Spinning A Wheel to Decide Which Pokemon We Catch

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this wheel decides which Pokemon we have to catch each round whoever wins the round gets a point and the first person to get five points is the winner are you excited for today's video I'm So High We Shall spin the wheel and in the first round how fitting for a short King like me we gotta find the shortest Pokemon my friend three two one begin the round okay so I found one already that I think will be really really short but we can only Capture One Pokemon can I catch you for this round yes come to America get a cage and trap me inside of the cage okay I found some really small Pokemon but I'm thinking we need to go smaller you know the Ant-Man movie just came out we need to go microscopic for this see this is so tricky because we can only Capture One mon I've seen so many little Lads that I feel like I should commit to one of them but I really don't want to lose this challenge too I want to win the first wheel video on Nintendo I really do Vinnie I have the exact same issue many mini Lads not many that I know will be a winner I don't know which one I should pick I feel like I should capture this dude I feel like I should capture this I have so many starters in my game I mean it's wonderful but I don't think they're that small you're as wonderful as a starter Vinnie you know this has to be some kind of drama during the video so you'd be good cop I'll be bad cop I hate you foreign by the way if anyone finds a shiny you ought to win the round what I didn't know that okay you know I'm locking in this has to be really small I am also locking in I just feel like I'm not finding anything smaller than this little guy right here by the way no master balls Pat no cheating all right a master ball and a quick ball on the first turn what's the difference there's a big difference the quick ball can fail and you will never fail in life if you hit that subscribe button hey got him oh I just caught my Pokemon and looked at his height I am not winning this one as a six foot two Giga chat I don't really relate to that in England you guys don't even use feet you use like meters or some shots you don't know how tall you actually are no we use quackers I'm sorry what to measure height we use quokkas and to measure weight we use Stone ah how many Stone are you is that is that an appropriate question I ask not ask a lady what stone they are I'm so sorry Miss there it is got it my Pokemon is a pocket I thought it's really small turns out it's one foot four inches that's kind of big can I be honest I just beat you quick attack actually one foot tall oh okay I thought he was way smaller than that for being a bug but he's one feet tall dude that's a point for vintendo the vintendo squad is gonna win the wheel challenge time for the next round dude I love I love this wheel content I gotta set oh now we are flipping the script we are looking for the heaviest Pokemon kind sir oh okay I get you we have to look for Pokemon with a lot of stone dude three two one go all right we're off once again I am fast traveling out of here I would like a Groudon because I know from doing a lot of YouTube shorts that Groudon is indeed very heavy okay I'm out in the Misty Mountains and I'm finding nothing but cats if you get a per ugly I mean I don't want to judge but that is a large lass you know what you need to find mudsdale one of the heaviest thing in the series he's not wrong I am literally not finding any Pokemon we have less than five minutes left Vinnie if we don't find any Pokemon then it technically we draw no no that's not what we're doing where the hell are the large boys [Music] I'm gonna win Vinnie this is really not looking good for me I need to catch this thing and it's really really hard to catch I don't know if I should come here yes this is a very rough round for me I gotta find something entirely new well while Vinnie is over there stressing I'm going to have a picnic you are not about to do a picnic in the middle of our video Pat yeah I'm good I'm gonna do a picnic I have three minutes of awesome picnic time dude there's no Pokemon spawning you want mine do I want your Pokemon yes please you're actually pretty heavy I feel I feel like you're pretty heavy I don't know man you're gonna take me to Victory on you but yeah you are that's a good boy you know what there's only two minutes about left I gotta get this and just hope that you actually didn't get something that heavy crit captures what I got buddy Pokemon that I call as a finishing he weighs 132.7 pounds my monthsdale weighs 144 Stone you're just a little bit heavier Pat I'm on the board baby spitting it spinning it now we gotta catch the Pokemon with the highest speed stats three two one go all right so I actually saw Pokemon in the last round that is ridiculously fast and I might just have to capture it immediately wait Vinnie it's cheating to use memory oh this guy's so fast but I can't commit to something within the first minute unless you do as well I'm committing to something right now but I've literally found it already so we're gonna make the speed round a speed round fair enough let's do it yeah yeah it's gonna be a fast one I don't know if I can catch this though to be honest oh I think you got a legendary which is scary but I know this Pokemon is quick with it dude here we go quick after I think that was a quick capture no there's no way [Applause] Benny are you ready to cry I got spectria with 130 speeds oh you just beat me I have an intellion with 120 base speed GG let's go the wheel is being spun yes let's see okay in this round this is gonna be a fun one we have to see who can catch the Pokemon with the most arms dude that's such a weird thing to try and find here on the Nintendo Channel we do weird three two one start that timer bucko I'm gonna fast travel somewhere else because I feel like something with a lot of arms would not be in the region an area that I'm in right now Vinnie all legs arms no arms are arms interesting you ever hear that age-old Tale on like do dogs have four legs or two arms and two legs I say they have four legs and nobody can tell me differently the picture where they put the jeans on the dog except is how do you put the jeans on the dog Ryan throw that on the screen let us know how would you put the jeans on the dog there's a band of Lucario Misfits just hanging out right there dude you know what would be great honestly right now a hoopa Unbound I'll say it right now I got two arms but I do have three legs oh whoa my dick is huge I'm going down to the beach beach let's all get away [Music] just one actually oh my God I got so lucky wait no don't leave don't leave oh my God he's literally scurrying away stop yes earned it okay I think I win this round let's go I need to fake it I need to go somewhere else because this is the nose is not working did you find a spider Ops maybe oh he did oh he did it's entirely possible but at least I gotta catch it within three minutes dude no one has arms here two minutes left dude I need to I need to find something I need to hurry up the problem is my leftovers are going off and then spadop's Moody is going off wait no way you're about to beat the system bro I'm gonna make an argument here with this one okay I'm excited to see what you do here I'm very excited this is gonna be a controversial one I think we're gonna get some controversy in this I did catch my Pokemon I need to put it asleep oh my God I have a minute left come on come on come on come on stay calm why is it so hard to catch dude if I don't even catch it then it's gonna be really awkward that is definitely gonna be awkward please no I would say because we said earlier that if the timer runs out you have to catch the thing nearest to you you get an extra minute so now you have a minute I have one minute one minute one minute one minute dude I literally to throw balls I mean it's making up rules on the Fly baby it's using a multi-hit move so it stalls did you catch a mouse hold no no but that would be a really good idea though it would be so good because that's multiple arms are we about to see a throw around and a wheel video dude it's not a throw route it's just not staying in oh man this is rough he's throwing folks he's throwing more than a pitcher in the MLB I just have time for this ball and that's it I don't know I don't have time to throw another one final boss for the content let him catch this please please stay in I don't know if this would have flown I was trying to catch brambling what the is that the Tumbleweed Pokemon I was gonna argue in favor of the sticks individually all being arms because he uses them as whips comment section does Bradley have arms yes or no I think yes I'm gonna say that spadops is the winner here because he has very clearly four arms ladies and gentlemen we are tied up two to two remember first of five this is a spicy video I'm excited about this dude we gotta spin the wheel here we go what's coming up next oh the Pokemon with the highest defense stats three two one we're moving oh look who it is the Pokemon with 30 arms apparently I just think it has a love whoever wins this one takes the lead bro this is this is gonna be an interesting round can I evolve Pokemon no Don I was trying to think of what your reply then I realized that my brain's broken and I can only think about the tick tock Subway Surfer videos imagine that starts happening in long form too on the left side of your screen you'll see this on the right side subway surf or Ryan make it happen dude we gotta really have good retention in this video oh dude I'm having a rough round I'm not gonna lie to you hey Vinnie what is very defensive rock types yes and what is sand you got a Palo sand didn't you no well I they call me the modern philosopher the cult they call me the polka tube in Leonardo da Vinci he's not he's not he's an artist he's he's literally an artist mate and I've captured my submission oh I just won I actually just won I just got something perfect for this if you capture it within time then you did oh I will and remember I get one minute after the timer so technically I have over four minutes to capture this thing I think I just got a quick capture got it boys I caught a colossal okay Ace defense stat 120 mate okay let's get into the court session water compaction when you hit it with a water type move increases the defense of your Pokemon so even though my defense is technically 110 it could be a lot high no okay never mind you're lost take the loss like a freaking Champion all right I'll take the L that's fine here we go the wheel is spinning my balls are tight we gotta see who can catch the Pokemon with the highest base stat total start that timer Let's Get It Stop Those engines and we're off that might have a high base stat total I'm not even gonna lie I know where I'm going I'm going to the lake because there's always strong things than Lakes there's always strong things at the lake huh oh I just realized there's a lot of things that could have a high base stat like Paradox month I think I'm actually gonna go to area zero for this oh spinny technically if you have huge power that doubles your attack stat does that count towards the base that total you gotta stop with these weird negotiations dude I'm gonna assume that this has a very high BST you want to get something that's really powerful but it's really hard to capture we're not using master balls in this challenge yeah all right so my game keeps crashing repeatedly in area zero so we are not gonna catch any Pokemon there so I have less than four minutes to capture something else that will hopefully have high base stat total I'm a little scared Vinnie but I'm going on holiday with my captcha I'm chilling out and the beautiful sands of the casa first episode those are those are some really beautiful beautiful sands I'm scouring over Sans as well actually I am literally screwed in this round I guess I just have to settle for this and hope that the underdog can come through right here this is what I gotta hope for I did get a screen tail and it's base stat total is 570. oh yeah I got destroyed dude I got a dawn fan with a base that's all of 500. oh that's a decimation we are now 3-3 baby ladies and gentlemen we are tied up this is just getting started baby this is just getting interesting all right let's spin that wheel what hit the sub button y'all gotta hit that sub button right now we're trying to hit a million subscribers by the end of the year we gotta re-spin now because we just hit the sub button I'm so happy we hit that one I was hoping we would oh three two one we're schmooven oh I'm off I know exactly where I go I saw a really big boy before and I'm gonna go right for it you now now I don't remember honestly off the top of my head where any big boys are for me wait call me Leon because I'm hopelessly lost where am I I already got mine I'm locking in dude wait what really are you serious yeah I got mine dude oh wait no actually I don't want this one this one's not fully evolved I'm going to the island because I must find my tall boy oh there it is there it is okay okay okay Stop drowning no it's drowning I'm Gonna Save it I must save it I'm Gonna Save it actually might be pretty tall why is it drowning I got it oh my God you got something large didn't you I think I should just commit to that to that one that I found earlier I think it's still really tall all right you know what you know what I am gonna go with this I have confidence that this is still large even though it is not fully evolved come on stay in the ball don't be that guy right now pal don't be that guy got it quick capture Vinnie I quota for rigor wrath and it is ten foot six I call it a silicobra and it's seven oh three oh that's still really good though all right Pat if you win this next round you win it all if I win this next round we're tied up for a sudden death round my friend here we go the wheel is being spun three two one go all right oh my God I have so many in front of me already this is the hottest choice of my life Vinnie I have a really light one too oh my God this is made of gas it's called way much or maybe this one oh this is hard I don't know which one to pick bro if you get a gasly oh no it's not a ghastly but that would have been so good if I'm remembering correctly I saw ghastlys in this challenge I just need to retrace my steps I think I gotta go with this one there's no way that this is heavy scouring the paldaya region looking for a school of scary looking ghouls and goblins just oh I'm I'm good I think I just won the entire thing but yeah I think it's over I think it's game I think the only way that I can win this is if I actually get a ghastly yeah I ghastly I think weighs like negative weight yeah so much buoyancy you have four minutes to find a gasly bucko I have a backup in the event that I can't find the gas boy you can't find one give up listen I I got top oh no shut up dude there's no shot I actually just found one now I just gotta capture it now I just gotta capture it maybe there's a chance that ghastly weighs more than this I promise you right now I've done the weight shorts I'm pretty sure Gastly is the lightest Pokemon you can get definitely stay in the ball you can't do this to me right now definitely is the lightest Pokemon in the Pokedex and point two I literally oh my God that's insane ladies and gentlemen we have just entered the sudden death round all right time to spin that wheel here we go come on baby let's see Pokemon with the lowest defense three two one the final round Starts Now who's gonna win folks oh that's a little oh it's little but I don't know if it's bad I'm trying to remember like every Pokemon I've already encountered cute oh wait yes oh do you have low defense be like these have low defense but I don't know for sure no don't kill it don't don't kill it how do I throw Pokemon in a Pokemon video it's I don't know how to cover the Button Man click the button are you committing because I think I found what I want to commit to dude I'm trying to think like I'm seeing so many Pokemon that probably have low defense I'm so scared that you're just gonna get something even lower so I'm like triple checking this area yes oh my God I started oh I hate it when it does that that's really gross I just really want to win this first wheel Challenge on Nintendo so I'm trying so hard to find something that's weak I have locked in the final round I feel like you guys love low defense right four minutes remains wait wait I honestly don't know his defense set but I feel like it has to be so I'm gonna go with this because I know when it evolves it's really good but I'm gonna assume it's like The Magikarp situation where it's really bad but then it gets really good okay I called it gimme ghoul oh it's got really good defense hasn't it his defense is base 70. yes let's go I caught a Wiglet baby it's 25. wait hold on folks I was looking at the wrong gimme ghoul form roaming for him has a defense stat of 25 what was yours 25 we have another round now we are truly in the sudden death round here we go I'm spinning the wheel kind sir [Music] hey I'm looking for the Pokemon with the highest special attack stats three two one let's do this I know exactly where to go yo I can't believe I thought I lost but I actually didn't I just need to find that Pokemon that I was looking at before should be easy should be around here I think I can win with this Pokemon I just don't know if I want to commit this early on there was an incredible Pokemon here and it's not here anymore too oh there it is there it is it is here it is here oh wait so you're committing balls deep in this one yes okay I'm gonna fast travel here I'm pretty confident that I can find something with high special attack this is really good I'm locking in I'm locking in I call it quick capture I have captured Gengar with 130 special attack [Music]
Channel: Vintendo
Views: 485,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cna9XQfaMh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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