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hi guys welcome back to my channel today i'm going to be addressing a very pressing issue well it's more of a question but it's also an issue you guys have been relentlessly asking me how many instruments i own normally this comes in the form of elise how many ukuleles do you own but i have also gotten people very concerned about my guitar collection how many triangles i have and most importantly how many kazoos i wouldn't be surprised if i have hundreds if not thousands of kazoos today we're gonna find out but first you have to press like otherwise this video gets deleted so pretty much this is an instrument tour video i'm gonna show you each one count them all up and then at the end i'll give a grand total i think i also just need to take inventory and see how out of hand my obsession with some things is getting because i think we're going to realize very quickly there are some instruments that i just have way too many of i think you all know what i'm talking about let's start with the weirdest ones first the highly coveted didgeridoo a musical toad block thing we cannot forget about the shaky egg both of my guitars i have a squire bullet strat and a fender acoustic now of course i have a whole bunch of flat ukuleles first up are my signature models and you can find the links for these in the description here's the sample model that i got for my mahogany signature and here's the final one of the mahogany signature my signature sunset uke and then my signature sunset you begin but with a long neck this was my very first flight uke we also have this one and then one for the means this is a very fancy one here's a baritone that is very out of tune i haven't tuned this one in probably two years the sound wave this is probably the coolest uke that i own [Music] these two technically belong to my sister eden but i'm gonna claim them for this video because i do still have some ukuleles at my parents house that i never brought with me so these are gonna constitute as them plus eden has also put both of my signature capos on them link in the description a bass guitar that i have no heck an idea how to play the moment you've all been waiting for my kazoo collection i'm starting off with my electric kazoo that is not plugged in but we can still kazoo with it [Music] do baby accordion baby drums saxophone [Music] xylophone baby keyboard i'm not even sure if this works anymore the triangle the recorder now if we're including my midi keyboard here's another one now theoretically speaking i could play hundreds and thousands of instrument sounds on this so there's really unlimited possibility but we'll just count it as one for the sake of simplicity so this says keyboard keys and then also a little beat pad over here that i make some fire beats on while we're at it why don't we just throw a banana into the collection i have used a banana as an instrument before so i think it fits there don't say it doesn't count because it definitely does all right guys that is every instrument that i have in my house and it adds up to be a grand total of 47 instruments i think if i did my math right to be honest i never really learned to count past five thank you guys so much for watching this video i hope you enjoyed it and i hope you have a great rest of your day i love you all [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Elise Ecklund
Views: 162,122
Rating: 4.9792023 out of 5
Id: dAt3hxvfPcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 38sec (278 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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