Ram Pump 3/4 Inch to 1/2 Inch

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[Music] well hello and welcome to another exciting video from gobbler Ridge Farms and today I'm gonna be working on another ramped up design previously I did a half inch to half inch Ram Punk and I was able to get you know good water flow up to 100 feet and so so water flow up to 200 feet and I was able to fill up a five gallon bucket overnight so I got at least five gallons or more but I can't get any water flow up to 325 feet was just where I need it to go so I have this resource right here and this is put out by the Clemson Cooperative Extension and is basically dealing with livestock and forage and tada Ram pumps and this is out on the internet and PDF form and this has a ton of great information different you know designs of some different pumps it goes through a lot of mathematical equations just tons of information it would it would be a two hour video to go through all of this so one of the things if you're interested in in doing some of these things that I'm doing I check out this publication from Clemson University go Tigers I have a bunch of relatives that went to Clemson so they'll get me for that but I want to kind of refer over here to page five on this and since I'm not getting enough water flow with the half inch to half inch round pump there's a paragraph here that says if more flow is desired well yep either a larger hydraulic ram may be used or another hydraulic ram may be installed with a separate drive pipe and then plumbed into the same delivery pipe until the water trough as long as they're sufficient water flowing source to supply this demand I think I have enough demand to put in a second one but I didn't want to go and build a second ramp pump and then try to you know merge it and plumb it into my delivery pipe so what I'm going to do in this video is I'm going to take and build the input side of my ram pump to three-quarter inch and I went and got some more parts after work today went over to Gilroy's that is pretty close to work hey thanks to Tyler for helping me go through and find all these parts we had to you know use some some galvanized some brass we did some PVC we and we even had some stuff that came off there the irrigation some of this gray PVC ish looking type stuff along that schedule 80 or what it's made out of but thanks Tyler for sticking with me and helping me piece all of this together so but anyway they say Gilroy's got it well they did and so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and I do like I did in the last video I'm gonna put the teflon tape in between each one of these little unions here and leave these little nipples and go ahead and get that ready and then I'm gonna go down to the creek and try to merge this with the half-inch output side that I already have on the half inch to half inch pump and see if that will give me a water delivery up to 325 feet with somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 feet or so of elevation game so let me put this together stick with me and we'll do do experiment number two 3/4 inch half inch let's see what happens [Music] are you gonna be in my video of court man a sudden right we're walking into the sunset all right we've got the ramp up parts and the air chamber all put together so we are going down and see if we can splice it in to the half inch pump already have it down here so we can come up and get some water in this barrel because the half inch to half inch has no output at 325 feet hope this works cuz this hill it's pretty tall actually all right follow my secret path well that's where the water flows to that's where the creek is the other secret path because if we went down the other secret path we would have to walk all the way along the creek and then we have to walk all the way back up this secret pathway do you see it you don't you don't know about it because it's a secret if everybody knew about it it wouldn't be a secret all my subscribers are gonna see this and fight figure it out there's the bucket we filled up with the half inch to 1/2 inch that's as far as we could make it so and go down to the bottom of that Terrace I don't know if we can tell how steep this is maybe if you slit down and busted your butt you'd find out but I've got about four or five of these terraces I've got a cup up so that's about 4 foot of elevation gain so that's like 20 feet plus rise in the land normally going down the hill plus coming up out of the creek bank so that's probably a little more than the half inch to half inch could do but all right we're gonna make our way on down here and see if we can splice this in and maybe we'll get some success here in a little bit Jacob this is the super-secret path that you have never been down and you are in front of me and I'm following you how in the world are you not getting us lost you're what oh you're following the hose well you're smarter than the average bear then aren't you I guess if you follow the hose all the way down to the creek you'll know where the secret super secret path lines up okay you can't fool this little guy all right we turned this off so we get down this Bank won't slip and fall and get that on film I don't think you see down there so I've got a lot to a lot of elevation to gain Wow and there's another hill going up that way least mine's gradual now do you see why I told you to put on your water shoes because I knew a young man like you would be in the creek in about two seconds of course so was I so I guess we're all being kids at heart okay the half-inch pump is still pumping but it's just not going anywhere and I do have a cut-off valve but I'm gonna have to take out where I reduce this from 3/4 down to 1/2 inch so I better go take the supply pipe out up at the the source before I start doing this and getting myself t-totally width I'll be right back in food momento for for war [Music] I love the portability who these Robi tools but I didn't bring the pints of it oh my gosh you can go back up the hill no I need the pipes of it doodly-squat thought I had everything oh one thing about ramp up they always pump uphill is a great way to get in shape alright Jacob let me forget the alright turn around so they can see on the camera that your ex is working you're blocking the view this way proof that he did work take that take that Grandmamma alright put this union together down here now you have to hold up the whole thing you're alone for the month I brought you along for mussels [Applause] all right you'll get the tube the one you brought down here that's the key right there snow dragon 300 eart okay I like them all new experiment will it work if you get dirt in your thread pipe all right sit down Creek per minute and get in there all right hi I think we successfully actually going back up the hill to get the glue we have successfully spliced in the 3/4 into the half-inch output so we now have 3/4 input 1/2 inch output hopefully that creates enough pressure to give us another hundred and 25 feet and two terraces and a half of elevation gain alright let me go with the supply pipe back in the water and see if this worked okay it looks like it's working but the cycle is kind of slow I went and checked I don't have any blockages upstream you know check the fittings be sure they were kind of tight I closed off the output see if it would build up a little more pressure so not sure if it's a stream flow problem I'm getting enough head pressure on this thing he well the other thing to do right now run for a while see if it builds up any more pressure and in the tube and see if we get a little bit of water could honestly be that it's trying to pump way uphill it's got a lot of back pressure on it but even when I shut the valve off on the output side it still never picked up any speed ideally 45 to 60 revolutions per for a minute that's about every three seconds that's down around 21,000 one one thousand two one thousand yeah but two and a half three seconds that's about 20 to 25 maybe a little less than I want so I gotta go back do some research unless it just works you go up there and see if we get any water in the barrel Jacob or do you just you just want to sit down by the creek and fish oh you're not fishing so that it would be pointless for me to ask if you call it anything oh this is boring Oh fishing is boring yeah it's not nearly as good as hunting right hunting's bored what's not boring watching YouTube videos no that's a good that's that's a good commercial for YouTube alright let's go to see if we got any water falling out of this thing I don't know what else to do at the moment alright peace out you got your foot stuck yeah that's the hazards of putting in a ramp pump which by the way we stay down here and plate a little bit sometimes of 1,000 to maybe up to 30 times a minute I don't know let it run overnight see if that's sufficient to push push it up to the barrel and if not I'm gonna go do some more research I should make you do the research you're the scientist the other one was running more cycles per minute but this wasn't as more a bigger pipe on the input side so I have no idea all I know is I still got to get up these last couple Hills go ahead and get that bucket of water in case we have to prime it when we get up there cuz I'm not coming back down this hill woooo at least we got water that far right all you have to do is come down with the milk jug every day as part of your chores and carry water back up to the homestead one gallon at the time what would that kid do without the internet well that didn't last but a couple of drips I left the pump running all night and no water whatsoever so back to the drawing board okay we had a little spurt last night and I thought we were in good shape but that was all we had and I let this pump cycle in that that slow rhythm about 25 beats a minute and didn't get a drop of water up to the barrel we're back and researched and trying to find you know some troubleshooting stuff out on the internet and either video or text documents of things like that I couldn't really find anything for that specific problem most of the troubleshooting stuff was about you know how to get it started I can't get it started and that type of a thing so about two o'clock in the morning I woke up thinking about Ram pumps I believe I'm being possessed by Ram pumps it's a I got my my thought is is that because I have a bigger valve now you go to three-quarter versus a half inch then it's going to take a little more water to close that flapper valve quickly and that previously I was using a three-quarter inch pipe to supply a half inch ramp up an alkaloid 3/4 to 3/4 so today went back to Gilroy's and got four sticks of the one-inch PVC and so I'm gonna swap out my 40-foot pipe of 3/4 inch PVC and go to 1 inch PVC thinking that the extra you know volume trying to Nick down into the 3/4 should give me more head pressure and maybe cycle the ramp pump a little a little quicker if that doesn't work I went back to that Clemson PDF that I had and with a one-inch pipe I believe I can go as short as 13 feet and long as 82 feet so I'm running 40 feet so I can go further and maybe get a little more rise and you know think of it as going down to the ocean what gives you all that pressure makes you have to blow your nose to equalize your ears or wear it scuba tanks if you go deeper is the weight of the water pressing down so the deeper you go into the ocean the heavier the water is pressing on it so by going with a longer pipe I should in theory have you know more water which is going to be heavier pushing into my intake there on the RAM pump and maybe you know that would work I don't want to do that right off the bat because as you've seen in the early parts of this video in a previous video my pressure chamber is right in the notch of a tree in the creek and at 40 feet I've got the perfect pool or a rock comes up here and I got good Rock here and I can back that up without having a lot of erosion or putting in mud or cement it's just a good natural spot so I've got exactly 40 feet was just for 10 foot pieces of PVC I've gotten the perfect pool and a place to put the ramp up so I want to go ahead and try the larger diameter then if you know that doesn't work well I now have 80 feet of pipe of 40 feet of the one-inch and 40 feet of the 3/4 so I can I can back down that on up and find another pool hopefully somewhere in that 40 foot range and and try that the other thing that I you know kind of thought of is that the flapper valve you know gravity is trying to push that straight up and down and I believe and this is about memory it may it seems that people kind of adjust the flow or if you lean the the waste valve to the left or right just a little bit it'll still work but it's just not as efficient or what-have-you and so my thought is it's like picking up the bumper of a car you're trying to pick the car straight up it's gonna be you know hard try and push that flapper valve up you know maybe hard you push a car down the road it's good to take a second to get it going but you can you could push that car and so maybe by putting the flapper valve to the side the water's gonna push it sideways as opposed to straight up might lose some efficiency doing that and I won't I mean I get it all the way to the top of hill so that's you know somewhat of a last resort but something else I can play with so I think the easiest thing to do what's most preferable to me as a solution to this is to go ahead and swap out my 3/4 Drive pipe with a one-inch and see what that see what that does so I'm gonna pause the video right here I know you don't want to watch me glue any more PVC and when I get that done we'll resume and we'll find out together if that was a potential solution and if that worked yeah it hopefully should in theory but the things I think about at 2:00 in the morning oh yeah if you can see that enough good one the inclination was to put my knee down but I don't take a bath just yet what do we get here oh good - seemed to be flowing any pastor go check not I had to scoot this back a little bit let me go shoot my damn went sure for her a little air being sucked up in there that's not good so let me check that and rule that out as the culprit I know if you can see that in the background but it seems to be flowing a little bit better I did have a vortex and that's one of the things where your supply pipe goes into your water source you want to make sure it's far enough under the water otherwise what happens is as it sucks that water down it's like in your bathtub you start seeing that swirl what it does it sucks air into your pipe it won't work all that guess I just went up there and and put it a little bit further underwater as far as I can because my base where it's hitting is all rock so I'm trying to do this without making a Army Corps of Engineers dam down there but sometimes one that is definitely faster than the two and half to three seconds I was getting yesterday I'm gonna pull out the stopwatch and check see how many it does in a minute and I'll be back in exactly 60 seconds see I told you to be back in just one minute and that was 30 cycles filled not quite as fast as I want it to be but it's better than the 20 to 25 that I was getting yesterday some of those were running about I didn't do a full minute but about three seconds maybe two and a half but closer to three so that was 20 cycles so I'm going up ten cycles so I'm gonna see if this will work and if it doesn't then tomorrow we're gonna take our supply pipe and go back up even further so well no tomorrow I'll be back in exactly 24 hours make that 22 and a half hours alright peace out my grandson would say something like that and be cool and too old be cool okay I couldn't stand it good wait till tomorrow and I went ahead and connected back the 3/4 hose went back up to the 40 foot mark and connected the one-inch Harley not hose but one-inch PVC and so I now have 80 feet trying to get a few more feet of fall and a little more water pressure in the pipe to try to run this valve and I've gone from 33 clicks a minute I'm down to like 20 so I'm actually worse than I was yesterday and after I turned the camera off I'd tinker just a hair and I had to go in at 33 clicks a minute and this last round I checked I was at 20 so all the stuff I was thinking about it two o'clock in the morning does not seem to be my answer I went to ponder this some more worst case scenario I'll go back to the one-inch pipe at 40 feet and see what that does gonna be hard to do it in any other than 40 foot increments because I've got all the union's blued maybe I should have put some screwing unions to play around with this a little more expensive but I believe it might be worth it anyhow I'll go and see if I'm getting any water at all anywhere along the line but that is very slow got the camera back in case it spews this is the 200-foot mark that bucket is where I was that I went down the creek and rerouted this a little bit so I gained a little bit water dripping out right here I'm not gonna take this off instead I'm gonna hope that might be a good sign go to the 300 foot mark maybe I surprised myself okay I've been trying to chase 45 to 60 plaques a minute beats a minute whatever you want to call it but I was watching my valve shut I mean it was slamming pretty good and I can see the line jumping all the way back up the creek on the supply side so I went and put some rocks on that and I got a lot of the vibrations really calm down you know perhaps a galvanized pipe might be the answer to that but I was kind of chasing that you know 60 beats a minute if you will and maybe I didn't need to understand all that you loosen this up and take you in a little closer but there we go I got the camera on tripods with that white background of the barrel I didn't know if you could see that or not but definitely you can see that okay and that's been continuous the only thing is I don't really know why this might be work some good comments from you folks who experiment at least now we see that a a 3/4 a half an inch ram pump can pump 315 feet let's walk poses they're sawed off 10 feet but I'm going 315 feet of hose and I'm coming up eight foot 5 foot there's another game in elevator I'm coming up a good 32 all right come back to check on this later Wow and I leaned on the barrel and to stop going for a minute so this thing is might be a little persnickety so I'm gonna take the stopwatch here in this half gallon jug and I'm gonna let run for a couple minutes to see how how much I get don't wanna bore you guys watching water trickle like watching grass grow so let me read this for a couple minutes and we'll see how much we get in there okay I'm at the two-minute mark okay two minutes zero seconds and 47 one thousands that grandson sometimes can be very particular and so I've got right there maybe 1/4 of a gallon a little bit less than that maybe 1/5 of a gallon in two minutes so by my math 1/5 of a gallon in two minutes is 1 gallon every 10 minutes 6 gallons an hour it would be 72 gallons oh wow I should fill this 55-gallon barrel up by the time I get home from work and have half water to spare all right and that can only use about 30 gallons per or watering session on the trees Wow I don't know why this is working as good as it is but I guess that's giving me what I want I don't understand it exactly but that's ok as long as it works so I hope you learned something because I didn't but I'll keep playing around with this kind of stuff and sharing it with you and anyway once again shout out to Tyler at Gilroy's he helped me again today get pipe and fittings and stuff to try to ramp this thing up to a 1 inch intake so thanks again and anyway I dunno I can pump 315 feet up about a 32 to 35 feet elevation with a 3/4 to 1/2 inch ramp up so it's not a very big ramp up so anyway I'm gonna I'm gonna call this one good I'll see all you turkeys on the next video [Applause] oh my goodness I turned this on at 8 o'clock last night it's 6 o'clock so that's 10 hours I've almost filled a 55-gallon barrel so about 50 gallons in 10 hours 5 gallons an hour by my mouth awesome
Channel: Gobbler Ridge Farms
Views: 10,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gobbler Ridge Farms, Ram Pump, Ryobi tools, Ryobi 18 volt tools, Off Grid water, Gillroy's, Gillroy's got it, 3/4 inch ram pump
Id: QLSP5jmLPu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 29sec (2249 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2019
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