Thursday Night Bible Study (Separation) - Pastor John F. Hannah and Dr. Jermone Glenn

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if you just live through it and keep moving and don't get stuck in it you'll always figure out the lesson that was in that location all right come on in what up hey we coming in come on in here come in and I get you to go ahead and share us - my periscope Church I love you can I get you guys to share to the Facebook Church can you share YouTube you could post it we are on a roll it is a Thursday and this is a time that passage omona not dive into this Bible get this Bible how are you today I'm doing good yeah we got to be getting close to the end of this right bro this must be what David meant when he said I was glad when they said unto me let's go into the house of the Lord someone from South Africa emailed me and he was like Chris Hanna we used to complain because of the parking used to complain because we had to walk from the parking lot it was so far we still complain because of the crowd now we are at the point that give us the parking lot give us the crowd do the walking just get us back into the house of God exactly and so I think that this is a time that many of us are learning to appreciate what we had yeah exactly seriously but things you took for granted that you didn't think you take for granted but you know I don't know it's it's nothing like this moment I don't think we will even process what we dealing with until till it pass you know because this this is something different is it different is something that we've never lived something like this happened 102 years ago with the Spanish flu then we never lived this thing I say to people this the earth has experience e we have it that's right new saying God new situation to us right but God is still faithful he's still God he walked he walked all of history up into this moment and never been never felt and he never will so never failed and he never will alright for those who have it on Facebook can we get you to share for those either a periscope why do we emphasize sharing because this is our way to spread the gospel there's our way to spread the word everyone that is watching can we get you to share we are excited about being here on today last Thursday we did the encounter night and I'm not even talking about job which I'll let us know that's all I say now let us know when it's all set in the press and the press tomorrow cuz we're gonna bring this word up in here with this cuz there ain't no word over here we stand which I will be back when y'all get done okay everything right now anything I teach anyone give yourself room to learn yeah give yourself room to make mistakes give yourself room to tighten up some things give yourself room just just to be okay with it making mistakes or just learning in the process that's right I am learning more than I have ever and I will say this that I guess some people around me that are stretching me yeah yeah we are growing in this season you have to you know what I'm saying if whatever is whatever is alive grows so if you're not growing you come out alive and so it's like I think everybody that's watching everybody that's connected and tap into their own personal growth and development and we're all being stretched and we're being consistent you know who you were off the cross gotta be home on the cross that's right alright let's give you guys a couple of analysis if you are single yeah single and you want to be a part of a Singles Ministry Singles conversation singles zoom we need you to look at the screen get that information be a part of the zoom that's gonna be on Saturday at 11 o'clock Central Standard Time get our app go to the new life app download it is one of the best ways to do everything the virtual fitness journey yeah which means that you need to move your body your body I teach it I live it we want you guys sell that we have what we call eight week class on starting on Wednesday May the 6th the cost of it is $10 for 8 weeks we literally have personal trainers this is what they do this is not somebody who just decided that they wanted to be a personal trainer this is what they do you can go to our website you hit that go to the app and you can make it happen that you could register there because some of us need accountability when it comes to working out yeah all right we have always given new life company members this book called the word of the day it's a daily devotional we're not in the building we can't hand it to you we will have those devotions at the office Monday through Friday if you live close just stop by the office and say I come to get the daily devotion yeah if you live too far I need you to call the office and we will mail it to you the numbers of the office 773 to 85 1731 tell them that you want to make sure that you're under lists to get the daily devotion if you're not gonna read it please don't pay for these all right there's nothing free but salvation all right I'm grateful for everything that we've done as far as outreach is concerned today was the day that we did our outreach we had a largest crowd our largest crowd and today we fit over 700 or something households we literally took food dropped it off to 60 plus people who are homebound get out yeah what we doing we're still feeding the hungry we've literally fed over three thousand six hundred and ten people you are now to 210 homes not only have we done that because we've pillar one of the pillars of our church is outreach what we've done is that we've Maine Tremayne consistent it three more hospitals on last week and this week we're going to three more hospitals what do we do we feed those that are inside of the emergency room we have served 12 hospitals so far okay 500 staff members man this week we're gonna go to Rush University of Illinois and northwestern yeah need the hungry Wow Wow feed those that are on the front line feed nurses free doctors and it'll blow your mind when we walk in how many people are blown away on what we do so instead they we're live on Instagram to no testing it out okay let's test one two one so that is if you don't get our weekly tech series you're not yo plug you serious yeah they gonna let you know I'm telling you if we if you never get our text you can get a weekly text all you have to do is just text verse NLCS II to nine one six nine four nine one six nine four to download the app look for the new NLCS app get LCS yup get the app the app is the best thing on earth all of our announcements ways to give everything weekly text everything is on that app if you a part of the Apple family we go to the Apple Store the rest of y'all uses some Google thing Google Play I don't know what that is I stopped playing I quit school because they had recess I don't learn all right all right you ready yeah break you feel good yeah man I do great great all right so sunday was amazing to me and everyone hear me you have to ask yourself the question what does he require from me the light of salvation is a life of sacrifice my god it is if you haven't given up anything then you're not a follower yeah first thing jesus said if you if you have not given up anything then you have to really question him because he calls us out of that's right darkness to the marvelous light so they're calling out of I'm grateful for the things that he called me out of and I'm grateful that he got me at a young age yeah yeah Oh were you and you got saved your mighty huh young age bro yeah I mean earlier on you know the childhood salvation but then when I came to my own relationship with God chose you know I was 19 years old 19 that was 17 and it's a conscious decision he calls you you answer that's right yeah I you you reach for him yes sir so the life of a Christian is is a sacrificial lifestyle in a silver there's certain things that you want to do I just don't do them certain places I want to go I just don't go that's right it's the part when that's on the three Hebrew boys they could have eaten what everybody else was eating the Bible says but they made a conscious decision not to eat the Kings meat nor to drink his wine that was sacrifice cuz everybody else right here eating the king's me doing whatever they want to do he'll sit sit here drinking the King's wine but we make a conscious decision that that's not what we're going to do Sunday we dealt with Abraham and when we dealt with Abraham I you taught on the separation the separation part of the sacrifice is separation yeah what he said before before he went up to the mountain he may he had a conscious decision and told them wait here you can't go up to the mountain and we run up to the mountain there's something that God is required for us on the next level I love the fact that separation comes anytime before there is a process of that God will always have you to walk out whatever it is that he told you but what was most important to me and that was his declaration he said stay here and me and the boy will be better you know and that's something because they didn't have a sacrifice they were just following God doing what God said do but had the unction of faith the declaration to watch their language watch their confession while they were in separation and said we need we'll be back we will return here trust me that God is going to whatever he's about to do up on this mountain we're coming back together and so that separation when you're in separation you have to watch your emotions you know and I'm sandwich say what comes out of your mouth because this is a powerful time of declaration and many of us are in separation or what feels like isolation alone and while we're in the Artic reaching or feeling of separation is very very important that we watch what comes out of our mouth and more importantly that we watch what goes in our ears because whatever goes in your ears whatever goes in your ears get in your heart whatever giving your heart comes out from mouth and so you got to watch that because it's important so he made a bold declaration said hey they hear me boy we're going back we're going up to the mountain to sacrifice yeah whenever there's a sacrifice is gonna require some separation between those two two groups that he had to separate from number one II Sarah was not allowed to go you can go and number two the servants weren't allowed to go and the only ones that could go where he was going to make the sacrifice was Abraham and Isaac it was required which is all he asks for so I need those of us that are paying attention be careful when family or village can't go this you'll be back yes no now no on lookers you know that's right nobody can come to this place to spectate you know what I'm saying if you're not participating in the sacrifice you can't go to watch you can't go to see how to turn out this is a huh yeah exactly exactly let me leave them back here because when they see you laying the boy on the out they might have something to say sometimes God would take us places to separate us from opinion singing from England's I was assigned to do with the sacrifice when he says bring me your only Son bring me your only Son what does he require of you yeah um everything that he requires and I need everybody listen to this it might not be a singer yeah not be a sin but it might be a lesson yeah um I'm a foodie I love food when I was eating the way I wanted to eat I had hamburgers cheeseburgers double cheeseburgers Italian beefs I loved combos with Italian sausage dip it please with the cheese and the hot peppers bro all enough I love food and I left it 20-some years ago I went on a 40-day fast with vegetables only and when I will you give me your diet yeah will you give me your diet and from that point he told me cut beef and pork yeah Wow we never talked about this I would do the same thing there's something a fast-food life what would you do this well as much as I love food and the question that everyone should write down is what does he require from me yeah and everything that he requires is not a sin I asked I said why are you taking this for me he says where you're going you're gonna have to have a disciplined lifestyle that's right so what I'm firing this from you because I know that this is something that you like you love you enjoy but it's gonna begin to sharpen your business it's gonna help you physically that's right and help you choose later I did the same thing I went on a 40 day fast and I came off it I just it was certain things just went out of my diet no more to be no more pork no more you know I gave up sugar for like six months you know just just for the sake of pressure is you know how I love french fries I gave a french fix just because actually I gave a French fries for a year it was hard just because I was I was practicing self-discipline you know and I'm saying because if you practice self discipline yourself manage then you don't have to worry about other people managing you are other things controlling you and then there's certain things that you have to sacrifice now that you might get to re entertain later that's right pick it back up yeah hallelujah I third the third thing that you have to give up now let's get it back later that's right courts have to be cut now because they control you and because they control you I need to pull it from you to get you to the point that you can't control it it and not control you that's right alright so this separation there's sacrifice and then there's sight yeah you fit something Sunday that pessary talked about he says stop worrying about what God see it and listen to what he is saying yeah yeah it's like when Abraham went up he was going up to the mountain on the word of the Lord the Lord told him to go up there to sacrifice Isaac that is what God said yeah your season that's what he said in a previous season but this is why the Lord says I give us this day our daily bread you can't just lock in on what God said you have to have this constant relationship and keep being open to what God is saying not just what he said I saw saying don't just be so focused on what God said that you miss weights and bring your only son sacrificing on the other there that's right dad that's what he's saying we lay the boy out get him put it on down at the we buying it out then he said it says something new he gives him a new level in the new moment and say he'll hold your hand don't harm the boy this is if Abraham was only focused on what guy I told him in the previous season he would have missed what God was saying in the right now season because our vision is progressive and not only that he would have also missed what God was trying to show him that wish yeah then he saw that's right I've never told him to look never eat I mean it was already there that's right but his eyes couldn't see it until he acknowledged what God was presently saying yeah because yeah because because because if you if you only think about what God said you're not even looking for any other way you're not looking for another possibility you're not looking for another oh you're not thinking that nothing's gonna change so so he was open to what God was saying and listen God I know you're gonna do something I know you got not gonna not gonna let me kill my son but I'm gonna pray I'm gonna bei you in this moment and then God says hold your hand don't do any harm I'm saying something new and so for those of us listening you gotta you have to yes hold fast to what God said to your God said but you have to be listening to what he's saying what he's requiring of you now what he's trying to show you now because he's always pulling back the scales and revealing more than he ever reveals everything at one time cuz we can't handle it he just he leads us and shows us time at the time pull back the scales and let us see progressively as long as we stay connected to him and we want him not just his hand you know anybody says then he saw he saw Benny saw D after he paid attention to what God was saying then his eyes are open and he saw the RAM in the bush ty loved by the horn and they be revelation for somebody um what's for you can't not get away from you want what is for you will not get away from you that's right finger to obey God and he was the one that went over there and and loosened it from the bushes he was the one then that later got in that gotta have to say okay now go he got had to say nothing else he like there it is that's right if it's somebody I need you to know you already know what to do you just need to see what God is trying to show you and that is the first time that he says he built the altar and called the Lord Jehovah Jireh my provider for the first time God reveals himself in a way he never revealed himself before it's the first time in scripture where God reveals himself as Jehovah Jireh the provider and so it's like when you hear God saying something progressively God begins to reveal and show you things you could not see in the previous season because he wanted to see if you were willing to sacrifice you see sacrifice is your seed for your next season just a seed for their sacrifice is your scene for the next season that's right you can't get access to the next season until your sacrifice it's like sacrifice opens the door opens the gateway after Abraham was willing to sacrifice he was able to hear what God was saying he was able to see God in a way that he never seen him before and then God provided a ram in the bush and after that he becomes he becomes the father of faith he comes into the next season he comes God makes him that promise about you know man you thought she was doing something with this one child in this one moment I'm about to make you a father of generations you know your generations will not even be able to prepare children to the stars in the in the sky and it's like they bring you've got her yes when it doesn't big sense they never you'll never find out what God was was was waiting to reveal in the next season so yes I crys become to see for your next season every single time okay everyone should write this down cuz it's always something that's it if you're taking notes write this down 75 when God tells him to leave his family yeah I'm gonna is that not enough yeah they know he's 86 Sara brings in Haga he messes up he births and Ishmael then at the age of 99 13 years later God comes back I said get up your promise is still in place it's always something is that not enough come on Andi holds the promise and at the age of 100 and then several years later hit them lots of oh okay now get let me get that up awful always something away something I tell everybody it's gonna be a believer buckle up yeah cuz as soon as you think you've arrived then the Bible says and God tested Abraham here comes another test to make sure that he wants to make sure that he's number one in your life you should write that down it's always always something something all right now sacrifice is a choice he will never put you in a headlock mm-hmm he would never drag you mm-hmm bust you in your chest man he would never wrestle with you and take it from you sacrifice my brothers and my sisters is a choice he'll ask for it and then you'll step back see what you do and see if you gonna give it to me that's right because he loves a cheerful Giver given all right let's look at the scripture look I'll show you through this us a choice in Exodus 20:5 yeah wanted to the Lord said to Moses tell the Israelites to bring me and offering a sacrifice you ought to receive the sacrifice from me from everyone here's my line whose heart prompts come on Bible them to give whose heart whose heart when he told me get what he told us give up pork give up me like yes I love double cheeseburgers thank you big steak I love rib tips come on and we had to give up Turkey I had to give up burgers before they came out with turkey burgers right but it is it is a choice your choice training he's not gonna everybody hear me I used to smoke I sit figure it's I did I smell cigarettes but I knew that that didn't go with where I was going hmm that didn't go with where I was going yeah whoa what that didn't it didn't match my purpose it didn't when I was inhaling I couldn't be where I am holding my hands like they need to type that what is God asking you to give because it doesn't go with where you're going I know that the cigarettes didn't go where it was going uh-huh the way that I spoke the way my cursing I come from a background of people who smoke we yeah and the people asking well it's legal now but does it go with everything but not expedient does it go just because it's good to you is it good for for those that are single you could be dating somebody that you like but no we were you're good come on it's the truth I don't I dated I said it's on Sunday I dated someone who's like give it to me I was like you gonna take her let me give that put it on the altar put it on the altar to go with where I'm going even when I fell in love with Annie you know what I could hear I remember the Lord told me bring it to me I was like you the last one I'll be so I would've the last word he was like bringing to me and I put an ax on the altar and he allowed me to continue with her yeah that is a revelation for singles but does what you're doing go with where you going so good doesn't match I heard someone say this before it is jung-min Akane our churches spoke he before President Obama became for his Obama they would any bar and someone wanted to take a picture he's like whoa no we can't take no picture like that cuz I'm gonna be President one day come on with where you're going if God is asking you to sacrifice something or some of you that's trying to make a hard decision gave you a major key right there just simply ask your heart does this go where I'm going cuz if it doesn't go where I'm going then it can't go at where I'm going alright so guys we're not gonna be long tonight we want to hit three areas how do you know that it is truly a sacrifice let's hit it how do you know because if it doesn't affect you hey it's not yeah maybe a lot offering but if it doesn't affect you all right those are Facebook come on share this what do we know we're spreading the word you're not spreading me you're not spreading presage your mom would have been doing with his word and if you know this word is powerful we need you to share wherever you are all right Tom promote what you do this one um how do you know that how do you know it's a sacrifice cause you love it ah cuz you love it cuz God God God God requires listen if you don't love it if you can't fill it if you don't care about if it doesn't matter you give it up easy it's easy to let go what you don't love that's easy it's what you love it's what you love we'll love it when you love it when it matters that's when it hurts when you care about it when you try to justify it when you try to fit it in when you try to excuse it when you try to make excuses 40 come on 22 sometime later God tested Abraham he said to him Abraham Here I am he replied then God said ah take your son your only son in the land you love love whom you love take your promise and give it back to me give me back the thing huh give me back the thing that I gave you the thing that you wanted the most the thing you pray for the thing you asked for the thing you couldn't wait for the thing you worked your whole life for the thing that you thought oh when I get this when this happens that's it's gonna be Oh everything is gonna be great everything's gonna be good everything will be perfect I will have a ride when I get this God says that promise that I made you that you finally possess I want to know if you love the promise more than you love me that's the key line I want to make sure you don't love the premise money you would love me am i still number one still number one it's just a test of your heart love the Lord your God with all your heart your mind your soul and strength love your neighbor as yourself God says not stuff nothing's you finally have what you asked me and I gave it to you the devil didn't do it the devil didn't give it to you I gave I blessed you with it I gave it to you and now I'm asking you do you trust me enough to give me back what I gave you that you love that's not doing anything wrong it's not this is your son this is your seed this is the manifestation you wouldn't even you didn't even think this could happen you didn't even think this was possible you were oh you were pastor you was over you you had dealt with the fact that hey maybe I'll never maybe this will never happen maybe that'll never happen for me maybe that door never had opened for me maybe I'll never get married maybe I'll never have children and then God provides and fulfill his promise just like he and then when he gives it to you not right and he gives it to you but let you develop a relationship over time why you didn't kill it when it was born I'm gonna listen to me right you gonna let me feed it why are you gonna let me hold it let me grow it the relationship we know each other we having a good time and then you ask for it back only because you're trying to test my heart to see if I love what you gave me more than I love the giver you have to always know that God wants to always know if you love the gift more than the giver he want to know if you love to gift more than the giver if you love the gift more than the giver God says always love the giver more than you love the gift my son my son my youngest son man listen when we give him a gift he's so appreciative but it's never about whatever to get this is a place to meet and his mother for thinking of him the gratitude oh man the love that he shows because of us he shows that he loves the giver more than the gift and God always wants to know if you love to give her more than a gift so he will ask you for what you love and it's all to see if you give I ship have you moved me from here to here and what I gave you now here else here are your children here who's here Yoga is your church here you think you put before God is an idol isn't your Minster your work your job your house your car your mind anything God say hey I'll give it to you sometimes I'll give it to you just to see if you love it more than me so when I was younger my mother under fifty folks in it my mom went to church and got saved and my mom came back and she told myself father today I sucked at the Lord he told her anyone I marry she did what she she she left a lot for a while oh my god yeah we have so many similar stories I'm serious mama got saved and my father my mother got saved and came home from church to my father and my father's like this isn't what I married my father my father set an appointment with the pastor and open up the word and said your Bible says that the wife's supposed to submit to the husband I want you to tell my wife to come back to me I don't want her say my mama said she liked the product of fun and she came to her senses later but what blows my mind can I be honest with you there had three things that I've seen that God bless people with and then he becomes second relationship spouse in less time children in jobs all the time three things yeah about their children and their jobs harder time I see their passion be eliminated for God oh you see people that single looking for a boo they be in church worship and pray and the moment they get a boo they disappear you play you say such a such listen anything that takes you away from God didn't come from God so I also know lady who's I guess saying he said that's not what I won't I won't you sit up some clothes she says okay she was still up the club and just sit there he was like you know what you and I want you to go me no he that winneth Souls she's wise he's wise like I'm about to tear my home up i'ma going to I'm gonna do what you want but i but i but i'm be praying for you on the side I'm telling you so you got everybody hear me he will require what you to make sure he is priority number one that is a sacrifice which you love in some y'all I know there's some things that you love number what it doesn't match where you going and just because you love it don't mean that you don't have to let it go come on this is our listen for the voice cuz somebody I just thought there was your excuse to get it work without talking to you no no that's right you both sides one left once day all right so number one what you love number two what you what you need why would you ask me give you what I need why would you demand for me what I just need to what do you mean by that let's go - lets go bye bye guys let's go to first Kings 17 first Kings 17 mmm and we know the story and here we go again from what he said it to what he's saying it was a drought in the land he told the Prophet Elisha go to the brook that's what he said now then eventually the brook ran dry then he says go now go to Zarephath I've commanded a widow that's Ryan take care of you all right and the Bible says that he goes and he sits by the will and as he was going to get as she was going to get it he called bring me story come on Bible piece of bread there's a famine in the land you know people don't have that much and here you are asking for a piece of bread and she says as surely as the Lord your God lives she replied I don't have any bread only what I need from me in my house only a handful of flour in a jar and a little olive oil in a jug my god I'm gathering these two sticks talking and home to make a meal from myself and my and my son and we gonna eat this last meal goodness and thou gonna we gonna die in Hickory Elisha pay attention control your emotions control your emotions don't be afraid go home and do as you have said it but first make a small loaf of bread from me from what you have from what you need that's right notice the order he mentions himself yep he mentions her yeah and then he mentions the boy yeah that is backwards backwards there's a man as a man I would say feed the child first then lady you eat and there's a man out alas but that's common sense that's right common doesn't go with spiritual come on Carmen does not go with spiritual and some of y'all you are adding things up using common sense and common goes opposite come on yeah he says you gonna feed me first then make something for yourself then but I need the bread for us to eat Prince why is God asking me to give him what I need principle cuz watch me you're only looking for what you need now you are focused on the now but I'm trying to get you to them later come on so if you eat that bread you eat that food now you die now that's right but if you give me what you need come on I'll take what you need and get you out of the now to the later some come on if a somebody right now I need you to give me you need it but he asking for it yep priorities principles I want to know if you still trust me it's so good it's like it's like give it to him it's a principle of like giving it to God off the top if you give God something first and he stretches the rest if you give it last and it's harder to give he's like give it to me now what you need you just said it's not enough so what difference does it make if it doesn't meet the need it must be a seed right so it doesn't matter so you you just said that it's not enough so whatever it is that you think um enough give it to God and it becomes more than enough everybody hear me all of us everybody has to hear this everyone has to have the testimony of lack everybody you everyone has to go through a season of lack and if you handle your last season then you'll make it to later that's right so good I could not imagine I would have felt this is the concern as a man I would have felt like God are you sure that you are sending me to Zarephath number one right how many are there not any widows in Israel right I gotta go all the way there in the black community right and get what I need no I'm gonna need you to lead the black community I'm gonna need you to go to a widow a widow is considered to be the least of them and sometimes we're looking for people who are the the best of them when your miracle is attached to the least you know what we didn't talk about this but can you expound on this because what you just it's not for now is for your necks the sacrifice what you what you need is not pronounced for your next has so much weight in it because later on in that scripture and the book says that she didn't die cuz she obeyed it and the son became sick hmm after the development of the relationship that she had with him he is a being his life did sustain because of what she did in that moment bigger than the meal dig it in the meal then if you release the flavor different there's a healing left in the meal later you gonna need you gonna need your son raised from the dead later you don't even know this is about to happen but I'm using some flour to test to see to show you you it's like God knows everything anyway he's unnecessary he's all know he knows everything he knows what we're gonna do or what we're not gonna do I think sometimes God just test us so he lets us see us so he has us the I heart see where I heart is see where I love is see where our priority is to see how we respond when we're in need I remember even when I was like like everybody has to go to the season I'm like yeah remember when I was laid off from work I just remember not having nothing yeah man nothing I remember what struggling living from Chester check yeah I needed my money and the Lord began to say to me but I need you to now become a Tyler and a giver right now now yep I need you now to make a conscious decision that you are going to give me what you think you need I want to show you you and I made a conscious decision god ernie sent you 20-some years ago that I would be faith oh yeah in my tithing my wife was a time that I thought was she doing right got to do it I was hiding behind her see ragga but claiming to be the head oh my god I was hiding behind her sacrifice but claiming to be the head of the house and your obedience been created a blessing for now for now and I remember just cut me king-making here we go a conscious decision a conscious decision everybody hear me God is asking how do you know it's a sacrifice because you eat it that's right how do you do a sacrifice because you need it my bills are due cuz you need it yeah but I got to pay this and then you talk to the worst thing that you could do what she didn't do was get on the phone and call somebody look there's a man of God over here telling me that I need to give him a phone girl don't she'd be no fool right don't you do it you buddy so meal first that's right guys that would have been the last meal in the last meal if it don't meet the need if it doesn't meet the need it must be AC she was able to say yo that's a C and gods like when when I show you you then I reveal myself to you I'll reveal but God is always challenging us and anytime he challenges us you're right he shows us us first our heart our selfishness our attitude our priorities whatever and then when if we win we pass that test then God reveals or shows something behind that that we didn't even know he was trying to show us all the time so I just say to everyone don't hold on to what you need now so into what you'll get later Tusker don't hold on to what you need now so into what you have coming later it doesn't mean to me that's mean if he didn't want you to really service oh wow make that much I should have to give it right now if he didn't want it when he gives us the weight losses to see the widow coming with the Widow's mite he listen lady hole you might yell at that much it's all good he allowed her to release that little it's so good it's like that's the point until we learn to release the little the little until we learn to release what we have that's all we'll ever have it can't be anything else but what it is until you let go of what it is release the little when you release the little then it can become more it cannot turn into anything else besides what it is as long as you're holding on to what it is that's all you have for those that are watching right now I have a question can you tell us is it what you love or is it what you need that he's asking what you love or is it what you need they God is saying let me get that up off of you what you love but is it what you need it's love for me right now I know it season and if let you love yeah alright I think I've seen them take care of the need so I trust them for what the need is but it's the love is the hardest I call you when I was in California and the Lord woke me up and said if I told you to release this church would you do it yeah and I'm like in the and I told that this is what I said the guy I said man I feel like Abraham well you told him to give up Isaac exactly I mean you allowed me to start this church you allowed me to grow new surgeon and now you ask me when I give it up yep and then I said then that's a thought this isn't mine it's yours and before all of that happened six months or so before I was in the same space and God said I want you to give it back to me put it on the altar like like Isaac right the ministry that I gave you and give it back to me can you do that what can you give it back to me all right it's yours but what do you mean by that not understanding it right so everybody I see your responses the Lord is requiring is it what you love but is some y'all you've allowed your kids to become your God similar level address Rasta come here jack somebody's allowed I'm getting that money you've allowed getting that money to get between the relationship with you and God that's right so that's okay the last one that we want to speak guys this love is what you need is what you're comfortable with comfortable how many of us hate change hmm like what you about if I get you out of your comfort zone if I remove you out of your comfort zone because you your life has become a calm pattern predictable predictable and I am pulling you out I am stretching you yeah I am breaking you yeah cuz I have another chapter yeah growth is beyond your comfort zone say that one more time growth is beyond your comfort zone you cannot grow in the comfort zone grow is beyond the comfort zone the pushing point the breaking point we teach because we teach and we preach to ourselves we are like we just saw here is a couple of thousand people watching as we just out here putting our whole heart out here but it's true out of your comfort zone oh god is it what you love is it what you need or is it what you're comfortable with comfortable and everything mean this is where control freaks go crazy yeah man this is where those of us that have to know the ending yeah lose our mine um this always will mama because Peter was a professional fisherman I've been doing it for years this was his livelihood don't forget the Bible says that he went to Peter's mother-in-law's house so this is how he supported his family cuz I took care of his business yeah what do you do when God pulls you out of your comfort zone don't find it look five and eight let you read that when I'm tired I'm Peter saw this he fell in Jesus knees and say go away from me Lord I am a simple man get off me back up first of all you stepped on my boat today in you go I didn't invite you here right you told me push out a little bit right and let you finish your lesson then you did it I did I was already cleaning these nets folding them everything and the initial lesson and then you said to me launch out to the D a little bit further what perks of all rich me out of my comfort zone out of my comfort zone I'm wrapping up cuz it's daytime daytime cuz oh good night yeah we don't pitch it day now you telling me to go out here try again I want to try again I'm never to go home but nevertheless nevertheless if you say so imma going out here and grow push it out to the other side you serve a god that gives instructions on both sides he gives Peter an instruction let your net down and then he gives the fish instructions to get in the net God's working on both sides for you we're gonna both sides out of your sacrifice your sacrifice God is working on both sides he's telling you to do something that makes that seems like it don't make sense and then he's given an instruction to what he's telling you to do to accommodate what he's telling you to do he told Peter to let down the net he told the fish to get in there come on he's working on both sides and then because of that God proves himself such a great catch that the Bible says that the nets began to break and the boats began sink think that they had to call for the other boats to come and get some of the fish from one man's obedience it's connected to somebody else's blessing so much so now we have a net breaking boat sinking in heaven here come on declared to be so if the net breaking boat sinking in Keller because we sacrifice yeah because we obey - comfort zone okay this is good and now when Peter saw this disease I see it his companions were astonished at the catch of fish that he had taken in and so were James and John the sons of Zebedee son Simon's partners then jesus said to Simon hey do not be afraid from now on you will fish for people stop it I'm going to make you fishers of men same word same word fishermen but new definition same word I'm gonna give definition to you you ought to do what you've always done just doing it differently same word fishermen but fishers of men come on that's a revelation for somebody you still gonna do what you were doing it's just gonna be a different definition God's gonna bring definition to this season he's gonna make it make sense I feel it he's gonna make it he's gonna make it make sense he's going to give you clarity he's gonna give you understanding because you went out your comfort zone hi Peter never went out the comfort zone he would have never experienced never explored what was next and what knew one of the key things testimony if we look at that verse that you read the first verse out of his mouth for don't be afraid don't be afraid I know this fear yeah that's me your comfort zone from getting out of my comfort zone yeah don't be afraid from now on look now our season don't be afraid this is a new normal don't be afraid things are changing don't be afraid things are shifting after this from now on I'm gonna give you new strategies I'm gonna give you new definition I'm gonna give you new intentionality I'm gonna do something fresh in your life because you chose to grow how did your comfort zone comfort zones are the enemy comfort zones I can't want some different and do the same thing you got to do something different three months into me we are all in an uncomfortable situation to be locked in our homes come be able to do what we normally do is unconscious this is crazy and sacrifice is when you ask to get out of your comfort zone and go with it and go with it watch me somebody else and I'm not called any fish here I would have moved my boat to another pub piece of water all right I ain't got some of y'all what you're doing is you're not leaving the boat you're pulling the boat to another lake so that you can continue to do what you've been doing comfort zones are the enemy this is this this kind of stuff mess me up he said don't be afraid from now on you are fish for people new paradigms new strategies new intentions new motivations new perspective new more than just fish you more than a fisherman you're more than just catching fish I know you've been successful at this I know you've been great on this level there's a whole nother level I want to get you off this boat I'm not gonna put you in a headlock I'm gonna bust you in your chest I'm not gonna drag you up this boat opportunity I need you to give in and make the sacrifice I'm creating an opportunity for you so now verse 11 so so they pulled their boats up and gave up what they wanted the most and left going for fish caught no fish finally got everything that they were fishing all night for and then at the opportunity of a new paradigm a new perspective a new opportunity they left everything and followed him how no and James and John I'm with him I don't know so one man's obedience he connected to other destinies everybody on the boat won't follow but there few that have been a sign to go with you James and John go with and watch me guys don't forget that there were other boats following with them doll so they are with him hey watch he has to leave them too now venture out into this next a new chapter in his life shift out of your comfort zone shift change move is a preaching day of Pentecost is the preaching day of Pentecost ends up start like I mean let's not even get to either one that the church is handed to come on crying this rock you'll hold the church until I raise the Pope on this rock imma build my church cuz I could trust you because you left everything you were stuck on water but now I'm about to take you from city to city to town to town you was in a boat on water I'm about to let you Peters resume don't do it everything he became after he left everything when you leave everything you've faced sacrifice the biggest sacrifice I'll say this to you was when the Lord told me to leave and go to chuckles Church yeah that was the biggest like you mealy black people I mean I mean I say this very respectfully my father was a black Hebrew so that was there was some black stuff pounded into me then I went messed up with the Alabama State University when you go to a historical HBCU they pound black stuff in you so heavy that my in my 20s but I came from college I had a shaky zone I had the Hebrew print oh I was walking around here looking like Malcolm junior make sure every year we celebrated Kwanzaa leave but go of it with some Puerto Ricans and no blacks go here yeah you'll be the first black to ever join this church you'll be the first black to even preach here you'll be the first black to be anointed growth this beyond your comfort look at you you left all of that you is familiar with and went to a whole different culture and even a whole different type of church right yeah in terms of how they worship yes I'm used to singing I made a vow to the Lord and I won't take it back I'm used to singing traveling shoes Lord God oh I'm used to UM what you called interlining if you confess the Lord call him up but you probably online leave all of that go over here what you're singing I'll say I'll say I'm in this and I'm in this I'm in both of them I'm in both of them but where I want to take you you I'm gonna need you to step out this boat and come on go with me and it was rough I told you I told everybody right now it was not easy I had withdrawals every one day the Lord told me I can never take you where I want you if you constantly going back to where you've already been I can never take you where I want to take you if you constantly going back to where I mean one day I put my clothes on I was like I'm just going to broadcast I disease and he's like no you can't go yet hmm it's not that you won't get to go now was not the right time because I'm breaking you growing you I'm still growing you yeah you got that you can do that you can do that let me take you to what you can't do because we're I'm so now now when I look at it your own now I see I had to go there so that I could preach in Malaysia yeah bro I had to go that's a preach in South Africa other cultures I can go there like preach in Australia so I had to literally go and learn and it's not that I stopped being who I was no I've become all things you expendable man mmm so everybody that is listening out of the three that we mentioned tonight is it what you love is it what you need or is it what you're comfortable with is it what you love isn't what you need or is it what you're comfortable with growth you gotta get that that is the sacrifice I'm sorry if some of y'all just want to give him anything he's not accepting anything no I love that scripture in a second Samuel I asked him to pull it when David said I will not offer the right to the Lord that which call us meaning then I will not offer to the Lord that which cost me nothing it has to cost you something it has to cause that was sacrifice to the Lord my god a burnt offering that I will not I will not offer him a sacrifice that cost me nothing and it cost me if I love it if I need it and if it makes me uncomfortable and it cost me those are your three areas so guys while we are on this quarantine why you all locked down the question is can you tell the Lord yes put your yes out front yes I look at where we're going what we are building new life when our church opens the gifts and the talents that will be needed yeah all around world it's going to it there's a cry in the spirit random there's gonna make somebody have to sacrifice what they love sir that's what they need sacrifice what they comfortable with LM yes so that we can do what God has called us to do yes there you go guys it's saying yes it's not easy it's not there you're slower it's not is not easy yes and so tonight that's our assignment that's your alter yes that is your alter is he asking for what you love is he asking for what you need yes or is he asking for what you're comfortable with yes yes we say this to everyone that is the difficult part for me was when the Lord told me reach out for passenger mo move over hmm sure his pulpit hmm but I was comfortable with this no but this isn't yours so the comfortable part because I had to now change my positions so comfortable with men which one is yours love still love I don't know I think it's all of them it's love it's love and comfortable right need I just I don't know I've had nothing so much that I know he'll take care of need is me I it's where I begin right but when you I love heart so when you love something as an idol but as unto the Lord you love what you do you love what what you've done for the Lord what you've built with the Lord and then God asks for it you know you've developed a relationship like Isaac and then God asks for it he requires that of you yeah it's hard I mean you with tears as you say yes and then the comfort zone I know that Abraham had to be walking towards that mountain crying like Laura you gotta you gotta have to do something I know Abraham was walking towards that mountain crying cuz this is the son that I love yeah so tears doesn't stop your sacrifice right go ahead that's what it is with tears in your eyes I say yes yeah you say yes and you you trust God in it and you know that what's next is more than what's right now right that's why he's asking you for a see because the law of seedtime and harvest says in order for me to give you a harvest on your now you have to stew have to give me a yes right now so I can give you a yes later yes to the Lord so that's tonight the whole point of tonight's Bible study was to ask you what does he require of you and then is he as as he asks for it write it down and then ask myself do I love it do I need it or is this just my spot right those three that means that that's what he's coming for so true you could fill it you can fill a sacrifice you keep filling it you're supposed to feel a sacrifice you can feel it you can feel it amen all right that's real Wow for those of you that know that this word like bless you tonight how can I offer the Lord a sacrifice that cost me nothing um I could teach this from a financial point right I could teach this way yeah um I could teach this thing like how to release what you have in your hand to God - so any more oh I've learned even how to sew into the word and Anita the word that we've received I put I put a seed on what I received I want everyone that is listening watching watching us tonight if you even watch it later I want you to sew like a sacrifice like Laius sacrifice um let's go here for somebody your sacrifice would be 25 yeah for somebody your sacrifice will be 50 yeah man for somebody man your sacrifice will be 75 and for somebody it will be 100 yeah whatever is a sacrifice it is so one of those tonight yes and I want you to be able to fill it I want you to be with fill it how do you so you could text and give text averts NoCs e two seven seven nine seven seven yeah if have our app you can give on the app but everyone should be able to so something tonight yeah it let it be your sacrifice yes Lauren when you give it tonight can I can I can you put in the description part my sacrifice my sacrifice yes why do you love it do you need it or are you comfortable with it yes my sacrifice again text averse in LCS e2 seven seven nine seven seven everybody tonight I dare you to sow into Leah sacrifice it's what you heard on tonight I'm sowing into what I love I'm sowing into what I need I'm sowing it's what I am comfortable with knowing they just gonna Scott you alright so everyone get that C in your hand and repeat after me avatar gonna give up Tarzan the giver and I can bless beyond measure plus beyond measure I have more than enough I'm more than enough I'm living in my overflow in my own I am living Ephesians 3:20 these three tween I'm gonna be living in the rest of my life if you want to write a check and you want a melody any of you from another state and you don't wanna text you can write a check make the check out to NoCs e you could mail it to five five seventeen South Michigan um Chicago Illinois six zero six three seven come on Cynthia so you're C come on Lynn come on Latonya Isaac you've been a man on this thing a long time you better saw something light but everyone so you're a sacrifice and I need you to say my no cash out with the church don't have a cash shop anything y'all see that send to me that's mine right just go to new life you seen us so there's no cash out but everyone you either texting to give if you have the app the easiest way to give of you want a mail it it is 5517 soft Michigan Chicago Illinois six zero six three seven on this word blessed you tonight I no idea what you play Karen Clark now give me a praying spirit to help me to say yes yes it's here yeah gotta join you for prayer tomorrow night tomorrow night I'll be praying but tonight at nine o'clock I'm coming back on here tonight at nine o'clock we heard Franklin having a conversation tonight oh good for me and Kirk Franklin gonna be hanging out tonight at nine o'clock I would love to you guys to stick stay where you going from nine o'clock tonight into tomorrow night we're going to be praying for pastors and churches so I need you guys to join me tomorrow night at seven and then on Sunday Sundays Sunday there's a seven thirty nine thirty 11:30 and 1:30 pick which one you want to watch seven thirty nine thirty 11:30 and 1:30 all right passage about thank you for saying yes to the Lord amen thank you for saying yes to the Lord seriously saying yes to God putting your yes out front you know everything you still got to go through the process yeah the emotions the feelings the thought but I rather say yes to God anything right you for saying yes and being so gracious yeah man we'll walk it out together hey yeah listen I thought I got to say and I need those of you better from new life I need you to say we're gonna all work this out together yeah we're gonna make it through this and we are going to build something that's gonna be amazing huh we're building God an altar with building God an altar all right we love you guys we want you guys to be blessed everyone so your seat tonight if the word blessed you use so into it don't be one of those that come on and eat and don't even leave a tip on the table so something on today all right we love you I'll be back at 9 o'clock tonight with Kirk Franklin Kirk Franklin and then tomorrow don't forget at seven o'clock we praying for pastors churches and ministry hey Elijah love you all right guys we love you pray for us pray for me and Hannah pray for pastor Damone and Eric and his family love you [Music]
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 4,626
Rating: 4.8876405 out of 5
Keywords: #prayer, #bible, #biblestudy, #word, #johnhannah, #pastorhannah, #separation, #life, #faith
Id: 7UagnqNvS-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 20sec (4460 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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