The Engineer's Blueprints: Badwater Basin

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[Music] hello and welcome back to the engineers blueprints today we are looking at one of those popular payload maps in tf2 Badwater Basin or more commonly just shortened to bad water if there was a way to track the amount of time I've spent on each map in the game I think bad water might be at the number one spot for me possibly tied with Dust Bowl but nonetheless I've played a lot of games on bad water and I would consider it to be one of the best casual mode Maps of all time bad water is also a very popular map to appear in competitive tf2 rotations especially in the highlander scene and despite a slightly edited pro version being used in favor of the original layout being played on valve servers this guide should cover pretty much everything regarding basic engineer strategy for both the casual and competitive modes the Kalos you see on screen are some of the more popular terms used within the community and you'll hear me refer to them throughout the course of this guide alright so let's just jump on in starting out on defense dropping your teleporter outside spawn of course and making your way to the frontlines is a relatively straight forward walk there are multiple great places you can put your teleporter on the first point my personal favorite being right behind this medium health pack underneath this cliff ledge I like putting it here because it's tucked away hidden from basically anyone who pushes up the cliff and hard to notice when walking up the slope to the left a more common place to put the teleporter exit around this area is near the large animal pack on the cliff itself which is a fine place to put it since it ensures your team will filter onto the cliff and instantly have a high vantage point however it will quickly be a target if the blue team decides to make an uber push around the corner from the cliff sign which is why I prefer to put it in a slightly more hidden area that I can still easily access with the rescue Ranger or otherwise another common place to put the teleporter is over in these rocks on the left side at the very top of the slope which is a fine place to put it as well assuming you have teammates around to keep enemies from just walking up the slope and attacking it usually this teleporter spot is accompanied by an entire nest but in my opinion the openness of this area makes it all too easy to get pushed into and when going up against any semi-competent team this holding area never really lasts for very long and the last common teleporter spot is down in this little bunker right in front of the capture point which is also a very common turtling spot however just like the area with the rocks it can be easy for an unchecked player to access this area and take it out due to its obvious and confined placement I also happen to think that this cubby is the absolute farthest back a defensive hold should realistically convene since it's so close to the first capture point so avoid putting any of your buildings in this cubby if you can help it your dispenser as always should be a fluid tool you should be putting wherever your team decides to hold down the fort but a few common spots for the dispenser include against the cliff wall and in the rocks at the top of the slope I think the best place for a defensive team to gather is up on this cliff so if you put your dispenser here chances are you will influence your teammates to gather in an advantageous spot without them even realizing the sentry gun placement on bad water is one of the main reasons I like this map so much because there are so many creative areas to place it but as expected putting it on the cliff is almost always going to be the strongest generally at the very start of the round I recommend placing it in one of two areas depending on where you think the blue team's push will come from you can attempt to determine this based on where your team is holding if you see a weak point where your team is standing chances are that is where the enemy team will try to push if you think the blue team will try and make their way up the slope I recommend putting the sentry gun just out of sight behind the rock near the edge of the cliff this way once the blue players make their way to the top of the slope the sentry gun will be able to shoot them as soon as it enters their line of sight this is in contrast to putting it further towards the side of the cliff with the ramp where the sentry guns range is unable to see players walking up the slope and putting it in danger of long-range spam if you believe that the blue team will push up the cliff side possibly with an uber charged power class I recommend putting the sentry gun as far away from that corner as possible ideally on this corner overlooking the tunnel exit that way when an uber combo jumps out from around the corner it will take a decent amount of time to close the distance and do enough damage to take it out placing it on this corner overlooking the tunnel exit is also an ideal spot for when you expect blue players to walk through the tunnel especially when they push the cart to this point on the track generally my go-to strategy for defending the cliff will be to have the sentry gun out of sight from players walking up the slope and keep it there defending the largest point of entry until I see the cart being pushed through the tunnel then I will move the century to overlook the cliff which will both keep players from pushing the cart as well as help defend the far side of the cliff the only thing I generally will need to watch out for our snipers and direct hit soldiers who peek from the white wall which I can usually fend off with the Wrangler as well as sneaky spies trying to SAP the gun by walking up the ramp or D cloaking under the ramp and trying to SAP it from there the more common spots for sentry guns on this point also include the areas we covered earlier such as the rocks at the top of the slope and the bunker next to the capture point but as I said before these spots are relatively easy for any single competent player to attack and often will put the engineer in compromising situations that they cannot easily escape from if you want to achieve the same effect as either of these positions but with more room to breathe I recommend putting the sentry gun on the top of the bunker near the edge this spot will cover both the very top of the slope and even effectively hide part of its own hitbox while still being able to see its target and will be able to defend the car at a much much better angle the major weakness of this spot however is how easy it is for flanking spies to get a sapper on it by simply walking up either of the stairs on each side so just be aware of that many centuries can often be placed in the same spots that leveled sentries could but these areas tend to be favored towards a much more disposable centuries play style since they are quite aggressive and will not guarantee their survival for very long still if that's the meta you're going for putting a sentry gun far forward on the cliff can often shut down blast jumping classes who try to surprise people and generally will just cause problems for the blue team if they are not coordinating now it's important to remember on any payload map that a surefire way to make things difficult for yourself is to treat the first point like you're defending the entire map because you're not you should always be thinking about your survivability and keeping an eye on your teammates if you're not able to continue holding an area and you have an escape route available take it it is more important that you survive long enough to get your buildings rebuilt on the next point then to keep your current nest up for even 10 seconds longer going down with the ship may seem heroic but it is a bad strategy in the long run because of the powerful positioning on the cliff it can be extremely beneficial to employ a friendly pyro to help you keep people from pushing into your gun from the cliff side as well as to help reflect long-range rockets fired from the bottom of the slope in fact having a pyro air blast any attacks off of the cliff before they can get to your sentry gun can often be the difference between a win and a loss so make sure you complement your team's pyro on their loadout or something you know before the round begins the main issue I have with this first point and a lot of the map to be honest is how open the sniper sight lines are the reality of this point in particular is that have a sniper is left unchecked they can easily get a sight on you and your team from pretty much anywhere so keep an eye on the horizon because there are very few truly safe places to stand on this point eventually will just become a game of not necessarily avoiding the sniper sight lines altogether but rather just choosing the safest times to stand in them moving on to the second point the most ideal place to take control of as soon as possible is the roof for this reason I highly recommend retreating from the first area before the first kam third point is even capped so you can start building up here before the gate near the first capture point opens and will allow blue players to filter in obviously this is where you'll want to place your teleporter and my favorite place to put it is on this corner on the right side of the roof this may seem like a weird place to put it but it's actually kind of difficult to notice when approaching from the front stairs doorway and generally will have the most survivability compared to placing it in areas like these where they can easily get shot at by anyone walking over here another decent spot is up on the top of the air vent since it's commonplace in tf2 to never look up and can be difficult for spies to put a sapper on however it's very clearly out in the open to anyone on the roof and even players in the back yard area so semi observant players will be able to focus it down why easily often from afar placing the teleporter anywhere in the back yard area is not really recommended unless you're going for an engineer player later on and if you don't have control of the roof a teleporter might not even be useful when holding directly in front of the capture point on the ground since your team will just be able to walk out of the shutter door almost immediately after spawning so generally the best place for a teleporter while defending the second point will always be on the roof dispensers however can easily be more flexible either supporting you and your team on the roof or assisting players who keep tabs on the ground strangely enough one of the best spots for a dispenser is in this exact spot near the red shipping containers in the backyard area the sweats are going up and you can also place it in this little nook around the corner if your team happens to be pushed back do just outside the shutter the roof sentry gun can be one of the more powerful positions in the game given that your team is helping you manage the flanks such as the back and front stairs and the back yard area in general one of the best spots to put it will be right on the edge of the roof overlooking the capture point it's important to place it in a way where it can always see the person who can see it so make sure you're keeping it within this section here too far to the left and you'll leave it open to a long range spam attacks from the choke and if you find yourself on the ground instead of the roof you can put it on the tracks outside of the shuttered door while this hold can buy you some time while you move on to the next point it's all too easy for blue players standing on the roof to attack the gun from afar so you shouldn't really rely on this placement as a permanent hold if you can manage it many centuries can often be helpful for acting as alarm systems keeping an eye on the many flank options that the blue team has and if you end up playing a support battle ng role-playing with your mini in the backyard area can often single-handedly keep Scouts and soldiers from getting at your team's main hold on the roof if it wasn't clear enough the roof is king when it comes to defending the second point so as soon as you can take control of it and try to influence your team to play there as much as possible this particular sentry spot while powerful for defending the objective can be weak to over pushes from the stairs and even weak too rogue players who have too much room in the back yard or directly behind the air vents for this reason I highly recommend avoiding the temptation to turtle up here and use your buildings to stand on top of the air vent to keep an eye on the back stairs and the back yard area discouraging annoying flankers from getting too comfortable back there is an important piece of defending this entire point don't forget about it moving on to defending the Third Point some of the best teleporter spots will be up in this house near the cap since it's unlikely that anyone besides a spy will be able to easily make their way in there to destroy it if your team is holding pretty far forward you can also get away with putting it on the ground near the health and ammo packs just be aware of enemies dropping down from above to take it out the dispenser can be used to block the staircase leading up into the house to further protect your precious setup from enemies specifically spies who will be forced to destroy it in order to get past however it loses his entire intended utility being here and it's pretty easy to keep an eye on the stairs since it's in such a confined area if you want to actually do your job the dispenser goes much better in the very corner of the bottom of these stairs since it has ease of access to your team as well as being relatively hidden from most of the attacking angles just be sure to lock down that sniper sight line from the boiler room to avoid getting its users picked off from afar if you'd rather keep your team a little more safe while to use your dispensers there are also many corners and walls to hide it around scattered in this area just be sure to place it according to where your teammates are generally gathered the sentry gun almost always goes best in this house alongside your teleporter usually perched right inside this convenient little window that hides a good portion of the sentries hitbox while still allowing it to fire normally but keep in mind that this spot is still visible from all the way back on the bottom of the slope just outside of the shacks doorframe and even right up against the wall of the shack up on the overhang therefore it's very important that you both make heavy use of the wrangler to make up for this century's open sight lines as well as depend on your teammates to cover those weak points accordingly otherwise this is a very advantageous spot that covers the cart extremely well as it's being pushed up the hill and is generally pretty difficult for uber classes to destroy if you'd rather take covering the sight lines into your own hands another great sentry spawn is up on this balcony overlooking pretty much everything on your side of the Shack and will easily punish anyone attempting to push the cart underneath the overhang it also has sight lines on the door frame of the Shack making it difficult for the enemy to peek out of it and depending on exactly where you put it relative to the wood slats can soft cover the doorway of the boiler if you place the sentry gun to the far left of the slats you'll have a very dominating position on the ground below but you'll be exposed to a tiny weak point in the door weight boiler if you place the sentry gun to the far right of the slats you'll have a slightly weaker coverage of the ground below and expose your sentry gun to Splash Damage that ends up on the wall behind it however you'll be just out of sight from the boiler room sight line and the enemies standing there will be forced to peek a hostile sentry gun in order to damage it where you eventually decide to put it as up to you so assess the enemy teams class composition and place it according if you don't want to build in the house and would rather play around your teammates a good spot to place the sentry gun is at the top of the stairs here which can punish people walking up the hill as well as anyone peeking out of the shack it sits very exposed in the sightlines so just make sure your teammates are locking that down or equip the Wrangler to pester anyone who wants to shoot at you from afar you'll notice that I didn't mention building anything in this little shack dividing the two major areas of this point and that's because it's generally a pretty bad idea to build a nest in an enclosed area with no reliable escape route I often see new engineers gravitating towards locking the Shack down with a couple sentry guns and while it can catch a few stragglers off-guard it's all too easy for any bird class to destroy everything in an instant and makes the engineers tending to the buildings here sitting ducks with no way out many centuries have the same sort of properties as leveled guns except you can afford to place them more aggressively and in more random areas you can catch people off-guard by placing in the nook near the ramp here or you can use it as an alert system for anyone who decides to enter the boiler room usually once you get closer to the final point of a payload map it's more beneficial to use fully leveled sentries but plain as a support battle ng on this point can ensure your team keeps this area lockdown for longer which is just as helpful in my experience this point usually is the one that is either the most well defended point or the point that gets steamrolled through very quickly forcing the last stand to take place on the final point almost immediately after losing second the difference makers here is usually the engineers ability to get out of second and on to third in time and set up a good hold this means getting from a roof to the shack area which usually means crossing through sniper sight lines and it quickly approaching deluge of spam so making that transition without getting caught out entirely depends on your game sense so pay attention to how many people are alive on your team and use tools like the rescue Ranger or the Wrangler to leave smoothly instead of getting steamrolled with the rest of them as we start defending the last point teleporters start to become less useful and should only really be used to get flaking classes to the flanks that they should be defending if you have the time putting an exit in map room can save players a few seconds if they happen to spawn in the bottom area and putting an exit in the room with a sniper window can help your team keep tabs on tires the dispenser can be useful in a lot of major ways on this point especially if you're proactive about its placement my favorite spot is in the middle of the final downward sloping ramp which allows your classes to converge right outside of where you'll likely be building your sentry as well as to keep an eye on the overhang just outside of tires just be careful to call out any snipers who managed to peek out of the window because he'll be able to pick off people using your dispenser here pretty easily if left unchecked another couple of decent dispenser spots include pretty much anywhere around a corner and either of these little bunkers generally pretty safe from outside spam and keeps its users safe from most sniper sight lines and if your team already has a designated control point guarding setup you can also help hold down the two major flanks with your dispensers since both of these areas only have a few small health packs to work with here right as the blue team is capping third it can be beneficial to soft hold the area just around the corner to the cap in order to waste a bit more time and deny the enemy access to both of the major flanks in the last map room and tires this can give your defensive classes and respawns time to get situated you can easily use this full ammo pack to build a sentry gun right on the tracks outside of the door to map room and force the enemy to awkwardly peek it in order to fully take control of what should eventually become their staging area but don't be afraid to back out if things get too spammy another great spot to build in while you can in this area is up on this tiny roof you can use the Wrangler to get up there and make yourself a nuisance for anyone attempting to walk into this bend or anyone trying to flank around using this upper pathway generally you're going to find sentry guns in either of the two bunkers both of which are pretty turtley yet effective the major weaknesses either of these century spots have is that they're often open to spam from the opposite flank building in the bunker area under tires leaves you open to attacks from the map room and building in the bunker under map room leaves you open to attacks from the balcony near tires it's usually a good idea to switch between these two randomly in order to keep the enemy on their toes and honestly it's often pretty effective to just place the sentry gun at the bottom of the slope since it can attack anyone making their way down to the capture point instantly if you want to build pretty far back but still effectively protect the final capture area a really great spot for the sentry gun on this point is just outside of the bottom spawn placed in a way where the ledge can protect the majority of the sentries hitbox but still fire normally this is an ideal spot for the last stand of a defensive round since a lot of blue team will likely be piling in from everywhere above to jump on the cart but if you place it here they'll be punished a century that's essentially peeking over the top of a Ledge to shoot the intruders if you really want to annoy people you can place a sentry gun in this weird little spot just outside of the top of spawn an area that is very exposed from the map room doesn't cover a whole lot of area and is generally pretty easy to over into yet still happens to be one of the most irritating sentry spots on this map for some reason I personally dislike this century spot but I've seen it used effectively so many times I can't not mention it at this point blue team if you see an engineer building here please just shoot at him from the map room it's not a good spot please stop allowing it to happen many centuries are usually an unidentified map and are generally only busted out if you can't seem to keep a leveled gun alive for more than five seconds but if you feel like assisting your fellow engineers who have taken up the level defense role you can use many centuries to keep check on the two flanks especially tires building in this area can keep scouts and soldiers out of the staircase keep snipers out of the window and generally just make it more difficult for the enemy combo to get a jump on the defending nest taking this area alone can sometimes be pretty dangerous so only really commit to holding tires or map room for that matter as engineer if your budding up with a power class of some kind defending the last point of bad water is engineer is a staple of Team Fortress 2 and can make for some pretty intense games when you have your team backing you up to employ every tool in the engineers toolbox to keep an inherently disadvantageous position on the low ground defended from so many angles as long as you keep your team supported on this point you can reliably clutch out a win from even the most dire of situations before we switch over to the blue team I'd like to take a moment to give a big thanks to Dollar Shave Club for sponsoring this video because my shaving routine has become super easy ever since I signed up for their subscription over two years ago now if you've ever heard me talk about Dollar Shave Club before you'll be pretty well aware that they've got you covered on all of your grooming needs including deodorants shower supplies oral care and of course shaving paraphernalia and for this holiday season they've got a bunch of great gifts stocking stuffers and the like members favorite gift cards and gift sets as well as their brand-new raw blonde show which is apparently a combination of a robe of and a poncho so if you're still struggling to figure out what to get the boys in the family your dad your brother and of course don't forget your uncle Dollar Shave Club is the place to go for example you could try the starter set which includes the executive handle and blades and a 1 ounce tube of dr. Carver's shave butter which is transparent for a more precise shave and helps with a razor burn so if you're interested in giving the gift of a clean shave or clean body make sure you visit slash uncle Dane to get the shave starter set for only 5 dollars with restocking boxes shipping full sized products at regular price and don't forget to check out all the great holiday gift sets that they have up right now that is slash uncle Dane so now that we're pretty familiar with this map when looking at it from the red team's perspective let's flip the color over to blue and talk about plain bad water on offenses engineer like most payload Maps the engineer has just as much to do when pushing the cart as he does when defending it so no matter what team you end up on an G can be a lot of fun on this map coming out of spawn you'll probably be pretty overwhelmed as the red team has immediate high ground on you so placing a teleporter won't always be a wise first decision since it will most likely get taken out by rollers or sniped from the top of the slope but after things have cooled down the best place for the entrance we usually be on the right side of the most forward jutting spawn door after that pushing the cart through the tunnel to the other end will be your first priority keeping your head down to avoid snipers trying to pick you off and utilizing the short circuit to keep explosive spam away before you start pushing through the tunnel it's usually a good plan to put a dispenser around the corner to the entrance for your team to fall back on if the tunnel is too hot or if they get rained down on from the top of the cliff typically by the time you make it to the end of this tunnel there will be a lot of people above and behind you ready to make sure you're dead so it's a good idea to preemptively build a sentry gun the bigger the better a few feet inside of the tunnel to punish people who physically jump down on top of you as you poke the cart out of the tunnel exit ideally you'll either be able to overwhelm the defenders from a hugely disadvantageous position unlikely but still possible or at the very least you'll be able to pull valuable players such as the power class and medic combo down off of the cliff to properly deal with you allowing your team to push up the of sign or slope without as much resistance when you die you can assess the situation and either decide to keep that cart rolling sometimes with enough timing a mini century covering your back and the short circuit at your side you can solo cap the cart while the enemy team isn't paying attention by hiding on the opposite side of it if this proves to be a difficult feat however I recommend assisting your team on either the cliff side or the slope by building sentries using your long-range options to pick at enemy players and buildings holding on the cliff just don't give up on pushing that cart remember it's much more difficult for a defending team to manage two or even three different points of entry than one don't put all your eggs into one basket and don't put all of your team into one choke as a mixed support and flanking class the engineer should sometimes be looking at where his team is pushing assists to them in the best way that he can with dispensers and teleporters and then go lay down some suppressing fire on the flank an enemy player can only look in one direction at once so try to give them more than one as much as possible after you managed to capture the first point the gate leading to the roof stairs and the backyard area opens and your teleporter exit becomes useful I recommend putting it either in this corner or have it tucked back in the bunker depending on how much cover you prefer to have if you'd like to influence your team to push from the backyard area it's very easy to get far back into the upper room and place an exit there which will filter your team in more behind the enemy than in front of them which if a lot of the enemy is holding on the ground near the capture point can be exactly the direction that they should be coming from the dispenser can also go in this area as well in fact I can't really think of a better spot than right here around the corner from what will likely be a ton of spam in a nasty sniper sight line unless you're filtering everyone through the backyard area this dispenser will help keep the cart pushers alive a sentry gun can go up on top of the bunker to lock down this staging area if your team is pushing through the cart choke keeps an eye on the tracks as well as the door to the roof and backyard just in case someone decides to come peeking but of course if you can manage to get your team into the backyard area and stage uber's to push from there a sentry gun on the balcony or on the crates back here can practically guarantee a blue team takeover of a very valuable plot of land if you're on cart pushing duty placing the sentry gun on the track right before you go in can help cover your back against people who can test you and if you can get far enough forward without getting gunned down by a red century putting the gun in this little cubby can catch players off-guard when physically trying to stop you from capturing the final few feet of the second point in general pushing second can be very tricky if your team is single-minded in the direction that they decide to push obviously if they only attack down this long corridor that's capped with a high ground sentry gun a barrage of spam and a sniper sight line for miles it's not going to go well avoid banging your head against a brick wall by switching up the point of entry for every push and if your team doesn't get the hint you can use your teleporter to persuade them to do so taking control of the back yard and pushing up either of the stairs to the roof is a much more reliable way of ensuring the cap and taking the high ground for yourself is basically stripping the enemy of the major defensive hold for this point after you've captured the second point the shutter door providing the red team one-way access to that area closes and the door to both boiler room and the Shack open since there are no forward spawns for the blue team after the second point is captured teleporters become essential for keeping up the pressure and preventing the full-scale pushback from the defenders a few decent spots to place the teleporter exit include up on this balcony or in the cubby where the forward spawns will eventually move to the absolute furthest back the teleporter should go is in the cubby in the second point choke but if your team is having problems with a pesky sniper sometimes this staging area is necessary ideally you should place the teleporter in boiler room around the corner from any one cheeky enough to poke in there and spam dispensers are also very useful on this point since the accessible health packs are small ones and the only medium one is in the shack where a lot of scraps are likely to go down so it's recommended to find your team's preferred staging area and place it accordingly however the safest space for your team to be holding will be in the boiler room your team will often be exposing themselves to a sniper or a lot of spam when they decide to leave through either of the doors from boilers so instead of putting the sentry gun in the same room as the rest of your team it's usually more beneficial to place it somewhere near the stairs leading up to the shack this will keep the enemy from freely walking up the incline will prevent snipers from getting easy sight lines and will even protect the upper doorway leading into the boiler room as well as discouraging players from peeking into the shack just like every other point switching up your team's point of entry will always be the key of taking control of the third point even though the safest place for a tell Porter exit will usually be on the left side it's not a good idea to consistently push from the left side over and over again if a push is failed from the boiler room try rotating the push over to the shack next time unfortunately on bad waters Third Point in particular the teleporter is so important due to a lack of forward spawns any exposure to easy attacks that building them the Shack introduces the engineer can't really afford to switch up the placement of his teleporter in order to subconsciously influence positioning so the best thing you can usually do is to use your sentry gun to deny potential staging areas from being overrun making it much easier for your team to switch things up themselves if need be and as we approach capturing the last point it's important to remember that this is the only time in the round where blue engineer needs to replace his teleporter which will need to go in the cubby at the foot of the roof the ideal staging area for blue team will usually be around the corner of this bend so the teleporter exit will typically default to being placed in this corner or directly underneath in this dark spot once your team is able to take control of the bend area giving themselves easier access to the map room and tires it's recommended that the teleporter exit is eventually moved into the house for slightly more protection from defensive push backs this staging area will provide your team with a generally safe position against the red team snipers and crits Krieg's and if you make sure you keep the important bits tucked back far away from the drop-down it's unlikely that a rogue Demoman or soldier will be able to find it and take it out giving your team access to the drop-down will ensure that they won't need to cross a long sniper sight line in order to get into tires and they will be able to have high ground on anyone who is speaking the choke if you prefer your team push from the complete opposite direction and give them constant access to the sniper window you can also place the teleporter exit and tires in this little cubby next to the window which can often be pretty overwhelming for the defending team to deal with if unprepared the dispenser should almost always be placed around the corner to wherever the chaos is happening the classic one being right here and if your team is being healed effectively you can usually justify keeping the dispenser up in house with you to ensure your buildings stay alive and quickly upgraded but if your team is able to filter into tires and onto the ground safely you can usually move it around to wherever your team is needing to fall back to it's slow and inefficient to retreat all the way back up into the house in order to use a dispenser so your team simply won't be able to use it they're the sensory gun should be protecting this choke in whatever way you see fit either by putting it right around this corner to punish anyone poking around the other side of it or up in the drop down to focus over extenders or anyone coming out of the map room and tires when your team is able to get a good push it's highly recommended that you actually bring the sentry gun along with lagging slightly behind so not to be focused down while hauling you can attempt to build it at the edge of the balcony which will rain bullets down upon anyone attempting that can test the car just be wary of snipers who's stationed themselves outside of the top spawn or you can bring the gun in to map room and place it in the window effectively playing a similar role if you find yourself playing on the flank especially in tires you can use the Wrangler to boost yourself onto this ledge that usually only explosive jumping classes and scouts can access and pester the enemy from the back stairs if you manage to place a teleporter exit in here and it doesn't get destroyed in five seconds then sometimes you can pull off a play where you send an uber power class directly into the basin to get up close and personal with their defensive line you could also do the same in map room although this room is in such close proximity to the enemy spawn and snipers can often easily see you while you're in there that you'll need some pretty good timing to pull off blinking through here if you want to be a little more passive and a tad bit show-off II you can century jump up to the roof and place it on the edge which will be able to shoot at anyone standing on the ramp or if you want to be a lot less passive and a lot more show-off you can get the Centurion under this weird little platform on the other side of the basin which if done with the right timing can surprise any last-second defenders who throw themselves at the cart even if getting an aggressive gun into that specific spot isn't your style a blue century gun placed anywhere overlooking the cart as it's being pushed can be the insurance your team needs to edge the cap and win the game pushing bad water last is often considered to be one of the more stalemate a casual mode situations but that usually only happens when the enemy team is stacking way too many engineers or when the attacking team is too repetitive and they're pushing strategy switching things up is how to win when playing offense and as the blue engineer you hold a powerful amount of influence in that department if you understand this and take advantage of it you can effectively be the director of your team and therefore direct your team to success once again bad water is one of my favorite Maps and despite the many obnoxious sniper sight lines and the lack of forward spawns for blue team it's probably one of the most well lie and well-designed maps for pretty much any class to apply their respective roles on so this has been the complete engineers blueprint for the payload map Badwater Basin if you have any suggestions or questions regarding how to play this map as engineer feel free to leave a comment down below and remember if anything about this map looks different than what you're used to chances are the map has been updated since this video was released so be sure to check and see if there's some kind of amendment video explaining what's changed regarding the engineer strategy alrighty thanks so much for watching hope this video helped you out in any way and if you'd like to see a map reviewed in a future episode of the engineers blueprints just leave it down below and I will talk to you nieces and nephews next time bye bye [Music]
Channel: Uncle Dane
Views: 543,549
Rating: 4.9655933 out of 5
Keywords: team fortress 2, tf2, engineer, gameplay, guide, tutorial, tips, first person shooter, uncle dane, professional, pro, free to play, free, steam, sale, deal, items, crafting
Id: 1eZGplTkAaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 1sec (1921 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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