My Minecraft Xbox Survival World Tour (2019)

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ha lo keem descended at Apple to here and before the video get started I just wanted to show you guys a little clip of me getting achievement in this world for any of you that had any doubts about whether or not this was done completely in survival I assure you 100% survival if you actually want to see me getting the achievement that was my last video so I'll link that down below anyway just want to give you some proof just so that you didn't go through here with the skeptical mind but yeah let's get onto the video ha-lo kinder it is 10 is Apple 2 here and we're finally here I am finally bringing you the long-awaited world tour now I know for some of you that are on the channel you may not have been looking this for this for very long but a lot of people that I know in real life have been asking me to make this chain or to make this world tour just to see what my world is about because uh for those of you who don't know this is a very big world to me a very important world to me it was started on March 27 2014 about five years ago and it's very special to me I know when I'm going through and I'm showing it to you which you know for those of you don't Co care about this you can skip ahead and see that but for those of you who don't know that this world has been with me through a lot of tough times not to get too sappy but this world was kind of like a little therapist to me if you will you know when I found out my grandma died when I found out my uncle was sick I mean there were there were a lot of things that I found out and this world really helped me to cope through and when things were tough when when I was upset when I was just not having a great day this world was a constant for me and you know for those of you who stumble across this video and it may not seem like much to you please be a little kinder to me because this world has been a big part of my life and I know a lot of people like to show off that world just to show the cool stuff and everything they have and sure I like showing off my cool stuff too but this world has been a big part of my life that's helped me through some things and I just want to share it with you so you can kind of see you know my little story and how I've gotten through this so without further ado let me switch to round as I doubt you'll want to see me in third person this whole time let's start the tour so when you start off in my world you start off in this little room usually you'll start off in this little room at the very least you'll start off in my little in my little area this is where you'll spawn in in the old version because this world did originally come from the Xbox 360 edition you used to be able to use lava you'd be able to like put it wherever you wanted and you could figure out the limits of where people would spawn and so I found that this is where people spawned and I made a little spawn spot that when you join the world nobody has the ability to break blocks open anything just cuz you know I don't trust people so yeah so I kind of gave people sliding blocks and some glowstone and carpet just to have fun with kind of mess around and originally I was going to put all the rules of the world in here but that didn't end up happening that'll be a project for another day so when you start off if one of my friends or someone wants you to come in they will open up one of these lever or one of these doors and you can get in that's the only way you will because usually I don't give rights to people and also if as we'll get to later I have other worlds or like other countries in the world that I had a couple friends build off of me and go somewhere else if one of them does want you in their area I've made this area up here so that they can take you to this so it's not as well made as I would like but this is basically a spot to where any country any whatever can bring all their stuff up here and sort of have like a little embassy where they can take players that are going to be going to the world so this is this was kind of made right above spawn just to kind of help out the new players the beacons used to be working and they used to give you the effects even when you were down there that has since messed up and I just need to go back and fix that boat oh yeah so that's what happens when you first went into the world more than likely I will be the one that's coming to pick you up and so you'll open this or I'll open it for you and you'll come through here it has kind of a nether or an end design just because I made all this stuff back when I back when they made it to where you could reset the end I would fight the ender dragon a lot and so I realized I could just bring this stuff here because it glitched out and whatever me here instead of my bed and so that's why you kind of have the N decorations it's just a little lit up area it looks kind of nice you have your end chess obviously and then these chests just have some stuff to help you get started off some armor some food some other stuff it's nothing huge is just to try and get you situated into the world and a lot of its just leftovers of stuff we already had and then I'll probably lead you out this door as you'll notice as I get further and further along in the world I have a lot of infrastructure so there are roads that go pretty much anywhere that you would want to go with in the world over here I tried to put a farm at one point that didn't really pan out but uh you know I have a lot of projects that I'll get to okay let's see if we can that didn't work let's fly up here so I have a little tower that overlooks this little thing the towers not terribly important but uh right here we have our gladiator arena now we built this just because as we'll get to later I have a baseball area over there and I thought hey why don't we have another litter arena this one with actual spectators in mind so this one has a lot of seats to it that anybody can come and watch the fights that go down now the two types that we usually have in the world are we have prisoners that come in that the K can fight for their freedom now you only become a prisoner if you griefed or kill people or did something that you were not allowed to do on the server so don't think we're just throwing people in there to do that but uh yeah if we get enough of them which we've had happen once I will let them come in here and duel and whoever wins you know I'll give them a second chance at the world because you know I believe in second chances we also have if people are just fighting or if they want to fight for fun we'll have it to where a couple of guys would go in here I'll give you a little behind-the-scenes back here we have a shulker box it used to be a chest and then I thought I was real fancy put in the shulker box you can put all your stuff in there will give you iron armor and an iron sword and they just come in here and they'll fight and whoever wins you know we bet on it stuff like that nothing major just some oh I'm gonna run away from them just some fun that we can have to kind of spruce it up because when you have of this a world this old it can get boring from time to time these are right here just the materials that we use to not to build it but when we were breaking down the area like clearing it all out that's the stuff that came out of it and if you come over here you will see this nice fence I mentioned the prison before if you go to the prison now we don't have a lot of them in here however it's it's very well protected I built this nice little friend surround it and you will notice eight ten hard to see because it's dark but there's a dark oak forest all throughout that is completely artificial at the time it looked just like this it was a big ol Plains area because like I said this is a very old world so that didn't exist at the time but I figured if I'm going to have a prison I may as well make it as heavily guarded as I can so now you will also notice back here the gate does not continue that is because at the time when I made this in the Xbox 360 this right there was the world limit so you couldn't really get out but the way our prison works is you will come in if you are found guilty at our government building you will be sent here through the rail system you'll come out here and we'll have a guard escort you over here and you'll come on over this way and usually we have like everybody in the server that we can just to make this as streamlined this process it doesn't happen much honestly because people are usually pretty good we pull that a lever there which opens up our little gateway and I'll show you in a moment this just goes back up to close it and then oh no I didn't close it the last time I was in here well there you can see the other gate that's usually up and we don't have many prisoners but if you do break some of the rules of the world we will have a little court hearing for you and if you're found guilty you can come in here drop all your stuff in here as you can see somebody has I don't know who and then we break the key and usually we don't like to give permanent sentences if you did something really bad or your grief kind of minor ah that hurt or if you grief kind of minor we usually throw you in here for like a day like a Minecraft day usually we prefer to do fines or things like that more minimum stuff cuz I don't like throwing people in here now if you are absolutely horrible we do have an execution chamber we have never used dance but uh this is me I pulled that a little too early what happens is you'll come in here we have a list of rules they can say a final goodbye they go on in there and then we pull this lever and they fall out and they fall all the way to the bottom or we have hoppers that'll get all their things again we don't use this prison very often it's more for show just cuz I mean ah stop that just because you know for looks it looks kind of nice we have I'll show you in here we have a little warden's office over here one of my friends is the warden and he's kind of been up keeping this he used to have some armor sins in here but I was kind of bare-bones hello little doggy and we've had a couple of meetings in here if we have some rowdy prisoners or if he has some things he wants to do it's really not that much it was meant to be like a faraway place that we don't use very often and I'll also show you I closed the gate oh whoops that was the wrong gate you can see out there that's what it looks like when the gate is closed we usually like to close this gate so that we have I am terrible at this so that we have two lines of defense and get out there and get right here to where usually we'll also take the privileges away so they can't really get out but yeah that's the prison so here I'm gonna go close off of this gate so that the prisoners can get out and probably for a future video I would love to finish off this gate just because coming over here it does look kind of silly having the the gate only go halfway around and then right by the prison there's nothing so maybe that's something for a future video well I really flubbed that up now if we head on back to civilization because again when this was on 360 this was just the corner of the map if we head on out this way I pointed to it earlier but over here we have the very large baseball stadium now this was probably the biggest single project I have ever embarked upon at least timewise this right here took about two months to make and I did it over the course of like the better part of the summer it's all flattened now but if you see that Hill right there this one was even taller than that it was it was a very large hill and I decided that would be a great place I flattened the whole thing and then I don't know if I don't think hard and clay was a thing at the or if it was it just wasn't readily available so I made the whole thing out of wool and it is actually playable so over here we have the two dugouts now I'm not going to pull anything out of it but it basically just has uniforms and it has some flame boughs because that's the way this works now these animals may be difficult to do it in but you look at the umpire right there the pitcher will and he fires it over there and I don't know if this will works I have an infinity bow okay it does the whoever the person is batting I'm a lefty so I'll stand on this side they pick up that error when they have two seconds to shoot it out into the outfield and then they run the bases and the fielders have to try and get it in and shoot it at them and if they do the person's out if they don't it's a run because you know what why would we stop but yeah we've only played it a handful of times I just I love baseball I am a huge I'm from st. Louis so I'm a huge Cardinals fan so uh I don't know over the summer I was watching the games getting real hyped about it so I decided to make this it looks real nice I'm a big fan of it you may not be but that probably took the longest amount of time of any single build but if we head on this way you will quickly notice I got bored and so I blew up a giant hole don't at me over here I'll start this way we have I showed you the spawn area over that way this right here used to be the original spawn and somehow in transferring the worlds the spawn moved so when I first spawned into this world I spawned like right about here and so I decided I wanted to make a little spot so that people when they join the world they would have somewhere to stay and this was the spawn for quite some time and then at some point it moved over there so I just have kind of like I had it the other one I had just some basic things just that you could get stuff when you first spawned into the world nothing major it was just like it was a small little place where you could come at some point that would spawn over there so I made a bridge so that they could come on over but it kind of gives you a good little look at where we were kind of at the beginning there isn't much here cuz I kind of started here and we have since moved on but I also had I've since but I had a little rail system that would take you straight to my town but moving on we have right here this is the house of one of my friends I played with him for a while I played a lot of GTA with him I haven't talked to him quite a route in quite a while but we made this house for him because it's so close to spawn it has been grieved a lot of times so that's why the window ceases to exist right there it's a pretty basic house pretty small I was proud of it because I helped him build it and I I made this world when I was very bad at minecraft so I was real proud of this was his design you know I look he looked up how to build it and I was just proud of it so I really like it and it holds a special place in my heart over here we have a carrot farm as we'll get to when I get to my actual town I love farms and so I thought may as well build one especially when this was spawned I was very proud of having one very close to spawn but yeah this is a little house that I made I'm probably gonna tear it down just cuz every so often I just have a lot of resources on me and decide I want to start building and honestly doesn't look that great but if we head over here you'll see this is the subway now it doesn't really look like it now because of how subways look but when I at the time when I looked up with like a subway restaurant looked like it came up fairly similar to this maybe the colors were a little different but like this general shape so I tried to recreate that make it like a pun so you know subway the restaurant for subway station nobody's understood it so I just don't talk about that much but we have this took me probably about a week to build I built a rail system that went all the way to me and I'll show you a little bit of it I don't want to write it just yet because I want to take you over to everywhere we are but it took me about a week to mine out this goes I believe over a thousand meters so you will get like the achievement if you ride just this rail and I mean yeah there's there's a lot to it and it took quite a while and then this one over it so this one on the left right now which is on the right when you're writing it this one right here this takes you all the way to my castle and this one takes you to I call it Grant Central Station because name's grant and it's a play on words of like Grand Central Station I know it's dumb I just thought it was real clever so if you want to get to the city it'll take you here and then when I want to go home this take me know by maniac I'll miss you but if I'm trying to get home this will take me there but yeah that's the way we get everywhere in the city I don't take it when I'm giving tours just because obviously I got to show everything off so I showed you the baseball field now we can head over this way this right here is probably one of the newest parts to my world just because I had a little island here that I wasn't sure what to do with so I started adding some things to it and it's turned into its own little like industrial district that I'd like to call it that at least so over here we have like this is like the hotel slash the meeting area it just has some basic rooms it doesn't actually have beds or anything it's pretty empty you'll notice with a lot of my builds I'm terrible at decorating it's basically empty but if somebody wanted to come out here to do business I figured they could stay in a building like this I don't know I like the design of it I think it looks real good this right here was supposed to be a secondary subway that would take people to other places but then again with how close it is over there I don't know how useful it would be I never actually connected it anywhere so maybe I'll repurpose this building over here we just have a pavilion that I made yeah I don't know I'm I had them you'll notice a lot I have materials to build things I build them and I don't know what to do with them but yeah I figured you could do like a farmers market type thing although that doesn't entirely vibe with the industrial theme so maybe I'll turn it into a factory I'm not entirely sure and over here we have just some shops they all look the exact same they're pretty hollowed out there's just a room upstairs something like this we also have a mall so nobody's really come here to open up their own little business but one day I hope to do that and over here I'm not even gonna show you that that's one of my friends houses that I am NOT a fan he came over here while I was building this and said he wanted to build a house away from everybody else and I said go for it and then he did a terrible job so sorry too cool I don't like your house but yeah I told you I roads although it's not really fun to walk this distance so I'm just gonna fly on over here as you can see we have this is actually really recent this beacon as you can see right here this is still like growing grass I'm trying to clear out this entire area because this right here is our suburb area as you can see there just like a bunch of houses basically if somebody joins the world I clear out this entire area and I build these plots of land that you can see right here and people can just put a house on it and it's pretty small and like we have a currency system in the world and this is really cheap to build here there's nothing huge to it as you can see is it's a bunch of fairly small houses that are all about the same size and yeah I'm all about order so I like planning things before they actually happen because I you know nothing turns out worse than having a bunch of houses sprawled real far away where you can't really make a community so I figured you know I'd make the land and they could come to it over here we have this is my mansion now I don't know why but I decided when I was making this I wanted to have the most expensive house on the entire block so I made it's German their Falcon Crom it means the Falcons nests I think it's falcon crumb not Falcon come isn't it yep Oh Falcon come I'm stupid its Falcon come which means the Falcons nest I eat like I pointed out with the other thing I'm terrible at decorating so I've done a little bit here and there like back here I made the little pool area with its own little diving board that you could jump in and have a little fun out there also when I made this that was the world border so that mountain didn't exist this was just a dock into like the Oblivion all you would see at this way was water so I thought it was real clever it now has an odd view but you know what we take what we can get and yeah this has got three kind of four floors if you count the Attic nothing up here I wanted to add some additional rooms and add like a kitchen or like a little hanging area over there obviously I haven't done that yet what I have done is I made my own little room the Kings quarters where I could come in here you know take the night off just sleep I can't sleep in a bed right now but I'd have a bed here I could stay yeah just a fun little place it was low-key to show my dominance over the the townspeople by having the biggest house possible on this plot of land so I thought it was real nice over here we have I'll show you it very briefly because it's almost not even started rather recently I started adding a little community center here in the middle it's got walls to protect it from mobs but as you can see it doesn't do that I figured we just have some community things like a farm that people could use I still need to fill this side out as well as all the chests I took from Clinton where the chest rest over there all the chests I took from clearing stuff out I just have here and then over here we have a subway another subway system that connects it has the potential to connect to the subway over there although it doesn't yet and it also connects to Grand Central Station so yeah it's just a little way that we can connect to our little community without having to you know just take up someone's house this is just a big ol spot I plan to expand the suburbs as you can see it's pretty pretty desolate it still needs a lot of breaking so yeah I just like to plan for the future so I built this and you know the little town will be built around it over here I guess I should probably address it I'm not gonna lie if you don't like this this world has never been in creative but I do duplicate so if you judge for me for the ass stop that if you judge me for that I'm sorry this world is really old and at first it started you know I was just missing some stuff and I figured I ought to you know certain saplings I only had one of like a dark oak I only had one sapling and I decided I wanted to expand it a bunch so I use that to make it it is since kind of change so I'm sorry if you don't like duplication I do do that in this world and I'll be perfectly honest right here we have this is like the only non house in this entire area we have the church we built this I just think it's like such a lovely little place that we can go we kind of built it on a whim because I had a friend who had not played in a very long time and we decided as a joke to tell him you know you're dead we're gonna host a funeral for you so we have our little taco cat the donkey and he was our Paul Bearer we filled him up with bones and then we all came up here and gave a little eulogy to our friend and we took his corpse and put it in the put it in the graveyard oddly enough we invited him to his own funeral and he never showed up so yeah he has since come back and he's played on it a bit more so I guess there's kind of a happy ending to it now we are heading into what I showed you before was kind of like ah it wasn't chronologically the first stuff it was just the closest stuff to spawn chronologically this building right here this is my house this is the first building that was ever made on this world and as you can see it's kind of a historical site now because I live here you know I live somewhere else now I live in my castle but you know I made this house I cat a time I expanded it out back that way but I hated the look of that so I recreated my old house it was pretty small there wasn't much to it the basement is really where I did a lot you know I had some chests up there but my main chest stuff was like down here I've since filled it with all my CDs and all my random stuff and I read this used to be snow but I filled it with quartz now because it looks nicer I had a friend over here who for whatever reason would just constantly make lag machines in his basement to make me mad and so I built this little little doorway so that I could always come in and see what he's doing he hasn't played on the server in a bit he used to have a bunch of stuff up here but some people came in and they kind of grieved his house and stole everything so yeah it's kind of bare-bones from what it once was his basement never had anything he would just make lag machines to annoy me this also hooks up to the mine there's nothing special about it I mean I can go down and show you there's nothing all that special about the mine and I'll get to that room you could just saw in a moment I this was just my first mine that I had I thought it was neat putting doors and would just to sort of make it more hospitable you know I just like fancier mines there's nothing special it just goes on forever in like every direction and I also had a minecart system that would take me up and down nothing too special over here we had I wasn't fancy enough to actually make like a mob grinder like a full-on or an XP farm or anything like that so I built this little room you know it gave me mushrooms but it was also used to just kill a bunch of mobs like slimes and stuff I have since made an XP farm so this has been kind of neglected as you can see we took most of this stuff out of the chests that we had there anyway but yeah now this room right here is part of my basement but it actually starts up here so I showed you the basement that I first had and at the time when I had this people always come down here like helped themselves to my stuff because I had stuff in here that I wanted to fix up at my anvil and I had a bunch of stuff in these chests so people always come and try and Rob it so I thought I was real sneaky because this was our I used to have a crafting table here just normally and so I added a little piston even though I left the lever there and I never closed the thing I thought I was being sneaky so if we head down here I also made this as its own little like doomsday bunker because this was like one of the first times I got grief so I figured hey I ought to have some stuff to sustain myself so I made a little care farm because I love carrots I also have this like semi-auto melon farm which I guess I'll pick all that up because I hate wasting things at the time this was a fully automatic sugarcane farm but through updating it it's kind of messed it up so I just added a button and now I can do it that way it's not too bad I don't need that much and it's already filled up so it works out just fine that you still have a chicken in here you could drop all his eggs and it worked out pretty well until he died so over here we have an automatic cactus farm this is one of the things I love because I made this years ago this must have been like a year into the world I made this thing and for whatever reason they never updated it so that this you know all my other farms get broken every couple of updates this one has always worked and it's real simplistic so I enjoy that I'm heading on down here we had a bunch of lava and so I decided it was kind of neat to make it part of the that's why it's got this little curve to it it's why I made it part of the little walkway I think it's neat over here we have I'm not gonna take the rail way yet that'll be one of the last things I show you but over there we have the XP farm I'll get to that and later but this was just at the time it was pretty far away it didn't have anything near so I decided to just make a railway to it and it looks pretty nice and then I showed you the chest area I had up here this is Bo's my first ever full-on chest room now I built this completely based on stuff I saw usually I'll live a lot of the houses I have I look things up this I just built free-handed it I love it and then I added these pillars later it's it's really simplistic and it's you know there's no ready you can look behind it there's no redstone or anything to it it's just a bunch of chests I have emptied mostly that most of it out to go take it to my new house but I built this as this entire thing wasn't meant to be like a bunker in case I got attacked because I got the first grief on my friends house that I showed you and I never wanted to have to deal with that again so I went underground and I made my first ever real enchanting table and you can see I have a lot of books and stuff here and then here we have like our own little war room where we probably used it twice where I'd talk to like two of my friends about what we do if we ever get griefed I was paranoid I'll be perfectly honest and then obviously the beds nothing special about that and then if you come up here like I said self-sustaining we have my little animal farm nothing special to it pretty basic yeah I was very worried about people coming and killing all my animals that I had above-ground so I decided I took them all in a very painstaking process underground and so yeah that's what we got here we have all my wolves and as you can see they're all white now because if you look at this all of their collars used to correlate with this so we had yellow for Otto orange for Calvin all the way down and then a little prankster came through and got rid of that and I've just been too lazy to read I am so for now they've all got white leashes I might change that later but I've kind of ignored them and I feel bad about it here we just have all the chests of this stuff to keep them nothing special about that and let's head back this is also like pretty circular so that's what's nice about it if I was ever getting chased I could sort of run away again very paranoid this right here was actually a full-on like cave system I wasn't planning on doing anything here but I found the cave and I figured I may as well do something with it as you can see the cave sort of continues on there this used to be like a little armory and I had some chests and stuff I have since moved it to my castles so there's not much there I built I was very proud of this I have a little American flag because like I said I'm from st. Louis I love this this I didn't look out anything I didn't have to look up a video on how to do I was very proud of so this just looked beautiful to me over here is like the continuation of the cave system actually I'll go in there I have a little we used to fight the wither in here as you can see the wither won quite a few times so I've kind of forgot about this because I have all the beacons I really need and there's no really useful we used to sleep in here keep our stuff in there nothing special going on and then you come in through here I have my little uh my little potion room where I'm terrible potions so I don't make potions very often but if I ever wanted to I have all the things I could ever need and now let's head back out so that's basically my basement in my house that's the only real thing that we have in this area ah it's the only real thing we have in this area because I'm like the only one who ever really lived here I had a couple of friends who lived here but they since moved on to the city that we'll get to in a moment I had this house except it got grief so many times I gave it to like four or five people and they all ruined it so I figured Simon my cat will never ruin this house so I gave it to my cats instead and he ran away so I don't think he liked it he we also built this lighthouse I think this was the second building I ever had I built this one first and then yeah I thought it was neat to build a lighthouse I put a beacon in the first beacon I ever got went in there I thought it was neat in hindsight it doesn't look that great so I don't really care about it too much and we attached the whole thing over to this it was a tiny island we have since expanded it a bit but this used to be called unfinished Island and you can't see it now because all of the unfinished except for a few of them over there most of the unfinished projects I tore down because I finally got sick of them so right here we had a a villager breeder so it used to be based on the old system where it was all doors that were going all the way across and I just had it like sky-high it was a big old Tower and then they changed it on me and so now it's based on beds so we have two lowly villagers that live in here I've been meaning to get more but yeah I did this fairly recently because I just didn't have any villagers and I figured why not over here we have you used to be I don't know if it was a glitch or what but you should be able to trade with villagers constantly and just get like an unlimited supply of stuff and so I just have tons and tons of stuff that I got from all the villagers mostly tools and that's how I fill up everything over there but yeah I also have a friend who made me a nice little pokeball because I'm a big old fan of Pokemon so I enjoyed this this at a time this was the only finished project on this entire island is that Simon are you sorry no that's what my cat looks like Simon but he ran away this was the old villager breeder I really need to get rid of it oh I didn't know there was one trap down there yeah it used to be a system where they'd like feed and then a baby would fall through here and we had one and they were the only one that survived so really it's kind of sad I've been meaning to get rid of this you can start to see my city in the background we'll get to that in a moment this right here was just a basic afk a fishing farm that's how I got if you see all my stuff I have mending on everything obviously when I started the world mending wasn't a thing so it was a pain so I mean you can see how much stuff I picked up it was a painstaking process to get mending on this where here I kind of neglected the roads as I said unfinished island so that's kind of a pattern that we've got going on here we also have a dock over there did I actually Wow that is a that is Wow I feel like a real goofer for that I'll fix that later if it's messed up but yeah now we're sort of heading into so this is what we call like old tadpole eeeh oh I also built another beacon already built a like little pond around this beacon I think it looks nice they change the water so now it looks so ugly but I used to look pretty nice I also loved the way that the wells in all of the little towns that you would have would have liked the villager towns I thought they looked nice so I built my own and here we have another house of my friend but you probably don't care about those because you got a glimpse of the city so we have like my little farming house and last thing I'll show you before we head over there is this is my farm this was I finished this entire farm before I finished half the houses I absolutely love farming and so basically everything except for beetroot which they added after the fact everything that I could make a farm of at the time I did and going through here I mean you could you could feed the entire server for a week in real life with this farm it is so overkill but it's what allows me to have every chest in that farmhouse completely filled and yeah but now let's get into the meat and potatoes of this we have the city so this over here we call like old tadpole eeeh and then this is what we call new tadpole eeeh real original I know so the first thing that ever came about here was this here pyramid I know it's not too fancy I added the gold after the fact just because I thought it was a nice touch but I made it to sort of look like an actual tomb like a pyramid in Egypt it was at the time it didn't have all those crappy tools in them but it looked like an actual tomb I then let people live in here and they trashed it this right here was just extra stuff that we had and then the next building I made was my castle now from the outside it looks kind of neat I have beacons in all four corners but I'm terrible at decorating so I literally only put a throne in here but since building the city around it I I honestly love all of the towers that fit the Scott well you can't really see it but the hospitals over there I like all of the towers that kind of fill up the skyline it's a great thing when I'm coming in here because I now live in here as you can see because we have my chess room I probably ought to clean this stuff up in here we just have like I showed you my old chest room this one takes a lot of stuff from that and just expands it I have furnaces and everything I could need at every single end of all of them and just walls two walls of chests so over here we basically have food and tools we have stone sand we have wood random stuff and the nether stuff mainly over this side this is completely random except for this is gravel over here this is a wall of mob loot and then this is dirt this is dirt and that's cobblestone so it's very meticulous probably like once a month I have to go through and actually like as you can see a lot of the oh I guess that one's not so much a lot of these are just random stuff that I have in the world and I have to go through and sort it all over again right here we have my little guards that chainmail suit took me absolutely forever to get I've been playing on this world for five years and it was about a month ago that I finally got the helmet from killing some stuff by killing a skeleton I believe in my skeleton farm but yeah before I go down there over there I have my own little room and then in there we have my horse Zeus I have another I guess I kind of skipped over but I have another a little stable where I keep my horses over by my house that's pretty new and it's it's kind of boring so we can skip it down here we have let's see if I'd die no I hit the slime block okay good slime blocks used to work pretty well and so that's why there all over the place but down here this is kind of separate from my mind you can see that little sliver right there is where my actual mine is and that's why I had to like build this back up down here we have for a little project I decided I wanted to mine out like the entirety of the basement of the world so in the old xbox360 ition that was where the wall of that side was I don't know that that was the edge of the world but on this side you can't really see it unless I run over there yeah I mean you can kind of start to see how it like heads out that way a little bit more it used to go to the edge yeah you can you can kind of see it now you used to go to the edge that way and then wrap around this place is just ginormous it doesn't necessarily look so much so because it's so short even though it's like I think four or five blocks tall it just feels really short but this spans a good portion of the original Xbox 360 sizes world and so it was kind of fun to screw around with my friends who would be looking on a map and be like where are you and I would be everywhere but this right here used to be what a rail duplicator look like it's again I use a ton of duplication glitches and I have real stuff everywhere it basically is just a lag machine now so I don't want to turn it on again but it would flip rails would come in here and then I had this little machine not on machine but I had this rural railway that would take all of the rails and just shove him in these chests it was such a long process I was terrible at redstone so this to me was the fanciest thing ever it would have like a hopper that would go down here move him up there and then two separate systems with another that would take him all through not too crazy but I was a fan of it uh Tim Enderman everywhere and here is my slime farm it doesn't work anymore because since I moved it to bedrock addition this is no longer a slime chunk so it used to be that I would be able to stand there and just punch him but they would come down through I have a big old room with just platforms real high up here that would come down here the big ones would get hit by the lava become small and then they'd fall over there to the bottom it has since stopped working but I got a ton of slime out of it so it was real nifty here I'll show you the inside of it if you do end up a slime trunk on your world this probably still works you just make these platforms on the chunk like nothing special just a platform you want to make sure to light it up because the slimes can still spawn in lit up chunks whereas other moms will not and then it's just like a flat platform they would spawn on here they'd fall off the edge and then they'd get pushed down into that little thing I showed you down there I looked up a video for it so if you're really interested I would say looking up a slime farm because I don't know who made it but it was a very very good video that I watch but uh yeah I had to eat too I hate getting hungry so I try not to let that happen too much but yeah there's nothing much to hear I just flattened out the entire basement and I've been meaning to do more to it just because obviously I didn't finish because there's a ton of lava over there that I just didn't want to deal with but who knows I might return to that at some point and ya know let's head on back up and I kind of previewed the city a little bit and I showed you some of the towers but I'll give you a little flyover now when we get up here because I I don't I don't think I really want to go in-depth right now just because there's I counted last count I had about 45 and I've built at least five cents so I want to say there's about 50 towers in total throughout the city so I'll just do a nice little flyover let's get a little bit higher yeah just towers upon towers upon towers as far as the eye can see this one right here I'll do a little circle around this one right here that's a little shorter at the base part here this is what we what I told you about Grant Central Station where all of the rails kind of meet up too so if at any point you want to get to the city this will bring you to the southernmost point I'll give you a little look in that right there is one of the rails that goes one of my friends countries but this is where all of the rails throughout the world that are attached to the city lead to and then let's head back up if you want I can make another video to show you every one of these towers I just figured that would take too long for this and this video is going to be long enough so yeah you can kind of get a nice little fly through I do fly through here from time to time just get a little look-see this right here is my tallest tower W CPM tower cuz I have a little clan called W CPM you know sometimes I just stand up here get a good old look at all my towers you know feels like Gotham City when I'm crashed up here that out there I'm not gonna go over there cuz there's not too much over there but that tower right there that one is built when I said that I had friends that wanted to venture out and make their own countries they decided one would go there one would go over there you can't really see it but there's a river that goes between that building that separated them so I thought it'd be funny to make a tower spanning the two countries yeah it's just a little cute see down here I will show you I mentioned the hospital the hospital was by far the biggest building that I've built this thing is massive look you see the castle the castle is 50 by 50 this is I think like 75 by 75 it's incredibly large so yeah we go in here basically only the first floor is decorated and even then you can see it's not that well decorated but I tried to make a little central area that you could look on through from all the floors down here and you have a nice little water fountain in here you have some waiting rooms and a nice little gift shop even though we haven't supplied the gift shop with anything over here you have one of the little doctor's offices and you have your bed we have this is like the emergency department just some rooms in here nothing too crazy I'm not that great at a and even decorating so the fact that I have rooms here is honestly kind of amazing to me okay you guys are getting a little too close for comfort obviously I need to light this oh wow I need to light this place up a little bit better but yeah yeah so not much to that I think there's a cafeteria over there yeah a little cafeteria that I built but as I mentioned I've done almost nothing so like the second floor I don't even have the room set up so that's a project for another day another one to add to ye olde list but uh what next I think I'll show you now I'll show you the I showed you the little sub right how many times can I say that word I showed you the suburbs that I had already and that one was kind of neat but I had a lot of friends who were telling me how they didn't want to have to build on a little plot that I had preassembled just because I kind of limited the space that you got to build on so over here I basically just made a main road and I let people build wherever they want it's it's own little gated community and it would cost you a little bit more to live here because I do clear out these areas and then I sell the plots just because like it takes a lot of time to clear them and we have an economy in the world like I mentioned before and so that's kind of how it runs based on property so we have a few people that have moved in here built some houses that right there when I first built it I wanted to make it a full-on tower like you saw over there but that didn't span out very well because my friends who wanted to build houses said if you build another tower we're gonna blow it up cuz we're sick of him so I built a little I I kind of capped it off and I was gonna put a roof on but then I got lazy I also just love the snowy but I don't know why that went away I love the snowy biome and so I love the idea of just having snow falling around the houses that we have oh there you can see it here so we all just kind of made like a little like a dark tone house with spruce and dark oak and stuff like that and obviously not all of them have finished there's some works in progress but this is a real peaceful place to live just because a lot of the griefing that happens happens over there and this bridge is super long and most people don't want to have to run across it so they don't bother coming over here to grief for the most part and you know knock on wood we haven't had any big grief there yet so this one was kind of like its own little safe gated community Owen coming back I forgot to I forgot to mention to you guys I told you when I was at the prison you know however long ago that we have our own little government building this right here it's a tiny tiny tiny island so I just built a couple of things on it I have the bank over here which is pretty basic basically as you throw diamonds over here they give you your receipt or whatever back and then up there we have like the vault where we keep all the diamonds safely secured by that little dog go in there that would protect anything and wouldn't let anybody bang Wow man you really like attacking me and then over here we have it's called the nonagon because it's a nine sided building it's kind of like the Pentagon's five this one's nine technically it's ten however on this back side over here it's like rounded off so I don't count it as a side yeah but uh right here is a good place to start these are the holding cells so kind of like the prison I showed you earlier if you're in the city and you commit a crime you come in here to one of these holding cells and there's not much to do in here because you're not supposed to be in here for very long but will lock you in here until we have enough people to hold a trial because we believe in fair trials in here and so you'll come in here this is where we have our little courthouse and so you'll come in here usually if I'm not part of it since I am like the king of the world I I will preside over the cases if I am involved I'll let somebody else do it but we have the prosecution in the defense we'll hear a case and then usually we'll decide unless it's something huge like griefing we we usually decide about like a fine or something you know if you killed somebody you got to give him a diamond something small like that just to make he thinks fair so that we don't have rampant crime going anywhere that was the main reason for building the nonagon because we had too many people doing bad things and we figured hey we'll give him a fair trial in our world up here I have my own little office that I can come to if anybody has some grievances they want to give me they can come say to me I had a friend who wanted a job because he couldn't afford to but to pay for one of the plots of land that I built so I decided you know what you can be my little Clerk and so you made his own little desk and for like a couple of days he would just come over and if people wanted to talk to me he would talk to them and then they come to me so that was fun over here we have it's just like a little balcony because I didn't want to make too much space man you are really coming after me I made my own little balcony out here it gives me a great view of the city and I really like it you know something pretty and then up there I'll fly up there real quick at first I went it looks like a UFO and that was the plan initially when I made this I wanted to make a UFO up here just cuz I'd never done anything like it and I wanted something like looming over the city it gives you an incredible view initially after I decided I didn't want to make a UFO I was going to make a house up here but it ended up turning into like its own little temple thing instead and I don't know why but we have a beacon down there that runs through the top of this but it does not want to go through and it doesn't want to show up up here so yeah it's just a nice little house it's a quaint place most people can't get to it because you need both elijah as well as a ton of firework rockets to get up here i say ton but it's like three but most people can't get that in the first place so it's a pretty safe secure pete place that i have some people that come up here from time to time just to sort of chill out so yeah it's pretty nice down here we have i thought it looked like a serpent i have since been told I made an onyx statue like the Pokemon onyx I had a plot here that I was just bored of building towers so I made a nice little sculpture of like a serpent and going through the ground with some lava I thought it was real cute my friends make fun of me because I think it looks stupid and over here I mentioned before that we have a mall we had mind you like I said at the time this was the edge of the world like right where the ice ends even before that this was the edge of the world and we found this cute little ravine down here and we decided rather than just getting rid of it we would keep it and do something with it so we decided to turn it you know into its own little mall so there's not much to it I've made like a little ground area this leads into a mineshaft which I kind of wanted to make like an escape route to escape a room type thing in there but haven't done that yet in here we have like a little map show and then this was the first shop that was over here it's called the block shop I made it because I started to fill up my the big chest room in the castle and I figured you know what if I have any extra space sorry for the cut here but when I went behind the desk to kind of get a view of the shop it turns out somebody had written something very inappropriate on the sign there so I decided to cut and yeah sorry about that that I'm gonna have to blur that out yikes yeah in here we have basically if I have any extra blocks that I just want to throw in here I'll just throw them on in and people are making a build of something they need so much cobblestone or what have you didn't come buy it from me and then over here we have a super suit I made this because I washed looking episode of Futurama and I believe the first one that was how he and like bender met so it used to work redstone has since changed so basically this goes back you walk in there's a delay timer it opens that you fall down it works like the execution chamber there's hoppers at the bottom I can get your stuff yeah a real fun so obviously this is also a work in progress a lot of things if they're very large builds I'll start them and hope other people will join me and rarely do they so I end up making a lot of fists on my own but uh yeah that's basically it for the city if you'd like another video please let me know down below because I don't know there's a lot of towers all of them have their own little story behind them but I figure for something like this you guys don't necessarily want to see that so now I will move on so we had all these towers where Lee and I showed you the W cp/m tower where all of my friends and my clan would meet but we decided now that the city is too big we wanted our own little spot to congregate so we created see if I can do the jump right we created our own mansion this thing pales in comparison to anything else I have ever built like any single project this isn't just a giant mansion I don't know if you can see the absolute scale of it like this was its own little island and we put this house on it so far this is also the guest house which is bigger than even my own mansion these these are just huge so it used to be that you could swim up here although I keep messing it up so you come in here you have the little Lobby and then almost nothing everywhere we're gonna make a little basement at some point but we have the main living area like the main little congregating area with a giant wall that little lake inside of the island is going to be our own pool if you want to spend it if somebody comes over that's not part of our little clan that doesn't have their own room we'll let him stay in the guest house this is also kind of like the little section that attaches to the pool I was going to make a staircase down there although I got lazy and I didn't actually do that so it's pretty bare-bones at this point it was a huge project that I started and I'll head up here because the plan for this is when people come on all of the members of WC p.m. they can each have their own floor make you kind of how they want it's supposed to be its own little area where we can get away from all the fighting and all the crazy stuff within the city because usually when I people come on that are trying to do stuff they're doing stuff in the city and if too many people are there it starts to lag so this was its own little atrium that you could go to to our guest oh wases is a better word that you could go to to just chill out and have fun if either aren't trying to build over there nothing to hear I can fly over there I guess nothing too big this was like a mushroom island at the very bottom of the map that I decided I would make into a at first I tried to live here for a little bit because I was sick of mobs but then I just made it into its own little watchtower so if you if you ever go out venturing and you didn't know how close you were to the city or to civilization or anything this would kind of serve as a little watchtower type thing so you would know you're close to the city but yeah with that being said I think that's about it for the world I do want to show off one more thing and I'll do a little jump cut here but I'm going to go down and take the railway I mentioned that some of my other friends had made some islands they didn't really are their own little countries they didn't do much with them but I do have one friend who did quite a bit and his name is ty and so we're gonna his name's ty so he thought he was real clever calling it Thailand so we're gonna go on an adventure to Thailand okay now that we've finally made it from that incredibly long journey this here is Thailand so to give you a little backstory I kind of explained it earlier but when I first started the world and I played on xbox360 it was obviously a pretty small area and so all of my friends would have to congregate kind of near me and I filled up most of what was the original map and so my friends wanted to go out and start their own little areas within the world and so my friend ty he thought it was very clever by taking the name Thailand and so this is his own little country so the way the rules kind of work I'm technically illegal right now when you would come over to a new country you would drop all your stuff off at the old country and normally like here where someone would first come in you would have like a little check point which is what this was kind of meant to be where they just check you for everything make sure you didn't have contraband and then you'd restart basically like a new survival kind of thing at the new country with all new stuff and so we had some fun with it I think this is probably the best part of the country at least my favorite part when we moved here my friend ty is a huge fan of Star Wars he is in deep with the prequel means and so he wanted to make something Star Wars related at first he wanted to make the Millennium Falcon or a Death Star or something crazy like that above that mountain up there and I'm like what if we chill that out and just made a a Jedi Temple so this is basically a replica of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant actually here I'll give you a little flyby look at it this is meant to emulate the Jedi Temple on Coruscant obviously it doesn't have all of the like spires and things that are at the top of it in the actual Star Wars universe because we're not that fancy much like everything else in this world it is hollow so I don't want to go inside because it's filled with mobs but this was one of the cooler things because mind II we had come to a new island and so yeah we were not in Island but like this new little area and so we didn't have a lot so this took a very long time to make and we're very proud of it so yeah over here we have beside sort of like the core of the civilization that we'd built not many people came over so we only have a handful of houses here is technically my house because I have an embassy over there that I'll show you in a moment but he told me I had to have my own house and so I built this little tiny thing out of the resources that I just had left over and called it a day up there is his house he wanted he wanted to live in the side of the mountain and so I said you know what go forward it is your country so he built up here I'll show off his house a little bit nothing too crazy got his bed which he also used to have his bed over this way I'm not sure why he moved it I guess you wanted to put some chests and stuff get a nice little view over there you can see my embassy yeah his is sprawled out in very weird ways somewhere over here oh you can see right here here's the cave with his nether portal that we connected those through the nether which I guess I didn't show that before there's nothing too crazy the nether if you remember in the old versions of Minecraft he used to be able to reset them so I used to not really have much of anything but since moving it up to here with one another I made this little tunnel this just links up to my another portal over here there's absolutely nothing about it that's fancy whatsoever I just have this linking them up that's all there is to it I don't even have like a nether hub it's just a walkway so yeah nothing too big we just have that going back here though these are mainly like the only houses that we actually have and then as you saw in my city I absolutely love making towers so on each country you would be able to have one building that represented your city which is your embassy and so obviously I made a tower and so this thing is just huge it's it's one of the bigger ones if it were in the actual city it would be bigger than most of them it has just a bunch of floors to it I also have for some reason the only farm because I made a farm over here because like I said before I love making farms and then my friends would just come over here to steal my food anyway so basically I was like the little hub for their world I had a couple of chests in here although they ransacked quite a bit of it when I moved back to my city I have a little enchanting area for a time there we had a couple of friends that my friend ty did not want coming in to his little country so we decided since my Embassy is my own country they could still come over here and they basically just lived in my basement for a while so yeah that was fun that caused a couple of little Wars and yeah just a nice little basement nothing too crazy so I figure to end this world tour we may as well head to the end I'll catch you guys in a minute all right so we're back now and before we even go to the end I figured I'd show you this I kind of alluded to it a few times there's a few different things within here but I told you about I had that other mansion over there well I have another one that I built here that is right in the heart of the city right outside we had plans to add some more mansions kind of over here like before b2w cp/m mentioned we had thought every member would be able to build their own mansion but then I don't know I guess I was the only one who ever actually did it so let's go inside so when you come on in it's it's not that well decorated honestly it's just the first floor like I mean this is common theme now I I don't decorate terribly well so I have a bunch of chests really only fill this one up from when I was cleaning the whole area out and when I first found this spot it was I mean this entire area was nothing it was just a bunch of patches of kind of like swampy area so where I am right now was just straight up water this entire area was water and maybe about starting camera that fireplaces there was a bit of an island and so this right here was just kind of water and when I first found the end portal I was like well that's kind of weird and so if you head on down here I'd basically dug straight down I broke the first rule of minecraft this right here is a little room that I never actually really cared about I built it with the intention of putting some stuff here I put a little bit but I I never really cared about it and I've just kind of ignored it ever since but upon going down there you can sort of see the stronghold where I found the end portal but I also found and this was the XP forum that I was telling you about that I first found access to but I you know I I didn't really have a I didn't have the house up above it or any civilization so honestly I just built this out here to get easy access this is where my first ever XP farm was so I'll head upstairs this is part of a cave system but I kind of like wrangled it around so actually let me turn the light on first so if you turn on the light on you can see I have an a spawner right there if you look very close you can see that it's a skeleton spawner oddly enough when I started the world like oh you can see one spawn two when it was on the 360 it was actually a zombie spawner which I just find it's very weird that it's switched to this just right next to where that dirt was you can kind of see the cobblestone initially it had a little path to where this was a few blocks higher they would swim up go all the way around and they would fall down into this little controls into this little contraption that I had and if I wanted to make it just a grinder that would fall into the hopper and their items would be spawn I did not see spawn they would fall down but since then actually I'm just going to shut the light off and close that since then it turned into this and the way they work changed and so you can see the little hole down there where they now fall under there and fall even farther so I kind of had to rebuild I didn't really be rebuilt I kind of just had to move this so this is a little obsolete at this point but now if you head on down here it'll probably be some down there for me to kill you know I'm down here and you have a couple of little Skelly bellies and you can just punch them there one punch and they'll give you some XP and that's how I got to the absurdly high level that you see right now but yeah so I found that by accident because it's like I said there's a cave system up there so I found that one by accident when I was trying to look for this bad boy now I probably ought to do something with all this stuff I have here I just know the route you head straight in and you hang a left and down here we have the glorious end portal obviously I've changed it up a little bit I got rid of the silvers the what are they called silverfish sorry the silverfish spawner I got rid of that because it was just bugging me too much and I kind of like what the lava flow down instead of being in little pools I built this little thing because just like the nether used to be able to at first you didn't be able to but then they made its where you could reset the end and before that ever happened I mean I kind of just jump in before that ever happened I filled the entire end with water and then I had and I built a little ender ender and then they made it to where you could reset it and that was the only way to get a light Shura and so I had to reset the whole thing and so there isn't much here yet I have plans to build something I would like to build an ender ender I just haven't done that yet obviously you can see I've defeated him a few times and I have a few of the little end islands I think one or two of them has a city but they're infinite now so you can get basically anything you want but yeah with that being said I don't think there's anything else that I missed out this should be pretty encompassing I missed a couple of the other countries that we have just because there's almost nothing there I can get that in a different video sometime but yeah let me know down below if there's anything that you think you would like for me to see like I said I've I've mentioned a few times I really don't know if you want to see it I have about 50 towers I think and didn't go through room here if you'd like to see a whole nother video with that I can do that because like I said each of them has its own little story each of them took quite a while to build and yeah there's a rich history behind them so if you want to see that please let me know button below if there's any other projects or anything you'd like to see input in this world I love to know it down below because you know it if you get to this point you start to kind of run out of ideas but with that being said I really hope you guys enjoyed that and if you really liked it I would love it if you would stick around and hit me with a subscribe but yeah with all that being said thank you guys for watching Troost Kenda [Music] [Music]
Channel: TendedTadpole2
Views: 427,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Survival world tour, minecraft xbox, minecraft xbox world tour, world tour, Tendedtadpole2, tendedtadpole2, minecraft world tour, xbox minecraft, cool minecraft, cool minecraft world, cool minecraft buildings, minecraft towers, minecraft tour, tendedtadpole2 world, tendedtadpole2 minecraft, tendedtadpole2 minecraft world, tendedtadpole2 xbox, xbox
Id: yEiNqMZlnVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 37sec (4057 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2019
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