Engineer Weapons Tier List

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[Music] even in fellers by any chance of any of you gentlemen seen the video numa numa dance so I'm doing a tier list III know I'm a little late to the party but where am i [Music] imminent lawsuits aside I've been wanting to do one of these terrorists our rankings whatever you want to call them for a while now because I just think it's a it's a it's an interesting way to get your opinions about large groups of things out there in a very simple and easy to digest way I typically prefer to spend large amounts of time talking about what I think about each individual engineer weapon in tf2 and I don't plan on stopping doing that anytime soon but I guess you could consider this list a condensed version of what is currently an incomplete playlist of every weapon review that I've done or I am planning on doing and one more thing before we jump into it this is a hundred percent my opinion completely based on my own experiences using these weapons and the placements that I'm giving them are all relative to each other what I mean by that is that just because I rate something as belonging in the S tier that doesn't mean that the weapon is the greatest thing in tf2 it just means that I regard it as the best among its peers make sense no perfect let's start all right going up from the bottom starting with the D tier what's you stand for it stands for doodoo so of course Thompson is going down here why is the pomp s'en such a bad weapon well it's not that it's ineffective because it can get you some kills and it definitely can disrupt the enemy quite a bit especially the spies and medics who are getting their entire class role chipped away at constantly it's a doodoo weapon because it's a perfect example in my mind of a bad weapon design especially in a game like tf2 in my opinion there's two main things you gotta take into consideration when you're designing a weapon a is the gun fun to shoot and B is the gun fun to get shot against the Pomp's n' is neither of those things first of all Thompson is not very fun it feels like you're fighting a weapon more than you're fighting the enemy team the projectile moves so slowly that hitting anything at long range pretty much just comes down to luck and hitting anything close range will just make you wish that you had equipped any other shotgun instead it's it's honestly I think this it's honestly easier to hit someone with a rescue ranger at long-range that it is to hit someone with the palm s'en at wrong range longer than your and you're not even supposed to be shooting players with the rescue ranger so yea the palm s'en it's not only a pain in the ass to shoot it's a pain in the ass to fight against since you can almost never see the projectile coming which again makes the successful connects feel more luck-based than anything and it actively picks at two main classes abilities which wouldn't be a terrible stat if the projectile took more skill to use so it wouldn't feel like you're just getting punished for no reason whenever you do get hit by it so yeah you combine everything that I just said with the fact that the palm 'sons model inflicts with the art style in such an obnoxious way which overall I don't really have much of a problem with but it's still worth mentioning that it definitely stands out and and not in a good way so yeah um bad weapon bad design bad look basically ET r for the palms and this is my official verdict in fact the dt r is reserved for the palm s'en only believe it or not because the next weapon I'm gonna place is the panic attack which I will put in C C stands for cool I guess yeah the panic attack has it's undergone so many different designs since it was first added I've made two different videos about this thing and they're now both outdated I'm almost paranoid at this point that if I make a third video they're just gonna make it shoot rockets or something the panic attack I mean it used to be a good engineer weapon it actually was a lot of fun to use and it was pretty effective when you played in a very specific way but ever since the most recent change they've turned it into they turn they've turned it from a multi class shotgun that was really only viable to use on one class into a multi class shotgun that's only really viable to use on two classes now so overall it's a buff right epic win whoa epic win but when it comes to the engineer being able to switch to your shotgun it's not nearly as useful as being able to load up a big bullets knees in my opinion so it's not really an engineer shotgun anymore you know unlike the other three classes who use the panic attack the engineer uses his shotgun as a primary weapon and there aren't really any good combo is that the engineer can pull off with it so this would be doesn't exactly come in handy most of the time unless you're in a really frantic situation where you're healing your sentry and then you gotta start shooting at something and then you gotta start firing your short circuit I mean I'm sure that if I played with the panic attack more in its current iteration I probably eventually just end up bumping it up but I don't know maybe I'm just still salty that they took away my bazooka shotgun you know all right next up in the C tier is the southern hospitality a wrench that is definitely not bad but it's definitely not fun either if you watch the video I made you can get the full scoop but basically the southern hospitality in my opinion is just so boring it's got one mediocre upside and one mediocre downside and you can't get random crits with it and everybody knows that it's not even worth playing tf2 if you can't get if you can't to 195 damage to somebody in one hit for no reason I just think it's an uninspired weapon I think I which is a shame because III think it looks pretty cool visually right but until they finally decide to spice up the way it works it's yeah it's a clearance level see type of wrench for me alright moving on up the ladder to the middle of the bell curve here right on into the B Tier II standing for better than C tier generally this is where I'd put weapons that I think are just pretty good I don't really have much else to say about most of these other than you know nice neat I like it so we're probably gonna end up getting through the B ones a little faster here starting with the stock wrench yes the stock wrench is the poster child for a pretty damn good engineer weapon that you just generally can't really go wrong with really it gets the job done and and there's literally no upside or downside to it you know it's a stock weapon yet I don't really have a whole lot else to say about the stock wrench so we'll just solidify it as you know it's it's got a spot in the B section so let's move along the frontier justice it's it's a really fun weapon to use but obviously it's only really good when you use it correctly and what I mean by that is that the enemy team has to either have the awareness of a mole or not know what a sentry gun does what I'm trying to say is that the frontier justice is it's only good if you can trick the enemy into dying to your sentry gun which isn't really up to you but hey you know sometimes it works which makes the FJ a B G a B gun the next be gun is the Widowmaker which the Widowmaker is a personal favorite of mine but only on very specific Maps mind you but Maps you ask the ones where I can get really really close to the people I want to shoot the thing about the Widowmaker is that it requires you to revolve your entire play style around if you have metal or not which can sometimes be irritating if all you want to do is shoot people and not worry about anything else but there is something about the Widowmaker that does want that does make you want to shoot people and I'll worry about anything else so there's that and when you're able to do exactly that the Widowmaker is a ton of fun and it's honestly one of my favorite guns to play with however you cannot chip shot people with it you cannot spend all of your metal on buildings when you have it equipped and you cannot miss and I'm definitely gonna be doing all of those things especially the last one so it's a b2 your weapon for me next up we got the rescue Ranger which is you know that's probably my favorite weapon in the entire game just from you know a roll defining standpoint um I'd say the rescue Ranger single-handedly unglue z-- the defensive engineer from his nest and it allows him to safely walk around without sacrificing the longevity of his buildings at the cost of his own self defensive capabilities which is a great concept I love how the gun allows you to get your buildings out of or into sticky situations which is really fun to do I think my only complaint is that it's a little too powerful on last points because you can just easily abuse it by standing in spawn and just removing yourself from all danger while keeping your gun alive but other than that yeah the rescue Ranger it definitely remains a very b2 your weapon in my eyes next up we got the short circuit another be tier gun very very useful for protecting yourself your team all of the cool stuff that you built from a few stickies or rockets coming your way pretty much validates the soldier versus engineer or demo versus ng one-on-one fights which I really appreciate the only thing I don't like about it at this point is that it's really really easy to abuse on payload carts something that I actually didn't really start to realize until I played in competitive no restriction 6 is pretty recently video coming up about that very soon but I also really don't like that it's not this next thing the pistol which is the last weapon I'm gonna be putting up in the beat here because it's I think it's just a solid secondary for the engineer a lot of people might think I'm joking when I mentioned that the fact that it has a 200 metal ammo reserve being one of the main reasons why I like this thing but I I'm not kidding don't laugh stop having so much ammo like basically on a it's an unlimited amount really it makes the pistol a very reliable medium range spam weapon that you can just use to pick off people from a distance or soft I like this soft and P blow up a little bit before I get within shotgun meet shot range if that makes sense to be honest a lot of the time that I use the pistol I'm constantly firing it at everything but just because I can so yeah overall it's just a really reliable gun to equip if you're planning on ending some lives at your own hand rather than your sentries so so yeah it's gonna be sitting right here in B but just like that we are already out of the B Lane and we're getting into the good [ __ ] brother the8 here is what we're looking at now and the a tier stands for amazing or awesome or all-star weapon all its cents for all of that the eureka effect goes in a just because it's so damn useful man I'm not afraid to admit I use the Eureka effect more than the stock wrench these days because it just has a really very good utility during setup period and yes you know I'm talking about the jag effect rollout you get straight up cheaper teleporters just by equipping the darn thing and you get to keep that discount even after you switch to a different wrench which is great and it's just it's just an interesting concept in general it allows you to pretty much set up your nest in spots where there might not normally be a nest due to the lack of you know good metal packs in fact it just frees you from even relying on metal packs at all which is a great thing on a team of teammates who like to steal them from you all the time it's just a great wrench my only I I think my only complaint is that it's that doesn't have a strange variant it belongs in a my other a tier weapon is going to be the good old stock shotgun a boomstick you know this thing it's just a it's just a good gun bro it does damage it just does okay it just does you use it to shoot and people die when you kill them I can't think of an interesting pitch for why I'm actually putting a stock shotty in a tier I just really like using it a lot unlike every other primary for the engineer I I don't feel like I have to adjust my play style in any specific way to use it effectively and I can just I can just aim and fire and when you're playing a class where you have to think about like ten different things at once sometimes it's just it's just a breath of fresh air to think about just shooting stuff and the shotgun allows you to do that so now this is where we're getting into the territory where that I like to call s tier that's just what I like to call it and I like to call it that because that's what is called and as you can see right there on the screen it's called s tear in this case S stands for whatever you want it to be completely open to your interpretation but the word that I used to describe the weapon in this here is it's it's in a language that no one on earth understands because just so advanced but basically it translates to roughly two like the top two your kind of weapon if that makes sense but you guys can see what's left so I'll just start with the gunslinger because it's just so good you know the battle engineer subclass is just so good being fast is good I think that's the main thing that I like about the gunslinger it's cost and it's personal responsibility is low-impact but its effect on area-denial is high impact you know I kind of want to talk about that sentry guns in general I think are pretty overrated area-denial is something that every class more or less participates in yeah but the engineer just excels at it more than anyone else and often what keep people enemy teen like enemy teammates out of an area is the threat of it's just the threat of getting poked by a sentry a little too hard and then dying pathetically so if you can just keep putting a sentry gun down any kind of sentry gun on the map very quickly and very often I think it's almost as powerful if not more so than maintained just straight-up maintaining a level 3 sentry gun in most situations and so yeah that's generally that's pretty much why I just consider the gunslinger to be an ST engineer weapon alright so sue me I don't do that ok I know that I just talked about how like level 3 centuries or dead and and don't use them no just don't write them off just yet because got guys the next one in my s tier has something to say about that and that is the jag yeah now you guys remember by any chance like 30 seconds ago when I was talking about how like fast is good well guess what the jag is fast at everything that the wrench does it's fast at building it's faster repairing it has it upgrading everything it's only Achilles heel is that it's not able to tank damage as well as it counter its counterparts but it's very very easy to circumvent that as you can probably see by the future placement of that remaining weapon over there well guy he's wait he's patiently waited this whole time but it's coming the Jag is just the best at doing what should be the majority of what you're going to be focused on his engineer when it comes to your buildings and that is building them what yeah you got to build your buildings it makes sense it's in the name even after there you know even after they made the Jag weaker against by sappers I still think that it's the best wrench right now and I'm fine with that you know long live the Jag let's go and then the Wrangler goes at the very top of s tier probably comes as no surprise anyone as I've already publicly said that I think it's the engineers best weapon overall my most recent weapon video was specifically about the details of that opinion just in case you want to check that out but as a summary the Wrangler is the perfect tool for anybody who has built a sentry gun on the map and what engineer is not doing that you can use it to focus fire enemies you can use it to jump around you can use it to damage people who are out of your sentries range those things sound great that's just everything that's on the offensive site of things the defensive capabilities of the Wrangler are straight-up overpowered and turns the engineer sentry gun into a damaged sponge with virtually no effort so it's truly just an amazing unlock for a lot of good reasons but a lot of bad reasons too but while it's still in its current state I'm definitely gonna be putting it at the very tippy top of my tier list that is all of the engineers weapons sorted by how good I think they are and again friendly reminder that this list was generated by me and according to my opinion based on my experience and every weapon was placed relative to its peers I really appreciate you guys watching I'd like to mention the sponsor now Dollar Shave Club very very proud to be partnered with Dollar Shave Club once again and I know what you guys are gonna say down there it's gonna be are you gonna be are you seriously gonna promote Dollar Shave Club 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Channel: Uncle Dane
Views: 1,272,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: team fortress 2, tf2, engineer, gameplay, guide, tutorial, tips, first person shooter, uncle dane, professional, pro, free to play, free, steam, sale, deal, items, crafting
Id: W4HOMvM2E0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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