My Personal Loadouts 2016

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this venture going up well guess that'll do hey everybody uncle Dain back again and today I thought I'd do kind of a well I guess well what will end up being maybe a yearly tradition after I do it this time but last year I did this I basically just went through all my loadouts and showed you guys why I equipped certain things on certain classes the cosmetics that I wear in each class and things like that so yeah I did that last year and you guys seemed to like it I think it's still one of my most viewed videos so I'm assuming people liked it anyway around this time last year's when I did so as an anniversary type deal let's do it again I know it's probably not the most exciting video in the world but hey you know it's a it's something and I know a lot of people have been asking for it so I got to give the people what they want sometimes you know what I mean anyway gonna be going down the list in the regular order from left to right now we'll start off with the Scout character scout I don't really play too much anymore I used to play them a lot more but I still from time to time get a kick out of it I've been kind of getting back into it lately but my first loadout is just kind of the basic loadout that I use for just oh just playing scout you know the the the stock stuff on scout is generally the best so I just use a strange regular scattergun no skins or anything I don't have a strange skin for the scattergun yet just my classic brought to you by Carl's jr. killstreak scattergun so that's that and then um we've got the capper it's a laser pistol you know you gotta have the lasers so that's why I switch that out with the regular pistol because I don't know it's just it's a lot of fun to fire lay the sound it makes is a lot of fun so yeah and this one's specialized killstreak I think somebody gave this to me I want to say that this was gifted to me but I'm not sure and of course the strange atomizer when I said the stock scout is usually the best for everything I mean stock plus the atomizer atomizer is is pretty dang good why four kills on it that's amazing I don't even remember ever getting a kill with this thing but anyway it's it's just so it's like a good passive thing I that's why I like to use it and my second law this is the kind of the one that I use like on those maps that have like a lot of good vertical ground because oh man oh man the soda popper I have a vibe for some reason if a professional killstreak soda pop I'm not really sure why when I or where I got this from I don't even think anyone gave this to me I think I was maybe intoxicated one night and I bought it but uh totally worth it I use it a lot actually he's it all the time for just kind of running around and trying to see what I can pull off and of course with the kind of messing around Scout comes the Sandman guillotine combo I really can't pull these off very well anymore I feel like I used to be really good at being able to Sandman cleaver people but I think that skill has waned with over time so oh well maybe someday we can revisit that and then I think this third one I don't even think I really need a third scout low to help slot because I don't play it enough but I think maybe this is what I use whenever I'm playing on payload maybe in like a more serious setting if I ever somebody ever for some reason wants to ring me ask out in like a actual game the mad milk is generally pretty good for payload I found since that's where a lot of people like to congregate is around the cart so you can just milk the cart and say courts been milked and then run away and then your team can follow up with that but I don't know this is kind of like a wild card slot I guess because I guess I could put whatever here and it doesn't matter and my D slot always on all of my on all of my loadouts you're gonna find that the D slot is my MVM slot so all I have to do is just hit four on my keyboard whenever I'm playing nvm I don't have to worry about having the right stuff for when we start playing so in mbm generally you can choose whatever scattergun you want it doesn't really matter in nvm what scattergun you have I'll choose the the soda popper because it's the most fun to use and then of course the mad milk and the fan of war are very important at nippy em so you can milk giants and mark Giants for death with the Phantom Wars to help you out how about your team so and as far as the cosmetics go I recently got this unusual human cannonball I traded a lot of stuff recently I I sold a lot of stuff and then I kind of like went and I was like I need to get an all class unusual with the Miami nights effect so I got that a human cannonball it's an okay hat it's not right hat but I didn't buy it for the Hat I bought it for the fact that it's all class and that it's Miami nights which is my favorite unusual effect by far and of course the gray bands great bands is kind of like you know it's just a cool thing to put a Newton on your stuff and I think I crap yeah crafted these a while ago and I just today painted them white I've been wanting to paint these white for a while and then right before I made this video I checked my my trade offers and somebody had just donated to me some white paint for no reason so I was like oh sick I can finally paint my socks white so I had some white paint but I was like unsure if I wanted to spend that last white paint on my socks or not so so that's my Scout moving on to the soldier class I have recently kind of fallen in love with the original I don't know I haven't watched my old video recently but I don't remember if I was into the original back then but I know that that at least in the last six months I've kind of started using the original a lot more than you so yeah I got a strange one and I have so far 1,700 kills on it almost 1,800 so yeah I've been using a lot and I've been noticing that uh ever since I got this unusual which is actually not my outclass one this one I've had for a while this is the unusual full metal drill hat Miami nights I've kind of noticed that a lot of medics like to heal me because you know that in pubs medics tend to hang on to the person with the unusual which is good that's I mean that's why I wanted to get an unusual for all my classes so that I could maybe get some heels and stuff but because you know sometimes you gotta can try and convince the medics to heal you in pubs but with the unusual it kind of goes without saying it's like hey hey guy I have spent a little bit of time playing this game enough to at least invest in a new and unusual maybe you know I might be a good idea to give an over heal to so for that reason I've decided to kind of do away with the gunboats because I don't find myself doing a whole lot of sick rollouts I'm not very good at rocket jumping I mean I can rocket jump fine and I can do like specific really easy tricks and stuff but I am absolutely absolutely terrible at strafing like I don't know what it is but I can't get my damn finger off that W key and I haven't really been I don't know into it enough to really train myself off of it yet so for now I'm just gonna be like okay I'm gonna just do mediocre jumps for now and I'll get rid of the slot for the gunboats for just the regular shotgun here which this shotgun oh man this is one of my favourite shotguns ever you can't inspect it right now I guess I'll inspect it later buddy there is he's Oldman it's such a nice skin and ever since they made it so you can actually strange if I the the civilian grade stuff I was like oh right away I'm gonna strain to fly the dang autumn leaf one because like I am a sucker for strangers I think a lot of people know that I really want to try and get a strange of everything in the game eventually and so I can't really justify using a weapon too much if it's not strange and so I've been always just you know attached to the weapons that are strange so once I strange defied this I was like this is my new shotgun this is the one that I'm gonna use so I transferred all my old kills over to it it's way past hail zone already it's got 10k kills plus on it you know so I've been using that on all of my shotgun enabled classes and of course I'm a pic class because I can choose the pic you know with any kind of this is I guess that's kind of the pocket soldier loadout the this is kind of good I mean I could switch this out with the with the whip as well but the this pickaxe is pretty good I keep forgetting what it's called the escape plan yeah because you can escape with it my second load out here is my there are no medics on the server right now loadout which is my my black box I love this black box it looks so cool I don't know I don't care what y'all say about the the festive black box I think it looks really cool it's kind of like a almost from from a distance it looks like a really crappy australium so maybe that's why I like it one day I want to get an Australian black box but this is this is gonna have to do for now this is my what is this professional it is is it how do you tell it is kill streak use fire horns yeah this is my professional kill streak black box aptly named no because whenever you get in a 1v1 soldier soldier fight with somebody's using a black box in the conquered and together usually that just is like a jig big giant no right in your face so it's it's also the description I just noticed that no and no so and of course the Conqueror is one of the best backpacks if not the best backpack for the soldier I use it a lot in pubs because healing is often hard to come by and you know those pesky Scouts but 123 health always stealing the giant ammo packs so you got to have some reliable source of healing there and my go forward move ahead try do detective is not too late just whip it whip again you know this is a reference to an old Depot song I don't know if you guys are old enough to remember listening to this on the radio but yeah this is a reference to song about whipping which goes hand-in-hand with its ability which is to whip people and whip them good and this is the just usually the the Cu loadout for a lot of classes going to be the messing around or like the wild card loadout I generally actually use this a lot for exploring maps like if I downloaded a custom map or something I'm usually going to go and get a good look at it by just rocket jumping to places because you can get a good idea of where the hip or where all of the what do you call it the hitbox for the sky the skybox let the hitbox for the sky is by rocket jumping and stuff because if you know clip around here actually not going to be able to find the hitboxes are though I keep seeing hitbox this skybox as well so yeah I prefer to jump around with this of course the frying-pan because why not and this is my MVM loadout a lot of people will always tell you to use the buff banner pretty much this is the automatic choice for soldiers always use the buff banner this is the biggest deal for soldier and as far as the other two it's usually not a huge priority to pick between I mean usually you want to pick between either the stock the black box and this and I feel like this is probably the least used but I like to use it a lot because I just love the beggars bazooka I always have I don't really use it as much in pubs anymore because I feel like I've gotten a little bit more used to using the stock rocket launchers and stuff like that and but I still use it all all the time so this is actually a gift from blind pyro who is named I poop at the moment flights is that on there and of course the the escape plan I mean although this could be anything I just kind of have it on that right now and then I will go over my cosmetics here got my unusual as well and the all-father which is all actually all class now they actually updated it to be all class except for certain classes like that can't have it such as the I think I want to say the spy the Scout in the pyro although I'm gonna have to double check that spy and then I've got my strange fancy dress uniform just because I like strangers and it doesn't really look that noticeable on here but I think it looks nice as you can see he kind of looks like my engineer a little bit and that's kind of what I was going for with it is a an uncle Dane looking soldier even though he's not an engineer and then this monstrosity the pyro I always get a kick out of the way that I made this guy look cuz he looks insane he looks even more insane with the helmet on because he looks like he's just so reckless that he needs to be helmeted at all times he has special needs or something ever since the degreaser nerf I have completely transferred all of my I mean I don't even use it anymore anywhere cuz I don't I can't do the cool combo kills I can't do the the you know the switch in pop them up in the air switcher you kill him with a flare gun flare mo quit you know hit him with the axe you know I can't do that stuff I'm not very good at pyro it's my least played class so when I do play pyro it's usually too high bro so I have this wrench here which actually removes sappers on hit wear which is the biggest part of this loaded I think and then the shotgun because I'm pretty decent with the shock and I'm not very good with any of the flares I just can't hit them as well I uh shotgun I'm used to so I use that and then the stock of flamethrower which is decent it's okay I mean yeah I just I don't know I don't get enough out of the degreaser to use it all the time so I just go with the stock all the time for for my pyro needs this is my freedom loadout whenever I don't have an engineer to babysit all go in I'll roam around the map and try and burn people's butts and so that's what this is this is the I burned your but the non-tradable crafted weight somehow I crafted this it says crafted by Dame but it's also not tradable so that must mean that I crafted it using an uncrackable piece of metal and I don't know how that happened but I had I guess I renamed it I burned your butt and I've got the detonator for getting those sick flank routes a little bit more open to the pyro and then strange power jack for speeding along and then this is for when I don't really do this anymore but ever since this thing got nerfed but wow this game is easy is the name of my flick just an error because man this thing makes the game pretty easy you just spam your score shot at people until you get your of which takes a lot longer now and then you go and pop it off next to somebody without them noticing because before you could just pop it off right in front of people and it was all fine because you would get your health back and it would be like what are you gonna do about it now but now a little harder to do that which is understandable I think that the the fledge inator is absolutely fine now a lot of people are always asking me what do you think about flips majors at Opie's ropey no not anymore it was pretty annoying before but it was it's now kind of it takes a lot more work to get kills and I feel like that time that you're spending just burning people and trying to stay alive so that you can get your infamy to a little bit higher could be spent being a little bit more aggressive so it's okay it's okay scorch shot is amazing though I love this court show I actually use this a lot doesn't really take like cuz like I said I'm not very good at aiming with it so that's good for me because you don't have to actually aim it Kirsten in order to set them on fire you can just kind of aim in the general direction and then I'll somehow you know alight multiple people so and then for when I do nvm I like it didn't actually change at all I do the exact same thing and nvm usually this is for that last seventh wave in that one mission where there's just three tanks and nothing else and yeah I just used the flechas inator to take out the tanks so and as for the cosmetics here I went and tried to make this pyro the craziest-looking pyro of all time he used to have a white gibbous but now he's got the unusual effect on so now he just looks like an insane person with his eyes bugging out and a clown nose taped to his mask so yeah he's look crazy yeah I'm gonna burn everything that's what the pyro would say and then here's my demo man probably my second to last played class actually you guys want to check out my stats I'll just show them right now I'll come back to these later but as you can see demo man's down here and yeah this is just that the standard demo man loadout if if I feel like you know I could do a little bit of damage as demo man if a medic is willing to pocket me then I'll try my best I'm not exactly the best with a sticky bomb launcher which is why I named it this I literally have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to this thing but I try and this I feel like there's some days where I'm good with it and some days where I just can't hit the side of a barn with it so yeah I don't know just stock demo is just one of those things just one of those things is good and of course when I say that I mean the melee doesn't count because of course this Scott Scottsman school cutter is pretty much a direct upgrade because the 20% damage bonus is totally worth it and the 15 percent slower move speed is not really that big a deal because if you're right up in someone's face then you're probably not going to need to move that fast anyway so that's why I use it at least that's what I figure um but this is usually what I'm gonna do in a pub is try and pan people and hit them with the grenade launcher I used to use the the basketball sound and one what was it basketball so iron bomber I used to use a iron bomber a lot more I'm trying to switch back to this though because I don't know I miss the the rollers going everywhere stop I'm kind of going in between them at the moment and the tight Turner is just still really fun I still use this all the time this was a gift from castling I don't really know how that happened I was probably in a server with somebody and he gave to me it was a while ago that was on December 31st and my frying pan I don't have a strange pan but who needs a strange pan because this thing is just perfect the way it is thing with the Ty Turner's they nerfed it so that you don't get a guaranteed crit at the end of a at the end of a charge you get a guaranteed mini crib which is dumb because it used to be a lot better but I guess it needed to be nerfed because it was pretty much the main mainly used shield that everybody all of the demo Knights used so they had to do something to it but you can counteract that with the pan because the pan actually has a hidden stat that says this will crit 100% of the time totally true and totally not making that up right now so that's why I you do that and then this is my messing around demo man I don't think I've actually used these in a long time because I've never really sunk that low into my into my gameplay to where I'm just like I'm gonna go stupid sticky jumper man with the bombs and the caber which doesn't actually work anymore so generally I'll probably just use this to explore Matt but I'm better at rocket jumping than I am at sticky jumping so yeah probably not gonna see a whole lot of play with this one and then my demo man uh loadout for nvm is a higher what pardon me the iron bomber which is a pretty fun weapon I like it a lot like I said I was using it pubs a lot and then I just I don't know just tried trying out new things I probably will try out new things in in nvm but generally robots like to stay in the same spot so the iron bomber can usually get a little bit more kills with a splash damage from the the lingering little rollers you got there and the Scottish resistance I found is really really fun to use in ambient because sometimes robots come from multiple angles sometimes it's just better to have more stickies out at once because you can just buff the damage like crazy and you can fire it faster so you don't have to spend as much money on firing speed and stuff so I don't know the few times that I do play demo in this game in nvm I I always use the Scottish resistance I always have fun with it and then of course the the best melee for for demo man besides the pan and then as far as the cosmetics go I slapped a little white beard on him to make him look a little bit more uncle II and with the grey bands it makes him look a little bit more ugly so he's the uncle yes demo of all the only thing that's off of course is the human cannonball but that's okay because he shouts cannonball I think he says cannonball right I don't know I don't know my demo man quotes too well but I'm pretty sure that's it alright onto the heavy weapons guy this guy looks he looks real shiny because you know what I got a bit of a secret I like to play heavy sometimes well you know a lot of the time that I feel like our team just isn't it isn't cutting it I'll be like hey medic I'll go into the chat hey medic I'm gonna go heavy pocket me and then we'll just completely wreck our e:k the other team with this loadout cuz this is just the perfect pub stomping heavy load out I mean like it's spaghetti he's gonna spook you alright he's gonna get you and I got this less than a year ago and it's already got so many amazing stats on it I mean like this is just I mean if you want a pub stop just get a medic and get a heavy and put them together I mean most pubs can't even deal with that at all and it's just amazing I've got my vintage sandwich it's a bit of an old sandwich so it's got a little bit of mold on it but it's good nonetheless it'll give you the health that you need and then I've got these killstreak waiter these professional he's professional I might have gotten a kid after and you know maybe I got a kit and then I just applied it to these cuz that's super weird cuz uh yeah when are you gonna be ever killing people with this so that's the pub stomping one this is the same deal but this is usually what I do on defense because defensively the natasha is a great mini gun to use you can slow down scouts can slow down spies who are trying to but stabia and army you got a bit of a cough today the fists of Steel are also a great defensive weapon obviously because they're made of steel that make your hands made of steel so I mean what it bullets can't hurt hurt steel so if when you put them up you're gonna be invincible right I don't know I guess that's the way the game works but it's good for making those getaways where you're getting shot at and stuff like that so yeah playing defensively playing red on payload or something generally gonna go I'm gonna go for this and what the heck is this this is my dumb heavy load I think because I would never use the brass piece even though I've have a strange of it what I'm gonna drink a bit of water here the I think the point of this is probably fat scout or just being a dummy I don't think I've ever equipped any of these in like years so I don't know what that's there for it's a wild card we'll call it that and this is the mbm heavy load out to a few times that I do go heavy in mbm generally the stock minigun is the best choice this is what I used to use in pubs all the time but I kind of only really use it in mbm I got my sandwich and mud gloves and like all of my other loadouts the cosmetics are built up to be the uncle least of all I try and make most of my loadouts look uncle e nowadays because honestly I don't really have anything else to do in this game as far as cosmetics go so I've got this really cool hat I think this looks awesome it makes him kind of look like a cop especially with the glasses there but he looks like an old Santa cop so yeah I think that's I think yeah I like it a lot you know I need to get a strange all-father yeah that I'll put that on my list of things that I do get and moving on to the grinder traction the engineer and of course this is the class that I play the most in pubs pretty much everywhere for and this is probably not gonna be too much different to different from last year well maybe I don't know I don't actually remember but a lot of this stuff might be new like this for instance that I've switched out my festive Wrangler for the VATS enhanced Geiger counter this is a obviously a legendary weapon that I found I got it off a really I got it off a legendary character in the game it has improved bats hit chances 25% less actionpoint costs so that's pretty good this was a gift from massive his name is all sorts of messed up at the moment I don't know what's going on with that but yeah I've gotten over a thousand kills on my on my Rescue Rangers since the last time we met and we've got the golden legendary Wow so for those of you who play hearthstone this will make a little bit more sense I changed the name and the I don't know I might change it back again I have no idea what to call this thing I I don't know I spend dollars to make dumb jokes in the moment and then later I regret them but for now this is what it is okay it's a hail zone wrench now and then I've got my dispenser dispenser oh wow we have dispensed over two million health to allies and we've got over twenty thousand kills on all of our centuries combined and look at all those teleported and poor allies we've gotten there forty five thousand wow we sure know how to play engineer don't we yeehaw all right my battle engineer actually this is more representative of what I've been playing lately I've been using this thing like crazy oh man this thing is awesome I I don't know I've been trying to like this summer well I guess this last winter included I kind of made a little bit of a promise to myself I said I'm gonna try and improve my overall engineer diem which means I'm gonna I got to improve my aim with a shotgun cuz I've noticed that man my my engineer aim sometimes leaves a lot to be desired I go over a lot of my clips I review a lot of this footage all day nowadays and I always notice that most of the time I'm like freaking out and flicking my aim at people and missing most of the time so I've been trying to figure out how to make that a little better and I've noticed that the more I use this thing the better my aim gets because I think what happens is I get into this mindset where I think oh man I have to hit my shots or else I'm not going to be able to keep firing at all like I if I don't hit this shot that I will not have any more ammo left and I will have to run away so or switch to my pistol so uh I think that this has definitely helped I've already put almost 2,500 kills on it so far and I got this like I don't want to say six months ago or I started using it like less than six months ago so man this was gifted to me by a nephew very generous this thing is expensive man this is a collector's professional kill streak Widowmaker and it's strange so damn good on him but you know it's my baby now I love this thing I mean it's it's helped me out and it's also just a ton of fun to use like you have no idea like once you get going on a roll like if there's like five people and they just can't hit you and you're hitting every single one of them like you're just gonna take them all out you can't do that with a shotgun no way you have to reload you have to stop and reload like once you hit your six shots you have to stop and this thing you just can't stop firing you have to send help so and this is a pistol that I'm working on I need to get a professional kill streak here for it right now and then I need the name it's something but I love this skin it looks really nice it's my favorite skin that they've come out for with the pistol I just think it looks cute why I don't know what else to say I think it looks cute what you gonna do and when I think on this one there there's stickers that can go on specific skins like you can not only get a randomized skin but you also get a randomize sticker on some places on certain skins and the skin on this one is a rainbow on the clip so cuz uh I like rainbows they're pretty sick you know they're they're cool alright I'm gonna say they're cool and this is of my strange gunslinger also gifted to me by a nephew very generous and I renamed this don't worry guys I'm an engineer man because hey you can't be an engineer main without a strange gunslinger so ah my third slot is my hurry up I got to get this building up slot generally I use the Jag nowadays just for setting up or getting a gun up when I just need to get one up really quickly generally that means that even if we're getting pushed in on or something I'll switch to this loadout really quick and use the Jag to get my building up slightly faster and then I'll switch on back to my stock wrench so usually that's what I'm using it for sometimes it uses an offense to build level twos around the cart in that case I'll usually go in here and change this to a shotgun or something just to make that easier or change this to a pistol so I can use the rescue Ranger in combination with it so I can have a little bit of personal damage but also be able to heal my sentry from afar so that's what I mean this is this is my wild card but also generally my my Jag loadout area so that's what I'm using it for and then this is my M V M loadout I have never deviated from this except for when the Jag was just too good and that's what I'm going to talk about for a second today if you play mbm and you like to play engineer you should probably just use this or the southern hospitality everything else is generally not that great and I'll tell you why because the Jag in mbm it's not used to its full potential because you can get this you can get a little canteen and your canteen that will allow you to just upgrade all your buildings right away in an instant and you just press H or whatever you have it bound to and you've got your buildings fully upgraded and the main benefit of the Jag is that you can upgrade buildings faster that you can set up your buildings faster but in MV m that's pretty much non-existent and when you place your building back down when it's fully built it's just all ready to go doesn't have any sort of build time or anything like that so you can't even speed that up with a Jag so generally the Jag is worse because it has less healing so you're not gonna be able to keep your gun up as much and it also is a weak two spies which if you've ever played nvm you'll know spy spam and mbm is super annoying like they come in waves they come in a little hordes of French people and they just stick sappers on your on your sentry over and over and over and your team just refuses to turn around and help you so yeah if you can you can avoid that as much as possible then that's great so generally stay away from the Jag and mbm that's what I have experienced at least and I love the Wrangler and MVM because you can focus down box and you protect it from damage and the rescue Ranger is the most overpowered weapon into BM ever it's just super amazing it's pretty much the main reason why I love playing engineering nvm it's just a lot of fun so and the cosmetics don't really need to explain myself but hey I want to try it what happened since last year I added this Sheen to it because there was a little bit of a glitch where you can add Sheen's to your non-weapon stuff so I added a bit of a sheen to this so it's even more expensive now and then I also added a sheen to my red texted beard and I didn't add a sheen to this but it's okay it's already shiny enough on its own I guess so those are the point at maybe you can compare since last year and see how many points have gotten in a year I don't know if you're into that but that's my engineer onto the medicinal man we've got the in voluntary euthanasia a lot of the stuff might have not even changed since last year since I haven't really updated a lot of my medic stuff except maybe the cosmetics but crossbow stock and the different kind of face stab here thanks bangus it's a you know classic medic loadout I oh I like playing medic in pubs and this is generally what I'll use if I want to heal somebody this is a strange crits krieg somebody donated this to me as well this is a very generous donation named focus energy this actually was not the name that I came up with and it kind of it kind of goes along with my pokemon theme focus energy user takes a deep breath and focuses to raise its critical hit ratio that's a that's a move from Pokemon if you're unfamiliar with that series so and then we've got uncle Dean's hot chocolate beam this supplies uncle Dean's famous hot chocolate directly into people's bodies so it'll heal them that much faster and probably should get a professional kill streaker for these things because I like to play medic but yeah maybe someday and then you'll notice that the the melee and the and the primary don't change too much just because I really just like these I know that the the amputate ER is probably good maybe for the especially for this because I don't know I'm sure a lot of medic mains would would disagree with this combination but I just can't not have a crossbow I I think that it's just the best medic primary ever don't tell every seven I said that but it is alright and then this is generally what I use an MDM I'm a bit of a rebel I like using the quick fix and mbm haven't played medic and mbm a long time though so I have no idea if that's even a thing anymore didn't they nerf it I don't think they nerfed it in mbm actually and the cosmetics I try and make my medic look as ugly as possible as usual so we've got the Miami nights effect helmet doesn't really make it very unclean and then we've got the grey bands in the all-father great bands and the all-father is like the ultimate uncle fi your loadout combination I've noticed so which I've tried to do with the the sniper but I just can't get rid of the star duster this start is just too awesome to not have so I have to give up a slot I have to give up my grey bands for the star duster but it's just too sick it looks too good can't help it and you know my stock sniper rifle oh whoa I almost had I just got past six six six six Wow just missed it um have you seen chef because that's a very important question to ask and the cozy camper this is something that I've actually recently kind of got obsessed with I can't unequip this thing this thing is so nice for me because my aim as sniper is already not really that great and this used to be called the body shot because I can only really body shot people and this is just so good for when like people are pecking you from across the map and you're trying to hit them I mean it's just so great from that and I was also just really helpful in servers where medics are not the most abundant thing so you can just kind of passively gain your health back over time so you don't have to go scampering for for a health pack when you're we are low health so that's nice and I've also kind of taken a liking to this thing it's just a nice weapon and it's strange it's like one of the few strange sniper melees that I have so it's probably why it's equipped and then this was gifted to me as well the shooting star this thing is awesome it's the mocking every skin and sometimes it's just like trying to get combo so I try and go for Oh baby a triple you know so occasional do that but most of the time I'm doing this this is this is sometimes and then this is the mess around of course the seal orders the mess around I try and hit people with this thing I don't know how people are so good with this but maybe just because I'm not lucky enough I don't have the luck that is required to play with this weapon but I just simply can't hit people in the head with this I don't know what it is it's not good never lucky and then we've got the ham you know we've got to represent all the cool melees on all accounts we've got the pan on one and we've got the ham on the other so that's where this is represented with the ham the genuine killstreak ham shank and then I've got this woodsy Widowmaker Widowmaker this isn't the Widowmaker why would they call this the Widowmaker that's extremely confusing to like new players Jesus they didn't add snowplow but they added that and then I don't think I think I've played sniper and nvm one time but this is generally what people use when they play sniper in nvm so that's what I have equipped I just kind of took it from others I don't really know enough to be confident about that and then we're last looking at the spy doesn't he look glorious I guess you know I guess he doesn't have access to the the all-father and that's why I have the camera beard which I have painted white because it's close enough I got to have a white beard on all my classes alright at least all of them that are able to have beards and so this Spy has is Uncle as much as possible as far as the loadout goes I like to use the Loranger because hey you know what it's pretty much a direct upgrade gives you a longer cloak time and I mean does slightly less damage but whatever who cares I don't play spy enough to really be super good at my aim with the revolvers so it's whatever for me and I've got the blue mutant knife I think uncrated this and I've just kind of kept it around because the the inspect animation for the knife is so cool that I just kind of like when I'm walking around a spy just kind of hit my F key it I hit F to pay inspects to my cool blue moon knife and then I've got this quacking bird it's a rescan of the regular watch and then I've got my festive sapper so yeah stock on everything except for the L'Orange air which I mean lost Rogers pretty much stock it just kind of gives you a little bit more cloak so you can stay invisible longer this is my annoying spy loadout this is what I play when I want to annoy people by trying to head shoot them with the Ambassador I'm not amazing at it but whatever I use this bicycle just in case somebody sets you on fire and I want to live and then this is what I use if somebody damages me and I want and I just run away and still try and shoot him with the Ambassador so this is my second sniper what I guess you could say and then this is my sit and do nothing in the corner spy loadout I don't think I ever really use this yeah maybe if I wanted like troll or something we're like try and do stupid strategies that I'm not very good at this is what I'll use cuz yeah self-explanatory and then this is I guess what you use in nvm but to tell you the truth I can't be completely sure if this is good this is just what they tell me is good because I don't think I've ever actually played spying mbm and not hated myself so that's that's what that is then I said I was going to go look at my stats a second time at the end so this is what we're looking at here we're looking at all my stats as you can see engineer I've played a lot of I've played a lot of engineer almost too much engineer I guess you could say soldiers my second played medic sniper spy scout heavy demo man and pyro heavy is surprised I'm surprised that it's this low cuz I feel like I play heavy a lot more than this but maybe maybe a lot of this stuff was early game like when I first started playing because I didn't do remember playing a lot of sniper and spy when I first started playing this video game and then I realized that those classes suck so just kidding I'm just trying to trigger you guys did I was it successful I was a successful trigger I don't know and to round it out I thought I did um kind of combine two video ideas and one I wanted to do this a while ago in fact I dug out this old video idea list that I had and in it it said backpack organization and I was like what and then I remembered that I kind of wanted to make a video showing you guys how I organized my backpack because whenever I've been streaming lately everybody had been kind of pointing out to me that my backpack is surprisingly organized and I have to agree I do like my backpack organized so I thought I'd show you guys this is the first screen that you'll come to and I leave it empty because this is where everything is deposited whenever you get something so this is kind of like the starting screen for me say like you know this dropped and it'll be like oh I got a drop and then I'll move it onto my dropped weapons page which is my second page so my second page is my drop weapons page whenever I get too many weapons or whatever all or whenever I get like a full page I'll head on over to scrap that TF and exchange that from metal and then I'll put my metal right here I drill here in the video that I sold a lot of my stuff and this is what this is all from I still don't really know what I'm gonna spend this on maybe I don't know maybe I'll get a new medic unusual if one that I want comes onto the market I really can't I can't say because I already have pretty much everything I want so I guess I'll just save it for a rainy day maybe if something really cool comes out that's super expensive then I'll just maybe splurge on it so it's not even really that many keys it's just kind of like an average amount of keys I guess for something but I play a lot of mbm so this is where my robot parts are gonna go Robo parts rock arms Robo parts and then my kits I don't still don't really know what I'm going to do with this if they ever come out with a stranger fire for the eureka effect I'll finally be able to use this in the meantime I might just put it on on a collector's if I can ever get ahold of one maybe that's well spend my keys on a collector's eureka effect how about that this is where I keep my medals and my like tokens and then down here at the bottom I have all of my my thoughts right here's where I have all my Halloween stuff for when Halloween rolls around this starts to look a little bit more active right now this kind of a little bit down in the dumps at the moment because it's almost midsummer and these are all my weapons if you want you can go to scrapped RTF and they can give you all of the weapons in the game if you just give them like I don't know this cost me like five work refined metal or something like that it was it was really easy so it's probably wasn't five it was something like that give him a key how about that we'll say give him a key and they'll give you a whole bunch of weapons back every weapon in the game so you never have to worry about not having a weapon so I've got two pans here for some reason I'm not really sure why and then um this is where I keep all my hats that I don't want to get rid of yeah these are all my hats that I don't want to get rid of and then I have for pyro vision goggles for some reason I don't know people donate random things to me and then they include their pyro vision goggles because they just want to rid themselves up the curse people always ask me how many unusual Zhai have I only have four I mean I only say that I only have four but keep in mind that this one is all class so I can put that on anything and then I've got one for the heavy and one for the soldier and one for the engineer of course because those are the ones that I play a lot and that's why I would maybe maybe look into getting a medic unusual but those generally are pretty dang expensive for some reason so I don't know about that I think I'll stick with my human cannonball this is my lo-fi long-wave that I got from being on crits cast that long time ago and these are all my cool ng things no I just like to keep on the cool ng things on one page this was my old Widowmaker that I used to use until this got donated this is still pretty dang cool but it's not read like this one and then somebody donated this collective professional killstreak jag to me not really sure what I'm gonna do this might give it away someday not sure yet and then down here at the bottom I got a bunch of just miscellaneous things I've got a white paint here just in case you need to paint something white because you never know when uncle Dean's got to paint something white and then I've got a bunch of signs usually these not mainly these are donated and then my doing mini games that I find randomly and then of course my strange is oh man look at all these strangers like I said before I want to try and collect every strange in the game someday so I'm starting with this small collection of strangers every time I get a strange of anything that I don't have I keep it so I've got yeah ooh there those are all those and then this is kind of a bunch of miscellaneous things don't really know what to where to put these because they're just kind of random things there's my my regular panic attack I hope they come out with a stranger fire for this because this bothers me why was this professional kill streak and why is it named and why is it crafted by me idea and I need that I need that please valve please and then some skin that I like and then a Wow a bunch of crates that I'll probably never hope in and then this is my skins collection I started collecting all the engineer skins a while ago and this is as far as I got there are a few pistols I think there's like a knot no actually I think the only things I need to complete this collection are a few of the really really really expensive wrenches these are all factory new and they're all amazing this is the one that I always use but man this looks beautiful and then there's some just miscellaneous skins I guess that I found and then this is just my this the end of my backpack is where I just keep things that are completely useless that I don't really plan on doing anything with I guess this is just some paint that I got from Halloween this is a gift apple that I can't seem to use doesn't let me I don't know why this is oh this is a strange original that somebody gifted me that I still need to like combine all of the kills I need to like use a strange transfer tool district' to transfer two strands fer to transfer all of my old Gil's on this one there's my spirit giving and then these are the matchmaking passes I guess I mean it's kind of bothering me actually but they're like there's lit my ATD is like going off right now because it's not like one row I'm just going to delete that yeah actually I think I don't need any of these I'm just gonna get rid of them all and so that's the end of my backpack so I hope you enjoyed watching this maybe next year I'll do it again who knows maybe I'll die before then ooh spooky oh man if I actually do die before then this is gonna be really morbid for people anyway I hope you enjoyed watching and I will talk to your nieces and nephews next time bye bye
Channel: Uncle Dane
Views: 822,445
Rating: 4.9161096 out of 5
Keywords: team fortress 2, tf2, engineer, gameplay, guide, tutorial, tips
Id: CJzU69Os6DU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 9sec (3009 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2016
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.