All 11 Rimuru Evolutions: The Strongest Anime Character EVER | Reincarnated as a Slime Explained

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rimu Tempest went from being negative RIS 38-year-old virgin to a multi-dimensional being who has the power to destroy and recreate entire universes but that begs the question how does a slime commonly seen as the weakest enemy in any video game become more powerful than demon Lords primordial demons and angels and even true dragons well ru's first evolution was of course when he died back on earth now reincarnations in the SL world would usually give you a human body but in ruru's case he wished to become a slime basically when the world language spoke to him about his Revival bro accidentally wishes for things that lead to him becoming a slime first he wanted pain nullification as a stab wound was hurting then a blood-free body as a lot of blood was gushing out cold resistance since dying alone is cold which combines with heat resistance to become thermal fluctuation resistance because rar got stabbed he also asked for stab resistance and physical attack nullification all of these things lead the world to turn him into a slime but it doesn't end there because bro was so down bad that the World Language gave him one of the most broken abilities the unique skill Great Sage which is a chat GPT like companion attached to rimuru's Soul now if you're wondering how come rumu gets all these skills and turns into a slime yet other reincarnated people in tensura don't well it all has to do with ru's hockey and the dexterity of his soul which I will get into more later on also I have a theory that ru's soul is actually that of vava himself so if you guys want that video hit that like button and let me know but after gaining all these abilities rimu spawned inside a cave where he couldn't even see until he found his BFF Vora the Storm Dragon and absorbed him using another of his unique skills predator or is a true Dragon one of four in the entirety of existence well technically one of five because raru is also a true Dragon but that comes later let's first explain his slime form the first true Dragon was the creator of existence named vinava and he crafted three other true dragons although the youngest of the true dragons Vora actually possesses the most magic Hees not counting vinava himself so when Ruru absorbed him he got a [ __ ] ton of magic cules and these magic Hues are a pivotal stat to determine one's strength in the slime world but of course just because you have a lot of Mana doesn't mean you win by default because Vora himself had spent eons getting one tapped by his sisters vard and vren however absorbing Vora and all of those Magik hules definitely gave rimu a head start furthermore rimu also received a name from The Storm Dragon giving him Divine protection crest of storms which basically means he's protected under the banner of Vora and gains certain abilities from him such as Black Lightning now this is some Hokage class abilities right here it's around this time that rimu also gets water blade which combines with another attack water current control giving him water manipulation which is basically like water bending the evolution into a slime and having access to Predator means that any plants or creatures rimu absorbs give him their skills and Powers but if you're thinking that since rimu abored valdora no that's a special case as valdora isn't dissolved rather bro is just chilling inside Ruru reading manga anyways after spending a few months absorbing different creatures inside vor's cave rimu would venture outside leading us to his second level up as he meets shisu shiu is someone who was summoned to this world from Japan by the Demon Lord Leon Cromwell who was trying to meet his Pooky again but since she wasn't the Badd Leon want he put the elemental spirit ephr inside of her now on one hand having ephr is kind of op that is until it murders your best friend after taking control of you so yeah ephr is no good luckily for Shizu rimuru is there to save the DAT he releases ephr from shisu's body and fights it this would end with rimuru completely absorbing the spirit and giving Vora some company inside his stomach naturally gaining eph via Predator grants Ru another element to use fire he obtains the skills fire manipulation ranged barrier flame transform flare Circle and body double all insanely powerful abilities that increase the slime's Arsenal with the meeting with chisu rimu also gains a human form by absorbing her because by the time she was at Tempest Shizu was pushing 80 years old even though her physical appearance might contradict that she was old as hell bro so she requests Ruru to absorb her and fulfill fill her wishes to protect other summoned children like her upon absorption rimuru would gain his human form and shisu's unique skills degenerate which is way more broken than it sounds this skill has properties of synthesis and separation synthesis is used to bring things together like two objects and can also be used to chain the effects of several skills together granting Ruru new skills with significantly less effort imagine you could combine abilities in your favorite games like cloves Al and Val with Raina Z that [ __ ] would be broken this skill is so pivotal that an upgrade of this is still being used in the current light novel volume but it also has a second part separation it releases properties inherent to a Target such as depriving someone of their skills and removing foreign objects such as entities attempting to possess your body later on rimuru also learned that chisu had the skill flame attack nullification which basically makes him further immune to intense heat he would then combine his his fire and water magic to create molecular manipulation which allows him to manipulate molecules in the air itself to utilize various elements such as creating heat from friction it also possesses a telekinetic effect as seen much later when riru moved a ball of honey when he fought milim rimuru's power doesn't simply come from himself though but his assets as well because he would convince a group of ogres whose Village had been destroyed to join him in his new monster Town granting them all names like other monsters this naturally causes them to evolve granting them keyun status they would be instrumental in the upcoming battle against the orc Lord and they would eventually become invaluable to rimu upon gaining a connection skill that would allow riru to use any of his subordinate skills so in reality this just increased our boys Arsenal even more but to gain this skill rimu had to go through his third level up where he would be thrusted into a conflict between the Orcs And lizard men as the Orcs had become inflicted with a desire to feed via the skill starve unknown to the other parties this was a plan created by gilund a servant of Demon Lord Clayman to create a new Demon Lord he could Puppeteer and control to start a species war in the great Forest of zura however things didn't go as planned via the starv skill the orc Lord consumes and devours several powerful monsters in Jura forest and upon devouring Gilman he transforms into the orc disaster however despite his title rimu was able to stop the new demon Pig resulting in him absorbing the orc Lord now this was a huge Plus for our boy as predating a near Demon Lord class monster naturally meant an insane increase in power first of all the Predator skill would combine with the orc Lord starve skill to create an ultimate skill called gluttony this allows rimu to use predation from a further range doubles his stomach capacity as well as grants him the ability to acquire skills from subordinates under his influence and can grant any ability to the subordinates that are either linked to his soul or under his influence however no matter how the skill is used the original user will not lose their powers this was what I was talking about earlier which basically means if rimuru has that monster in his army he can use their powers even alongside them Predators analysis fun function was also moved from the skill itself to the Great Sage making it way more efficient also just having an ultimate skill in the Slime Universe puts you in a different class because any old other worlder can possess a unique skill but before the great Tenma War at the end of the Slime novels only a handful of creatures had ultimate skills and if you have an ultimate the effects from unique or lower level skills can be negated by it but the most important thing to come out of this fight is Ruru absorbing a Demon Lord seed this was integral to ruru's Evolution into a Demon Lord as it's what someone needs to absorb the souls required to ascend to that level of power oh and I guess I should mention rimu gained the entire orc Lord's army tube which I guess helped in constructing highways yeah they're just glorified labor force bur geld is one of the strongest in the world and he spends most of the novel's building millan's Capital City however unlike the anime we don't have time to Yap about city building and have six episodes of meetings all right you're godamn right anyways ru's fourth level up comes quick because after this tensions would rise between Tempest and the Beast Demon Lord Kion who wanted riru to submit to his power Kion sent one of his bcers phobia I cannot take the term bekers seriously man that is the most unintimidating term for a group of powerful people anyways Kion sends this dumbass phobio to riru so he would submit to him but milim wasn't having none of that then she knocked him out in one attack after being humiliated phobio meets footman and tier who are members of the Harlequin alliances that work alongside Clayman they decide that fobio has the perfect amount of dumbass written on his face to be used as a vessel for caribdis a Calamity level monster so they lead phobio on telling him that if he can combine his power with Corpus he can become a Demon Lord powerful enough to defeat v no what were they smoking well as we have established phobio isn't very bright as all he does is hand over his body to the monster on a silver platter and so the newly revived caribdis starts to cause trouble this battle wasn't actually ended by rimu though rather it was milim but phobio getting utterly wasted isn't what's important here because it's rimu absorbing corus's Court this is a big deal as corbus is technically vor's child as it was born off of a cloud of his magicus you know how in the new season Vora keeps talking about oh he needs to like bust his power out what do you mean by that anyway corbus grants rimu some new extra skills magic jamming and gravity manipulation the first of these are able to interfere with others magic power disturbing the flow of their magic Hees this makes Ru extremely resistant to Magic itself and secondly is gravity manipulation pretty self- planatory but rimu is able to control gravity around him and can even use it to float being BFFs with milim he also trains with her a little where she even starts to think that our slime could potentially become a Demon Lord himself but his fifth level up comes even before that as rimu becomes a teacher to understand and take care of shisu's other worlder students his mission here was to try and find a way to stop them from dying young as they had a lot of magic cues that could easily kill them if not regulate luckily raru found his solution in one of the first generation demon Lords Ramis who was able to help Ruru summon spirits and place them inside the kids funnily enough the level up here comes from befriending ramiris as she's not only a Demon Lord but also the primordial entity that maintains the balance of the entire world and eventually she becomes ru's employee nothing makes [ __ ] sense it's also during this volume where rimu is able to learn summoning magic as he summons a demon from Diablo's family to inherit a mechanical body to serve ramiris as rimu kind of uh destroyed her Golem this ability is really efficient as being able to summon familiars and Powerful beings would later be a great asset furthermore he also learned Spirit magic which is different from other forms of magic as it's tied directly to Elemental creatures that inhibit the tensura world this stuff is pretty powerful to the point where rimu considered using it in his first fight with Hinata as his magic was jammed which then leads us to ru's sixth level up Hinata is a badass as she is the leader of the western holy Church's 10 great Saints and is one of shisu's former students Hinata was manipulated by not only the church but the merchants of the Eastern Empire as everyone by this point saw deu as a great threat and wanted to get rid of him similarly the kingdom of Falmouth was even planning a full-on invasion of Tempest which was in line with the Western holy Church's ambition of bringing Tempest down to claim its resources Hinata had also been informed that rimuru had killed shisu which we know is true but in a completely different context than what inata was told to believe because of all these factors Hinata had a burning desire to kill riru and so the two fought this is the first time in the series rimu is absolutely embarrassed as Hinata overwhelms our boy with the Demon Lord luminous' skill disintegration this skill destroys the building blocks of spiritual matter such as magic cues at the speed of life it doesn't even allow souls to escape honestly rimu would have died here in fact in almost all other realities and timelines he did die but in the current timeline he was able to transfer his soul to a clone and survive believing her task to be complete Hinata returns to the holy Empire and doesn't go to Tempest to Aid in the assault with fman which was a big mistake as this was the place of ruru's biggest Evolution yet as he decides to become a Demon Lord yeah this man lost once and then said never again to evolve here bimu required 20,000 Souls which was light work as he massacred the entire Falmouth Army in one attack this process of Awakening as a Demon Lord is called the Harvest Festival where the 20,000 Souls get absorbed onto Bru's body and combined with his Demon Lord seed transforming him into a demon slime this of course caused a bunch of his skills to evolve like ultra speed regeneration turning into Infinite regeneration magic sense becoming Universal sense body double to enhanced body double and sticky steel thread into Universal thread rimu also gains a bunch of new Buffs like nullification as both a natural effect and abnormal condition along with spiritual attack resistance holy demonic attack resistance and holy demonic attack release basically what this means is he's immune to holy and demonic natured attacks which meant that the same tricks which made him lose against Hinata wouldn't work anymore however the most impressive thing about U's Evolution are the two ultimate skills he obtains the first is gluttony evolving into a Angelic class ultimate skill beabo Lord of gluttony this skill still operates under the same Principle as its predecessor but now with even more abilities like Soul consumption which allowed the user to eat The Souls of targets and kill them at any time like it's so broken that it can be activated when a target's heart breaks and can also be used to eat the target's heartcore directly when left unprotected it takes effect instantly allowing rimu to ignore space and time itself like they can be in the other side of the universe or in a different dimension it doesn't matter broken still destroy the target's heart the second ability of bab is the food chain an evolved form of provide and receive with this raru can use this power to freely copy the prototypes of any subordinate skill and give them the skills of others without anyone actually losing their magic so basically he can give his subordinates the right skill which fits their nature what makes this version even better though is the fact that the user's power will continue to grow whenever their subordinates become stronger so yeah you know Diablo the freaking primordial demon rusa yeah that guy growing even stronger has the potential to make ru crazy strong well the first ultimate skill is really cool the second um is what makes rimu one of the strongest in the entire Multiverse as the unique skill Great Sage evolves into the Lord of wisdom Raphael and this thing has a lot of subskills to cover obviously everything from Great Sage has been enhanced in some way such as riru excelling his thought process increasing his analysis powers enabling him to carry out multiple thought processes at the same time and the skill all creation which allows him to comprehend anything as long as he has a basic understanding of it but this is tensura we're talking about of course there's even more op [ __ ] this man gets first up is synthesize and separate which allows rimu to merge two things together or split things apart he also gains the skill alliteration which allows him to evolve skills which can be considered a god class power but what's even more insane is the skill to see the future huh yep you heard me this man has observation hockey which evolves into future sight later on furthermore the name Raphael comes from the Archangel so if you're not convinced that skill is broken think of it as rimu inheriting the wisdom of the world itself as these Angelic class ultimate skills were created by vinava himself which represent different aspects of reality you know how earlier I said ultimate skills are some of the rarest things in the slime world well an Angelic class ultimate skill is even rarer as there are only 14 of these things and rimu possesses two of them right now so yeah becoming a Demon Lord definitely did rimu some favors and with his new title he was able to attend the Council of demon Lords while purgas allowing him to finally settle the score with Clayman this dude isn't absolute boo all right bro really thought he was going to defeat ribu and become more powerful now bro sit down you're useless during the wall purges riru showcased that he was a Demon Lord through and through and after a battle with Clayman rimuru absorbed this absolute clown while Clayman was obviously following the direction of Yuki or actually later it's revealed that it was this dude from the Eastern Empire named hatsu Yak condo who himself was under the influence of the emperor rudra whose Angelic skill Michael was actually control it's a whole mess what if you guys want me to explain what I just yapped further than hit the like button and buy some gamer Subs using Code ABD cuz it's a whole mind at this point nobody would know about Clayman being manipulated and even if it wasn't fully clayman's plan this guy is a piece of and needed to go you're probably thinking absorbing another Demon Lord would obviously increase rimu strength right wrong Clayman really didn't have anything of use for rimu I guess other than his servant the Ninetales Fox kumara who would later become one of rimuru's 12 Top Class generals with their tailed beasts yep light work Obito would be jealous right now but fear not because Clayman had one useful skill which transmitted electricity and rimu used this principle to create cell phones for his buddies still this was a defining moment for rimu because he was accepted as a true Demon Lord by the others and helped to transition the 10 Demon Lord Council into the octagram it was also right before the W purges that rimu was able to fully revive Vora placing him in a double and allowing Vora to morph into his own unique form however Raphael's upgrade and gluttony's upgrade allowed rimu to combine more skills and morph the Eternal prison of voras into the ultimate Angelic skill Uriel which was actually the skill possessed by the first hero rudra and one of vava's favorite its Essence is the Loyalty of one's followers or the believer system meaning the stronger Ruru subordinates faith is in him the stronger the properties of Uriel becomes and these properties are Infinity prison which is similar to what valora was confined in but Juiced up law manipulation which enables the manipulation of the laws of the world from either a magical or scientific perspective Universal barrier or absolute defense which provides Perfect Defense without ru's awareness of an incoming attack then there is spatial domination which gives the user complete control over the element of space allowing them to freely switch between spaces performing teleportation easily and as well as blocking or restricting others even further and in a wider area than spatial manipulation just to recap raru has four of these ultimate skills including valdora which allows him to summon the Storm Dragon from anywhere in the Multiverse to fight for him ru's seventh level up comes during his second 1V one with Hinata with the news that he had become a Demon Lord and vor's return the world was put into chaos as both were seen as a huge threat most importantly to the Roto family a large Noble clan that had control over the world's economics they viewed ru's country to be a competitor towards their control and teamed up with the Western holy church regardless they manipulate a message remu sends to Hinata forcing her to go and fight rimuru again obviously none of this goes the way of the church or the rotos As rimu and Hinata are able to realize their plan and work together with the real luminous to stop stop it however before that we got the battle between rimu and Hinata this fight was a lot different from their first encounter as rimuru's Ascension had made him increasingly more powerful he even absorbed Hinata's most powerful attack melt slash this ability imbus disintegration into the user's sword combining holy magic with sword skills it can be used to release a devastating strike approaching light speed which can pretty much destroy anything dururu was not only able to counter this attack but absorb it through a binding vow yep they even got jjk abilities in tensura this binding vow was done by giving up the ultimate skill babo but fear not because Raphael had already made a copy of an Angelic ultimate skill so broken span infinite binding vows which affect the laws and outcome of an attack bro how do you beat this dude furthermore in this fight raru also learn to tap into spiritual particles or spiritron these are pretty much matter but in the form of spiritual energy fulfilling a similar position to a neutron in other words they are a fundamental building block of the universe and rimu gains an understanding of them couple this with uriel's law manipulation this basically means that rimu just gained the power to affect the laws of the Universe on a subatomic level like these particles are smaller than the atom but all of these Evolutions come not even halfway through the story because we still have 12 novels worth of cont content to get through and understand how rimuru became a mega versal being so the eighth level up of our slime comes in volume 9 where rimu gains access to Holy magic at this point in the story this was one of the most blatant weaknesses for him and the people of Tempest because Raphael had just evolved and it was going to take longer for her to analyze spiritual particles to replicate holy magic however just by the nature of being a monster everyone in Tempest was extremely weak against it but during the Tempest Festival Udu and luminus forged a pact between the Empire of lubus and Tempest where in exchange for good food and entertainment rudu has she shared her light of holy magic then with this access Raphael got to analysis mode and developed a faster and more efficient disintegration spell called Holy Ray that can damage you at the core of your soul furthermore after witnessing the faith-based power system of luminous' subordinates Raphael also developed a new skill called secret skills of faith and favor this works by establishing a metaphysical link between rimu and his subordinates where they gain access to rimuru's power in a controlled fashion basically through let's say shion's faith on the Slime she has her magic hes buffed through rimuru's own this isn't limited to just Mana though because through this link even gapa has access to higher level skills and enhanced physical attacks a skill similar to this was the reason for Hinata being able to borrow the Demon Lord luminous' power of disintegration to almost kill riru in their last fight ru's ninth level up comes during the war against the Eastern Empire where he becomes the fifth true dragon now this War covers volumes 13- 15 and rimu gains a lot of new abilities and very fast succession so I'm going to treat it as one big evolution first rimu can resurrect people at will now given that their soul and body are still intact the biggest feat of this was when he brought back over 350,000 soldiers of the Eastern Empire from the dead he learned to do this after spending time researching what the essence of the soul is and gaining knowledge to create pseudo Souls himself also we learned during this process that Raphael affects the world not through spiritual or magical particles but information or virtual particles which are the building blocks of the tensura universe however she can't manipulate them at well right now furthermore in Volume 15 riru finally snapped him and his buddy get tricked by the eastern empire into a special pocket Dimension while they turn Vora rimuru's best friend into their puppet so now the mission is to save Vora but to reach that point rimu must defeat vren The Scorch dragon and Vora at the same time however this battle isn't that easy as even Raphael's insane analysis abilities can't keep up and she's forced to say sorry for the first time like let me just explain the power Gap right now so riru at this point I if we look at it from like power level numbers called existence points Ru probably is around 5 to 6 million existence Point meanwhile Vora ranks at over 70 million and vrin ranks at over 65 million so it's it's a tough Hill to climb however this is rimu we're talking about so let me let me explain how he surmounts this okay Raphael's apology doesn't sit right with rimu because this incompetence causes Raphael to start doubting herself ever since the start of slime the Great sage has been with riru every hurdle they have surpassed has been through their combined efforts however now at the most pivotal moment she's faltering in front of these insurmountable odds so primu to boost her morale does something that will change the course of history he gives a name to the ultimate skill Raphael being C this instantly starts an evolution upon the skill giving it a soul and an ego which propels it into the realm of a Mana you know how Raphael was able to comprehend the info particles or virtual particles which are the building blocks of everything well now as a Manus Cel can manipulate them to her heart's content now usually a Manas has complete authority over reality but you can only affect to the extent of your comprehension meaning if you don't have the data available you can't change people's skills or Souls however Cel is an evolution of Raphael the wisdom King who has domain over all information in the universe so not only does c now have the data available but she can manipulate the fabric of reality itself for example by just watching velind use her accelerated Extinction attack C creates a skill literally stronger than it and overpowers her furthermore the evolution into C gives rimu basically a personal assistant attached to his soul where the biggest application of this is during the fight against vren and Vora within a moment this 1v2 turns into a 2v2 Seal's brain deals with while rimu tries to get control of Vora this Evolution also allows rimuru's thought acceleration to jump from a million times to literally hundreds of million times but the absurdity of this fight doesn't end there because C offers rimu to become a true Dragon himself after absorbing the chaos Dragon core and analyzing Vora himself Cel can transform Ru into a true Dragon this evolution of course multiplies rimu strengths tenfold but the real power comes with him being able to understand the nature of the world itself riru also gains a new skill called true Dragon release which grants him control over space time and Magical elements this means bro isn't affected by aging he can travel between different dimensions time itself as we see vren do in volume 17 also by the way this isn't like a pseudo true Dragon Evolution rimu literally claims to vren that him and her are now the same he is the fifth true dragon with both rapael and Ru leveled up now they take care of the two true dragons like it's a piece of cake after predating velin rimuru also gains the ultimate skill velin the scorge Dragon which has similar applications to Vora meaning he can summon her at will and has access to all of her abilities and even her magic Hees becoming a true Dragon also allowed for babb's stomach to transform into imaginary space which is an infinite Dimension under rimuru's Authority if you get sucked into it you are basically at the mercy of rimuru however there's a slight issue that arises rimu has too many ultimate skills now and his soul might not be able to handle it to solve this issue Cel uses her own new Ultimate skill king of harvest to merge Uriel Lord of vows with a few other skills to create skill Harvest King Sub nigaro this ability allows C to create new skills duplicate skills and reorder skills for remov subordinates basically if C wanted everyone to have ultra speed regeneration in ru's Army they'll get ultra speed regeneration this is so op that all 12 of rimuru's generals gain ultimate skills that are perfectly suited to them then riru other ultimates like Raphael beu Vora and vren are all combined to create void God as a throt this means that you know already broken properties of let's say velen's Cardinal acceleration the flames and the particle speed increase even more in this Evol version like velin is already like a top five maybe top seven strongest people in the entire universe like that's the scale of her abilities and now this dude has her abilities that are even more Juiced up what the bro how do you how do you beat this guy even abilities like turn null and SpaceTime domination get a boost which allows rer to manipulate SpaceTime itself now bro what and and we're only on Volume 15 by the there's still like seven more volumes left guys this then leads us to REM 10th and final level up currently in volume 19 a final confrontation against the Eastern Emperor rudra happens however rudra is actually being controlled by his skill Michael who gained sentience after being named just like Cel but in Michael's case bro is not as nice as our Great Sage he wants Total Domination over the Cardinal world to resurrect vinava his creator so he has Allied himself with his best friend the leader of the primordial angels felway so riru gets in a confrontation with him however even after his true Dragon transformation rimu gets out of class because just because you are a true Dragon doesn't mean you can deal with time stop honestly like if he has control over time and space itself like shouldn't he be anyway whatever whatever don't think about it just consume time stop is a power to access a dimension of virtual particles which exist as the fabric of reality to exist and comprehend within this part of the universe means that you have to be be a virtual being yourself true dragons like vard velen even Vora in the latest volume can fight in this state however rimu has just become one the only time raru had even heard of this is during volume 16 when guy crimson and the hero Khloe who has the spirit of time interacted in such a state Ru felt something was off but couldn't be there with them so right now that's his only weakness because someone who can stop time can beat him without him even realizing even primordial beings like Diablo lost against Michael and his time stop the only reason the primordial red guy can fight in that state is because he has been fighting his Pooky velzer for eons and has adapted to it Ru almost gets clapped by Michael here if Chloe doesn't come to bail him out then after understanding the nature of time stop and digital beings Cel who is a digital existence herself metamorphosizes rimu into one after analyzing Khloe right after overcoming time stop rimu eats up Michael and gains every single Angelic ultimate skill in existence and since all 14 of the Angelic skills represent an aspect of the universe we can assume he has authority over it all which we will get to witness in volume 22 which hasn't been released yet because at the end of volume 20 riru gets sent to the End of Time by the primordial Angel feldwick everyone assumes that rimu is gone for good however during the epilogue of volume 21 rimu is on his way back to the Cardinal world meaning he beat existence itself the further proof of this comes comes from what C says as we see them at the end of time she says would you like me to create a new universe using theil particles which I theorize is like dark energy virtual particles are likely the proof of existence while nahil is the proof of non-existence so now ru's final form in the last 22nd volume will give him the power at the level of God himself Zava but if you guys want me to explain all the power of Siro will gain in his 11th form and the threat he's going to have to face up against as this omniscient being then let me know in the comments below because the tensura world is one of the most complicated anime universes especially in regards to his world system it has so many foundational aspects from demons to angels and even has its own particle science I will further expand on the rules and laws of this universe in a different video about the true dragons so make sure to like the video honestly I hope you guys like this live videos because I spent the last 2 months reading all 21 novels and I couldn't have done it without gamer sub so use code ABD for 10% off and free shipping to show your support and check out this other Banger video on screen right now man I love slime
Channel: Anime Balls Deep
Views: 416,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rimuru, Reincarnated as a slime, Tensura, How Strong is Rimuru, Slime Anime, Every form of rimuru, rimuru true dragon, how powerful is rimuru, rimuru vs hinata, rimuru vs veldora, why is rimuru so strong, who is great sage raphael, anime, How did Rimuru become a dragon?, Who's the strongest in slime?, Everytime Rimuru Evolved, Rimuru's full story explained, tensura novels explained, Every Rimuru Transformation, reincarnated as a slime season 3, how strong is rimuru tempest, manga
Id: 180G7mCv004
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 37sec (2137 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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