Hollywood's UNREALISTIC Weight Loss Standards (The TRUTH)

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okay so let's actually get into this so i i'm really glad that you were you were down to come on to the to the stream and talk um dude the way that we ended up interacting you you popped into one of my streams one day and like let's just be real i saw your name and you had the little verified thing next to it i was like oh what the heck this i think you were the first person that came into my stream that was like has been verified on on twitch partner yeah that's what they call it um and so i was like oh what the heck and then we start talking and then that day we got you in a game of among us and then i mean since then we've been friends like we i talked we talked pretty frequently yeah well i've followed you on on instagram for like four years or something i don't know i don't know how i stumbled across you but i saw uh i don't know i saw one of your posts of like before and i think it was when you were still losing weight and you were cutting and i unfollow a lot of people on instagram and you were one of the ones that stayed i'm like man this guy's story is really interesting and and it was impressive and but you know you're just one of the you joe rogan you know all the big dogs sitting sitting in my insta and then one day i saw you're on twitch and i'm like i'm on twitch i gotta check this out and i was like hey could you talk to people because i just i just got on twitch and i was like hey man you're like hey dude next thing you're playing among us and here we are so so i i do want to kind of go into that so i think it's it's interesting i think what would make the most sense is if you could explain like why you stream on twitch because i think that your story there is interesting and then and then maybe if you could talk about why even my story resonates with you at all um i think that would make the most sense yeah the twitch thing happened i am for those of you that don't know me chad i work i've been working yeah that's we should yeah 25 years yeah um and so you're you're you're a great actor and you're handsome and yeah no i i it's kind of been my career you know i've been living in la for the last 11 years just grinding it out i was grinding it out for 15 years and i picked up you know a fair amount of work along the way but there's still a lot of work to do as there always is um and a few years ago [Music] i did a a game twitch is like a gaming platform and quite a following came with the game that i that i worked on and people kept saying oh you know do you stream do your stream and i'm just what is what is this streaming you're talking about and you know i was i knew netflix and what have you i didn't really know about twitch or streaming on youtube for that matter one of my really good friends his cousin had was like twitch stream and he's like man you should try it he he does it and he's got all these people that follow him and he tried to explain what it was and i didn't know anyway whatever i downloaded it on my phone and uh one day we were shooting a short film me and my buddy he's a voice in another video game and afterwards we were having a beer and playing batman and i said should i turn the twitch on he goes yeah turn it on so we turned it on and we were playing batman and i and i had the just the uh my iphone like set up looking at the screen with us sitting in front of it oh my gosh yeah you know i'd set up the account or whatever and we had like 110 people there having a ball and it kind of just organically grew from there i got i got an xbox and started streaming through that and uh a little webcam and and it's just kind of kind of grown and it's great you know working as an actor you don't really get to interact with an audience as frequently as you do um with something like streaming oh dude yeah you know what i'm saying i've always made my own content it's more been film-based content which you know you've you've done like a lot more sort of content creation which there is a lot more involvement and interaction whereas film it's it's not really quite the same so twitch has been amazing you know to find my audience um who like what i do and and i guess build that community and i'm still learning a lot as i go i don't really know what i'm doing but i'm getting better there's a lot there's there's a lot to learn um i know that you have to be a little bit cryptic but like i just kind of want to like you you are a voice in a a popular video game and what's really cool about your stream is that you can play as that character and it's your voice so you hear you talking and then the character's voice is the same like it's just it's such a trippy experience and i can only imagine someone that loves the game especially if they're like that's my favorite character to use and they can see the the person whose voice it is playing like it's it's a trip man it's really cool yeah i've done i've done a few video games i've done three three or four video games now um and it is it's strange it's a strange experience because for film work like you know you watch yourself on screen and you're not really going to sit there watching your films over and over and over again that would be a bit weird that would be very weird i'm sure i'm sure there are actors that do it um but uh i don't i'm not one of them but you know but with gaming if you happen to perform in a game that you like you're going to play it i did you know a call of duty and you do the campaign and you hear your voice and it's it's kind of wild because especially if you're playing as the character how did you get into like voice acting for video games like how did that even come about um like all my like all my work um i you know started out acting i did drama school i think for for eight years from when i was 12 until about 21 or 22 and then i did a lot of random courses and um i did some voice over and uh accent courses and then when i finished drama school my cousin was actually the director of drama for australian broadcasting corporation it's called abc radio it's like abc in america but in australia and she'd occasionally get me in for for radio plays and poetry readings and things like that and then that kind of took off and moved into more commercial work um i had an agent that used to get me commercial work uh so in australia i was doing a lot of that and then moving to the states you know i got a voice over agent straight away and started being submitted to commercial work and then and video games and but it is fun there's something special about it yeah how how long does like how long is the process is it like one day you're like saying all the lines like how does that work i know we're getting into this but it's just interesting to me like yeah i mean i've had different experiences on on the different games that i've worked on it really depends uh if it depends what sort of game it is but yeah generally you'll go in for as much time as it takes to record depending on the game if it's like a one-off game you might do it once if it's an ongoing game you might get called on in for more work it it all kind of it all kind of depends so okay so i kind of want to get into like how you found me and and why why you would even be interested in following someone that has lost a lot of weight because i know that you have your own like weight loss story so i'd love to hear you know that that story as well i think it'd be interesting yeah so i i think i honestly can't remember how i came across your um your page i may have even been googling loose skin or something i may have found a youtube video i honestly can't remember it was quite a long time ago it was when i was living in la um and the reason it would have been interesting to me is i when i was a teenager at school i had parents that just kind of in a very loving way left me to my own devices you know they're like you go out and explore the earth on your own and you know i think i told them from a very young age i will make my decisions in my life and they're like okay so i didn't really have much discipline when it came to food and i remember i'd always go shopping with dad on on saturdays and he he grew up with in war-torn england in the i think yeah the 40s or late 30s mid-30s um and they were very sort of you know tight with rationing and tight with with their money and um as a necessity you know he's very generous man but he was he never went and just filled the fridge with abundances of unnecessary food and so i remember like i remember as a kid always going into the fridge and there wasn't that much food and what was there i would eat it in a day because of i don't know why some probably some trauma i had of not getting food for a couple of days when i was very very young and so then i'd have a week with that there just wouldn't be enough food for my liking in the fridge and i remember i you know i'd go around to uh to friends houses and i'd eat a double dinner i'd eat dinner at their house and um then i'd come home and eat whatever was cooked for me at home and after school i'd find you know a little bit of spare change and go and buy a bag of we call them mixed lollies but candies and i knew nothing about nutrition you know that was one thing i'd never been taught anything i didn't know what a carb was i didn't really know what fat was i didn't know what protein was i didn't learn that until i was in my 20s but anyway i had a very sort of chubby period of time as a teenager at school and i got teased a lot uh which i was just awful i really had a you know it was i found it very very hurtful um because at the time it was something i had no control over i just i didn't have the knowledge to know you know how to change it how to lose weight i was always super active i played sports every day um and i was probably very fit but i i like i gobbled it up and i was never like big but i was chubby i remember like every time i take my top off from the age of probably 12 to 17 being very very self-conscious um and just not knowing what to do i had a huge growth spurt i was tiny little kid little chubby redhead freckles bad teeth i had it all and uh i had a growth spurt when i was about 17 and i i lost a lot of the weight and then in my early 20s i think i went through my first heartbreak and it just tore me to pieces and i went partying for a couple of years and put myself through the ringer and then when i finally when that started taking its toll i was like all right you know you gotta you gotta fix yourself and i was uh working with an amazing uh counselor at the time who was one of the best teachers i'd ever had and i think he wanted to like ground me and he's like you need to eat properly i want you to eat lots of solid foods do you i don't know do we have magnum ice creams in america yes it's like i want you eating magnum ice creams meat pies it's actually a line from one of the jobs i worked on which comes back to haunt me a lot um you know just these really sort of calorie dense foods pastries and i blew out i think i was like 70 kilos you're gonna have to do this the maths into pounds and i blew up to um to 100 in six months and i kind of i was such a mess at the time just within myself that i didn't i knew it was happening but i didn't really know i was smoking cigarettes at the time and i was very very unhealthy and very miserable but i still had this burning desire like i want to be a movie star i want to be an actor like it's what i've always wanted to do it's just been my were you were you trying to were you like trying to act at that time and was that like kind of do you feel like that was causing you issues or no i think i was at drama school at the time okay um and i was so i've always been so committed to to my craft and um i've always put everything into it uh with the resources and knowledge that i've had available at any given time but through i think it was second year drama school i kept booking work i was getting lots of really good jobs and you're not supposed to work when you're at drama school because i want you to be focused on on your studies and i was like that's the only reason i'm here is to work yeah but funnily enough i'm one of the only ones still still going i was a bit of a ragged muffin at the time i actually got kicked out of drama school and then a year later they let me back in but through this time i was just gobbling up whatever i wanted and being a couch potato and and then i booked a commercial for nesquik nestle quick do you have quick in america yeah nesquik yeah the most delicious thing in the world is it the rabbit is it the rabbits that's still the mascot okay yeah same same yeah same same so we're in australia we have this stuff called milo which if you're in california you can go to um a coffee shop chain australian called bluestone lane and they actually serve milo and it's like quick but it's chunkier and crunchier and that's what i was gobbling down to get quite large and uh anyway so i got this commercial for nesquik before this commercial was shot for the few months leading up to it i've been saying to my mum mum am i getting fat like you know you you know you are but you're in denial you're messed up in the head it's like no you're gorgeous you're not putting them weight don't be ridiculous you just can't trust the mom you can't you know like mum just she just wanted me to feel loved and happy you know anyway i got this is when vhs's were around and i i've done the commercial it got sent to me in the mail and i'm like mum the commercial's here i can put it on my show reel should we watch it and she's like oh yeah yeah so we sit down we have a little screening of a 15 second commercial down the straight tastes good but and it freeze frames on me like this i'll get the right angle right but back then it was like this and it just went like at night and i turned around and i go mum you've been lying to me and she's like what okay i've got nine bloody chins oh you look lovely and that night the second i saw that commercial everything changed i went and got uh for whatever reason i was getting an acupuncture session the next day and the uh eastern medicinal practitioner i said to it how do i lose weight i feel like i'm getting fat and she said what do you ate do you eat a lot of carbs protein i don't know what to do yeah you're like uh food i don't know i just she goes what did you eat yesterday and i said um three coffees and 14 toasted ham cheese and tomato sandwiches she's like um did you put sugar in your coffee and i went yep and she goes how much sugar and i said two and a half teaspoon two and a half teaspoons of coffee she goes do you know how long it takes you to burn off a teaspoon of sugar and i went no and she goes you would have to run for 45 minutes and i said i don't run and she goes oh dear do you butter the bread and i go yes both sides yes do you eat let me guess white bread yes how much cheese do you put in two slices per sandwich she just goes oh my god anyway she goes look uh we're nearly finished for the session but there's three macronutrients she didn't call them that approach fats carbs uh you probably don't ever want to eat a carbohydrate again i think you've had enough to last you a lifetime uh i go what do i actually and she wrote a really quick meal plan every single day for about three years i i started working out every day overnight and started eating i just remember my lunch meals and the other meals were kind of similar i think it was eggs for breakfast for lunch a tin of tuna a cucumber a can of corn tinned corn delicious i'd drink the juice too and uh maybe like sliced up tomatoes salt and pepper that was it so that's like that's it's so funny hearing you say that because like that's i i make i joke about it all the time but my like i'm not a chef and i don't try to be so my meals are so basic if people just like don't believe me i'm like i'm telling you man basic food that like that you will can commit to actually making and as long as it tastes good to you like maybe i wouldn't drink the juice from a corn thing but martin would so it works for him i'd also drink the tuna juice too i'm not oh no you did not so it's basically salt water i loved it but yeah but that was it that was and that was the first time i went because i used to smoke cigarettes when i stopped smoking cigarettes i was like i've got to start running and uh yeah i started running i've run i've slowed down now because i was just getting too skinny but i've run consistently for the last yes 17 17 years really have you ever have you ever done any like any races like half marathon marathon anything like that no i did a uh i did a half marathon no i did a i think it's called the porti twilight i think it's 6.7 kilometers like a 10k yeah and i was beating professional triathletes when i did it i remember a girl i knew was like proper professional triathlete and i smoked her so i was i got pretty pretty into i love running running's just to me magic yeah um but i am trying to cut back a bit on it so like for you i'm kind of curious about so like you ate like that for you said it was like a few years what have you like learned since that point like would you do that now or like what have you changed since since eating like you know cancer corn yeah so through that i mean i've done so many different um styles of eating i don't really want to call them diets but um you know i've done keto i did keto solidly and and when i do something i commit a hundred percent so i did keto exactly as i learned it at the time which was you know trick your body into complete ketosis and um i think i'd eaten i did two weeks just fatten um and meat and you know started getting tremendous results i got shredded i did it for three months but i remember i think on the second week after i tricked my body into keto it said now you've got to cut like carb load for one day you have to and i i mean this is i ate a whole i went to the supermarket and i bought a huge thing of coco pops which i think puffs in america yeah two liters of chocolate milk and i sat in bed on a sunday and ate the whole thing and that was just a tiny portion because my body's just going like feed me man i had blisters all over my tongues from the amount of salt that was in that [ __ ] you know it's crazy so i've tried a lot of different uh you know ways of of getting in shape and and i'm very committed at the gym i go to the gym you know at least six days a week um and i've gotten so far i've got into very good shape but i've never been able to look in the mirror and went you got the body you want you know and it's interesting only i think when we were talking a month ago i said what's the best book on nutrition you've you've ever read and you've mentioned the david goggins one and i listened to that and then i did some more research and um and i've been studying meal plans and and how to really change your body composition and i've i've been eating what i would consider now a really healthy meal plan for the last two weeks it's to cut um i want to see what my body looks like when i've just got rid of all excess body fat and i actually can't believe that i'm eating cleaner better more carbohydrate than i've eaten in years because i've been pretty much keto-based for a few years and i'm looking in the mirror and my body's just looks like [ __ ] yeah so when you got energy it's great when you started adding in like the carbs like basically switching off a kid was that hard for you mentally like was that like a struggle i'd gotten pretty fixed in my head like that carbs were the devil you know if i'm if i'm honest um but i was also very aware that i'm highly la i was highly lacking in nutritional knowledge you know as much as i knew and i knew a lot i knew more than your average beer like i've been able to keep in pretty good shape now consistently since i've but yeah 17 years i've never gotten fat i know there's no chance of that ever happening again um but i wasn't good enough to really change my body composition to the way where i can look in the mirror and go hell yes yeah so i don't i don't want to cut you off but i think like that's such an important point man because like there are so many people and like i this is myself too like i'm not trying to say i'm better than anyone but like there are so many people that like if you look on instagram or youtube that have lost a lot of weight themselves yep but you can tell bananas no well no no that too but like they've lost a lot of weight themselves but you can tell at least i can tell by talking to them they have no idea how how they did it actually like if you were to actually talk to them they will will almost say something similar to what you did at the beginning of eating corn and tuna and like they just did that i'm like yeah that stuff will work but what extent exactly like what what's after that right and like the fact that you were you're able to you were you were able to see that and you're able to admit it to yourself i think it's important yeah there's a lot of people when you when you get the results of losing 100 pounds or whatever it might be you think oh i know i know what to do i know what works it's like you know what works to lose weight but if you get to a point where you've lost the weight and now you're looking at your body or maybe even you're you're thinking about your performance you're like man i'm not performing the way that i want or i don't look the way that i want to look it's like it's there's more to weight loss there's more to being fit and being healthy than just weight loss you know it's about adding in some muscle it's about like performing better in the gym stuff like that so that's why it's i get frustrated when i see people that you can tell that they just lost weight and they think that the way they lost weight is the only way that you can lose weight like that's why like you've been talking about keto and like i personally personally for me i i don't want to ever try keto like i just i like carbs but i try to do my best i'm not the best at it but i try to do my best not to make someone feel bad if that's something that they're doing you know yeah like i i'll make jokes and stuff but i won't truly be like you're an idiot if you're doing keto like if it works for you then then it works for you um but i think like it's so important to understand like just because it worked for you at that moment like to lose weight doesn't mean that that's what you need to stick to for the rest of your life you know absolutely and i think i think you're right and i think there's difference there's different sort of stages of physical development and transformation and i think you know stage one if you're overweight is losing weight get that fat off you because it will kill you you know and that could be metaphorically you know it will make you tired it will make you not want to exercise it will make you not as attractive to the partners you want to make you know there's just a whole string of things that come with it um and getting that weight off cut out the majority of the crap and you'll do it most people to lose weight stop eating junk food get off the sugary drinks um you know eat as much and i would say to anyone who's who's really overweight eat as much like corn and tinned tuna and whatever as you want as long as you're not eating burgers and pizzas and pie you know that will get you potentially out of the danger zone you know and maybe get you to fit into the clothes you want yeah but then you know and i saw it from watching you like you shred it down it was incredible what you did but then all of a sudden your arms just started getting bigger and bigger and bigger and of course it's because of the roids yeah yeah and the banana and the banana diet but um no but and and i really uh you know i've known that i had enough knowledge to get to a certain point and it served me for a while but man i'm auditioning to have fight scenes again so i went for an audition to go for a fight scene against jason mamoa and i walked into the audition and i'm like yeah my head shot looks like the guy they want but i bought three t-shirts in there going i hope casting doesn't notice that i'm maybe not quite as big as him come on you know and i've and and the the sort of auditions that i get i'm moving more into that realm of you know those leading characters and i personally i don't have the size i just don't i'm not i'm not in my opinion i'm not big enough to sort of do the work that i want to do and so i saw your arms growing you're like i'm eating carbs and another thing that i found really helpful was you being so comfortable within your skin because you know i don't have like a lot of loose skin but there's a bit there you know and and i've always been super self-conscious of it and i've thought about having surgery and um i i did the i did the what was it the cool freeze freeze free oh yeah yeah one of those cool cool school sculpt yeah you know and it all it all helped it all did bits but nothing like learning about nutrition learning what my you know bmr is and then you know how much extra energy i'm expending through my through my workouts and then realizing like what my macro balance should be and realizing what kind of deficit i should be in to strip healthily and still be getting you know the sustenance that my body needs you know and i've never had that before and i think that's the next phase of body transformation for me is going i'm gonna master this you know i'm gonna cut and then i'm gonna bulk um and i'm gonna do it safely with with knowledge so that i'm confident that i really do know what i'm doing and it takes a lot of work and um and that's i'm super excited to be taking measurements and weighing myself and man i got a set of kitchen scales in there and to the gram i measure my balsamic vinegar you know i don't go off my meal plan and if i do i know about it and i'm prepared to take the hit um but i think it's the only way that i'm ever going to get myself to a place where i feel in control like really in control of sculpting myself in the way that i want to and a lot of it is for vanity and it is for work you know yeah so i kind of want to um talk about i know that you have something really cool coming up so you have a your your own movie coming out correct yep would you is that what it would be called would it be called your own movie i don't know that all works all right cool so yeah tell us about that so is this is this the first the first movie that you've written and directed that's like going to be releasing yeah yeah i've well i've made short films before um i've worked as a producer on feature films but they haven't been my film they haven't been my my project but this is the first full-length feature film that i've i've written directed produced starting um and it's been going for four years i've wrote it after my mum passed away about four years ago and i went through a breakup with this girl that i was seeing and i was just you know you hit those points where you're going through a lot and in the past i may have gone out and you know had big nights on the town and chased too many ladies and done all you know all the silly things that we do when we're distracting ourselves from actually dealing with our problems and so i wrote a film that's you know it's a cautionary tale about when you have issues arise in your life deal with them swiftly efficiently and gracefully um or they'll compound and this is the cautionary tale of what happens to a guy when when he doesn't you know and and the other thing you know that that's what the film's about but also for me with everything i was going through i went i'm in i'm in a bit of a pickle within myself right now i need to work through this what's the best way that i can do it that's going to help me help others and hopefully you know contribute to the greater good and it was do something positive you know focus this into your art don't do any self-destructive things don't overeat don't you know don't drink too much don't don't don't go out chasing all the ladies yeah don't all the things that i used to i used to do to distract myself and um it's been a long four years um not because i've been grappling with any of that stuff but because the film making of films it's a challenge yeah you know and it's it's nearly done i'm just doing the end credits at the moment so yeah i'm really excited to to put it out there and see where it goes sweet man it'd be cool to like see it on like netflix and be like alright cool man just watch it at home or something like that that'd be crazy we'll probably do a screening on on discord or something first yeah yeah we definitely we definitely have to do that for sure like whenever whenever you want like we can we can definitely figure something out um but sweet man i mean i appreciate you you taking the time to talk is there is there anything else that you would like i like to ask this question before i end like these these like conversations if there was like one thing you could say to either you know your former self or someone that was in in your position when you first started like losing weight basically like for you it's less just about losing weight but taking like actually control of your life right like what would you what would you say to that person or yourself no one's gonna give it to you whatever you want in your life no one's gonna give it to you and if they do you're not gonna appreciate it i think you know with any anything that you really want whether it's uh happy relationships or uh you know a body that you feel comfortable in for whatever your purposes are um you know financial freedom whatever it is if you don't go out and learn how to do it yourself and then put what you've learned into practice you'll be in the same spot you are until you do and what you know watching my mum die four years ago mum had a really sad drinking problem um which ultimately killed her i've really am watching my dad now who has dementia you know i don't i know for myself personally i do not want to get to you know the end of my life even if that's tomorrow i don't want to get to tomorrow and look back and go i didn't i should have done it i should have done it i don't ever want to have regret and i think um the only insurance policy against that is don't waste a second if there's something that you want to do if there's something you want to say to somebody um you got to just do it you know and i think that the level of self-respect um that comes with that is astonishing you know i've really started getting the hang of it in the last few years and um i'm proud to just be me now you know so that would be my advice do it no one's going to do anything for you and if they do you don't want it awesome man yeah it makes sense that it explains all those weird texts you send me all the time you're like i guess like he just he has to say it you can't i love you man oh you love me so much
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 28,273
Rating: 4.9245281 out of 5
Keywords: john glaude, martin copping, weight loss, fat loss
Id: 9nPa94JAMZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 33sec (1953 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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