My Hardest PS5 Platinum Trophy? RNG and Glitched Trophies. | Returnal - PlayStation 5

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well i can confirm my trophies are glitched oh whoa i knew that was gonna happen i i didn't get the trophy oh you're joking these these stopped tracking i have been thoroughly excited for returnal to finally come out and we have it it's here and early on i haven't started playing it yet but we're hearing that it's a 70 to 150 hour platinum quite difficult luck based as well so we'll see how this goes but that actually excites me more for some reason um [Music] [Music] astra this is celine i've crashed on atropos i survived but helios did not suit status operational but my sidearm is missing i'm leaving comms open and the haptics are very aggressive very aggressive this is astro level stuff already it's me i have found a deceased astro scout here checking identification on a helmet it's that was me encountered there's death number one that's embarrassing i should have handled that you know what i mean that's all right uh you get the title screen it's not about death one it's about death 50. all right i'm not going to sweat it eternal return all right so i'm at it now i'm in the thick of it xenotech required all right yeah that first run i'm guessing is slightly scripted trophy whoa whoa whoa encountered a small life seems docile it is parasitically attached to my arm does not appear hostile somehow it's strengthening and weakening my suit you're not gonna tell me what's what it's doing to me right now auto repairs while at low integrity increases the chance of finding malignant items that's fine i've ran into plenty of malignant things already exactly as i left it but impossible this was taken after i left why am i supposed to remember this oh my house look at this little guy personal item it will not let you go adding two equipment for immediate use i don't know if i want to get close to these things though oh no watch this be a guy watch this be a boss and i've got a messed up cool down period i know i gotta my dash is messed up oh who are you oh oh man what was that and the energy signature is gone i thought i died what happened the only alternative i'll need to explore the other side it doesn't seem thrilled to see me this uh looks like a very good door i lied they lied to me no oh oh my camera died or something oh i went over 30 minutes sorry that was my second death that sucks ah oh that revives me that also saved me on the first boss which i wasn't aware of at the time but that's what that did oh yeah that's a boss arena if i've ever seen one all right oh let's do it first try encountered airborne fauna oh mama not doing well on that ah [Applause] ah that was not a good first attempt i didn't like that at all okay so due to the nature of this game and how long the platinum run is going to take you're clearly not going to get all the footage so between the last clip and now i've done like three or four more runs really just kind of going crazy a lot of experimenting and as you can see i've got a really good run going here but uh the thing you'll pick up on about return which i should have known as classic house mark stuff it's that you really are rewarded for not getting hit whatsoever so there's a lot of mechanics at play here for expanding health and uh the adrenaline system for killing a bunch of enemies without taking a hit that's where the true modifiers come into play and that's why it's even more risky to pick up anything that might damage you something huh exalted and the third biometal oh i'm gonna die here oh my gosh i knew that was gonna happen not happening oh whoa oh daddy first time i ran into him he came he was not having it he's like boy we are we're rumbling baby don't matter where you are [Music] oh my oh oh man whoa first try finally i'll have an answer was there not a trophy for that oh man that was a long fight ugh astro received my signal then that's it [Music] my shadow you were how i escaped oh oh man i had a feeling there was something like that going on [Music] [Music] that's my tombstone that ain't that easy i didn't get a trophy for that third boss which is a little concerning well i can confirm my trophies are glitched because like why wouldn't i get a trophy for beating the boss or coming into this area so just did some quick googling not many people with this issue just yet but uh yeah these were supposed to two of them were supposed to pop just now and they didn't and the only fix would be just doing it again huh you you like return old don't you squidward i do but i would have liked those trophies too i am loving the game so far and i haven't had a crash so i don't know when this is gonna get uploaded but that is uh another issue that people have been running into huh failed escape that's great but like i didn't i have to do that boss again so i think that means we don't have to do a fresh save file because i'll have the option to just replay that boss if i want to what what the i still need to play quietly look at the little playstation 5. what is happening i used to slide on my butt down the stairs when i was a kid sounded like a horse coming downstairs hi sweetheart i'm not coming home i had a kid i left your favorite dinner lying at the bottom of the refrigerator okay if you heat it up for eight minutes then 36 seconds everything will be just fine just fine just fine just just fine see you soon i want to pick that up again otto look look look look it's octo oh come on man that wasn't cool [Music] this music's getting louder and louder [Music] [Applause] so i you know what i didn't care for this build i didn't like that weapon not for that you have to like be dead on to get damage off of him gun is awesome and it's like continuous damage it's like area of effect damage oh finally silence next biome oh ice area big area everything's the whole gang's here data cube the data cube thing trade some hobo lights how many keys they want for this thing up here like three three keys okay so i've already collected two keys which i didn't show you and the only thing left is that room which is like a challenge room i guess the third keys in there i don't know i turned on that reconstructor we'll see what happens oh that was so messy that was awful another technology from the gods oh do i get it right away and i must accept the burden is this gonna make me jump mega far i would imagine so this allows me to go deeper oh to swim oh how how appropriate all right how are you the deepest of the deep wow it's so cool when like before the game comes out you only see like 20 percent of the game if that not 20 i don't know that sounds like a lot for pre-release footage but you just see a small portion of what the overall product is like malignant malignant malignant everybody gangster until it's malignant interesting um i don't want to lose my proficiency because we're close to 30 but i'm not spending the oboe lights right now so maybe i'll get 30. let me just take it now because i get the uh the trophy there we go it's five parasites simultaneously i don't see i don't see a situation where this doesn't turn into a fight oh my lord wow that thing was i don't even know what i don't know what happened i feel like i wasn't even here and all this health is malignant are you kidding me the malignant health is like the the big like really i get all of it all all of them i just kick me while i'm down why don't you he spit on me too oh look at that it's malignant everything is malignant dude oh look at that are you kidding me i cannot believe this game oh boy and i still didn't get any help out of this really except this yeah like i'm gonna get inside that thing where's it gonna take me malignant island oh malignant chest oh wow i can't pick up any of this stuff wouldn't matter i can't check it they're all malignant chests you can't make this up down about that so wow god oh how long was that there how long was that there i i don't even know what to do where to go okay oh god well i've been here before there's a body all right dear god oh there he is i've seen that in my dreams the one who brought me here is this what you wanted me to see mom do you see the white shadow [Music] oh no [Music] do you see the white shadow i feel like there's definitely definitely unfinished business uh oh man dies there's gotta be more although this is a safe run i'm doing trophy wise so things should unlock as they're supposed to i would hope i am destruction for the cycle to end i must check that remember more secrets to be found if you dig deeper use the device in the cargo bay to find them to find more meeting yeah there's definitely more good because i don't want there to be i don't want this done just yet well it's been an interesting past few days i haven't been able to play the game but that was good because patch 1.3.3 was corrupting save files that was pulled now we have patch 1.3.4 i'm only missing one trophy that i was supposed to get which was beating the third boss so i will have to do that again also had to look up what's the right way to complete the final act of the game there is these six items that we have to find throughout the environment again one in each biome so we got to do that to complete the game for a true ending alongside finding all the other stuff but patch 1.3.4 has apparently fixed the trophy tracking issue so that at a very minimum should be okay for us to uh complete the game 100 and walk away with the platinum trophy so let's get to it hey there's my trophy that i rightfully earned second time all right we're back i finally found a sun face fragment my first one i must reignite the sun oh okay so we need five more of those in the other biomes well looks like i may have found another sun face fragments a new day a new sun face fragment in the first biome so now i have that i had a feeling this fragment was in the room where you had to walk through that stuff which i couldn't do at the time but now we've got it i am now in the derelict citadel and i found the fragment it's right here but i've got some bad news since the new patch 1.3.6 the the card the survey card for the first buy i'm overgrown ruins which was at 97 is missing i can't get it to come back up and i believe these cards are tied directly to the trophy unlocks i've noticed this if these cards aren't appearing correctly you're not properly connected online and that's what caused me to not earn the trophies before so i always make sure that these cards are displaying correctly and for whatever reason this patch overgrown ruins that card is not showing up i don't think i'm going to get that trophy so and it's a survey trophy which means it's the full collection to collect everything in a biome you got to go through the whole game have all the permanent equipment so right now i'm just kind of i'm gonna keep going through act three and i might have to do another playthrough well well well biome number five the last uh fragment that we need so that's good the sun is fixed i have to take it home now this means we can get one more house sequence which will be a trophy mother i'm home i regret what happened but you deserved it we must forget to remember we must leave to return we must die to live all this time why did you seem so frightening when you were so much less we were both broken [Applause] i saw this area before from that from down there and i was like something's up there you can see it on the map there's the keys oh what happened my house so now we have to beat the boss again but this time we have car keys gonna have to get another good build going ah another scout log some of these are tied right to the story which is why it's kind of frustrating to look for some of these things because this did not appear otherwise or it wouldn't have until i did the house sequences this should be my first survey trophy ah this will be a litmus test i'm missing a scout log here the card's not working again we got the house trophy before there were nine floors in ghana i i didn't get the trophy oh you're joking these these stop tracking they're not i know that was the last one here oh no this this is a nightmare i have a ps plus cloud save from a few hours ago now there's a scout log here i'm missing one scout log in this location too but this isn't gonna work i know it's not gonna work in fact i bet i could get that to show up every time so if i restart the cycle it's always gonna be there okay i think we've got a very good controlled test going on here now i can because i have cloud saves turned off so let's close the game restart it because that's what will jump start those cards properly and then collect that and see what happens assuming it's fixed i can see it right there ah finish fractured waist okay i got the gold for that this just woke up now that's good this is not working still let's see what happens here when i laid on the side of the road dying i understood the truth this is my home so so up to this point i've it took me only a handful of runs to beat the entire game which i'm you know i'm pleased with not that i'm not trying to gloat or anything but then it took it's been taking a lot of like running through the environment now to just search for everything and um where was i go where was i going at this point now there's like a certain there's an anxiety setting in from the collection process and the rng coming into play so now i'm getting so familiar with the dynamics of the game and the rooms and how they appear and there are certain limitations of what rooms appear and what don't and there's limitations on those items and where and what rooms they can appear in so it's a roguelike but there's um there's definitely a lot of more linear sequences or linear aspects at play but i still can't control the nature of many things now all the guards are gone what is happening what is happening and yeah these are easy by the way i just haven't done them this one kinda we could try that for the finishing act three oh that that's a proficiency 30. there's a little there's some things going on here nervous let me turn up the volume ugh [Music] uh i told you to leave me alone celine i was almost expecting another fight what a game white shadow and we're back okay as you can see the overgrown ruins came back so i i guess it's fine but the cards are really finicky uh but this is what we've got to do now we've got to just knock the rest of these out and this is where the grind starts i so not fun but just grinding out room after room after room looking for the right ciphers and the right scout logs until we have a platinum [Music] i swear i ran through overgrown ruins way too many times for this last cipher there it is oh three more to go [Music] [Music] yes that's another one [Music] there's a lot of action going on i had to pause but i i think i found the last cipher here so let's let's grab this okay we got it [Music] [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen we got him but i'm still nervous because i'm 19 out of 1 this will be 19 out of 20 but it should be it this came back up again oh we're home free that's it that's all the survey trophies oh man this is this was anxiety ridden the only thing i haven't done my last trophy is to complete a daily challenge that's the one thing that i left i usually leave a controlled something that's very easy to easy to do i leave a controlled trophy towards the end uh so now i just gotta do that okay so the daily challenges are actually kind of difficult because you can only do them once per day and they often have a lot of very bad debuffs for the challenge modifiers uh depends on the biome and the weapon that you have so i've actually failed this a few times already and i have to wait another 24 hours until i can try again but let's try this one oh in-field training that's it i just got a platinum helios i wasn't the daily challenge was weird i don't know when it was going to end because i haven't completed one just yet i thought i was gonna have to do a boss fight my score is not great i would have liked that to be higher so my rank for the day is 33 and i would like that to be higher but that's okay because we got the platinum uh the platinum trophy oh wow what a process this was uh i loved this game i really do it was this was such a great experience um and what's interesting is that it's difficult but i had more anxiety and fear just approaching it from the trophy point of view because it was unreliable in that respect and the rng sometimes it's manageable if there is if you can get a lot of checks in so to speak but this game it's not easy to get checks in because you have to run through so many doors and for hunting biomes two three four and no yeah two three and then five and six there we go you have to get to them first before you can start checking for ciphers in that area so that becomes very problematic but besides that the game is quite manageable once you start expanding the proficiency of the weapons so i feel like that's the one thing that wasn't really talked about when it came to the permanent unlocks in this game some of these guns can be very very useful and can carry you throughout a lot of they can carry you through most rooms and most challenges no problem if you use them enough and that's really what matters outside of ether and which i guess that's how you pronounce that after and then the permanent suit unlocks but yeah this was a fantastic game this is uh gonna go this is probably going to be in the books for me as not only a challenging platinum trophy but one that i am very proud of thank you so much for watching this video if you haven't yet make sure you subscribe for the best playstation news reviews and updates that are here on youtube including trophy challenges and videos and discussions like this you can also follow me on twitter at mysticryan and that is it i will see you all in my next video you take it easy [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Mystic
Views: 339,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS5, PlayStation 5, PS5 games, PlayStation 5 games, PS5 gameplay, PlayStation 5 gameplay, Returnal, PS5 exclusive, PS5 exclusives, PS5 trophies, PS5 Platinum Trophy, Platinum Trophy Run, Trophy Guide, PS5 restock, PS5 console, PlayStation 5 trophies, PS5 controller
Id: 773dfoHddmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 23sec (3563 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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