My Mint Cadillac STS Is Less than WORTHLESS: Carmax Offered THIS?

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welcome to Houthis garage and for the first time ever in movies garage may I present to you a completely worthless car if something major were to break on this thing it would be worth absolutely nothing because there's not too many of these left on the road but there are plenty of these 90s Cadillac Seville 's in the junkyard now this Cadillac is still running beautifully it looks great it only has 66,000 miles but that makes it less than worthless yes less than worthless and why you ask well I have over seven thousand reasons why and a few more of course any old luxury sedan is going to be worth way less than what it costs brand-new that's what I've built my entire youtube channel hun but there are some exceptions in ninety sedans as they become more collectible a Lincoln Town Car for example or an Acura Legend or several European luxury cars from the 90s have become collectible and extremely valuable if they're very nice like like this Cadillac I bought it from the original owner and it only has 66,000 miles and it is a museum piece of early Cadillac Northstar generation cars it's probably one of the last survivors in the world but it's still worth absolutely nothing I paid only three thousand dollars for this very nice running and driving car which may seem like a good deal but I'm beginning to realize I'm massively overpaid massively over paint now for a car to become collectible it has to have a group of people that actually want to own it in the case of the Lincoln Town Car it's because it's the last real drive old-school frame on body land yacht that you could still buy it was the last of the mohicans it also helps the Lincoln is really durable it's a practical daily driver even today in the case of the Acura Legend of Lexus ls400 and several European makes that's the case as well it's a really practical car but also simpler in comparison to the newer latest offering so it's a big appeal to people that hate the word infotainment those old-school enthusiasts that want a simple bank vault like build quality in the case of this Cadillac Seville STS it doesn't have that bank vault build quality it's not simple it's not reliable the only thing it's famous for is blowing its head gasket at a hundred thousand miles but there's more reasons why this Cadillac is worthless nearly all cars have their weak points but the Cadillac more star head gasket problem is probably the worst that I've ever heard of the most widespread the most devastating and ridiculous I covered it quite a bit in my last video but to refresh you what happens with this all aluminum almost 300 horsepower v8 is the bolts that hold down the aluminum heads to the aluminum block they they strip in the fragile aluminum block this allows a death match between the combustion chamber and the cooling system which results in the death of the owners wallet the estimate to repair this issue often exceeds the value of the car several times over which prompts the owner logically to dump it for as quickly as possible for whatever amount of money they can get and this is no secret pretty much any hoopty buyer knows that a pre 2000 Cadillac with the Northstar is is a don't buy under any circumstance so the only people still buying these things are dumb car youtubers with automotive masochistic tendencies or they just like a lot of drama drama now the head gaskets are certainly the main reason why this Cadillac is worthless but it's not the only reason any old car is going to have issues as it ages but the cost of the parts the ease the repairs can go a long way to making it more valuable desirable something that people actually want to own and this Cadillac fails miserably in this department as well I bought this car out of Florida from the original owner and was told it was a little old lady given the whole story but when I bought it it had a few obvious problems number one which I noticed when I got back to Chile Kansas is the heater doesn't work it blows air conditioned air but it doesn't switch over to warm air additionally there's a clunk in the front suspension and I noticed when I look underneath that the engine looks pretty oily it's not like a big catastrophic oil leak but it's just really oily and nasty under there now normally when I have issues like this I take it to my trust mechanic the car was 'red for his honest assessment but I was curious what the dealer would think all these issues would cost to fix the local Cadillac dealer because that's what most people do when they own a Cadillac they they take it to the Cadillac dealer for repairs and I wanted to show you how a few minor issues seemingly minor issues can also total one of these cars whoa boy did it exceed my wildest expectations let me get the estimate in here now I know a lot of you are gonna say well you went to the dealer and their prices are ridiculous but honestly I can't blame the dealer for charging as much as they do their big facilities they have a lot of overhead with their equipment and employees they got to pay for that somehow and also when you go to the dealer the service is much more consistent and usually quicker than trying your luck at a random independent shop and actually I used to work in the Cadillac dealership that I took this car to I worked there over ten years ago is under different ownership they did a fantastic job diagnosing all the issues with this car I really didn't want to figure out why the heater wasn't working because this weird nineties automatic line control with the blenders and computers and all that so I was happy to pay the $100 diagnostic fee for them to figure that out for me and poke around the rest of the Cadillac to see what else they thought was wrong so here is the little book that they wrote on all the issues with my Cadillac it's really not that many not more than the ones that I noticed that we're obvious but the estimates holy moly so let's dive into it to fix my hater the HVAC programmer processor has failed it's a computer somewhere inside of the dashboard and they want $769 to replace it 769 dollars yeah it gets worse my clunk in the front suspension is the sway bar end links and while they were looking around the suspension the front and back they also noticed that my brakes were getting kind of low as well maybe borderline they want three hundred and thirty seven dollars to replace the sway bar end links and two hundred and nine dollars for the front and two hundred and nine dollars for the back it's the same to replace the front brakes and resurface the rotors not bad but we haven't gotten to the big enchilada yet and is the oil leak my or leak is coming from the engine oil pan a common oil leak as well as the valve cover gaskets now this wouldn't be the end of the world except the Northstar engine as you saw earlier is mounted the wrong way instead of being mounted like a normal v8 that's rear-wheel drive it's mounted transversely sideways because this is a front-wheel drive based vehicle and to reach this oil pan there's now an entire sub frame and suspension in the way versus a pan being in between there same with the valve cover gasket the front one not too hard to reach but the back one is around the firewall and there's a lot of things that need to come out of the way in order to get the valve cover gasket off now the valve cover gasket replacement isn't too bad it's 769 dollars but the oil pan requires removing the engine removing the engine not from the top but from the bottom so you have to drop the subframe the front suspension basically the entire front half of the car but the body's still attached to take the engine out of the subframe and fix this oil leak the cost of that four thousand six hundred and twenty nine dollars so in addition to all that they also noted the battery was borderline they wanted two hundred and forty six dollars to replace that bringing the total estimate of repairs with my Cadillac Seville STS to seven thousand six hundred $23.30 now if you were the owner of this Cadillac and noticed the heater wasn't working and it need an oil change so you sent it in to get fixed and got this $7000 estimates you would be wanting to dump this car as quickly as possible on some idiot like me or trading it in and just just dumping it which has me curious there is one dealer in town that will buy any car no matter what condition no matter what it is they will always put a dollar figure behind it so I'm going to take it to Carmack's to see how much they think my Cadillac Seville STS is worth in its current condition this is going to be bad [Music] that's funny my second job ever in the car business was at that Chevy Cadillac and at the time it was a BMW store as well as a Salesman there but my first job in the car business was Carmack's I was there opening day for their widgets hall location so it's kind of a trip down memory lane from there I started my own car dealership after I finished college didn't do very well with that and have moved on to other great things like making horrible YouTube videos but back to this Cadillac I know the car mix process really well because I was on the inside and I know this car isn't gonna present itself very well the previous owners had converted the suspension which was an active air ride into a traditional suspension setup and that's because the parts for this air suspension just really aren't available anymore so aftermarket companies have been selling conversion products for years it works fine but it gives you a service ride control error message that you have to reset every time you start the car so when the Carmack's buyer looks at this they're gonna see this big surface riot control warning message and then they're gonna notice the clinic in the suspension as they drive this thing around the block now I doubt they're gonna find any recent wholesale comps for this car there's so few still in existence and even if you are going through auctions running under their own power that that's probably impossible but they can look through their vast history of their purchase histories and know this thing's worthless I'm curious though will it be the lowest Carmack's offer that I've ever received ever and that's a pretty low bar because they offered $500 for my Chrysler LeBaron that was rusted so badly they were whole to the floor that I could put my fist through and they offered $1,000 for an old Chrysler minivan that was in much nicer shape but it was still an early 90s Chrysler minivan I'm expecting to be somewhere in between there but I wouldn't be surprised if it's less much less we'll see oh I am good I am I am so good they should just hire me back here to do appraisals because I nailed it I estimated somewhere between 500 and $1,000 in car max is offering $700 $700 for a car that I paid $3,000 for just a few weeks ago but those have been following my channel for a long time you know that I've lost a lot more money than that on cars but I just wanted to do this to demonstrate how devastating it could be to own one of these you buy it it's nice and pretty you buy from the original owner it's it's beautiful you think you noticed a few minor issues but it's cheap and then you get an estimate and see all the things that are actually wrong with it and it's devastating and then you dump it as soon as possible and lose thousands of dollars it's a common story and I know it's not just with Cadillac people do this all the time when they buy BMWs or other European cars that they just don't know any better and get killed like this but I really have to poke Cadillac with this because they have thrown away years and decades a whole generation of brand goodwill by making this really unreliable really poorly engineered car that is worthless after a few years and has turned off an entire generation of buyers and this is something I think other automakers should really pay attention to because a poor quality product like this completely sunk a whole generation of brand goodwill now we all know that Cadillacs are like this and if other makes don't clean up their act with their very common issues that are becoming more and more obvious they could follow down this path building a quality car first that's engineered well and serviceable is really really important and I hope automakers don't lose sight of that and become the next Cadillac but we're not done with this video yet I'm kind of curious what the cars 'red has to say about all these repairs because I imagine he's gonna be able to save me a few bucks from these massive repairs so let's get to the Wizards lair hello wizard look at my clean little old lady one-owner Florida 93 Cadillac Seville STS isn't it beautiful it's absolutely worthless but it's beautiful it is an amazing cosmetic condition like cosmetic mechanically but not the head gasket not the head gasket I was wondering out if it has a head gasps no original head gasket it's doing fine but there are other problems I've already had it inspected I went to the dealer and had it inspected on me I yes yes sorry sorry I'm just curious what their estimates would be because people do say sometimes in the comments section that you you ripped me off they did they do say it so I was curious what they would price these jobs at and then what you would price it I'm not gonna show you these numbers right here I'm just gonna have you look up what it would cost for you to do these items and then we'll see if the wizard truly is ripping me off fair game you ready all right well go into his office and get this done all right here's the list it's really not that long so I have no heat in the car and they said it's because of the HVAC program or processor so basically the computer and then the lower crankcase reseal is what they call it but basically the oil pan and then my sway bar end links left and right are clunking valve cover gaskets and brake job and a battery you'll probably need a few minutes with your computer to figure all that out so I'll just throw in some of the music while you click around right you know the tune actually rather than stare at the wizard for five minutes I figure to go check on the hoop teeth and some progress is being made on the Border Patrol Raptor look at this light bar junior mint is wiring it up I've also dropped the headliner to mount the light bar which is green it's gonna glow green not red and blue to scare people and then look at this mean thing a go Rhino roll and it has these little lights that actually fold into the bar itself it's electric and it folds back and forth super cool as much as I've been knocking this car through this entire video it is so pretty it is so pretty and it really did Drive super nicely I probably will fix it I don't think I'm gonna dump it see what the wizard has to say okay let's compare notes Cadillac dealer versus car wizard starting with the HVAC programmer I can get you a good used one guaranteed to work and install it for $250 really they won seven hundred and sixty nine dollars you saved me 500 bucks how about the suspension clunk in the brakes they said we're borderline on a suspension cloak was your sway bar Lee yeah I can put two brand new ones on with labor for 200 bucks $200 which is a pretty big savings off the 337 dollars a day originally 337 so pretty good savings no biggest programmer but still a good hundred dollars there's nothing to sneeze at great job and get paddle around resurface the rotors for two 225 okay and they wanted 420 for that so another two hundred dollars in savings at the car wizard what what a deal so the battery I don't imagine you're saving me very much money two hundred bucks batteries or batteries they're all 200 bucks pretty much pretty much everywhere so how about the oil leak this should be good motor has to come out really to get to that I could do it for 1,600 to two grand $1,600 they wanted $4,600 $4,600 so you're saying leave three grand stall head studs in that engine for $4,000 I mean we only getting that fixed it'll in one or two years probably it's gonna leak again yeah I don't even know if I can tighten the bolts and see if we can steady little flow it doesn't even drip really I just noticed this a little oily under there so it's not worth it pretty much every North Star is oily underneath that's that's just a given you just you just live with it that's normal so what's your grand total then 2950 so basically you're any three green right at three grand and this one's at seven thousand six hundred and twenty three dollars so you're saving me $4,000 wizard not that I'm going to do the oil pan resale or the valve cover gas because it's just normal oily so really I'm spending maybe a thousand dollars to sort out this Cadillac realistically I need I need the heater fixed though so I'm just gonna leave it with you okay well that's good because I have the fear already that's Austin I can take the a part right oh I say a bar thrown the I can take the a far at home yeah that's great thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: Hoovies Garage
Views: 1,406,062
Rating: 4.8445396 out of 5
Keywords: cadillac, seville, sts, hoovies, garage, tyler, hoover, review, test, drive, head, gasket, 1993, allante, problems
Id: aUNAOozvW1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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