Ultimate Minecraft Survival World Tour! - Xbox One

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all right so this is a video I've been wanting to make for a long long time now it's been years to play this game yeah I've always wanted to do it for my world I want to do a Survival Series on console but unfortunately I was bit too late to that and console got discontinued before I had the chance to so yeah that sucks people are still requested to see my world they say I'm going to go through these are settings I use of course I think I think that disabled achievements is completely survival I play on easy so that mobs to spawn and that's that's about it for it it takes a while to load I'll skip ahead here so where have we spawned okay so at the new spawn area one of these should be my loot cuz I had all this setup to move to bedrock so I had all my loot from em chest and my inventory and these chests so that in case there was any glitches like the conversion or something it would still bring everything over and one of the reasons I didn't actually move to bedrock is because of how broken it was see this wall has a lot of like redstone and cool stuff that I spent probably months working on altogether and none of it works in bedrock like it's just it's insane how much is broken when you convert to that game and yeah I didn't want to play on a world where none of my stuff that I built worked it seems kind of pointless to me anyway we don't need all this stuff one else will take a few arrows I don't need to see lanterns I'm guys need to write something Maps good torch we do need fireworks there let me put on my choker boxes back in my ender chest real quick I don't need beacon we're not going to save this anyways no point spending too long organizing stuff yeah umm little begin metal Eve in Jesus a place came in ages the sensitivities feels really weird okay so I need that's all I need fireworks okay I'm gonna go grab some fireworks and then I'm gonna come back just so we don't spoil anything okay so I've got some fireworks now should be enough to get to the next area which should have more so should be good I'm gonna start off with probably the first thing that I built I think we'll go from oldest to newest in the areas so this is obviously the spawn area I'm not gonna go through this part yet we'll leave this to later because it wasn't built until much later in later in the world's life Plus that off with my first house now he could probably tell I was a bit of a stampy fan back then I still am but he hasn't been operating recently nothing wrong with that but I used to watch him all the time I used to not have internet so I would download all his videos in like 360p or 240p or something and I would've watched like hundreds of them because I would use the space to download more like that in that quality I would get so much more content and enjoyment out of it downloading that many in like lawdy ah good times but yeah I would often try and rebuild a lot of things you didn't his videos and some of them turned out really good like like this room this is based off Lee's room probably know something videos through me or - I think this was made quite well it's off center but other than that thinking when it I think it worked out pretty good yeah there's a lot of things I built like the shops and stuff I've tried to recreate my ability and only let me just start with the tour of my house which is a customised version of his house so I've added a bunch of extra rooms a bit of a different layout they've kept the same kind of style that he did and I thought was pretty cool when I built it so up here I don't know what this room was gonna be I think it was gonna be like a clubhouse or something but I ended up not even using it for that it has a little enchantment area over here it's not as nice as his but he did the job for a while I think there's even a way to get into the roof which has a nothing in it of course so for three glass panels oh these are for a beacon I remember now it has been a while so excuse me if I do miss a bunch of things I know some people that might be watching that have played on this world or might have played on it a few years ago back on 360 and this world originally started it's been up for a long time this is like my main survival world yeah I want to ever put so much effort into it's a great stuff so this is a the room for snow golem and the iron golem dude pretty nice I think so I've got some little Christmas lights here I'm for attempt at making redstone stuff back then I'm not gonna go straight there just goes to a mineshaft it tells you a story it's based off one of his videos woof our throne tree not God no your skin own object this is what I was missing with redstone he throw three items down should yeah put something in the chest pretty useless though let me show you down here the dog area goes down to underneath the little bedroom this little secret base thing under there my recreation of it at least it's not super good I know why there's ice yeah that shouldn't be that well let's go this way to the doghouse is where I had a agent set up I used to have one set up yeah it's a rainbow beacon it took me ages to make and it makes the server lag for everyone so I never used it and I moved it somewhere else so yeah it's my little dog house you know these dogs are mine anymore because I converted the world to the Xbox one that did something with the ownership of the dog so no I don't only than some reason yeah it's got a little machine for me and I even did a little fire escape this goes up to a little wall yeah it goes up to a little flying machine I think one of the little slam block ones it's in like a little garage it's a bit of a random thing I made and i down here goes to a secret base I think I remember the car isn't it down up down down yeah it goes into a secret base a little cake machine are making this so you put in the ingredients there's actually a little thing down here the T flip-flop it opens a door on the side and that goes to like the emergency cake area yeah I didn't do anything down there she goes to a mine but emergency cake area that's pretty cool these are all the ingredients for the cake so I think it was let me try remember I've wheat milk TNT for the explosion sugar cocoa beans three eggs two whole one cracked and you put in a bit of magic you can pile the ingredients get a few times so they'll get mashed together and then you reject the cake I don't why that was pulled down already but so yeah this light lights up when you have all this stuff in there unless you were and check the cake pretty good it's annoying to reset though so I never use it we've got the little time machine thing begin trick make some noise nether portals down there oh yeah you can see him they're really weird it's the thing that happens when you update the game from an older version all right let's go ahead this way so you don't want to make this video too long but at the same time there's a lot that I want to show off like I don't want to miss anyone's little base or something this little thing under the stairs I think it's for the redstone yeah it's for this little light thing on the other side I'll show you it also goes to the firework dispenser thing and why I built this I wait the sword on PC or something it looked really cool but I could never get it to look smooth on here so that's how that's that's how that's mean so you just follow up here there's a little water fountain and it's got some dispensers in it so if you press fireworks since the fireworks up same with snowballs that's what the rest don't goes down to that's all right we haven't gone there yet let's go this way there's all these um all these entrances linked together so this one goes outside and that one goes downstairs everyone goes up there that's the main front entrance there it's just a hallway let me show you the chest room I tried to use um try to use the same floor he did from one of his videos but the chest texture change it doesn't look quite as good as his anymore but I'll leave his changed as well from them one of the updates so it's about the same I wanted to be accurate but I wanted to add features that would help so I added a super smelter here you can just chuck in the items you want cooked in here say I want to cook a sigh an evening can't and yeah you press this button to inject coal will cook it and it will come out from this chest got a bunch of terracotta in there it's pretty good yeah also a lot of states with top almost I'll show you show you that uh now as the roof nothing in it well what we have to get through so I don't want to don't want to show off the love a little tiny uninteresting bits too much yeah yeah there's a lot to get through this videos gonna be so long I'm calling it now so here's where I did the map room achievement it would come up here and you just replace this map if you wanted the achievement but yeah I spent a long time mapping all this out with my life huh once those are introduced to the game you'd see a little sneak peek of the of some of the world this is a bit outdated this hasn't been updated for a while interesting wonder what that is we'll show that off later but I'll leave you leave your wanting more as usual a little exiting here but it seems to freeze for some reason that's one way down I know what this is I don't know what I was thinking with this I wanted to try out there like census I think but they don't really work wish to light up these depending on the time of the day I don't know what this was was just like I'm boring they jump on and build some weird light thing with redstone it doesn't even work weird staircase as well this should go - yeah yeah didn't even link it up so I'm unimpressed with it with the result of it alright so let's start with the first wall so the entrance over here that's where you come in there's a little um bill Bell I got the fire alarm before opens the emergency exit blaze the fire alarm sound it's pretty cool yeah you have to press the button open up main hall it's just this thing just goes up here yep let me show you you will go down there laughs cuz that's where we're gonna exit from actually no no we won't we'll go down here now why not we although so this is one of the first things I built when I first started this house this is the little slime farm slash mine it was just a mining area but Sloan's happened just warning it quite well so yeah bro just did a bit of a mining when I started this world it's not that big of an area so yeah it's not that impressive but I found a few good diamonds doing here so it's very good I don't know what this was I made a template redstone she ate two flats let him listen up a little working desk nice chandelier little water dream crafting room you can see where this came from I wanted to recreate a lot of his things even if they were a bit out of place it seemed like it worked quite well have a little crafting room there got the lava room of course far away from all the wooden parts of my house didn't want any chance of something catching the fire you know because I've had bad experience with that before on the mobile version I built an ice cream house and put a fireplace in it did not end well okay brewing area some potions I got they're made already I got the minecart track this goes to spawn all the way to spawn and you would not believe how long this took to make drops the people that build minecart stations everywhere this took a long time I'm not even kidding now we've got another room which I've stolen lava from for some reason I used to be live on the side but I guess I needed some more libraries expensive life is very expensive [Music] okay let's go let me show you something actually there's a little here hidden uh button right there this opens a door up gonna be quick actually no you don't you've got to shoot it with your bow I think yeah oh well it's still closed anyway this is what's inside it's an emergency bed emergency storage chests for secret stuff to tell the redstone work just Lauri's an item on the press play and you press this button here to exhibit there you go so here is another secret this bookshelf looks really out of place so it's kind of obvious but if you throw an item down there it opens up my first Jeb door I think is called 2pi to flush piston door with some eye and diamond door I've got that with a silk touch pickaxe it is possible in survival if you know how to do it but this is where I would keep my armor because time I don't we used to be so expensive to make well is it cost the same now but at least you have mending so it doesn't cost as much to repair it and I would never used the diamond armor I was always using an iron armor in this world because diamonds were so hard to get then once they added mending I took it out I enchanted it more and made it I made it better worth using the for close this thing our auto-close is after five minutes so we'll just leave it oh this the Batcave only pull leader if you're Bruce rain what rain Wayne even gonna they would right leave a dozen oh no all right so what this does is it opens the door when you've always lever but then when you walk in it's supposed to close once you stand on a pressure plate once you stand on these ones the problem is mobs spawn in here and their wall fall over the pressure plate and they screw up the timing and stuff and the things ends up staying closed whenever you probably leave us both down here I wanted to build like a bet that cave of some sort with some super dark dark vibes to it I think it would have turned out well but I kind of gave up on building in this area so and never got finished it didn't look very good like the entrance wasn't very welcoming so a lot of people missed out on it and I didn't want to spend so much time on something that no one would ever see if you know what I mean Danny yeah we got screwed on his broom I don't know what this used to be but it's good Hunter took it over and this room looks all right got a little view out here that's the tunnel that goes to the mineshaft and it is a mineshaft it's not a stronghold or anything it's just a mineshaft if you needed cobwebs or cave spiders we got a glitch map that's interesting I don't know how that happened I think was an update that caused that yeah it's a glitch map we got a little exit here with the beacons I moved anywhere that goes to the beacons to change them something good button opens a little staircase chili crust crust what crushed me I'm sorry I can't speak today I just takes you downstairs quick I'll sort of not really I'm trapped down here now right there we go don't know why I built that it's not any quicker than just going down these stairs it seems like I was really eager to add something here but there wasn't any space is the bathroom hot and cold taps its uh was thing behind this yeah redstone so I covered that up a little toilet worse attempt ever bathtub don't know what that is here's the library interesting library it's not really but press this button opens the fireplace just like stampy's one although his looks much better I tend because I watched the videos in social equality I didn't get that good of a scale for how big everything was nice little trap things there's long and you drop down on the open chair when I built this house I wasn't very good with redstone whoops because uh thanks was on 360 before they added a bunch of stuff this was before even hoppers were added to the game a long time ago when I built this house I was new though that was um that I had and later on alright let's go to the guest room this is where I have people to stay if there's no beds available if you have your own room in the house even though that's not really enough beds because you can have like 16 players I think on this own so yeah that wouldn't be enough for anyone here's my super secret vault with diamonds inside of it I love that it's about trash in it this is I was growing mushrooms and I was trying to keep the room so that it was a dark so I didn't have the door like I removed the door covered it up I added this we could go inside without like letting the lot the the light in through the door so it wouldn't be lit up lit up all the time so here is the room of no requirement PS diamond accident chests aw cool let me get the diamond axe I doesn't work but what is supposed to do is set off this redstone push this piston break that block of the sign on it and break all these signs and drop the carpet down but apparently it's broken or some reason I think I must have just missed them not built it right this was a spare room for someone I don't think they ever joined their main a long time ago a little exit thing up here to a surface okay let's go back this way instead zombie if we go upstairs there's three floors to this I think that's the chest room right here another entrance to it here we got the kitchen and the TV's gone whatever hit the kitchen and the living room we've got the mushroom all another mushroom farm with the roof access from the library I need to get to the roof mob spawn in there all the time so that's why it's got the fresh play on the door we got the living room just in there became management so you can change the beacon effects if you needed to I for some reason had more diamonds than iron at one point because there was nothing to spend diamonds on if you didn't have armor and you only use like three or four tools you would have lots of diamonds there back in the day especially if they were duplication glitches usually only worked for always and stuff so you had a lot of those so here we go to strain to the lip room or could this be its bed spa and then what helped us failed attempt this part infinite cobblestone though this I think works until you break the opposite Ian by accident because there's the hey speaking right next to us yeah cobblestone goes no Cheston you get the cobblestone that's pretty good it was a water room somewhere even ah yeah he's the clubhouse a bit different to Sam peas but don't know how stir well so it looks like snow has covered up most of the roof it's interesting I remember this area not being in a snow biome when I first started building in it so I must have been some sort of secret when it updated not sure that way the way this game works is very different to it with the Java and other versions in some ways when they updated the yeah when you put ice just gone here it uh active line I think you're the DJ booth with a little Samsung computer some speakers and there's even a little area for the boss to go put the drinks in and there [Music] you got missed some rooms Elliot's on infinite water room that's I think that's all for the house let me see yeah it looks like all for the house okay which we move on to it was a zombie my chest my arrows skills fun fact my bow has mending and infinity because used to be able to put both on it back before they removed it so this is a very good bow you can like this is good you can get this in legit survival if you enchanted it at the right time with the right update so yeah it's really hard to get it you probably can't get it now though so you have to play on the lightest version I just version of it we've got the very valuable dragon egg just chilling right here ready to be stolen of course here's a little mob farm doesn't really work too small sometimes you get creepers and stuff coming up here but I've really never ever getting used out of it so yeah this whole area i-it's a desert under here by the way I kept blowing it up with creepers because I was so bad at avoiding them and it was all sand so I was too lazy to repair it because you had to get all sand because of the way it destroyed items they used to be another pyramid here to honor way built pyramids I think that this one looks alright here I was trying to screw with portal make a glitch or something there is actually a village over here until you know what a belly looks like you can just see it down there but yeah I built up the ground all around this island I didn't get out here's another village I screwed with sort of broken house because there was a mob spawner under here and I kept wondering why this fight is coming up on this area that's why found it damn it I works alright let's move on to the theater and boat area now I should have made a better entrance to this I really should have I think I did at one point I made stairs and then a creeper blew me up and killed me so I didn't save or something yes this is the theater area you would come and get your tickets over here you'd open the doors for him if you're working here of course and then you'd lock it again so that I couldn't get inside and they'd come getting it and get there I'm and snaps pay for them obviously you'd pass them as snacks and they'd go to their little area sit down and watch the show little towers over here for my better view really you get much worse youth in the front and what I thought was cool is there's a little um a little like control area up here the music you sound effects you got your button here which does more sound effects this one does nothing this one starts to show it closes the curtains but not really cuz I don't know how to make curtains well I could have but you've when I made this I was not very good at read soon so you can't make the whole thing fold away that would take a long time as well if the minecart doing the lights very loud let's use the other other exit Romeo good backstage siding okay so here's the castle the castle Hunger Games very unique thing to put in a castle but I built a wonderful this castle and I want to build this door I'd know what to use the inside of it for I didn't want to spend ages making something inside of it so I just made into a Hunger Games arena let's do a little control panel open the close button is also one on the inside so you can lock the boiler we got these chests so you can dump all your loot interesting convenient before so you dump all your loot in there you come in the air see spawn this should be closed [Music] so you would go in here then we'll go through their door you get to here I would open this calendar okay wait you come to the chest go raid them and there's a little bit of ladder parkour for the bow up there but that takes a long time to get you can even climb up to the top of it this isn't a great arena I'm looking to watch yeah there was not much cover to go behind think down here there was a diamond no there was a bow with like no health and iron pickaxe for some reason yeah interesting oh she got more fireworks from else see the problem is when I moved from this house like I didn't live in this house long maybe a year or so I was in that house then I was like no don't live there anymore it's too old it doesn't have enough space for me so I built another house which we'll get to soon we got the Chris prosign I like putting those up everywhere they're pretty nice this true became has been here since like the day I played on this world it's been there a long time best day even this is a really really really bad boat like it's got nothing on the inside that doesn't even look good for me outside I don't know why I built it cause it's not even like the boat can't go anywhere it's just trapped here that water doesn't go anywhere like at all yeah but what I do really like is this river over here this goes all the way through the map so this goes all the way to spawn over there so I have a little boat station so you can go down here make your way to the bridge if you want and then go outside to the other side of the map as well that's pretty cool I like how that river was a generated alright this is a recent addition where's the sign say I'll be back in ten all this of course it does jes old house what do we don't know what he was doing here it's got all another portal bosses make some fireworks even oh yeah I think he was selling fireworks JSL was on one of the plays on you I think it was very active though so here we have a little farming area I used to have rabbits and pigs and cows and and I have shapes but what was this one mushrooms yeah cows and mu friends but I could never find him they wouldn't spawn because a weed-like mobcap on this version so you can't have that many animals this was a maximum of sheep for a while it's been feeling more it's one day and it was nothing leave yeah they can't jump out and keep spray down there and you're sure I'm gonna put the wall away in the chest this is one of the first things I built a little chicken farm and they added a hoppers even it's a little storage area down here and they all go into the hoppers automatically so when these just fill up I think what it's supposed to do is set off an alarm which flashes this oh you used to set off an alarm where it would play a noise and this would flash but I got annoying because it was always filling up so I think I just made it into a solid wallet yeah there's plenty of eggs in there if you need them that's the maximum chickens you can have I know all right this is the tree farm completely manual free phone coming here you break these down the saplings would fall in there they'd come down this way pick them up put them in the chest three playing them all wood on this one maybe all right pole for dogs of course and be quick hand hashtag upside-down tree here we got little horse stables I don't remember what I built over here there was a sudden there was something under this I think it was like an auto sugarcane farm but I ended up removing it because it didn't work they tried to build a platform for some reason down here I don't die this is the another recent addition I will wither skeleton car and it actually works I can't show you how but it does actually work really fillings would spawn in just like that I'd come down here you'd walk in with your sword I think you need a different sword you need smite five instead of darkness finally a topic you act these guys they dropped in a loop and it would go up these machines I don't get this I'm Jana there we go goes up there into the hoppers gets automatically sorted into the chest and you grab your wither skulls which I had a lot of cheese damn that's dangerous yeah that's how that works I'm gonna point out now that a lot of places have a nether portal and that's because they're all linked together in like a little nether hub type thing so you can travel really quickly to different places if you wanted to I can't move this geez it doesn't need to be that tell me this why do I have empty chests floating around Oh God I don't want that Oh lighthouse I'm sure that another thing based the first stampy lighthouse out gallery why is nothing back there had all the names of the paintings around yeah got the love garden Pro Edition so I just put in a bunch of names that I saw in his videos and I added my own from people that played on it obviously notch did not play on it nor did team Mojang but always dream yeah there's a lot of people missing from that it wasn't anything it was just like a joke thing wasn't anything like serious we would add everyone haha the clock tower 23.8 hours of building time this thing looks insane this is one of the newer things I built brow focused so much on detail and made sure to get every single book right on stampy's from stampy's video I even did all the torches going all the way down exactly the same distance every side of this thing is scale perfect it's not a word scale perfect that make sense whatever it should be exactly the same as his different clocks in the store and there's actually I added my own thing here because the inside of the tower is empty on his but on this one that's the secret button you go up here if you're quick enough get into the hidden parkour area and you can do the parkour up there I wonder if I could do this oh jeez I have not not easy what I don't know these jumps Aled it give it's like three or four levels of parkour going up I was always fun take the normal way on the ladder and amount of fireworks oh jeez [Music] iOS and ladders do not go well together I'll have to go back there later and then check out the top in fact let's just cut ahead now failure I'll show you walk real quick here we go purchasing the top of the clock tower we get this little different wall style with the tea time tea shop this is again from stampy's video you've got a little piano and their view from up here is insane I love this place I'm so glad I built it it was so much fun getting it all nice and accurate yeah this is probably the best creation I've ever built based off of based off stampy's world I really think it turned out well you can't afford go all the way up to top as well and this is what people often use as an Elijah jump station he worked out well yeah this is a good time to show off the CRISPR sign this is before I changed my channel name to just Chris Park but it looks alright if I do say so myself yeah ages get all the wool for that not even kidding took like a few days of sheep's hearing while I was building other things just to get enough wool now this I won't be in my new base but I ended up building it way too small like way too small I had this dream that I'd build a massive airship that was like 400 blocks long and no it did not work out it's just a little tiny thing the restaurant inside though and the kitchen and another portal for nether access so you can get up here without wings if you wanted to which of these paintings is this one this is where you fire the cannons although he's on guess right this way it's awfully also goes down to the room tenía you want to stay in the little hotel thing ever in his name's my main plays almost mine mine's empty some lazy like that is there a lot of Maine people have played the most active player was probably ekk a.m. zero for a camo for accordin built a lot in the new area and he helped out a lot in this area as well mainly with those those builds down in that area [Music] so this is the hotel this was one of the first things I built in this area of the lighthouse I think the lighthouse was after this even I don't remember this was long ago like on 360 if I only did the lighthouse maybe the hotel and half of that creeper thing eyes on the collar world jeepers mobs everywhere I have not listed this place up well wait even where demons form who knows yep these signs were added recently admin board untrusted players all blow that out trusted players board is it easy some of the main people who came on yep welcome to kevro's once tell us know tell one star oh it's almost a change that you see five star bathroom first if counters unattended oh I was very impressed when I did this I am changed it so you could configure the lighting on the phone flash like that kind of cool also a massive lag machine so we don't leave that alone yeah you got your cell phone in the area all your rooms it's their case to get up to them none of them are locked for some reason yeah you can no one like these stairs like the design of it but it's good that you can just jump down from any floor into the water and we could it's the penthouse someone bought that claimed it yeah everyone has a balcony too so [Music] double fresh plate okay we got something I was bored so I made this crisp raised incredible force field door doesn't open hopeless magic I used to have a maze over here but it was really bad and everyone who played on here kept trying to go through it and spend like 20 minutes on it getting stuff so I removed it it's not something I wanted people to be looking at first when they spawned in it was really uninteresting - is the creeper coaster and everyone always tries to ride it but I never finished it I never finished it not even kidding like I did maybe it's tiny bit of the underneath like this whole underground area well it's bad example okay much closer if I get close to this way be good yeah the soul underground area is all like paid client all built above like a normal plan there's Bob's down here too well but yeah I cleared out a bunch of underground space for it no one used it roll truths take a long time to build especially if you have to do it on the ground clear out the whole area build all the walls gather all the wool for the walls even it takes forever we got some floating sand they used to be a glitch you could do take the sand float now it doesn't work so that's a magic that that's still there here's the whole house supposed to put this disc in opens the door twice there's a little dungeon area and mobs in here but no never spawns and finally we have the T flip-flop pressure plate which turns off the lights and that's it basic stampy's but myself area this is my like younger days but I was not good at building but like to try for some reason these are all the arrows from the airship all and down this I'm actually proud of the pixel art chest based off the quest series of squid dude rebuilt the chest with stampy double door single fresh play Magic Eye Makeup little theme tunes to zelda which kind of ruined it got Mario as well why where is that which strophe it's up here there was a glitch to duplicate the dragon egg back in the day don't believe it still works but that's how we got extras because people kept messing with a one I put on display so we had some backups and that's the kind of thing you have to do in a multiplayer world like this you have to like take care of the important world stuff everything oh my got the temple sorry no tumble tower not temple that's a little minigame most boring mini game ever everyone wants to play it though here's the guardian farm entry this is based on mumbo jumbo this is one of the best things I've ever built but this track doesn't go all the way it only goes to like it there you have to fly the rest of the way so we're gonna have to pick up some fireworks as well if we want to check that out or we could just use the nether portal tell you what let's do that let's take another portal will give me a good chance to shop I never have looks like as well the main another area I've got at least important is very different with his faces different farms it's my house one there this is that little just JSL house and yes is all built in the nether so one block here is eight blocks in the overworld overworld not other world sorry and that one goes to spawn so if you're spawning and then this morning that spawn and go through here in a go straight to your house if you wanted to you know the old what's a old it's not really old but the Guardian farm over here is broken it was broken in an update as most things were and basically the Guardians don't spawn properly anymore and it's incredibly inefficient so I've had to build another farm somewhere else but we'll get to that when it comes I love how this is all built over lava that looks incredibly safe you can imagine how long that will be build one block at a time crouching over the edge with not fun yes this plane I was out watching exumai quite a bit on the Houma craft or I think it was series back in those days I would watch his videos a bit and we hope to creep the farm design and I tried it on console and it doesn't work doesn't work well I would say yeah cousin it doesn't the carpet doesn't stop other mobs from spawning like it doesn't PC so it's kind of useless is the elevator take your watch today no time really cold but I can never straight a coffee this is out you know any poll that shows yeah it's always usually fine this is the area I cleared out for the slime pump you know that that's something you do something the game does when you fly some reason everyone else says no it doesn't happen yeah I've never heard that but they're lying they just haven't used an electrode before here is one of the things I'm most proud of one of the best recreations I've done from when I was watching mumbo jumbo he built this guardian farm design and it's really cool I'm so proud of this I copied each block I forged the video and looked at like the replay he did and the above big bird's eye view and I pop it each block I counted along made sure it was exact and it all linked up perfectly and absolutely not on the first try so I'm impressed that it actually worked out here it is on the map you can see um you look at my survival series on PC we're doing another farm similar to this right now on a server there's a squid ink area if you wanted to get ink there's a mine cart that goes around so if squids die on the edge over here mine card will come and pick it up with a little hopper and it will put the ink in this chest over here it doesn't work quite well usually so the minecarts glitched all the time all right remember there's more to giving me so much trouble cuz I was try and add I try and remove this glass and then the water would all pour in and it would take ages to drown out to drain out it cuz you have to fill up the whole thing with sand sponge it out it's not a good experience it usually takes two days were at the time just sit Guardian farm killing chamber and storage system designed by mumbo-jumbo build place difficult right and I added my own additions to this by one farm break when you remove the killing thing they're killing peace so it's only on order kill mode now as you can see it does work but it's not efficient enough to use for XP so we disabled the XP mode which would normally be this button doesn't do anything now because we removed the extra thing they'd kill them you'd put in your loop in here would run it up through the elevator but apparently the hoppers have been stolen from underneath your chest and yet we'd thought in all these chests as well you could enchant over there and if you wanted to you could sneak peek behind um see how it all works it's a pretty basic design there used to be a beacon here as well remove that when we moved to the new film yeah there's also a dungeon over there never did anything with that see this farm was really cool but one of the problems was it was too far away from everything so we could never use it I'm gonna just check my backpack real quick in case we have fireworks it might be quicker to fly back and use oh good we do we have fireworks this is my um emergency stuff so if we need to like I only have like a boat and into some water and stuff in here like like common items it could be useful for creating infinite blocks and stuff but it's I haven't been keeping it up and stuff recently apparently yeah this is braced under legs I love that I um island there it's really nice a good overview of this there you go this is where the minecart would have gone all the way along here it doesn't go this far it's a long way away from where that portal was yeah and we did by the time we started building the track it was already broken The Guardian promised me yeah here's something you've probably seen before in the past video I did want a video transporting a charged creeper and it came from this charged creeper farm the way this works is you set up to the lure a bunch of Cooper's in here he trapped them inside like you live them in through the top like you bring him in through that hole you shaft him inside and then when lightning strikes any of these um netherrack blocks these will become charged peepers then just release them finger down the water and they would come out maybe here ready for you to move this was just the temporary type of thing so I didn't put too much effort into making it look nice it's also in the middle of nowhere there's a little um like chill area over here little farm [Music] if he's from oh and I completely forgot about this it was a double leg randomly there was a double skeleton spawner so I was like I'm going to use this as the skeleton farm so I built a skeleton killing area you can turn it on by disabling the lights as a nautical nerd and a mango pillow mode they normally can shoot you in the manual commode bit of a wide English pull these guys then you drop the light down and it goes up the machine into chest there we go I'm proud of that this is where I would afk waiting for the creeper to be struck by lightning yeah there's the minecart track under the water right there like as far as it goes okay this is a post office I shouldn't even bother showing up I might as well everyone's got a little male chest got a little flap delivery service release the delivery chicken kinda like stampy's and they got the post area she can send mail through cactus farm incredibly inefficient cactus farm I built without a tutorial though so I was like hey you need Pistons to push the cactus but no you don't you just need a block next to it it will automatically break so ended up building this huge massive thing that would order out order order activate these Pistons to push the cactus when it when it grows but no that's not even necessary just need to put a block next to a second piece of it and it will all drop down when you run it wait a minute graze it does work it worked quite well long as you're in the area you will have a plenty of green dye available to you another thing I'd put effort into police station block the block recreation even the signs and live a little dispenser area a room to iron one interrogation room but the little well filled up number pieces but let's go to the jail cells for you in there worked out well Oh temple trap this is really the most fun thing I've ever built it's a great minigame you it's like hide-and-seek basically you hide in here somewhere there's lots of places you can go like you can go down here go down under this high through here and yeah you can even go upstairs Lloyd to the top you chill on this area but the seekest spawns like right over here they come in through the top of the pyramid and then they go seek you seek for you so yeah it's pretty cool waste place recycling a factory so you put in your stuff you want to recycle you send it up this one doesn't work oh no doesn't work it must been broken in an update damn it alright let's say you wanted to recycle these bones if I do this cover it up it should work oh the piston it doesn't work damn you know we're gonna make this work give me two seconds break this throwing the items place this there we go so now we're going to recycle enable it so it would make its way inside the bot and it would come out of this chest here cycled it or if you incinerate it it would go in here and be destroyed an incredibly inefficient way to get rid of loads of items right here is the Rubik's Cube which was built very early on but left completely emptied for a long time then one day I was like hey let's fill it up and actually build the game inside yeah so we did that and it actually turned out all right probably is this thing isn't exactly to scale so I had to modify it a little bit so you got enable it reset stop game so you'd all jump in your little boo thing what would pop up and the game starts and a wire came up your second and went back up but yeah you'd come up and they'd race up here try and shear over sheep and dye them with your color to get enough blocks to build up through the little button up there one on each side of course and then if you hit it should see I missed it I'm not a good shot let me just try this one it's a place huh okay when you win it should set off fireworks but I guess this is empty oh that's broken who knows and then to leave you have to just disable this so that the game doesn't glitch out or whatever oh here yeah here's where you would get set up so you'd press button be like I went red so you get all the red dye and the red is all set up it's not one of these doors I like an evolution in time it closes as well here's my automated farms I'm impressed with these moons your melons pumpkins sugarcane and these can all be toggled on and off so you can be like I don't want the lag from the sugarcane farm I need pumpkins I don't want the leg from the melon farm so I don't care about those and will disable these ones see so these are all growing but nothing's pushing them out so nothing's causing lag which is pretty good if you have a few people on and you want to just have a smooth experience I'm gonna turn the back on though it's not too bad leaving them on like that it's not like a crazy one in Belem grows up here I was gonna have some animal farms like automatic ones but then I ended up building these like bombs again in different areas of the way why Bobby Billingham here what's this let's go at this the book shop this is my attempt at trying to sell stuff having some sort of like actual shopping area on the server so you could buy stuff from these villages you could buy these books for five emeralds each you can also buy these ones these are cheaper oh no not there more ten emeralds of these ones because these are items like randomly enchanted items like a pretty good deal to me don't know why he's a pig in there geez this is somebody's house they tried to build a house but I think you can see how all that when it worked out yeah [Music] can I wish I didn't build this oh I didn't build it but I wish I didn't let him build it because it kind of ruins this area a little bit someone else's house over there this one is based off a youtuber called lion mani he changed his name to make a wolf and then he changed the name again into something else I don't know I don't follow people I changed the name all the time because it gets too confusing after like to name changes do you forget who they are again yeah I recreated his house from his survival world but on here block the block there's a little storage area whose secret room it was actually completely accurate and perfect I was even an upstairs area but I think when I did this you made a video showing showing it off pretty good I even built one of his little teleporter things used as in videos so yeah you can teleport back to his world that's all magical video everything of course doesn't actually send you anywhere all right I skipped over a big part of the world this yellow area here this is what I call the achievement center and I spent a while making this because I really wanted people to like people who didn't believe me that is what was to libel I made the achievement area so that you could come in here do a bunch of the achievements and it would actually prove to you because you can only get achievements if the world is survivable and if you got one of these achievements you would know it's legit like you you'd get free team instrument as well so you could get like like if I show you now like I have all the achievements for this game people just like oh you must have bought a little something to get too many achievements but no no no no you build an achievement area then everyone can get them as well [Music] yeah I have all the main ones here all the difficult ones at least my frame was moved spawn we have the underwater one the Electra one slime block one behind there and golem the beacon one is in here but somewhere else I think and yeah if you it became all the world we're like nervous in survival I would send you here and be like get these achievements I'll prove you wrong then like wall no way dude sort of hat went all right let's make our way to spawn now so this is the bridge from the spawn island to the main area now spawn is down here like it's this general area over here now when this world was first started you would spawn on the ground but then the game was updated of course and that breaks something breaks everything of course so now you not now but then you start spawning like up there like a hundred blocks in the air and they're in the air so I had to build another platform so you wouldn't die every time you spawned in and you could actually play the game look without like when you spawn it and if you die instantly there's nothing you can do you can't save yourself and you can never play so I had to build an area if people would have land on so the new players can actually come on and play the game which they couldn't but then of course another update came along and they broke the game so I built another platform because they started falling up here for some reason this is at max height because apparently you spawn at max fight in this world but yeah this area is where you would spawn in you'd come down here be a sign saying go get go down you go down here you wouldn't move you'd land in the water this area isn't finished by the way this is the last thing I worked on before I quit this world that's why there's chocolate boxes here but yeah this is gonna be the new spawn area and you chill around here you'd have a look at the rules have a look at the world map even wasn't finished unfortunately there would be that'll OB the exit to the old world would be a museum here remember what that would be I think I had designs for this I had this full planned out in a creative copy and I was gonna rebuild it but I didn't get the chance to what she said I wish it change this the rainbow beacons there and here's the boat race thing so you'd come in here I think this is building yeah sort of come in here it's down on the pressure plate to start the race that would drop down your boat it would cover it up and then this gate would open this should normally be closed I love this part isn't finished no from mining fatigue and the idea was so that when you're up here there'll be no sign that you're actually up this high in the world so I was gonna build this up a bit to have it like cover up all the way up there so you'd think that you're really high up in the I'm not really happy do you think that you're really on like ground level instead of in the sky it would give you this illusion that you're somewhere that you're not that would be pretty cool but yeah this is the only part that got done so this is very um it goes to the old world and the thing is I want people that joined in so I could have my game open and join a ball I want people that joined in to not have any formation so they couldn't come to me and break stuff with the blow creeps up or whatever so I had to have gates and stuff so when they spawn in the car break any blocks they can't open any doors and there should be no way to escape from that spawn area and I don't think there is so did work out now this is the original spawn area from back when you actually used to spawn down yeah but it's it's been changed a lot you can see how my old videos used to be a lot different now it looks sort of okay it could be better it's a better map here achievement used to be but now I was up there then we've got locations for structures ocean monuments there's temples which Hart's woodland mansions and yet people used to get trapped in here I couldn't get out so I have this leave it's like the mouse and I was ready to bring them in show them something I did have minigames like down here I think there are there are minigames down here somewhere they were old though they weren't really well built it sounds like a maze and a little quiz area and some parkour it's people that were in spawn waiting for me to release them could actually have some fun chilling out but I ended up having that hurrying it up cuz it was all broken from updates like there was a fishing rod challenge and that was one of the first parts and it didn't work because of the fishing rod length that was changed so you couldn't get past the first level it would send men ages on it and waste time yeah I didn't fix it so here we go here's one of the main things in this area so this is the museum and I've transported a bunch of mobs and like monuments down here so people can get an idea of what the world is like and what some of the biggest accomplishments are ever played on it this is the elder guy and I transported over 2500 blocks and I have a little phrase I said I want to jump scare plays as they spawned in I think I did that well people would come down here and they get a little elder Guardian jump-scare thing it's always funny here is the first-ever house fun fact when I first the first airplane this world I dug into a cave over there I started a little mine and I actually found this mob spawner right next to it not even kidding it was right next to it like that and then I went off like the next morning went off to build my first house I found that area down that way I'd built my stampy house I started it and then I completely lost this area I did not know where it was I didn't write it down I had completely lost it I couldn't find it again and it sucked because I had a bunch of iron in the furnace like a stack or two of iron in the chest and we're looking for iron and eventually found it turns out it was right next to spawn along so I bolted into the museum I think it worked out quite quite well it's actually whether the original area was one even kidding there's nothing behind his painting is all by the way everyone tries to jump through is them with the area schalke area where i transported the chokers through the nether portal using boats you get to riding the boat with them but it's it's hard you've set peaceful otherwise I'll shoot you bring basically kill you constantly not fun and here's the YouTube channel little monument thing so I got my first subscriber 100 subscribers milestone 5 over 250 subscribers and then 500 subscribers here I wait to like 500 100 each little milestone it meant a lot yeah here we go here's the ocean monument it's nice older Guardian one here's the charge creeper which we transported in that video this is incredibly hard to get people like why isn't lightning on him well because we got him struck by lightning yes that is very difficult exactly exactly how you do it and then you bring him very carefully into his cage let's go to zombie I got a bunch of the mobs over here that they transported it from across the world then a creeper in skeleton VOCA guardian of indicator of vex spider you know what that is he's phoned baby zombie pigmen wither skeleton Enderman it's broken and that's right yeah most of them when we've stuck around that's pretty cool to show off a little mob museum rent like that okay I think that concludes the old area of this world the prelate something like that except for these little things it's just another recycling Factory watch better gonna lie there's a little cake bakery thing yeah that's the end of the old area let me show you the new area the new base that was started later on was super entire craft impressed I quite like the string house this tree house for so long to get all the leaves for like I'm not even kidding weeks and weeks of leaf gathering building and I learnt so much doing it I learnt so much about the leaves and the way they behave with the light and lighting and stuff it was really weird I have a bunch of screenshots if you look through my xbox very foul of all this thing being like half complete and stuff okay this this base over here I love this area it's so much better than my first house and it's not even finished yet it's this thing never got finished and I had so many plans for it which is sad yeah let's get started I'll show you the first thing we did so as you know the other Guardian found broke so he built a new one this one out of wood in the jungle theme and this one actually works so I took out the auto kill module from the other farm brought it over here who presses button it fills up water she'll get a bunch of Guardians come here you give it like 60 seconds to fill up and you take up all your mending Armour and and once you get a few Guardians in here you just but you can Crouch I don't think it makes a difference just play [Music] obviously I'm not leveling up very fast because higher levels think I'm going to get yeah this thing works really well when you want to XP this is nice to go yeah all the chests get Auto sorted and you can even see like the status of it pulling in the items that lights up when there's an item going through the hoppers I really like this one it has some extra tweaks based off mumbos most things I like I added this get extra fish if you want fish quickly say I want more food I want 64 fish I'm going on an adventure let's just pull this and then turn it off when you've enough there's even a little secret lever so you can jump out check out behind of it this is how the fish machine works it just cooks the fish automatically because you get raw fish from the guardians in this set of cooked fish there's the beacon so you get regeneration so you don't die taking them and yeah Oh over here as well show you this thing never got linked up to anything but this is a little spider farm who built all these scientists the idea was to link this up to a tunnel somewhere but we didn't ever do that this is just a little spider spawner and spiders come down you can kill them and all the logos in the chest and the boner yeah it works all right I think a coma for really helped with this one I don't want to take credit for everything cuz I can't fly this darn thing and this little drone thing weren't built by me these were built by a coma for that was his base and that was his base and I built him this elevator here it's work this works quite well I'll show you another version of this in a second because there's a few of these gadgets get it around because these are the only elevators that actually work in survival on console in multiplayer most of the time yeah we're not gonna form as well give a quick look on me on his own face so he's got parrots are these not tamed I know it's interesting got a little storage area there this portal area there is viewing area here for the tree house what I'll actually do is there's another portal over there down there we'll just use the nether hub to make our way that way so if we go down here into being nether hub actually built a separate nether hub this area it's close to the beach fun to show you oh yeah well serve it off though this one goes for treehouse this one goes to the mushroom island and these go to the end portal and all with the spellman farm and then this goes to standard ol old tunnels gzip in so voice is like breaking sorry I apologize [Music] so yeah this is the mushroom island and originally it was only about from here to there that big but I extended it and you can see like how big it used to be and then I built the rest of it and it all grew up mushroom mushroom was it called mushroom mycelium sand whatever is called I see Liam dead here we have some farms that's a slime farm down there Sloane just spawn and they try and kill the island gotta be on golems but instead they walk into practice and back here is the sugarcane farm this one's not finished oh it's just ordered in manual starting the motor here's the new cactus farm this is how you build a cactus farm by the way you don't use Pistons it's very efficient very very efficient we filled out like six double chests with it looking like two hours of building it go save the treehouse for us to last so I'm gonna show you quick based on numbers design and Homo crossed over I think problem with console is it doesn't spawn mobs very often so this thing is very very inefficient even though all the caves have been lit up and I did my best to make it work it is it is usable like if you FK every night you'll get a few stacks of oh I could get enough gunpowder in King's room that is not very efficient crazy here honey enough is where I plan to build a cruise ship don't Lee you've seen it from my Survival Series I ended up building it while starting to build it on there for the world shut down but I originally wanted to build it right here that exact same design but on him but then I quit I want to get into some of the reasons why I quit biggest one is that this version of the game stopped receiving updates and updates were like so important for Minecraft and it's this yeah fact this came from getting more updates means that people were just slowly abandoning it and you were losing players every day people were transitioning to bedroll which is the new addition to Minecraft which is a dispersion in time that that is nothing warps on it it's so broken it's the most broken console game I've ever played it's so buggy it crashes every like five minutes it couldn't even convert this ball properly it's doesn't convert the garden and farms properly the Redstone is all broken joining games never works there's no service like you can't add a server like you can on the PC version or even the mobile version of it it's it's not it's not playable it's just it's it's completely unplayable so what I ended up doing was I I did transfer the world over I never built anything because I didn't wanna play that version so I continued to play on this version for a while then I tried to transfer the vault over again and didn't work properly till some broken things so why did lies are transferred it to the Java version and I gave it a try in there probably is with the converters I used it doesn't convert any of the chest contents and doesn't burn any of the signs but you'll see is a big problem because all the items will just be gone and yeah we could rebuild that but then how long is that going to take for yeah the biggest one is that the Guardians farm stone and the guy in films takes so long to build and we can't just spawn in another ocean monument like that's not possible ocean women only exist in certain places in the world and if it's gone you have to build a new base somewhere else and that's not something I was gonna do we're gonna build a new base might as well start a new wall and it's basically what we did we join we joined the server and the PC Edition and I started a new Survivor Series we carried on from there just kind of sad I had started clans this wall but yeah it seems like new version basically ruined a pair Ronnie and way back to the tour this is the iron palm one of them is true actually this hopper line goes all the way to the treehouse up through help through the treehouse trunk into a top floors greenhouse where all the iron goes through the sporting system which I'll show you soon that just the coolest thing in this world is that treehouse with the sorting system in my opinion there's also another I'm finally over here with the hopper system that goes through here in links up to tree s as well what I'll do is I'll actually demonstrate this to you so if we have a bunch of items I don't think I have any sorry here's to work fold a yeah yeah yeah yeah I just acts of violence reshackle these through here is all be taken through the hopper system make their way to tree house and as we get there we're gonna allow some time for them to go underground through the hoppers if something cool is that this is actually the edge of the world you see that little inner square on the map that's where the 360 world ended so right about here if we look down because there's a big line going through from where the Xbox one part started and where the Xbox 360 part ended it's kind of cool it's like a little landmark yeah that's the edge of the 360 world that's how big they used to be no this area was built in 360 following this was all Xbox one territory and most of the old part of the wall was on 360 though anyway let's make our way into this treehouse there are two entrances to it I was actually three was a way to go in from under there under down there in The Guardian phone yeah here is one of the entrances just bruised tree house you can do that with a video on how to make the signs colorful like that another entrance here see the game stun your leg a little bit because of how much red stones coming through here's the Guardian farm drops shoot and get down to the garden if I'm easy or you can get that copper really easy you just stand over here hit the button first and filters what may have have poppers in the background as well that's uh is actually the items we just put in the in the hoppers at the iron farm making their way up here so in this middle part here is a bunch of like item elevators sending the items up so we make our way to the top of the treehouse there's actually a quick way this elevator here this tank suspect in here but if we press this and you're the host actually works really quickly it doesn't like other players so we didn't only use that if we take a look we can see all our items making their way up to the sorting system up there these are the items all the way from the iron farm so the reason this is here is so that we don't have to go back and forth all the time to collect the iron from the iron farm they just automatically comes up here and goes into our chests it's pretty cool and you get to watch it too so this is the gist area actually have enough rooms for eight people there load beds in there this is gonna be I was gonna be my room no echo my fours room fortunately that never got finished we got the cozy campfire restaurant that never got finished Oh games like in a bit the problems this is the another portal entrance and comes through here the second level this is gonna be the shopping area so the up my idea was that everyone would have a little area here like a one shop going from here to here like a wall there another shop here wall there another shop here like I had it all laid out there kind of like that that's how big each shop would be and I built one of the shops this is a library I think this was all right little enchantment table if you want to do enchanting and yeah I was gonna be able to shop for everyone so they could sell stuff and tend to it and unfortunately we never got to it which sucks I know imagine how cool it would have been to have everyone shopping up here spending diamonds this was going to be a pet store with all different animals she could buy animals this was gonna be a coma for his redstone shop I think I had these all I had some of these all planned out in a creative copy like some rough designs on how it was gonna look on there but they never got completely finished anyway here's the most the thing I'm most proud of in this world I must say the completely automatic sorting system with built-in subscriber counter let me just show you this the 7-segment display I can look for help me focus actually I think he he designed it as well he actually built most of bones on this display is really cool it counts up from 1 2 to 10 I'm not gonna go all the way but yeah you see it works each one and it would have like a subscriber counter on here so we can actually put in any subscribers we have this is the redstone for the subscriber counter just these four modules here yeah all these hoppers you see visa transferee transporting the items up from the iron farm is it all being sorted into these chests automatically these all have individual sorting modules this goes all the way around a treehouse and basically it has every single item in the game that you can get in survival and what you can do is just dump like your whole inventory there's some input chests scattered around so you can just dump all your inventory items in one chest it will take everything it will run around the whole system and put everything in its own chests properly and neatly I think this is really cool console yeah some of the redstone stuff for the [Music] display but yeah we had it like a brace basically every single item well we've got no torches left diamonds - diamonds in there and long speaking a bunch of emeralds coal sorting does have old air sometimes some of the modules would break so we'd have to repair them or some of them were built differently or some of the items like weren't stackable properly so some sometimes some items were turned off by me so coal we just do manually but like every 90 percent of these work perfectly but things like books you can't stack books interactive books like that so those aren't sorted but yeah everything else basically is and what you do is uh you just put in like you come over here you put in I don't know I want to carry of these signs and these Pistons I don't need those anymore it would send them off through a sorting system and it was handed around and it would go in its correct chest or if you had a bunch of shopper boxes you could just put all the shocker boxes into here and you'd activate the system as water flow works and they're jeans oh yeah you press the button you take it off the Box out and it would place it and it would ever did that would work her quite well see we had so many items in this system we look at the eye and for example these iron phones pumped out iron so good so good I can ink goes all the way up to yeah no well it fills up the first row of chests [Music] yeah those iron farms really build up the sorting system quite well and then I did have plans to add another floor to this so what I wanted to do up here is it have a lower staircase going up and let me see I can just fill it up now because this is this a big area up here that I haven't used the top of the tree house and this was gonna be a big like disco club house party type area at the top of the tree house you'd have like a dance floor disco ball DJ booth and little bath drinks and tables a little restaurant I'd have all these leaves covered up so it wouldn't look like that I would look like a nice dark Club type thing and it would be so cool I had some of it planned out another world as well yeah we didn't finish up this area unfortunately and it's one of the things I really wish we did this area I mean so cool to have a bunch of people on come up here and just party you know it's some music on and chill out mix up a drink yeah if you imagine how I how I planned a lot of it but yeah that's about all for the tree house there is a secret room like here I think yeah you need to put a redstone torch down somewhere and then this is what we called the tree house Defence Force and we were like a secret group that would defend the tree house this is like a button to check the overall security tree ass mob infestation 40% damage reports represent shield power and high 4% tree house solar next service in 2023 red zone 100% working as burning danger critical this is a to-do list wait patiently for update aquatic and merging + Microsoft to realize their mistakes that never happened oh well that's the tree house in its entirety at the moment I would I might share off some of the stuff I had planned in the creative copy [Music] it's nothing too fancy it's just some of the shops I had built out some of the jalapao had done I had my room design treehouse and a deco before his room designed as well but those are just a few rooms like it's not too much that you missing right so this is the tunnels at which farm this isn't finished this whole thing was meant to be covered in carpet like you'll see at the end of his tunnel I started doing it this here is what we're supposed to look like it didn't get done a lot of unfinished projects which is why in my survival stories now I'd kind of like try to guarantee that I do finish things before I move into something else because I don't like having multiple unfinished things on the world because then you never get them done see so yeah this is the witch farm so you turn it on it disables the nether portal so that the farm can run see the problem at this farm is if you leave like if you unload it wrong it breaks so you have to make sure that you won't turn the fan off before you leave so we added a switch so that you can't leave until you turn the phone off so you turn the family food now it's the fall again but yeah the witch is born up there they get pushed down and they get killed and their loot comes down here and you basically have infinite redstone infinite glowstone if it sticks and Spyros and glass bottles of course there is a little thing here thank you shoot right there no is it here right yeah yeah that opens up this little redstone area and there's a ladder so you can check out the actual design of it you want to do some maintenance or something yeah that's what the file looks like we had to light up a bunch of the islands around it so that was uh so run better problem is thumbs like this a lot of mobs spawn around it which means like if a mob spawning like if mobs a spawning all around this island this farm won't be very good because there's too many mobs around so we have to line up the area so it runs off I think there's one last thing that I might show you before we hop off that's gonna be on those two things I am skipping past a bit of this balls history well not the world's history but a bit of things on this world that I don't think are very significant and not very interesting like some random houses that scattered around in places they're not very good houses so we're just going to ignore them for now and just do just do the main parts of the world that people seem to like oh one cool thing is a little pop-up crafting table right now we were doing a lot of work in the never recently all right let me show you the without no no with us got the blaze fire so Tunnel obviously isn't done it was gonna be decorated but the problem was that this plays farm wasn't efficient enough to be used so what we did is we had a blaze spawner hip here cuz isn't a nether fortress and we built the farm for it and then we lit up all around and once we did that it didn't even work so wrong with this thing is it's really inefficient so if we enable it will push the blazes down you hit them with the sword or even you just just get pissed drops the blaze runs and it pulls up the chest good way to get blaze rods except very spire because they don't find that quick problem was like we never figured out what the fun watercourse we lit up a whole fortress like lit up the whole area around it basically and we still ridiculously slow [Music] so don't know what the problem was there the cause of it was it just didn't work out so we gave up on that now it is and the probably isn't that great of this half of my boss didn't work in the end one of things that long phone call my console is great when you try and build my complicated Java files like that there's no guarantee that they would work perfectly and yeah what we didn't know what to expect because no one ever built them no one builds files like that long fonts also we don't know we couldn't ask anyone we couldn't look any videos yeah you kind of ended kind of in the dark this kind of stuff is ready to end portal this is one of the things that worked out quite well one of the problems we've built worked where worked really well actually this goes to the end end portal don't mind that this is for some reason a zombie spawner update changed it some reason and there's a little troll thing here you can actually enter the end portal from underneath so a buffer blocked off the top of it and what I do is I tell I stand here and I tell people like I'll come in and what they do when they walk through this if they don't jump at all there's actually a little carpet like a fence gate or something under it so that it raises up this piece of carpet if you run through here you get sent to the end yeah I have some plans for the end as well I was gonna clear out the whole island I was gonna mine out the whole entire island and I was gonna build my own end island that's the pretty big project though so I kind of did it slowly and I did it over it over like when I was bored while working on other things when I when I finished them and stuff I actually got pretty far there I cleared out all the obsidian tower it's like all I think eight of these obsidian towers so I sat there for hours now is just mining obsidian mining these big massive towers down you can see the top of them all around there and India that took a long time and it's not very fun whose mine obsidian filled that hole and yeah then I did I started on the end island I like the end island used to be up to this high a bit higher than that actually dug it down to here and put some half slabs down so at the end of it was still spawning yeah it was a bunch of in stone in here there's more than that I got the base but yeah that's that's a bunch of it there and what my plan was to build a big massive fake and island like a better-looking one and I would have a massive Enderman farm that was super efficient because there'd be nowhere else the end of in this form basically so it'd be insanely quick and oh it sort this one sort of works but it's not really like not really at all honestly maybe one Enderman every five minutes because there's too many places for them to spawn down here they always teleport around here in this chest yeah so something else I did is I built a new end farm in here in the end gateway mr. Springs uh probe it brings us over here this tunnel is obviously not finished I think I built this up a bit and I was like no I don't like this tunnel at all I really don't like this tunnel up and I don't so I switched to a different design wish you sign a little bit there you lit up this whole island completely so that no endermans born moon came it's important it's the first thing we did we lit up all these little structures they killed all the shockers took every piece of loot and then we started down here we went to the bottom of the world this is very dangerous to build this by the way you're on like the bottom of the world you fall off you're dead instantly yeah this is the tunnel design I want to use because you can walk up this uses um carpets and fences and stuff it's fancy but yeah I want to use that design with this type of tunnel think you I started it a bit yeah it looks cool I think this is the end of an foam so you basically just stand here and you're crazy and it sends will be on the calls up there's just so much XP all the end of hell's going here this thing's like overflowing with ender pills because of how many there are it's ridiculous yeah this is where you this is like the old XP area so you come over here and check new stuff as your ender chest as your anvils there's your lapis if you need it pretty cool yeah that's how that works well there's some lag right there let's go back there we go and credits and then you get spawned back at the last bed you slept in which would be this phone because I was working in this area most recently oh this place I have so had so many things planned out this world that never got finished this sucks and I wish I had like I wish I spent more time on it but it's kind of too late now at this point when this game's discontinued you can't even get this game anymore and no one's playing it like I I continued as well as there would be no other players that's kind of sad but oh well we got pretty far we did some incredible things on it and yeah that's basically my survived world where I've been recording for about two hours now let's just have a quick flyover everything in case I miss something this is the minecart track for the on a rail achievement it goes a few hundred blocks away [Music] there's a lot more history like there's a lot more stories I could tell that it like there was a time when I was mining over here I found diamonds on the edge of the world so I couldn't mine them that's funny [Music] the yeah that's about it there's nothing that's really interesting I'd like to show so I think we're gonna end this video here thank you for all watching sticking peach this point if that's what you've done and yeah hopefully hopefully you'll stick around check out my new videos and yeah I guess see you next one [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: ChrisPro
Views: 6,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Xbox, Console, Xbox One Edition, World Tour, HD, Survival, Multiplayer, Achievements, Stampy, Years, minecraft world tour, world tour, minecraft survival
Id: fWA1VH5S8oE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 43sec (6883 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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