Most Educational Crawl Space French Drain Video Ever!!!

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and then once we get it all cleaned out the first time we're having to come back a second time to get it even cleaner what's wrong dude you okay man what's wrong hey dave i see why you've been hogging this drill why you know why why because when it hits the right spot you don't want to stop you crazy no no i know why i know why exactly why and as soon as i turn this corner you'll see where dave and i actually already got the basin dug what are you doing in that hole man david i didn't even know you're in here i want to give you guys a quick shot of what we're up against so that whenever you see this finished project you might just your pants don't try to hide don't try to hide he speaks true okay guys a few weeks ago i came to you when i was doing an inspection at this house that my friend rodney is purchasing or has now purchased he's got my buddy inside here ripping the entire inside out of this house completely redoing all the floors everything is going to be all brand new and david and i we're inside this crawl space right now we worked all day yesterday beginning our french drain that's going all the way around the inside perimeter of this crawl space we've got a big mess here to get out of this crawl space so that we can finish digging the remainder of the french drain line and before we make any progress this morning on day two i want to give you guys a quick shot of what we're up against so that whenever you see this finished project you might just your pants and just look at all this mess right here before you guys that's where david and i have been cutting up the existing vapor barrier and rolling it up in sections getting ready to bring it outside this crawl space and take a look around guys you'll notice this crawl space right here is rather dry and as i did my inspection just a few short weeks ago i got inside here and i wasn't even truly concerned with the need of any french drain work but as i quickly noticed as i progressed further into the inspection right here going along this wall you'll see someone has came through in an attempt to dig somewhat of a drain line leading to where i said and i followed it and i followed it and you'll see david hart at work right here beside me but guys this led right up here to a pretty large excavated cavity and i was like what is going on here you can see all this wetness and there's like some sort of an old drain right down there you can kind of see the remnants of it and someone here was trying their best to channel this water over here to said drain now you'll see right here before you guys this is actually where david and i stopped working yesterday you're going to see our french drain as you've never seen it before guys here you go like i always say whenever we tell you you're going to get a french drain around the full inside perimeter of your crawl space by god that's exactly what i mean and real fast guys before i get over here and start helping david just look down here inside the trench and you guys will already be able to spot areas where water is draining down inside this and keep in mind guys it has not rained here locally in the past five days can you see all that water i don't have a flash on right now but see that guys and once again i'll show you really fast stay with me stay with me look at all that drainage that's happening right there and taking place come up here look right there in that corner i can already see more standing water and right up here look at all this water that's already in this one wow it's standing really well right here look at that and then if you come right over here on this side of the garage guys look yesterday we got right up there to that point which i'll take you to really quickly and then as soon as i show you right here that's where we begin back there is where we stopped on day one right now we've got a giant mess like i didn't told you before us and i'm going to get over here and get to helping david okay guys david and i have just finished cleaning everything out i'm going to spin the camera around give you just a real fast spin before we get over here and pick up digging where we left off yesterday maybe here in a minute whenever i go back outside i'll be able to show you guys the debris pile that we've already got build up from this clean out and then once we get all this job finished up here in another week or so i will come back over here with my dump trailer and david and i will finish cleaning everything up and get everything taken to the dunk don't try to hide don't try to hide he speaks true there is a ton of work going on above us guys and we've been using our boss drill with a spade attachment because guys this dirt let me just show you all these little pieces it's just like sitting there chiseling up rock i don't even know what kind of dirt you call that but all of those are just like tiny little pieces of rock and then as i'm breaking all this up with the drill guys david is coming back in behind me cleaning all that out and then once we get it all cleaned out the first time we're having to come back a second time to get it even cleaner what's wrong dude you okay man what's wrong hey dave and here we are now at the beginning of day three yesterday we did go ahead and get all of this worked up with the drill and now david and i are about to go back through here finishing cleaning all of that out and then we'll have to go back for a second pass and go back through it all once again getting everything to the exact depth that we want and pitched right over there to where our basin and sump pump are going to be going and normally we do not take the time to go ahead and chisel all this dirt up with the drill however this dirt happened to be so hard and so rocky along certain areas we had no choice but to do it with a drill because whenever were jamming it down with our shovels dude it felt like we was going right here against this concrete wall beating our hands and arms to death so now we're going through once again just cleaning this out and then i'll give you a full shot of how it all looks once we get it all completed [Music] [Music] and then guys you can see the progress that we're making here as we're getting all that cleaned out and we'll give you a final shot of it all of course once we get all of this completed and probably begin digging the hole for our sump pump and sump pump basin david and i have been going back through here getting all of this that we've already done cleaned out exactly the way that we want it i'm going to give you a close shot of that then spin around here and show you david over here working the drill trying to bust up the last of these hard-ass rocks that we can't get out of this trench check this out i still haven't started the basin yet but from the basin all the way around david is working is completely clean look how hot i see why you've been hogging this drill why you know why why because when it hits the right spot you don't want to stop you crazy no no i know why i know why exactly why guys day three is coming to a close david and i got him we've got all this trench doug we've just finished digging the basin hole i'll show you guys everything real fast so if you guys will remember on day one we ended right there now take a look at our trench line as we make our way right here right next to the actual crawl space entry and also as you're looking at the drain line let me post up right here real quick look at all of this freaking dirt all the way around this crawl space that first thing tomorrow david and i have got to begin raking this stuff out trying our best to keep it as level as possible just check this out guys i want you guys all to see this and i especially want my friend rodney to see this that bought this house check this out guys oh this is probably about 14 inches deep right here let me set you guys all the way down inside of it check it out guys look how deep that is we'll get our drainage fabric in here tomorrow and as soon as i turn this corner you'll see where dave and i actually already got the basin dug what are you doing in that hole man david i didn't even know you're in here okay guys as you seen yesterday david and i we completed all of the digging on the french drain and the basin and today at the beginning of day four we're about to start doing our best to level all of this dirt out so so [Music] we've been raking non-stop i feel like ricky bobby i can't even hardly use my hands we've got this side done we've got this side to go let me show it to you if you guys will remember we started over there in that corner this morning and we have been slowly but surely progressing our way in this direction and we've got the majority of all that completely finished i'll kind of speed up right here and show you guys what we've got left that big pile right up there and then all of this right here to my left that's going to be the most work that we've got to do but once we get all that finished hopefully we'll have it all looking just like that right there oh [Music] [Music] what's going on guys here we are at the beginning of day five we got my man diaz over here we've got david under here and right now we are currently getting all of our fabric rolled out to begin cutting i'm going to spin it around real fast and give you a quick view of the crawl space and all the dirt work that david and i got completed yesterday and as you'll remember from the start of yesterday's video guys all of this dirt completely around this entire crawl space was nothing but mounds david and i worked our freaking butts off we've got this ground level all the way around this entire crawl space and now it's time to begin lining our trench that you see right here beside me with our drainage fabric so we've just cut four pieces of our drainage fabric we've got them laying on top of one another there and i want to show everyone watching real quick one more final shot of these drain lines yes you do see water inside them right now it is raining outside currently and they're calling for it to turn to snow but look guys look how all of that water is already leading right over here to our basin point which is exactly where we want it going to check it out fast guys we just finished getting all of the drainage fabric in place that is now going around our entire french drain line david and diaz are over there now getting all of our drainage pipe brought into the crawl space and once again right there is where our basin will be going okay guys real quick take a look david diaz and myself have gotten our four inch perforated drain line with filter sock all the way around our entire drain line making its way all the way back over here to our basin point where we have of course yet to put our basin which happens to be right here beside me but what we're doing now is beginning to bring all of our drainage gravel underneath the crawl space and i'm going to set this camera up here in just a second and show you guys exactly how we're doing that so guys we got david on the outside feeding the rock down inside the crawl space 2ds and now i'm getting ready to grab all those bags from diaz set them on top of our wagon right here and begin pulling them in round back there to where we stop with our first load me now let's get to pulling and that's how we do it guys and as you can see we're going to continue lining the rock around our entire trench before we begin actually adding the rock down inside of our trench you guys are always hearing me say it in the finished videos about how after we put our four inch perforated line with filter sock down inside our trench on top of our drainage fabric how we go back and cover all of that pop up with our drainage gravel and then we will take our flaps fold them over that and then i am getting ready to go back on top of that with our drainage gravel and once i'm finished all you're going to see is a line of drainage gravel you will not see any drainage fabric and once again just for educational purposes guys check it out i've gotten everything ran over here to the basin point and i'll show you this real quick one more time that bad boy is nearly four feet deep and full of water here we are guys at the end of day five diaz david and myself we've got every bit of this gravel back filled down on top of our drainage fabric our burrito is complete our burrito is cooked and so are we we'll see you guys bright and early next week whenever we get started over here on this basin what's going on guys beginning of day six and it's also the beginning of a new week it is pouring down rain and actually just took our boss drill and drilled a hole not through the foundation like we normally do this time i chose to go through that foundation vent that foundation vent is not going to have one of our humidistat fans in it and i will be running a two-inch hardline pvc out that for our discharge line right now temporarily david and i just shoved that water hose out of it so that i can go inside here put our sump pump inside that basin hole to get out all of that water so that we can put our actual basin inside the hole stay tuned you'll see right here over my shoulder that hole that i just told you guys that i drilled from outside and now that i'm back inside the crawl space we've got our utility pump here and i'm getting ready to sit down here inside this basin plug it up and begin pumping this water out so that we can then install our actual basin that you see over there but i've got a few more steps to show you guys before that thing is ready to be put in the ground i actually haven't used this pump in quite some time let's get it down inside here try to dry my hands off a little bit here of course on my pants and see if we can uh plug this thing up without getting electrocuted and hopefully it still works and it does so we'll let that thing sit here and go to work and begin getting rid of all this water and in the meantime while that's happening i'll take you guys right over here and show you exactly how to prep your actual sump pump basin before putting your sump pump basin in the ground stay tuned all right guys check it out the utility pump is doing its job it's getting rid of all of that water just as we want it to now i want you guys to take note of something how many pipe ends do you see right there two okay when you come over here and you look at the actual basin itself it only comes with one hole in it and you have got to cut another hole so i've got my side angle grinder right here already plugged up and i'm going to go ahead set the camera up and cut the hole in this basin now for our other discharge line to enter into okay so if we got this line right here going to be entering in right here that line's going to be coming in right about right there that is just in line with that all right let's see [Music] [Music] and there you have it now guys we've got an entry point for that discharge line as well as an entry point for this one and now for step two of prepping your sump pump basin we've got to get our drill in a drill bit and go down through here and drill holes all the way throughout this basin and i will drill holes in the bottom of it as well and if you do not drill holes in your basin you'll find out the hard way that that water will lift it right up out of the ground our utility pump's already pumped the water that was inside our drainage system outside the home i've got a 3 8 bit on here right now guys you can just pay attention i'm just going to be drilling holes all the way around this thing as well as in the bottom of it so oh and there you have it guys holes all the way around it and holes in the bottom and now i've got to go over here and begin seeing if i've got that basin hole dug deep enough you know may have to do a little bit more work okay guys diaz and myself we did have to take this dirt down probably about another six or seven inches come on in here and take a look at this basin cavity now before i get all of it lined with our drainage fabric see that guys we got it all nice and clean notice the water is all gone and now before we put our basin inside the cavity i'm going to actually line this with our drainage fabric okay guys diaz and myself but you'll notice we got this entire basin hole line with our drainage fabric now all that's left to do is to connect our drainage pipe into our basin and then i will have to come back and trim these lines and also add down more of our drainage gravel here in a few moments so we've got this one line in right here if you guys can come take a look see this right here and now i've got to connect this line in through this hole and it may be a little aggravating we'll see let's not get this okay guys take a peek down inside there now you can see how we got that one in there i had to wrestle a little bit cut my hole just a little bit larger now we've got to go back back fill our gravel which we've already got laid out here in these spots i'll show you that as soon as we get finished here you go guys here's you a final shot of this inside perimeter drain line leading all the way over here to our basin point you can see now where we've got all of our gravel backfilled exactly the way that we want it and now all that's left to do is to go out to the van and get our actual sump pump that will be going in this job permanently and get all of that plumbed in and i'll show all that to you here momentarily good morning guys the beginning of day seven here yesterday actually diaz got rained out way down in chattanooga and he came and worked with us all day so we spent a lot of time getting a lot of stuff done underneath this crawl space that didn't involve our french drain job however first thing this morning we've got david and myself hard at work outside here digging in our trench for our discharge line this will be the line that is coming directly from our sump pump that will send all of the collected water that we get inside the crawl space outside this home so that that water is no longer a problem inside that crawl space for my buddy rodney and wouldn't you know it guys right there where i drilled that hole yesterday right where that two inch pipe needs to come out to enter our trench i've got to go right through that freaking middle so i just ran over here to the van real quick got the side angle grinder about to plug it up and get this hole cut i actually think before i cut this hole i'm gonna go ahead and run this uh water hose back through here because we don't have our sump pump even plugged up right now now let me see if i can kind of eyeball this so i need to cut oh i'll use the mud for a marker right about here right there okay let's see if i can make this cut uh [Music] hopefully that got it come on now what we're going to have to do david is we're going to have to dig this little bit of dirt right here out so that we can get this pipe through here all righty yeah let's see that i guess it's easy digging in arizona no it's the hardest arizona was the hardest digging ever no way guys this is the pop-up emitter for the end of the discharge line once the water comes out to it it pushes that end up the water comes out like so but here's a little tip i want to share with everyone watching if you are a business let me get out of that mud whoa if you are a business doing this for your customers if you do not take the time to put a little bit of liquid nails adhesive up along the edge of this black pvc what will happen the majority of the time is depending on which sump pump that you use the pressure from that sump pump will blow this entire green top completely off you're going to have your customers calling you up sending you a picture of it saying hey is there a problem here and all you've got to do to avoid that from happening once again is if this right here was that right there just take you a little bit of liquid nails run it right along the edge of this right here and then take this thing cram it on there and then i don't know if i can get it in the shot or not but if you look up in there you hopefully you can see a little bit of liquid nails tanner flowers tip of the day as you might imagine it guys while we were digging this line we ran into a freaking underground tree right here i've been over here chopping we had to get the wood and disc but on the side angle grinder cut these two roots out and guys you want to make note that whenever you are installing your pop-up emitter whenever it's finished you want this top right here sitting virtually ground level you don't want your customers driving over the top of it and hitting it with their lawnmower blades so we have verified now that we've gotten this depth about exactly where we want it i'm going to go ahead and plumb this together by the way guys uh the only thing that i've got attached to this pop-up emitter is a two inch to three inch coupling right here and this is going to be connecting right here to our two inch hard line and that's going to be getting us all the way back inside the crawl space where i can't wait to get back inside myself the purple is just a primer for me and see what happens is when the two meet together it creates a chemical reaction and it literally like welds these two pieces of plastic together you guys got any plumbing related questions like whatever the top master level plumber there is i mean pretty much what i am shoot away drop them in the comments below i'm still down here now guys trying to get this pop up emitter ground level as you can see david and i have almost completed back filling our trench as soon as we get this muddy ass wrapped up i'll show it all to you whenever we're complete just wrapping things up out here on the outside got all the dirt backfilled and leveled now check it out guys making our way all the way right over here to the pop-up emitter where that water will come out of there that yard already had that low spot right there and then drain on out that way towards the road my favorite sump pumps to use on these crawl space jobs guys are these wayne three-quarter horse models i actually ordered these directly from amazon and if you'll spin this around this has a one and a half inch threaded intake there and then i put this on here right here because they didn't have any at lows but i need to step that up to a two so we got a one and a half inch slip and then i've got a one and a half to two inch slip connector and then our two inch hard pipe will come up out of that and i'll show you all that here in a minute once i get it all plumbed up inside the basin david and i are just bringing all the materials back inside here now to plumb in our new sump pump and look guys we've already got water inside the basin again let me get all this pumped outside here and as soon as i get that pumped out we'll begin plumbing if you guys can see right there behind me i just added one two inch coupling to extend this two inch pipe on into the crawl space a bit so that we can get ready to cut it right here to put on a 90 to get us right over here where i'll put on one more 90 going straight down which that will then connect right here to our sump pump now let me get started making these cuts and getting these 90s installed all right i just got the sump pump down inside the basin i'm ready to cut and add our next 90 degree elbow i've just finished installing this elbow that you see right here behind me now all that's left to do just got to connect one more piece of two inch hard pipe right over here to this 90 and this job will be complete all right guys the plumbing is now complete as you can see we've just finished that last elbow installation right there that goes right over there meets that elbow and then makes for a direct straight shot all the way outside to our pop-up emitter all right guys i just finished wrapping our power cord up around our two inch pipe and now all that's left to do is plug this bad boy in let's see if i can get it inside here and watch this okay great as everyone can see the top of the sump pump there i have been over here testing everything out now i've just got to plug it up for one final time and just gotta wait on our sump pump basin lid to arrive now from lowe's and this job here will be a complete wrap first thing in the morning guys i've got an inspection down in atlanta georgia but as soon as i finish that up thursday morning bright and early david and myself we'll be back over here for my buddy rodney beginning our world famous crawl space encapsulation service i know all of you watching including myself cannot wait to see what this crawlspace is going to look like whenever we finish up with all of that work it's going to be freaking amazing thank each and every single one of you once again as always for choosing to spend your time with me as we've been tackling this project guys it has warped our butts man we are all wore out we're all sore and we're all extremely glad to have it done i can guarantee you that so guys i'd like to invite each and every single one of you to join us back here in a week or so as we go over this finished crawl space encapsulation project and guys i appreciate each and every single one of you so much and as always i cannot wait to talk to each and every single one of you inside that next video
Channel: Tanner Flowers
Views: 31,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tanner flowers, tennessee technicians, crawl space, crawlspace, french drain, sump pump, basin, pump basin, sump pump basin, french drain in crawl space, crawl space french drain, sump pump in crawl space, crawl space sump pump, how to install, how to fix, fix, repair, diy, contractor, business, the crawl space show, how to install sump pump, wet crawl space, water in crawl space, crawl space vapor barrier, crawl space repair, sump pump installation, standing water in crawl space
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 29sec (2369 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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