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So Casey said Candice calls him fat, yet he runs half a marathon for a morning jog.

Jesus christ she would probably mistake me for Jabba the Hutt.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/megamoviecritic 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

Yesterday I suggested Casey needed a hug.

Turns out a Lear Jet works just as well as a hug.

Nice to see a happy Casey again.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/mrfroggy 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

I've just realised why I watch Casey. He's like a male orientated Kardashian - I wouldn't watch him if he was poor or didn't have famous and influential friends.

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/plsbmyfrend 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

Anyone else think this was a bit of a strange vlog? He's been on private jets before in previous vlogs so it's not a new experience for him. He essentially went to Philadelphia and back to fill a day which isn't very Casey like.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/TomHicksJnr 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

I felt like this vlog was a little more refreshed than the past few, but his biggest struggle seems to be when he's in one setting for too long. I felt like even two minutes was a bit long for the jet. But, as usual, I love seeing what's next in his lifestyle.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/bikebuyer 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

This could have turned into a kidnapping episode real fast when he got on the plane

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/ParoxysmOfReddit 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

Serious question... I'm a long time Casey fan, but only recently discovered this subreddit. At first I thought it was a fan community, but it just seems to be a bunch of people hating on everything Casey does. It's kinda weird. I'm confused what's going on here, are you all over him or something?

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Ragesome 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

It's weird to see Casey in a place I've been.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/unostriker 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

Shoutout to Patty at Amtrak!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/PlamenDrop 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2016 🗫︎ replies
all right so nice in here [Music] [Music] for a run you know my running is really really been slacking lately can this reminds me daily that I'm getting fat so this morning serious run : this is the Manhattan Bridge I'm meeting one of my homies on this bridge he's a great runner here which is gotta be like eight seven there's a lot of miles [Music] solid run this morning I did 13 points 13.1 miles at a 748 [Music] this is a fig the name of this episode is I got a Learjet or something like that I haven't upload our made it yet so I don't but you get then I guess let's talk about clickbait clickbait is a beautiful term and what it means is when the title serves one purpose that's to get you to click and it can be like two horribly misleading but as long as you clicked the bait has succeeded okay I don't I don't I don't believe in click there's like a lot of caveats here clickbait at times can be just egregious and horribly misleading and the rule that I try to follow is to intrigue but not mislead I want you to see the title day hmm wonder what's going on there click playing like oh this is great that's intriguing but if you click on the title you're like this guy's foolish then I've misled you sometimes you do a really good job of this like the $21,000 first-class seat great title totally intriguing and perfectly accurate and then sometimes I just totally screwed up and you guys give me a hell for in the comments today hey somewhere in the middle okay hey you doing get the border Teterboro Airport that's right [Music] I'm on my way to Teterboro Airport right now which is like a small airport in New Jersey not far from the city but here's what's going on I hear all kinds of weird emails to my website all the time every once in a while I get awesome emails like this ready hi case you have a professional pilot on a Learjet we are flying in to Teterboro today and then we are repositioning to Philadelphia in the next couple of days with an empty plane I know it's not a lot of flight but I wanted to offer a free ride if you're interested in going to Philadelphia maybe you're thinking like why would you fly someplace you don't need to go but a private jet is like this is like this is an empty plenty to be like it's my plane this is a Perry I'm in my lights this is a very special opportunity so yes I am getting my own private jet but I only get it for like a half an hour flight or something and I'm more like cargo than like the actual like guests on the plane but still what an opportunity I never fly never had but I was in the airport but you seen them before yeah I see many time okay [Music] this is it this was the coolest I'm back at the airport ever okay wait these are the dudes that invited me Adam Chris what do we do now still get on the plane [Music] which one is ours there's so many that's it that's it we're locked up and now we just take off now we just go I guess I'll just sit back here by myself guys I need anything no sorry no flight attendant Chris will come back and serve you some drinks enough [Music] there's the bathroom shut the door privacy you back here yeah we'll sink and some of cooter mom a couple of win just it'll be fun shut got a couple of windows you get a mirror right here they're starting buckle up hey question how long the flight is this about thirty minutes should we take the long lines [Music] microwave [Music] [Music] her greater Serena yeah you know paying off now for these snacks delicious see you see big airplanes like when they when they take off it's like slow to go but these these tiny corporate jets they go like this straight up in the air [Music] that's a part of this whole thing is there's no like security there was no TSA there just like got out of my over walked onto the jet Heather we took off that is he [Music] warm up here am i bothering you it's just like this is the only plane you guys fly in the regular right now it's like your play what do you normally wear when you're flying it not for a case it took flops on that no we now we wear Stars and Bars the whole thing yeah the little go snack before we land it's like a flying limousine [Music] by whatever experience this who's there plane departure ever there's no way that was as cool on camera as it wasn't real life [Music] Adam thanks for the tapes of the lift ride to Philly thanks for the ride to Philly I'm gonna immediately go to the train station and go back to New York City now a lot of important people that come through this place right these guys invited me and are going skydiving right now and of course I want to go skydiving but my canvas will probably divorce I'm not like she told me I'm not allowed to use that word anymore that's probably a good idea Candace would be incredibly upset because I'm like honey you're not gonna be home tonight skydiving these guys I met on the Internet Chris good to meet you man anybody thanks for the plexi dude it was a pleasure bye guys you look skydiving don't forget to pull the cord yeah those guys were awesome I mean like my train leaves now just going straight back to New York City but I got a text saying it's 20 minutes late so figure why not push it and skateboard around for 20 minutes see a little bit of Philadelphia okay see what what are you doing at Philly well okay I like ten minutes what should I do what'd she do I got my skateboard okay they're sitting wrong okay that's that yeah okay this bill okay just filming City Hall yeah what's your name in this scene the team thank you take care of Ann Clements ooh all right I'm putting that kid I need to go to town hall and just fill [Music] [Music] this is amazing I am a big fan of you man yeah what's your name Jeff Mike now I'm just now I'm just making friends [Music] how do i how do I get to the train station train station all right I gotta get the 30th Street I'm on 16th Street he's following me that's some great people whoa how's a great six-minute tour of Philadelphia train station I'm actually not sure if that's the trains they think is that the train station yes 30th Street that's them thank you train is at 4:30 it's currently 425 train is 15 minutes late nice to meet you yeah train is hip yeah vlogging right now that's crazy are you on the 50 minute to Boston yeah yeah but there's all these other ones we could be on I wonder if I can switch pretty sure all right I'm gonna go nice to meet nice to meet you too yeah oh there's still people yeah Paul Bohr all aboard gate 3 was that just a test did I pass thank you very much what's your name paddy have a great day boy the people here especially paddy the people I've met here have been amazing wait don't turn it off here you go sir coming up coming they do it motor all right I love it thank you very much this entire train rides like 45 minutes maybe an hour maybe an hour 45 minutes I have no idea if I'll be back in the city and then back home by 6:00 p.m. when Candice expects me home from work like I never left [Music] escape war at home now that's why I brought it really I've gotten either if you have your hands on the controls just like a Tesla how do you get out of your seats if you have to go to the back
Channel: CaseyNeistat
Views: 6,699,410
Rating: 4.8018608 out of 5
Id: qVb1bGbu3ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2016
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