my husband had 22 children from other women | The Jessica Kayanja Show #Episode 6

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hear the story of my life [Music] hearted some pain weeping at [Music] my night victories and hope a brighter day has gone it's for you and for [Music] me hello everyone welcome to the jessica kayanja show we bring you real life stories of people who have weathered the storms of life and are willing to share their trials and their triumphs with us and today's topic step parenting when we mention the word stepmother everybody thinks it is the cinderella scenario you think of a mean woman standing between you and your destiny standing between you and progress feuding and fighting you today's story is about to amaze you we have a woman who raised 22 of her husband's children and her stepdaughter is here to validate that story she says my stepmother was a beautiful being she raised us she nurtured us she loved us and she was there for us mrs obutu you are welcome oh thank you you look you look beautiful today oh thank you thank you for even giving the consideration to be here we really appreciate that thank you very much and susan we're happy to see you thank you thank you for being here pleasure susan how many wives had your father he had about um five yes five wives each had her own home in different parts of the country being a banker he would be posted from one place to another and wherever he was stationed he had a home and a wife and my mother was one of them my mother lived in the bali um staying in yes exactly okay so she's the one who lived with that everywhere he went no no when he came to live to work and live in kampala oh that's how yes oh okay that's when she stayed with him yes all right okay and um tell us about the first time you you came to live with your stepmother how old were you right i was about 12 years old i recall i'd actually completed my primary living examination okay and i was supposed to be joining my uh senior one wow yeah and uh so uh the plan was so myself and so many of several not many probably two or three i cannot recall exactly three of your siblings yes from other mothers yes yes we were asked to uh to join daddy in kampala oh yes at mommy's house okay right majorly so we could uh also further our education secondary school education oh really because at that point in time the best schools were in and around compiling oh okay so that's how i end up yeah tell me about the first day you came home how did she welcome you i i may not be able to recall the detail of it yes but uh for a fact i recall that for me it was homecoming i came home you came i found a mother who hugged me give me she gave you a hug yes fed me took me she gave you at what parent took me in fed to oversaid i want to know about the first day the first day she's she stood at the gate and welcomed you and your siblings oh it's unfortunate a country called okay all right but but i remember it was a warm yes oh yes and bedding and they had already set beds for you yes there was we were it was news that we were coming okay all right at least that i remember okay so mom had set up beds for you oh wow yeah and it was planned actually it was a planned trip there and yeah preparations were made and wow so and um mrs ogutu how did you feel about welcoming you know it's it's it's it's it's for me and i need to be very honest even um living with an extended family has its own challenges just extended families you know your husband's relatives and you know but i wonder how this is how many children were you in that house now at that time by the time you arrived we were quite many how many uh more than ten more than ten more than ten many of whom were my own siblings others cousins i wanted to know about the children oh probably ten you were probably ten but we were more i said more than ten could have been about 15. how big was that house the house was about uh was it a four bedroom house so we don't fit in there would fit in there and we were happy it was a happy home that's what i recall and that's a special bit about mommy you know she always it's always nice to have her around you she makes you feel comfortable she makes you feel happy let me actually use that word but just comfort but happy you're joyful there's never a negative moment with her there's never a sad moment so take me back to those days yeah what was the routine you have 10 of you your husband's children what is wake up time how many bathrooms are you know in that house okay and after the 10 children came did more keep on coming and how did you do that do you did you ex break the house and you know okay uh yeah but it's just a guy it wasn't uh there was no chaos it was so organized my father was a was a disciplinarian there was order in that home there was no drama actually it was a very very organized home everybody knew what that show was the boys and girls we all worked the boys would go to the kitchen the girls did the kitchen they did this they did you know if the girls went to the garden the boys would would do the cooking and then would switch roles yeah and then um after you had a routine during this the holiday you had a routine would do some gardening you know to have food in the house we only went to the garden in the morning we returned about 10 o'clock others are cleaning the house and then others are cooking and when you're done with your lunch you know you go and do your homeschooling would during the holidays my father was a strict person in our academics so would go to study at a nearby there was always a school a nearby school where i would go to study and by six o'clock everybody was at home there was a curfew very strict father if you didn't obey you so your father was a good administrator yes he was i would say that with all the company okay and at the same time he was managing the other wives as well wherever they were oh yes those were his homes those were his wives okay all right so and at what point did he see these these these wives pastor jessica i uh and you were able to sleep for my father i wasn't really i was young i was 12 but you could see that everybody was happy the five wives were happy and all the children were happy yes okay there was an order and discipline matter of fact on the village where we lived our home was the model home yeah but you know it could be a model home because because of discipline yeah it can be a model home because of joy so were you happy as per you know a police troop happy because they have a good commander or were you happy because you know uh as as as puppies are happy because they're you know they are they know the mother is scratching okay all right there was care there was a tension we had a father and a mother who really cared for us you know who were always teaching mentoring coaching us you know we even had neighbors coming in into our home they would frequent our home you know now going back to the step parenting did you ever see any sign of favoritism any sign of you know i i i don't have enough of this because i'm not with my mother anymore never never never it was we were all equal you know so you were you had enough you were not in once we i cannot say at a point in time when i came in that that it was wealthy home it wasn't worth it but she was a good point yes my father i think had retired yeah he had stopped his regular job so we were more or less living off his assets you know things that he had you know and herself so they would work to maintain the home but at no one time do you ever feel like x is treated better than why we were all treated like she treated all the children who were cared for equally you know our needs you know going to school everybody our school fees she made sure everybody went to school when we were supposed to go to school she was there by the way school visitation mommy was always there i don't know how she did it we were so much on how many two hours and how many schools she needs to say okay i want to hear from her right now all right here because it's you know it's it's really getting confusing it doesn't sound really real it doesn't sound realistic yes okay it's the truth um so mrs ogutu you know i'm going to be very slow and and you you yes and you can um come in the way you want to just feel free to say what you wanted what you want to say um um [Music] when your husband would inform you that he was bringing the children home did you at ever one time feel because these children are coming in what i have will not be enough for me and bringing children was nothing new to me because he told me at first that let's keep all these children together so that they can study well so it was nothing new to me and if he's bringing a child he was not asking me he would not ask him you would just bring the children they stay with me okay he will not say i'm bringing susan tomorrow it is the children who are at the under the impression that you were being informed yes ma'am i hope you can hear that yeah i wasn't he just brings the nature what he wants it brings he will just wake up and bring the children yes he comes with the children and you welcome them you welcome them yes and and hug them and give them a meal hugging is i think a brand it's all you hug everybody yeah she's like she's a hugger i know that so every time he would say i'm bringing children you would welcome the children he was not mentioning anything oh he wouldn't say anything no he was a typical african man what he wants to do is what he does if he brings children he will not tell you i like the fact that you're honest because you know susan is really trying to package this in an educated way i know i know i know what i freaking mean i i know i don't see an african man saying you know what you know i'm i'm i'm bringing so and so on so especially that you know that type of scenario where where there are more than 10 children he's not he's not that he's not the one of that time he was not that type he would just bring the children children and even other people including other people he would also bring us relatives whoever wants to come i welcome them a neighbor in the village so you had long decided that stepchildren were not going to ruin your marriage not yet not at all and it didn't matter even if he kept on bringing as many you and still you would still have welcome i was i used even to ask sometimes that do we still have more children [Laughter] that is beautiful that is beautiful you would say you used to do something so why were you asking you wanted to plan for the ones that you didn't see you wanted to plan see how i would do it yeah okay and what would he say when you said do we still have more children you know a man cannot tell you direct the answer yes he just he answers in the basement so like that you can't know and you can't force him to say the truth okay wow so here the children think i hope some people are listening mommy the reason i i really wanted you on this show is that they are young girls now or women that are walking into homes ruining marriages refusing their husbands to even pay school fees for the children refusing the husbands to feed the children and here you are a stepmother welcoming every child that came and you are you know you have you have lawyers you have engineers you have you know you name them what do you have doctors doctors pastors pastors wow teachers teachers my goodness so you made sure all these children were educated if you were you if you were watching today and you were at that point where you know you got into the home and you are so greedy you said we best confused with this student the money will get finished you know just look at this lady look at how much her stepchildren adore her look at the way they are looking after her right now because uh she stood in the gap you know and um i i i don't mean you know i'm not an advocate for that type of arrangement but i feel that what you did was noble and it is something every young because people are afraid of even four-step children but you took up took care of all those children now um i'm i'm i'm going further i'm looking at the other scenario so the children kept on coming yes so what did you do um to make sure that they had enough because these these the women that are mistreating children it's always about property by the way it's always about there won't be enough food if they come there won't be enough drinks the children will take this the children will take that how did you handle that and she told you we used to go together during holidays so we were having enough enough food you taught them how to garden yes together you would garden together yeah we worked it together and they were very obedient they were very obedient foods we used to go together she could not disobey you know she was loving us it was more out of love it wasn't torture we never ever felt it was docha it was punishment it was really let's do this for the home you know yeah that that harmony that that love that that care is what for me i'll say that's what drove me to do whatever i did the obedience you know um submitting to her as my mother because she played divorce as a mother yeah she played the role of a mother and i think you know if we respect ourselves we will be respected and and she respected herself i i need to ask a very a private question and um i i i think it is one of the issues again uh that people you know that you'll find a lot of step parents fighting and it is the issue of jealousy and usually it is will they their children turn out better than me we also did you ever feel at a point that you know you you felt that there was competition did you feel that you you know there was competition there was competition from from from from the children there was competition from the mothers did you ever feel that because that's another reason why stepmothers get out of hand it's the jealousy it's the competition will these children going to turn out better than me are they going to be more educated than i am are they you know and someone comes into the home and she's not educated and here these children they're engineers you know they are they're doctors they are lawyers and you know there was no such a thing in my case in in your course my mother told me your mother taught you mothers of nowhere nowadays don't talk to them to their children they don't yes they don't happen they don't tell us what to expect yeah they don't my mother taught me earlier i would say it in uganda that in bazoo nosy rangana she used to say that word so many times yes for those of you who are watching what she says is um what what what what what she means or what her mother meant when she said it's it's a proverbial um saying and this is what it means it means when you have dogs in your compound feed all of them because you don't know which dog will kill the thief yeah okay so that is that is powerful and that thing kept me in my heart yes so whoever was coming in the hall was to be welcome was to be welcomed was to be fed yes and another thing she was she told us she talked to me timon yuta molikova so even if a stepchild just walks in welcome then because you know it's not a it's moonjutted muricu means there is no there is no road or there is no highway in a home if someone is coming through your home they are not going to the neighbors they're probably yours they have come for you so you just welcomed them so you know and wow so you observed all those values yeah because she heard up to me if i don't do it then i'm not being right and that whoever comes in the house must eat even if he's living you give water water and he goes off nobody should leave the house without anything maybe water if there is no food if it's in a hurry water it's always there even if you come to my home for five minutes we shall give you water i think you can tell the type of home a woman comes from when she encounters this type of situation i was talking about somebody a few days back and i said what type of parents does she have because there are some scenarios my i would my parents would not allow me to get involved in i don't think my parents would allow me to to to to go into a home and and make sure that the children are not the children are not they are not fed they are you know they have nothing to eat they're not educated you know but someone who is doing it so proudly and and showing off some whatever they are you know and you're wondering what type of parents what type of values what type of background yeah is that and usually the mother did the same thing indeed you know yeah indeed pastor jessica what she's actually saying those are the same values she actually imparted exactly she inculcated that same behavior in us um you know she always taught us when somebody comes to the home be hospitable smile when you're getting a visitor if there's no food if there's nothing to eat make sure they have at least a glass of water you know she taught us that and and that's what we've carried on even in our homes yeah we we have lived really and maybe that's what i meant when i said we were actually a model you were a model family yeah yeah that was discipline in the house which the even the village would see that that was disciplinary in that home yeah but really it was because we're told we were told we were nurtured we were coached should actually coach us literally she would show you how to smile for a visitor how to great visitor with a smile you know how to serve you know social etiquette how do you sit on the table when you're eating when you're going out for a date you know with this young man wow how much did you eat she told you about dating and all that yes even beyond that somebody is listening i mean you are in this home you don't even want to talk to the man's children you don't let the man see his children really what type of family are you from [Music] thank you so much for tuning in i hope you're enjoying this program so far please like comment and subscribe to pastor jessica's youtube channel oh and don't forget to press the notification button so that you're notified whenever we upload a video also you can follow pastor jessica on all of her social media platforms facebook instagram and twitter under the handle of pastor jessica cayenne if you would like to contact pastor jessica kayanja please do so on zero seven seven two six three one six zero three and if you'd like to advertise with us please don't hesitate to let us know okay now let's get back to the show [Music] i hope somebody is listening i mean you are in this home you don't even want to talk to the man's children you don't let the man see his children really what type of family are you from not just dating pastor jessica she would even demand that you bring the young man home oh so she can please tell her yes you so you brought a young man home i did when i was finishing my my university my degree my bachelor's degree um for some reason i think because of the values you know at home we brought up to respect yourself you know you don't play around with boys so i'm through university my third year and and she says hey sister susan brother not only you know and i'm like okay okay so now there was this burden on me to bring a brother home well i prayed about it and well i phoned the man i phoned the boy i brought him home i brought him home he you know he he treated took him in treated him as a what did she do she cooked yeah yes and engaged him in a conversation you know not a question and answer kind of inquiry but welcome to him like yes yes what did she do i can't remember 20 years ago but but at least i know it was a warm reception yeah yeah and she had told you how what to do when you're dating yes yes because what make what sense it doesn't make sense when you are training other people's children and you've thrown away your husband's children i know yeah it how does that reflect on you know how does that reflect on you but but right now we can let her teach she has given this testimony before because she has she she has ground on which to give this testimony she has moral ground there are some people who stand up and teach and i wonder what but on earth they are teaching she has a testimony she has a testimony she does wow so she brings this you bring this moko home yes and she comes and greets them what did you do not just my own but even my other siblings i know yes 22 is a good number yeah with money they can testify they would bring them home and she would you know give them the honor or you know a prospective husband and it was a culture in our home before you married a young man they needed to come home and you know so they they get to meet our parents so it was regular you know before you knew it they were part of the family yeah so by the time you get married they have actually they've become they are assimilated into the family yeah purely because of her nature she made it easy for them to return over you know many times um and then she would also do even the quantula you know if we take a car she would prepare she would take charge she took charge of her brothers yes our brothers she would arrange she was in charge she was our mother you know that's why it's hard for me to ask my stepmother you know she yeah so i'm i'm going to ask another sensitive question yeah uh within the time of the pandula what would happen because you know you the the real mother of the child has to come yeah and then you are there you know and this is where we see the heart or the spirit because some people will say you know let her stay you know because yeah i know some people i've seen some people take over you know another woman's home another woman's business another woman's and they don't even want her to step into the thing that she built and yet they did nothing to get it to where it was you understand but now there is this guanjula and so what would happen that time of kwanzula we used it to organize it with my husband the father of the children i used to tell him that bring their mother to to me this is a wonderful woman i'm sure i'm going to let my camera crew clap for you because they already wanted you would tell your husband to bring the mother yes our mothers would be present also to enjoy what is going on also to enjoy what is going so you would have both your mothers you know the mother that has brought you up and the mother of isn't that amazing the mere mention of your co-wife and you run crazy can you imagine you don't want her to stay in in the business that you built you don't want her to stay in everything you you have taken over you want us to think that it was always about you and here is a woman who would say bring and that is why god bless you thank you that is why god blessed you so you and what would happen uh who would sit with your husband you would both sit the two mothers together with your husband no you look wonderful we don't need it just oh actually you were in the heart in the house the house okay now what would happen on the wedding in the wedding some of them are not there but some those who are not who are present a mother she started this side i started this side and your husband sat between you yes that's that's amazing that is amazing that is i think that's what i meant when i said there was no drama there was no drama there was no you know i'm this this is my ceremony i get back to this child and you know and and and the people who want to to to steal the show all the time amazingly you know the their story doesn't turn out bright usually the children you don't want to shine or is the ones who shine i know yeah but she she was never and she was never like that yeah that that's why she's that's why her story turned out so well i i didn't say when when we enter her home she she she leads us to salvation okay go ahead she leads us into salvation when you went into the home she led you into service she would take us to crusades take us to church and one by one one by one each one of us just you know each one of us voluntarily we give our lives to the lord and then she would help to disciple us at home teaching us how to pray teaching us you know how to read the bible and then uh teaching us how to engage you know in spiritual warfare you know wow those things we still do them up to now um she would wake up early in the morning and pray for each one of us she would mention your name one by one one by one praying over us you know many times i thought what is this back then as a young child i thought mommy has a lot of energy she doesn't want to sleep she's praying for us but now that my all your names yes i am praying for susan i am praying for robina you know she would pray bind you know you're blessed yeah you know she did that for us and now pastor jessica i can tell you those prayers have operated in our lives because we are standing many of us are standing as ministers we are seriously ministering we are ministering in the church we are serving god with zeal wow it's not half-hearted but for me i can speak for me for myself it was because of the seed that she planted in me the moment she came into the home she introduced you to salvation yeah wow that's amazing yeah we had a fellowship at home regularly every night every night and everybody had to be there yeah when i look back at my age right now that's a lot of effort yeah yeah it's a lot of effort it was a sacrifice yeah she was she's that kind of person selfless definitely yeah because you're grooming these children to get married and you are you know i i have children that have finished university i've never asked them you know whether they have anyone looking at them or what i just i've just never thought of doing that you know later you know little mukul i let's cook and this and this and that so i think that is that is amazing she's mentoring you spiritually she's she's grooming you to get married yes teaching us how to cook teaching you how to cook yes i just told you yes wow wow wow that is amazing i'm sure our spouses are happy wow personally i'm married 21 years now wow my other sister i think 25 my other i mean many of us have held our marriages down you have absolutely no reason not to i mean having i attribute it you know majorly to you know my upbringing the way we were brought up yes you know in her hands in her hands yes she turned a situation that um could have looked hopeless into she turned it around into something amazing indeed and uh and she rewrote that story indeed i have not talked to anybody who was brought up in a polygamous family that can give me that type of story you know even the polygamous families in the bible are feuding you understand you know um sarah is living with abraham and then hagar is brought in and then the feuding begins uh hey guys child is is despising sarah's child and he's mocking sarah's child and then uh and uh sarah is is angry at hey and then hey guys not answering back well and all that until god says you know what send this intruder out yeah you know because the it's it's it's it's never come out smoothly you understand it's never covered yes it's always been chaos but i think she rewrote this story if you are watching today and you have um i'm stepchildren or if you were step parenting reconsider look at this situation look at this woman look at this mother and look at how these children adore her you know and now you you went ahead to be married and she she kept on being that mother oh yes that was there yes he's now a grandmother she's my son to your grandchildren yes what about the pregnancies did she advise you did she she's the same i mean she's mommy mommy yes wow so she was there for you in the pregnancy my pregnancy was a different one but i know for my other sister who's not here for her first baby she was there nursing her helping her manage baby to manage no helping her to manage the liver pains rubbing her back you know bringing her the warm water i i have memory of that one but i know many of my other siblings yeah i had an experience and i've had only one pregnancy i have this one child one biological child one so and mine was unique yeah oh okay yeah so i missed the opportunity to be wow wow wow wow amazing yeah so she's still the mother in all your lives oh yes she's now a grandmother to my son yes yes um yeah she just has a special heart she has a heart of gold yeah definitely wow it's it is amazing i mean i'm i'm i'm overwhelmed i'm out of words now the beauty about this is that she's grown and all you her stepchildren are chipping in to take care of her and that's the part we forget we forget that when we are still young is that yes but also we honor her whenever we have an opportunity to we talk about her we share her story thank you thank you um probably my friends maybe even know her as my mother more than my biological mother wow um because it's the truth you know if i'm to talk about a mother that nurtured me she is the mother that nurtured me you know so i'm talking about mommy mommy and you know okay it's not unfair to my mother my mother uh she's alive and um she she's not offended by it yeah she's probably grateful i would be grateful if there was somebody like that who just you know took my daughter and and told her hey to cook and and and to get polished and my daughter is a lawyer now like you are and who would complain i would say go ahead and honor her yes i would say just go ahead and honor her you know yeah so we share we share her story whenever we can we speak about our we you know yeah and and and like i said from where our village where we live they do not know that she's our stepmother yeah we have never found reason to you know to let anybody know that she's your stepmother to call her one she had a chance yeah she's your mother yeah and i think at this age is where we really want you know a fallback and i have watched your mom i have seen her travel to visit her children in america travel to visit her children and i know that there are people who look and admire oh mrs she's always on the plane and you know and they don't know that there is no gain without pain and and and and and and there is uh you have to postpone self-gratification if you are going to have anything in life and attain anything yeah and i i really feel that there are so many stepmothers who have eaten their seeds they did not plant them did they want they did not sow them they didn't want to sacrifice they came in and they ate it all and the days are coming when they might need some of these children to come back and say you know what we honor you we love you you have you haven't she took she took care of your father as well so you must love her for taking care of your father oh yes yes and she knows she knows we have her back she yes yes yes she knows that very well she knows we have her back tell me something about how she took care of your dad and because taking care of you something else but taking care of your dad and she was fasting so much about you then i wonder what she was doing for that man made it seem like um it was very easy to have a husband you know now when i reflect on being married obviously you're not seeing her yeah complaining about the children walking in and what it's easy definitely that was never a sad moment i do not remember her ever having an argument with my father openly maybe it was behind closed doors i don't remember okay it was always playful joyful you know happiness joking you know daddy has come hey daddy daddy everything's about that he you know and he's just him and and and he's like he's this he's the center of it all you know life must stop because daddy is here you know yeah so she made it look so easy yeah when i look back now i realized yeah it was a lot of efforts on her part yeah but but she cared for her father she did she did and i it is hard for me to yeah i know i know she did she loved him she took care of him and she took and anybody who takes care of your children loves you too oh yeah yeah i think the hardest um um the worst scenario i've seen is a stepmother actually refusing um um the the the children the husband's children to to to be educated to get a decent education refusing them to have enough food i mean the basic necessities that's really you know that's very that's sad that's completely sad when you have to see somebody you know crying and saying you know what my children don't have any school fees anymore because this woman stopped and i think the the the best way uh i mean the the the the greatest expression of love is provision indeed and if you don't love your husband's children you don't love him either i know i know she was different she went you know you know that season when you have to go find schools for the children she came to all your visitations she looked for your school yes it was mommy who did that you know traveling going to the school getting turned down going to another you know i i i need to ask about the visitation how much did you prepare because visiting one child in boarding school is is a lot now you have 22 what would you do did you have a caravan a van visitation was not all at the same time so you had a timetable we had the timetable and their father used it to say you go to this one i go to this one after cooking the food you know we used to cook food things that we had to take to so which was all of them were not being visited at the cemetery so you you would you divide the food into two and daddy would go this end mommy would go this is divided take this take this take this i take this i take this but by then i was young i was very fast i used to have very strong very quiet very fast she was energetic but now i can't but you know that kept you young because you were very active you know that is that kept you young as well that's right plus her attitude yeah like i said her attitude was always joyful i don't remember her complaining i don't remember her raising her voice at anyone in the house you know she was i don't know why but i don't know i don't know how she did it but there was always it was nice to have her around you she gave you that comfort you know that you needed from a mother and it was consistent it was just consistent you know it's daddy who did the beating she would never beat you know she would never complain it was always you know so we feared daddy and he said we always ran to mommy you know that was the environment but um for me it was her attitude like i said her spirit yeah and i mean you haven't said it but i believe i believe for you it was also ministry you're really serving the lord at some point in time you know because you're not doing it just for us in the house but even the neighbors children you know they would also come to our home and they would find so understand yeah yeah they would find comfort in our home mrs ogutu i want to give you a chance to talk to the young ladies that are terrorizing the elderly men's children their stepchildren the young ladies that have made sure the fathers do not educate the children they have made sure the children will not get an allowance apart from sowing a seed and reaping hell because that the principles of god are you know a persistent see he says seed time and harvests will never cease apart from the fact that you will rip what you sowed what is the advice that you are giving these young you know these these this i won't call them young ladies because some of them are even as old as me and they're still acting like children you know so what what advice will you give these people about about mistreating staff children mistreating me what advice would you give a stepmother who is mistreating her children and or what advice how would what would you tell is how would you advise a stepmother to forget jealousy heavy and just raise those children yeah i would say the same so if you are a stepmother don't do things as if you don't think as if you don't know what is coming may i trust my children not knowing how what they are going to become i didn't know whether there would be a doctor what do things for god i did those things because i was working for god i said let me serve god there was no anything behind i loved them because they also loved me but it's not that condition i just loved them my heart was always to laugh even up to now i don't know loving i don't know why it comes into my heart i don't want to hurt a child i don't want to see that as the child being mistreated even in our village when their father used to see someone being demonstrated you could call them a child misbehaving you could call that child on the beach and correct him so the advice i give to those who are stepmothers please love those children because you don't know what they will be in the future like mine now they are the one nursing me every time if i keep quiet follow they call and say what's wrong mommy you are very quiet they send something they make i can't see the way you watch it they make sure there's she was telling us she has a stepdaughter who always sends chicken every weekend she has to eat chicken even those ones in south africa in south africa has to to bring to add chicken she has to prepare it see someone who coming she sit on the plate even here she brought tickets even it is in the car she has no chicken she knows you like chicken because you told us about about about chicken she knows you like chicken so they bite they they they pamper you yes they do it not a fresh one you have to prepare it as we roast it yeah she likes roasted chicken yes wow wow wow but she deserves that and she does she deserves a lot of desserts much much more than roasted chicken no i know yeah um she sacrificed a great deal she she literally stood in the cup i know you know and and did more than just standing in the cup you know yeah she mud but i think also those about to step mothers men also should love their wives because their father loved me who'd always come so you were a good drinkers children because your father loved you no he loved me before before the children he loved you before the children yes and when you and every time he goes out he comes back with with something a gift whatever hey what would he bring you yes sometimes a hunky sometimes ball whatever he's invited and he goes alone he brings something in the court he doesn't want children to see because they are men they put it in the court bring it here in our room and he puts it there on the bed for you for me you african man yeah okay there's your pork and then you would eat this book and say let me just look after this man let me call between the if i call someone you just say no so it doesn't allow anybody to enter in the room oh so you be feel that if men love these women yes they will take care of you because some men want to show if they have other children they want to show off when they come back and they want to call those very children one of them have you eaten ask them have you eaten have you oh they want to yes yes i know that that exists they want to draw a wage between you and the children yes okay but your husband let you be that the leader of those children yes and he trusted you with that he trusted me with the children and he would not allow any child to go and report anything to me he would ask have you have you talked it to mommy about it she can tell you oh yes and you did not disobey mommy if you disobeyed her you were punished men you have been advised to love your wives and maybe if you love them bring them some secret pork in the bedroom and show them what to exactly not poke something else bring them some some some some places if you love your wives if you trust them with the children yes if you don't come home and ask questions if you bathe you eat your wife will if you show some trust your wife will take it upon herself that's right never to disappoint uh susan there is a proverbial staying that a stepmother never wins no matter how good you are that you don't always find fault your mother has defeated [Music] the whole essence of this saying she is that stepmother who you have failed to find forward with i know there are many other stepmothers like this i have met i have met you know that type of scenario but um mrs ogud thank you so much today we are honoring you thank you your children are saying thank you thank you to you thank you too for inviting me for looking after them for for for taking care of them and susan thank you for coming to honor your mother yet another time the bible says honor thy mother and thy father so this is not just noble it is spiritual yes she is a real mother and she deserves it i want to thank you all so much for tuning in um until next time do stay blessed bye thank you thank you so much for tuning in i hope you enjoyed this program please like comment and subscribe to pastor jessica's youtube channel oh and don't forget to press the notification button so that you're notified whenever we upload a video also you can follow pastor jessica on all of her social media platforms facebook instagram and twitter under the handle of pastor jessica kyania if you would like to contact pastor jessica kayanja please do so on 077-263-1603 and if you'd like to advertise with us please don't hesitate to let us know i'm so sorry that's all we could do for today i do wish we had more time but remember it's a weeklies program so please do stay tuned for the next upload i love you i'll be praying for you and bye sharing my [Music] it's for joy and for me
Channel: Pastor Jessica Kayanja
Views: 48,044
Rating: 4.8520899 out of 5
Id: sqFPsZoE5gU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 1sec (3061 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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