Ranking Every Masahiro Sakurai Game

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[Music] I may not be Masahiro Sakurai but I'm a massive fan of his games and I wanted to rank them I'll be I'll be raking the games where you played a key development as either a director or game designer the only game I won't be covering is sonatete because first off I can't even pronounce it and it's entirely in Japanese and abnoy of playing it so with all that said let's get her ranked and also this video is brought to you by Squarespace but more on that later 13. Kirby's Dreamland while this may be ranked Lois on the list that doesn't necessarily make it a bad game especially considering the technical Marvel that it's running on the Game Boy at all since this is Kirby's first Adventure it has its limitations it's not colored there's no copy abilities it's fairly laggy and it takes about 20 minutes to beat the entire thing but even still the core concept is still there and the game introduces us to a lot of the classic Kirby enemies that we're still seeing to this day and the music is pretty fantastic in fact the entire game has continued to be remade in the newer games and to top it off Kirby's Dreamland comes with those cute cutscenes before the level starts most modern Kirby titles don't do that anymore 12. Kirby's Adventure this is a massive step for what came before it Kirby's Adventure is still the first game to bring us the copy abilities this one idea is so ingenious and still feels fresh after all these years it gives you a huge incentive to eat enemies and see if they give you extra powers or not you feel very dominating in a sense which is hilarious because you're playing as a little pink Blobby guy I mean he's eating the freaking cartridge this man has no bounds the music is still great the cutscenes before each world are super Charming it's an all-around great time the game's biggest issue is once again tied down to the hardware it's on there's a lot happening on screen and the NES isn't able to handle it very well so the game lacks quite a bit especially in the later levels which is why there's not much reason to play this version when the 3DS Classics version exists it's the same game but runs at a smooth frame rate and is an all-around better experience but Sakurai didn't actively develop that Port so we can't count it of course also new to the series or the sub games I don't really care for Crane fever or quick draw but egg catcher is really addicting especially in the hard difficulties it gets pretty tough trying to eat all the eggs while avoiding the barrage of bombs this is an absolute must play but just try it on the 3DS and set up the NES 11. Kirby air ride Sakurai reinvented fighting games and this time he reinvented racing games well kind of I guess I know this is a very beloved game on the GameCube and believe me I totally get it just look at how adorable and well done the instruction manual is so much effort and detail was put into this but when it comes down to it City trial is the only decent mode and that's when you're playing with actual people the odds of that happening nowadays are slim to none so I feel like this game isn't as fun as it's made out to be the main mode is air ride and it's Unique all right you pick from nine different stages yeah there's only nine which is an incredibly low amount and from there you'll Race it out things get interesting with the vehicles themselves because they all control differently and I don't just mean that the stats are different no like they fundamentally have strange quirks The Wharf star is kind of like the all-around normal vehicle but then the Slick star can't come to a full stop but it's really fast the wing star could bounce off the ground after gliding the wagon star doesn't charge the swerve star can't turn unless it completely stops and every vehicle has these weird quirks I kind of get the idea of doing this it makes each vehicle stand out a lot more than a typical vehicle but the problem is that the changes are too different and what you're left with is hating how 90 of the Stars control and you only use one or two of them and then there's the controls so basically you use the joystick to move and then the a button does everything else everything else that includes braking inhaling charging and hitting the speed boost there are so many buttons on this controller and you use one one why this is simplifying to the extreme it just feels awkward to control and while there are copy abilities they never seem to make any real impact on the gameplay compared to the items in say Mario Kart so yeah I've never been a fan of air ride top ride is also just okay you race around a top-down perspective and I don't know why there are seven courses to pick from for this one mode because you'll play it a couple times and be done with it but of course there's still City trial which is what everyone adores you drive through a city and collect a bunch of abilities which enhance your vehicle this is pretty awesome in a weird way it almost feels like Grand Theft Auto due to the freedom to drive anywhere but it's kirbyified you can also try to build the Dragoon and have the ultimate vehicle and the environments are well varied at the end your abilities are added up and are used for the final challenge which are random and varied you might fight King DDD or hit a Target in the air or just try to jump as high as possible there's a ton of different scenarios this gives you a huge incentive to actually find as many abilities as possible and it's competitive on top of that so City trial is incredible but that's only one third of the whole game I do have to say though the menus are pretty damn good it's funny playing soccerized games because you can always tell just by the menu design it's almost like leaving his personal signature without him even realizing it 10 Super Smash Bros this in Mario 64 were my childhood games I still remember when I first saw the game at like six years old I was visiting some family and in my cousin's room the TV was on and he had the Smash Bros character select screen playing the music really drew me in and the colorful characters were so mysterious and a few years later I got the game for myself and was beyond hooked I played so much Smash Bros that I could beat three level 9 computers by myself without any trouble just the sheer nature of Smash Bros and its Simplicity makes it really easy for anybody to pick up and no matter what you say about the Smash series the first game will always have the greatest box art it's so Dynamic and fun and I love how link looks scared and fox says diff What the heck is Biff we all know how it works you beat up your opponents and knock them off the stage when their damage is high enough it completely changed the concept of what fighting games are and there's yet to be a true competitor PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale and Nickelodeon All-Star brawl made attempts at the formula but they just don't have the same polish that this franchise does there's just something so satisfying about Falcon punching with Captain Falcon or eating enemies with Kirby and getting their abilities it's a celebration of Nintendo's biggest franchises each character's attacks feel natural because they pull attributes from the games they're from now with all that said this is by far the jankiest smash to play it's still a lot of fun but it has its quirks it doesn't feel that smooth to move around using an N64 joystick you can't turn off tap jump and there really aren't that many stages to fight on 12 characters is also a pretty small roster but for the 90s it was the average size for Fighters I always played as Fox the most but I had a pretty mean Ness in Mario as well on top of that is a bunch of items some of them handling from other Nintendo games and I've only talked about multiplayer there's an entire single player too which nowadays is kind of barren but it's still fun to dive into from time to time the classic Mode is a bunch of specialized matches where you'll fight a giant DK a herd of Yoshi or get to the end of a stage Before Time runs out and of course you end up fighting things like Master Hand N64 games sure loved having an emphasis on hands and I don't know why and we've also got break the targets aboard the platforms these have personally always been my favorite part of Smash 64. they teach you how to play as each character without feeling like a tutorial it's got this arcadiness to them as well trying to optimize your route and all that it's really too bad that we don't get unique stages in the newer games or just break the targets at all but there's also kind of like I don't know 80 characters in Smash Bros ultimate so I totally get why these modes were dropped so all in all Smash Bros 64 is still a fun time and worth going back to but Sakurai really went out of his way to make each sequel more and more insane so this has to be on the bottom 9. Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland wow it's Kirby's Adventure again although this time it has the GBA graphical style and I absolutely adore it and Kirby is angry on the cover because of course he is I totally get why some people would still prefer the original version but the graphical upgrade and consistent frame rate make it so much better to me new to Nightmare in Dreamland is meta nightmare this allows you to play the entire game as Meta Knight and oh my God is this a blast you wouldn't think it'd be that different but Meta Knight moves so fluidly and quick it feels like you're speed running through the game you even have a timer during your playthrough so your incentivized to play really fast the sub games are also entirely new which honestly is fine because I only liked a catcher and Kirby's Adventure you've got bomb rally where you'll smack a bomb around Samurai Kirby is basically the same as quick draw but it looks nicer and Kirby's air grind has you grinding on Rails and getting to the end the quickest it's overall a better selection of sub games and there's also a boss endurance mode which is essentially a Boss Rush and and on top of that you can play this game with four people at once and no this it's not Kirby in The Amazing Mirror this is Nightmare in Dreamland who remembers you can do that with this one Nintendo switch online this game is calling for you right now the only drawback to this game is the bosses because for whatever reason they have no hit stun and take little to no effort to defeat so the game is now even easier than before but it's Kirby I'm not here to be challenged I'm here to jam to catchy music eat some enemies and watch Kirby dance 8. Kirby Superstar This truly is a super video game so much of what this franchise has today comes from Kirby Superstar eight games in one it says well guess what it's nine games yup it's nine games soccer I lied to you Eli to me he lied to all of us how dare he although technically you could combine spring Breeze dynablade revenge of Meta Knight and Milky Way wishes into one game regardless this is one of the best Platformers on this nest for the sheer variety of things to do there's tons of Staples introduced as well like the Kirby hats partner characters and having multiple attacks with your copy ability it may sound like no-brainers now but these were huge inclusions back then and speaking of abilities 13 of them were brand new I just got to emphasize like think about any new Kirby game out there what they get like two or three new abilities whoo super cool well guess what superstar cuts the and says hey take 13 abilities I know this was still an early era for Kirby and there weren't that many abilities to begin with but that's still pretty wild the main games are pretty in-depth and all kind of stand on their own spring Breeze recreates the entirety of Kirby's Dreamland levels and adds copy abilities which is exactly what that original game needed dynablade is kind of the same idea yeah but you fight this big bird at the end revenge of Meta Knight is the best one because you run through hell bird and while that's happening you can see exactly how Meta Knight and the Shipmates are reacting to Kirby in real time this adds a lot of immersion and it feels like you're making an actual impact Milky Way wishes is bizarre because you only get copy abilities through Essences and not enemies the levels here can also be a bit irritating but it does have this badass computer virus boss the only real issue with these games is that it could be hard to see where enemies are coming from and you'll often get hit by enemies when you enter new areas outside of that are a bunch of smaller modes and also the great cave offensive this one is really neat as they run through a maze-like area and try to find 60 different Treasures it's a fun change of pace and one that I'll need to fully complete someday and on top of that are the smaller modes like gourmet race you basically just race King Dedede while eating food it's surprisingly hectic for what sounds like such a basic concept there's also the arena which is the typical Boss Rush found in most Kirby games and there's Megaton punch where you'll time your button press to release the strongest punch into the ground and Samurai Kirby is testing your reaction time so yeah it's basically the same thing that's in Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland Kirby Superstar is excellent for pushing its boundaries and still being incredibly fun but let's just be real the DS remake manages to improve on it even more and adds even more game modes 7. Super Smash Bros for 3DS I find it fascinating how everybody was so excited and hyped up for smash on 3DS and then the game came out everyone played it and then the Wii U version came out and then no one played it ever again and frankly I don't blame anybody most other Smash games have a cool hook that are fun to go back to while this one has smash run now smash run is a really fun time of course you go around this massive map and collect a bunch of stat boost for your character and once time is up you'll compete in a random event which can be as simple as a regular fight or even just climbing up as high as possible this mode as I'm sure you could guess is very inspired by Kirby air ride City trial mode even the stat icons look strikingly similar and it's a really fun mode like I said but that's really the only reason I'm interested in picking this game up again after several years and that's not to say it isn't complete because it is it's got all the characters that the Wii U version has there's over 40 stages and there's a bunch of single player modes there's just one problem it's on the 3DS so you'll mostly play this version by yourself which is just okay the stage selection is at least pretty decent I love that they brought back corneria and PictoChat 2 since those were always my favorites and there's some exclusive stages that have never been ported like Rainbow Road and pack maze which are both super creative and a blast to play on but man the single player stuff is really lagging Beyond smash run let's see what we got there's this weird Street smash mode where you're a circle and you whack around a bunch of other circles wow that was a game mode oh I want to bang around squares next time then the other stuff just feels very lackluster gone is Target test now we have Target blast where you'll smack a bomb and hit a bunch of targets like Angry Birds this is fine and does have some replay value if you're trying to hit every Target but there's only one stage to work with then you've got the multi-man smash it's the same as usual but instead of fighting polygons you just fight knees which is really unexciting considering you can play as Mees in the base game game the new rival smash is kind of cool though you have to kill more enemies than your rival so I'm glad there's something new here it's nice to see them getting rid of the 15 minute mode as well because that always felt really excessive and boring and you've still got the Home Run contest of course uh let's see the classic Mode is really strange now it doesn't really feel like classic Mode because of how random the fights are you'll pick your difficulty along the way and you can unlock better stuff the harder the fight is so that's nice and all but it just feels like I'm doing random versus matches and not a distinct mode and All-Star makes a comeback but honestly there's so many characters now that it's just become a slog to play through it's nice that there's still trophies to collect though that's always a fun time and I love the idea of unlocking custom moves for each character I know that literally nobody really used the custom moves but it's still a really neat idea also new to the game is equipment which are badges you can attach to custom fighters to make them stronger faster or have better defense this is again a really fun idea which worked well in Brawl Subspace Emissary but I don't think people really care to do that in regular versus matches and there's also way too many of them to get you know I kind of feel bad for this game it's got a lot of content on it but most of it's really lackluster and let's not forget it's on the 3DS who's gonna play Smash on the go six Kid Icarus Uprising I've been intrigued about this game for a decade and finally I'm giving it a shot Kid Icarus Uprising is The Rebirth of the series seeing as it had been 20 years since the last one on the Game Boy and it's entirely different instead of platforming it's an on-rail shooter where you'll fly or run around completing missions for palutena so when I first played this I had already heard about the whole hand cramping ordeal and kind of just assumed it wasn't that big of an issue but after 30 minutes yes it was I completely understand what everyone's talking about and then I got that standout oh thank God we got this because it helps an extra five percent thank you thank you thank you the only way I can describe uprising's controls is with these two words intuitively uncomfortable you run around with a circle pad aim with a touch screen and fire with L you can also use powers to help out along the way it all makes sense and works but it physically hurts the play and while you can technically use normal buttons it just doesn't work because the action is so frantic you really need the touchscreens extra finesse it's too bad because otherwise this is an incredible experience going back and forth flying around and running on land is awesome and the Cinematic work when you're flying is extremely well done it almost feels like a crossover between Star Fox and Star Wars you'll dive through tornadoes pass through a Parting Sea saw around a volcano with spurts of lava bursting all around you you turn into a dog at one point you have to literally go to Hell In Reverse time to find your soul before it's eaten what's this Nintendo is publishing a game with an interesting story that's not allowed it almost feels unreal how immersive the environments are although I gotta be honest the land sections aren't that great and that's because you turn by sliding the stylus which would be fine on its own but we also have to aim with a stylus so it's super awkward trying to aim your shots and turn at the same time again its limitation of the 3DS and you do get used to it after a while there's a ton of weapons to pick from too I don't really know which ones are the best to use but it's nice that they're such a big selection the story mode is a ton of fun because of the dialogue between pit palutena and all the bosses they encounter huge props to all the voice actors they really knocked it out of the park it feels strange that a Nintendo game has this much focus on a strong narrative I was really digging it the whole way through especially when we got to Hades he's absolutely hysterical and I love him saying ah spoiler alert [Music] I mean come on how can you not love Hades and even when you finish the game there's a massive challenge board to take on so it's got a ton of replay value I also love how you can move the menu around which is exactly how meteos works and nobody knows that because nobody's played meteos but yeah this game desperately needs a remake and I already know what they need to do with the controls so hear me out here let us move around as normal with the Dual sticks and use gyro to aim your shots that's it that's the perfect solution or in other words exactly how Splatoon controls 5. Super Smash Bros for Wii U this is very similar to the 3DS version as you'd expect you've got all the same characters and modes but with a lot of extra stuff on top of that for starters there's a ton of stages to pick from with some really great new ones like woolly world and Super Mario Maker orbital gate assault is also incredible as a work of art but man there's also a ton of bad stages just paclan and the great cave offensive like do I really need to say more something new to this game though is bosses that'll show up on stages you'll be forced to fight Ridley and pyrosphere or the yellow devil in Wiley Castle the issue with this is that these bosses are massive nuisances and can't be turned off in the settings so they kind of ruin the stage and this is coming from someone that plays Smash Bros casually but there's a lot to pick from we still have Temple in most of the fan favorites I also love just big Battlefield as well I know this is kind of funny to me that that's considered a brand new stage but it's there for a good reason because Aid player smash is now a thing and while it's a cool concept it's nothing short of sheer chaos which makes it impossible to play with any sort of coherent strategy in only a handful of stages work with this many characters I don't know why they couldn't just increase the size of the other stages but I'm sure there was a reason it couldn't work and heck there's Omega forms of each stage if you really want to get down to the basics the gameplay in general really starts to feel super fluid compared to what's come before it and it's nice you can use GameCube controllers with an adapter the character roster is also pretty insane it really broke the realm of what's possible I mean we got cloud from Final Fantasy they had Netta freaking Mega Man [Music] Smash Bros ultimate makes it really easy to forget just how impactful the characters were in smashed for Wii U and 3DS while we might be missing fan favorites like wolf and snake the selection overall is fantastic but what about the single player stuff well it's a bit of a mixed bag just trying to find it is a challenge because the menus are horrifically unorganized the UI itself looks great but I have a hard time telling where anything is like why is smash tour and challenges not included in the games and more section shouldn't stage Builder be included in the vault section like in Brawl why is there two panels for solo and group when they both contain the exact same modes why is amiibo in the games and more segment shouldn't it be with smash since that's solely used for smash matches I could honestly go on and on about the menu and I feel bad because like I said the UI looks great but it's just so complicated and hard to remember where anything is but beyond on that there's quite a few modes that kind of just boil down to random versus matches to start we've got classic mode and the way it works this time is you'll pick a group of Fighters and that's it there's no theme or consistency outside of fighting a horde of me's and Master Hand at the end which is incredibly lame but at least the bosses get really creative the harder the difficulty is the harder the fights get but also the more forms of mastercore you'll fight so on top of the hands you'll typically fight these core bosses which consists of this random giant figure a Scorpion Beast thing some form with swords a shadow of yourself and you even have to make it through Master fortress on the hardest difficulty I absolutely love how intense the bosses get it's really a shame that they're forgotten about and that's because the classic Mode itself is so Bare Bones and streamlined the other stuff from the 3DS version is all here too and is about the same although Target Blast has three stages instead of one which is a nice bonus on top of that is mastering crazy orders and when this game first came out I played a ton of this mode because it was the best way to unlock custom moves and trophies they're both pretty similar with Master orders You'll Play a customized match and win a reward if you clear it and crazy orders is the same thing but you'll play matches and try to stand a win streak for as long as possible the longer the streak the more rewards you get in the end and you also fight Crazy Hand to finish things off these are fun additions but once again they just kind of boil down to playing regular versus matches oh but the event matches are back which is awesome but again these are also like playing regular versus matches yeah it's it's kind of the theme of Wii U single player but hey you might be asking what about smash tour that one's unique right well it is definitely unique you could call it that but it's not worth playing either because it's somehow the most random and confusing mode for a game I've ever played you go around this board collecting characters in stat boost and along the way you'll use trophies to steal other characters or abilities or gain new ones at the end there's a big match where all the equipment you collected is added up and you have a final big fight with all the characters you grab it's a neat idea and concept but there is just way too much random crap happening the trophies you get are completely random their value is either useless or overpowered random bosses show up on the board to shake things up you'll also compete in matches before the very end if you run into someone else and then the trophies you collect for these can be incredibly unfair in the matches it's just way too confusing in general and that really sums up smash for Wii U it's a graded well fleshed out multiplayer game and the online was okay for the time too but the single player's stuff is very mixed I'm glad they still have masterpieces and tried out some new modes but it just doesn't feel distinct enough to be seen as something different than what the main multiplayer offers and the single player stuff is still fun but I really don't have much desire to come back to them and play again four meteos this game is the sole reason I made this video I love meteos in fact this is one of my favorite games of all time I mean just look at the box art look how excited the blocks look look at them I had it as a kid and just adored everything about it so I'm happy to have an excuse to explain how this is one of the best puzzle games out there looking at it at first glance might be a tad confusing so I'll show you the gist of how it works like a lot of puzzle games you need to match three or more of the same tile when this is done the tiles literally take off into the air and are sent into space however the first launch is generally pretty weak so you need to keep making matches that make the launches stronger and send them to the other planet you can also send tiles from underneath the launch to help them make matches and there's some items you can use to clear up your path if your tiles get stacked to the top for too long you lose that is the basic gameplay and it's incredibly addicting a good puzzle game needs two things an easy hook and a long-term motive to keep playing and get better and better meteos serves both of those purposes perfectly and the reason we won't see a remake or reporter this probably ever is because you have have to use the touchscreen and stylus to play the pieces only move vertically and you'll drag them around and also hold this green orb thing to speed up the game when you need more pieces to work with every planet has its own distinct look music and gravity sometimes your launches are slow going sometimes they're really fast and fall down quickly it all depends on what planet you're attacking this not only keeps things fresh in the story mode but also allows you to find a Planet you prefer and this is not the same as Kirby air ride where every vehicle is vastly different the changes in meteos are much more subtle the music is what really brings it all together it works in harmony with the gameplay it's a lot like Tetris 99 or Tetris effect where the music will speed up the farther into the game you'll get for meteos it'll add more instruments and get more intense with more pieces on your screen when you're about to die the music almost carries a dreadness to it that really heightens the excitement and the more times you launch a chunk of tiles the more excited the sound effect for the launch gets half the fun is unlocking the planets and soundtracks when I was a kid I would go into the sound test and make my own with the music [Music] foreign also I've got to bring up the final Planet Medio basically the boss take a good hard look at this thing does it remind you of any of sakurai's other creations perhaps maybe a boss or yeah it's basically dark On's eye or at the very least it must have been inspired by media you can also tell soccer I developed this by just looking at the menus like I said earlier all of his menus have this very bold confidence to them and are just fun to click through and during the credits you still play meteos for fun and this song is super rewarding this may be a fairly simple game according to today's standards but there's really nothing like it it's super addicting I can come back to it literally anytime I want and I think this game is the reason I got so invested in Tetris it's the perfect time waster even if there isn't much beyond that 3. Super Smash Bros brawl this might be a bit of a hot take but my god do I love brawl the gameplay might be a lot slower and a bit on the clunkier side but there is so much to do Sakurai really went all out and somehow bested Smash Bros melee which at the time was considered to be a massive step up from Smash 64. we're all's Focus this time was on the single player and online while the online was a massive mess I think that that has to do with the console itself and not so much under soccerized control the single player stuff on the other hand is a huge reason I still come back to this game the Subspace Emissary it's by far one of the most ambitious projects I've seen anyone take on Sakurai took the fighting formula turned it into an action platformer and managed to include almost an hour of cutscenes that are all tied together as one cohesive story what makes it so impressive is that there's over 30 characters ranging from multiple different IPS and Worlds the cutscenes work so well together and they're still so much fun to watch whether that's link running up this hill at 200 miles an hour or Kirby smashing through a giant laser gun or Luigi getting scared of a waddle D these characters are brought to life and surprisingly work well together there's really only a couple downsides to Subspace Emissary I do wish the worlds and levels had more areas from the characters themselves and the great maze is a pain in the butt if you don't know what you're doing but I don't even mind those setbacks I've played through Subspace Emissary multiple times because it's just that enticing and that's just one mode there's so much to do still you've got classic and All-Star which are both very similar to melee there's boss battles after being the campaign so if you want to fight Rayquaza PD piranha Porky and the hands back to back go for it event matches are back and while they aren't quite as creative as they were in melee they're still really solid and stand out plus Sakurai threw in Co-op event matches which are just as fun to tackle you've got the stage Builder which is a bit primitive nowadays but you can still make some fun stuff with it there is tons of trophies and stickers to unlock you can use the stickers to power up your characters in The Adventure Mode there's masterpiece is where you can try samples of the characters games a challenge board it just goes on and on and on the stage selection this time is pretty solid too I really enjoy WarioWare Inc and lilac cruise but as usual there's some stinkers in here poor town aerodive's cars are way too strong Rumble Falls is just miserable and Newport city is obnoxiously big but Sakurai tries to cater to everyone so I think it'd be impossible to like every stage he puts out I also love how you can pick multiple music tracks and select how often you want to hear them this was just the beginning of Smash Bros becoming a host platform for Nintendo music the new characters were huge too we got snake and Sonic Plus picks like King Dedede and Wario were awesome inclusions the only reason brawl isn't higher on this list comes down to the gameplay like I said it's not bad but it does feel very slow and a bit simplified for my taste 2. Super Smash Bros melee I probably have a bit of a bias with this one because I suck hundreds of hours into melee as a kid but that doesn't stop me from loving and appreciating the this game so much the jump from Smash 64 to melee was probably the highest the series has ever seen it looks a million times better there's twice as many characters twice as many stages and a boatload of single player stuff but the best part is of course the gameplay your movement is very fast and Nimble and the single player's stuff is great too classic Mode returns we get this new adventure mode which is half unique fights but also has these small platforming sections it's so cool how they're kind of integrated together All-Star mode makes its first appearance you can do massive tournaments for the first time there's a unique Target test stage for every character we got home run contest in multi-man melee the event matches are by far the best in melee because it really goes out of its way to make each one feel very distinct you've got a match where you can only win with the Pokeball Pokemon or you can only KO Nana from the Ice Climbers or you have to KO Zelda but only when transformed as sheep there are so many cool ideas and even the most basic ones have their own charm every 10 levels you'll fight a barrage of characters and after defeating one of them the stage changes to match with that specific character that small detail makes a big difference and only happens with melee's event matches and let's not forget about the trophy tussles I so badly want these to come back and speak of the devil you'll win some of these Trophies by spending coins you'll get from the single player modes through a lottery system or you'll get trophies for completing specific tasks throughout the game a lot of these require a decent amount of effort to get and while some of it involves grinding coins a lot of it doesn't the stages are great too we got Pokey floats corneria temple in a bunch of other Classics that we all love and let's not forget that melee single-handedly saved the Fire Emblem franchise nobody knew who Marth and Roy were before this game came out and now Nintendo won't shut the hell up about Fire Emblem yeah even though this game had a very fast development of 13 months every character stage in mode feels so carefully crafted and well put together even the menus have this awesome 2000 style and you can fling them around with your sea stick because why not I'm sure all of you have already played this game so you don't need me to tell you to play it because you have and if you haven't what the hell what are you doing go go play it play the damn game have fun enjoy it or else one Super Smash Bros ultimate it was kind of a hard decision to put ultimate as the best Sakurai game over melee but with all the extra DLC it has to be number one this is honestly sakurai's magnum opus he's clearly put a ton of time love and care into this game it's insane there's a reason it's officially the best-selling fighting game of all time it's because it truly is the ultimate version of Smash Bros it has 86 characters 114 stages a massive story mode over 1 000 Spirits online play in several single player modes I genuinely have no idea how Sakurai can top himself after this the character roster alone is so beyond impressive he spoiled a silly literally every character from the previous game returned plus there were 11 new ones in the base game and 12 DLC ones and these character picks are awesome and go out of their way to cater to everybody not everyone's gonna like every character I mean there's over 80. but since there is that many you probably like at least one or two and if you don't you just don't like video games and that's fine go read a book some new ones were simple additions like Dark Samus Daisy and prom some of these have been heavily requested for literal decades like Ridley Simon Belmont Banjo and Kazooie and King K rule some choices were weird as hell like Joker and piranha plant and then there's Steve Minecraft oh and also Sans undertale funny skeleton is a Me costume the dedication Sakurai and his team had for this game is unlike anything I've ever seen and they ended things off with Sora from Kingdom Hearts which really was the perfect way to finish the DLC he was the most requested character from the smash ballot all those years ago and it's incredible that he's actually in Smash Bros and then there's the stages they remade all of them from the previous games outside of a small handful plus there's a bunch of new ones on top of that and if that's not enough all these stages work in a player Smash and there's Omega and Battlefield variants oh and also you can turn off the stage hazard and get rid of the Annoying bosses and I've honestly only scraped the surface because there's so much more still the online is the best it's ever been for the most part I've had really smooth matches but that's going to depend on your internet of course unlocking Spirits can be done through the world of light mode or with a spirit board Spirits are kind of like brawl stickers except they have specialized battles attached to them that's basically what you do in the world of light you fight a ton of spirits and get all the characters back this is probably the weakest part of the game because it has the same issue that smashed for Wii U had these specialized Spirit battles don't change things drastically basically the spirit itself has a character or a set of characters attached to it and the attributes kind of match up with what the spirit is so it's a fun idea but it kind of just feels like you're playing regular matches with a few settings changed here and there it's still fun though and I really love the boss battles in World of light as well Sakurai brings back Galleon from the Subspace Emissary you fight a freaking raptolos from Monster Hunter old school Ganon marks from the Kirby titles and plenty more on top of that these bosses feel really well integrated into the game compared to the previous titles and I love how at the end of world of light you get to play as Master Hand briefly in the fight where you take on Golem and dark on simultaneously is incredible I kind of wish that the world of light was built more like the Subspace Emissary with actual platforming stages but I get why it wasn't because that would have been an immense amount of effort trying to tie in over 70 base characters beyond that is a bunch of the usual single-player modes The Stadium events have been downscaled to fighting endless hordes of me's characters or just the cruel variant and honestly that makes a lot of sense considering how many characters are included in Ultimate the stage Builder this time is also way more in depth than sharing them online is easier than ever there's also a shop where you can buy Spirits over 1 000 songs to pick from with all the stages combined the Home Run contest got a huge facelift and classic Mode is way better now each character has their own unique path which relates to them in some way this is so so much better than smash for Wii U and is on par with 64 and melee's classic Mode this is a game I will continue to go back to for years to come just the fact that the gameplay is so smooth and it has every character in basically every stage this is the only smash you'll ever need if Sakurai ever makes another smash game after this one I got two words for you good luck because uh not really sure how you're gonna top this and after all that we just have to talk about Squarespace which is today's sponsor they're the best and most powerful place to create the slickest website you can connect your audience and generate Revenue through members only content manage members send emails and leverage audience Insight all on one easy to use platform you can make a community on your website with a fully integrated commenting system that supports threaded comments replies and likes use 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Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 169,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super smash bros ultimate, super smash bros, kid icarus uprising, kirby, kirbys dream land, kirbys return to dreamland deluxe, kirbys adventure, super smash bros melee, super smash bros brawl, masahiro sakurai, sakurai, nathaniel bandy
Id: k71yv9sbQ4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 25sec (2305 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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