gotta have it you know it and and on the positive side of you know habits like oh I just love taking supplements oh I just love I can't give up my supplements you know I'm saying like it's so hard for people to tie the positivity uh of of the word habit because it by definition it's this hard to give up uh is in in a negative way instead of a positive way you know what I mean like I just can't get myself to stop going to the gym if I could just give myself to stop going to the gym I gotta I got a habit of going to the gym seven days a week you know it's it's an it's an unusual um word um that I think is is it's incredibly important don't get me wrong uh but I but I do think you know you want to use a habit to get yourself consistent to get past the habit and get to where it is it is intuitively who you are and it is you as it relates to the way that you live and who your actual being is and and it's you know on the negative side there's so much of you um that gets built in a in a habitual way that it that it may take years if not decades for you to to unwind and pull out of your system you know it's like I have so many habits um that were part of what I developed at an early age in my life that I still deal with today that I still deal with today I was raised on Sweet Tarts and fruit loops you know I'm saying I was raised on Sweet Tarts in Fruit Loops I would go into the kitchen into the candy drawer and just stuff my face with candy right before I I had a delightful breakfast of Fruit Loops and maybe downed it with a coke before I headed to school okay like that was perfectly acceptable in the home that I grew up in and that is a terrible way uh to develop a core habit of of loving sugar uh as part of a lifestyle and that that really is something that I would that I deal with to this day that I deal with to this day you know like I still have to go in and out of phases of like uh finding myself just eating sugary stuff um you know because I'm I'm feeding this ingrained aspect of of my life that it was formed in the the way of a habit in a young age that I carried on for my entire life until I I got much older and began to get control of it you know but it it's the you know you know and look the problem with a lot of habits is man you know they're passed down generationally you know they're you know you you got stuff in your DNA that your parents push into you then then lifestyle that your parents help you uh to to create all of these bad habits because it's their way of life this is their way of life you know I don't um look at my parents as bad parents because I would have Fruit Loops in a Coca-Cola before going to school when I was in high school and I have to put that disclaimer on it because my mother uh whenever I tell this story that I you know would eat fruit loops and have a Coca-Cola before I would go to school she'd be like that is not true maybe in high school right and it's like okay then it's true like what like I wasn't saying like oh like you know in kindergarten it's still you know I'm still 14 years old whatever it may be um but again I don't I don't blame um you know that that was just the way I don't blame my mother because that was the way that she ultimately um you know lived her life and that was the way her mother lived her life and her her father lived his life so it's like that sort of aspect of kind of developing these more unhealthy habits as it relates to um you know different things that get passed down through generations that that's just an example of like all of us you know end up um carrying all of these different different habits that that we have to break or new habits that we have to make on an ongoing basis you know if if you just want to keep becoming a better and better version of yourself right because you know why I preach like everything matters and and you're this deeply integrated uh you know system of multiple systems and and the more you can design these systems and make these systems all integrate together that all help you to form better habits to be healthier uh to to manage your time and balance your life in a way that allows you to be more consistent with creating um healthy habits that turn into a way of life is that it's important to look at yourself through the lens of all aspects of your life when it when it comes to habits that you're either ultimately trying and to to get rid of or uh trying to create new ones that you want to stick and evolve away from trying to do them to just being how you live and I can tell you that I'm you know that you know built was born and built through a system of like you know no aspect of my parents or the people around me ever even spoke about health um you know everything was really about raise a worker you know what I mean what were they trying to do raise a worker they wanted me to the in in what's your best opportunity in in Ohio if your parents are trying to raise a worker uh they want you to to finish high school and go to college so you can get a higher paying worker job and go work but no aspect of them is like hey you know like you know you should really take care of yourself and and and learn about yourself and develop self-awareness and great communication skills and understand what are the things that that make you happy and and build a life around that that was certainly not the case you know and and and so um you know when you think about you know so much of the formation of your system and the habits that you have they're deeply ingrained you know and and you know there's there's a great book very famous book Atomic habits you know where um you know it's sort of a system if you will of when you when you think about um you know how to how to take a habit and and make it more consistent right and they they call it like a habit Loop you know make it obvious make it attractive make it easy make it satisfying you know it's like you know you gotta really want to do something um you know It's gotta be simple um it's got to be something that you know you can do and then when you do do it that it rewards you it gives you some sort of reward like that is sort of you know the the process of how do you create and and do something uh create that good habit and then on how to eliminate a habit you know and you know make it invisible make it unattractive make it difficult uh like these sort of aspects of um you know trying to release habits that you have you know in in the case of somebody that was raised on Sweet Tarts and Fruit Loops you know it would be like don't put any Sweet Tarts and Fruit Loops in your house you know if you're trying to kick Sweet Tarts and Fruit Loops because what do you put some in the in the pantry what are you gonna be doing you're gonna be grazing on sweethearts when you get a little bit hungry and you don't have any food in the house like oh let me just dig in and take a handful of Fruit Loops you know what I mean um but that sort of fundamentally you know how you would look at habits and if you're in a place of trying to um no like break a habit or create a new habit and it's smart right it's very smart you know and and I and I think even you know uh very much aligned where he even talks a lot about uh how important systems are uh to allow you to you know develop a habit and and for me you know the the only pathway um to truly create a a real habit that turns into a way of life is is consistency you know what I mean and consistency um is is the most important aspect of it you know what I mean and and there's layers to to how committed you are to the different aspects of developing and building Habits Like You know sometimes you'll say oh yeah you can you can you can eat healthy but there's degrees in what healthy is you know what I mean you can have you know a salad that's like 2 000 calories that you stuff yourself and and can uh you know you know barely walk you know what I mean I guess it's better than having a you know 3 000 calorie cheeseburger and fries that gives you the same filling but it's you know it's still it's still relative to um you know how how you approach everything right because discipline you know is is is important to get consistent um but you can't be a disciplined dabbler you know what I mean we we so often dabble with discipline you know where we like we're not fully committed uh to being deeply consistent we just we know we need to to to get better and we know we need to be disciplined so we don't put any measurement we don't do anything to track it we just start doing it and and while we do it a little bit less but we still give ourselves mental credit for it we we will lie to ourselves and say like oh we still got in the gym even though you went down and we're in the gym and just barely did anything you still like oh I was there and yes that's that's uh better than not being there but that's when you you're dabbling in discipline and if you're dabbling in discipline and inconsistent it's never going to become a habit uh and if you don't make it a habit you are never going to get to a place where it is just the way that you live you know and and for me you know the most powerful thing that you can do is is create some sort of clear measurable uh you know goal towards creating that habit whatever that habit may be you know and and you know why I love to track um my core Health uh stuff every single day is in is now um this more fun sort of way of existing to see the numbers right we're in the beginning man I really needed to track uh did I get up at five did I uh meditate did I brain train did I eat clean did I not drink like did I get in the gym like I I needed to track those to get myself to do it in the beginning and to me like measuring it and creating that sort of system of just tracking it each day you know it it kept me honest kept me motivated and and ultimately gave me a more satisfactory feeling when I was more consistent at it because I could see that more consistent number then then the more consistent you get um the better you feel about it and then ultimately um after a certain point it is now um no longer taking discipline and you're no longer looking at it from the lens of like oh I have to do this and it eventually becomes what you do it is just who you are a way of life and the way that you actually live and and to me when I when I talk about you know you know the idea of creating great habits is is not the goal but just the beginning of pushing all the way through to to it is a way of life and who you are in the way that you live and eating healthy every day because you would think like why would I not eat healthy you know getting in the gym just thinking like why would I even allow myself to lose progress on how much progress I've made and how great I feel by being in here consistently like you know meditating like instead of being like Oh I got too much going on how can I quiet down and get there and it just being like if I don't meditate I'm not gonna have the energy and the quality of life all of this stuff together is is a shift in mindset uh when it goes from take taking discipline to create a habit and turns into an effortless intuitive way of being that is the ultimate automation you know what I mean that that intuitiveness and way of living your life um is another form of automation you know and and it is one of the most powerful ones um because it has an extremely high output um with very little mind share and little very little effort to actually execute it you know and and to me it's like you know when when you think about um you know how quickly uh certain aspects of bad habits can Compound on top of each other you know it's like they just they pile up so quick you know what I mean and and to me like even though I will go all the way back and say hey if I don't eat um if I eat clean and don't drink that I'm going to reach this higher plateau in life I'm going to be more consistent you know whatever whatever that's my whole thing of like if I can just um you know like do just that by itself and make it the most consistent then everything else Falls in line and for me it's the hardest one because of the way that I was raised you know and and the sense of something that's embedded in me that I'm I'm continuing uh continually fighting and why you know tracking it and putting measurement to it uh is so it's so important for me you know what I mean and and not only giving me motivation but then keeping me more consistent that that you know prevents me from from dipping back you know and and um you know because you know what it is it'll be like one too many drinks leads to like oh here we go you start eating a little bit soft and then boom you skip a gym day oh you skip a meditation like now it's like oh man like like uh here I am like you know like thinking about it again um and and sad that I've drifted into this space but the difference is is once it's like part of the way that you live it's a it's a it's almost like you have to do so much to actually not do that when you start consciously needing to to do it with purpose um that's when you know it is is much more intuitive than just a habit you know like when you really um you know I don't I don't want to say like you feel guilty but you're at least conscious of the fact um that you know what you are putting in your body or what you're doing is going to have an effect on on all the different aspects of your life um and you are prevent yourself from doing it because you just don't even want to feel that way that that is when it is it is much more intuitive you know and and everything in your life whatever it may be um will be dictated um by turning those uh high quality actions uh that make the best version of you on an ongoing basis on a continual basis to where it's the only thing you know what to do and want to do that that is where you're trying to drive everything while then constantly being on the lookout for those embedded habits and triggers that always get you you know I mean because I I've I will I cannot even fathom for how disciplined in in like how evolved I am how aware I am that I could still I got caught in a candy run in Halloween this year last year I didn't get caught in it yesterday I had the strength of fighting through it and and this year I got caught in it and it's like I I know that like you know you you you cannot do it you cannot allow it to get to you um but it still happens when it is embedded in you and it is sort of a way of life that you had at an earlier age like it almost never leaves you you know what I mean it's like bad habits that turn into like triggers that are almost like part of your existence that you gotta fight uh and create systems and habits to keep you away from those bad habits that are intuitively a part of your makeup is is going to be this ongoing struggle I think for everybody for the rest of their lives it's it's very similar I think to um you know a addiction and people that like you know um are addicts that that basically are are spending their entire life creating systems and better habits to avoid ever going back uh to whatever they may be addicted to I think um each of us has you know so many more of similar type of things that aren't as damaging um you know as it relates to you know detrimental to your overall existence but are still um and you know a significant part of our lives that we want to continually get more consistent at the high quality good things in our lives that turn from Habits to our way of life that ultimately you're there to defend all the Sweet Tarts and Fruit Loops we want to eat you know what I mean uh but I I I only say it to the idea of you know you you just have to continually think about um you know like getting stuff from a really hard uh State you know like something that you have to try hard to do that you have to think about all the time that you have to commit the energy to being disciplined to where you even think about it like I gotta I gotta have better habits you just want to do whatever you can uh to get consistent enough to get those things out of the place of using energy to think about them and get them to a place where they are intuitive to the way that you live because that is where that high quality harmonious existence lives you know and that's all I'm looking for you know I'm getting better and better at it on an ongoing basis and I hope that each and every one of you uh is is committed and trying the same thing because that's really really what it's all about just trying to live a high quality harmonious life all right thank you again for listening to the show appreciate you guys you know what it is like subscribe tell a friend share with somebody repost it screenshot it talk about it I don't know you know what it is uh find us at catch us on our YouTube uh catch us on social media be a part of the lifestyle uh until next time you know you know you gotta keep those eyes sharp 2020 on the future you gotta write it down and write it down and write it down and write it down till you understand it and then you gotta push push push push push till it's real until next time see it believe it do it
Channel: Rob Dyrdek
Views: 11,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rob Dyrdek, Dyrdek, Dyrdek Machine, Machine Mindset, Machine Method, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, startup, venture capital, consumer, CPG, brand, branding, marketing, design, venture studio, incubator, brand studio, business, investing, partnership, angel investing, Ridiculousness, Rob and Big, Fantasy Factory, MTV, skateboarding, Habits, good habits, lifestyle
Id: -5my9P41ID0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 23sec (1583 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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