My Mario Challenge Videos Tier List

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so Super Mario Bros wonder is coming out in about a month or so a little under a month at this point and I have made 40 different Mario Challenge videos and since the game is coming out I've been kind of trying to lay lay low for a little bit since my life's about to get very very hectic uh with Mario Bros wonder you can expect a lot of videos on that game a much higher output of videos too so I thought today let's just go ahead and check out all the older videos and also make a tier list and see which ones were hardest and easiest so the very first challenge video I ever made was New Super Mario Bros Wii trying to touch all the coins so I'll be watching just bits and pieces of it just to get a good idea of how difficult it was since a lot of these I don't remember at all then I ran into these coin blocks you have to pound over and over and remember that you get a burst of five coins when you empty the block out yeah so that was honestly so much more annoying than you would imagine and you'll see why in a second the two death pits side by side no matter how quickly I moved I always lost last a couple so that coin splatter I'm actually very very concerned about that and Mario Bros Wonder because you can get coins with enemies which I might end up doing when i'm doing the all coins challenge I'll turn on the badge where you get coins from enemies and the coin split away like that as well in that game so I might be dealing with the same issues I did here one two involved a ton of brick breaking since I didn't know which bricks had coins and which didn't there was a p-switch room two yeah so this was before I started to use maps of the game I was just kind of like playing casually and just finding all the coins that I could but in the later videos I do actually find the coins um even like the hidden ones that are really hard to get which I think made the challenge a lot harder so this challenge in particular I feel like wasn't that difficult compared to the others so this one was super damn hard trying to do that yeah let's come back to this later 2-3 is a really dark level yeah and I did a weird thing where basically I would like if I couldn't do a level I would just pass it instead of finding a solution I don't know why I did that it was like I could have just I don't know spent more time on that it's just kind of weird now me controlling four players that can't be done right okay this was still one of the craziest things I've ever done because this was all me controlling it right I don't remember what my setup was but it was pretty nuts that's right okay so for being the first challenge I think at the time I probably would have thought it was like the most impossible thing ever but you know looking back I have definitely done much more difficult challenges like I would say just because there was only like two or three levels that I was stumped on I would put this at like see your Beats here let's put this at B tier I think now in case you don't know us while we are doing this in order of release so the next one that we did was Super Mario 3D World all coins I think this one might have been around the same difficulty but I don't really remember because it's been so long Okay so this level I remember I think was impossible yeah this level is definitely impossible and the coins did not infinitely respawn but it was also one of those things you could Skip and again this was still the beginning of the challenge video so I wouldn't play every single level I would just skip stuff just trying to beat the game oh yeah this level was actually really hard I remember this there all four of them and get the green star so I tried grabbing a second character and use and use it forgot what I did because I'm pretty sure I actually did it and then this happened and then this happened yeah that was just coin luck yeah yeah I forgot that was very very difficult that took me probably like an hour hour and a half to do just that one part of the level yeah it doesn't look like I um really got that stump there was only a couple stages again yeah so this is the level where I got stumped and I remember this because there were coins on the top and coins at the bottom and I couldn't get both of them okay so I really only got stumped again like on two or three levels I think a majority of the levels really weren't that difficult so I think for that reason I'm gonna give this one like a high C tier because there was definitely some pretty damn hard ones but honestly I feel like Mario Bros Wii was even more challenging now this next one Mario 64. um this one was not really that difficult at all honestly uh the coins here don't aren't really that hard I will watch a little bit of the video but I know it's gonna be detier it's gonna be incredibly easy and I remember I got a lot of uh comments about um in particular that there's like impossible coins like there's an impossible Goomba one of the Bowser levels and like I was aware of all that uh but I didn't bring it up in the video so I guess maybe I should have done that but it didn't really seem that important because it's like why why would I count like you know just like a random Goomba that's sitting on like a death floor you know because Mario 64 is it's kind of difficult to do a coin challenge for this I feel like I almost shouldn't have just because it's so easy to do and the coins really they're just like for health right they're not like oh you get points for it or whatever I mean you do get points for it but the main point is for health okay yeah you know now that I've kind of watched this over a little bit this is definitely like a d tier one I'm still pretty confident keeping that they're that honestly might be one of the easiest challenge ever done and that was all I did for 2018 because these were all the 2018 videos uh man I'll never forget this time like these videos were taking off like crazy like I have never had a period of time when my channel was growing so quickly I it was like this video this Mario Bros we all coins it got like 2 million views in a week like I have never had a video uh perform that well ever again like I've had some videos do like a million views a week uh quite a few times but two million one week that's like unheard of for like a Mario videos uh it was pretty wild um so let's go ahead and we're jumping right into 2019 so this is new Super Mario Bros U Deluxe touching all coins now this one probably going to be a V tier maybe an a tier I remember this one was very very tough but again I remember very very little of it to ensure I didn't miss any coins I dove into the coding of the game and found every hidden I also don't know why I called this like the code of the game this is literally just the map but yeah this was when I farted finally started to use maps and really take um these challenges a bit more seriously like I was really pushing to make them better and better and better the point I needed um at this point yeah I personally think once we hit 2019 that's really uh when these videos start to get a lot better like I feel like the 2018 videos are fine but I don't know once we got to 2019 I feel like the quality went up a lot just in general one I had to use a combination of bubbling characters after launching them and keeping One Alive at the bottom it was messy but I got all the coins dude so many wonky strategies I I'm honestly so curious if Mario Bros Wonder is gonna have weird strategies like this game did as well I forgot how weird the strategies I think I actually did this right this happened okay so yeah this little wow that was that was a pretty insane strategy this honestly could be an eighth year difficulty I mean that that's pretty nuts I remember I think I spent like close three to four days on on uh this game and Luigi U which he doesn't might not sound that long but like that's a pretty long time just for a challenge like this oh my God yes I remember this too okay there's actually a lot of hard levels this is probably gonna be an a tier oh my God I remember this part oh God it was innocent enough but let's see what happens yeah it just Rains Down coins absolute nonsense and this is oh the old one yeah it was possible but it was so much damage boosting you had to do [Applause] oh my God I can't believe that happened that was insane that one definitely an eight tier not the hardest thing I've ever done but that was uh that was definitely up there as being insanely difficult okay let's see what's next so this one this one's stupid uh new Super Mario Bros with my feet I actually think I'm gonna put this in D tier believe it or not like you would think this would be really challenging but I don't remember it being that hard bro I didn't even wear socks I could have worn socks but I didn't why yeah so I actually do remember a lot of this video and the main culprit honestly was just getting foot cramps but like even then it wasn't that big of a deal like as long as I took breaks like every hour or two for even just a few minutes my feet were normally fine but I I remember I think like one level one of the castle levels was a little bit challenging but that's about it I think it was this one yeah I think that was like the only one that I remember struggling with that was about it but otherwise this was very doable so that that's definitely a detier one of the easiest ones like I've ever done okay and our next one okay so this is just new Super Mario Bros DS all coins I do remember a couple of levels were super challenging but I don't think it was that bad it'll probably end up being like b-tier I think this one might have been kind of hard oh Jesus was this possible of course is I can't get all these coins at once yeah I don't think so I remember this level yeah this level was pretty tough but I counted out the coins and yes I did get all ten so after all of that wow that was very very close and I remember there was a level in world seven that was also very very challenging well the plan didn't quite work out because like I said Mega Mario just isn't big it's not big enough oh okay all right I totally forgot this is crazy like I feel like a lot of these videos I I remember none of it just because I've made so many videos in the past that's pretty wild and that's basically the final count wow a lot of these were actually possible that's kind of nuts I don't know if I want to put this in braids here because both of these are pretty crazy I mean I would almost say it's harder than like Mario Bros Wii so I'm gonna say I'm gonna put it as like harder but I'm not gonna put it as an aid it's like a high beat here uh next we've got oh this is already an S so this video I mean it's my most popular video on the channel beating Mario 64 DS without Mario um I don't even need to watch this one honestly but yeah if you haven't seen it like basically I had to uh get in contact with people that tasked the game and this guy a deal uh he's like one of the only people that passing there's very very few people that did it and um he figured out an entirely new strategy that had never been discovered before so that that that way it was possible to beat the game because there was like this one part basically I couldn't get into the first Bowser without using Mario definitely an S tier for all the research that had to be done for that Super Mario Maker event courses all coins uh this one also I'm putting in D tier I think I'm gonna put it maybe it's a little bit harder than the feet one this one was also incredibly easy I remember very little of it let me see so this is I this is actually the first video that my editor John worked on well not the first video it was the first challenge video that he made I could already tell just based off of the text but yeah at this at this point um you know I'm not really editing videos I think this is around like May 2019 when I hired John on full time so now he's been like usual doing a majority of the editing wow we could hit all the blocks on the outside there was yeah so I think the only issue with this video was that the levels were either possible or not possible which you know duh right but when it comes to like not possible they were like brutally impossible literally nothing he could do to complete them and then the possible ones were just like easy like no no crazy strategies to come up with yeah definitely a d tier um then oh this one was so much fun this was Mario Bros Z without touching the ground uh collaboration with Nico BBQ we actually did this whole thing while we were at E3 because uh me and uh the minus World guys um we all met up and we stayed at a house for like I think a week or something and then me and Nico we beat the game uh we skipped a ton of levels but we beat it I would probably put this as like a b tier I remember very little of this I know we only did like five or six levels because we used all the words so the only times we can actually touch the floor is at the very beginning after the flagpole man I'm so glad we did this this was so much this is probably the most fun I've had with any challenge video since that's just like getting to do it with someone else was so cool oh this level was so hard too I think just the fact that it only took us like I think it was only one one day of recording it was like maybe two sessions we recorded half of it at one point and then the other half at another Point um so I think just for that it belongs in D tier so let's keep that there then we have Mario Maker 2 highest possible coins I almost don't even count this as the challenge video this is more of just like a weird experiment like how many coins can you get I wouldn't necessarily call it difficult I mean it was kind of difficult to like get a really good running I think I got like 16 000 coins or something insane like that so I'm just gonna put that at uh C tier yeah this was this was such an interesting video to put together because you know again I wouldn't really count it as a challenge um I mean it kind of was a challenge but like it kind of wasn't yeah cause I'm just kind of talking about like you know all the different drafts and different versions of the level that I made I was successfully able to collect 16 110 yeah so I think for like this part because there was another part where we do a lot of running um if I did use conveyors I probably could have squeezed out another three to four hundred coins but not much more than that I guess we'll keep it at seats here because it was kind of challenging I think I spent like almost three days it was around two to three days on this one oh s tier easy s tier it's not as hard as the DS Mario without Mario one this one was freaking brutal blue shell only so many levels were just stupid like I would spend hours and hours and hours on just one level and this one was also a pain for John to edit because this is before I start uh started using time stamps so basically John would just go through my footage and just try to find what I'm talking about without looking actual like time code um yeah this is the last time I think we ever did a video without time stamping it God the rest of the level this is like Geometry Dash Mario Bros things start to get yeah this is where sorry to suck this freaking level this is another vertical level this level is awesome I think I spent three hours on this one level maybe close to four hours it was like all day I got to this part dude if they had a blue shell and Mario Bros Wonder you know I'm doing this again even though it was so freaking hard in this game oh man if there's like a blue shell badge I'm gonna be so happy and also terrifying oh this level sucked too jump after hit yeah I don't even need to watch the rest of the video I remember there were so many levels that were just horrible that I would spend hours on so yeah that's an easy EST here right there one of the hardest uh things I've ever done uh next Mario Galaxy oh God these ones okay the interesting thing about the All-Star bits is like it was so similar to the coin video but at the same time it wasn't oh man this is probably gonna end up being a tier because there were times where um I need to get on like a par set call with Tetra in order to do this look at that parsec I 100 use parsec for this video because I forgot yeah because there were levels yes these levels were horrible yeah this was impossible I remember that even if I place myself what's nice about Galaxy though is like there were so many places that I could skip if I was just trying to beat it I'm pretty sure I beat Galaxy one and two yes this was the one that sucked I mean ice this has to be one of the hardest things I have ever done uh when it comes to these Challenge videos again John called at the time of suffering it was suffering man I remember actually John was visiting me at the time and I was telling him about this galaxy because of how freaking hard it was I think this is the clip this was our best attempt yeah this was it we got it there we go there we go oh my God we did it we did it oh my God yeah that took so long I think this video alone was like four days of recording dude what a freaking brand deal integration we use parsec to complete this and then I then I push it description I still use parsec all the time like I'm not sponsored by them today but dude I love parsec they're great oh this one was so hard okay I think I've seen enough this is definitely an a tier or an S tier I think I'm gonna put it above Mario Bros U Deluxe but I don't think it's quite hard enough for an S the thing is like a lot of the game wasn't that bad that's the thing that's the difference between like Mario without or DS without Mario in the blue shell pretty much the entire game was challenging for those two Galaxy had a lot of really really tough ones but not all of it was too bad what do we have next we've got Galaxy 2 All-Star bits I'm probably gonna put this um next to light Galaxy one honestly I don't really remember that much of this video either oh this level sucked it very man I forgot how uh challenging that the starbit uh ones were I guess I could still do coins but I feel like coins wouldn't be nearly as tough as starbits oh my God this strategy wasn't was insane here we go this is nutty all that for Three Star Bits dude holy crap what a crazy Strat and it like actually worked okay I still don't think that was as hard as um Galaxy one I just this is up there though with Galaxy one All-Star [ __ ] detector help me again get that star he sure did our plan shout out us the tetris oh my God yeah this took like 45 minutes having to constantly go back and forth this was boring so after all of that like it wasn't it wasn't hard man wish okay that's like basically the end what's harder I mean Jesus these are both pretty nuts I still think that um this one is slightly easier like this one has some insane strats but just that Bowser level I was stuck on in Galaxy one I still feel like that was way probably harder than anything I did in Galaxy 2. oh god oh man you guys have no idea how much I was dreading to make this video like did you notice the time span between starting the challenge videos at the beginning or at the end of 2018 this one to this one it was like a year I think it was a little over a year because I was dreading this so much oh my God this look that one was ridiculous like this one was horrible absolutely horrible to do you know thank God for gold Mario like gold Mario saved the day a lot of times I remember even like one two was insanely difficult we also don't need the flying gold block coins and coins that are produced from a gold ring yeah this might be the longest I've spent on a challenge outside of like the Mario 64 DS1 and 100 Marathon since these method this one is ridiculous you know what I'm actually going to rank it higher than blue shell just for how long it took I needed to get on parsec uh like multiple times for this one oh man God this one was hard yeah immediately the game is like hard as far that's right good luck it was just good luck that wasn't even the hardest level guys this was stupid all of these blocks had coins I hate this level this level is horrible bro two look at this the video is at five minutes and we're two levels in that should tell you how hard this was oh my God yeah that's right we had like lag as well as soon as I hover right above oh my God yeah this is absolutely an S tier this one was not possible and it definitely was not the only hard one I'm kind of shocked how many of these were actually possible I would I would argue that they were more difficult levels in this game compared to New Super Mario I wouldn't say more difficult like it was all challenging but I would still say at least with blue shell there is maybe a handful of levels that weren't that bad but with all coins even the easy levels took some time they would usually take a few attempts then we have 3D Land touching all coins I think this is like a c tier I don't remember this one having that many difficult strats to be honest I remember a couple levels at the beginning were kind of hard to skim through this just to check yeah this level was hard but besides that I don't remember anything else I got stuck on oh yeah this one was a little bit harder yeah this one was a little tough let me check this out I remember seven four this part took quite a few tries yeah that was about an hour or so oh yeah so these weren't none of these were that bad this is again the same thing with like the Mario Maker coins where it's like yeah they're either possible and easy or not possible and just literally impossible okay so I think I'm probably gonna put this I think this is like a low C tier because there was a couple of levels that were kind of tough but nothing too crazy then there's Mario 64 Koopa shell I think this was like a low B tier I don't remember a lot of this one and the reason for that is because this was a December video um and if you've been appalling me for a while you know I upload a lot of videos in December so that makes a lot easier for me to forget you know how what you know exactly what's going on in those videos let me watch a little bit of this because I don't remember a lot of it I think the challenge with this one was honestly just beating that's there is no coins I keep thinking it's coins no it's just beating the game and finding enough coins that I can beat with the Koopa shell because yeah like there's so many bosses like this one isn't example where if you're on a Koopa show there's no way to actually activate the Boston star yeah this was such a weird video like I don't think it was as compelling as the blue shell one that's like that's why I made it because you know no other game has like a shell that you can use besides I guess this one like I guess sure there's 64 DS Koopa shell but I don't think that would have been anywhere different than this video to be honest so some of I would say some of these stars were challenging this allowed me to get the right but again A lot of it was just like it's either completely impossible with no strategies or it was just super easy damn dude so many stars weren't possible look at how many like we couldn't do it's like one two three four five six seven oh my it's like 20 damn man that that's kind of crazy how few we could do with the Koopa shell I think just for the fact that so many of them weren't possible and it's just like well there's not like crazy strats I can do I'm gonna put this in seats here I would say even like a low seat here okay what do we have we got Mario Party doing nothing okay this is we don't even need to watch it this will probably be the easiest one the title says it all I literally did nothing at all I just watched the game happen Mario Bros 3 without touching blocks I remember this one this one was a little bit controversial because I like I think I accidentally cheated a couple of times because the things that I was calling blocks like some of them like were a block some of them weren't blocks I think I was getting confused with like my own rule set I don't remember a lot of this video but I do think it was really hard I'm pretty sure this is a 2020 video I have to say It's So Random I picked Mario Bros 3. um I think the reason for that was because I think people were already doing this with like the new Super Mario Bros game so I'm like okay oh yeah I think this level was kind of hard absolutely no way of clearing all these blocks oh look at this I broke my own rule I wasn't supposed to land on ice blocks I must have just forgotten okay I remember people were commenting about something about how I was like I like broke my rules moment where I was an inch from falling but it was other so that level should not have been possible probably um you know what I think I'm gonna put this probably at like a high seat here that's probably where I would put it just because like a majority of the levels really weren't that bad so I think that's what we'll do for this one so next is Mario 64 only press up oh wait a minute hold on I just realized I put this in the wrong spot hold on I think Mario 64 only press up was also a hard one it actually was because I needed to do an sblj without pushing up and I remember someone had to task that for me so I think for that reason alone this has to be like a low a tier maybe a high B tier oh I can only move up okay just by now I have no idea how this is gonna go so let's find out okay this was actually incredibly annoying I remember like big boos hot because of the way the camera works that one sucked this this is probably a high a tier and you wouldn't think it'd be that annoying just for the simple fact of you can use the camera to like move around but it was honestly yeah I was gonna say there's no way that I did anything else here yeah this is a hard one oh even like the slide was hard yes in the pyramid oh my God the pyramid big was hot okay I remember a lot of this video now this is definitely an a tier honestly I think it's like right below the Galaxy Star Bits but not much lower than that like it's honestly kind of like on the same level of difficulty okay now we have new Super Mario Bros backwards I remember very very little of this video so this one does not seem like it was that different like yeah it wasn't possible but that's only because of a weird limitation where you have to have ground directly lined up with a pipe to go inside but since the floatiness simply reach oh yes this level was horrible I think just because of this level there's another level like this that's similar it'll probably be like a beats your difficulty because a lot of these levels did not take you very long oh my God this level was so crazy because it kept spawning more and more you know because of the blowing pipes my only option is to hold on to my I mean I honestly think like I'm remembering back to like 3D World backwards that one was way harder than this game and I mean I must have tried this level hundreds of times but I was just I did I tried this level for probably a good four hours at least maybe longer than that yeah and then yeah I like the music very dramatic what what so this was another one of those videos where only like three or four levels were like excruciatingly hard and everything else wasn't that bad um so I'm probably gonna put this at like so yeah we'll keep this at like low beat here just for like those couple of hard levels next is Mario Sunshine fewest jumps I think this is probably gonna end up being C tier but again I don't remember a lot of this Mario Sunshine physics ladies and gentlemen Mario Sunshine yeah basically the physics in this game are so wonky like just like Mario 64 you can break the game in so many just bizarre ways okay I'm remembering a lot of this video now this one took a really long time I think this is like another three to four day one so I'm gonna put this probably I'm gonna actually I thought it was gonna be seats here I think this is an a tier probably around like only press up let's put it like right below it just because the stakes weren't quite as high as uh the other video this is dumb highest possible coins um this is kind of on the same level as like highest possible coins for Mario Maker 2 but probably even easier than that I would put this at like probably right here uh for this one I mean all I did it was just a bunch of like math I'm like okay mathematically how fast can we do this I mean the only reason I'm not putting it lower than the Mario Party is because for the Mario party I literally did nothing here I did actually have to use Mario and like move them around and stuff then there's Mario Bros Wii backwards I remember this one being super easy I don't think there was anything too crazy let's check it out level something about these Hammer Bros were really annoying to get around but after a couple of dumb deaths I managed to finish one three I like The Fall Guys Music in the background you can tell when this came out oh I take it back there was a level that was stupidly hard in this one so this level is very interesting because the way the speedrunners do this is they actually do not use the bridge thing they actually do what I basically did here but I've never sped Run the game I didn't know like when enemies were gonna fall and stuff and I also did this freaking level backwards um the strategy for it is incredibly interesting in super super difficult with a bit of a running start and I almost got to the bottom that time I just need a bit more of a boost before using the propeller jump so yeah this is probably one of the most interesting backwards levels I've ever completed at least for like the 2D Mario games yeah this I think this one level took about three hours just another really really long one okay so there was really just that one level that was difficult I think for that I'm gonna probably put it let's put it like uh it's almost a seat here but that one level did take a very long time so let's go ahead and put it at very very low B tier now Mario Bros 2 backwards I remember this one being like one of the most boring Challenge videos to record for because again it was one of those games where the levels either possible and easy or impossible no cool strats which is interesting because the all coins video was like the complete opposite but that's just how this one worked and of course the freaking castle level the castle levels always made the backwards levels like impossible yeah I didn't spend any time on like any of those levels this is honestly I think I'm gonna put it in detail I mean it really was not that hard I think I'll put it above maybe I'm gonna put it like right here like it's slightly harder than the Feet video but not by much Mario Bros 3 touching all coins again I remember none of this I think at this point I was starting to run out of like creative ideas and I was just kind of like you know going with the flow let me see but I might be wrong there might have been pretty crazy stuff for this I'm in a frog suit I don't know why I think I was just trying to do something that's interesting for the beginning okay so I spent some time on one five oh yeah this was hard I don't know if I actually did this one I don't remember I remember playing none of this again it's another December video I don't remember anything okay where are we gonna put this one this is somewhere in the middle like it definitely had some tough ones it didn't have anything that like revolved around crazy strats and this is of course Mario Bros 3 there's not like uh you know there is no multiplayer there's no like wonky power-ups like mini Mario or whatever I would probably put this honestly around the same as the blocks but easier then next oh oh God oh God this was the dumbest thing I have ever done Mario 64 elbows only uh I spent three days playing this I know three days doesn't sound that long this was probably the most painful three days of my life because I was using the DDR pad to control the game with my elbows and the first day I was like literally laying on the ground doing this with my head trying to look at the screen and then I like destroyed my backs the second and third day I had to get on this desk laid the DDR pad down look at the screen while playing this was horrible but I did beat it I did beat it you know what I'm gonna this is like an easy top three top five Contender so I'm gonna leave it like right there that's probably a good spot then next is Bowser's Fury only crouching this one honestly was not that bad it was challenging it did have a couple of uh catch shines that were ridiculous but nothing too bad I did have to discover a couple of like pretty uh weird like exploits they this one's probably going to be like a low a tier uh Mario 3 World backwards oh man this one had uh tons of of crazy hard levels this is another a tier easily probably harder than crouching there were tons of levels that I just had to replay over and over and over again yeah easy eights here probably gonna put it like I think I'm gonna put it like right here I don't know if it was as hard as the Star Bits but like it was really damn hard then we have Mario 64 and Mario 64 DS at the same time it's just trying to basically beat the games at the same time and the main challenge for this one that I put on myself was making sure I collect Stars within like the same one to two second time frame and because the controls are so different this was ridiculously difficult there was tons of stars that honestly this is like an S tier I mean God this one was hard this one was almost impossible holy crap and then I did it again for Galaxy one and two this was probably even harder just because you know the galaxies are are different I couldn't play the same levels and I still had the same star thing or the same star rule where I had to get the same star within like a second of each other so I'm gonna put this probably is a little bit harder than 64 and 64 DS this one was freaking brutal then there's 3D Land crouching and fee only this was such a weird video because I thought that like uh crouching I think I did um I was doing crouching only and it was like way too damn hard so like halfway through I I also did it with my feet and it still like wasn't that hard um so I guess I'm gonna put this in probably in D tier this was I remember this was such a weird video to make because I was like so conflicted if I even wanted to finish it or not because it just wasn't difficult um but I'm probably I'm gonna put it like right here it was a little bit harder than like the backwards one then we have Lego Luigi highest possible coins this is like on the same level as the Mario one where I basically did the same kind of things it just took more math so I'm probably gonna leave that like right here then there is Mario Party 10 000 faster this one was it's not really that hard like it was actually very similar to Mario Party doing nothing um so I'm probably gonna put it like here like the only thing that was difficult with that one was just the mini games Okay so this one I'm actually gonna re-watch just because this one was has a very weird bizarre rule set but the idea for this one is it's Mario 64 in every second you lose a coin all right now you don't lose a coin you lose like a bar of health or something so I think like from the beginning of the game you know you have zero coins you have blue Health but you have to get coins like immediately so this is very much a get cool get a ton of coins but also get the Stars before you die I think this is probably gonna be like an a tier from what I can remember I can remember this was a pretty damn hard one but I don't think it took me more than like two days to finish it damage still drains during cut scenes just yes and that's what made this difficult was the text boxes did not stop the coin counter from draining and that's I think what made the video interesting was just the fact that even when you you thought you were safe you're not you're basically always dying yeah I honestly kind of forgot that like water levels were pretty damn easy just for the simple fact that you could just kind of float up and then you can get health but at the same time your health also drained faster so they weren't that much easier so yeah where do I want to put this this actually this has a good mix of really hard stars and a lot of like pretty easy ones I actually okay you know what I'm gonna put this in beats here and I'm gonna put it like right underneath because it's about the same difficulty as like the Mario Bros Wii and Mario Bros DS coin videos now we're actually getting pretty close to the end here uh what do we have next oh this one is so dumb so this video actually has a ton of comments on it this is one of Nathaniel B meme uh randomly happens but if you go to the video now there's like 4 000 comments that says ancient Nathaniel D but the whole purpose of this video I feel like is one of the most out there ideas that I've come up with in terms of Mario 64 and that's controlling Koopa and letting Koopa collect the stars for me and the only reason I consider this maybe impossible is because you know like Koopa will run away from you at certain points like I'm like okay well what if I could kind of just like spawn Koopa anywhere and then let him get the stars or I guess like spawn him like at the beginning of the stage no it's literally the same computer AI as a normal Koopa the only difference we've added is that he can grab stars and he can perform the same jump Coop of the quick yeah this is gonna be I actually remember a lot of this video this video was incredibly hard to film this is definitely going to be an a tier let's say a relatively High a tier like maybe uh I don't know if it's as hard as that backwards 3D World video I'm probably gonna put it like I'm gonna put it like here I think this is probably a good spot for it now this one I already know it's going in D tier because this is actually the least amount of time I had ever spent on a challenge it took about two hours to film this entire thing this was you know I didn't really have like a decent idea for that week this is why I don't really do weekly videos anymore because I don't want to do filler videos anymore this was a filler video I would straight up just admit it I feel like the concept was kind of interesting it's trying to basically beat an entire Grand Prix get first I guess I think just get gold that was the goal get a gold medal in both games and both of the games control very differently even with both Mario Kart so yeah this one really was not as hard as I thought it was gonna be I did it very very quickly I'm gonna put it probably right here because even like these Lego Mario and Lego Luigi coin videos as dumb as they are and as silly as they are they at least took me like a decent amount of research and I did have to do a lot of like math and calculations trying to figure out like what the highest coins would be this was just you know finding the right combination of Grand Prix and then just kind of doing it it only took a few tries to get it and then that was the video this next one Mario plus rabbit Sparks of Hope without Mario this okay you know what I take it back this well I'm not the tart is the Koopa one but this was definitely one of the harder ones that I did in 2022 but it was also because I think it was the first time I was like playing through this game this one was hard I actually remember this there was a lot of them that I was stuck on and I was constantly like swapping out characters trying to figure out like what the best strategy was gonna be yeah this one was hard this took me a I think two or three days this is a tough one I'm gonna put this definitely in beats here it might even be harder than these coin videos because like pretty much all the battles were hard there was a couple I think at the beginning of the game that weren't that bad but when we got close to the end of the game it was brutal so I'm probably gonna put this as like the highest beats here at least for now like this one was really really damn hard and I think that is it for 2022 oh no this is the last one Mario 3D Land backwards I remember nothing about this video because this came out uh literally when bandy's Universe was coming out it was because we were doing babies Universe it was like every week in December and then I was doing videos in between the videos in between I remember literally nothing about except for like the ranking SpongeBob because I had spent you know Forever on that and I think ranking Sonic games I remember you know I remember making that too because that was also very very time consuming this video was just like whatever after all the crazy things I put out at the end of 2022 for a fun at least for these first okay yeah so this one I could do some cool strats but I don't think they really worked like here I'm trying to do a cool Strat to go backwards and there's just there's not much I could do okay yeah so there was again this is one of those uh games where there was like maybe four or five levels that really stumped me that was about it this is probably gonna be a low no it's actually I think it's gonna be C tier actually because it definitely was not as hard it was around the same level as these two coin videos I would say and now we have two Challenge videos for 2023 this has been a weird year for me just because I've been uploading way less than I've been trying out a lot of different things like the GameStop video this is one of the experimental videos which is every 3D Mario game 100 in one week this video was one of the most mentally draining things I have ever attempted at least in a short time span I would still say bandy's universe is the hardest thing I've ever accomplished but this freaking video like mentally destroyed me and I don't think a video has ever done that to me before for even like this Mario without Mario 1 I at least had help from a deal this was all me man like I just had to freaking do it it was so freaking hard you know what this might be the hardest challenge I have ever attempted even harder than the elbows like the elbows was rough the without Mario was rough I think that's number one and then our last video is the one that was actually pretty recent a Mario Kart 100 one week same thing but there was that period of like two days where I was doing like nothing so I'm probably gonna put this it's the last year don't get me wrong it's not it's not as hard as the 3D Mario I think that's probably a good spot for the Mario Kart one week because again there were moments where I was doing absolutely nothing but the first five days were so brutal and that is every single Mario challenge video I know this looks like all of them but I've actually done even more challenges than this I've done like Sonic ones I've done a couple Pokemon ones and stuff like that but yeah that's pretty much everything this has been a very long uh recording session I don't know how long the video is gonna be but I hope you guys are looking forward to uh Super Mario Bros Wonder as I am uh I plan on doing a lot of videos on Mario Bros wonder you can expect all coins uh when eventually a level editor comes out we'll do backwards I have no idea when that'll happen but once the level editor is ready we'll definitely do backwards maybe there's a modder we can combine all the badges together again I don't know if it's gonna be feasible yet but it's an idea I have and then there's plenty more that I have ideas for so I'm very very excited for the game that's about it for today so thanks for watching guys
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 128,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Bros Wonder, New Super Mario Bros, New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe, Super Mario 64, Super Mario 64 DS Without Mario, Super Mario 64 DS, Super Mario Sunshine, Bowser's Fury, Super Mario 3D World, nathaniel bandy
Id: MjH7bS3x2Q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 5sec (2525 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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