Minecraft Survival 100 | Single Player WORLD TOUR!!! | 18 Months & 100 Episodes Solo! | Luna SSP

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readings everybody I am Lobo and welcome to Luna this is our vanilla survival city of 18 months in the making that is a year and a half of hard work that has gone into this place so far and today this is episode 100 this is our world tour episode and I think we're probably going to start our world tour over here in the farming district somewhere and then kind of work our way through the business district and then into like some of the other areas that we haven't really got too much going on and yet including our nether hub and and some other stuff outside of that but yeah let's go ahead and make our way over to the farming district go ahead and get that started because that's the most recent thing we've actually completed in this world and now if you'll excuse me I do have to collect so my slime blocks didn't really think this through too much before I got started but uh yeah there is a reason why I started over here and that's because there is a little something else I want to show you guys if I can find a fishy I need a fishy is that officially that's uh that's around flush here's the fishy alright so let me go ahead and grab this guy real quick that did not work let's try this one more time there we go alright we have the fish and we have our trophy so what the trophy means is that in this edition of Minecraft you can only earn trophies if your world is 100% survival which means no creative mode no nothing like that so for those you guys new to this series yes this is a 100% survival world it is a single-player world I am the only player here I do bring a second account on from time to time to record time laughs as he is also of course in survival mode and it is on Hard difficulty say it let's go ahead and make our way over to the city entrance and we'll kind of give you guys a little tour of what we got going on here in Luna why is that golem on top of that building that's that's awkward okay oh okay probably not the most graceful way to start this clip but let's go ahead and make our way up here and we'll look at our city entrance this area is very much still under construction like the plans are I want to have like the river come around here and like how to go this way and have a bridge that goes over it leading into our city that's all future stuff though that stuff we're not going to really get today I just wanted to come out here and kind of give you guys an idea of where we stand as far as you know our level of completion which is actually you know nowhere near but let's go ahead and make our way inside and we'll have a look at some of the stuff that is done you can see this is actually our city entrance right here and yes it does open and close we have a 4-4 tall by 5 wide diagonal piston door that will actually you know keep our city safe this is the main entrance to our city I'm just keeping it open right now because I mean there's no real reason to have it closed because nothing can get in here because you don't have a place we don't have an actual way up into our city yet it also is controllable from the outside just so you guys know so here we can come and go as we please and moving here inside you can see we got some merchant wagons set up for you know travelers for travelling merchants come in trade inside Luna and they get set up right here in the city entrance actually there's more to the city interest than just this area but we do have to leave and kind of go around to get to the bottom part of it um I did mean to clean up before I started this episode so just ignore the floating chests as I said this is all fairly new construction just ignore my mess for right now oh yeah you kind of see like you know what we're doing here as far as the aesthetic of it goes you know we got some landscaping in here we got some custom trees made we got you know all kinds of stuff to make it feel just more complete you know and this is actually one of my favorite custom trees I've ever done this is like the one of the more recent ones I've done and I'm always striving to improve myself you know I'm striving to get better at building custom trees at landscaping and building structures that all of that you know I'm trying to constantly improve and you'll see that as we go through you know some of the older builds as we tour through the city but yet this leads down to the subterranean section of our city entrance and one thing I'm really cautious of is lighting we have plenty of hidden lighting throughout our city to prevent mob spawning because you know we have villagers roaming freely throughout this entire city and I want them to be safe but I also don't want any visible torches like torch spam everywhere you know this is one of our many beacon fountains we have spread out through our city I wanted beacon coverage throughout the entire city just to make things easier on us there's a chicken over there hi chicken that's our city entrance chicken but yeah beacon coverage we have them all set to jump boost currently we switch back and forth between jump boost and haze to you know depending what we're doing that also means we need lots of emeralds because that's what I build my beacon pyramids out of and that's what the farm district is it's about getting us emeralds it's about farming emeralds with our farmers and speaking of farming emeralds let's go ahead and make our way to the headquarters of our farming district right over here this big brick building this is our farm farm city council farm district council office I believe something like that let's go ahead and make our way up here I got a sign this is our yeah farm district council office so we'll go ahead and make our way inside and I would say that 80 to 90 percent of the builds we have here in our city they actually do serve some practical purpose they're not just for looks for instance our farm district council office right here this was actually a sort of villager breeder this is where we need to get farmers into our city we just had two villagers that were kind of set up in here in our meeting room those were there our farm district council officers and they would kind of confer with each other how we get new villagers in here while I third guy was in a boat where these guys are right now third guy was ever here registering these doors that are that are down there so yeah I mean it's not not operational at the moment but that's what this place was originally used for get me that side I cuz I'm interrupting his day off but no when this was working I mean it got the job done it did what we needed it to do losing a couple up losing a couple of these guys let me go grab them real quick so fast don't they just grow so fast okay actually before I go one last interruption I have a new friend for you guys I'm still put that guy in there to get him out of my inventory uh no because I think you guys will really hit it off I mean I think I think you guys have allotted cut look they're getting along already that's that's awesome all right let's go ahead and look at some more stuff we have out here in our farm district let's go ahead and talk about some of our farms if we go out this way we can be really sorry about the lag Wow look at this I've got everything running at the moment so it likes kind of worse now than it usually is I usually have most stuff cut off when I'm actually recording but you know over here we have our beetroot farm and our beetroot farmer runnier is hard at work over here you can see he's planting and a harvesting beetroot just pretty much non-stop he has a great work ethic and he is getting us tons and tons of beetroot that I have no idea of what we're gonna do with all this stuff I hear there's even more coming in as we speak if you listen closely we have the same kind of setup over here for our wheat farm you know all this is fully automatic I don't have to even touch this stuff the villagers take care of it for us now once the villager harvests the crops they actually get stored in silos storage systems right here we have a windmill for our wheat silo storage and we have other silos for our other crops you know we have a silo for our beetroot which you saw one for carrots one potatoes etc but the windmill I can actually go inside this is a little bit bigger I can show you some of the behind-the-scenes stuff of how this gets stored so here you can see we have we do actually have a lot of storage for our various crops it looks like the minecart actually just took off but these are the tracks that runs around basically the hopper minecart goes under here collects all the seeds all the wheat kind of gets rid of the seeds and stores the wheat now it actually soars will be in a couple different places this track right here that actually goes to a carrot farm but yeah our wheat farm our carrot farm our potato farm in our melon farm actually have a second stop before they go into the silo storage basically we have a farmers market where we have a secondary storage area and the farmers market whole purpose of that will get into like the what it actually is later but basically the idea of it is this is where we can store some of our items specifically for trading purposes to get emeralds you can see the my cars right here dropping off a little bit of wheat it'll drop off some then it'll take the remainder back to the window for Silas storage for bulk storage where I can actually craft it into food you know the essentials now as we make our way back outside let me go ahead and tell you I haven't where this is not the most efficient layout for these farms but I'm not really about efficiency so much as I am about the aesthetics you know I want all the redstone hidden I want everything to be you know just looking good and Wheatley over here he provides me with more than enough wheat more than I know what to do with so yeah this is more than sufficient for a single-player world now all our villagers do have houses you can see taters inside his house it's getting dark now so he's in there he's getting ready to call it for the night he tater is our potato farmer you can see his field over here now the potato and carrot farms they're not automatically harvested we have them on a table well they are automatically harvested just not by the farmer we have them on a timer which basically flushes all the crops out to the sides here and then a hopper minecart picks them up in the bottom Oh watchdog monitoring system in full effect it looks like we're having a harvest as we speak so let's go ahead and make our way over to our carrot farm and we'll see if we have any wasted carrots any carrots that are anywhere that our minecart cannot collect them and bring them to our storage system I'm really hoping that this has solved our problems all senior characters already hard at work replanting the field it doesn't look like we have any straight carrots anywhere which is awesome you guys need to stop trying to climb this fence this man is over you're hard at work this is great okay so I think we're gonna be good then carrot stew for everybody tonight if you can see that their house is oh yeah they're fully furnished you know they're what our villagers to become full right especially the farmers who are doing a lot of hard work throughout the day you know I like to think I treat my villagers fairly well so in addition to taters house right here we have rudyard house of right next door they are neighbors red and of course being our beetroot farmer we have houses for all of our farmers here but I eventually want to have houses for all the villagers in Luna because you know we're in charge of this place and which means that we're responsible for making sure our villagers our community is happy you know right over here this is my tool shed to swear I keep all my gardening supplies I figure we take a look at this on our way to Senior Care to South senior characters of course in charge of the carrot production in Luna so he's not in his field right now he has probably indoors this is his house right here I don't see him but yeah little piggy on the doorstep right here the reason why I'm using trapdoors instead of actual doors for their front entrance they do have real doors for their rear entrance that goes in their field and stuff like that the reason I'm using trap doors as their front entrance is just to make sure this place doesn't get messy like for instance of Senor carrots were to come out here and get into the wheat farm and start planting carrots there and you know vice versa you know it takes it turn into a mess so that's just kind of a precautionary measure right here we have our potato silo as you can see tater is doing a great job getting that filled up maybe even too good a job maybe if that's the case we should divert more potatoes and and stuff to our farmers market because that's where I could really get some use out of you know trading them for emeralds and stuff just having them get stored up so it is getting dark out and I was going to go ahead and sleep through the night but maybe before we do that let's go ahead and take a tour of my house this is where I'm living while working in the farm district we are about to actually give up this place give it to one of our villagers but we'll go ahead and take a tour of this place while it is still ours so this is my little enchanting setup right here you know we got the standard base stuff you know it's just a temporary base really this is my bedroom back here which I am going to use just so we can make it daytime outside so we have a good idea of what's going on when we head back out there in just a few minutes because this is a world tour right this is a world tour and I'm assuming you do actually want to see the world so we've got some small storage ender chests right here we have going up to the second floor there's actually not too much going on over here we just have a balcony that kind of overlooks our farm district so you can come out here and enjoy the view every now and then taking a breath of fresh air but moving up to our third floor this is where watchdog's room is and watch-dog is actually my second account I used for time-lapses and he once upon a time had an excellent view and then I built the farmers market now he's very mad at me because I got rid of his view so I'm sure he'll be happy with a new place we're moving to I'll make sure to give him a great view there I'm talking about this guy like he's a completely separate person which he is actually not he's just me on a different account but yeah let's go ahead and like I said that these buildings do you have a practical purpose right so in addition to this being our home it is actually an entrance into our main storage system so if we go around the back here you see we have a little storm cellar right here which actually the doors do it do open and close and so does apparently the arm of our chair let's see if it does that again I may have to move this chair yeah I may have to move this chair this chair is probably gonna have to go off to the side somewhere maybe I'm thinking this side right here I'll say unintended side things sometimes I work in the details I kind of overlook something so we'll get that fixed we will get that fixed but yeah the cellar right here this is actually accessible from inside the house through this closet right here just so you guys know you know you have to always go around the entire house but we got a little mini storage area right here and then if we hit this button we open up a secret passage that leads down into our main storage system so we have a big bulk storage area and a multi-item sorting storage area and it's pretty expansive we're not gonna get into all this quite yet will enter that from a different place in a different part of our city because it actually does span the length of our city um so yeah but right now we are just touring the farming district so let's go ahead and get back to that now moving away from our house and to the house for our animals this is our barn and this is kind of an interesting build I'll tell you why in just a minute but we'll go ahead and walk through the interior you can see that it's kind of built at an angle right and it's open you know what our animals will roam around here freely that does come with the side effect that these guys just kind of go wherever they want to they sometimes escape and sometimes ID spawn I have to figure out like what areas around here are you know allowing them to do so but yeah I mean this is you know our barn it's it's a nice place for them you know give them lots of room and we do have a second floor up here as well so let's go ahead and check that out real quick before we move on you know I like to make these builds as complete as possible in little details like this it really does help I did notice some not-so-hidden lighting right here so I will have to take care of that these world tours like hopefully they're enjoyable to you but they're also very beneficial to me because I can see the little stuff that I need to get fixed and I'll probably handle that after this video is over I'm actually gonna add that one to the list now the reason why I think this building is kind of cool is just because of the angle at which it's built you know you can see here looking at it from up here you can see the angle that's built at you know it's not a diagonal just like the farm district City Council over there which is built at like kind of a diagonal it's it's more of a I don't know off diagonal it's just kind of an odd angle which I really enjoy you know something I want to experiment around with more just to make sure that you know we don't fall into that trap of getting like a grid-like pattern to our city you know I try to keep everything you know just looking as as interesting as possible and I think this is a really interesting looking build just because of that you know just because that little little bit of detail a little bit of shift do you know towards the back but yeah let's go ahead and make our way around this way because we do have some more farms that we need to go ahead and look at and most of our food farms I am actually very proud of this one was a survival redstone experiment that didn't quite work out the way I wanted to as you can see it's a very very lawsy melon farm we missed the first official harvest cuz I was down there and I set it off with the clock but this is the first official harvest that we're both seeing together at least and here we go yes wash those melons into the thing yes perfect oh that's awesome that's exactly what we want to see there as I said there's going to be plenty of loss because yeah I would say was that maybe like maybe even close to 50% loss maybe even more than that I don't know but we do have melons coming in here and I'm happy about that we have an automatic melon farm now and we will get more melons and we are going to use anyway regardless of how much we lose so yeah I'm actually pretty happy about this oh man oh I've been complaining about lag and stuff this whole time I got item entities laying on the ground or Here I am aware of that I'll probably end up turning this thing off because I think at this point by this point I probably do have enough melons to get me through you know whatever I will need melons for well go ahead and check that out as we make our way over here to our farmers market and this my friends is the farmers market this is where we actually store the crops that we're going to be using for trading with our villagers so let's go ahead and make our way inside and we'll see how we are actually doing with melons and I would say that we are actually doing pretty good this is I don't really use these for trading because you have to craft them and that's too much work for me so yeah that's that's fine this is the storage system right here you can kind of see how all that stuff goes I do want to make sure that this trap doors closed got on what villagers getting back in there will you take a look at the storage system on the other side as well make sure this door is closed but yeah this is where we came up earlier when I was talking about the farmers market a little bit earlier that's you know we kind of went through all that area but let's go ahead and make our way back out here and I'll show you that areas that you're actually supposed to see instead of taking you through all the backstage stuff you know so if we go around this way we do have two villagers set up over here for trading we have two farmer villagers set up over here for trading so we got maverick right here and over here we have his buddy goose who's just hanging out and as I said before emeralds are very important to the city you know all our beacons all over the city they're made of emeralds and what we can do is we can get more emeralds by taking this wheat right here and trading them I'm actually surprised we have that much weed I trade that all away not too long ago so yeah we do have a a lot of wheat coming in la crops consistently coming in to trade for emeralds look at goose the way he just looks at maverick it's oh that's maverick so standoffish I don't understand why goose is so nice anyway we have some carrots coming in over here as well yeah like I said I trade these only all the recipes are empty it's just like the first chest that's currently getting filled up so potatoes potatoes are coming in very nicely as well and over here we have our actual silo for the carrot so you've seen all our silos you've seen like how we have like all this stuff stored and right here you can see the front of our farmers market I try to make these buildings pretty interesting there is actually a whole second floor to this which I forgot to show you guys let's go ahead and make our way over here you can actually see that you know we don't have too much lighting in this area but we do have as we have the floor half slab prevent mob spawning so that's another thing we consider you know we don't want any mobs spawning around here even though it's dark right here no mobs will spawn because all this floor is half slab level you know like I explained earlier villagers are a crucial part to what we got going on in this city and I will do whatever I can to protect them now up here on the second floor of a farmers market we do actually have some visible redstone this is one of the few areas of visible redstone if you peek through these windows you can actually see it I don't know why I decided to leave it like that it's just kind of arbitrary where I pick and choose like what I decide to show and what I don't over here at the back we actually have a pretty good view of this back half of the farmers market where all the farming actually occurs well most of the farming because there's actually still one more farm we haven't covered yet so you guys have seen my wheat farm my beetroot farm my potato farm my carrot farm and our melon farm over there and one last farm over here we have for food at least is jumping jack o lanterns which was made in May 2018 Wow this is one of the first farms we actually built over here in the farm district it's named jumpin Jack Landers because well the harvesting mechanism makes our jack-o'-lantern to jump I mean there's not much more to say than that so yeah this is another build that we kind of improvise in survival mode on the spot you know and that's like kind of how I like to handle a lot of redstone is just seeing what we can do in survival I mean not always if something's really important to me I'll baby open up a new creative world and kind of experiment around and come up with a plan before we build here but that's not usually the case in this world so jumping jack right here he is the guy that we trade our pumpkins to and I Hurd yeah we seem to have some pumpkins coming in now so we should be able to watch those coming up one of these one of these elevators yeah there we go we got some pumpkins coming in I'm pretty sure those are actually gonna go to waste because it's been a while since I've traded pumpkins yeah we are stocked up because jumping jacks low expensive it's a little out of the way but yeah I may have to come over here sometime soon do some trading with him because yeah we are just getting a huge stockpile of pumpkins that are pretty much going to waste now it has not escaped my attention that is yes nighttime but I kind of wait to show you guys what this place looks like a night so you can see that you know there's no torches like any torch spammer II think that this place is well lit with all kinds of hidden lighting all over the place just to make sure it's safe again that's a huge concern I know I mentioned that like several times so far so right here we have our stables this is like one of our last builds over here in the farm district but one of our first builds but one of the last ones we're gonna go through before going into our next district so you can see here we have the stalls open so our horses can roam around freely even mr. Edie the escape artist extraordinaire right here yeah so he's free to roam around up here we have a second floor to this as well where we have wesley our stable boy who is actually he has a job appear more than 10 to the horses he's actually registering these doors right here for us because you know we kind of have villagers strategically placed around our city to register doors and kind of expand the village and basically make sure that we don't have zombie sieges like forming inside of our city where they can actually do some real damage you know so yeah moving on back here you can see our horses yeah they kind of like to hang out in this back area right here we have both a little shelter for them back here because this is where they like to hang out especially our skeleton horses and we have a ton of those guys and they are super happy in this area you know yes a skeleton horse can be a happy horse as we have established previously in this series so yeah that's pretty much all there is to the farm district well I guess not all we can actually look at some other little stuff some detail stuff because I mean this is a World Tour right let's go ahead and look at pretty much everything because we have some more paths we can travel down I'll kind of show you some of the stuff we did early on in here so for instance we have all the landscaping over here you know we have pumpkins laid out we have our old storage building right here this is how I used to store stuff back in the day we have our wagon right here which is you know hauling jack-o'-lanterns and pumpkins to where they need to be and you know just because these areas are pretty well hidden in the backyard doesn't mean they shouldn't be as detailed as the rest of the city you know because that adds a whole lot I think to this world in general and jumping jack-o'-lanterns everybody that's why this place is called jumping Jack lanterns let's get out of here and make sure I don't trample any crops let's get back on the path now before we leave our farm district one of my favorite things to do is to pillar up and just look at a completed build and this is many many months in the making right here and it looks like our carrot farm was actually recently harvested so Senor carrots should go back in there in the morning and replant everything we're still waiting for our potato farm to harvest the timer hasn't gone off for that yet but yeah I mean it's just so much work that goes into this and it's so satisfying to see it from up above next we're going to be going to our business district right here and we're gonna tour that thing that was like basically how we started this world you know we've built over there and if you saw the previous World Tour episode 50 a lot of that stuff's going to be barely familiar to you but there are some new things over there some really cool new things that I think you're gonna like so you know stick around let's go ahead and make a daytime and we'll get these beds taken up and moved out of the way I do have a really bad habit of leaving stuff lying around as you guys know we've discussed this already I'll be out to go through this entire place and kind of clean up all of my mess but for now let's go ahead and check out the other districts so before we head over to the business district let's go ahead and look at our waterside district there's actually not much to look at over here yet because yeah we haven't really done anything but we've got a couple things we want to take care of but this is I just want to let you guys know this is like a path to the waterside district that will eventually work on it's just blocked off for now to keep this area you know safe because our farm district is safe that area is not let's go ahead and make our way to our business district now and as we come through here we're actually passing underneath the building that we'll go and check out in just a moment but the first thing we see is a villager looking somewhat concerned now the first thing we see is this fountain right here as we pass through we see this fountain it's just basically here to kind of grab your attention night from this side from the other side just kind of like it you know a landmark if you will if we move up to the side it actually does reveal the building behind it which is an important building you know this is the farming operations office of Luna the fol where villagers like to kind of hang out gather around our golems as well we got some golems hanging up here we have of course sheriff Farah and we have this guy who is as of yet a name he's a new guy I'm assuming the guy on the roof over there he's probably a new guy as well since he spawned up there so we'll get them sorted out in a little bit but if we head on inside we can see that we have villagers hanging out on top of tables they love this this is their favorite pastime um if we move out to the back here you can see that you know we try to complete these builds like even these little areas in the back that you won't really go to and see we try to make make sure everything is complete this is a path that will follow in just a moment I'm not good that way quite yet because that leads to another building this is I believe a passageway that leads down into that tunnel that we just went through yeah this will lead us over back into our farm district because this is our farming operations office you know this is kind of where the business happens of the farm district now there is more to this building we do have a second and third floor up here on the second floor we just have a couple offices you know you got this one and we got this one with the villager in it this is what is your name Johnston hi Johnson you know what a great job buddy great job he's up here actually registering doors that's his main purpose in this building and then over this way we got a balcony there's actually not too much to see over here but we do have some really good views we have let's see you I think yeah we happen we have an OK view of the farming district from over here but we do have an excellent view of the business district on this side looking that that is that's a great view and I think in the future we will eventually have a really really good view of the waterside district as well yeah that's gonna be awesome once that time comes if we move over this way we can see a villager is kind of perched precariously on the outside of this platform that's golems take take care of this guy he's causing a ruckus so this is the farming operations office of Luna enforcement office from September 2018 this is where we have our k9 just kind of hanging out this like their headquarters just like the police headquarters if you will we do have some golems back here or this is suppose like where the gums hang out you know we got our evidence room back here which is actually just like an old storage room of mine like I like to use the buildings as storage like you know when we first started we did have a dedicated storage system and up here we don't really have too much going on we got like a little way to our attic right here which is slow records room I think is what this is and I think we got some offices around this way we probably have a villager or two around here somewhere ty great work you're doing a great job now moving around to the back of the fol yo we have a beacon fountain set up right here we have our golems back here we have deputy Rocsi Diaz and deputy Iron Mike some of our og golems from early on they're still around and they're still there so kick and they're still doing their job you know they're hanging out here in the locker rooms we got some lockers set up for them if I can get around this guy iron Mikes a big dude Oh have some poppy setup coz gobs like poppies and blue you might want to get your head out of the wall buddy alright so let's go ahead and excuse me sorry don't you're just you're just so large difficulty getting around you okay thank you yeah big doors big doors for big guys and if we move around this way we'll go ahead and talk about some of the actual like practical stuff we got going on in our business district because it's not all fun and games in Luna it's not all fun and games for instance right here we have dunder Minecraft one of our very first businesses we opened up an attempt to get more emeralds rolling into our city get our economy going you know so all these lights above the chest does indicate that those chests are full so yeah that means that this entire system is just full of sugarcane and basically we just take all this sugarcane we bring it over here craft it into paper and then once it's crafted we bring it over here and we just kind of trade it to our villagers you know we get emeralds out of the out of the deal we got some high-tech security measures right here protecting Ryan Creed over here and over here of course my main man Dwight and this is these guys are how we got a lot of our emeralds when we first started off in this world we use them for a long time before we moved over into crops which you don't have to craft it was just you know it was easier it made sense to kind of move away from paper and into the foods business but I still love this place you know I like the decorations we got going on our little water cooler right here I like the the sugarcane behind the wind and yeah I mean it's overall it's a nice building it's still fun to come back to every now and then just kind of hang out with the guys you know kick back enjoy some some nostalgic moments with old friends but yeah I mean under Minecraft this was you like I really like this place meant a lot to the early series you know right here you can see the actual harvesting mechanisms basically just a slime block pusher mechanism that knocks our sugar came down to the water streams that kind of filters it down into our storage system right up here we have our managerial offices and the maintenance area we can actually look inside the farms we'll do that in just a moment let me make sure these are closed real quick because they're all Michael making a run for it he has been known to kind of slack off every now and then and make a run for it this is our regional manager tending to his cactus right here he's doing a great job keeping this place up and running in my absence it looks like you might have a leak in your ceiling there you might want to get that looked at I believe I mentioned this the last time we came here but let's go ahead and check out the farms themselves the sugarcane farms themselves so back here you can kind of see how everything is set up and we can't really get up there because I for some reason got rid of my ladders or no I didn't there they are but we're not going up there anyway because we don't have a whole lot of time but this is the timer mechanism for this it's a cactus timer basically once it's grows up it's gonna harvest the entire farm and we'll collect a whole bunch of sugarcane all right we can check this one make sure all our timings are correct we do get our cascade effect pretty cool this thing is so fun to watch go off I just get harvested I just got harvested if you do want to see any of this stuff that we look at today in more detail just go ahead and look through the playlist and find whatever videos you want to watch that you're interested in you know oh yeah we have three towers right here we just went to one of them but we do have three sugar cane towers but moving on we have our slime shop over here this is where I actually store all my slime if you didn't know slime is my block of choice for pillar and scaffolding for all that stuff and we actually do have a pretty substantial slime farm for our city here like all this slime is brought up through this water elevator that you can kind of see through that crack from deep beneath the ground here but we'll get more into the slime farm stuff later yeah interesting huh we're gonna take a little detour real quick the next stop on our tour is going to be our forge our super smelter but before we head over there I really do want to help this guy out like he's been stuck up here for a while now and I put some slime blocks down here to kind of soften his fall or the Baker he doesn't crack my sidewalk there we go perfect very smooth landing yeah I just didn't like the fact that he was up there he looks so helpless you know and you don't want to see an iron golem look helpless you know it's like one of the saddest things in the game so yeah I think we're good now and now we can move on you're welcome by the way picking up where we left off this is our super smelter this is Lunas Forge which was built in September 2018 so I'll go ahead and give you guys a demonstration of this in action basically we take our iron our gold or we throw it in the side where we once melted and then we'll get our our speletons stuff out of this side so basically how this is gonna work is that once everything kind of gets distributed around the way it needs to be this whole system is going to kick off you're going to see these furnaces like one by one lava is gonna pour down from the ceiling basically like we're gonna have a whole bunch of items smelting at once so I just heard it and this should start lighting up in just a second there we go perfect right on cue you see all these furnaces starting to kick off now so we have 360 degrees of fir night action we have our ceiling opening up the lavas pouring down everything's looking cool we've got sparks flying down from the ceiling I just really like the way this looks yeah but that's why wait until nighttime just so you can see the lighting effects and stuff like that as we move through here you kind of see like how we have this all thing set up I think it's pretty neat you know it was interesting to build I'll be a little bit dangerous considering the amount of wood we use in the construction the amount of leaves surrounding it but yeah this is our fuel input right here basically we're using coal as our fuel at the moment that may change with our next super smelter design if we decide to build another one that is very happy with the one we have currently it definitely suits my needs just fine for the time being let's also take a look at some of the odds and ends we got going on around this place we got our little magma block things back here a little pools of heated metal basically got the same thing going on on this side and a villager back here this is not boat Bohdan kind of ran away he was not happy with this accommodations so he left but I mean it's not it's not bad you know it's not bad but you know we got this guy over here he's in a boat right now because they do tend to run off from this area I'm not quite sure why but we'll get that figured out we'll make sure he's feeling comfortable in here I've also go ahead and move on let's go ahead and move on to our city entrance or no this is no longer Stu the entrance this is the business entrance of Luna this used to be our old city entrance before we decided to make the official entrance in the farm district so this is the Welcome Center you can kind of see we got like a moon shape on the floor a little crescent moon you can see it from up high but it trust me it's there but this is the rotunda this is actually one of my favorite builds in this world so far I just I really I really do like the way it looks let's go ahead and make our way down throughout the rotunda because there's a few things going on over here most notably our actual business entrance this is where traders will come in they would bring in their wares this is where a lot of importing and exporting via land would occur of course we'll also have the waterside district where importing exporting via sea would occur but I'll just give you guys a quick look at this I don't want stay here too long because it's kind of dangerous out here there is actually a lot to do in this area there's like a lot of terraforming landscaping that needs to eventually happen we're not quite there yet but we will get to that eventually I don't want to see out here too long though because there are Mancha here it's not necessarily a safe area so let's go ahead and make our way back inside I'll go ahead and show you the rest of the rotunda let's go ahead and close this up and make our way down here into this little park area it's kind of a nice little area I've set up for the villagers there's only one villager down here so far he's actually over here on this side and he's in a boat right now I eventually do want him sitting in that bench that's behind him so we'll see if we can make that happen but I do want him down here because he has a job a very important job which is to register these doors that are kind of down here you can kind of see them they do have sky access basically again the doors villagers strategically placed to kind of expand the perimeter of the village kind of lower the center of the village down and just you know it's for safety purposes so we'll talk about all that in a later episode that's something we're gonna have to kind of go through our city and just make sure everything is good with all these guys but yeah I mean that's pretty much all we have going on down here for right now Oh who's that a little flame pop-up yeah this is when we were still using torches as our hidden light sources but yeah let's continue on shall we right next to Lunas business entrance we have what used to be our old home this used to be our first home here in Luna it is now the enchanted snack bar we converted into a restaurant once we left this part of the city and went over to the farming district right here we have a villager enjoying a nice cup of hot chocolate we have Johnny ray Johnny Johnny is actually supposed to be working he's supposed to working over here in the house of leaves that's why they don't say book these villagers just kind of do whatever they want anyway let's go ahead and get inside the enchanted snack bar kind of show you what used to be our old home you can see our old enchanting setup is still back here you know behind all the tables and stuff for our villagers to kind of enjoy their dining we have Rosie Rosie back here who is a well I thought I could trust to run this place if you're gonna keep that help department called on us you know that this is bad you can't wash your feet in the sink man okay anyway um we have our old bedroom which is right back here you know wait we save some stuff like remnants of our home you know just to kind of keep some stuff here you can kinda see like this is where we had our old storage system and all that stuff you know it's up in the this is basically the upstairs of the enchanted pickaxe which is a place that we'll go and explore in just a few minutes but kind of wait to show you all this stuff before we move on since it was on our way you know so let's go ahead and make our way back out into a just lock the door there we go let's go ahead and make our way back out here and over here we have what I believe is yeah our business district villager memorial so unfortunately we have lost villagers in the construction of Luna and this is where we kind of just you know memorialize them we have a little villager statue right here where we celebrate Balthasar samus mr. han so mr. Honda used to actually live in our attic he was an awesome guy and Zampa knows something oh he used to work at the house of leaves with Johnny yeah those were the villagers that we lost in the construction of the business district but hopefully those dark days are behind us let's go ahead and move on to the luna garden center so this is where we get all our dies and stuff like that for our city and actually you know what before we go up into the garden center there's this water tower that we did not touch on so let's go ahead and look at that real quick before we head up into the garden center because this does actually have a purpose this connects directly to our storage system so if we want to throw any items in this flowing water anywhere along here they're actually gonna flow this way under the bridge under here and into this area will they'll kind of get washed down to those hoppers you see this hoppers at the very far end that leads directly down into our storage to somewhere they'll be automatically sorted and put away wherever they need to be which i think is a cool feature it's a cool feature but it's one I don't really use but yeah let's go ahead and make our way over to the Luna Garden Center this is where we get all of our dyes and flowers for our city so right here we have our section for our double tall flowers and our two block high flowers where we just pushed one of these buttons and the boat mode dispenser behind it activates and we get flowers you know over here we have just like kind of a little floral display and right here we have our cocoa bean farm semi-automatic basically what happens as we push a button they all get harvested automatically but then we do have to replant them ourselves and this provides us with all the brown dye that we could ever need as you see we have plenty but now I do have to go ahead and replant these so give me just a moment moving along we come to our flower farms and right here we have our light blue flower farm because this is actually located in a swamp biome this one flower farm is so yeah we can get all the light blue dye that we're gonna need and believe me we need a lot of it because all the glass that we use in Luna like well the majority of it anyway is light blue glass so we need a ton of this stuff and it works automatically you know once I pull the switch basically what happens is that these grassy areas they kind of get bonemeal dand then we get grass growing we have seeds we get our light blue flowers and you know all that stuff and then a water source kind of washes everything down into our storage system below so what just happened here oh quick and we'll just make sure that this is working make sure the dispenser timing is correct and it looks like it is it looks like it's dispensing we're getting some flowers growing and perfect so we'll just do that to the rest of the tower flower tower power yeah let's go ahead and move on to our cactus farm right over here so this is for our green die obviously you know this is where we get all our cacti this runs automatically forever but it provides us with plenty of green die just like kind of a standard cactus farm SAP nothing too special about it it's you know small compared to what you would see on servers and right here we have a donkey farm no actually this is our regular flower farm we get like our our poppies our dandelions and our little light gray and the white flowers but donkeys and animals sometimes spawn on the grass up there and get washed in here so let me actually get this guy out of here because yeah this this is no place for donkeys all right now that we got that taken care of this flower farm runs the same way our blue flower farm does not much more to say than that and we have no low beacon fountain over here and if we go under this little leaf archway we come to another one of our old storage buildings and this is as I said how I used to store stuff just kind of you know piled up in chests and this building actually contains up mountain like over here at dunder Minecraft across the way that used to be a really big mountain now we kind of took down and store it in a bunch of chests this used to be a really big mountain that we took down and stored in a bunch of chests you know we kind of you know just to flatten out the landscape and be able to build here we're not going in here yet we're good we're good we're gonna get to that in just a minute but let's go in kind of clockwise order so next would be the house of leaves hi villagers these guys always get into these flower beds I don't know how they do it like you just kind of jump over the fences but yeah this is the house of leaves right here this is actually where Johnny should be working currently but he is not because he's out enjoying his uh his breakfast but yeah he should be working back here with cookie but this is basically Johnny's place the house of leaves when you go ahead and take a quick tour of this place you see he has a lot of stuff going on again I like to make my villagers comfortable we'll get commendations for for hopefully everybody by the time we're done with this place but he does have like an office back here which he never uses you can tell because the plants are dying over there in the corner yeah and then we have a little bedroom for Johnny right here and he also has a really good view of the Luna Garden Center out on his balcony up here so yeah that's nice Johnny has a pretty nice setup over here but yeah what the House of Leaves really is for is its poor my dark oak and acacia it's also for harvesting leaves and stuff like that you know stuff we can't get from our automatic tree farm as you can see here like this area right here has been sheared we got some some oak leaves from over here we also some area set up for some birch leaves over there on the far side and some spruce leaves around here somewhere I believe and yeah we got our vines over here too we get those from this area as well I'll say that's that's basically what the house of leaves is for just stuff we can't get from Timberland which is coincidentally the next stop on our tour and Timberland is our fully automatic AFK gas-powered tree farm yes it's gas-powered we have one of our sworn enemies who has now decided to join us here in Luna help us harvest wood and help us build this place up which i think is awesome it's great to have that kind of camaraderie in this world you know so yeah basically the tree farm is up this way and ignore it like this opening we just did some repairs in here and I've been testing some stuff out but yeah basically how this works is we kind of sit down right here we plant our saplings in this area and then Sawyer kind of blows them up and harvest them they go into hoppers they go into our storage system so all we do is basically sit here all night come back in the morning and then we have chest full of spruce birch jungle and oak log [Music] but let's go ahead and talk a little bit more about Timberlane because there's kind of a story that goes on with this building you know we kind of want to make like a I don't really know how to put it but let's go ahead and just talk about it all right so right over here we have our waterside district this is obviously where ships come in some ships will be carrying lumber they'll be importing lumber into Luna so those ships are gonna bring those logs up here and they're gonna bring them up inter Timlin and this is kind of like the intake area you know this is where the logs will come in they're gathered by our workers put into this area which is actually our d barker so let's go up here and we can see that the logs are now coming out of the d barker over here and they call it kind of follow this process you know they go this way through the sawmill and they get cut up into planks and stuff like that you know I just kind of wanted to add like little features like that into this world just kind of make everything a little bit more interesting I am missing a slab right there that's another thing to put on the list of things to do so I have to watch this video back a little bit later and kind of go through and make some repairs where they're needed but yeah let's go ahead and continue along following the process of our logs as they're converted into planes so getting dried over here you know getting ready for packaging and finally packaging actually does occur down here back by the entrance at our garden center see I mean I thought that'd be interesting you know just adding like kind of a representation of the process of how we get logs into this world I mean looking back it might not actually be as interesting is having like a giant ghost jellyfish from another dimension shooting fireballs at him and blowing them up but you know it is what it is right and moving on moving on the next stop on our tour is going to be our mining area this is the new moon mining company and we have lots of villagers in here gathering for a meeting it seems and we got this guy outside who apparently has not been invited we get a lot of villagers in this area and I don't know how because I purposely made these walls super tall to keep villagers specifically out of this area but they seem to just want to come in here as you can see they they like to they tend to come over here to mister donkeys house this is actually mr. mister donkeys house right back there which is a full of villagers yeah don't know how why they get in here but they do anyway this is the mineshaft elevator that actually leads down to our minds our branch mines and stuff like that and we can actually go up it we can go down it there is actually an elevator here but there is a ladder that goes up to the top so we'll just climb up here and take a peek out all this stuff before we go down because there's a whole another section of the tour there's a lot of stuff down there but we've got some nice little details built in here you know we got a lift for our elevator you know we got some excellent views looking out over our business district which i think is pretty awesome you can see the House of Leaves right there this was one of my first attempts that diagonal build and the roof could definitely use a little bit of work I'll say that but we're improving we are improving as we build more and more at different angles and stuff you know that's one thing I really love about this game in this world specifically is that you know it's been around for a while now you can definitely see the progression you know you definitely see you know how things are growing and getting better and I think by the time we're done with this place it's just gonna be awesome and then we have of course the enchanted pickaxe one of our very first builds in stone actually probably our first build in this world this is from October 2017 Wow so yeah this was very early very early on in the series let's go ahead and make our way inside I'll introduce you to the staff some of our regulars and you know get know everybody have a good time because this is after all a place for our villagers to come after a hard day's working unwind you know shoot some pool play some pinball talk to chat over here Chad who's been with us for a very long time and just has great customer service skills and over here we have a regular he's been in here for a while this is Ted hi Ted what's up Ted got your drink over there yeah and right here we have the wither on the wall the wither is a stray bow from episode 40 it's a boat we literally got off a stray a very weak bow that we used to fight withers with it which was kind of fun that was a fun experiment back here we have one of our old nano farms when our old wheat farms and I wonder if this thing still works actually let's go ahead and test it out let's go ahead and get some seeds and we'll just see if we can get this thing working because it has been a few updates since we got this thing built so I'd oh it does it does what it's a little slow but it does work if you follow series you'll know that you know I've spent the past couple episodes getting things fixed up for World Tour this is not way things I check so it's very pleasant surprise that this is still working now I guess I can go ahead and show you guys back here there's not really too much going on sisters from redstone espresso for our pool table and our pinball machine and you know I guess I could show you that in action but I am going to need to get some change first gold nuggets acquired so you go ahead and bring these on in here and play some games so we'll go ahead and throw our gold nugget into here and what's gonna happen is our billiard balls are gonna come popping out the top of the pool table and now we're ready to play a game with Ted and over here if we throw our money into here we actually get the pinball machine working which is you know lights and lights and noise you know just some fun little details to bring a little bit life into this place now we do have quite a few things and a new moon mining company to show you guys we've been over most of the surface stuff here except for or braking platform right here this is our braking platform we actually you know as the name suggests break our ores so we can actually start stacking some stuff up here once we get our fortune pickaxe which we of course keep on the enchanted pickaxe of building it's our little signpost so go ahead and equip that and basically it's just obsidian platform that we can stack ores on and break them and get some XP get some lapis get some redstone get some get some quartz you know all that kind of stuff which is pretty cool so yeah let's go ahead and put this back up here and check out how much lapis we got quite a few and I think that probably covers everything over here on the surface of the new moon mining company so let's actually go underground now let's see what's down within our minds because we've got some stuff to show you down here as well this is actually the main entrance into our subterranean storage system and apparently villagers have found it so that's awesome obeah this is the bulk storage section of our subterranean storage system basically where we get a lot of stuff and we're gonna fill up chests full of one particular item excuse me here this is the center of our storage system and as you can see we can actually get down here using the elevator shaft that we were at earlier and we go down a little bit further into our branch mines that way as well this way it leads us back to the farm district remember that path that we came down the one that was in the storm cellar of our farmhouse yeah this is that same hallway that we were looking down just a little bit earlier and this is all book storage this is where we're gonna have many of one type of item filling up entire chest back here behind our elevator though this is our miscellaneous items our non stackable item storage basically we don't have a whole lot of that you can tell because the lights aren't on on the chest those are indicated lights so when a chest is full the light next to it will come on that's how you can tell like you know which of these chests we have stocked up and which items we don't you know have in that big supply yet moving on this way though this way it leads us into our multi item sorting section of our storage system and this is where we'll start items that we don't need you know entire chest full of one single item this is where the bulk of our items will go we just need smaller quantities of multiple items this is actually where will store the majority of blocks that we get in this game and it's all sorted automatically and that's the main benefit of this type of storage system is I no longer have to manually put blocks in chests and try to keep the chests organized they are automatically sorted and organized for us so basically how this works is we throw items in our input right here remember these hoppers I was showing you earlier that's our input and this is also an input right here this chest this is what I generally use so if we throw some of these in here these will go into the multi item sorting section of the storage system as well this right here this would go into bulk sorting this will go into multi items ordering and this will go into multi item and these will go into non stackable miscellaneous item storage see that's basically how this works like we don't even have to do anything but throw our items in there and everything gets put away where we need them to be automatically which is a huge convenience for me because without this I just would be so disorganized I would say the only real downside of this is that it takes a while like first things bulk storage right here this goes quick like those items get put away fairly quickly but the thing is why comes to multi item sorted items once we get down into this area things slow down quite a bit because it has to check what's in each chest you know and it does slow things down a bit so that's why I only really use this when I'm going afk when I'm done recording for the day when I have some time to spare and since this area is unfinished over here I can actually show you what the Redstone looks like to make all that happen and it's quite a bit of redstone this was quite a bit of work to get working but yeah definitely definitely worth it now climbing out of our storage system and back onto new moon mining company grounds here is actually a little bit more to the mind that I want to show you guys so going left takes us down into our storage system but going straight that actually takes us somewhere else going straight that takes us down into our branch mine area that's where the mining actually occurs for the new moon mining company there is an elevator that will take us down here there is normally a minecart here so I don't know how safe this is but we go ahead and give it a shot we'll try to take the elevator down so you can see here going down you know we come past our storage system so we could I guess technically step off here if we want to go to our storage system but we're gonna ride this all the way down yeah like I said there's normally a minecart on top of that elevator that we ride down and that keeps us safe and in one spot um but I needed that somewhere else so yeah that's not there right now okay ups over town in our branch mine area basically we collect anything that we could want you know any orders and stuff like that that we could want and we throw it in through this chest right here and this actually elevates it back up into our storage system that is another input for our sort system basically now I will take you over to show you where the branch might is supposed to be and I say supposed to be because yeah I actually haven't been branch mining down here at all since we built this and I know that seems like kind of a waste that we built this and never really use it but I'm sure we'll get around to it eventually we do do branch mining I mean yeah I'll show you the old branch mine which is over here in this way behind-the-scenes area you know you see all of our old branch mines along this wall back here this is where we got a lot of our resources when we first started this world but now I've kind of been doing most of my resource gathering at the Mesa just to add more gold into the mix you know because I'm using a lot more powered rails and stuff these days so yeah Gold comes in handy and we just don't get as much of it here I went ahead and sent our elevator on back up by itself because we're not riding that thing up is actually more dangerous going up than it is coming down you can hear the slides you can hear the slides from our slime farm they're actually right over there we'll get there eventually we're not there but yeah we're gonna go ahead and make our way back up to the surface we're actually gonna take the scenic route up and you guys may have noticed that I like to have multiple paths multiple ways of getting to places because I think it adds a lot you know just having different ways of navigating your world and you know different things to see going different ways to get to the same place it's just it makes things a little bit more interesting I think but yeah I think that's pretty much all we have to look at over here and the business district colluding I think we've been through pretty much everything so the next stop on our tour is actually probably going to be the science district and yet you see the Starkey right here this is purposefully dark you know it is not spawn will Stoke us on half slab but it's purposefully dark so that way when we look down into our cave it just looks a little bit darker more cave like you know or my life I guess item still getting put away I'm out to wait for those to finish before we head off well unfortunately while we were waiting the weather did turn on us so now we got to deal with rain but yeah I mean from up here we can get a pretty good overview of the business district of Luna I don't think we went over what's inside this building right here this is just one of my old storage buildings nothing too exciting just a bunch of chests of bed crafting table and you know that kind of stuff but yeah I think we can actually now safely move on so the next stop on our tour I believe I said it was going to be the science district it's not I'm gonna show you what few things we have over in our waterside district right now which is actually accessible from these three doorways right here these three archways this is basically a gateway that leads into our waterside district from our business district and as you can see here they're built at kind of some weird angles it's like my first experimenting around with like kind of building at some off angles in Minecraft and this fence right here this is not a permanent feature that will be taken down eventually it's just to keep our villagers safe because this area is not the safest currently like I you kind of see the windmill picking up though over the wall right there that's pretty cool and ignore this as well this is just some experimenting around with the roads that we were doing we're trying to figure out like you know what kind of pattern we want for the roads in here and stuff like that but the only real finished project we have over here in our waterside districts so far is actually going to be our ship otherwise known as the flying Wolfman and of course we got the docks here as well I don't think we want to tour this in the rain though yeah that's not gonna be that's not gonna be great let me actually go ahead and sleep and then we'll get back to this there we go that is much better so let's go ahead and talk about the flying wolf man this was my first ship build in Minecraft ever and you know it does actually serve a practical purpose like I want it to look good but also wanted this thing to serve a practical purpose and what it actually is is our afk fish farm now that's what we're using when we first started off this world to kind of you know kind of jumpstart our progress make sure that we were we were set we were ready to go that we can actually make some progress in these videos because let's face it when we first started this series we got kind of off to a slow start oh that's like Joe how you doing buddy and Koba over here his friend Kobo Shoen Kobo oh yeah before we built this thing we're off to a slow start it wasn't till after we got this you know whole thing built and got these enchantments that we were actually able to really make some progress in this world I haven't been in here in such a long time this is the actual fish farm by the way I don't really use this at all anymore but we can go downstairs and kind of still look through everything we got our storage system down here below deck we also should have a villager down here somewhere I haven't checked on him in quite a while he may be gone if so that's really nope ahaha the Dread Pirate Roberts in the flesh what is up yes it's been so long it's been way too long buddy but what's funny about this fish farm is the fact that it doesn't catch fish any fish that would have ended up in here get released back to the ocean automatically stuff we want to keep ends up in these back chest right here and stuff we want to get rid of kind of goes through this item disposal system we have here at the bottom basically that see these droppers right here they drop it into this water stream which pushes it into that cactus right there destroying it so we can you know clear this thing out fairly quickly when we want to kind of reset everything yeah I mean that's pretty much all there is to the flying Wolfman I think I can't remember when exactly we built this but I'm sure we have a sign up here so let's go ahead and check this out and see no no date okay well yeah this was this was an early builder but yeah this is pretty much all we have going on in our waterside district so far but I think it's a good start I do think it's a good start and eventually we're going to start building some more stuff out here this is an going project and this is a project that's going to be huge it's going to be the biggest of all of our districts so you can see here kind of like the wall where it's going to kind of follow around you kind of see like the border of where the waterside district is going to be that that like kind of border right there and so go all the way over there to the mouth of our Bay which is actually gonna eventually open up into our ocean so we can have ocean access because that makes sense for our ships right if you want them to actually be able to travel but yeah it's gonna go like you know it's going to encompass a fairly large area in the very center of our city which i think is going to be pretty cool but let's go ahead and move on I'll show you another upcoming project that we're going to be working on which is a whole nother district as well this is going to be our science district this is going to be wolf ins laboratory where we already have some kind of cool stuff going on so that's actually going to be accessible from right over here where we'll eventually have a security checkpoint which it has to verify that you belong in this area which is not what I'd call you know quite finished but yeah we're still doing a lot of work over here we still have a lot of stuff to accomplish in this area this is a very unfinished project a second security checkpoint right here before you can actually access the science district and you can actually access you know wolf ins laboratories who are in charge of all things mob related in Luna our mob farms and stuff like that now before we actually go in here we need to give these guys a moment if I also need to kind of set up some stuff welcome back to wolf ins laboratory and this is where we kind of get into the darker side of Luna where some nefarious stuff may or may not be happening so wolf ins laboratory these guys came in here with all kinds of promises that they're gonna be science into our entire city and science is fun and interesting which it actually is I really do enjoy science but these guys are actually up to no good you may not know that because this guy seems so hopeful he seems to ask him a question he'll gladly answer but if you want any real answers what are you gonna need an ID badge you're gonna need to go into the underground section to this place to find out what's really going on but on the surface here we do have some nice little displays and stuff you know for instance right here did you know that coal and diamonds are both made of carbon Wow oh my we actually don't want to get too closer to this place that's their way of warning us not to get too close this Wolfen speak' oh one peacekeeper prototype robot we're actually gonna have a big robotics division of wool for this laboratory which should be pretty fun to mess around with once we get to that point but as you can see right here yeah it's it's dangerous if you get too close and then our last display considering your career in science ow ow apply once the second-degree burns have healed yeah I'm really glad none of our villagers step on these walls outside because that could be pretty dangerous them that's why I had to kind of reload those because I don't keep them stocked up oh yeah one thing you'll notice is that this is a big building but there's actually not a whole lot going on in here after this there's no rooms like we have three floors but the second and third floor actually have they go nowhere you know because this whole building is just a big facade it's it's fake you know the real wolf ins laboratory is hidden deep underground so let's go ahead and get our ID badge because we aren't authorized to do so and let's go ahead and explore what is actually deep underground so first things first we need to go ahead and pass through security we need to take our ID badge throw it into the scanner once it recognizes us the door will open we can safely pass through and collect our ID badge back and the door will close behind us and that why am I so bad at placing trap doors Wow okay but yeah that's the only way to get back in here you need an ID badge to access these areas of wulfings laboratory and this is wolf ins laboratory this is are you serious right now this is where we do a lot of our research into the hostile mobs of Minecraft of this world that we're living in right now so first it's back here this is our drought research area and our head researcher Steve who is apparently doing inventory at the moment but yeah let's go ahead and make our way back in here and I'll show you around the Drowned research area which is basically our drowned farm made from a zombie spawner so right here we have our skull scavenger sword this is a smite sword that we used to kind of take out our drown of course we have drown all around this place these guys are all nametags so they don't do spawn they just kind of hang out and do whatever they need either their nametags are there carry I think their nametag and carrying stuff I think I was super cautious with that yeah let's go ahead and see how this actually works gonna flip this lover and this lover and that activates this entire farm you see all the lights started go now and now we got the spawns coming in very spooky very scary but irredentist said the Drowned is like super cool though I'm not actually gonna run this thing for too long I just wanted to kind of give you guys a quick demonstration of how this whole place works so the zombies I just spawned will go underground they will go to the water elevator over here in the corner and then go one of two ways so either go around this way and get distributed to empty drown tanks to be converted into drown or they will go to the right where there also be converted into drown but they will be held in a centralized area for us to easily take out get their drops and kind of you know Steve you need to exercise some caution buddy so go hang out in here until they get converted into drown then we could easily take them out collect anything we need from them and I mean you guys know how mob farms work you know I don't have to explain this Steve okay if he's leaving we need to actually follow him out of here because I don't want him stuck in this room I need a yeah look I need to get him out of here oh my gosh Steve I know you've recently put in a request for additional funding let me tell you that grant is so close to getting denied let's go ahead and make our way out of here and we'll look at some of the other stuff we got going on over in wolf ins laboratories so the next thing we're gonna come across is our nether research area and don't worry we're not actually going across a wet floor right now that's actually just to keep people out of this area because it is a dangerous area you know the ultimate warning sign wet floor you know but yeah this is our nether research area and yeah there's a lot of stuff going on here I actually don't want to go through this quite yet because we're going to be going through the nether I'll kind of explain it a little bit more as we head into the nether so let's go ahead and move on to another place that will come back here just a little bit later so the next stop on our tour of wolf ins laboratory is going to be this trap door this this trap door right here there's redstone behind this wall this super-embarrassing I need to go through and just like double check all of my trap doors to make sure I didn't do that but yeah this actually leads out into the house of leaves so we do have multiple ways down into the research facility there's an iron golem in my tree that's interesting I've never seen that before okay anyway Oh back to back to wolf in this laboratory I will deal with that later I suppose yeah if we head on down this way we'll get to some other really cool stuff that we have over here and you might have noticed by this point that you know despite what it looks like above ground Wolf's ins laboratory is actually fairly expansive already it's just mostly underground right over here we have our gas research area this is how we get gassed a to our tree farm they come in through the nether portal over here and then we have various switches and controls we had around this room to move them around safely I do apologize if this gets kind of repetitive because you know it gets repetitive for me too I'm doing the same thing over and over again but it's kind of like that's what we're doing we're repeating stuff we're getting better each time we do it hopefully now we can do all this from in this little room right here and save us so much trouble so reposition Sawyer alright so that should be good and then we need to make sure this is locked again even though I know it is and then we could release our minecart and hopefully capture him on the first attempt yes bingo perfect all right so this whole thing works now we can hold him in one spot until he's actually ready to go we did not name tag him but that's not all my friends there's still a few more things I want to show you down here in wolf ins laboratory before we move on into our next area so as we approach the bottom of these stairs we have what's gonna be a future project our beacon tunnels now you can kind of see like these tunnels will connect up to all our beacons in the city I know this one doesn't look like it connects but that's because I wanted to build it on this level because the actual tunnel to get to the beacons it's just a little bit lower it's like right right Yeah right over here so we have a ton of beacons in our city right and yeah but we don't have a good way to get to them like I have to run around every time I want to change them so we're gonna make some kind of transportation system between the beacons I think accessible from right here but moving on a little bit further down we will come to our slime farm now there are a few other things down here but I won't get into that because well they're kind of projects we haven't even started on yet so yeah but this is our slime farm and it consists of three chunks it's a massive massive slime farm well overkill for a single-player world it is yeah it's just ridiculous it doesn't require any gallantry like that it's just the platforms and the slimes will eventually jump off the platforms and splat into slime balls for us to use say if we can see this guy he looks like he's approaching the edge so which way for him to jump once more and oh he made it well you know what good for him good for him bad for us we don't get to see any kind of splat from up here oh yeah let's go ahead and make our way down to the bottom and I'll show you like the storage system the collection system you know all that stuff I don't think I have any kind of behind-the-scenes areas in this place there's like no doors that lead to them but uh yeah I'll kind of show you what we're actually dealing with as we make our way down to the bottom here so this is the bottom of our slime farm and as you can see we have tons of slime balls on the ground that means they're not getting collected which means our stored system is actually completely full yes it is which means I do need to craft up some sign blocks and clear out some space splat why didn't you warn me about this splat is our supervisor down here at the slime farm he's going crazy he's just got too much work to deal with but yeah basically how we do this is we take out our slime balls we throw them into our crafting table we make some slime blocks and once we got that taken care of we take our slime blocks or them into this chest right here which they will then go through a series of like water streams and item elevators which will bring them up to our slime block shop in the business district and that's pretty much how we're going to do that we just missed a splat we missed it we missed it uh yeah that's pretty much all there is to the slime farm area if you notice the caution tape right here around the edges the yellow and black danger yeah that's gonna be a theme throughout all the wulfings laboratory builds and if you've been wondering what these lovers are for that I've been pulling they're actually for the doors right here it's a combination lock for the door just to keep unauthorized people out of there you know if you pull any random series of lovers yeah The Doors not gonna open for you they only work if you have the right combination here which is the first lover and the last lover you know here at wolf ins laboratory we take the security of our projects and the safety of our employees into serious consideration so that's why we have that stuff but let's go ahead and move on back to the nether and we're actually gonna go a different way as you might remember we go through that way to start off with you know but there's a lot of stuff you have to go through that way to actually get to the nether you have the wet floor sign you have you know various stores and stuff you had to pass through actually wanted a shortcut into the nether oh I need to travel there fast so if we go this way and we scan our ID badge of course you still have to scan your ID badge this is a very dangerous place we can get into our nether observation room right here and this is our another observation room of course looking over the nether research area and the basic idea is that this was an experiment gone wrong as you can see we opened up a nether portal but then what happened was the nether started creeping into this room so we're kind of having a change in physics between our dimension and the nether dimension we have all these particles floating up in the air we got chairs floating upside down you know and it's mostly contained to this room that's why we have all these precautions put up to keep people out of this area because we want to keep it contained but yeah I mean this is just you know in reality just the easy way for me to get to my nether but since we did put up all those precautions so we just have to climb up this nether tentacle up into this room and then we can you know either come and go as we please but yeah now let's go ahead and make our way into the nether because we do have a few bills in there that I want to show you guys as well any day now all right here we are so now we are entering the mad house and the mad house is basically it's a very similar block pile you may have noticed to the exterior of Wolfen zarba torii this is kind of like the nethers interpretation of that world it's kind of a darker you know red sky to interpretation of our world basically or a specifically wolf ins laboratory and the science district so yeah I thought it was pretty cool there's a lot atmosphere to this place if you look in the back here you can really see that red haze in the sky you know and I just thought that looks awesome I'm really happy with like how this nether is starting to turn out this is as far as I'm gonna go though because if I go any further I'll kind of ruin the illusion so let's just go ahead and move on and look around our nether hub now this obviously leads to other places which you know are not easily accessible from the overall but before we go and check out any of that let's check out some more wolf ins laboratory stuff that we do have over here in our met house so this right here is our gas sketching area if we go back here this is kinda like the control area for it and we can overlook the gas spawning room which is right here and as you see we do have a gas that has spawned in here now this button would transport him to the overworld basically and right now there's this bug there's this bug that makes a gas to clora theni actually is like his hitbox to the normal place but he looks lower it'sit's silly hopefully to get that pig soon but basically how this room works is we have a flying machine set up in the back so if I were to push any of these buttons out here this gas will get transported to the overall to our gas research area which you know transport gas to our tree farm now I'm not gonna push any of these buttons because you already have a ghast over there but I am gonna go ahead and roll a clip of this thing in action all right so here's the moment of truth does he actually go into the portal let's see yes yes that is exactly we want to happen in the flying machine takes off back the other direction now we do have to wait for the flying machine to dock at its original starting location before we pass through the portal otherwise we may risk kind of breaking the flying machine so we just have to wait for this to go all the way back there I should just take a few more second now the madhouse the nether in general is still an ongoing project and it will be for quite some time but I'll show you some of the stuff we do have going on and some of the stuff we don't quite have going on yet so if we head over to the other side the upstairs area at least you'll notice that the room is fairly similar to the room on the other side but the doors don't actually lead anywhere and you know that might say I'm so used to having jump boost you know jump over fences but I can't do that in the nether anyway the doors have been built with consideration for future projects but projects that may not happen so they may never actually lead anywhere as you can see right here yeah it kind of goes in just off into the actual nether you know but yeah we do have paths that lead to place it's like first is this the weather skulls on here that kind of shows me that this is the way to our wither skull farm and if you'll notice we do have ice under the floor here so we can travel fairly quickly to get where we need to go because that's the whole purpose of a nether hub is to get places quickly so we'll just zoom on this way and I'll kind of show you where our wither skull farm is but first we'll come out into this area and as you can see here the kind of cobwebs and vines those show me that those doors don't lead anywhere I need to kind of do that to the other doors as well but this is the courtyard that actually leads to our withering house and it's a pretty cool like I really do enjoy this the red sky and all that stuff are withering house right there this is where we kind of nail down the concept for what we were actually gonna be doing here in the nether but yeah let's go ahead and make our way down into the withering house and I'll go ahead and show you my wither skull farm or well it's more of a just general fortress farm basically because we get our wither skulls down here we also can get blaze rods down here and just bones and charcoal and arch coal not charcoal but coal um and oh it just got really bright it's got really bright and you know all your general mob drops from your nether fortress I just got stuck in a cobweb let's go ahead and make our way back down here and before we head down into the farm itself there is another purpose to come down here aside from the farm it's our jungle portal so this actually leads to the first jungle biome we found now as we enter our withering house let me first apologize for the mess because as you can see this place is a little in a state of disrepair you toss a little charred because we've had some incidents with blazes here in the past but let's go ahead and start this thing up let's get warmed up and while it's doing that I'll go ahead and walk you through the process of how we get our bones our coal our wither skulls which go into SPAC chests our arrows blaze rods and clothes too so we've got our first mobs coming through here now and they are blazes so basically what we do is we take them out and you'll see that they're drops you'll up through this elevator and up into our item storage system which is right over there now we're still waiting for some wither skeletons to come down here but I actually kind of want to show you the the inner workings of our farm so let's go ahead and make our way up to the top and we'll come back down here in a few minutes and hopefully we'll have some wither skeletons down here by the time we get back now in addition to the farm itself we also have a mob sorting mechanism in here to make sure we only get specific mobs coming into our farm so basically what I what I mean is I don't want to hurt Pigman you'll notice that there's no place for gold nuggets or gold or anything like that in our storage system because I don't like hurting past mobs or mobs that aren't you know necessarily hostile right off the bat so if you'll notice this Pigman right here he's when he gets swept up he's actually not going to make his way down into our fire place unless that's a baby Pigman in which case he's just gonna hang out right there and won't see what happens to them but this is our top spawning platform so mobs are he gets swept up in here and fall down there as long as they're two blocks high or taller because whether skeletons are taller than two blocks but yeah you see that drop at the very end there that's where our mobs are gonna fall down and we have a total of three spawning platforms this is the lowest one right here so once mobs get swept off that end so we'll actually end up in this area over here where we have a sweeper that kind of pushes them into a 1x3 hole in the middle which you can't really see and I think we're actually too close for any mobs to be spawning so you probably won't be able to see that in action at all but I'll go ahead and still walk you through the process you know so that 1 by 3 whole die actually drops them down into our mob sorter which is this mechanism right here which actually separates the blazes and the wither skeletons from the other mobs when it puts them straight down into our fireplace at the very bottom now I got to say I was very pleased when we built this thing and we actually got it working because I honestly did not know that you know this could work but yeah it actually does which is pretty cool so blazes and wither skeletons go down to the very bottom at our fireplace meanwhile our skeletons and Pigman will end up in this area over here now once they're in this area our skeletons are actually going to get pushed into the lava right here and burnt up and their drops are actually going to be collected by hoppers that are underneath these slabs right here and our Pigman on the other hand they will get pushed into lava and then immediately out of it and into one of these my cards that's actually going to cart them off to safely despawn it looks like we have a skeleton that's coming into our system just now you see I also replace those magma blocks with slime blocks since I got rid of the vines I wanted to make sure our Pigman were safe when they fell down and you know it's working the the skeletons still get taken out quickly and we have a pigment we have a pigment let's see if we can get this to work yes yes yes so yeah that is the withering house and we did have some splitter skeletons drop down here while we were up there so we've got plenty of bones and Colt from that but unfortunately no wither skulls this time oh this thing does work great though if you afk here for a little while and let the mobs build up you get plenty of drops let's go ahead and turn this thing off for now because it is time to move on and show you guys something new now I do have to kind of wait down here for a few minutes and let the flying machines return back to their positions just so we don't break the farm so I do have to give this about a minute to reset and get rid of the rest these mobs but yeah once I finish with that then we'll move on all right let's get out of here no incidents of blazes this time which was awesome back here underneath the red sky and I just gotta say every time I pass through this area I just have to stop and look around because I really do like the way this this ended up looking but yet some of the other paths we have leading off here we have this path right here which leads to our frozen ocean biome so if ever we need to get ice or anything like that that's where we get that from we also have another path over here which will lead us to the Mesa biome which I talked about earlier that Mesa is where I like to do most of my mining and resource gathering because what we do go through a lot of Terra Cotta as well I spend a lot of time over here in our Mesa so much so that you know wouldn't be out of the question to eventually actually build like a little mining headquarters or something over there but that's you know for the future let's go ahead and make our way to the other side of our nether hub because there's something I want to show you over there we are back in the madhouse crossing over to the other side again because I know I said there was anything up here there is actually one door over here that actually leads somewhere and it is this store right here and it leads to our guardian farm so the guardian farm is an unfinished project it's still unfinished the farm itself is finished but the project is not so let's go ahead and make our way through here I'll kind of tell you what I'm actually talking about because I know it sounds like nonsense right now but as you can see here yeah you can see it's definitely unfinished we have our nether portal leading us out to the nether rack you know but the farm itself works you know the farm stuff works the storage systems up and running to get our drops from here and I do afk here from time to time just to collect some pretty mean stuff for builds in our city or first some builds that were going to be doing using a lot of prismarine but yeah you can see here how the Guardian farm is set up using a lot of fence posts that whole thing you can see all the Guardians making their way down into this drop chute right down there where they'll get taken out automatically and will get their drops there is actually this is a dual mode farm there so we don't necessarily have to just get drops we can also use this to get a bit of xp for ourselves as well so let's go ahead and make our way down here and I'll kind of show you how that works how we can change the mode of this farm I don't want these crystals let's go ahead and throw it on top of here that will actually put it into our storage system because there's hoppers underneath those enchantment tables but yeah XP mode and drops mode right now it's in drops mode but if we flip this switch up that will change it to XP mode so instead of drops coming down here we'll actually get Guardians dropping down in their place usually being a one-hit kill so right now you see the drops are still coming down once you give this a minute it'll switch over we'll start seeing Guardians come up instead of the crystals in charge that we're seeing right now so yeah there we go there we go so the Guardians really come down here in just a second there they are they're gonna flop around for a few minutes and kind of build up in number until we decide it's time to take them out and kind of mend up our gear or do whatever else we need to do over here and the problem with this though is that I you know don't like taking them out like this you know they're one hit kill it still takes a very long time and they have their thorns and they're not that it's really kind of a going to take these guys out like this so I do have a plan to to implement in the future to kind of take these guys out a little bit more effectively but before I let you guys in on that let me go ahead and show you how we switch between the two modes of our farm so right now we're in drops mode at the bottom of the drop chute our guardians initially come down when they leave the farm so there's hoppers down there that will collect the Guardian drops when they splat on top of them and then carry those drops into this water elevator which will bring them up into our afk spot where we just work now if we switch this over to XP mode however things get changed up a little bit down here so yeah I think I might have to actually climb back up there and manually switch it over because I don't want to mess anything up here so give me just a moment and I'll be right back with you all right and there is XP mode and a ton of lag this Guardian farm is great for building up lag but yeah once we switch it over now you'll notice that the drops kind of cease and the guardians are now coming up and set up the drops and it's a little disconcerting when you see these guys coming at you but yeah this is how we're managing to do that like you see we opened up those water sources right there and that is now going in there and watching over the hopper so that way Guardians don't get hurt when they fall down they just fall into the water and they get swept up into the same water elevator that was once carrying our items up there so you know that's basically how we're managing that now it does seem like some of these guys are actually trying to fight the current that might be because I'm down here and they might be tracking me but I don't think that's really a big problem because I'm pretty sure that yeah eventually they do get all swept up and I did mention that in the future there's going to be a more effective way for us to get XP from this farm and that's by using these splash potions of instant damage right here ow that kind of got in my face a little bit but you can see like how effective it is for getting the XP to our you know our gear that actually needs to be mended you know and one thing I definitely want to do is is find a way to mass-produce these potions so that way we can use them to get you know all this XP I think though we might have to come up with a safe way to kind of distribute that amongst the guardians without splashing it in my own face like maybe cutting a hole in this somewhere and throwing it through the hole or something like that you're not just like kind of chucking it directly in front of you but yeah I mean that's something I want to eventually do out in this area and what is this area even called it's like the wolf ins aquatic research facility something like that yeah let's go up here and I'll kind of show you the the beginnings of this project and we've only really got the beginnings of this project done so far as you can see here it's just basically an empty platform right now but we do have big big plans for this place in the future the only thing we've got up here really so far is our storage system for our Guardian drops so let's go ahead and make our way in here and you see we got plenty of room to store our crystals and rotten flesh as well because we also spawned drown in this farm so we'll sort of run flush in here maybe we'll get clear cover here to trade that stuff we got ink sacs we got shards and yeah ink sacs we do have squid spawning in this farm the farm doesn't kill them the guardians do unfortunately and there's nothing really I can do about that aside from you know take their ink so yeah that's unfortunate but yeah I mean this farm is great so far I mean it's it's a great start to this project the wolf uns aquatic research facility yeah there's much more to come we got a lot of stuff that's why go on out here so yeah big plans for future projects now before we call it a day and end this episode there is one more thing that I forgot to show you guys back here across on the other side of the withering house and that of course is our wither battle arena biome marked right here by by nothing by spider webs and vines I put like a marker up here but if we head inside you can kind of get an idea of what this place is about this is the portal that leaves our wither pedal arena by him and we have a wither cage match going on to the center right here and if you notice these Withers only have two heads each they did have three once-upon-a-time because I do have some glass underneath their armpits to actually keep them from spawning but it was freaking me out so I took out the third heads because the last thing I need is like a bad update to I don't know do something and all of a sudden these wither spawn and destroy my entire nether hub so yeah I am going to show you what's through this portal there's not a whole like through there by I'm gonna show you but first I need to run home grab some stuff and get prepared all right so I think we're all set up now I think we're ready to go so let me go ahead and bring you back up to the surface and I'll show you what we're working with over here there's actually not a whole lot like I said you know this is my little home base just a bed some some extra supplies and stuff in case we need it and this is the wither battle arena biome now you may at this point be wondering why I brought you out here because there's really nothing to see and it's probably not you know the best place to end the world towards not that impressive because we haven't actually built anything out here I mean we just have the craters from you know previous weather fights and stuff like that we have a broken-down mountain but the reason I brought you out here is because in episode 50 we ended our last world tour with the fireworks display so I thought you know I don't have the gunpowder to justify doing that for episode 100 but maybe we could end with explosions of a different kind because we do have a tradition here in episode 20 we had our first wither fight in episode 40 we had a triple weather fight in episodes 60 and 80 we did some quintuple with her fights and it wouldn't feel right to go through episode 100 and not get at least one wither battle in so I think that's how we're going to end off today's episode so yeah let me go ahead and get this guy sufficiently angry at me so that way he's you know a little bit more entertaining ow okay wait maybe using is a new problem so get him a little bit matter but he'll be back with you guys in just a few minutes oh yeah oh yeah he's angry he's an angry boy yeah so we got him down to about half health now which means he's down on the ground he's got his shields up which means we can go ahead and take him out with our swords let's go ahead and make our move now I hate being withered it's just so like distracting oh you just hit my cow that was my friend you jerk okay hold on let me go ahead and take this guy out and then look like our nether star and just be done with it because let's face it even though we're playing in hard mode weather fights have gotten a little bit easy considering you know our beacon buffs and all that stuff we may have to give ourselves a handicap in the future but then again you know maybe we should just we should just make things more difficult on ourselves for the sake of doing so I'll be I do think that is going to be it for us today guys so I really hope that you've enjoyed our world tour I really hope you've enjoyed Luna so far I don't know if I picked up this another star let me check there it is alright awesome so we do have our nether star which is great so that is going to be it for us today guys and if you have enjoyed this episode please feel free to hit that little thumbs up button that would mean a whole lot to me and if you want to see more please remember to subscribe and as always I just want to thank you guys for hanging out with me today I deeply appreciate it I can't even tell you 100 episodes it's been awesome that's a huge deal and there's so much more to come but until next time I am Lobo and I will see you guys later [Music] [Music]
Channel: LOBO's garage
Views: 1,102,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Survival World Tour, Minecraft World Tour, 100% Survival Minecraft World Tour, Legit Survival World Tour, Minecraft Legit Survival, Minecraft Survival City Tour, Vanilla Survival World Tour, Minecraft Building Inspiration, Minecraft Playstation World Tour, Minecraft Single Player World Tour, Minecraft Solo world tour, Solo Minecraft World, Minecraft Solo Survival, Minecraft Single Player Survival, Minecraft 100, minecraft city survival series, Minecraft Tour Survival
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 56sec (5396 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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