Small bait catches BIG FISH! Best bait for Beach fishing!

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so this morning i caught some nice fresh finger mullets of different sizes this is a really fun way of catching the best bait out there using a cast net so we're going to be using these baits and catching some fish off the surf today [Music] [Music] before i made my way to the beach i went to the sound side to stock up on some fresh bait using a cast net is a quick and effective way to catch some of the best bait in the area in this case i found some beautiful finger mullet to try out on the surf if you'd like to learn more about how to use a cast net for bait check out my previous video where i teach all about how to use a cast net that's a good amount of bait right there [Music] so yesterday i caught a bunch of finger mullet and i know this is really great bait around here because there's mullet jumping out of the water everywhere and i see fish feeding on it so today i brought the mullet to the beach and now we're gonna put it out whole we're gonna cut it up we're gonna use it with shrimpy bits we're gonna be trying to catch some fish using this scavenged bait now i'm already all set up i've got two rods out i haven't put anything on the bait i haven't put any bait on the line yet rod number one i've got a hi-low rig here i've got a high low rig on rod number one this is a 13-foot pole and rod number two fish finder rig with a big hook this one's the target bigger fish the other one's to target whatever wants to bite it so with this rod i'm gonna put an entire mullet on or maybe half of it a big nice chunk of it this other rod over here will be putting smaller chunks nothing nothing as big as that one because these hooks are much smaller you see so when i downsize the hooks i expect to catch smaller fish but also i might have a bigger fish hop on the line so this one is to target many species that one is to target one big fish let's give this a try so here's our baits these are the finger mullet that we caught this morning i got a pinfish but they're all different sizes pretty nice beat okay so for that big rig i'm gonna put something like this on it and i'll put the whole thing come on now this is a special rig because the leader line is so short i made it short so that you can cast it way further if it's too long when you cast it it helicopters around so you can't cast it as far so shorten the leader line and you'll be able to cast it further and now i have it on eight ounces right here because the tide is moving really fast and i want to be able to cast this and leave this out there without it moving in order to throw eight ounces on a rod your rod must be rated for it or you risk snapping your rod don't just throw eight ounces on your whatever rod this one is made to throw three to ten ounces so this is what's called an eight and bait eight ounces of weight and bait let's give this a cast now we wait let's go bait at the other one the weight and bait okay for something like this i think i'm going to cut it in half just like that then we're going to put it on through the head like this and one right here like this okay you see how i'm not using the whole fish this time i'm using two halves separated into two hooks this allows for smaller fish to hit it but as you've seen in our other episodes big fish also eat small little things too so this has the chance to hit much more than just a big fish you can hit small fish medium fish and everything in between so let's give this a cast out and this time i'm going to cast to the furthest trough i can okay so now if you've seen my previous episodes when i'm fishing on the beach i like to fish with many kinds of bait so throwing out mullet is great but if i want to catch different species or you know if the fish aren't in the mood for one kind of meat they'll be in the mood for another kind of meat then it's honestly worth it to have two different kinds of baits out so i've got two rods out here with the scavenge mullet with the finger mullets that we caught and then i'm going to throw one more rod with a new kind of bait now this third rod is a high low rig as well and this bait we're going to be using are salty shrimps these are perfect baits perfectly preserved this is actually a brand new batch so it's it's really fresh right now but they work so well because i'm here camping for a week and it's not exactly easy to always have a fresh supply of a fresh scab like it's it's it's not easy keeping fresh bait like ice is hard to keep cold and and you have to constantly replace ice and sometimes you just need a bait that you can sit in your bag and you don't need to worry about always keeping as fresh as you can now don't get me wrong i have both baits i keep both baits all the time but it's really nice to have a salted bait that's nicely preserved preserved when it's fresh that's the important part um on hand because you don't have to refrigerate it and it works really well wait and sometimes you don't have time to get scavenged where you run out of exactly right yes so i don't always have a bunch of time to go catch bait sometimes the bait shops don't even have it like today they're completely sold out so i'm lucky i was able to catch some but here's an awesome bait that i think is going to work as well and this is how i'm going to hook it up the space nice and tough i'm gonna keep hooking it there we go and this is nice and tough so it doesn't fly off the hook when you first cast it i'm gonna do one more wow i think this is the best batch yet okay and now we've got all three rods out these two are fresh finger mullet this is the fresh shrimpy bits let's wait it's looking like a fishy day so are you pausing for dramatic effect out there what like what what are you looking for when you're casting so when i go out there i'm not just randomly casting it i'm looking at the ways i'm trying to figure out where is a hole i can cast into where is the place that i think the fish could hide and real important skill you need to develop is being able to read the beach look at the way that the waves break look where the foam is this is an indication of where the sand bar lies and if you understand fish you understand that they like to travel through the troughs the troughs are made right next to the sandbar so you can imagine what it would look like a sandbar being here another sandbar being here the fish like to swim through the middle so that's kind of what we're looking for out there yeah now this one is a good size when we can keep this one oh yeah look at how i barely hooked it you see if i played it anymore and i tried to horse it anymore it would just rip the lips right off so you have to let it fight measure 21 21 slot yep see you really don't need to be able to cast all the way out there sometimes they're right in the first trough like i said i found that last one right here like 10 feet in you don't need a cast that far and that's why it's important to throw multiple rods multiple distances because you can search for different fish in different places oh what you got boy the same thing that a huge red drum the same thing same setup but you can see how it catches every kind of fish right small big everything in between and i like doing it this way better because sometimes i don't want to wait around you know four or five hours for one big fish i like the catch was just saying to me how we have been looking for fish for two days two days and even this morning we moved so finally all right oh yeah i think this is a drum focus like he's going to the right ah he's going to the right there he is oh my god he got it he's letting him tire out in the right surf i'm you got it you got it get him that's the first big drum i've ever got like this how you feel yeah yeah let me give it a measure real quick how do you feel thank you a lot of adrenaline thanks so much thank you holy crap yes boy what's the what's the slot 18 27. this is over slot for sure and everywhere 32 you're holding let it go okay oh holy crap we did it oh my gosh i told you this rig catches everything oh my gosh on this rig on this rig good thing i had mullet on that one oh my god that was a mullet and shrimp combo oh my gosh mission success that's why we came to north carolina oh i want to get a bigger one though i know there's bigger ones out there uh how'd it feel it felt you knew what it was right i knew what it was the second i hit because they started shooting off and in the surf it didn't want to let me bring it in and i did not want to horse it in just like that because it might snap the line you know it might pop the hook so i really let it tire itself out in that first trough and once it got tired enough i let the waves bring it in and then i ran to get to get my fish take a quick picture get a quick measurement found out it's over slot these fish are protected if you keep if people keep keeping these huge breeding fish the population of the red drum go down i don't want that to happen so i'm going to follow the regulation and quickly release it and release it in a way where um i make sure it's revived first and it's not kind of floating in the surf there's something i need to talk to you guys about i'm teaching you guys how to catch bigger fish but you need to remember something if you want to learn how to catch if you want to catch bigger fish and you want to play with bigger fish you need to be responsible and you need to know how to release and handle bigger fish it's not cool to bring it drag it onto the beach let it suffocate by taking lots of pictures throwing it back in when it's not fully revived yet these are ways that that kill the fishery and they kill these big breeder fish so it's really important to release it properly if you do happen to catch a big fish like that make sure that you keep it in the water let it revive and kick itself away if it's very weak don't let it run away yet let it breathe let it hang out with you in the surf for a little bit and then let it swim off that's all just a little disclaimer don't just play with big fish it's all fun and games but it's a big fish's life that's that's on the line here these are the fish that make this the fishery sustainable because they keep breeding and they keep making more babies for us to catch and for us to eat you don't want to kill the cow because then you won't have any more milk what a great day of fishing those that bait works so well but it's actually getting super windy out getting really hard to film so we're done for the day that huge redfish came off of that scavenge bait and they were probably out there looking for bait just like that such a fresh little snack they can't turn it away and i caught that on the hi-low rig just just goes to show you can catch all different size fish on just the high low rig just depends on how big you want to make those hooks here at hayskipper we want to help you guys get on as many fish as possible and we want to make learning how to fish really easy so we do videos like this but we also write lots of ebooks and tutorials online on our website i've written books about bait fishing pier fishing surf fishing jetty fishing how to tie different knots what rigs to use and when i write a whole lot of stuff and i design it and i put it all together for you guys to read so if you want to check those out visit while you're at it sign up for our newsletter it's an email list where it will let you know about any kind of giveaways that we're having any kind of special promotions that we're having you can find this sign up on our website as well that's all we've got for today and i'll see you next week [Music] you
Channel: Hey Skipper
Views: 675,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fishing, fishing how to, fishing, tutorial, fishing help, how to fishing, beach fishing, beach fishing help, fishing rig, fishing rigs, free bait, scavenged bait, scavenged fishing bait, saltwater fishing, how to fishing rigs, fishing bait, bait fishing, fishing with bait, fishing rig tutorial, red drum, trout, trout fishing, weakfish, bluefish, blue fish, mullet, fishing knots, north carolina fishing, hey skipper, hey skipper fishing, senko skipper, senko skipper fishing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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