All Of My Guitars...for now

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hello everyone welcome back today we are doing the big guitar episode i've got every single one of my guitars out here on this couch uh recently samurai jenny who is manning the camera over there myself and our baby moved into a new house and before i set up all my guitars in the studio i decided to lay them all out today i'm going to tell you a little bit about each one of them i did a video a couple years back about the gear i use but that was a couple years back and i have since accumulated a lot more guitars i think at some point i've probably mentioned a number of these in one video or another but i've never done a big conglomeration video like this one so today that's what's up but before we get into it i'll quickly let you know that we're doing a flash sale over my course platform samurai over there i've got two courses that teach music theory from the ground up to more advanced topics designed specifically with the guitarist in mind they're professionally animated there's lists of things to work on there's interactive elements to make the tough stuff easy to understand the first 50 of you to use promo code all my guitars on the two course bundle will get both courses for the normal price of one again that's over i'll also put up links to that in the description all right let's get to the guitars i'm going to start on this end here let's start with this guy right here this is my black fender stratocaster made in america from 1988 when i was working at a guitar store i was digging around the back somewhere i can't remember exactly what i was doing maybe i was hunting for rats or something i was pretty low on the totem pole at the store but anyways i came across this guitar and it was in a case i pulled it out and i asked the manager about it he ran the serial number and he said that it was stock and it would have gone on to the floor i asked him how much it was selling for he said 350 canadian dollars i said that sounds like a great deal and i bought it [Music] okay next up we got the relish merry one here the guys at relish sent me an email a couple years ago and they asked if i'd like to check out one of their guitars specifically this one i said hey that looks pretty cool this was the first one that i featured in my world's weirdest guitar series what makes this guitar unique is the fact that the back pops off you can pull out the pickups which are attached by magnets you can look through it and you can put in different pickups if you want which makes this i think one of the most versatile guitars ever made samurai jenny and myself also went to the relish factory in lucerne i believe it was very cool guys there beautiful little town relish mary one gotta love it okay next up let's do this one here this is a rarities fender stratocaster with a rosewood neck i don't really have much of a story to this one i didn't need to buy it i made a video about this one called i don't need this guitar but i want it or something to that effect it's a cool guitar i reached out to the guys at fender and asked them if there was an artist price that i could get on this it came to me at a reasonable deal so i bought it put it on a different pick guard and uh put in a video and i've been using it ever since [Music] okay i'm moving down the line we got another stratocaster here whoa that one almost took a fall this one was sent to me by my friend alexis she at one point was working for a company called jocko land or maybe working with them and she told me about that company sent me some pictures from some of the guitars they made this was one of them i commented about how cool that i thought this one was i mean look at that design insanely cool what a great collage yeah right amazing and then before i knew it she sent it over to me i find myself playing this one whenever i need to get funky [Music] 112 lounge seafoam green series this is the newest addition to the collection it showed up yesterday i don't have a lot to say about this one quite yet because i haven't really played it it's very very cool looking in my opinion it's one of the most beautiful guitars that i have it's made of like a wine cask i think these are bullets i think they're bullets i'm not really sure what these are they look like bullets what do you think about this one samurai jenny i love the color of that one big fan of seafoam green the controversial but heart-stoppingly beautiful reverse flying v one out of ten people think this is an amazing guitar nine out of ten people hate it i happen to be one of those one out of ten people when i was working at the guitar store gibson did this guitar of the week thing so every week for a year they put out 400 guitars of one specific series when i saw this one i was like i need to buy this one however we were only getting one of them in stock and there were a couple other employees who really wanted it as well somebody tried to play the seniority card and buy this one even though i'd already reserved it and that caused a little bit of friction but as you can see i came out on top reverse flying v it doesn't play all that great but man does it look cool if you're one of those one out of ten [Music] this is the guitar that i would vote most likely to be used as a murder weapon this one is a reverse stratocaster i put this one in my world's weirdest guitar series i don't really like this one it doesn't play very well it's just a cheap strat the only cool thing about it is the body is backwards if i had to pick a single guitar out of all my guitars that i like the least this would be it this guy here first base on the list for today this is the schecter hellcat six uh it's really cool in the sense that it is tuned like a base except for like it plays like a guitar and it kind of has like the pickups like a guitar it feels like a guitar but it's a base the story behind this one is the guys at schecter sent me an email that basically said hey is there anything in our collection that you think you could use so i said hey this one would be pretty cool and it showed up in the mail a little while later if i could tell my 16 year old self that one day companies were just going to send me free guitars my 16 year old self would probably say i look forward to being 33. okay we got another one here that is among the world's weirdest guitars the eastwood phase 4 micro tonal guitar so this one was also featured in that series of mine what makes this one so weird is that normally you have a certain space between two different notes but this one puts another note in between that normal spacing so instead of going up a semitone you can also go at quarter tones [Music] look at those frets so many more frets interesting okay next up let's do another base here this is the eb1 base by eastwood when i did that video for this guitar i sent it over to the guys at eastwood they said hey really good video if there's anything else you'd like to check out or anything else we can send you let us know i mentioned that i don't have a fretless bass and so they sent this one over to me i also learned out through that process that playing fretless is really quite hard [Music] and i could probably practice it a little bit more okay so this one it's an american fender precision base which i replace the pick guard on a little while back i was recording some music and i said to myself i really wish i had a a p bass sound and i bought this one okay this one here fender jazz bass made in the custom shop i've been using this one for quite a while but this one has a bit of an asterisk beside it because it's not actually not my guitar this belongs to my friend tom he's just lent it to me for quite a while him and his dad came into the music shop that i was working in a while back and his dad bought this for him as a graduation gift he has since not played a whole lot of base at one point in time he is going to come to me and say hey man can i get that base back and that day will be a rather sad day [Music] next up we've got the guitar in the bag it's going to remain a mystery i'm not going to tell you what's in here because this is going to be featured on a future episode of the world's weirdest guitars and i don't want to spoil the surprise guitar in the bag whoa it's okay everything's okay we just had an avalanche casio dg20 another one that i featured on the world's weirdest guitar series this one is very weird it's a digital guitar if you really want to know more about it i would just watch that video as i went into a lot of depth about it bought it on ebay haven't used it since that video okay this one right here here she is the first love number one my 1952 reissue fender telecaster that uh was probably made in like 2004 or something when i was 14 15 years old i saved up all my money that i made reffing hockey and i used it to buy this guitar it has been my number one guitar ever since the majority of gigs that i've played have been on this thing it's easily my favorite one this is the one like my one material possession that i actually feel a strong emotional connection to it's irreplaceable it's got my initials in there i did that to be like stevie ray vaughan it's been worn in over the course of like 16 years it just feels like it feels like home i love this guitar this is my favorite [Music] one and here we have the hockey stick guitar i came up with this concept that i wanted to make a guitar out of hockey sticks so i told the idea to my dad he told the idea to his friend rob the wood butcher and together they made this beautiful thing a reality it can't really be used for much it's open tuning and you can't fret it so you have to use a slide on it kind of out of tune but you know where she goes the video that we shot for this one i think it was the first video that we ever shot together it was yeah [Music] [Applause] this one here is the jared james nichols signature epiphone les paul single pick up here um not much of a story for this one jared sent this to me super cool guy what up jared whenever i need to unleash my blues power i use this one these guitars are placed in a bit of a precarious position dan electro 66 bt this is a baritone guitar every now and then whenever i need to get my baritone thing going i use this one dan electro 66 bt uh-oh baby monitor made a sound are you moving no fast asleep just did a roll here we have the dan electro cetarotar i can't actually remember what the official model name is for this one i call it the satara tar this was featured in the world's weirdest guitar series when i started doing that series i knew that i wanted to put this guitar in there it makes your guitar sound like a sitar [Music] jenny what do you think about this one i like that one it kind of well it's cool to begin with but it also kind of looks like a pig is this his nose right here yeah yeah i can see that dan electro 59 x12 12 string electric guitar big question is whenever you pick up a 12 string is it in tune moment of truth it is not relish trinity don't really have much to say about this one i've been using it quite a bit pretty awesome you can take the pickups out of this one too even less of a story behind this one this is the fender 80s heavy metal strap thing made in japan so when i bought this precision base from the fender guys i also saw that they had released this line and it was a very affordable line and so i just decided to buy one of these as well that's it i don't use it much it's pretty cool though it's pretty is that an insult when you say that guitar is pretty no that's awesome if i was a guitar i'd be happy to be called pretty [Music] okay this one here it's a gretch the model number is just a bunch of numbers g6120jr2 this is one that is actually not mine this belongs to my friend will we played in a band together back in the day called shaky gun this is a guitar that he always used he hasn't been playing a lot of guitar and so i kept on borrowing it and then i eventually just borrowed it for well i borrowed it till now and that was a couple years ago at some point he's probably gonna want it back you should do an episode with the old guys it would be a cool thing to do something i'd like to do at some point is put the band back together and like record a song i think it'd be pretty fun we have to track down tyson i think he's in the woods somewhere in bc this one here ibanez les paul copy um when they say the lawsuit guitars i believe this is what they're referring to it's from 1976. this one has an asterisk beside it as well because it's technically not mine my buddy jeff when we first started playing guitar 14-ish years old he went on a trip out to see his relatives and he saw his relatives and they're like hey man you play guitar here's a guitar and so they gave him this one also on that trip his dad bought him a gibson les paul so he came back with two guitars didn't really have a use for this one so he came up to me and said hey sami g you want to hang on to this one for a while that was like 20 almost 20 years ago so i don't know that he's gonna ever come back for it he lives in sweden now i think this one will be in my possession for the indefinite future moving on we have an epiphone sl last summer jenny had an idea for some really cool pictures that we were going to do that involved me going into the water with a guitar i did not want to take any of my prized possessions into the water and potentially ruin them so i went to the guitar store and bought the absolute cheapest guitar i could this one was used it was like 100 or something since then it has been completely submersed not once not twice but three times and believe it or not still works perfectly fine you dried it out completely though took it all apart and blowed out all the the water i did i mean maybe that's a testament to my my drying skills hoffner very thin js stowell stowell model i essentially traded up from an amp that i bought for 400 to get this one back when i used to work at the guitar store one of the best things about that job was that the employees got first dibs on the used gear that came in and so i bought a marshall jcm800 amp for 400 or something and i sold that one for hundred dollars and then a marshall jubilee amp came in uh the combo version and i bought that one for like 600 bucks and then sold that for a thousand dollars and then i used that money to buy a jubilee head and cabinet which i ended up selling for like i think eighteen hundred dollars two thousand dollars and i use that money to go to another guitar store and handle them down on this guitar and so that's how i traded it up from a 400 amp to this really great jazz box have you ever heard that story about the guy who um traded a paper clip for a house i was just gonna say it sounds like the paper clip story it's like that but on a much smaller scale [Music] let's do the u-base this is a little mini ukulele type of bass guitar that i bought off of producer adam kind of sounds like an upright bass i use it kind of in that setting okay layer of a 12 string here a couple months ago i said to myself i think i would like to buy myself a high-end 12 string so i reached out to the guys at larave asked them if they had anything in stock they recommended this one it's a beautiful beautiful guitar i decided to go with a larave because i wanted to support a canadian company only to find out when this arrived that it was made in oxnard california is it in tune [Music] yes it is this one also showed up when our son was born like right around that same time so i kind of associate those two things with each other which is nice this one is the gold tone paul beard signature series resonator guitar i need a resonator guitar so i reached out to the guys at goldtone and asked them what they would recommend and they sent me this one [Music] i've heard of the stories of you sneezing on stage adam told me it's a scary thing oh got another gold tone here okay so at one point we shot a video at the lake using that gold tone guitar the resonator the guys at goldtone really liked that video and so they sent me an email a little while back and asked me if i would do something similar with their their mandotars i said hey that's really cool that would probably fit in my world's weirdest guitar series so they sent this one over and i featured this little guy which is like a normal guitar but tuned up an octave in that series [Music] all right we're on the home stretch here this here is a garrison g10 this is my first ever acoustic guitar i was probably uh 15 14 years old i said to my parents i would love oh my god there's a spider on this one look tiny little spider sorry little guy i didn't kill him by the way just so it's known i'm not a spider killer every time i see a spider i try to keep it alive now you scoop it up and dust it out the door i know but anyway um got this one for my parents for christmas and like i feel like that was like 2002 uh i also remember that christmas one of my brothers got grand theft auto vice city and that was just like that was the best christmas ever i also remember we got a bunch of colonel's popcorn and the evenings were spent just like strumming my new acoustic guitar playing grand theft auto and eating popcorn that is every teenage boy's dream right there for the longest time all i had was this acoustic my telly and then i would borrow one of tom's bases now i have 37 some guitars but truth be told with just those three things i could probably do 99 of everything that i do now but when you're fortunate enough to have companies that will either sell you things at an artist discount or just like send you things you don't say no this little guy right here is an art lutherie parlor guitar i bought this one right before i went to australia on my soul-seeking adventure at age 18 19. my whole idea was i would buy a cheap travel guitar and if it got lost or stolen or broken or something no big deal however since then i've actually become quite attached to this guitar since like i have so many memories associated with it this was a guitar when i worked at the hospital playing music for the patients there this is the guitar i use so i end up putting tons and tons of hours into this thing it's really quite worn down i bought this one as a guitar that i would have been okay with if it just disappeared off the face of the earth but i've actually grown quite attached to this little guy [Music] orangewood cutaway mason eb live not much of a story behind this one the people at orangewood reached out to me and asked if i would like one of their guitars i said i would love to give one a try so they sent this one over and honestly as far as cheaper more affordable acoustic guitars go this one is really awesome [Music] the journey overhead travel guitar this one has been with us around the world it's great because it just folds down into a very small travel bag that it comes with and it can fit in the overhead container of a plane when i will be traveling with it again who in god's name knows but very glad that i have this one and if you are a musician who travels quite a bit and just likes to have a guitar that sounds really good and also won't get beat up get one of these this is my one and only classical guitar uh it's actually my dad's classical guitar this is what he would play me when i was a young little baby he only knows like three chords e dna [Music] there's also a really cute video of you chewing on that as a little baby yeah there is i'm going to cut to that video right now epiphone deluxe master built guitar this is an acoustic guitar clearly not much of a story behind this one it kind of has like a bit of a charlie christian type of vibe to it which is really great for playing like acoustic jazz stuff [Music] okay we're down to the last two here this one here is a gibson j45 vintage custom shop guitar back when i used to work at the guitar store they had one of these in stock and it was my favorite acoustic guitar that they had i used to strum it all the time on my breaks last year i was like you know what i want to splurge on a guitar this is going to be the one i will also say coming from a guy at gibson who will remain anonymous because he wanted to stay off the record he told me that he believes that this guitar is the best guitar that gibson makes [Music] and lastly this fender that has an asterisk beside it because this one is not mine this one's your guitar that's mine yeah cool i think you got it from your auntie joan well my ex my auntie joan bought it used at a garage sale and it sat in her closet for a while and then my dad decided he wanted to play it so it was given to my dad and then it sat in his closet forever and i remember seeing it as a kid and then i was like i kind of want to play guitar and so i played for a little bit and took lessons and stopped playing and now it sits in our living room and this is the one that i play for our son all the time yeah this is one of the guitars that i play the most actually because this is just the living room guitar that i grabbed and sing songs they make up for the boy i don't know what do you think about all these guitars how does how does samurai jenny feel about having 37 guitars in our house oh i don't know i think it's pretty cool i think guitars are cool i like looking at them i feel like every guitarist needs a samurai jenny by his side because i feel like a lot of people their significant others are like there's too many guitars in here i can't believe you got another one whereas for you one shows up and you're like oh cool what's this one what'd you get now there's actually another one in california too that one stays there and whenever i go there it stays with my relatives i forgot to mention that one that one's another orange one do you need gear to make good music yes if i didn't have all these guitars i would be a shell of the person i am a shell of the musician i am and i wouldn't possibly be able to be creative in the least bit that's a lie yeah it is okay well that's that those are all my guitars thank you guys for tuning in uh again remember that we've got a limited flash sale going on at you can get both my courses for the normal price of one with promo code all my guitars i think it was there's only 50 of those codes available so use them while you can as always thank you guys all for watching if you want to check out another video like this one hit that link up there if you're new here hit that subscribe button and you can see me actually playing these guitars um big thank you to everybody who supports my channel through patreon until next time i'm samurai guitarist thank you again all for watching and i will see you next time
Channel: samuraiguitarist
Views: 737,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guitars, gear, gearhead, music, musician, strat, stratocaster, tele, telecaster, les paul, gibson, fender, ibanez, acoustic, acoustic guitar, larrivee, gretsch, eastwood, bass, precision, jazz, relish, dobro, gold tone, collection, samurai, samurai guitarist, guitarist, samuraiguitarist
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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