MY MOTHER IN-LAW WANTED ME DEAD | The Jessica Kayanja Show Episode 5

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hear the story of my life [Music] hearted some pain weeping at [Music] my night victories and hope a brighter day has gone it's for you and for [Music] me hello everyone welcome to the jessica anders show we bring you real life stories of people who have weathered the storms of life and are willing to share their trials and their triumphs with us and today's topic the proverbial monster in law what happens when the relationship with your in-laws is so toxic that even after your husband has passed on and his remains have been put in the ground your in-laws will forget grieving for an instance and they will engage you in a verbal wrestling match there is fighting at the home there is fighting when the cascade comes there is fighting at the burial grounds there is fighting after the burial we are not here to malign any family but before today's guest gives us a story i want you to know that it is not fabricated i attended this funeral i attended the grieving vigil i attended the barrier and i witnessed what this young lady went through if you are watching and you are one of her in-laws we are willing to take you on we are willing to have a dialogue with you on the jessica kaya show because we are not one-sided in any way we are all human beings we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of god and most of all i am an in-law and so many people that are watching are in-laws may this not be a judging session maybe it be a session in which we can learn and a session from which we can decide to be transformed i want to welcome the beautiful gorgeous soft-spoken jessica nasobuga you are welcome to this show thank you so much pastor jessica um i dearly appreciate this opportunity you have given me to share my story and holy spirit we adore you for who you are my name is nancy bugajeska i'm a mother of three beautiful daughters for their gorgeous yes um i'm a businesswoman yes i buy land and develop it i build rentals and yeah so i'm a landlady you are yes you are you are real you are into real estate yes wow please tell us about that business is it uh developmental yes it's so developmental you know this feeling of owning a property i really want to own other people are selling clothes you are selling houses i'm saying that's beautiful that's wonderful um jessica your husband was an amazing entrepreneur and we are not saying this um because we we worship property or because you know we we worship things as people who you know who don't live on this world are going to say but we are saying it because it has um a connection to the story yes he was an amazing entrepreneur and you and your husband worked yourselves from poverty from owning nothing yes to being multi-billionaires and i say that without shame because the people who know you definitely know that that is what it was now uh usually when there is a relative um in a family that probably has grown so rich yes and uh and and appears to have it all together um there is a sense of entitleship yes from the siblings but i don't know whether that is what happened in your case but before we go into that um tell us about your husband he was a wonderful man a very hard working person yes he yes he was he actually is the one who engaged me in that in real estate a real estate business he was your mentor my mentor my friend he told me that essence of her working hard wow working so hard and owning property i loved that wow um when you were married you know you you virtually had nothing nothing nothing because i we met we met at church i gave my life to christ and i joined the intercessor group and one sunday evening i saw this tall guy coming good-looking and he said to me that i need to talk to you so i told him that i i will get back to him right after the the service and he and he proposed he proposed he became your husband and he became my husband and um by the time he he had nothing not even a matrimonial home not even a matrimonial home but at his demise yes um you were millions of dollars worth of moles of shops of houses so he definitely was a very interview you know enterprising man and um you know um he was not just your mentor many of us learned from mr macedy i remember he is the first person i had saying that you could you know build um a mansion from scrap from selling scrap and they were that scrap could be recycled and um and he was not just a hard-working and wealthy person he was someone that was willing to impart knowledge and to encourage other people to become millionaires as well so uganda did lose someone who was valuable but we thank god that he knew god and he passed on to glory to glory wow um jessica yes man tell me about the day your husband dies okay uh it was tuesday evening he said he wasn't feeling good and that very evening i took him to see a certain doctor at case clinic so he said he ha he scanned him and said that he had a problem with his heart and he referred as to a doctor in a cardiologist so early wednesday morning i rushed him to malaga because it was getting really weaker so he was aided with oxygen and then i meanwhile as the doctors were trying to do all those tests we just lost him like that yes and it was a shock yes i i came to the hospital sometime after that just a few minutes after that on hearing that he on hearing about his demise but the drama started at the hospital exactly um i remember your mother-in-law saying you should not get into the car that brought you into the hospital yes i remember her saying that you shouldn't get into the cash you came driving because it was no longer your property because your husband was dead actually when they gave her the news that sorry to announce to you mommy you have lost your son he cried in a loud voice and said that this my son's property that was how she cried my son's property this woman is going to to this woman oh my husband's property yes i had those crimes i had her you know i had her shouting because i arrived i arrived a few minutes and after that i didn't know what the the fiasco was about but of course i was wondering even as you my friend have lost her husband she has lost a son yes and i was wondering why the concern for the property at that particular time and he told his son to go and search that car she told her something she told your brother-in-law yes to go and search the the car there must be some money which sums up money we came with oh hospital for the hospital her son obviously dealt in in billions and millions of money okay so she wanted the car searched and all this time she has been given this very sad news yes that her uh her son her son is no more and she's searching for money that might be in the car and she has confiscated the car this is her reaction to her death i want to believe she was she was moaning and i want i want i want to believe she had actually um lost direction and had no idea about what was happening but like i said this is a story i witnessed first hand because we are careful when we are giving you this story this is a story i've witnessed first hand and um well that happens um there is that transition i am jumping in because there are people who will be saying why are you jumping in i don't want her to be saying everything i am owning this story because i don't want her in trouble with her in-laws i'm owning this story um fast forward we get home and before we even got home she said you have no belonging in our family yes don't touch anything in the house not even a spoon not even a fork oh you have no belonging there okay so now um your husband is dead and you are still at the hospital and your mother in law is saying don't touch the property when you get home don't touch don't get into the house because that's what she told me she said i don't want your friend in that house um and and you are the league goal if you are waited in church we witnessed your wedding she says i don't want her in the house that's not her property and you have no entitled there this is now your mother-in-law and um what i was wondering about you know what what what what what went through my mind at that particular time was what about their grandchildren what does she think about the children how does she think they feature here you know and i wanted at that time to believe that she was grieving and she had lost her mind so fast forward we go home because the casket takes some time to get to the home and when we get home um your mother-in-law addresses people she actually talks to me and says um i hope you know that this is no longer your your friend's property and i hope you know that your friend didn't even have a son is in this smack actually okay now that is that that is that some of you are thinking okay that's the grand finale this is not yet the grand finale this is just we are just beginning the story that drama that drama okay now at at a point where she grabs the microphone i'm saying jessica i'm out of here you know she grabbed the microphone yes to talk about um her that house yes she said i raised my children in a single room so this woman should get out take her children and raise them in and that was before the place was flooded with people but there were a few people the neighborhood was there i was there she says she should also take her children out of this place raise them in a room and they will become rich like my son became rich but this is my property this is my house now so she wanted you out of that place so that you could you could go into a room and bring up your children the way she brought up her rich son now you continue um he died on wednesday and barrio was on next the following week monday yes so all those days imagine we are in drama ah yes yes i witnessed the drama it was so what what were some of the things she was saying she was just chasing me away from the home yes and everybody was worried for me she was saying that this one is you are going to actually she told my mother that if you do not want to lose your your daughter just take her away from here she told no me yes she told me that um that you were not going to live very long if you you you insisted on grabbing on to the property so those are some of the things i want you to recall i know this is a very hard story to tell because obviously you lost to your husband this has been a time of grieving this is a time of of getting your um yourself together but um as i tell what i saw because i remember you at a certain time fainting i fainted and painted she said that actually sister julia was among the people who were helping around yes to lift but somebody told me that sister julia was also among those people who are helping me and then they he said to them that just leave her to die i have also lost a son here let her also die yes i remember that i remember that bit now in fainting was where you you obviously you were overwhelmed but and then uh you were overwhelmed by the actual my mother developed pressure from there she didn't have pressure but she developed pressure she was so so worried for my life i remember your parents calling me and saying we want to take our daughter we want her alive because your mother-in-law had actually intimidated so intimidated them and they said you know we want to take her alive we are not concerned about property so i mean that that that too was was was uh was was was uh you know a very a complicated situation now one of the uh the the the the well i won't call them allegations because it was correct but one of her half punching your mother in those punching lines was you don't have a son in the home in the homes and and uh and and but you had brought up your husband's son exactly isn't it it's very you haven't brought up your husband's son your husband's son even looked healthier than your own children so obviously you had you know seemingly showered him with love and all that and um so the reason we probably one of the reasons we're buried late is because your mother-in-law is now calling somebody from abroad who used to be your husband's girlfriend yes to come and officiate because she's the mother of the son of the son so that that is you know and she she actually told me that she said you know um how did you handle that how did you feel i was so hard but i was so happy about cora i'm glad that you came in pasta jessica i'm so glad that you came in after we buried on monday and then the drama was still going on at the burial ground yes can you tell us a little bit about about that drama on the burial ground yes um when pasta was do you want to tell people or do you want me to tell them like i said we i i you know i have to take this because i don't want now her in-laws uh raising arms at the belly at the burial ground um the the the the lady that is supposed to be the boy's mother has come and um she's looking american styled up she has a what what is a fascinator and obviously it's okay to be smart and a black you know short dress and and and and and looking very trendy and stylish and we have finished bearing and pasta says i'm going to show you the air yes and uh so when the air is being brought because obviously you had brought up this boy you it is you that he knew yes yes so when the air is being brought her mother-in-law says she cannot stand with the air yes she may be the wife but she is no longer featuring the man is dead he's buried let the woman or let the women the family that produce the sun stand up you know and right now she's standing up to to to to pasta calendar which is you know obviously for most of the believers this is now beyond the boundaries i wondered how pasta was going to handle it but i was amazed when he called your son because you know this is your son he said he called you and said jessica come and stand with your son and he prayed for the air yes and he said i actually she intervened she said you know i want the mother of this son to come here you basically was laying hands on on us and she just yes yes drag on and she was like directing her that these are the people you should pray for this is the hair and this okay that was that was very sad because that was a very traumatic moment and um you know um the culture shock also of seeing um these because i don't want to criticize her i know she has also been victim of their what but but i feel that your mother-in-law had kind of set her up really she's not a bad person exactly but i you know even the way she was dressed her minnie her fascinator her you know her her cleavage low dress and and and this is a funeral i feel that your mother-in-law probably could have said her you know yes could have set her up like you know come and make a statement uh you are the mother of the sun yes and uh and just cause days of you know of of glory yes i remember how grabbing the hand and you know but um pastor calendar obviously raised you up and and this boy and said and say to the boy this is your mother so look after you your mother and the siblings yes yes and she was very angry because i was sitting with persecution at the front and she was somewhere there so she quarreled throughout yes and i remember her telling another lady in girl power what has he done that woman failed to get a boy and this is the mother of the boy but obviously this is a mother who hasn't even been in the life of the of the boy or even in your husband's life because she lives abroad she has her own life she moved on her own family her own family she she remarried and here is your mother-in-law wanting that to be the the you know the image and the the the the the the vision um the so that every time we think about your your husband this is what we envision we will envision this lady we had never seen he hadn't worked she hadn't worked with him i mean i i do understand that she had a son yes but basically i i wondered where you know um the the appreciation for standing with her son the appreciation for the fact that you are not a wife that came in maybe an and stole you know uh property or and and and disorganized the home you were a wife who came in when the man had nothing and you grew we grew together you grew together i wondered about that now okay that drama was there and we when we are leaving the burial ground she's asking us why we are not going to sleep at the burial ground because she's okay for you to have the old burial ground but she's not okay for you to have my mighty money yeah she's not okay for you to go back to your matrimony home so she's asking us why are you why are you going back where are you going hey the place was so chaotic i couldn't stand it i had to go back home and think i know i i pulled myself together and accepted whatever had happened and then i said no i have to leave i have to leave my children have to leave i have to fight pasadena and pastor robert i saw a rescuer in you i saw a deliverer in you i really need you needed you at that time and i thought to myself because there we had a lawyer we had a family no yeah i and my husband we had a lawyer but before i even knew it they had already pulled him to their side he manipulated him yes and he was no longer a lawyer he was their lawyer so i remembered i said pastor jessica they have the biggest law firm in in the country the same paperwork i said this these are my rescuers so i came to you and said you know what pasadena but you know remember you told me you said one thing that jessica don't run away from this i didn't know what i was going to do you say to me do not leave this house you stay right here fight for your children fight for yourself the same pastor kanga told me the same so you i remember you came for me you came right at home and drove me straight to to the law firm and you handed me over to my lawyer now mr and suga i remember you you told him emphasized a point that you and [Music] thank you so much for tuning in i hope you're enjoying this program so far please like comment and subscribe to pastor jessica's youtube channel oh and don't forget to press the notification button so that you're notified whenever we upload a video also you can follow pastor jessica on all of her social media platforms facebook instagram and twitter under the handle of pastor jessica kayanja if you would like to contact pastor jessica kayanja please do so on seven seven two six three one six zero three and if you'd like to advertise with us please don't hesitate to let us know okay now let's get back to the show [Music] you i remember you came for me you came right at home and drove me straight to to the law firm and you handed me over to my lawyer now mr suga i remember you you told him you emphasized a point that ted i want you to vindicate this woman she must get justice her children must get justice and i'm forever grateful for that because i remember even then you you still masterminded the entire legal process i remember i had a lawyer but you had prosecutor took over the entire ego process i mean you wanted justice for me and um yes you could call jessica how are you how are the children don't leave the home don't leave the home and remember those days i don't know what happened some i i actually i had to go and get security from the police because um their threats were so many yes they had threatened to advise you to get certain yes now from the funeral what now my i think you are an amazing woman i have never met anyone like you we are back from the funeral and you are you know your husband's a former girlfriend the mother of nassan is in the house they're staying remember they're waiting for the reading of the will yes your mother-in-law is in the house your in-laws are in the house and you are in that house with your three big daughters and your mother-in-law is continually saying moving to the boys court i'm moving to the boys quarter moving to the boys we are going to kill you yes until you tell the pastor that anytime from now we we are going to hammer remember about that yes yes yes you were late for the funeral service yes and i called you i said jessica what's happening and you said my mother-in-law says if um we don't give her the car that the challenger we are not barring she's not attending part of it any so you decided to give her the car that car and then she came in the car and you didn't come in the car she came in the car to bury her son her son and she's well she took the car she too unless she managed to you know to take the car but you know cause if you are you you you you are you you are knowledgeable you will know that that it has most recent value and for someone who who has a car you can't really say i have property so um i think that car appeased her for a little bit of time and uh she she forgot to put up the you know the the proper battle but the bit about it was i would come to your home and and they were asking you were serving them porridge yes and food porridge and food for a week yes okay um i i felt that that was really really strange you know i thought that was really strange but i think that you're an amazing woman i feel that if i have decided to fight someone i wouldn't even stay within the vicinity uh but they stayed um they waited for for actually they they did not know that i was i i got another lawyer they didn't know that you got you got me another lawyer so they were so happy with this one because they had already uh they were trying to manipulate everything they had promised him a lot if he could channel everything to their interests so it was a shock learning that there was an another lawyer coming in the picture that was also another another fight and so we continued we i continued thank you for for fighting not just for yourself but for your children for my children yes and um they were innocent they did not deserve the last bone was one yeah she was still breastfeeding this feeding and i i remember looking at you and you couldn't even cry you were groaning it was in so much pain but we thank god uh he's a good of faithfulness without injustice he preserves you he kept you he kept you strong and um and and and eventually you you you got justice i good guess for your children especially for your children and and and and and um your children will not be in luck they will not be unhappy because their father had invested yes that was that that actually that activate you telling me that you stay in this house and these things belongs belong to you and your children it activated that in me i said at least pastor yes can pastor robert believe that i can stay right here and fight and get victory over the situation because my mother she was already threatened and she was so worried for me to thank you she wanted to take him so i had you and pastor robert i also realized that you never raised a voice against your mother-in-law i never you never talked back and uh and and and again i commend you for that and if you are watching and and and and these there's toxicity you you you your relationship with your in-laws is toxic maybe this is the time to make it up don't carry don't let your grievances escort someone to his death don't let your grievances escort someone to his grave if you're watching and and and you are an in-law i think it is important also for us to realize that as much as you lost your husband they too had lost a son they too had lost their brother so that is that is you know that is understandable but um the manner in which you treated your mother-in-law with so much respect because number one so much tolerance yes i i needed to ask what type of relationship did you have with your mother-in-law before your husband passed on it was toxic from day one wow from the day your husband married you it was or as you grew no it was a toxic relationship she was known this type of a welcoming mother-in-law and i learned that earlier so i just learned to learn to bear with it with her yes but she adored her son she adored her son and we must give her the credit she she raised i think she raised her children single-handedly yes she raised her children single-handedly and she let them become responsible she led them to become responsible citizens you know in the country so she um she i could see she adored her son yes you know when she was she would talk about her son you know even in that time there would be a smile she was so proud of herself of everything that her son had done she really loved her son and my question is and will always be why didn't she feel the same way about you jessica why do you think she did not feel the same way about you i think it was about property she adored property so much and every time she saw me she saw a thief oh yeah she had this belief that i raised my son single-handedly so i must be the owner yeah oh i raised my achievement to work for me and to you know to to to get back because yeah he worked for them actually he he really took care of his siblings that's what i thought he took his mother as yes she was a very uh high flying mother she was very sophisticated for her age she drove big she dressed big and um so i'm wondering because of her son because of her son yes and he started businesses for them for them for them i'm wondering at what point enough was not enough i don't know he was maybe he just had grade in grade because even at that point he even forgot he had that that son left kids she was not bothered at all my greatest shock was not even the fact that she forgot about the kids my greatest shock was that she forgot to moan at that time or at least try and show us is still wondering about that yes to try and show us she was moaning because it was my career is the car and wait don't get into the house what what are they hiding there those are my that's my son's stuff so that i think for me that was really the greatest joke because i'm thinking if someone has lost a child the anguish the grief i may not even want to look at his property again you know you know if if if if if i were that mother so um you know give me this give me that that is what i thought was very strange especially the fact that from the moment of his demise because their toxic relationship where you relationships you know and most families have that where they the the in-laws are skeptical about the wife and probably the wife is kept people above them or vice versa but the uh the forgetting to grieve forgetting to show anguish and jumping out of the property and all that is for me what i should so that's why i say i always prefer to believe that she grieved so hard that it pertained her you know mentally and um so you know they they stayed for a week i think it wasn't going away yes for a week that chaos and drama for the entire week and then i would come and you would be making porridge you'll be doing chapatis yes it was like a hotel i want a chapati i want porridge i want this i want that and and until finally yes they left you were in a process of grieving you are missing your husband and you have no in-law i had no in-laws to fall back on because i think the best person to grieve with you would be someone who has lost equally yes and that would be an english because even as you lost your husband they lost a son they lost their brother so i feel that the best person to protect you and to grieve with you and protect the children would have been someone who has lost equally yes and and and and that is why it was so disappointing it was so disappointing because they were busy uh looking at how the share of the property would be so busy they forgot i mean it was like they had anticipated death or waited for this to happen or it was it's it's very confusing um but that's really just the devil yes um it's important not to forget that these are your children's relatives although it is a pity that i know that you all this girl saw what happened yes you know and uh and and i don't know what impression she has because she was old enough to understand when we talked yes she was old enough to see that that that um your mother-in-law was hostile she was i remember your mother you know sitted near the coffin and when you you your your youngest daughter was walking towards the coffin she said you know and um it was terrific yes i think it was it was shocking it was shocking we need to revisit ourselves all of us for those of you that are watching if you have a toxic relationship with your illness how far does it get how far will it go and isn't it better to mend the relationship now before any tragedy because usually when there is tragedy the relationship will never mean yes there are people who treat death like a divorce you know like you were actually at war with your husband so that if he dies it's it's going to be a fight it's going to be a struggle yes you know so um there are always questions should i fight for this diminishing relationship uh the the relationship that is is is is going down um should i should i fight to maintain my in-laws when they actually no longer my in-laws they are always those questions how do you feel about that because there are some people who say i don't feel safe for sure i don't feel safe but i have to let go of bitterness yes because i realized that bitterness could kill me they were so hurting and i felt that you know what because i want to live i have to let go of bitterness but again i have to keep distance yes one thing i've learned from you pastor jessica you you as a girl power leader you as a girl power leader you have taught us to to fight on our knees yes i i at that time i i had i made a strong altar in my house and that altar helped me so much because those days i could i could be late the holy spirit could lead me that do not be in such and such a place do not eat this just move away from these people be with these people and it helped me a lot it helped me a lot and one thing i don't want us to undermine is the power of having a functional spiritual parent a functional spiritual parent like you and pastor kaya anja that one is so strong because even biblically there's a there are so many scenarios in the bible where life is saved because of her connecting to a function a spiritual parent i remember when um jacob told one of his sons reuben that reuben you'll be unstable robin you will not excel but when we read in the deuteronomy chapter 33 verse 6 moses takes a role of a is a function spiritual father and he says to robin that reuben you will live and not die thereby breaking the curse of rubin this is so powerful you took i don't know you covered me you you were there for me throughout and the lives were saved yes many people have failed to understand me and have chosen to visit but my passion has always been for vulnerable women women who are abused because they they are not strong enough to stand and uh and and and i am glad yes that you were able to fight yes this abuse for the sake of your children my children and um i'm glad that you are an overcomer now i am one of a karma i want to ensure the entire world that i'm alive and well i have my property my children are so alive and well i'm a victor because of people like you who stood with me throughout wow you practically stood up for me and i'm forever grateful i want to say another thing that your mother-in-law was worried about she was worried that you would get married and and and and and and and the man these were you know her words to me and i think just not to me that was one of her biggest yes yes she was she was um worried that you would get married and your husband would take everything that her son had worked for in honor of your mother-in-law i want her to know and i want everyone watching because this is a very beautiful woman i know that there are people that will be looking for you looking at you because of your beauty but i know that there are others these days that are looking at people because of their property this property belongs to jessica's children and if there is anybody planning to jump on board they should know that it is not about property yes it is not about property it is it it is it it's really about you and your future so your mother-in-law i think she's she you know um she she had absolutely no reason not to worry because you fought for your children yes and this property belongs to your children i'm looking and i know there must be a mother-in-law watching it's difficult to lose a son it's difficult to separate yourself from a child it's difficult to see the sun that you have leveled for especially if you have been in an abusive marriage if you have stayed because of your children if if if you have sacrificed so much because of your your son it is difficult it might be difficult to see somebody else come in and steal all the attention but if you really love your son you will appreciate everybody that makes them happy everyone that makes them smile everyone that causes their hearts to beat with love if you are watching and you are in a mother-in-law um let's stop being possessive possessive love can be very harsh yeah you know and i'm sure what your mother in law did was probably out of love she loved you loved her son so much and that's what we want to believe we don't want to believe she was greedy we want to believe she loved her son so much she wanted to live in that property that she could remember her son she wanted to be sure that no man ever takes what um her son worked for well no man will take um what your son worked for and if there is ever ever a man i know that he too will have potential to work and he will work before he approaches a woman like this but if you are a mother and you are watching if you are sister-in-law and you're watching if your brother in law and you're watching it is easy for us to offend and go on the offensive but put yourself in these people's shoes they leave their family families come and marry into our families i'm involved in myself as well you know i'm an in-law yes i'm an in-law to two very beautiful women and very soon i will be you know a mother-in-law so if you are a mother-in-law and you're watching put yourself in the shoes of somebody who somebody else's child who has come all the way to marry into your family they've thrown their life away they have left their parents they have left the homes that they were used to and they have come to you and their parents have given them to you because they trust you if you can think of this child as your own child you wouldn't mistreat them you wouldn't put them down you wouldn't fight with them you wouldn't even feel that you had to compete with them it is terrible to have prosperity without posterity when your husband leaves when he's normal when your son leaves and he's no more and he's put in the ground every parent would have wanted continuity yes every parent would have wanted a legacy exactly you want your son's name to go on and the only way you can establish posterity the only way you can establish continuity is if there is a wife yes to have those children and to take care of them so that tomorrow people will still talk about you our god is a god of legacy he is the god of abraham he's the god of isaac and he's the god of jacob he's the god of a lineage and he's the god of a house joshua said as for me and my house we will serve the lord a house is a mother it is a father it's a mother you know it is a father you know that is a family let us try to clean up our toxicity let us try to rebuild our broken relationships jessica yes just give a word of advice to the women that are in your situation and that are watching yes um in this situation if you find yourself in this situation you really need people you really need people for my case i had i had two wonderful people i had pasta discount pasta robot candy besides me very qualified people very competent people you really need people and again you need you need to engage lawyers i think passages can help me to emphasize that point people really need to engage lawyers if they can find an eligible lawyer it can help a great deal and then i talked about an altar you really need an alter a place where you can connect to god and really hear from god you need because at the altar is where we we put our battle seed and then we we cry because we are fighting the bible says that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but might in god pulling down strongholds casting down all those imaginations because at that time everyone was casting death against me but i through the altar as uh the mice battle seeds my tithes were also weapons against this war and the other thing is uh do not get hold on just find out what i mean like you sit down and find out what is crucial in this context your life so do not walk with bitterness leave bitterness away ask god for the grace of forgiveness yes forgive these people i know it's not a one day thing especially when the other person is still hurting but step by step you will get there yes oh thank you so much if you are watching and um you are an uh a widow um you you you are enstranged uh and a strange widow your in-laws are fighting you jessica says an author she talks about a very strong legal team i know those of you that are so spiritual are going to say why fight in court if you are taken to court you need representation you will not go with angels you know and and um that is what i told somebody else whose whose uh husband has drugged her to court i said you did not choose court you don't want court but once you go to court you need representation and you need good representation yes you don't need people who are going to speak in tongues you don't now you are you have been taken to court so you need to be represented so um a strong a good legal team and and and and when people are fighting because they had manipulated your lawyer that is that was that their their line of fighting you needed to fight excellently as well and i feel that so many of us are women are usually um abused um because we our vulnerability is calls for it we are very emotional uh when you meet women that are going through a divorce you have to actually tell them look here this man is no longer in love with you you you know you have to to to to because you you find that they're clinging on they're smartly in love there and you know sometimes it's difficult even with this situation someone might say no i don't want to fight my husband's memory and we are so emotional and we attach emotionalism to everything that we do so i think that jessica's advice the altar the strong powerful legal team and and friends that can back you up and stand with you is is excellent i don't even need to get into that and um i want to appreciate you for coming to share thank you your story with us i want all of you to know that i've owned this story the in-laws that are watching us i was a part of it i saw it happen i was by jessica's side most of the time and if there is anything that uh does not lie down well today i think i'll take the blame because i know that this story has come out to help people yes and i ask you to come here to to share this story so that it can help all the women that are involved in this type of fight yes to be strong to build tenacity yes to stand up yes the bible says ever since the time of john the baptist the kingdom of god has been attacked by violence and the violence take it by force say yes thank you so much you're welcome for coming to the program today i appreciate you and viewers thank you for tuning in god bless you and bye thank you so much for tuning in i hope you enjoyed this program please like comment and subscribe to pastor jessica's youtube channel oh and don't forget to press the notification button so that you're notified whenever we upload a video also you can follow pastor jessica on all of her social media platforms facebook instagram and twitter under the handle of pastor jessica kyania if you would like to contact pastor jessica kayanja please do so on 077-263-1603 and if you'd like to advertise with us please don't hesitate to let us know [Music] i'm so sorry that's all we could do for today i do wish we had more time but remember it's a weeklies program so please do stay tuned for the next upload i love you i'll be praying for you and bye [Music]
Channel: Pastor Jessica Kayanja
Views: 51,145
Rating: 4.8696742 out of 5
Id: 1qiic_g7a2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 12sec (3192 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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