How to Make MOIST CHICKEN CACCIATORE Like an Italian

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ladies and gentlemen today i'm taking you to tuscany with a chicken cacciatore a classic tuscan dish that is gonna bring happiness into your belly this is done the real italian way just for you let's make it together [Music] this delicious video has been brought to you by nord vpn and i'm very passionate to introduce you to this magical deal just click on the link nord vpn dot com slash the chainsaws plate to make chicken cacciatore for a family size we need four chicken drumsticks so nobody fights for it one inch about five chicken wings and five chicken thighs then i've got beautiful homemade tomato sauce you can use one bottle of pasata from the shop extra virgin olive oil little bit of rosemary then we need one celery stick chopped into small pieces one half onion chopped into small pieces two nice carrots chopped into small pieces a nice bunch of parsley again chopped into small pieces a nice glass of red wine two cloves of garlic and salt and pepper simplicity that's all you need i know some people like to use olives you can use olives but what i'm making today is the most traditional uh out way of making chicken cacciatore if you want to add mushrooms olives or zucchini you feel free to do it nothing wrong with that first thing to do we're gonna put about four tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil in a nice casserole dish i like to use casserole dishes for pollo a la cachatora because it's um it's nice it's a slow cooking process in here and we want to take our time to cook the chicken cacciatore you have to take your time so the chicken will become nice moist and full of flavors now the oil is nice and warm what we do we're going to put the pieces of meat in there so we want to braise the meat okay so make sure you put the meat in there you can spread it around for the wings you want to brown both sides an important step guys to brown the meat you know to do this very important step what i want to add right now is the garlic okay but what i want to do with the garlic is i keep put the skin on i'm just gonna smash it okay i want to get all these flavors to go in there okay i want i want these flavors to infuse with the oil and with the chicken so i'm just gonna place the garlic in here and here oh and the flavors are really coming out because of this technique that we use the good things about this casserole is that it's a slow cooking process you don't want to cook on a high heat everything has to be on a medium low heat and the food always tastes better when it's low cooked now let's put the lid on and what we're going to do is not only we help to keep all the flavors in there but we also keep it moist and all the all the steam stays in there which is very important for the cooking of the chicken after a few minutes we go and check still not brown but it is cooking a little bit more so look in the middle here mmm i can smell the garlic can you smell the garlic guys can you smell the garlic it's beautiful flavor just turn it around now we cook the other side before we are going to add our ingredients okay now let's put the lid on and cook for 10 more minutes before we add the ingredients okay let's have a look what happens after 10 minutes let's open this let's have a look oh here it is yum the smell it sansational the smell that come from out from this nice smell this is my favorite way to eat chicken i love it chicken cacciatore now i think it's nice and moist the meat is cooked on both sides what we're gonna do now is we're gonna add all the ingredients so quickly move everything around as you can see the chicken is shrinking a little bit okay so it's a good thing you know you got more space now for the ingredients now what we're going to do here we're going to put the carrots just everywhere the onion and the onion to go everywhere and the celery and as you can see i also kept the leaf on the celery because the celery is the cousin of parsley okay so you do want that it's full of flavors spread it everywhere so yeah after about two minutes is what we get the vegetables are softer so it's easier for us to move them around just like this just turn everything around can you see the juice that has been created by the chicken there's a beautiful juice there that's called flavors flavors that you really want okay now here we go look at that look how we swapped everything the vegetables from the top now are at the bottom and this is where the magic begins ladies and gentlemen this is where the flavors are coming in what we're gonna do now is we're gonna add the rosemary okay so i'm gonna put the rosemary in there just in there we're gonna put a glass of red wine okay it's very important to put a red wine so important for flavors and don't worry if you don't drink alcohol the wine the alcohol is evaporating okay if you don't want to use wine maybe use chicken stock or just use water but the wine is such an important ingredient for this recipe and it will evaporate very very soon again what i like to do i want to keep the flavors in there so i am covering this again and let it cook until the wine evaporates okay now let's check let's check look at the beautiful color there the wine is giving the color to the meat it's beautiful let's turn this around and what we do now normal lid for a while okay let's get this wine to to leave the casserole we don't want the wine in there anymore the wine did the job very important job let's mix everything together the smell is so good you will only understand when you make this and then you can say oh yes i can smell it too and i understand oh beautiful beautiful beautiful i can't stop laughing i think the wine evaporated into my nose went into my brain and now i'm drunk i'm not true not sure i'm cleaning now what we do now as you can see i want you to see this see it is runny liquid because of the liquid it's from the from the chicken okay but the wine is gone this is the time when you can put the sauce okay because the wine it's gone so let's put the sauce in there this is felipe sauce homemade with love and look how beautiful it is come on look i'm gonna have a look look how thick how real how homemade this disease okay you can buy the pasta from the shop go for it but if you can make a small batch of sauce at home it will taste so much better oh my god look how beautiful look how beautiful let's squeeze what's left in the bottle to make sure it comes out perfect and now let's move the sauce around everywhere so let's move the chicken again and turn we want another sauce to go at the bottom and to make love with all those beautiful ingredients all of them all of them yeah right here beautiful now we're gonna be generous with the salt i didn't use any stock here okay so basically you do need the salt so we do need the salt so be generous with your salt be generous with the pepper be very generous and what i'm gonna do now i'm gonna put a sprinkle a little bit of parsley even though basil is so much better with sauce i always say that but for this recipe we need the parsley guys okay we do need the parsley let's stir this again so the parsley goes everywhere and then what we have to do guys we have to slow cook it for about 20 minutes fantastic fantastic fantastic mamma mia the flavors and now all we have to do now is to wait see you in about 20 minutes [Music] all right after about 10 minutes let's check the what's happening in here okay well we can remove the rosemary stalk we don't need it anymore i can go this can go the flavors are in there thank you rosemary for bringing the flavors and i think we've got 10 more minutes and then we're ready to serve look how beautiful it is look at this beautiful sauce the garlic can be removed if you find the garlic this is the time to remove it we don't need the garlic unless you love it and you eat it okay oh my god it's coming off the bone look at this one it's coming off the bone wow coming off this is gonna be so moist and full of flavors what we're gonna do now is no more lid we leave it like this no lid so that way the sauce will thicken a little bit more and it will be tastier i have good news the chicken cacciatore is ready come and have a look look how beautiful it looks look at that all we have to do now is to put some more parsley for decoration and let's make it look prettier and then we can enjoy our meal oh look at this look at this sauce he's calling us saying eat me please eat me [Music] i am a big fan of not [Music] and i'm very proud because they sponsored this video if you don't know what they do listen here they do a lot to make your internet experience safer and to give you access to anything you like before signing to node vpn i was not able to watch food network usa now thanks to nordvpn i can watch food network usa so i can react with nonna i've been waiting for this moment no no i now can react two things you need to keep in mind with north vpn your internet data stays safe anywhere you go and with one account you 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yeah beautiful let's get some sauce look at this are we going to eat this together do you want this too ready melts in your mouth full of flavors it's a it's a beautiful explosion of flavors in my mouth it's so delicious the chicken of course is the queen of the dish but everything else around the chicken is just perfect beautiful tuscan dish the smells are beautiful what else do you want you want something delicious slow cooked in less than one hour this is what you make guys this is perfect it's a great dish anytime anywhere right now this is the most beautiful part chicken thighs [Music] even more moist than a drumstick beautiful beautiful beautiful please make it and enjoy it what are you waiting for the question is what wine are we serving with this red or white what do we do with the bread now i'll show you so we cut a piece of bread and we clean the plate this is what we do now with the bread see we soak all the juice oh you look at that and have it and enjoy guys i need to keep eating this because this is so delicious thank you so much for watching this episode we will see you in the next vincenzo's plate video recipe aora simanja vincenzo's plate see you guys thank you [Applause] you make me laugh mason oh god
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 83,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make chicken cacciatore, chicken cacciatore recipe, chicken cacciatore gordon ramsay, chicken cacciatore italian style recipe, chicken cacciatore vincenzo's plate, cacciatore recipe, cacciatore chicken, chicken recipes, italian chicken recipes, cacciatore, how to make chicken cacciatore italian style, chicken cacciatora, chicken cacciatore easy, how to pronounce chicken cacciatore, italian chicken casserole, vincenzo's plate recipes, vincenzo's plate
Id: 56Tznu7ndmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2022
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