Backyard Sump Pump System Before, During, and After

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[Music] I'm a little bit out of my territory on this job but I wanted to take you guys along with me so I'm in Grosse Pointe Michigan and if you ever seen the movie Grosse Pointe blank or Clint Eastwood's El Camino that tells you a little bit about the location of man it's Wayne County I'm in Grosse Pointe Woods Wayne County I mean it's mostly known for its beautiful beautiful drive down Jefferson that you've seen and those both those movies show that drive and the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club so this gentleman wouldn't take no for an answer gen kept taking his calls and he kept demanding to talk to the owner now because it's winter you know so spring is a different story it's winter winter work I look at winter work differently sometimes I can drive a little farther but this is a quite a drive for us we're we're north of this quite aways so you can see the water just pulled in here this is a situation where there's no infrastructure for drainage none and they got this beautiful brick veneer home I mean it's everything you see here the window boxes for flowers I mean this is just so true to Grosse Pointe nice brick paver patio but this here you can see by the discoloration of the yard there it just holds water and really really bad come spring so what we're going to do so we're going to come up in here because I don't have any utilities in here so really nice come through here the one nice thing about these older communities a lot of what we have to worry about and the newer subs is up on the polls still so that was you know the old school so you know I have electric and I have some of the fiber optics different things that run around this yard it looks like I'm only gonna have to worry about this one right here crossing it we're gonna run a hundred and twenty feet of French drain through this soggy location the downspouts on the garage we want to collect that water so we're gonna put a sump pump in here so we can lift this water out of this backyard and we're going to run the downspouts right to the sump system now what do you do when you have this and you're cemented in cement right to the property line over here we got the power electrical we got a beautiful terracotta you know these are the click helmed bricks the electric crosses right here so if you're going to go over this way you're gonna be dealing with that then how do you get past there you can't dump the water here then the basement ends up wet and you have this beautiful you know the house has a true chimney true fireplace so I'm not going this way but stay tuned because we're going to do this install next week I'm gonna cover it from A to Z and I'm gonna show you guys how we're gonna take our patent-pending design of a sump system and how we're going to take this yard that becomes a lake which is now workable right now and I'm gonna show you how we're gonna evacuate the water stay tuned alright so now we have it sprayed out I want you to take a look at it collection area we're hitting the potholes be send for the yard drain part of this later this man stay in your collection areas that's where you're going to pick up all your water don't leave any water behind you can see look at this so for this yard this is a defined collection area we're gonna do a yard drain with Inlet basins and a French drain we're separating the pipes so we don't contaminate our French drain system told you guys A to Z you're gonna get to see it [Music] notice how the school behind the home where we're working the sports fields are crowned 'add so that they stay dry that's really really some good planning by the engineers and when this was built there's a lot of schools where their sports fields are too flat and they're just a mud bog so this is great with the exception that all the water comes right towards this home and when you have that much property shedding water into your yard there's no way to get the water out you end up with a lake [Music] all right so we laid our system out then we took our plywood as far as it would go we really don't have enough plywood for this job and that's because we had to travel so far with just two vehicles and two very small trailers so we're gonna come in tomorrow with the rest of the stone and be able to haul out the rest of the dirt but we're gonna get as much as we can get done today that's always the goal and leave you know just we're hoping if we push till dark that this job is something that we're gonna get done tomorrow without having to push hard some system right here there's a outlet right there to plug into some system so that just worked out that's just dumb luck we're also going to tie in the downspouts on this building into the sump system we want to catch that water and then we don't want to let it go it's too hard to corral grab it and get it right to the sump system that's the plan this this job has been methodically thought out I've been here I walked it I looked at all my options I'm gonna tell you why I'm doing what I'm doing what I saw we're gonna have to cut this out by hand this side we cannot cut that with a side cutter it's just gonna sink and bury itself again the yard drains gonna have a catch basin here right in there these are the collection points these are great collection points for a yard drain we're going to run our French drain in the same trench this is a sump pump system yard drain French drain high-bred this is a this is the way to leave it to where you have no regrets I mean this is a no regret system this will work in Hawaii this will work in Florida Louisiana this will work anywhere [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] yeah we'll take it it's working nice [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] in this line of work you can't be afraid to get dirty it's an occupational hazard always put your side on the opposite end of where you're gonna be working we're gonna be working from the plywood road the dirts gonna come out it's going to get hauled out we're gonna bring in all the materials and the stone do our burrito wrap and then put the sod right back cut it in manageable pieces it's easy to handle nice hair [Laughter] look at that sprinkler line it's right in the trench it's always right in the trench I hope this visual helps all the subscribers so we ran our system in the lowest point of the art that's the collection area when we remove the cut side look what happened all that water filled that very shallow two-and-a-half inch trench our system is going to scream this systems gonna work great they're never gonna see standing water again now it is just instinct for a homeowner to want to put dirt in this collection area but where do you think the water is gonna go after you fill this in with dirt now it's ten times harder and it takes 10 times the trench and pipe to round that water back up because you scattered it everywhere so when you have defined collection points do not haul in a bunch of dirt and chase the water up towards the house is what usually happens or now it's spread out throughout the entire backyard and the only way you're getting it is with a French drain grid and you're gonna be running a lot of pipe and digging out a lot of dirt [Music] [Music] [Music] you got some big anchoring roots getting into some blue clay down there a lot of route the hemlock is shallow-rooted it's no threat [Music] we're going to oversize the hole we want it to be bigger than our sump system that way we're going to drill a bunch of holes in the housing of our patent-pending chambered sump pump system [Music] the voids in the stone around it are going to be part of the acting chamber this sump pump should last forever the switch in it is not going to be short cycle that's not going to be pounded to death there should be a fitting we should be able to find a fitting where the other line was connected like a tea fitting maybe we go a little bit that way yes sir all right so we hooked a sprinkler line and as soon as you see a sprinkler line jump out cut it immediately because if you pull on it with the Machine the line comes off a fitting and it's really hard to find where it came from I've seen guys hook a line not know it completely raise the arm on a trackhoe and it was a joke there was no finding where that line came off of now it's a Michigan winter it's January sprinkler systems are winterized we don't have the luxury of turning this thing on and seeing where the water blows out [Music] we also don't have very much daylight these are some of the shortest days of the year in Michigan beautiful came off this fitting right here all right so when the excavator caught it so in the excavator caught that line it's a one-inch poly line and this is a tee it pulled it right off the fitting that's what it usually does you want to look for that you want to work smart guys these sprinkler systems are expensive and you got to take care of this as you come across it or it's just a a mess and it's just impossible to deal with at the end [Music] so we're getting into the clay there was topsoil on top that I'm sure the homeowner put back here at some point maybe to try to raise some of the elevations but the whole East Side of Michigan is slow we're dealing with that's why water just sets like it's in a bathtub because it basically is all right so dry wells don't work in clay because of what we just talked about there how this will just be a bathtub you could fill it full of water if I filled this full of water and we come back tomorrow the water would still be there that is just a fact that's why dry Wells don't work in clay you have to have some really good percolating soil to do a dry wall we are gonna build this however like a drywall we're gonna have a big giant chambered sump pump system and we're gonna have all types of stone and high-octane in here to act as more of a reservoir more of a chamber so that this could keep up when all that water is shutting off the school sports fields I want to make sure this half horse Liberty has a fighting chance since it's a good strong pump I know what its capabilities are [Music] and this reservoir is going to hold hundreds of gallons when we get done [Music] all right so we're just going to make sure everything is the right with depth we still have to put our fabric in but we're not done digging everything out the height looks good maybe I'm just a little lower what do you think and then three more feet well this oversize it you know you want to leave more room here for high octane and the Baughman gold maybe we make it just a little bit wider to accommodate all the fittings all right so we're going to connect that 3-foot piece to this chamber extending it creating a larger chamber on this sump pump system if you buy one of our set it and forget it's that we built for you and shipped to you when you just dig a hole drop it in the home plug it in and you want to add length to that chamber just let me know at French drain man at get a hold of me whatever you need we'll make sure you have it [Music] it's good to have some help when you're sizing your system you want to make sure that your plug reaches the outlet that's intended because you could always at this point still dig this hole out a little bigger that way and just kind of shuffle the whole system that way so we added three feet to this chambered system so there's three additional feet if you're looking to do something like this just let us know we can ship that to you once your hole is sized to your chambered FDM sump pump system made with all kinds of care and love by Marcello and myself you want to go ahead and line the pit with our drainage fabric so when we ship these you pull off one of the end covers you'll see a wrapped bundle that's what it's for it's for the pits use that for the pits and then we ship you some sides or fabric sepals now it's okay for it to overlap in here I know I don't like overlapping our French train system because it slows down the flow rate we really want to make sure that the stone around the sump system doesn't migrate into dirt and dirt doesn't migrate into the stone we want this to last forever because Baughman tile is building materials that last for 200 to 500 years so we know the housing on the sump pump system the basin the chambered sump pump basin is made out of Boston tiles culvert pipe smooth on the inside corrugated on the outside you could drive semi trucks over it you can drive giant John Deere tractors over it doesn't matter it it's built for it now we've had a couple of other tile companies now reach out to us but nobody has stepped up to the plate and built a yard drainpipe like Baughman tile did for us and you know what I'm not priced shopping I'm not willing to sacrifice quality okay over price I'm not gonna do it so we're sticking with Baughman tile I'm just letting everybody know that this is this is something that we've been very very strict about our entire career is the quality of materials we make sure the homeowner gets their money's worth starting with Baughman tile company building our chambered sump pump basin look at how strong these welds are the craftsman at Bodmin tile company I can't say enough good about the craftsmanship of every single Punk component in part everything comes from Baughman tile delivered to our door I haven't had to reject a single piece of pipe ever with Baughman tile now that's saying something all right so what the guys are going to do here we're gonna drill some holes because we want the water to run through the voids in the stone we're gonna put some pieces of high octane in here as well we'll show you that of course that's what this is all about this is live in raw man you guys are down in the trenches no editing no voiceover and for a three-man crew I would say we're working pretty efficient especially one one is the video Agra fir so we're gonna drill holes through this entire chambered system the only place you do not drill holes is underneath where the pump is gonna go you do not want to drill holes there so as a rule homeowners who are buying the set it and forget it don't drill where the guide rails are set your pump in between the two guide rails and don't drill any holes underneath that okay but you can drill holes everywhere else for the outdoor applications I'm reserved on doing that on indoor applications of course 2020 is going to be the year for some pump systems we are going to show you everything that you've been asking for all the industry tricks all the secrets that we kind of kept close to our Vestas job security we now have to share it with the subscribers the DIY because our patent-pending sump pump system we are now offering to the public and contractors alike so we have a moral obligation to show you how to use it so that you get the best results we want to make sure that you achieve the same outcome that we do when using one of our chambered sump pump systems we have a lot of designs under our patent we have a lot of layouts you're gonna get to see those as the Year unfolds certain sump pump systems are going to fit certain applications [Music] all right so we have the four ounce nonwoven geotextile fabric that has been punched for a higher flow rate lining the entire pit we are now drilling a bunch of half inch holes throughout this entire chamber some pump system [Music] once we're done doing this we'll just set it right in the pit we can go ahead and backfill with drainage stone at that time [Music] we may have void our warranty with Baughman tile by drilling 300 holes in this thing that's all right it's overkill right we're not gonna drive semis behind this man's garage or a John Deere tractor for that matter you want to oversize the hole so you can get high-octane in there just put a few high octane on each side with end plugs on them this is going to add to the chambered effect that way once again in a case like a hard downpour where this yard floods and it takes on a lot of water we got a big reservoir case the pump falls behind and then when it comes to short cycling well that's that's not going to happen because we got this giant chambered system so this chambered system is going to displace a lot of water so it's going to take forever for this to go up to a height to where it goes to the on position with the float the water is going to go through those holes that we drilled into the high octane all that is acting as a reservoir in a chamber so it's going to take a lot of water to fill the bottom of this to actually move the float and when it turns on it's going to count when it turns on it's gonna pump out probably 150 gallons this system here well this boot is a size size 12 so that just shows you how big this tree is so the anchoring roots to hold a tree up this size don't spend over a 50-foot area easy so actually they'll go they'll go 275 feet the neighbors got anchoring roots from this tree in their yard [Music] [Music] or something like this we'd rather use Kubota power than manpower that's for sure [Music] [Music] [Music] over the years this tree has raised the ground around here but that's alright we'll go through all those high areas we'll get the bottom of the trench flat so that it doesn't hold water and it will have slope all the way to our chambered sump pump system [Music] now you can see just from the side being removed this is just collected with water matter of fact it's so full over here with water even though we took two and a half inches out it's starting to just spread into the lawn once our systems in this water goes down through the stone into the high octane which is just a giant void since this is going to have slope the water is gonna just be gravity fed to our sump pump system this is why you don't fill in your low spots in your yard that are perfect for running the system and collecting the water you want to grab up the water in the lowest points this doesn't me and ER because of any other reason we were staying in the lowest point of the yard and this is just how it happened to meander that's how you collect water that's how you design your system just look for the lowest points if you want to build a yard drain inside your French drain and just make the most of that trench I recommend it all the bulk water here I definitely want a yard drain with my French drain [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so at this point it took us two hours to get here it's winter it's January we don't have much daylight it's the shortest days of the year the goal now is let's just get all the dirt out of this trench so that we can come out today with the track hoe again we are only operating with two trucks two trailers we came in with what we needed a little extra we can get all the dirt removed today and get one piece of equipment out of here it's going to make tomorrow really easy everything's got to be methodically done when you're going to hours away from where you dispatch from there's no time to go to Home Depot there's no time to go to our rental center you have two hours there and two hours back and the days are short it's winter in Michigan [Music] you know for a homeowner to do this job you know have a sawzall so you can cut some of the big roots we have a giant silver maple and the roots have been non-stop we just we just keep hitting one anchoring root after another and some of these are literally as big as my thigh I mean it's crazy how much wood has come out of this trench so we haven't made really good progress because every foot there's another giant anchoring road but the good news is we have a lot of slope I mean a lot of slope to our chambered sump pump system and we're gonna drain this yard out it's gonna it's gonna rip man it's gonna rip we're a 2% slope you know just a layman's way of doing that is forever 100 inches you want 2 inches of drop now it's not exact but it's darn close so for homeowners no need to worry just take a measuring tape and for every 100 feet of length of trench if you have I'm sorry for every 100 inches length of trench you want 2 inches of depth that that's a real easy way to be very very close to 2 percent slope mud and roots there might actually be more roots in this bucket then there is mud [Laughter] [Music] [Music] now remember to take marker pain and every time you come across a sprinkler to strike a line our sprinklers lie hey man it's it's that time of the day all right so here's the sprinkler line and it's so easy to get lost amongst all the routes and you know you go ahead and you start putting in your fabric and you miss one we don't have that luxury of being able to run the sprinkler system this time of the year everything's been winterized and blown out so we take marker paint and just strike the ground wherever we cut a sprinkler line then when we're unrolling the fabric we look for it we'll go ahead and put a coupler at that time cut a little hole in our fabric so we get the sprinkler pipe through it's a methodical way of going about it but don't leave all these loose ends and expect to remember where everything's at it's not gonna work out well for you this is the only time I could show you guys this so there's our chambered patent-pending sump pump system as you can see the waters flowing like a river we got a lot of trench opened up right now and this yard was holding a lot of water look at that so this will just keep collecting and filling you see how we got the high octane next to the chamber and sump pump system hopefully you guys this visual help when I talk about the water just comes up and it fills the high-octane as an added chamber and reservoir all the holes holes that are drilled in this chambered sump pump system it's all level like the inside of our chamber is the same height as the bottom of this where the water line is at same water seeks level it just passes through all the holes now it's going to take a while for this to get up to a point to where the sump pump actually does run and we have several of the high octane down there that just basically are added chambers for more reservoir man it's like a river it was getting too hard to work this yard so like it's filling up this look at the water man trying to get the water out of our way you know what's nice about well what's nice about running water in your trench leash you know that you got your slope right look at that it's just rippling over the bottom perfect it's nice flat bottom just love it so that's filling up we're gonna end up having to run that thing before we get everything plumbed as far as the discharge line well that helps getting rid of a lot of this water that's for sure well the LED lights are bright I will say that [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] am I getting too deep it's right on all right cool [Music] and that might work Freddie it lights up the whole jobsite sweet all right so we ran the Baughman gold from that downspout to a tie-in on the outdoor sump pump basin and then we ran that downspout to another tie-in then we had two pipes high octane in the Baughman gold four yard drainage pipe go over that again in a minute so here's our discharge line we're going up gradually because the fence is on an angle this way so we're going up gradually I'll explain that as we make progress there and what we did is in the winter time this is January in Michigan you know it's it the situation is so much a difference you know we do pretty good in the spring and fall I mean when tomorrow we manage to get through that but we ran into a tree stump which is not uncommon you know you get into a job and you find out there was a big old tree five years ago taken down and when a long story short man we had to dig through a bunch of wood but we have a yard drain and somebody in our comments said hey why not blind endless okay so a great question there's too much bulk water here just far too much bulk water here so we put in a yard drain in our French drain so the Baughman gold is inside the burrito wrap with the high-octane I'll actually put this all together for you guys because I just been shooting it live raw and honestly it just wanted to get this thing done and we just want to get out of here because the weather's going to turn against us but I just wanted to show you so here's a collection area for the bulk water there's one of the inlet basins right there always recess that low so that the water because remember water can't define gravity and just come up and go inside a catch basin that's where bulk water because all that water that's running in off the sports fields behind here because there's a school behind here so we got an inlet base in there got an inlet base in here and then we got an inlet basin right here that's all on the Baughman gold the solid yellow it's separate from the French drain pipe you never want to put a basin on your french drain pipe because all kinds of garbage ends up in it we could always flush the buff and gold out but once your french drain is full of garbage you know you just you just put a basically an expiration date on your yard drain system so in spreading some grass seed over here I just wanted to show you guys like this is a broadcaster just for grass seed I love it it's efficient it's accurate and when we dormant plant in December in January we get 50% of the seed to grow and then when we dormant plant in February I get 75% of the seed to grow so we have a high success rate with the dormant planting when we're doing work in December January February all right guys so always spread straw over your ceded areas that'll keep the seed from blown away floating away the birds getting it and when this straw biodegrades and breaks down it's gonna be a great fertilizer it's gonna feed the feed the grass plants so we got some really good blue grass blend so here's our sump you know there's gonna be grass growing all the way around it again we just seated because of just how muddy it is in January so here's our discharge line notice how we're not using any fittings here this is seamless there's no fittings to leak or break so we got schedule 40 we're going up we're going up gradually just gradual just gradual just gradual reason why is because here north we can't use a check valve and if you live in the south why would you want to check valve think about that because they wear out build your system so you don't need it if it's a chambered sump pump system the water that runs back in won't turn it on they won't just keep short cycling like it does in the home with those little basins that the contractors and builders get away with putting in you know just out of pure laziness so the reason why we're going up on a nice soft angle is so we can eventually get some height we don't want to start high here because then we got slope and we're gonna run out we're gonna run out we're not going to get this water where we need to go so you gotta go ahead and make sure you don't have bellies no dips in-between how you fasten it to the fence then because if it has a belly in it now in the wintertime that'll freeze and that will hurt the performance of this discharge line so we're gradually on a downward now trust me this fence is far from perfect I mean this fence is old it does this so what's great about this this is easy to work with this schedule 40 here now once we get to here we just have a couple feet of this inside this we go up to two inch it's nice and light it's small it's easy to conceal when we get done we're gonna put a little paint on it camouflage it guys are doing a really good job they're gluing the bail downs you know we like the deep bells we don't like pipe that don't have bells because you end up with just a small coupler and it only covers like half the area so I love the deep bells remember that deep bells get the deep Bell pipe if the pipe don't have bells leave it at the store the guys are doing a great job beautiful job beautiful job real clean they're gonna go right behind these Arbor vitaes once we get to this point we got to cut a little notch out in the fence and I'll show you how we're going to dump the water once we get to that point camouflage it at least you can't get arrested for this kind of spray-paint you know I mean we got to keep our young people out of trouble we got to give them good jobs and and teach them how to do quality installs here you can use all your tagging skills to camouflage our discharge sweet [Music] okay young people this is how you use paint you don't Huff it this is what you do with paint you apply it to something not your lungs [Music] [Music] we had to send one of our skinny guys in there so we got a rubber boot right there so we're gonna plug in the heater for you and now you could plug in your extension cord since that's something that you're only going to use as needed yeah and of course you know these that we have a 25 foot cord on this so you're just all the way to your receptacle it's kind of cool we you know we didn't have to do anything fancy you know just run it underground and come up right there how deep is the oh you look for the pot usually we put it in like three three to four inches because okay if we ever got to service it we need it to come up and out easily No thank you no so now that cover will fit he'll he'll put a couple screws in it for you if you want that way you don't have to worry about kidding I'm gonna sleep next to this thing yeah they're pretty cool especially with when you know you've been through it you have I mean I've seen the pictures I know it had no idea I know I know - the dog feed yeah it's endless it's endless so we got some stainless steel throws yeah you're good with it you I just put a couple bricks on there and then that way you can you always check it you know it's a peace of mind when you can look in and see that everything's right yeah and if you want to test this well you can walk on it right yeah you can literally open this up reach down and lift the float up and just let it pump water you know what whatever is in there and you could run a garden hose in there it's gonna take a while to excite alit you know right because it's a big chamber right right on right on so we camouflage at this charge you know the best we could and you know I can show you what we ended up doing out in the front it looks really clean so there's downspouts just one there is downspout here neighbors got his downspout running on an angle this way which is wrong so many things wrong with that it's named funny neighbors there's our discharge so we take it to a gutter then we put a splash block under it or just given that the same camouflage paint that we used for the discharge line just Ian thought it looked better than bright white and he was right all right when we test this it's going to puke some water so we don't want to have any of the electric tools around I didn't think there was that much water and to begin with so it's I mean it's the chambered system and it wasn't even full yet he made it go on well it's your water and it's on your driveway nobody could say a damn thing that's why we do them like this it's getting where we can't take them to the street no we're not here in Michigan all the places I work they won't let us take him to the street no more man that thing was only half full to that I mean that that was a lot of water you know I'm not belittling it I mean it's running like a river beautiful so that it was about half-full I mean the yard has been filling that up we actually discharged it earlier just to try to dry the yard out but we discharged it differently because we didn't have our discharge line up on the fence and in place nice so this is only going to go on when it's above freezing when we get snow this is not gonna go because people always ask about ice I'm like hey when it rains that thing's gonna be running it's that simple here in the north when it's ice well it's snow and that thing's not gonna be running if we have a thaw and it goes on the temperatures are too warm to ice up the surface so there you have it that's what we're doing that's what we've been doing everywhere we work can't take them to the curb no more there's all kinds of crazy rules and it seems like everybody's got that one neighbor who's just the jerk so here you go no one can say nothing about it and your yard stays dry and you don't have to deal with a pump cuz that's a nightmare in itself having to drag a pump out and manually pump the water out every time it rains alright guys until the next video this this yards holding a lot of water a lot of water [Music] now you really got to be careful and plywood gets muddy it's it's really slick when when there's water like we add a lot of water in this trench it's we're still moving a lot of water so you really got to watch it because you'll go to stop with the ditch which and this will happen so I don't like to name names so we're we're just going to show you how we're going to go about getting this out so that when this happens to you whether you're renting the machine or whether you own it there's no way to get the truck back here so we're gonna put some stone in the trench fill its solid drive this thing out is the plan alright we made use of some of those bigger routes put them underneath the tracks now we're gonna fill this trench was stone and then I'm gonna purposely spin it right on the trench we're gonna get this level with stone then I'll be able to pivot the machine and back it out of here [Music] I guess the only advice I have is just don't have this happen to you 21550 is four inches wider and a lot heavier so you're at the edge of the plywood and when you go to stop no wait it's a it's a great machine but sighs always size and weight always come at a price for certain things so if you're working on plywood and it gets too slippery and you're using this machine I would recommend puts and just open bags a place in and put it on the plywood to help give you a little added grip all right so I'm going to show you pictures of this yard on a big rain event and you're gonna see all the bulk water that the inlet basins are going to take in you now remember unlike the NDS ez-drain unlike that we use a pipe designated just for these Inlet basins and we'll use the Baughman gold it's a virgin material no recycled materials are used it adds to its longevity and strength we got the high octane virgin material as well now that's in the burrito wrap and that's protected from all that debris and garbage so we got two separate pipes doing two separate things in the same trench here's our system it's chambered discharge line now remember we needed to gradually go up our chamber is so big it doesn't matter that this is gonna all run back in it because it's a giant chamber it's stupid ridiculous big and then once we get up to our peak height here then we just start going down on a gradual slope you can see we camouflaged it so from a distance you're not gonna see it matter of fact if you don't know that there's a discharge line on that fence the further away you get it just gets lost so instead of you know bright white and it's standing out so we graded everything we repaired everything January in Michigan you know the yard is dormant the grass is dormant the roots recede here in the north see the pitch how we got sloped look at that all the way out and then we take it to a gutter why because gutters are accepted gutters are everywhere and the water just runs down the driveway into the street the neighbor can't say anything because we take the water right to the driveway and this driveways got a pitch this way the water just runs like that and out this guy's got his own issues I still don't understand why that one goes that way when it needs to go this way you know people do that because they feel it hurts the appearance to their house so let's just ruin the foundation of the house by pushing all the water up in the corner where it can't get out oh well one thing I've learned I can't get through to those kind of people when you're gonna let vanity dictate how your drainage system needs to be so we went ahead and camouflaged a set of bright white just kind of gets lost and once the grass greens up in the spring no big deal when it rains and these downspouts are pouring water that discharge line will be pouring water it's that simple all right guys to the next video you
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Keywords: Yard Drainage, Yard Drainage Contractor, perforated drainage pipe, how to build a french drain, french drains, french drain pipe, what is a french drain, french drain cost, yard drainage, chambered sump pump system, backyard sump pump, baughman high octane, baughman 8 slot yellow, corrugated yellow pipe, corrugated blue pipe, apple drains, chuck apple drains, baughman gold, install outdoor sump pump system, sump pump basins, home depot pipe, home depot corrugated pipe
Id: Au6aGoC9E2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 31sec (4411 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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