My New Favorite Way to Make Chicken Cacciatore

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hey guys welcome back today we're going to make chicken cacciatore pasta that's right chicken and pasta coming up right now let's go over all those ingredients two pounds of boneless skinless chicken thighs you know this recipe is enough for about four to six people depending on how much you have um because we have a whole pound of pasta too I have one 28 ounce can of plum tomatoes I just hand crushed them you could also put them in a blender and just pulse them if you want or you can use crushed tomatoes I had one large onion that I sliced into these kind of thin pieces one red bell pepper that I just sliced a half a cup of oil cured black olives I absolutely love these olives they're very salty so I soaked them in water for about 20 minutes then I drained them you can taste them initially then you can soak them and see if you remove some salt just keep that in mind before you start adding salt in the beginning of the recipe to the sauce in addition to that we have another salty ingredient which is three tablespoons of Capers these olives and capers make this Cacciatore really really delicious and and different though if you look at the other Chicken Cacciatore the traditional recipe I did I did put them in but that one had celery and I had more peppers and stuff so we're doing something a little different today we have three quarter cup of white wine in this which is right here we have three quarter cup of low sodium chicken stock so it's going to give it enough liquid to braise the chicken we have three ounces of tomato paste it's gonna increase the body of it and then I have about six or seven cloves of garlic sliced and if you want to do 15 do 15. the fat in this I have olive oil we'll use a little bit of that about two tablespoons for the chicken sear and then we'll do a little bit of butter too and we're gonna put more butter in there so there's about four or five tablespoons of butter let's get into seasoning and Searing the chicken right now I'm gonna Heat this up to a little bit higher than medium I'm not going to be able to fit all the pieces in so I'll just salt and pepper one batch for now and specifically put salt on it liquid's gonna come out tiny bit of olive oil there I'll wait to put the butter in because it's just gonna burn so we'll just wait a second okay and then right down you hear that sounds really nice yeah and you know we weren't going to fit it all so we'll do two batches it's gonna take about three to four minutes per side to get it nice and brown you will get it brown even when it's non-stick though I do prefer a stainless pan now do we have a little bit of meat in here it brought the temperature of the pan down enough that we could put in some butter foreign butter is just going to give a really nice flavor to this but I think the butter and the tomato is going to be the trick here on this one so that was about four minutes and see we got a pretty good sear even with our non-stick pan but you know you're doing Cacciatore here it's not really it's not really about the sear in fact traditionally Cacciatore is done with skin on chicken a whole chicken and the skin gets all rubbery and just soft because it's completely submerged in sauce right Tara yeah I'm just going to keep the same right Tower every time I want Tower to say yes I'm like your laugh track these have been going for about four minutes per side it's a decent sear here so we're going to take these out see like there you go like that let's take these out and let's put a little bit more sprinkle of salt on them because chicken needs a little bit more flavor it doesn't have much flavor those thighs have more flavor than uh then boring white meat so just a little sprinkle here of salt and it'll absorb right into that hot oil [Music] so all the chicken's done I just backed the heat off to about a four out of ten Just a Touch below medium we will do our onions and peppers and I am putting them in at the same time you know you can get to the Finish Line in a lot of different ways guys I'm gonna put in the butter okay so that's the remaining butter recipe says four tablespoons I think you probably would be better off with maybe five or six here I'm actually going to add a touch of olive oil too there let's let these go they're about again about a five out of ten four out of ten we want to just get these nice and softened up all right so those went for about seven minutes they could go longer but this is gonna braise for another 40 minutes or whatnot with the chicken [Music] make a little bit of room here I'm just gonna put all that garlic in that delicious garlic and we'll let that get a little bit of color but more importantly become fragrant before we move on to the next step it's looking nice the butter smells great there's the garlic the onions the peppers Tara was saying you wanted mushrooms in this right I love mushrooms and I was thinking that they would probably go really well in this dish yeah I think so too so just make it your own you do what you like if you like mushrooms add mushrooms if you want more peppers if you want celery if you want carrot so I'm putting in three ounces of tomato paste which is half a standard U.S can paste and then I'm gonna cook it in here and I want to fry this paste like thoroughly Incorporated in here for about five minutes if you start to burn which it probably won't happen because you have a lot of butter in here and liquid from the onions and the peppers but if you do all you have to do is just take your pan off the heat take a splash of water just turn on your faucet splash of water just go like this and that will reduce the temperature of your pan very quickly it's the simplest thing you can do you have an electric stove you just move it off to the side to the UN unheated burner but what I am going to do here is and this is good now you can see it's beautiful color it's fried enough I have three quarter cup of dry white wine this is sauvignon blanc I'm just going to put it in here just keep your head back when you do it this is just low sodium chicken stock chicken base I use I always use it why do I use it because it's better than most box stuff the best would be if you have your own stock but again if you're watching me you probably don't have your own stock all right I'm turning this to high people often wonder why food tastes better in a restaurant well some restaurants most restaurants it doesn't taste better but a lot of it has to do with they're using stocks that they make they're using a lot more butter they're using a lot more salt they're using wine in every dish I mean these are a lot of the ingredients that you know we try to use on this channel like the biggest difference is a restaurant will use a lot more fat they don't care you know about calorie amount and they'll use a lot more salt until it just tastes really good when it comes out to you so all I'm going to do here is it's on high it's bubbling I just want to reduce this by about half what a cookout if you use a stainless pan you can use the flat edge of your wooden spoon and you can try to remove some of that four letter word that we don't say on this channel but it's reducing very quickly here it's concentrating it the reason I used that more liquid is because with the chicken and everything I need to have enough sauce at the end for that one pound of pasta that's good that reduced enough how do I know I just know all right that's our consistency there Tomatoes 28 ounces of those beautiful Marzano Tower I can't remember yes they were see all those chicken juices the accumulated juices right here see how they're all going in that's all the chicken juices and the chicken foreign chicken was only cooked four minutes per side and it's this is chicken thigh so chicken thighs are going to be better when you get them to break their connective tissue to break down so that normally happens around like that 185 degrees to about 200 degrees mark they'll get more tender they'll fall apart all right so we're going to submerge these so I'm going to lower it down to a simmer which is going to be about a three out of ten if you're worried about you're reducing too much just put a cover on it or crack it a little bit crack it a little bit you will get part evaporation put it over completely you will get no evaporation leave it off completely you will get full evaporation if you don't have a cover for this use a piece of foil and just like this but I think we're good like this right now maybe we'll cover it in about 10 minutes this has been about 10 minutes it's definitely liquidy enough to keep an eye on it you might need to cover it yours like we said you could do a partial cover but this is good like this keep tracking the chicken to see if it's nice and tender or you can just use your thermometer so it's been about 25 minutes and I took out a piece of chicken I used my instant read thermometer here and it registered 150 degrees after 25 minutes so chicken needs 165 to be done regardless so it's not even done yet the timing is important for the recipe but more important is for you to understand when to start your pasta you don't want to start your pasta until this chicken is tender and it's just not tender yet it's not even close don't rush the process just let it cook okay so it's been about 33 minutes let me show you what I mean by the chicken will get tender do you see this here see how it's almost starting to like shred apart [Music] I don't really want to break them down because I want the nice big pieces but these are tender I took a temperature reading and I had like 170. so they're going to continue to cook now our sauce is a really good consistency as well like this if you think you know it's too evaporated you can just turn it off at that moment but what I'm going to do is let's give this a little taste and let's get our water up to boil for the pasta oh my God the flavor is amazing it's the butter and the wine and the belt everything about that is I think I got a home run here really I'm you know I'm not even going to put a touch of salt the Capers and the olives are very very salty we'll do that at the end be careful with your salt levels all right let's boil that pasta and let's go get some fresh herbs from the garden I mean this is tremendous honestly this basil is even a little bit too high when it starts to get to flowers when it goes to seed you don't want it this high it's just this rain has been crazy and then I don't look at it for a day or two this is this basil is good too I'm going to take a little bit of parsley and basil we did not get a new kitchen all right this is just the old kitchen there's Sammy she's making chocolate chip cookies over there now we are back in this kitchen all right with herbs one pound of pappardelle that is going to take a very long time to cook it normally will say on here you can't really trust it though so it says cook for eight minutes this is definitely wrong you can tell by how thick it is it's gonna take longer than that but we'll just taste it we will taste it and what we want to do is we want to cook it to one minute less than Al Dente because we're going to finish it in the sauce here keep your salt levels at 1.5 salinity that means two tablespoons of salt roughly per gallon of water so the chicken is super tender here gonna pull this out I'm going to put all the chicken in a separate Bowl all right so there'll be no chicken and pasta unless you want chicken and pasta so since the sauce pasta is almost done let's put in our Capers and our oil cured olives so here's the capers it's oil cured olives I actually want to chop them I don't know why I didn't chop them already but you know what let's put them in like that let's get crazy today you know yeah you definitely are not going to need salt in here not after not after that the timing was pretty close actually it took I think it took one minute more gently coat everything here now if you wanted to you could have taken a little bit of that sauce out say like if you say you were going to separate these two dishes and you were really going to just have like your first course and then your second course take a little bit of sauce out if you did do that and you would say you were running out of sauce what you could do here is add a little bit of pasta water I didn't put any pasta water in here it's it's not it's not going to really be needed though always reserve it so it's thoroughly coat this and just let it cook right until it reaches Al Dente I'm gonna turn it off here if you wanted to you can put even another Knob of butter right there there we go with the beautiful basil and our parsley you don't use as much as you like here or as little as you like you could also mince this if you want parsley maybe I'll do a little tear basil just a bit you know if you think you're getting a little dry here you got your pasta water [Music] we separated the chicken and the pasta but I just combined them right now for you at the end okay now I'm not gonna say anything she she wasn't watching either before so the chicken is tender right I can tell about looking at it the chicken is the one thing I'm gonna critique okay so what's wrong it's a little tougher than I was expecting maybe a little bit longer I thought it was going to be a little bit easier for me to put my Fork through and for me to chew it yeah as far as the the flavor of the Cacciatore sauce um it's really good I don't think I got a whole lot of Olives yeah there's a lot here are there a lot in there there's a lot okay because I was gonna say that would be the other thing I would want I would want more of the olives so we did a half a cup guys you can definitely do more than that I wanted to not go crazy here because they're very salty yeah I love those oil cured olives you think we should change it to three quarter cup in here yes see that guys yep we're going to change it definitely I'm Gonna Knock a point off for the chicken do you think it was that piece of chicken maybe what about give me another piece what about if you have that piece of chicken this one's much better I mean so the chicken this is a problem guys with all food that I'm we've been getting lately that was two and a half pounds of chicken you bought it was only five thighs that is not right normally you'll get about seven oh yeah this one's much better normally you'll get about seven to nine thighs much better so it's almost it almost tastes like white meat I was gonna say this one almost they probably cut they probably tasted like a chicken breast I know that's what that's what my problem was all right so can I am I still knocking the point off for the chicken or yeah listen it's the chef's error when you buy chicken thighs don't buy a pack that only has five thighs that weighs two and a half pounds that is dinosaur gigantosaurus chicken I think this is a great one I still think you should make it do you think that they should make it oh absolutely so I'm gonna give it an eight and a half I recommend definitely making it add more olives I think the Caper amount was fine but if you like more Capers and more Capers maybe add more butter the one the other thing that I think would have been really good is I know you sliced the garlic for this but I love when you cook oh yeah garlic like 15 cloves yes so that I think could make this even better but outstanding I would I would eat it every night all right well I appreciate it thank you very much thank you tough crowd [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Sip and Feast
Views: 52,090
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Keywords: chicken cacciatore pasta, chicken cacciatore recipe, sip and feast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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