My Lawn is a BLANKET of Coins!! Metal Detecting Abandoned Penny HOARD (Old House, Built 1918-1921)

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buckle up my friends because our 1939 wheat penny might have a friend ladies and gentlemen today is the day to start metal detecting the project house and I say start metal detecting it because I don't consider the last metal detecting hunt here an official one because it was more so digging out a trash pit that I located by the old barn so today I'm gonna say is the official first metal detecting venture where I'm going to actually try to look for small smaller valuables like old coins and jewelry and things like that so we're gonna get the gear ready take out the t2 and I'm gonna try to do some of the side in the front yard and I think we're gonna find some stuff so I'll just show you a little bit of the area we might be working today I will say that the house was built by one person started in 1918 and completed in 1921 the cool thing about that is I'm hoping if we can find a silver quarter or a dime from 1921 they are key dates and very hard to find and in my seven years of metal detecting I have found one 1921 dime in one 1920 one quarter and seven years they're extremely rare I can show you right here what's going on that this little lump here that is actually shaped very bizarrely very rectangular almost like a grave that's actually the sceptic so I know nobody's buried there but it's you can tell it's been dug up and it's very hard packed that's the septic system and all of this you can tell is disturbed but when you get out to this corner here which I'm not going to show too much of I own this entire front lot out until the road there's an old road that runs this way and then there's a road that splits off and right on sort of the rural intersection if you will and the front steps or I should say the path leading up to the front of their house goes right over here so there's a lot of green space to cover and we're gonna start doing some of it today and see what we can find all righty so I started here in the backyard and was gonna start heading up toward the front and I got a signal here that I'm pretty excited about I cleared some of the leaves it is a solid 72 not quite in the coin range unless it was like a really old toasted Indian Head Penny or something like that has a little bit of depth on it so we're gonna go ahead and see what we got here see if it's a nice old relic if it's gonna be some trash to start it's actually still pretty dry here around where the trees it sucked up the rain that we got recently so I may have to stay away from the trees for now go back this way a little bit I apologize for the Sun glare where I'm at right at the moment and I think that is it that's just gonna be a piece of junk not exactly sure what that's off of but it's light kind of like old crusty aluminum alright we will continue on ok so right next to that crusty piece of metal we found check this out got ourselves a super nice high tone coming in 87 88 84 this is actually the kind of it's got depth on it - this is actually the kind of sit so a signal that sounds like an old silver dime could that be what we're on - all right well we're gonna go ahead and give it a shot I got the bigger shovel for this one [Applause] we're gonna give it a pop here some tree roots down here wasn't too bad though but I probably am gonna move into the other section after this like I said still kind of dry in this section I don't want to do too much damage to the grass here I'm probably not down deep enough yet I would assume not some big roots in here let's just get a nice deal with the detector what area is in here yeah still down kinda in this section over here yeah it's dry ground coming up in huge clumps pick out a little meal worm crawling around there sorry for being sidetracked and I apologize for the shadows but it's just that time of day so what are you gonna do yeah ground is super dry here check this again whatever this is seems like it's gonna be fairly deep this is going to be the last hole in this section with as dry as it is it's still down there what I'm going to do is I'm going to cut to it I'm going to fish around try to see if I can locate it and we'll go back to doing lasso and cover the signal we're gonna take a look at it it was a good five six inches down in this really hard pack here I think this specific ground was dosed around at some point it's right next to the creek here and where there would have been a lot of activity and shifting from old outbuildings and stuff I can see it right there it's got a little hole in the top there that came through the whole way it's really crusty I'll have to clean it up but I believe this is gonna be a dog tag and that's normally how they come off you know they tore through where the hole was punched and then it falls off the leash is is as deep as that was I'm assuming it's going to be pretty old normally the aluminum dog tags don't are not any older than World War two but it could be around in that range I find a lot of these that are from like the 1950s and 60s that are this kind of style so I'll clean it up later and see what the date is on and if we can find one but a pretty cool find okay so the dog tag cleaned up decent with just a little bit of spit and I'm going to show it to you all so I called it on the date range now here's a little bit more of a reveal and I'll tell you why in a second there you can see on this it is a 1956 Tennessee license the interesting thing about that is this could have been somebody that was visiting because this property that I purchased is actually in Virginia it's not in Tennessee and I haven't told that to anyone yet but there you go Tennessee it's got some license numbers on it and then 1956 and I'll clean it up more later but that's pretty awesome I started walking here by the path that leads up to the house and I got my first signal I'm almost certain as a coin tone now it is shallow so it's possible it's modern but let's go ahead and see it's at least in the copper range if it's a penny but it's not gonna be very deep it was a very solid signal probably only about an inch down if that it's gonna be very shallow and it is gonna be the first coin from the property and what do we have here we do have a copper Memorial cent and the date on it is going to be 1978 and you can see the soil some much softer up here where the rain was able to soak in more so we're gonna stick to this area and do a little more coin shooting I gotta tell you it is a beautiful fall day out here I'm gonna keep working next to the path where there's a lot of signals obviously and the next one's gonna be a 65 66 very shallow mind you kind of sounds like a pull-tab but we will see these are the first signals that dug in the front yard and why not do them live who knows what's gonna come out of here a little deeper than I expected and also I mean because I can take my time I own the property so there's no rush like I'm about worried just fine and as much as I can in a small period of time I'm just out here enjoying the day it's actually quite quite deep so that could be a good sign [Music] what do we have oh that is too funny it rang up that low because it is a half-eaten special edition edition Pacman's Inc penny and that was about two to three inches down here in this soft soil so at least we know there's coins up here but no old ones yet so all these targets are concentrated in a little area the first signal somewhere right here the second one was right here and then right next to it I didn't take it live because it was a crappy signal just a piece of modern aluminum so I'm gonna keep looking a lot of targets so I'm up by the boxwoods here still by the path and for all of you who didn't tune into the last video I mentioned that these boxwoods all over the property were planted around World War two but there's just signals all over in through here and I have a feeling there's going to be a blanket of some modern targets until we start unlocking some of the older stuff but you never know yeah you just never know it's nice that there's a lot of targets here this is what I was hoping to hear when I started metal detecting the front yard it's probably never been done before it's I've been only a two owner house and this is down in that soft soil as well [Music] and there you go it's a coin it is another copper cent let's check the age on it it's gonna be a 1970 no mint mark so that is going to be the oldest coin so far out of three coins the zinc I probably won't be able to get a date off of and I don't think it has any friends we will keep going righty the last hole is right here and only a few inches up we got another target I didn't do this one life because it sounds like it's in a zinc range but now that I have the little plug popped we are gonna finish it live I want to do most of the signals live or send me live on the property here just in case we make any amazing discoveries and boy look at that you can tell how acidic the soil was going to be here that's gonna be up there for one of the worst excuse me zinc pennies mm-hmm I've ever found it's probably been down there awhile though I think you can see the date on there 1985 it kind of chipped away kind of around where Lincoln's raised up it's almost like a cutout that's pretty crazy yeah that's what's left of a 1985 penny they switched over to zinc from copper in 1982 in an acidic soil this is what happens to them so in another hundred years people are gonna probably probably be digging up fragments of zinc pennies and getting all excited but for now they're trash by the front steps here the coins are everywhere I just can't escape them this one's gonna be kind of 81 so that was kind of more in the coppery range love the soil up here though it's amazing super dark rich soil I love it let's get down to this see what we got it's only a matter of time before we hit an old one or at least I would assume but I'm not skipping any signals Oh bummer I will double-check no that's not silver that's a piece of scrap aluminum I believe yes that's scrap aluminum we'll set that aside Oh what is that the main signal though oh no there's a coin in there with it there we go so we got off that little piece of aluminum and we got ourselves another copper cent oh it's high relief it's gonna be the new oldest coin I love how we're peeling back the layers one decade at a time so in there with that aluminum we got in 1965 copper cent that is awesome and I'm only rubbing these because they're not old enough to have any value so don't worry if I find a good one we're not gonna give it a good rub down but sweet we're making our way back one decade at a time this is one of the sections on the property I think is going to be loaded with old coins the more we search now I'm on the opposite side of the path up to the original driveway and I got another signal here it was kind of in the zinc range about an inch down we're almost down to it we're gonna see if it is indeed another zinc penny there it is it is a coin try to get out the shadows here and it is going to be another partially eaten zinc penny but coin number six I think they are everywhere I got to be honest too haven't been this excited long time one another foot away and just a beautiful coin signal once again we're back into the copper range and you never know we may start getting into the old stuff here but this guy's giving us like a solid 81 and it's gonna be at least like maybe two inches down so maybe we can have a wheat penny here but the ground soft and things sink a little deeper could just be another comm percent but beautiful tone jumping out at me let's find out what we have yeah it's a nice depth this soil is just perfect right now with the heavy rain we got the other day and that plop should do it right there here it is can it be the first old coin from the property looks fairly green it is a memorial and what is the year we got on this one 1982 but it is the copper variety coin number seven this is absolute madness a foot and a half away another beautiful coin signal this time around 83 84 and possibly a little more depth than the last one which is good that's something we want to see but at the very least is gonna be another copper cent or of course the dimes can ring up like that too we haven't found a dime yet it's gonna been all penny so far but I'm sure there's some dimes on the way get up Oh No it's right there all right we're down at it sunken right into that two to three inch range which is where our coppers have mostly been so far did I get it I did it is indeed another coin and once again we're not back into the wheat ears yet I mean as a comm percent and the date on this one is going to be 1980 and it's from Denver coin number 8 the signals are still coming I'm down further from the path closer to the road under these boxwoods and this signal will give us a little bit of shade but right under the boxwoods we got a beautiful 82 signal once again in that copper range right here let's go once again seems like it's settling down into that two to three inch range we want to be careful though because old Silver's can ring up in that range too and I don't want to get too careless thinking it's just gonna be a calm % very close to this one right here it's going behind is that it right there it is indeed another penny what do we have this time but once again when that copper range but I think is that high relief I think it is I think we're back into the 60s again or hopefully it's a 1959 first year we're gonna find out that one is a 1968 d so we are right on par to start hitting some silver here soon sweet coin number 9 and to the madness continues last signal right here went over about two feet and a solid absolutely solid 82 let's see what we got this time now there's gonna be some roots over here oh not too bad though just fine once it seems let's try to break some of this up right here a lot of fine roots okay its back on this side which is gonna be easier to avoid those roots alright same deal here seems settled into that two to three inch range and I can see an edge right here looks like it's gonna be another penny copper not a wheaty and can we see the year on this one another 1982 coin number ten this is why you always check your holes in the same plug except back a little further there is another coin down where we just got that one but it sounds like it's in behind on the other side so let's check it and see if this is the first official coin spill on the property I'm gonna check it one more time with the detector Oh is it shallow in the plug did I miss it and is it back further we're gonna find out right now yeah it's back a little further I think this is the original coin that I pinpointed then I found that upper one while I was digging as I just sprayed dirt in my face awesome this this one could also be on edge and ring it up a little funny but it's right down here right in all this mess of roots I just popped it there it is we got another coin it looks like it's gonna be another copper cent and the date this time is going to be 1979 and the other one was 1982 so probably dropped in the early 80s I love dating the coin spills when possible and normally when they're on the same date range it shows you they've been down there for quite a bit of time sweet what are we at is that coin ten or eleven I honestly can't remember I got a go check well here we go again still under these boxwoods a foot and a half away oh my goodness there are signals everywhere one there one there let's isolate one and see what we're working with this is pretty cool a lot more roots under here a little bit more dry to probably need to go deeper on this one before we're gonna get it reading with the pinpointer who may want to bust a foot shovel off on this section more roots and much more dry let's check it with the detector though yeah it's showing we're right over target we are right over target I may cut this one and come back because they don't want to waste everyone's time trying to get down in here for an hour so let's cut the camera dick some of these out and see what we can finally fish it out from under those roots it is indeed coin number twelve and I'm gonna dig some more out here we're only gonna do semi live to save time but that is another yet another comm percent and the year on this one is 1980 well these are really kicking my butt this is the last hole I left open here have literally been working on this one for the last six to seven minutes between all these roots it was down under this huge one right here and it is just another copper cent but we've down there and the roots let's see if we can see the year on this one this is coin number thirteen and it is gonna be from the sixties nineteen sixty-nine and it looks like it has a denver mint mark I left the root patch because I just couldn't take it anymore came back out into the center portion here between the driveway and the original path and boom wasted no time hit another coin signal 83 84 and I accidentally bumped the volume with my hip so you can't hear it real well but it sounds like another I apologize for that car driving by but it sounds like another comm percent or maybe a dime this time yeah see what we got here actually I think the others angle is better with the Sun glare there it is right here let's harvest it you take it over into the shade so I can see what do we have here 1977 copper penny and that is coin number 14 unbelievable I started digging another signal in the low 70s down under root here I have no idea if it's gonna be another half-eaten zinc or something else we're gonna finish it live and I actually got it out in that scoop and [Music] indeed it is another zinc penny that has seen better days coin number 15 all righty I'm taking a break here for a moment on the front porch man those roots have been something else but anyhow you can see a bunch of the carpets and stuff I've been ripping out here and I'll eventually have to repaint this porch there was looks like there was an old carpet right over here but anyhow I enjoy digging up these coins from like the 60s through the 80s because I want to point out something too out of all 15 of those coins I can only I can tell that only one of the zinc's was 2000 and something the last digit was eaten off of the coin so all but one of these coins the last Inc was 1983 all but one of these coins are in the date range from 1965 to 1985 or I think it was 1983 so they're all in that kind of mid range now if you're in a place where you're just digging out tons and tons of zinc pennies but they're all newer ones that can that tells you there's a lot more recent activity but the fact that all of these pennies except for one are between the mid 60s in the mid 80s it's telling you that they were dropped around that time period so whatever's on this property has been locked down here for a long time and nobody else has ever touched it so it's just weeding through the modern stuff right now but it's only a matter of time before we start hitting the goodies and I'm pretty excited over by the driveway now I got a deeper signal and the high 70s and we're picking it up now now usually by driveways signals have a tendency to be deeper especially in soft soil it doesn't mean anything it could just be another new ish coin but we're gonna check it out live looks like there's a little bit of concrete or no if that's like old asphalt from the driveway and I was down pretty deep so let's hope there was something all locked down under that that would be preferable yeah this one's gonna be closer to 4 to 5 inches down like the other 2 to 3-inch coins we've been digging and what do we have here it is not a coin is actually an old oh wow it's some kind of old shaker lid you can see the holes right there and that's definitely aluminum screw on cap probably mid 1900s trash right there gave off a good signal something like that could be a silver dime that's the type of signal you would hear alright something other than a coin for a change of pace here we go again another coin signal almost a yard away from the driveway and quite a bit down from that other signal seems to be pretty decent on the depth of reading sounds about four inches to me but we will see definitely hit some reaction here not too bad though not sure if that's gonna be deep enough to read it with the pinpointer it is but it is straight down here all right moment of truth coming oh there it is flicked it out between them roots we have ourselves another copper cent and this time from four inches down by the driveway it is 1980 coin number 16 about a foot away another signal pulled it out from some of the roots there and I'm not sure yet if this is going to be a zinc or an older wheat penny but let's take it over here in the shade once again and see what we got it appears this is going to be another zinc and it's got so many bubbles on it I can't see the date but that is coin number 17 this is getting exhausting about two feet away and 82 so we're back in the copper range already pump the plug on this one and have the read with the pinpointer oh I saw the little imprint pop out of the hole so there is the coin right there on my finger let's check the year again right here it's definitely copper 1982 coin number 18 up about a foot away here we go again down under roots I kind of got it out from in between them right there we got another disc let's turn it into the shade and see what we have it is another copper Memorial cents and the year this time is going to be 1982 coin number 19 right off the driveway again a signal in the 70s and we're right down in some of the old asphalt here off the edge and just that's a signal no that's just old gravel what do we have down here there we go it is another penny let's see what year we got this time it is another 1982 copper cent coin number 20 we got another coin right next to where I parked you can see when I flipped the plug the imprint is right there so it's gonna be on the back end of the hole I heard it with the pinpointer let's get away from this side so there's not shadows aren't as bad so it should be right here with a little flick and I cannot see it yet right down here yet there it is and ladies and gentlemen this one rang up 79 so I had a feeling it was between the zinc's and the copper signals we've been getting so far and that is the first wheat sent from the property nice green patina and if I see that correctly is that 1939 sweet that definitely beats the 1965 for the oldest coin 1939 wheat penny and that is coin number I believe 21 buckle up my friends because our 1939 wheat penny might have a friend I'm a few inches off of where that last plug is we got ourselves a 79 81 82 with depth that could be his friend right here let's do this all right check it again with the detector might be fairly deep yeah still showing down there deeper we will go [Music] getting some old gravel must have been a driveway here now picking it up yet though could be on edge might be a weird one let's kind of move this plug over this way yeah I just think I had the plug down a little too far it's bleeding in over to the other where the other hole was so we should be back this way more but we're gonna have it here in a moment did I just hear it come on where are you hiding [Music] playing difficult but that's okay if it's gonna be an old one oh there it is that was deep I just flicked it right there that's got to be a friend let's take it over here in the shade yeah that was way down there there's a row of pennies and what do we got here oh yeah that's old man it's turned the wrong way there we go man I can't tell on that one this might be a super old spill this one could even be older than 39 let me go wash it up and I'm gonna check there's all the RO there there's the 1939 and just keep putting them in rows of three so I can keep counting them we got another oldie right there coin number 22 and I'll get the date in a moment okay I'm up here on the porch I've got to cleaned up a little bit I'm not sure how well you can see it on there this one's a little crusty but it is a 1936 so at 36 and a 39 in the same hole that is awesome so these were dropped probably writer in around 1940 that is crazy new oldest coin on the property 1936 we'd sent and he had a friend next signal up by the landscaping by the front porch and we got ourselves a modern pool test that can pass through the same patch between the path and the driveway eighty-three signal we got yet another coin let's get it into the shade here so we can see it it is going to be a 1980 copper cent coin number 23 back down in the boxwood roots growling and another cent coin this time what do we have nineteen seventy on the button coin number 24 here we go again another nice coin signal about three inches down and between the path and the driveway still kind of smack dab in the middle right down in there laying flat it seems should have it indeed another coin what do we have this time see if I can see it looks like nineteen is that an S mint mark let me look at it here a second no it is a 1976 Denver coin number 25 and there goes my shovel I hope this signal is something interesting it was reading high 60s to low 70s very solid and had a little bit of depth in it to it as well I should say and please be something interesting oh you've got to be kidding it is another annihilated zinc penny but it is a coin and I believe it is coin number 26 and it's still in the date range of those other coins except for those two I found from the 30s and the one fluke one from the 2000s this one is a 1984 it's crazy you can see how they chip away right on the side of Lincoln and kind of wrap around his head that's pretty crazy I've never seen him like this before but as you could see there was a piece in my hand that just fell out but uh it's pretty crazy 1984 let's add it to the board i Nell came back onto the other side of the path where I started and I'm down further I have not been in this area yet so hopefully maybe the coins will start getting older over here but another solid signal it's in the clawed here and it's windy so I'm gonna run over here and we're gonna check it out over here in the shade by the board what do we got this is gonna be a another copper sent unbelievable how many are there it is another 1982 so many of these coins from the early 80s and that is coin number 27 about a yard away another coin signal here it is let's head it over to the board again and see what we have this is unbelievable to oldies so far - so they're mixed in coin number 28 is gonna be a 1980 copper sent let's start putting them for deep not gonna lie I'm excited about this target it seemed out of the ordinary kind of in the balance in between the 60s and 70s but it's deep so please let it be getting into the older stuff on this side what do we have some gravel down here thought I just saw something round oh is it a coin no way I can see from the back already that's a wheat cent that was deep let's go over by the board oh I almost just walked right into the boxwood what do we have here that is a toasty weed scent ooh oh my is that a 1916 s yeah I'm gonna have to clean it up a bit I think it is that would be a decent earlier date I wouldn't call it super rare Wow I'm gonna have to get my brush out this is sweet looks like we may have the first coin that's gonna predate the house could have been dropped around the time it was built that is awesome so I brushed it off a little bit and checked it closely I believe it's gonna be a 1916 Denver which is a little bit uncommon and awesome for an early scent I thought for a moment it might be a 1910 but there were no Denver coins in 1910 and the curves just don't look right so that's gonna be a 1916 Denver and if I remember I'll put the mintage across the screen but not a coin that pops up a whole lot and that right there is a hundred and three years old and that is coin number twenty-nine I have no idea let's count 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 28 and coin number 29 oh yes we're going in life only about two feet or so away from that 1916 D we'd sit and we got a slamming 83 good depth on it as well could it be another old coin now it doesn't sound as deep and as faint on the numbers like that last one so this could be another copper cent or maybe a more modern wheat penny than that one from maybe around World War 2 that would be the hopes of course silver is the hopes but we haven't found anything other than a penny yet which is insane I just flicked it out right there it looks bent let's go ahead and take it over by the board and see what we got here what do we have here man that thing is bent I don't think it was quite since now definitely wasn't shot what do we got there copper sent another 1982 with a severe puncture wound on Lincoln but it is coin number three zero a few feet over another penny signal I cut the plug we're gonna do it live ringing up 83 ish again very solid a few inches down and there it is once again we're just going to do this every time run it over here so I can see and add it to the board it appears it's just gonna be another comm percent this time this time 1981 that is coin number I'm losing track 32 I believe or 31 you get the idea another few seconds another coin check the imprint should be right here yeah it should be on this end of the plug it's got to be right here there's the other end of the imprint but where is the coin there it is in a counted bit we're on coin number 32 this one right here and I think I see the memorial in the back I do but I like to pull the date since I happened so far because they've all been in that same range this one I don't know if we can see it on their way that's a tricky one want to say it looks like 77 but I kid could be mistaken but we do know it's a copper cent so no big deal coin number 32 this is crazy they're not even slowing down in the side yard their signal smeared all over here let's take it over I'm gonna try to speed up this process this is coin number 33 and it is in 1982 and if you're burning to know I cleaned off the last one and it was 1974 well this was an easy one I flipped my plug if the coin fell off on my shovel you can see the imprint right there so coin number 34 and while we're going over to the board can we see the date it is 1970 something number 34 about a foot away from the last one right here we got coin number 35 and this one I believe with how crust it is as crusty as it is is going to be a zenki coin number 35 and the last one ended up being a 1971 this one's probably mid 1980s another two feet down right here I mean two feet down from the last signal the signal was it it was obviously not two feet down I can't see anything on it yet but it's gonna be coin number 36 and sooner than later we'll start hitting more old ones but there's so many of these right here and that one is another memorial and more dirt it's quite dirty compared to the other ones so there it is coin number well it's got to be 36 yes coin number 36 I think I'm gonna slug it out until I hit 50 coins it's been a long time since I've dug 50 coins out this fast of a property I'm super stoked that it's like a little treasure trove here I had a gut feeling on the property which is one of the reasons I was very excited when I purchased it so let's have a drink break and go slug it out next hole same area another nice low eighty signal what do we have here and I'm gonna stop running over to the board I don't know if it's annoying or not but I'm having fun and that is another copper cent coin number 37 a foot away another copper sent the last one was 1981 I cleaned it off in this one I can't see the date on but it's coin number 38 so I'm right here by the snake pit where that trees all rotted out down underneath the ground and another signal this is just insanity there it is coin number 39 and is this one old it's another 1982 I thought getting further away from the driveway the signals would start to thin out it's been the office the further I get down this side yard by these boxwoods the more coin signals almost every other sweep but here it is you can see the rim right there another what appears to be a cop percent I can't see the date but it is just a Memorial and that is coin number 4-0 10 more to fit another signal about a yard away down at it here what do we have another copper cent should be able to see the date on this one it looks pretty clean 1976 coin number 41 finally something other than a coin a piece of aluminium and actually I didn't pick it up yet but right into these boxwoods here there's a piece of modern aluminum here very lightweight not sure what that came off of but uh yeah check this out so there's two pieces of trash right there and apart from that whole mess of coins these are the only non coin targets today three pieces of aluminum right here a pull-tab all four pieces of aluminum technically five because the pull tab is also and technically this is aluminum also it's okay we only have three metals today so far we have copper we have zinc and we have aluminum now let's get some silver still right next to this line of boxwoods here getting close to the intersection and this one is right in that 79 80 range which could be a wheat cent could be that's how one of the last ones they dug up rang it's just right in between that zinc in the newer copper cent range so we'll check it live just in case now it may not even be a coin but we'll see I have my hopes that this one if it is but who knows okay we got it here somewhere is it a coin oh there it is it appears to be a coin let's take it over by the board I think this one might be a wheat cent you can see it's taking me further we'll walk over here now as I make my way down the yard there yeah it seems very consistent the 70s and 80s coppers are ringing up 82 83 the zinc's are in the 70s and the wheat pennies are ringing up right around 79 80 right in the middle and I can't tell this one is really caked yes indeedy I see wheat ears on the back we got ourselves the fourth wheat penny and I have no idea what coin number that is I think 42 awesome I'll clean it up and let you know Wow so an unexpected surprise right here it looks like it's got a lot of detail under the corrosion there you can see Lincoln quite well but look at that as it dries off 1926 that's crazy so like we just skipped the World War 2 era coins in the wheaties from the 1950s that's crazy we've been going from the the late 60's to the mid 80s and then warping back from like 1916 up until 1939 that is crazy you can see the curve there at the end it's definitely a 6 1926 coin number 42 unbelievable I had a signal here that I was pretty sure was gonna be a larger piece of iron but it rang in so good I wanted to dig it up and that's super heavy I have to double check this later that might just be a piece of a horseshoe but that's kind of heavier than usual I'm not sure but something other than a coin and it's something other than aluminum copper or zinc we will now add iron to the list this signal is in the low 60s I already cut the plug want to do it live in case you know never know it could be an old nickel ringing up funny I would really like to get something other than a penny but hey some of our old so you can't complain 42 coins it's just crazy that between the modern ones and the old ones I haven't found the nickel or a dime that's just bizarre but anyway let's see what this low sixty signal is it had a little bit of depth most of the targets here it's not like super modern trash it's all stuff that's 1980s and earlier is that it right here huh that's not super heavy I don't think that's a lad it might be it's small enough if it is wide it to the fifth metal it'll be the fifth metal primary metal of the day actually I think it is I think it's a tiny little lump of lead and that shows some age right there now let's get some silver or gold okay another coin signal the pinpointer was reading it right down here and this it oh it is it's not a coin a little piece of copper right there moving on back close up to the snake pit right now and it looks like we're gonna have coin number 43 and this is the patch where there were loads of the copper cents so that one's probably 70s or early 80s it's low relief but it is coin number 43 still by the snake pit another foot and a half up and a more shallow one in the plug here so probably another copper cent and it is they see the memorial on the back coin number 44 and I can actually see the date on this one that one's gonna be 1971 the grounds easy to dig between these boxwoods right here that I'm crawling underneath and the snake pit because this dead tree all the roots are decomposing so uh not bad but anyway flip the plug right here still getting a ton of these signals and coin number 46 we've got a 1972 copper penny somewhere along the line I miscounted that last one is coin number 45 one more row and we'll be at the big five oh I'm crawling under these boxwoods now because there is coins under here still signals everywhere right under the surface here another copper cent coin number 46 I'm going just get to 50 from crawling on my hands and knees under here around the other side of the box woods heading back toward the path around the other side I was right around this corner here a second ago another solid signal two inches down coin number 47 and it is another copper cent low relief so once again it's gonna be 1969 to 1982 still buy the snake pit here a moment ago I just dug a another piece of aluminum got a signal here on the 70s [Music] it rang in quite solid and popped right there it actually is a coin and it's gonna be a zinc penny that's why it rang up lower corroded as usual coin number 48 still skirting the edge of these boxwoods it looks like we've got coin number 49 and maybe I'll talk about it more in the future but um there are some reasons why people put different things like zinc and copper in and around plants copper actually repels slugs now that's not going to be very effective with pennies that they can crawl around and for the zinc coins the newer ones zinc can help you know vegetables and stuff like that girl but you know why would they be around boxwoods I don't know if that has anything to do with it if all these pennies were tossed around you know the boxwoods for a specific reason because I'm finding them up by the front steps in the middle of the yard and the side of the yard out by the road it's hard to tell there could be a lot of different reasons but there it is coin number 49 only an inch down there 1972 okay I'm back over where I found that 1926 weed sent down in here under this boxwood and semi-live we're gonna do coin number 50 what I owe actually it's right there coin number 50 is going to be the 1970 copper cent unbelievable let's go show the board the question is do I stop here or do I keep going it's just madness been out here digging for quite a long time now there it is ten rows of five 50 pennies ranging from 1916 to 2016 the shade here kind of around where I parked between the path up to the house and the driveway again still signals coming out it's crazy so we'll see if this one's older or just another one of them compr since right there point number 51 1979 copper penny well I can tell you all it looks like some day we're gonna have to rip up the landscaping here now the plastic they got down cuz I even came in here that's like a quarter signal 65 there's like a copper penny signal some kind of iron or junk under there that one I can dig out oh that sounds pretty good we're gonna get that one in a moment keep your eye on that one overload signal there could be a pipe of some sort huh unbelievable but yeah let's get that one now let's keep it rolling I'm gonna get my shovel this one sounds pretty good actually sounds higher than those copper pennies [Music] [Music] let's go for it sounds really good probably should use the foot shovel for this one little tricky getting under here oh man look at that rich soil like in that it's like it's gonna be right on top here where are you hiding yeah wasn't that deep whatever it is that couldn't have been hid little nail there stick that in the ground yeah the main signals down further I knew that couldn't have been it but you get a lot of trash once you get up along the side of the house see we're we're out here yeah there's still something down there for sure oh my goodness there's a lot of nails in here hopefully that's not what the signal is another signal here could have just been a pile of nails that gave off that good signal could it have been I sure hope not well that may be the case but I'm gonna check the hole again good if we pull something good out I'll let you know yes indeed there was a coin in there it's just my pin pointer battery's dying I already changed it I have two low batteries and it was in this little claw here in our pile and we didn't get it when we scanned it look at it is a coin down there though but again it's just a call percent unbelievable there's so many of these and that one is 1973 or something but yeah down in there about four inches in that soft soil right next to those two nails 1975 and two nails I keep coming out into the Sun because it's actually a little bit chilly in the shade going into evening here still by the driveway I got a signal that 1930s coin spill we found earlier was right along this edge and this is a deep one in a Trank right in that 79 80 range like the older wheats were ringing up it's actually quite deep I know you can't see down there so this one I'm just gonna would get it out I'm just gonna pluck it and change the lighting angle so everybody can see it is it in the pile no there it is we're right down on top of it there oh yeah I see the one sent right by the driveway about five inches down I gotta change my camera battery the coin number 53 is gonna be a wheat scent it looks like a good strike so it's probably our first one from the 1940s or 1950s and there it is it's a really clean one serve down in that old gravel from the driveway 1953 Denver wheat penny number five coin number 53 unbelievable okay I marked the signal for later when the shadows are better on that side of the yard I put my shovel right over there by the driveway where something sounds like it could be a potentially very deep silver coin and something interesting I also want to show over there but the shadows are really bad right now I came on the corner the house kind of where I started up through this way is when I started hitting the coins we got a signal could be something interesting it's mid 60s or mid 70s excuse me a little bit of depth accidentally bumped the volume again now this could just be another like a three inches Inc penny but we'll find out I may have to go over there and grab my hand shovel I wasn't even thinking let's try to get this out here all one piece there we go see what we got no this is gonna be easy to find shovel will not be necessary and that is it there piece of aluminum I'm gonna do these live because I'm down quite far now let's turn the volume up I'm down quite far in the yard now and I don't know if those 70s and 80s and 60s copper pennies have made it this far down cuz I haven't tried out this patch yet so we're going to try just in case this is an older coin do it fully live we will find out there it is right there and it is a copper cent that is crazy they're just all over the place 1975 and that is coin I believe number 54 just so much stuff now surprisingly not a lot of trash there it is coin number 54 some aluminum a little bit of iron tiny piece of lead and that's about what we got now this one could be an oldie a deeper signal it's more scratchy very scratchy that way not a very strong signal let's try this one live this could be an old coin right here definitely could only a couple feet away from that copper one see what we got might have to go deeper than this yeah I'm gonna try going down a little bit deeper I don't think we went far enough down on that one yet let's see if that did the trick of course my half did pinpointer isn't helping the cause any it's gonna be slightly over this way I want to widen it just in case it's not really good so don't scratch it it's always safe to widen the hole safer to do that because it does seem like it's going to be a deep one I hate this on the live ones though when my pinpointer isn't working good takes so much longer where are we at I hate to do this but I'm gonna have to cut it and get back to you I want to I don't want this to take care of it well this hole was much more of a mess than it had to be but you can see here in this section of the yard the ground is still extremely dry and I'm going to be killing a little bit of my grass so this is probably the last deep target I'm gonna do in this section and wait for some rain but um it was straight down in the hole kind of off a little bit to the right side where I dug I just had to go deeper and deeper ran over to get my hand shuffle shuffle and covered the edge of it right here it doesn't look silver but that one there man that was seven inches in this dry ground surprised how well I picked it up man look how cozy that is it's not zinc though that is an old penny super old it doesn't quite look like the edge of an Indian but could it be big bubble on it they're not sure but yeah that's definitely gonna be an old one at least a wheat penny let me clean it up and see if I can make anything out on it no way I cleaned it up a little bit on the reverse where it was all bubbly actually I wasn't sure which side it was can't believe it it's actually an Indian Head set you can see right here at the top facing north you can see the shield and the wreath kind of coming along the edge there and maybe the beginnings of the letters oh and for one cent unbelievable well this predates the house when they started building it by at least eight years naturally they could have still had them on them started building this in 1918 and at the very newest this is going to be 1909 but it's probably older than that because the 1909 s are a little bit uncommon so let me work on this a minute see if we can pull a date rubbing it or you know wetting it down it's not going to make it worth any less because it's really bubbled up and corroded in bad condition but coin number 55 and it's an Indian crazy some great news it still has a legible date it's gonna be from 1903 apart from being crusty it actually doesn't look all that bad you can still see the features of the Indian the feather tips pretty awesome so 15 years before construction on the house started got a 1903 Indian Head Penny if I wasn't gonna find silver that is definitely something that makes up for it no complaints there whatsoever let's go get some more it's getting cold now and I'm seeking out the sun spots in the yard here I'm gonna have to put my hoodie on here shortly we've got a mid 70s signal shallow here maybe just back into the zinc and copper patch definitely nowhere near as deep as that Indian that Indian was deep right here and I believe that's what it is yeah that's definitely a zinc penny coin number 56 another zinc II back by the bottom end of the path and it just won't stop huh I guess I already flicked it out another penny there nineteen eighty two copper that's gotta be the most found date today so many of them eighty-two coin number 57 and there's an signal about a foot and a half away that's probably another one as I said a foot and a half away except this one's a little bit deeper but it's right next to the sidewalk here and there it is I just popped it out I can't see anything with this glare from the Sun what do we have Oh 1969 on that one better than the 70s coin number 58 still by the path here I got nothing but a faint chirp that sounded super deep I thought it could just be a shallow small target fooling the detector so I grab the foot shovel just dug a huge plug and went down there about seven inches in the pinpointer is going off on the very bottom of the hole so could I have just sniffed out a super deep old coin we're gonna find out this is a part of the yard where the soil is really soft and saturated through from the rain so I'm able to get to these and when I hit I actually hit the path with the shovel when I was digging the side of this hole so it's right up against it it's deep is very deep it's still staying straight down and I'm already at about seven inches and when it chirped in it did sound right around 80 but that deep you never know could be a silver it could be a penny if it is indeed a coin seen seems very small concentrated just push that scoop out here see if we're still further down Oh come on pinpointer don't fail me now oh it is out it's a coin unbelievable that's got to be an old one that was it about eight to nine inches in that soft soil and the only reason they probably pick that up is because the ground still saturated right there I probably wouldn't pick that up into the dry hard pack in the center of the yard unreal you can see Lincoln on it now it's a wheat scent awesome let me get the date and I'll show you in a second okay so I took this inside and cleaned it off I'm not sure if you're gonna be able to tell really toasty and I think the last digit might be worn off I'll clean it more and get it under magnification later but I can definitely tell it is a 1:9 one something so it's another super old one from the 1910s so at the very minimum it's a hundred years old and I can't quite make out the last digit but there it is I think that's the sixth wheat penny to go with one Indian head and that is coin number 59 at the end of the path here where it goes out to the road and I haven't even touched any of that dirt yet except a little bit on this side up to about that tree but I came in between them here and started working underneath the Box woods down in there started getting signals again let's see what we got here another copper sent that one rang up higher that is gonna be a high relief coin no wonder it rang up higher I thought this one might be silver I know it's not it is low relief that fooled me but of course it's another 1982 and that is coin number 60 check it out so here's where I said the path ends right nope it's just grown in I dug a hole here and I hit the path it's down under about an inch of dirt and the thing about it is it seems like these coins are on top the path meaning that this path has probably been down here and growing over for the last took quite a while since admittance maybe around the 80s this coin is on top and it's copper and it's in the same date range as the other ones we've been finding literally on top of this old buried path and it's 1974 coin number 61 unbelievable now I want to know what's under that another foot and a half up from the last hole and I think it did end now but now there's all these types of rocks down here so maybe part of an old driveway there and right on top of it although there's another coin right here it's another memorial probably from the 70s or early 80s again and here comes the neighbors up just went around the corner I'll show the neighbor's dog came over here oh there it is the date came through 1982 alright let's keep looking coin number 62 it's time guys I'm not messing around I saved the signal that I think could be a deep silver coin right off the edge of the driveway here faint that way 79 85 84 88 this way it hits a little better wants to stay around 85 86 89 it's deep though which is why the tone is dropping a little bit like into the 70s and 60s sometimes it's because of the depth yeah that's deep trying to pinpoint the best they can to make sure I'm on to it oh boy I just hit asphalt right there this isn't not gonna be good no oh boy okay I can kind of get in on that side oh wow this might not be easy we got down here yeah oh wow right on the edge of the asphalt driveway hopefully this didn't get buried underneath it because it's close enough that if it's down under this side I will chip it out I don't even know if that's going to be deep enough to read it yet nothing and that is all asphalt right here so I'm gonna have to cut the camera I'm gonna dig another probably three inches down that way chip through that and we'll see if the coin is on this side or if it's going to be on that side here we go okay three to four minutes later I got down to it please be silver it's down right under the edge of the asphalt thankfully this kind of stays more on the top and then it kind of hollows out more on the bottom I'm down there about seven inches and I had this turned off I went inside to change my camera battery right down on top of it now just kept going kind of straight down we're right about there come on and be careful if it's good I don't want to scratch it if it is indeed a coin even it was a good signal for that deep back down under this way [Music] moment of truth can barely even get the shovel down in this hole there it is that's a penny zoo that's gonna be old though well crusty little disc all the way down there we'll clean it off and see what it is most certainly that's gonna be at least a wheaty all righty this coin made me really happy and I'm gonna tell you why so in my earlier days of YouTube when I was on a rampage and I did a ton of urban digging and I had a lot of energy I was in physically much better condition not as many aches and pains and sometimes on some of my permissions I have many times in the past on many YouTube videos have dug over a hundred coins in a day and one day I even dug like 240 of them looking in the past don't know how I did it a lot less filming involved I was doing a lot more digging at the time but I'll tell you this is what I haven't done in quite a long time so first of all it wasn't finding a hundred coins but this wheat penny became part of the driveway and after picking and chipping and all the materials that cake to it over the years I can tell it's a 194 something I think 45 but I'm not certain but probably a World War 2 era wheat cent but with that I have now dug today a penny from ten different decades I did the 1900s which is that 1903 Indian Head I dug a wheat penny from the teens two of them one from the 20s two from the 30s one from the 40s one from the 50s and then I got copper cents from the 60s 70s copper and zinc from the 80s I don't think I found any coins from the 1990s and then I did find that one somewhere up there from the 2000s so that I dug pennies from ten different decades today spanning from the early night and you know I struggled on the more modern once I didn't find one from the 1990s and or one from like 2010 to present so if I could find me a couple more modern zinc's from the 90s or around the 2010s I might be able to get myself up to twelve decades of pennies I doubt I'll beat that 1903 Indian Head today I'm fading fast might be done here now but that's coin number sixty-three I can't believe it out of all debt that range in years of pennies not a single nickel dime a quarter it is mind blowing I've never seen anything quite like this before but then again probably I don't know probably not a ton of wealthier I did hear that the planting of these boxwoods were to supplement income around World War two and they used to you know trim them off around the holidays and um you know I don't know if they made decorations with them I would assume so uh some interesting history here on the property and the story that I can tell you for certain is for a very long time first man of about a hundred years there was no shortage of pennies oh my goodness I thought I might be onto my first nickel and it is a very compacted old crushed up ball of foil so maybe the nickel wasn't meant to be today but I tried back to the driveway edge four inches down for penny number 64 and it is another copper cent a clean one though 1975 and let me tell you I just did a few swipes out by the road on the other area here where I haven't gone out yet and it's just another blanket of these copper sounding signals when will they end I wanted to show this one because there's another one of them copper signals but literally in the dirt that's mounted up on the side of this tree they're just everywhere let's see where that one is Quinn can point read it yeah that's pretty high up straight up out there don't cut the hand shovel right now [Music] again roots I'm gonna push this one up probably won't do this live a second here right under there literally wedged up in here who knows could be old you never know this is gonna be nearly impossible to get to all right I'll pop it out let's just weave down in there popped it out with my hand digger from under the roots and coin number 65 it's in 1978 about two feet away shallow one right here the pinpointer was picking up a second ago must be getting weaker I think it's about right here let's see did I miss it where is it at it's right about here you can hear now I actually thought it was more shallow than this I wonder it wasn't picking it up good it is gonna be about two to three inches right there right at it now let's go probably head it in there yeah there you go coin number 66 another copper cent swinging way down under the base of these boxwoods getting my coil down in here right about where they're coming out of the ground had a signal down in there let's see if this one's old that's just another copper cent coin number 67 still under the boxwoods I think I got another zinc right here now hopefully that one's gonna be from the 90s to add to our decade collection for today ought to clean them all up later oh it looks a little bit shinier but no hey check that although it's a zinc variety first year it's a 1982 d zinc so we found 82 copper and 82 zinc today normally don't find those like I said all these zinc's are seem to be 1983 and earlier I think her 85 it was yes right 1985 and earlier I think all the zinc's but one have been between 82 and 85 so sometime around 1985 somebody littered pennies all over this lawn okay going over the center portion of the yard again a little bit off the waist from the path in the driveway and in the center here I'm starting to unlock some the deeper ones now and this could be that deep silver dime we're looking for ringing up high 80s mid to high 80s there's some junk in the ground that's want to pull it another direction let me move this make sure it's not my shovel because I want to try to pinpoint this properly yeah my voice shovel was trying to pull the signal closer to it now all right time to dig it up see what we got oh it's still pretty soft right here that's awesome oh it's right next to it I think one another plug I dug up possibly is it a plug that is it's next to another sigmoid ugh earlier today you just keep unlocking them I think I'm gonna have to go deeper let's try with the hand shovel here a bit see if it allows me to read it if we get a little deeper [Music] of course this pinpointer is not treating me well today but I just couldn't stop shooting the video I'm gonna check it with the detector and I'll probably cut the clip last unless it was something small that was folding the detector I think it might have been not very deep it could have been a piece of junk had my sensitivity up high and it was it was just fooling the detector just like a little piece of electrical there unbelievable oh well I wanted to at least hit 70 coins today so I came back over where the old sidewalk is buried and down from that other hole Walt was broken up that's must be what it was I think the roots just broke it up because I went down further and it's still solid right here coming down this way and it looks like I got his neck and I actually hope it's from the 1990s sitting down on top of there nope it's still in that mid-eighties range early to mid 80s locked down in here right on top coin number 69 it's very rare to find coins locked on top of an old sidewalk I can't remember the last time I dug out a spot like this maybe only once or twice ever before you can see right here where I'm pushing my finger and scraping that's the sidewalk two inches down with dirt over top of it this coin is literally sitting right on top of it because it cannot sink anymore the zinc cannot sink except my joke didn't work because this one's copper coin number 70 1976 the Sun is officially behind the hill now so there are no sunspots left and a little bit better on the filming but anyway earlier today I left this go because it was down in some roots in in an area that was super sunny but you can see where I cut a plug earlier I can't remember what I dug deep out of here it might have been one of the wheat pennies but I knew I had a faint signal super deep and off to the side of it so I've been working on this for a little while and I can hear it with the pinpointer now it's way down there so we're gonna see if we can coax it out I don't know if it's just gonna be a wheat penny or what wasn't a super high signal but low 80s still down there oh I see something right there that is a nice looking wheat set about 7 inches oh yeah this might have been the hole that I got the 19:26 out earlier I can't remember looks like it's gonna be a 1941 awesome I lost track of the wheats I think this is maybe number eight to go along with the Indian Head that one I'll actually clean up nice though very clear 1941 coin number 71 might be on film huh what do you want huh huh what do you want let's find some silver I skipped this signal because it sounded like a zinc down under roots earlier today and I think this sink doesn't like being close to this hemlock because that is absolutely annihilated but once again in that same date range 1984 coin number 72 so I think I'm gonna end it here I am absolutely spent I just I just went out digging I was gonna work on the house and shoot another update video today and I'm like yeah let's just keep digging so I dug and I dug and I dug and I dug and I'll do like a wrap up in another video and put it all together and try to tell the story but I'm almost 100% certain that all but one of the zinc pennies dropped within maybe the last ten years the rest of the coins were all 1985 and earlier so apart from that one coin there was a total of 72 two coins so we had 71 coins that ranged from 1903 to 1985 that was pretty awesome even though every single one of them was a penny it was still a fun day especially with that Indian head that was the icing on the cake so thanks everyone for watching I'll see you on the next one good bye just a foot away another coin I checked the date on the last one and it was 1981 this one here is going to be another con concept
Channel: Treasure Quest - JD & Company Chronicles
Views: 115,554
Rating: 4.7879281 out of 5
Keywords: Metal Detecting, Coins, Penny, Lawn, Hoard, Penny Hoard, Detecting, Abandoned, House, Abandoned House, Blanket, JD's Variety Channel, Old House, 1918, 1921
Id: jkJZSRyAN_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 39sec (6099 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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