This Is What Is Really Holding You Back From Your Best Brain | Jim Kwik

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if you knew how truly powerful your mind was you wouldn't say or think something you didn't want to be true mic session here today because we have so many super brain graduates here and people have gone through the quest or considering going through the quest is really to personalize something special for you today as Mia mentioned my book comes out two months from now and I'm really excited about it because I it's something I didn't want to put out there it's been 28 years of me teaching this and the question I always got was about the book and honestly the I don't haven't talked about this publicly the reason why is I just didn't have the I want to help people but I've always had this kind of push and pull in my life I'm gonna speak to you as as if we're family okay because this is I feel like this is our reunion here when I when I do what I do and these videos and the podcasts it's um you know all along the the years of doing this there was always opportunities to be able to do it in a bigger way you know over the decades ago infomercials and PBS specials and a quick brain franchisee school you know schools everywhere and media and book and honestly I don't know if you could relate to this but the reason I said no is just I just didn't want the attention you know my you know my story growing up as with my brain injury and having my learning difficulties it was everyday in class my superpower was the ability to shrink down you know what I mean to grow really really small and I would condition that every day because I didn't want us the spotlight I didn't want to be called on in class I was scared to death to to be called on in class actually so my superpower was not to be seen it was to be invisible and be really tiny you know and I think we all have areas of you know areas of development and such and so I really didn't feel comfortable doing something on a kind of a big bigger scale and then a few years ago I was an accident where I almost where I almost died and how many people have had a like a near-death experience raise your hand look around it puts things into perspective doesn't it in terms of what's most important and and made me think about what I would leave you know behind in that case and that the next day I you know signed the book deal and and and did that because I feel like at hard I'm a reading teacher you know my teachers back then would have they went to thought I would read a book much less wrote a book you know and so if anybody could get identify with that it so people asked me last night like you know why did it take so long to write a book it was just because I just didn't feel comfortable you know having again these spotlights even now is still a little bit jarring for me but I feel like um shame on me if I could help somebody who's struggling and suffering the way that I did and I didn't do something that all I could to be able to help that one person do you know what I mean so what I wanted to have a conversation we'll hear about that I feel like could serve you the most the methodologies are very clear right I teach that in superbrain I mean there's it's just hey ten minutes a day let's just learn one you know one thing is practice one thing I believe what this industry really needs is is integration meaning that you don't need any more knowledge you if you're here my my assumption of my who's the nation is is not the first event you've ever attended is that fair and a lot of you know not where it's not the my podcast of the first podcast you've listened to or online training that you've gone through and I feel like there's like sometimes there's too much information and I think all knowledge really is self knowledge and making it your own and I feel like a lot of us a lot of the questions I got last night which I talked to many of you last night a lot of the questions is just you have to trust yourself like the questions I'm getting I hear what's what's behind it and it's just having trust in yourself I really think the the journey that we're on here and I don't have slides you know so I thought we make this kind of conversational I feel like that would be more valuable because you know we have 300 million video views online on my morning routine and using a visual pacer and be suave and all that but but if you're not doing it on a regular basis what's holding you back you know the reason I wrote this book limitless is not about being perfect it's about progressing and advancing beyond what you believe is possible I'm careful to using these words because the the the subtitle of my book is limitless upgrade your brain learn anything faster and then unlock your exceptional life and the reason why I use the word this exceptional life is because back in school in grade school I used to spend time with all the all the Nerds and the geeks because they we had some not because I had their the same grades as they did at all it's because I had you know as interesting comic books and I was interested in videogames right and I remember one morning the teacher came into the class and said it made announcements saying that there we're creating a brand new group and we're gonna go of students and these are the exceptional students and they called it mass em ASP and that stands for more able Student Program they're more able than everybody else right and I was like the only one in that group that wasn't asked to be in that group right so as a kid I I created my own group called LASP less-able Student Program right but I always thought in my mind like how come those those kids were are the exceptional ones how come they could have an exceptional life and you know and this is not a slight against teachers or the it's just my mom my mother became a special education teacher because she focuses and really her focus was to help me because she didn't want to see me suffer I and I think that teachers are the modern-day superheroes you know in terms of their their compassion they're caring they're low low commitment they're not always compensated you know like to me they they need to be in and should be but um but I wanted to be one of those exceptional kids and prove that this is possible for for everybody else and so I want you to think about as I share this model for you it's really simple it's just three circles I'm gonna draw I want you to think about an area of your life where you feel stuck like let's turn this is something like very let's turn this into a workshop and I don't not like a keynote right so is there an area of your life your health your wellness just kind of close your eyes and take a breath and just just in your mind what area do you know has more potential and maybe you're working really really hard it could be or your physical health your mental it could be your financial it could be your your career your business your relationships where do you feel like you can make gains and where do you feel like you're being held back but you're not sure why because that was the theme with every single conversation I had last night because they feel like they're there's more and they go to these events and then and they learn a lot of things and they went through a quest or or they can't get themselves to finish raise your hand if you signed up for a quest and have heads and put it off and procrastinate going through it and so what what's what are the forces that are keeping you from making progress doing the things you know you should do because I don't know how many speakers need to say you know that to meditate or eat eat good foods good whole foods or to be able to to move and exercise the common sense is not common practice so I want I want to give you the the code that I believe really unlocks those things actually give me a mic runners back there who I love first a couple of how many of you gone through a super brain again is someone willing to share that their their story of like kind of before and after and what's just wait for hand they just you can introduce yourself and where you're from though Louis audio from San Diego that's gonna hand I got I got the super grain from from mine Valley for myself but also for my daughter my daughter was diagnosed misdiagnosed actually is being dyslexic and not being you know having issues and problems and I saw what you described what it was like for you as a child and so I did it with her and my son and we would sit together every night and work through it and magic started happening where she would do these vocabulary type tasks and maybe get to three wrong and be really she was really kind of put in a box you know talk about put in a box by her teachers and one of the you know one of the one of the parents that I think she started acting out during her time and after going through I'd go through slowly and we'd sit through it and then we talked about it and then we do the exercise where you heard hold the word up to your left and yeah it was it was phenomenal and then she saw all the sudden she started getting nines and tens on her you know out of ten so it was really amazing and then for myself you know I always have issues with remembering people's names and you know with the imagery and making things fun it was just it was a phenomenal explaining and for it to touch myself but also to touch my daughter and she's now thriving and I understand where those issues came from but as as a parent as an adult how many children get put in these like you said more able get these classes and you know just really reframed everything for me so it was amazing very much in the hand how many how many of you raise your hand if you have kids children raise your hand if you if you once were a child Frasier I make sure runs how many of you done one of these programs mine or somebody else's with with your children raise your hand phenomenal and anybody else want to share their their kind of joy story of going through the program just kind of rave you're hit raise right under like this because I heard a lot of them last night and and there's a I'll show you the reason why I'm doing this if you keep ass down the mic hello my name is Toyota Taylor I'm from North Carolina I took your course last year and it has helped me tremendously with remembering people's names specifically because I go to a lot of networking events and I couldn't remember people's names but what I've seen the most impact was also for my children I have a 13 year old and a 9 year old I think I shared some of that story with you last night my 9 year old had to memorize the speech that was about 2 or 300 words and typically when my daughter did that when she was in fourth grade it took her almost a month my son's classmate and she didn't have these resources when she was in fourth grade and my son when he's fourth grade this year we did together your program and he memorized the 300 words grip in 30 minutes amazing so one other thing that I've learned from your program is also the nutrition for super brain and things that help memorize and kind of give your brain a little boost and that also has helped my kids when they have tests in the school because it's very stressful so the week or two weeks before because it doesn't always happen to follow the nutritionist program when we're in a rush in the morning but the week or two leading to their school test especially this crazy super anxiety high expectation test that really has helped so thank you so much thank you very much ever had and just what one more if somebody's close to Mike hi I am Michael from France but I'm French German I took your class last year one while I was waiting for my visa to come to the US so I studied chemistry and I was you know upset that I learned so late all these tools but I came to city of San Francisco and for internship and I really really wanted to be the best version of myself that I wanted to be ready so what happened I took your class February while I was waiting my visa and I started in May and I really wanted to be on the top so I took two hours to 3 hours every day for your class I really did it like 100% I teach it to somebody every day and I learned so much but now I have a problem that's why I'm sharing it is when I was doing your class I was applying everything you were saying and and every lesson I really remembered everything but I really struggle to implement that now after the class and to use all the methods and the least methods and I just don't really do it and do you have any like similar or yeah I feel it's a bit frustrating and that's why I'm showing it right now amazing let's get my hand so let me that's the perfect segue whether it's this program the specific quest or anything your life fill it in the blank of an area of your life where you're just stalled where you feel like that there's a limit on you when I was going through my challenges and I believe that our struggles can become strengths that difficult times how many of you at are facing some in some adversity right now raise your hand which is a commendable that you're here I mean I that's why I feel like it's inspo so important this community I'm not always going to come back to community because that's one of the initiatives of mine Valley is not only this this radical evolution that's radical inclusion right that you're not here alone and so part of this is getting inspiration instruction from each other because I find that for me people come to these events not only for the content but the incredible connections and a shift in belief that somebody else in the room who's like them is making progress is sometimes more important than something a speaker could say onstage is that fair now hear that you're thinking about the area that you feel like stuck for me it was this label when when I was nine years old a teacher I was slowing down the class right because I wasn't getting a lesson and you know I could say what it would end up happening you you know that one of my teachers said you know that's the boy with the broken brain but I really feel like it wasn't coming from a different like a bad place I think it actually was really good intention it's because I started getting like a lot of there's a lot of negativity for my classmates that towards me that I was holding back the class and maybe made fun of so I think the teacher was more coming to my defense maybe came out the wrong way but coming out saying that you know you know let's relax stop it you know this this this boy has some challenges right but that death but the what I took out of it was completely different was that label that I was broken and so it's really hard to go out there and achieve something because every single time I didn't do well I would always go back to that label to explain it because oh I'm the broken one so that was my thing so the first area that we need to address I'm gonna draw it like three circles the first area that must for transformation to be taking take place is this area of mindset and mindset I'm defining as what's possible in your life right think about the area that you're not making progress in and mindset is the set of assumptions and attitudes we have around something around how the world works especially what we believe is possible what we believe were capable of what we believe we deserve because you've heard me say this that we're not thermometers we're thermostats you know thermometer reacts the environment a thermostat sets it but do you have an unconscious set of what you believe you deserve in a relationship is that fair and then your behavior will will set that and that intention will create that that level just like a thermostat will or how much you feel like you're worth in in your in your job or you're near a business so for me it was set at broken and that became a big challenge now when I went through this I remember when I finally got into college and I got into a local university because that's what I could qualify for and I thought I could make a fresh start because that's why I thought freshmen meant and I took all these classes and I and I actually did worse and at this point I was like that's it I can't I can't do this anymore it's been a decade and a half I work harder than everybody around me and it's still it's just not for me because in the school system the presupposition is 10% people get a's 10% get B's and then everybody else the 80% you know they are failing you know in school as opposed to maybe the school failing them do you know what I mean and so it's not about how I learned in them later on it's not how smart you are or how smart your kids are it's how are you smart it's not how smart you are it's how are you smart and there are multiple forms of genius right but at that time I didn't feel that I didn't know that so I wanted to quit school because honestly I didn't have the money to be there and so my friend said yeah I didn't know how to tell my parents said hey why don't you come with me this weekend to visit my family get some perspective it was a big decision right and how many of you noticed that when you get perspective you change people you change place it gives you a new point of view and you can look at it in a different way for those of you have gone through superbrain and and you learn about like six thinking hats and gives you permission to look at it from a logical standpoint and an emotional standpoint right and that critical standpoint and then at appointed optimistic what could go right but it's getting us out of our own like habits of thinking and so I go there and the family is very well-off and the father walks me around his property before dinner and asked me a very innocent question which is the worst question you could ask me how school and I just because I have all this pent up you know emotion I just start bawling and from this complete stranger and I tell my whole story and you know and all my stories about all the limits I have and I always tell people if you fight for your limitations you get to keep them right if you're always saying I have a horrible memory or I'm too old or I'm not enough you know your brain is always your mind is always eavesdropping on your self-talk and again if you've heard me say this before because you're one of our students there's a difference between knowing something and walk walking it like in in your in your in your heart in your body and so what keeps us for mastery sometime is this idea that oh I know this already you know go get get to the get to the other stuff that you're really holding back right but it's the fundamentals that the Masters get really good at and so he asked me a new question I think questions besides perspective are the answer you know you learn from vision about these you know these dominant question I called dominant questions these questions we ask all the time that we're always getting answers for if you ask yourself how come I can never do this or how come I can never be this person or how come I can't earn this money you're gonna your brain is gonna find evidence to support that right because your mind if you knew how truly powerful your mind was you wouldn't say or think something you didn't want to be true I'll say that again in a different way if you knew how truly powerful you are you wouldn't say think or feel something you didn't want to be true alright and that's not to say you have one negative feeling or one negative thought and it ruins your life but going back to consistency how do you get yourself to consistently take action and listen and apply these techniques how do you consistently get yourself to show up in a way where there's an ease to it and so when he asked me that question you know how school I tell him my whole story and then he asked me another question which what leaders and mentors do they asked really good questions he said well why you in school what do you want to be what do you want to do what do you want to have what do you want to share and I'll ask you to just kind of jot these things down you know stream-of-consciousness what do you want to be like for me I have it to be list every morning everyone has you know we all have our to-do list you have your to be list you know the I M which is really mindset right mindset is the area of possibility the mindset really is the the what and the who you are they say the two most powerful words in English language are out of the shortest I am because whatever you put after that is your life is your destiny and he says why why you want these things and you know what do you know why are you doing this and I go to answer him and he says stop and he takes out a piece of paper and he makes me write it down and we know that writing things down helps you to manifest it better I mean it is it is conclusive like it's stuff some people say upwards of 40 percent just by writing the things down because think about it you're taking something invisible and by writing it down all the sudden it becomes visible and physical right the first stepping point so all these principles apply and I start writing like a bucket list and these are all the things that I envision that I dream and when I'm done I fold up the sheets to put in my pocket and he reaches out to grab them and now all the sudden he's looking at my intimate desires and dreams and these are things I've never even shared with people close to me or even some of them even realized myself so I'm afraid of being judged and that's something that keeps us kind of closed right this idea that other people's expectations other people's opinions of them it makes you mitigate and get smaller and I say this all the time but who are the fastest learners children right and how how many times do they fall before they learn how to walk hundreds of times but never after the 200th time do they say forget this I'm not walking right it wouldn't make a lot of sense but as adults yeah reminders we do that because we're concerned about how people think about us and I spent a lot of time in senior centers because you know I lost I lost my grandmother who was my primary Giver my my a caregiver my mother and my dad has so many jobs and I saw her deteriorate you know and and lose her life to Alzheimers so these are the things that shape who you are when you're when you're blaming you when you're young and I'm saying that what forces us in a box going back to this box if you feel stuck in a box or a 3d box like a cube or a cage there are three forces that keep you in that box one of them is your mindset and these are the same forces that will liberate you also as well so how many of you feel like you're given a label early on like you accepted some kind of label and you created a box for yourself and yet we maintain that box every single day with our thoughts you know and because we have 60,000 thoughts a day the challenge is 95% of those thoughts of the same thoughts a we had yesterday and the day before that and so how do we create a new reality we could start first with our mindset but after I made this list and he took it out of my hand easily reviewing it he says Jim you were this close to everything on this list and he spreads his index fingers about a foot apart and I'm thinking no way give me ten lifetimes I'm not gonna crack that list and then he takes his fingers what does he do show me you know he takes him put him right right to side of my head meaning in between my brain was the key to unlock this this these dreams and he takes me into a room of his home that never seen before it is wall the wall ceiling the floor covered in books and keep in mind I've never read a book cover to cover and I'm not a great reader right and it's like walking to room full of snakes like but what makes it worse as he starts grabbing snakes off of the shelf and then handing them to me and I I have looking I'm looking at these titles of these books and there are these biographies of incredible men and women in history and some very early personal growth books I mean norman vincent peale the power of positive thinking dale carnagie how many of you know these names thinking of a rich right and he says Jim I want you to read one of these books a week and keep in mind like I've been like I admire this this man he's obviously very successful and very happy but I can't do that like I can't promise to read one book a week and I tell him I have all this schoolwork and that's why I can't and he looks right at me and he says Jim don't let school get in the way of your education and and I didn't realize at that time it was a Mark Twain quote but this is 25 years plus years ago and but it was I was like that's very inspiring it's so inspirational and yet inspiration is not gonna change me right now I can't do this right and I'm fighting for my mic my I'm fighting for to stay in this box and then he's very smart man he reaches into his pocket and he pulls out my bucket list a list of all my dreams and desires and he starts to read every single one of them out loud and imagine you're 18 years old you you don't know who you are you feel like you're broken and you and you're hearing your deepest dreams and desires in another person's voice like in canted out in the universe and it messed with my mind and my heart something fears my soul it should really shook it up because a lot of the things on that list were things I wanted to do for my family things they could never afford never they even if they had the resources they would never do that for themselves and the second and this is what I bring in this up is the first thing that keeps us from doing something is the mindset wheat that we don't deserve it or it's not possible right the second force that keeps us stuck the second circle which is your motivation your motive your motive for taking action because you could believe everything is possible and that you deserve it but if you don't have Drive now when I say motivation I'm not saying coming to an event like this and being around positive people and getting all excited because how many of you ever done that and then what happens the next day and you're laughing because that's the laughter of recognition because and listen your neighbors laughing because we all experience that and motivation for me is not something where you get really excited and then it wears off like a like a warm bath it's really nice but then after 10-15 minutes it gets cold again right so I don't believe you need to psych yourself up every single time I believe there's a formula to this for sustainable motivation and it's these three things this is the formula to be motivated its reasons times energy times small simple steps I believe if you give someone an idea you enrich their life but if you teach them how to learn they can enrich their own lives [Music]
Channel: Mindvalley Talks
Views: 43,625
Rating: 4.9173555 out of 5
Keywords: How to focus on study, healthy habits, Human brain, How to improve memory, Brain power, Growth mindset, teaching, How to focus, growth mindset for kids, growth mindset vs fixed mindset, whole brain teaching, how to focus on yourself, jim kwik, Mindset, How To Concentrate On Studies For Long Hours | 3 Simple Tips to Focus On Studies | ChetChat, 9 Healthy Habits to CHANGE YOUR LIFE in 2020!
Id: rHbmNBzwYZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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