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Lexi was found dead inside of her home Thursday by security footage obtained by the police authorities say no one has left the home since the murder which means the murderer is still in the house this is how the game works each of you received an envelope bro you really think I would kill somebody only one of you was chosen to be the killer the rest were innocent every round each of you will vote for one person that you think isn't the killer based off of a piece of evidence given to you by the police if the innocent successfully guesses the killer at the end then they split five thousand dollars if the Killer is voted off and declared innocent then the killer receives all of the money this is evidence number one of the killer oh shoot it's just in mind oh wait oh shut the banana banana peel wait check out the the shoe that's gonna hurt so the Killer is definitely clumsy Andrew always gets hurt look you're hurt right now it's an infection so as the evidence suggested the killer was not good on slippery surfaces not only did we put baby oil and water on the slip inside there are a bunch of banana peels as well so you guys have to just not slip bro this is easy three two one go go one by one each contestant wanted to prove that they could complete the challenge without slipping and most were successful but Ashton on the other hand I'm confident I'm not gonna slip oh oh my gosh ow that was very suspicious bro like you want to go I'm not the most coordinated sometimes she's not the most coordinated whoa who fell bro that is suspicious oh I looked exactly like how the killer fell I was pretty sure you just slipped really hard on banana field oh oh oh okay you might not have killed Lexi but you need to like learn how to run oh that was low-key really beautiful the way you just like went into the splits come on no I'm okay I don't need a hug no you're actually a little hot girl are you ready Nana yes I'm ready do you think it's a little bit unfair that you're getting Andrew and Jeremy's help but I'm 80 years old she's doing it oh she's doing it did you kill Lexi he did it what Andrew he wanted to do no friend I think we can all confirm that Nana isn't the killer NADA you can go home bye [Music] the door this homie's hilarious dude all right so behind us we have eight different doors the killer had a pretty hard time breaking down that door So the faster you break down the door the more likely you're not the Killer's got some I've got some anger issues okay all right Liz what if I break my foot please don't break your foot oh [Music] hit that oh my God I don't think she's the killer oh my gosh oh oh I think that Liv isn't the killer just based off of that struggle that was a little too hard for you Mason is up next okay oh I do feel like he's kind of doing this on purpose like I don't know Barnaby thinks he might be the killer you think he's pretending to not be strong but he's doing it with two feet at a time like who would break the door like that oh my gosh oh oh that just happened that looks so easy to my defense the killer couldn't do that piercing Europe here we go oh wait you actually did that [Applause] as much as that was impressive that's pretty much exactly what the killers say that it literally looked exactly like this how did it look exactly like the killer three two one oh oh this is like the most perfect little passageway Sydney Europe oh [Laughter] so Ashen that is your door right there okay oh why would anyone kill Lexi so out of everyone in that challenge who do you think is innocent and we can just take out of the game Andrew Jeremy Jeremy wait why is the only one to go with his elbow he did it way too fast to be the killer so Jeremy you are declared innocent is he the killer we'll find out at the very end Mrs evidence he's got a backpack what is that is that a snake yeah oh my God so the killer was not afraid of snakes so each of you will lay in this coffin while my friend Jay puts a few snakes on you Ashton all right Ashton Clem on it I'm not too scared of snakes to be honest he's way more calm than I would be if I was in a coffin full of snakes and you know what I feel like the killer was also really really chill when he was manhandling this yeah in the house he's suspiciously Mason are you ready are you scared though if I don't wet my pants I'm gonna kill her I think if you don't wear your pants and you are the killer oh yeah dude I feel like a new man it feels kind of good if he poops in my eye though that's not good oh my God that one's pooping on him the killer picked up the snake right with his own hand yeah Mason can you try picking up a snake oh wait what okay all right who's next hey we could go together and then we could just oh go together we love you so much listen just hold my hands wait Liv is like yeah maybe you're comfortable with it like but it's not that doesn't mean that I killed Lexi these things don't it doesn't go together hold it yeah you know what if we die like this and this is our coffin I feel like I'd have a good Afterlife with you guys it's convenient that I'm already in a coffin out of the three you guys who would you say is the most afraid of snakes why that one here we go Andrew just jumped out of the coffin I'm not feeling very good Brad don't that's that's genuine fear after all the snakes who do you guys think is innocent this one I don't care I do not like snakes what are you not I mean it's pretty obvious that Sydney would be innocent Sydney you are considered innocent for now at the very end of the video we'll find out who the actual killer was but um for now you're innocent I'm out oh oh he's trying to step over this piece of wood man oh oh he fell the killer obviously cannot balance because he literally just fell in the pool dude he had to even pull off this stuff like he's so bad at everything so behind us we have an ultimate surfing machine you guys have to try and stay on the board you guys have to remember the killer was not good at keeping his balance oh he's good whoa [Music] whoa I think that was pretty good but I could be better that was a lot harder than I expected I want to see one of the girls guys Liv seems like a bit of a clumsy person I feel like because Ashley was really good like he surfs you know but based off the challenges before like it was a little suspicious it could be Ashton I don't want to knock him out because he broke down the door in in three so so Pearson is more innocent let's go with Pearson that's true okay Pearson I say Pearson he's my favorite Rivera I would never kill Lexy what are they doing oh my God what's Lexi it's like she's killing that okay I feel like they were flinching a lot the killer flinched a lot so the goal for this challenge is to not flinch okay this is a 50 pound bowling ball that we're gonna throw towards your face which is gonna be right here that sounds so fun who wants to go first all right I'll get it over with like I'm nervous I I would be very nervous three two one dude how do I not flinch bro you kind of flinched that I tried my best it wasn't that bad three two one go oh my God he bleaked but he didn't flip you're up oh my God you know what three two one oh she moved back wow no that was it come on honestly I'm impressed hit my nose wait you didn't even blink oh you know it it hit the glass right I don't know I feel like Andrew there you go guys there's my I proved to you guys that I'm not the killer so Andrew you are voted innocent so we don't know if Andrew's innocent or not until the very end so Andrew you're innocent for now so we are down to our last four suspects I'm not really a suspect I'm just trying to find the suspect yes I'm here on a mission well I want to get to the bottom of this you guys have been voting people innocent this whole time one of you guys is supposedly the Killer could have already been voted innocent that's what I think I think we already voted him off okay she's filming a YouTube video crazy hot wings she's eating wings she left oh he's right there right what are you gonna do no wait did he eat it it says crazy hot wings this next challenge will test your spice level Ashton you are up first are you good with spice I think so yeah these things smell gnarly yeah oh no oh I'm gonna be sick not spicy at all these are the hottest Wings not spicy not full after eating that Wing earlier and worked up quite an appetite after you murdered Lexi huh yeah very suspicious Ashton oh my gosh how are you eating them dude it's hot you're a baby these are ghost pepper wings see he's doing just fine he is a murderer huh 100 that was a nibble no I don't like oh no can I please have water no that's no that's too much how do we know you're not acting right no I'm no I seriously like I'm not okay I'm like about to start but it's good to know I'm not the only one it's hard because like just because someone can handle spice doesn't necessarily mean they're the killer well you have to think about all the other challenges as well right yeah Mason and like like I've said there's just been so many challenges where he's been suspicious and now this was the icing on the cake but he handled the spice really well I think all of you guys are super suspicious I would say Mason's the least suspicious so I'm gonna go zombies so Mason you were chosen to be innocent yes was he the killer we'll find out all right let's watch the next piece of evidence laughs okay Brian you were there for that oh yeah oh no oh no no but he missed this so we know that he's not very accurate I set up a fake Lexi dummy and you guys had to shoot the bow and arrow at her head oh I like this shot so if we miss We're The Killers so we have to have good aim exactly I have good aim let me go first oh my gosh oh that isn't too good that wasn't too good another day oh okay oh my God that just means I'm not the killer because look at how close that was to the forehead I know for a fact I'm innocent and I do want to stick this out just so I can I can catch the killer like I want to stay till the end but I think it's time for me to go tomorrow we have to let someone go I would rather let Liv go all right live that means that you are innocent yes it does for now I've been innocent this whole time we'll find out if you are the killer at the very end okay all right bye Liv okay he's getting out opening the window damn you really opened up oh wow what wow okay so he had a whole lot of setup it looks like he's a good climber yeah from the video he's just climbed out of the window look first of all the Killer is smart because he had a ladder set up for himself and second of all he is really good at escaping all right so guys the objective of this challenge is just to climb up the wall I don't believe the ladder was that big Brad oh do you remember when you climbed down the line oh my come on I've just watched the video three two one go you're too slow um I swear it's not what it looks like now you gotta jump off the wall now jump when that guy was going on the ladder it looked exactly like how you were climbing up this wall you know I was thinking the same thing all right well we made a breakthrough in the case and we found out who the Killer is okay I mean I think I already figured it out too yeah no dude no way what did I say I was suspicious why don't we just go get pizza or something this video gets 350 000 likes Liv has to spend 50 hours in real prison what yeah you're murdering my sister you're too young for this guys like the video so live even though you killed my sister they voted you off as innocent which means you won the challenge well I would love to grab it but I'm in handcuffs yeah foreign
Channel: Brent Rivera
Views: 16,639,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gLQjSw4Iiq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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