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you may now kiss the bride so my friend alex just recently dyed his hair pink yes i personally really like it well so is everyone else they've all been telling me that see that's the thing so not everyone likes alex's hair they do they told me they liked it i've asked them before so here's what we're going to do we're going to hide alex in the back and get the real truth out of our friends all right so pearson so your haircut looks so cute did you get it done just for the wedding i did oh do you like it i love it i was going to dye my hair pink actually oh you don't like guys with pink hair don't tell alex don't tell alex that you don't like pink hair it's not my favorite do you like actually what i don't like why would you do that the pink hairs gotta go buddy i'm doing you a favor does alex look good in pink hair like he does he does better better than ours i feel like it doesn't look good on them yeah yeah i agree wait wait wait wait wait does it look good or not i need to know i need to know the way you guys just did that was way too smooth so lexi i was actually gonna get my hair dyed pink really should i do it no no i'm gonna do it i mean alex did it and it looks pretty horrible what what didn't you tell that it looked good is he in here why are my friends like this they're honest i got it out of you all right guys so today is our wedding day it is i gave mason the responsibility to plan this entire wedding everyone's here no way yep what are you kidding me congratulations so i'm going to be marrying you two today wait where's jeremy where is her oh i'm so sorry i'm late i mean i'm here now right why does he look better in that dress than me all right so we're going to go ahead and get started before we do does anyone have any objections i object he does i'm in love with you alan i told you it's not going to happen no with you oh what all right well that was not supposed to happen but we're gonna go ahead and roll with it okay pearson do you take brent to be your lawfully wedded husband for 24 hours i do and brent do you take pearson to be your lawfully wedded wife for 24 hours i do whoa whoa isn't that the same ring that you married ava with hey ben how about you shut up i mean now kiss the bride wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we're going to be late we got to go now for what to the airport the airport we're going to vegas we forgot the cake alex what are you doing you can't go let's just go to waste bruh you got us a private jet i did no i'm not wait where are you getting all this money [Applause] [Music] so jeremy is extremely scared of flying i am pretty scared so what do you think of the private jet piercing it's not bad is this for us oh my god all right guys hop in [Applause] this is crazy all right guys so this is our room oh my god this is huge crazy oh my god okay this is like 20 hotel rooms combined mason how did you get this big hotel room i told you i pulled a couple strings i just made a hat and a hot tub so you and pearson should get married more often yeah right for sure all right so now it is time for pearson to throw the bouquet the catch is that i attached 1 000 to the bouquet congratulations tom thank you so much all right so right now we're gonna play a wedding game if pierce is more likely to do it we raise the heel if i'm more likely to do it we raise my shoe all right who farts more oh oh bro who has the bigger butt ah what who's the man in the relationship who would break up with who pierce who's most likely to kiss someone else in the room [Applause] so i have my friend here and he's going to do something that's crazy [Applause] wait is he adding another chair oh my god oh my god oh god wait what there's more oh my god holy crap oh my god i thought it would be fun to get a couple showgirls [Applause] i'm single now girls wow can we like change now yeah you guys could go change go change yeah right can we see you in that costume no definitely not no we're about to cut to you being in that [Applause] costume [Applause] [Music] i would like to make a toast for my beautiful wife [Applause] hey i liked him i'd like to make a toast of you guys kissing right now go ah oh i was going for it really yeah we are finally about to go to bed we're sleeping together tonight because we are a married couple but um i'll be where everyone else is oh we've never slept together before no we haven't you better not you better not steal the covers lexi what are you still doing here she's like making sure we're like getting together are you ready for bed yeah let's go to bed guys oh my god what are the odds that you two kiss right now what are the odds you shut up there why would we kiss yeah they're like actually like being coupley right now that's what married couples do don't they what is going on right now wait what the heck jerking yo by the way we already kissed so no you did not yes we literally didn't even know get out guys hey yo continue on look who decided to show up oh my god did you make breakfast for my wife yes oh she said cheers to a wonderful 24 hours of being married and going back to being friends in lesson one cheers [Applause] that's yay so everyone knows dom hangs out with sophie all the time way too much so sophie didn't go to vegas with us but dom did so we're going to make up some rumors to tell sophie and sophie about to be breaking up today hey how's it going whoo this is going to be hard to say so obviously we went to las vegas and dom went and um yeah you know let's just say dom had like a little bit too much fun a little too much fun yeah what does that mean so we found dom at a strip club he was at a strip club he was all over all of these girls then after we went to a club to a club we went to the club this girl right here he was into yeah wow it's definitely not photoshopped [Laughter] yo what's up so you wanna explain yourself we had to tell her tom what i thought what happened in in in vegas what happened in vegas don't just tell me tell you what what happened in pagan what is that explain this picture dumb i don't know how to explain this picture with dude that's not me what do you mean obviously wait so are we going to tell them what happened with you and peterson in vegas or um all right guys thanks for watching 400 000 likes and we have to tell them what happened oh let's do it yo like this video right now all right guys thanks for watching i hope you enjoyed it this week's shout out goes to chris if you want to be next week shout out just like this video and comment down below done i will see you guys next week have you [Music] guys
Channel: Brent Rivera
Views: 18,750,497
Rating: 4.9587703 out of 5
Id: 94JBhbeTiMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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