Buying Cheap Cars From Strangers, THEN GIVING THE CARS BACK!

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Ha! I've been in the market for a 9-5 and have cast a wide net online- I saw this one on FB Marketplace and when it first showed up in the video, I knew which 9-5 he was looking at! Hoovie kinda played it up, of course, because the listing disclosed the damage and had pics of the passenger's side.

Oh, well. Still a fun video to watch.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/stametsprime 📅︎︎ Dec 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

But why?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/tyskstil 📅︎︎ Dec 28 2019 🗫︎ replies
14:15 well tell you what this is one of my favorite cars of all time the Grand Marquis that the Panther platform the Town Car the Crown Vic yeah but I don't really need one but I kind of want to just own one in the spirit yeah I know I just want to own one in spirit so in spirit I want to own this car but I also just I want you to keep it but I'll in spirit I'll own it you can keep the money you can keep the car at the title I just want to own it in spirit that's cool with you so you may keep the car keep the car in title money I'll just own it in spirit is that Alright hello my name is Tyler Hoover and I have a car buying addiction problem there are way too many cars in my garage it's completely full in addition to the driveway outside and there's more cars broken up at my mechanic the car wizard and I even rented a storage barn just to store more broken cars the last thing I need is more broken cars but I can't stop buying them because I have a problem I know this and for this reason at the tail end of last year I decided as a new year's resolution to not buy a single car in 2019 and I broke that resolution and all of well less than 60 days and then since that throughout 2019 I've broken the resolution at least 30 times a lot but I think I've come up with an idea to treat this affliction that I have in my pocket is $5,000 yes $5,000 that I'm going to spend today buying as many cars as I can from strangers but I am NOT going to keep the cars instead they can keep the car keep the money I can drive it for a little bit or do whatever I want but then I give it back I'm not gonna keep it because I have no room I have no room in my life for any more projects but I can't stop buying cars this really isn't a Christmas charity this is helping me out probably way more than them because maybe it will help quench my unending thirst for Hootie's now if this logic makes sense to you or if you think I'm an idiot or if you think anything else be sure to hit that like button and leave a comment letting me know what you think also subscribe to movies garage so you can catch a lot more of this madness now I'm very well aware of how hard it is to sell a car online you put up a listing especially on Facebook marketplace and people send messages and then say they're gonna come look at it and then never come look at it they never cancel they did they just ghost on you kind of like back when I was in the dating scene so I know it's really hard but what I didn't realize is buying cheap cars is really hard as well I've sent maybe a dozen messages out in the last 24 hours to people with cars that I was interested in and a lot of them didn't respond in many that did illuminated themselves because they showed pretty evidently that they were flippers I don't buy from flippers who aren't dealers because it's just it just against me as a former used-car dealer you buy a car with an open title that's not in their name it's it's just it's just not ethical and speaking of those unscrupulous people my friend behind the camera John Ross is going to travel with me and help document all these purchases so we should hit the road you're ready [Music] yeah so first stop John Ross is a kid named Nathan with a Mustang a very optimistic price on this Fox Body Mustang the acceleration once again is it a v8 no no two point three four-cylinder automatic convertible basically the spec that you don't want but it's a boots body so you want it $1,200 high five fox body so here let's go take a look sounds good oh there it is it's beautiful yes it is you there's the Mustang I'm Michael Nathan's dead I buy a lot of hoop tees and I don't have a fox body right now I saw this one so what can you tell me about it well I bought this was it August of last year you gotta go yeah you did a lot of work to it huh yeah I'm fine well John Ross you're a Ford man I'm not a Ford man I don't know where that came from it's interesting you know they yeah paint always kills off the urethane right so why are you telling this so I'm selling this because the transmission um there's no specific reason about the transmission it leaks fluid just a little bit holy moly okay but it's still working those slips alone there we go that battle was new that was not filled but you know I think rattles are the least of our worries here yeah so if you bought something else yet I have not bought anything else well it does drive better than it looks huh it really does not too bad yeah it is a basket case I think you're a little optimistic here on the price oh you think oh I've put in more than a thousand to it I said eight hundred and eight hundred dollars yeah for this $800 there's no way no no I'm definitely gonna give you at least a grand for it or five six seven eight nine ten ten yeah $1,000 all right but one problem though yes I can't take it home I have too many cars so I need you to do me a favor I need you to sell it for me and whatever you get for it for Commission justjust keep it for yourself I just I just wanted to own a fox body for a little bit just just because okay okay okay so we have a deal deal all right awesome Merry Christmas and on to the next tube deep well that was very Coulson wasn't it it was very wholesome that kid was only 15 really yeah his parents told me the story while you guys were out driving and I guess he bought that by flipping a go-kart oh yeah he went and bought a go-kart sold it for a bunch more bought a car it's probably worth about the same as a go-kart yeah honestly I had less material in it than a go-kart this next one though has a lot more potential though it's a 2004 Saab 95 for only $900 I want it looks really pretty let's go let's hit it I've never owned a real sob before look at that a little bit of rust but not too bad not too bad at all this one's actually in pretty decent shape missing the grille but not too oh oh so I can reach inside maybe I should have swiped through all the pictures on Facebook before I drove all the way out here or there Wow the interior is super clean clean Carfax one owner I've never owned to sod before though a real sob sob Beru things that's a Subaru powered one but there's a sob story I'm Tyler Jesse nice to meet you I'd have to do YouTube with cars as okay if I film around this way yeah who are you driving it when it got hit yeah it wasn't bad you know does it still run okay did you drive it home yeah got the key can I start it up yeah thanks man [Music] why three turbo I bet it all yeah cuz it's the arrow with the good motor though yeah they call a halt didn't it it was really fast yes mm-hmm what do you think's the least you'd take for seven or seven hundred okay yeah I have never owned a real sob before I really don't need it but I just want to say that I've owned a Saab right or so I'm gonna give you 700 and I'm gonna say if I owned to stop in for five minutes but then I'm gonna let you keep the car and keep the money exactly with you that's cool okay thank you very much can I take it around the block though just to see what it's like yeah okay cool I'll be ballroom I'll take it around the block ring it back and then it's it's all yours and I can say ivona stop for five minutes all right all right buddy awesome thank you thanks there's a lot of glass in here oh yeah you feel oh yeah like immediately tell that it's fast actually yes it pulls like a freight train both doors are ajar theft protection failure there's a hole in the door this would be great in a wagon I know they made the nine five arrow wagon and these seats are actually super customers herbal I can't like sit down because of all the glass but the seats are super comfortable yeah this is great success thank you for let me do that yeah yeah what's guys's channel Louie's garage yeah thanks a lot yeah Merry Christmas so obviously the first two cars were very very rough they weren't exactly perfect no cream puffs no sir so the next two cars that I've picked out are actually cars that I would recommend people to buy if they only have a budget of less than $2,000 the first one we're going to look at is certainly my favorite the Panther platform yeah Mercury Grand Marquis drive car Ford Crown Victoria Lincoln Towncar love them all to death basically the greatest car of all time you can't kill it's a pretty versatile car I know you love it because it rides nicely I've driven you know if I ain't had a perfect one with the beaded seats and everything one thing mark so smooth when we're going to look at though has been slightly customized I assume heated seats no no something else it looks nice stuff looks really sharp in the pictures let's go look at that oh my that's motor imperfection right there that is car oh yeah in the LAN job business 822 it makes a little money yes everybody needs to do it yeah I'm Tyler oh yeah digital gauges yes and the seats this is basically my rolls-royce phantom and it's just as comfortable these cushy seats a big giant land yacht it's very nice any idea what the check engine lights on for uh neither oil turn it's really been sitting for life for months nice these things drive a lot like the rolls-royce they're really not much different than just cruising I'm not gonna tell you I mean it was wrong was I you know that party didn't meant to [Music] a little polar and little yeah a little bobble once you get a bigger size right that's the look but it's not lifted or whatever is that like all had a donk when it's lifted right with the big so did I lived it is just right I didn't want to do right well why are you selling yeah what is that yeah yeah holidays so there's nothing to buy you know those 1500 really your rock bottom it's the best hog would you tell I'll take four to 14 okay okay eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen well tell you what this is one of my favorite cars of all time the Grand Marquis that the Panther platform the town car the Crown Vic yeah but I don't really need one but I kind of want to just own one Inspira yeah I know I just want to own one in spirit so in spirit I want to own this car but I also just I want you to keep it but I'll in spirit I'll own it you can keep the money you can keep the car the title I just want to own it in spirit that's cool with you so you can keep the car keep the car the title money and I'll just own it in spirit is that Alright [Music] like Grand Marquis actually feel really really nice did it I'm happy to own that car in spirits I don't believe you I own it forever in his spirits 22 is on it he actually drove just fine it didn't drive that differently from this that's actually that's amazing yes this has 20 si the next car we're going to look at is another one that's near and dear to my heart okay it's a car I recommend all of you to buy it's an old Buick and I love old Buicks because the owners tend to be very conservative they tend to take excellent care of the cars and they're usually in great condition okay so I'm I've no doubt that this Buick is going to be very nice now this is a very sensible choice for anyone looking for an affordable car that's for sure 2001 you agree GLE not quite two hundred thousand miles on it so not too hot on the miles only $1,200 bumps and bruises huh oh that's one way to fix the taillight huh yeah there's a there's a bullet hole are you kidding me how's it going with yeah I'm pretty good it's all right I make youtube videos of buying cars and stuff it's okay if I film yeah so yeah I'm Tyler oh no oh no nice to meet you so you've had this thing for a while huh ten years to here okay that's the story it's an auction car that was before I got it okay so it doesn't have you could come up with a good story though right so does it run and drive well yeah there's a ball hold a seat - but I guess nobody was sitting in it huh it was parked mm-hmm the greatest engine of all time probably the 3800 series 2 you remember my 90/60 of Park Avenue ultra supercharger on ever die oh you gonna drive it I don't need to drive it it's a 3,800 car there's no reason to drive them they always work they've always it's true just fine it's sorted perfectly yeah cosmetically this one's a little rougher than your average Buick though what's realistic price on something like this I've gained from nine right now nine nine is die is not bad for a good running and driving Buick that's that's definitely a deal yeah I got nine eight nine nine hundred I don't honestly though I don't need the title what I do need you to do is find a good home for this car find somebody that needs needs a good car just just pay it forward i I don't need I don't need a Buick I had the best one ever the Park Avenue ultra I just really liked Buicks I wanted to see one I loved the 3800 motor just looking at it was privileged enough to be honest with you I have a car buying problem I just need to buy cars all the time so like I can't keep them so if I can trust you to find it a good home for it then then we're good all right sweet thank you very much really nice that's it yeah on to the next one huh so that Buick was a lot rougher than I thought it was a bullet holes mini I honestly think the windshield it was correct but it was probably replaced because one of them they were going straight from the front seat to the back seat so they probably shot straight through the front but multiple angles most things just got sprayed with bullets will run forever that's gonna last a family for 500 years and as soon as you open the engine bay I was like this is really clean I know perfect I know so now we have one more car to go look at we're going to look at a Japanese car it's actually the cheapest Toyota that I could find it's running and driving in my opinion perfect oi oi Oh toes are too expensive Honda's you see them on Craigslist they have to 250 thousand miles on they still want 3 grand forms doesn't make any sense to me but I've managed to find one for only $700 that runs and drives and it's not just a Toyota it's a Toyota Camry Solara our last car let's go take a look it'll be nice yes hi is there a car for sale here at Toyota your brother's not here right now is it in the backyard no yeah so the seller is not here but his sister's kind enough to show the car to us he's kind of stood us up he's ghosted on us but at least there's a big family here how many kids again seven kids and this is the Camry Solara give the key no hmm so baseball bat huh oh they got everything but this is somebody you know they got really mad huh and hammered away at the car yeah oh my SC v6 so it's a three liter v6 so what is three it is the big v6 nice that's really special and the gold badging you know this is just when you were really into the 90s when he had gold badging yeah JBL stereo well I tell you what you're probably not in the position to be able to negotiate definitely not all right well he wanted $700 for it I believe is that correct okay I will buy it for $700 but I'm not gonna keep it I have a car buying issue but I'm not a hoarder so if I just compulsive buy things but not keep them that I'm not a hoarder so you guys can keep it and do whatever you want with it but I will give you $700 for it and since it's not your car and your money since you had to do the selling and all this work you can keep a hundred dollars for yourself okay yeah all right and enjoy my car okay you can do whatever you'd like with it you know try not to scratch the paint you know just keep it under 100 check the oil every once in a while sometimes they are a little leaky you know top it off so all right Merry Christmas all right you're welcome well the guy completely blew me off didn't even show up to show me the car but he got the money anyway he did and you know they said it would start but I don't believe it I don't think so either that's Dave I hope the sister keeps it and just says that I never showed up right yeah she probably that's great well that was very wholesome it's very Christmasy I was therapy it definitely worked it was a very spirit of giving kind of holiday thing but really was more for myself and I still have $200 left that's impressive I've saved money normally I spend everything I've got fixing these cars but now I bought five in one day got to experience what they're all about little mini reviews and then I didn't have to keep them have to worry about where I'm going to put them so this is perfect absolutely yes so if you liked this video be sure to hit that like button leave a comment tell me what you think and please subscribe to who B's garage I think I cover that all right I think so yes Merry Christmas thank you for watching thank you for watching and Fantom good job it didn't break [Music]
Channel: Hoovies Garage
Views: 3,079,287
Rating: 4.9275284 out of 5
Keywords: Test, drive, cheap, car, challenge, test, problems, hoovies, garage, tyler, hoover
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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