Flosstube #8 - Lots of stitching - my cross stitch supplies and how I keep them organized:)

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[Music] [Music] well hello everybody today is friday march 5th 2021 and this is flosstube number eight and today i have a few finishes to show you i have some progress on the stitch alongs that i'm doing and i also have some new starts for march and i'm going to show you some of my progress from my other starts and then at the end of this you know after i show you everything i'm going to go ahead and show you how i keep all of my craft stitch supplies organized i've been getting asked that a lot so i thought at the end of this video i'd walk around my sewing room here and show you inside my drawers and cupboards and things like that and show you where i keep my flosses and linens and and how i organize them but first up i want to show you my one fully finish that i have which is right here this sweet land of liberty by blackbird designs this is a little pillow that i finished now this is the one that i started for my son my oldest son ben's birthday i so i started this last month in february and it's out of this book right here the sweet land of liberty and there's five designs in this book and i've just done the one so far which i don't know if you can see this but let me pull it up a little bit closer this right here this is the one that this is right here so they finished it into a circle but i did mine into a square and i kind of took a few liberties because they had this flower right here and then no design right here because it went into a circle so i went ahead and just mirror image the flower over here and the corner of the house was kind of not stitched and there's because it was circular and so i just kind of squared it off down here because i just wanted a cute little house because what i fell in love with um is this flag hanging down here and the little buntings in the windows so i really wanted to do that and just put it into a square pillow and so that's what that looks like i just put some calico on the back uh my be cute lace right here on the back like i showed you in my pillow parade floss tube i think that was in flosstube number six i showed you a few other ways that i finished pillows but i finish them in a lot of ways but i do just sometimes just sew around and leave an opening down here and whip stitch close or do the blind stitch closed and i especially do that when i know i'm putting trim around the outside but i just wanted this one very very simple so my favorite way to do it is to sew all the way around and then put you know cut a little you know like a slit back here so that i can stuff it and then i cover it with wool or lace or something like that so the reason i like to do it that way it's very fast it's very simple but i get all of my edges very smooth and i get concerned sometimes when i'm using linen that i'm going to you know make this piece go a little bit smaller up here like when i leave the opening closed so this is kind of my favorite way to do it and then after i do my pillows i like to press them from the back not from the front and just to make them a little bit flatter so that you can see the design nicely so there's that one here's the flosses that i used i will be doing a few more projects out of here but um so i keep i'll i keep count of my fabric keep count i keep track of my fabric meaning what count i did this one i did 36 count flax and berlin and i put my threads either on the back of the card or somewhere on the card like if i have any changes i'll put those on there and in fact if you want to see those changes i'll just show them to you so i used all of the called for overdies except for you know i substituted a few and so i usually write those down there and uh as you know by now i usually switch out my reds and my greens are usually the first ones i switch out but anyway that kind of took a long time just to show you my first fully finished but there's that one love it that will go in my little uh patriotic bowl or on the shelf or something when it comes time to start decorating for summer and then my next finish that i have is the french friendship sampler that i talked about when christy was here for my last floss tube and this is one of the projects that we were doing together and so i really really love this one it's just a tiny cute little sampler and let's buy more blackburn here and here's the title of it friendship sampler and so this is my finish on it let me bring that up so you can see it just a little bit closer can you see is that close enough cassidy can i say that just yeah that's perfect okay and so i put my initials here and then the year and i just i love this saying i did i totally completely changed the color see here's again the cover there's my colors i used all dmcs i have them in this bag right here and so i stitched on 36 count tycho i think that's how you say that edinboro linen by picture this plus i stitched one over two so these are i know i've talked about these before maybe i haven't talked about them for a little while because i just use them so much but these are my library cards i used to use um old vintage library cards and kimberly from fat quarter shop saw these and she's the one who produces my cross stitch notions a lot of them and so she saw these and she's like we need to make these so that we can put them on the back of you know all the projects and things like that so these are the be in my bonnet library cards they have a little envelope and then you put in here but i love to put the information on there just for these kind of reasons so here's my dmc that i used so i'll just put that right there so you can see that in case you're interested in that and it's just nice to have some information on that so when this gets framed i'll be taking this over to jamie at the craft center next week to get this framed i really want to find a vintagey looking frame i think that'll be fun i love the size of that sampler and um so i'll glue this on the back of the frame so that i always have this information from this library card and um when i have projects like the pillow cash i want to grab me that pillow in the library card right there so you know how i showed you the pillow and then i have the library card obviously i'm not going to glue that on the back of the pillow but i do have a place in my red cabinet that i just put all of my little cards that i have filled out and kept in my project bag once the project is finished then i take the cards that are like pillows and something like that that i can't glue the back of the card on and i keep them all together so i still have reference that all i have to do is go through and you know look through it so all right so there's the friendship sampler love that and back on there and then i'm super happy that i have this one finished this is oh joyous day okay tell me if i need to move that around this little bit okay so this is a joyous day by blackbird designs here's here's the chart and here's my glosses that i used and i did change a few things i did this on 36 count winter white by seraphim fabric and i did it one over one i'm excuse me one over two not one over one did do some one over one here this is the one that's the wedding sampler for my other parents which are my husband's parents and so this is all one over one right here so i have their initials and the month that they were married and the year that they were married in 1953 is also was down here but it's not one over one so this is just the one over one part right here but i love love how this turned out bring it a little bit closer maybe so you can see there's satin stitches in here and eyelets and you know smyrna crosses i love it i love the specialty it's not full of specialty but it just has enough to just kind of you know make it interesting but i love this stitch it's so beautiful and um i love how large this bird is compared to the house and the flowers i just love stuff like that and so i started this last thanksgiving and i just finished it a few weeks ago and i'll be taking it over to jamie at the craft center here in utah to be framed as well and i did two changes i used all of the call for floss except for i used um i changed my reds and a red and a pink so i used old brick for like the pink or medium red or light red whatever you want to call it and then for my red i used pomegranate which i use quite a bit so there's the pomegranate for my red other than that i used everything else that called for and so i'm always happy to get a stitch like this completed that's kind of like a larger stitch and i've been working on for a while all right so those are my finishes now i want to talk about let me pull this stack in here i am participating in several stitch alongs and so i wanted to talk about those and show you my progress so last time i talked to you about well i did show you this bag already and last time i talked to you about the i belong to the cross stitch nation and this is by beth twist heartstring samplery and this is what i have done so far and let me pull that up so you can see i'll try to move slow so i can kind of and here's my threads for it i did post these on instagram the threads that i'm using i just pulled threads from my stash and i am stitching on 35 count linen the color linen but it's linen by week's die works and my goal going forward with this is i'm just gonna do like one of these cute stitching people every week so next next i'll be working on this cute stitcher lady and if i can do one of these a week and then finish this bottom one i think that's good so if you're stitching along with me and i hope you are and i've seen so many of you on instagram and um the hashtag is crossstitchnationsal and if you want to use that and uh as you know christie's stitching this with me as well and uh because she always wants wants to join in on the fun too she's so awesome and so we're stitching that but i did want to tell you something else look at this darling mug cassidy will always tell me when i need to bring it into the screen better so i hope you all can see that without too much glaring but um i got this from beth twist and it's on her website called heartstrings samplery and she has several mugs i actually have the baby it's cold outside one as well but look how cute that is and uh i love it i love it so much i love this chart i love the mug thanks beth so much and uh i'm gonna be i've been enjoying my chamomile tea in this mug so i just thought i should show that to you okay so my next one this is my um one of my christy bags that christie made for me this is out of my prim fabric and of course i used this bag because it's my prim and proper stitch along here let's put that over there and so this is now started this is hosted by kimberly over at um fat quarter shop and on their floss tube the um what is it it's a fat quarter floss tube fqs floss tube that's what it is fus floss tube you know and she does that every wednesday and so this is just started this is my start on it this is um stitched on 36 count beach brew and the sample was done on my prim 25 count lugana and so when whatever the sample is done on i like to do something different just to show you kind of size different color different although this color is pretty close to my prim as you can see but this is the start that i have and i'm using the call for dmc in this chart there's uh the sample is done with my uh rf loss and then i have dmc that i've called for and so so far that's what i've been using if something as i stitch along something isn't showing up on this cloth you know how sometimes you have to change up the dmc or a color according to your cloth to make sure it shows up but so far that's what i've pulled is the call for dmc i have them in this cute little little vintage lady bag and so that's prim and proper this next one i've been working on for a while this is also hosted by kimberly and her floss tube every wednesday morning she does the live stream she does such a great job and it's so fun to tune in and watch so if you guys haven't done that you probably you know would really enjoy that so i recommend watching kimberly and seeing all the progress that she's making and all the things that she is stitching over there so this is my so by row this is how much i have finished on it so far and i'm using on this one um i'm using the dmc and the sample is done on 25 count lugana and um it was done on cloud so this one is my 20 count cork which is one of my newer vintage cloths and it's called prairie it's in the color prairie it's 20 count cork and i'm stitching one over one which is why it looks so tiny because it is so tiny but this is going to fit in an 8x10 frame so i'm pretty excited about that i have like a denim colored one and as soon as i finish stitching this i'll stick that in there i'm using one of my decorator weight uh bags and using my floss flowers to hold my dmc in this project i think it's so fun to use all different things to hold your flosses like this one i'm using all dmc except for one here in this anne morrison and i'm i have a the dmc's instead of on a ring i have them in my sew vintage bag this is one of my bags that i do through rightly blake and so i keep all of those in there this is anne morrison this is the one that is by hands across the sea that is an exclusive for traditional stitches i'm stitching along with so many others and christy as well so i think christy's a little bit farther ahead than i am though i haven't been able to put too much more time into this but i did was able to add a couple of rows and and i'm stitching on 36 count parchment by week style works one over two and so here's all the dmc that i'm using but i really which is what was called for she calls for silks and the dmc conversion so i'm using all of those except for i just really wasn't happy with the aqua and dmc for some reason i don't know sometimes i just can't find the right combination that i want so i threw in this mint julep by classic color works and that's what i'm going to be using for the blue in this i couldn't use the blue that um that she called for that nicola called for because it's just too light on my fabric you can see the difference in the fabrics that i'm using so it just doesn't show up on this so the changes here's the changes that i did for those called for dmc's bring it up a little bit closer if you're interested in that there's my changes okay so that's it for my progress and my stitch alongs and so now i want to show you my progress in some of my previous ones like from january on so of course i'm always doing my red sampler that i've talked about a few floss tubes ago how i always take and just do one or two threads before i start any other project when i'm stitching at night before i start on whatever stitch i'm going to do that night i just go ahead pull my red sampler out currently i'm doing red rhapsody and by rosewood manor and my method of madness for this is i'm going to try to fill in all of this top part right here and so that i can go down and work on all the roses i think that little pillow is adorable as well but i really want to get get to these roses and so what i'm doing this on is 36 count flax edinburgh linen one over two and this silks that i'm using is called kringle's coat color and it's by silken colors and i just love it i love the slight variegation of it and then i just put it on a ring and this is one of my flea market charms these are one of my charms that i designed to go with my fabric collection flea market and riley blake produces my fabric and my sewing notions and so that's one of them that's just new and i love that and it was fun to just add that charm to that but i think that's going to be fun and as soon as i finish this one then i'll move on to another red sampler and start stitching that in the same way okay let's put that on there okay so this one is when i started in january for one of my brother's birthdays i am stitching this on 25 count lugana farmhouse and i'm stitching two over two on this one and this is by plum street samplers the milk and cream company and uh designed by paulette stewart and i love this so i'm doing okay so here's all my threads here's my progress so far on it i mean i still have let's see can you see that guys i'm just going to pull your threads up so you can oh colors all right so you can see i still have you know the trees the sky the clouds have to fill in these hills i have to i haven't even started the cute little milking lady but uh you know i've made pretty good progress and i'm super happy and i love i love this cow i mean this milk cow is the cutest don't you think all all um black and white cows all their spots should be shaped like quilt blocks right so here's my colors so lay the colors there as you can see them here's the colors i'm using bring that up so it's a little bit closer in case you're interested in that now whenever i say this i might take a screenshot or whatever copy it down and that's why i try to keep it still and slow but i've had a few people ask me how do you take a screenshot so i guess every phone's different so i can't really say but um you know i'm sure you can google how to take a screenshot or whatever but a lot of times i'm watching when i watch flosstube i'm watching it on my smart tv on my big screen so when i need to see something like this i just take a picture of it with my phone and then i have it saved in my phone that i can either just copy off for my personal use or i can just take a piece of paper and write down the colors and you're totally fine you know doing that with my stuff that doesn't bother me at all so so there's the let me uncover that and show you that stitching a little bit closer that's why i like to have cassidy here filming with me and um because i like this format that you can see things closer but because she's behind the camera i can't really tell if i'm putting things in front of the camera correctly or not so sometimes you might see her uh cute little hand coming in and pulling things in okay so this next one is one of my favorite lamb that i love by teresa cogut love love love this chart and uh i'm doing it on 36 count platinum by week's die works one over two and i'm using all of the called four threads except for two changes i think three changes there she is again moving things okay so here's my changes that i made and once again that involves red you know i changed my reds but i changed my white i remembered to um i think theresa called for 7 12 i can't even remember but i think she called for 7 12 or a crew or something but on this fabric i needed something a little bit brighter white so i chose to use the 3865 but um there's that and did i say what cloth it is the platinum yeah 36 count platinum and so last time i showed you this i just had this motif done um and i was able to do this one and do these cute little quilt block looking they look like little applique blocks to me and then i started on this row so i'll be going across here and finishing up the alphabet what i do with the chart oh hamming the chart real quick so i do have to yeah finish this finish this row and then i'm just going to keep moving across here next i'll be doing the eagle in the blueberry bowl or at least i think those are blueberries that's what they look like to me and i'll just keep going across and making progress on that this is a stitch that i'm going to keep working on because i want to finish this by july okay this is a this is one of my favorite stitches that i have going right now and i just really have a hard time putting it away but i love i have a hard time putting every stitch away i put it away because it's time to work on the next one or i have a new start and then i fall in love with that one so that's what's so amazing about cross stitch is because it just you know it keeps us motivated keeps us going and we just want to stitch all the things and again i told you last time you know i have a 400 year plan i'm still continuing that and i'm just having fun so this is by shakespeare's peddler uh teresa or aka kitten stitcher and this is a savior's praise and this is kind of turned into my sunday stitch and what could be more appropriate you know to stitch on sunday and i started this on christmas and i am stitching on 36 count beach brew i'm using all of the flosses that teresa called for which are anchor flosses and a few weeks die works but i did switch out my red oh my floss all my colors are in here in this cute little rooster bag that says be free that's the only marking it has on it and so i'm using all of the called for in here again that are anchor but i'm using 3831 for the red and instead of 3777 and i'm using 320 teal for the very lightest green because it did not show up on my cloth but last time i showed you i had just finished filling the inside just kind of did the bones the outside bones of the basket and just had everything on the inside finished i'm still working on these little feather looking stitches but i was able to this week fill in my basket and i made mine just a little bit more solid looking and this is the one that i will be doing for my great-grandmother and then her six daughters and so i'll be putting all six of their initials here and i can't wait i'm going to be stitching this cute little lady next because to me that's represents my great grandmother who was martha butterfield so i'm gonna stitch martha right there and then i'll stitch her name down here as well but i this is one i really really have hard time putting away i just want to keep going on it it's one of my favorite favorite stitches and i just love it i think teresa's a genius and i just love how she designed this super super excited to continue on with that so that's shakespeare's peddler peddlers save your savior's praise okay let me look on my list here and see what i have next going okay i want to show you um what i have going on for march now i only have a few starts for march i haven't filled in my calendar yet because it's not time for the start but here this is my prim calendar where i keep track of my starts meaning i write down you know the birthdays and the holidays that month so i only have a few this month but one i have is for my granddaughter sophie bill and so what i'm gonna do for hers i know i've been gonna do this forever and i just thought this was perfect so let me take it out of the bag so there's not a glare so you can see it but this is by not forgotten farm and as you know i love uh lori's designs from not forgotten farm and um if you didn't know you know if you watch my flosstubes because i use her patterns quite a bit to stitch and show you what i'm stitching but um this is a pattern that she's done quite a while ago but i've always loved it and i just keep thinking i need to start that i need to start that well what better way what better time to start it than march because it looks kind of eastery because of the basket but because it is you know i love you a bushel on a pick which i love sophie a bushel and a pick and so that's how we all feel about our grandkids and so that's what i'm gonna do so i haven't pulled um from my stash yet or even picked the cloth but i think i wrote here on a note that if i stitch on 36 count that it might fit inside a 5x7 frame really well so i'll probably be doing that so that's the one start i know for sure that i'll be doing for march but here's my tomato bag and that christy made me that i've talked about several times before but i think what i'm going to do because i have so many large starts i don't want to be starting you know really big ones till i start crossing off some larger starts off my list so i'm going to take some patterns out of here that are smalls and that's what i'm going to work out of for my march starts besides the bushel and a pick but while i have this bag here i did want to show you a couple of patterns a couple three patterns that i've added to go in my tomato bag besides what i've already shown you so this is a new one and it translates into sewing mouse so this is called sewing mouse by tralala and look at that cute tomato pen cushion it's like upside down the leaves are on the bottom and the pins are there and it's on a little pedestal stand but isn't that adorable so i've added that who knows i might start that one this month i don't know another one is um nightshade bird now i saw this when i went into craft center and i had seen this chart before but not really paid that much attention to it as far as what the whole chart looked like because all i could see was the front of the drum which was adorable because you know it's a bird but it's got the tomato on the top of the drum that looks like it's made from velvet and it and it does have this little picture right here maybe i can bring it up a little bit closer cass is that good so you can see the whole thing so it's it's like a sampler because it's got the alphabet all around it but look there's a tomato down there it's a little patchwork tomato and then i'm like well that makes sense because you know the tomato pincushion is on here on the drum but i just thought that was so cute and i excuse me so when i went to craft center again i saw it there and i saw it stitched up and i thought it was gorgeous so i picked that up there and came home and threw it into my tomato bag and did pick up the call for glosses and we'll see when it comes time if i switch something out or not and then the last one is this is the one that laura was telling me about that i needed to get and add to my bag so um so brenda and lara so brandon the cereal starter on their floss tube they were talking about um christie's tomato bag that she that she had made and talking about the patterns that i had put in mine that tornado patterns and she's like lori you've got to get this one if you don't have it because it's awesome and i agree laura thanks for pointing that out and now it's in my bag and christy she showed you this when she was my guest here that she's already got that started and i love that so that's what i'll be doing with that i'll probably talk about this in a minute so i'll just set that aside and um now i want to show you the progress that i've made on my february starts so as you know in february i had a lot of birthdays because that's when i start as for birthdays and holidays so let me just open up i have a lot in january as well i mean look at that so i had a ton in both and so i didn't get a lot of progress done on each one of them but they're all kitted the fabrics picked and i did get a start and so i'm pretty happy with that and depending on how much time i had to stitch that day or you know maybe i could stitch on it the next day too but this was a one day or i can tell that by how much i got done but look how fun that is so this is um love never fails i started this on valentine's day and this is going to be a wedding sampler for my husband and i and so i'll be changing some things up as i go along meaning i'll put our initials i'm going to put our last name here hold and i'm going to put the year that we were married and i'm stitching mine on 36 count abacidarian linen by rnr i'm stitching one over two and i'm stitching with dmc floss but um so i started with all of the flosses here that i keep in this cute little patchwork bag so i started by pulling all of the dmc's that i had that was called for and then i just kind of started switching a few out you know i could continue doing so as i stitch along meaning i i don't have a lot done yet but this is what i have so far of what i know that i'm stitching with i don't quite know what i'm going to be doing for their skin tone yet i may use this it looks dark when it's on the skein but remember because i'm using just one thread it doesn't look as dark um so i don't know i forgot to tell you too on my heartstring samplery one right here cast the one with on the red design board grab that card that library card so when i showed sorry i'm interrupting this for a minute but when i showed you on instagram i showed you all of the colors that i was using but i didn't show anything for like the skin tones or the flesh tones and so i just threw three dmc's three different ones in to see which ones i might want to use and various different skin tone colors for all of the cute stitchers on that so i have three seven seven four three seven seven nine and 407 and that's what i threw in that bag i was going to tell you about that then that just reminded me when we were talking about that but um so that's my start on that one love never fails that's my little start there but i love those flowers i know i know i'm just gonna love stitching this one okay so this one was for george washington's birthday and this is blue skin which blue skin was one of george george's horses so that's why you know blue skin and look at that horse i just love it with the cherries on his back and the cherry tree and the flag and of course george and this is designed by paulette stewart of plum street samplers and i am stitching mine on nantucket brew 36 count by r r i'm stitching one over two i did make a few thread changes oh and my library cards a lot i have this so on so i ordered this from sofia violet designs on etsy this thread keep here and she always puts this on her rings and so i like to put where i got it from so i can remember and then a lot of times i'll stick it right here in my card so that i remember where that came from because once you take it out of the package it's hard to remember and i just i love them so much and i love her work there's so many different um little shops in etsy that i order thread keeps from so i'm trying to keep track of them so when i can remember where i got them from or when they send a business card or something i'll try to remember to tell you where i've gotten them from and so here's my colors there and i used all of the called for that paulette called for except for i switched my reds so i'm using holly berry instead of the i'm using classic works holly berry instead of the classic color works used brick and i'm using a tennessee red clay instead of 3772 dmc so those are the these are the called for and here's what i got to start on right here i started on the tree the cherry tree and i'll probably just work my way across and all the way down here so that i can maybe cut my cloth down to that point and zigzag the edges so that was for george washington's birthday start this was for abraham lincoln's birthday start this is lincoln's eagle and i remember i only got one day to start on it but this is one egg wing over here and this is a little bit fiddly to do but i love how it's looking but i think that the rest of it is going to go by very easily i just really have to keep on my toes and pay attention to what i'm doing here so what i'll do is this one and then i'll do the other one and i'll do this down at the bottom and then i'll just start filling him in and when i said before i don't think i'm going to do all of this full coverage solid stitching i think i'm just going to outline it but we'll see as we go along but i'm loving it on this fabric i'm looking at my loving how my colors are looking i also as you can see got this one from sofia violet designs as well and stitching on 36 count raw natural in burl linen and one over two on this and i just pulled colors from my stash to do this so here's the colors that i'm using in case you're interested in that and i just think they look beautiful on this cloth and so that's going to be gorgeous giving up on trying to put that in there okay next one you can see this patriotic theme i have going on but i wanted to get a lot of starts early on in the year for my patriotic stuff so that i could you know have these finished by july so here's another one that is by lori of not forgotten farm and this is flag folk i'm stitching this on 36 count ran one over two and i just again pulled threads from my stash so these are all the called for and this is what i'm using and because of everything that's going on in the world right now it's really hard to be able to get the call for colors and so this is where i'm really really um grateful that i have the stash that i do and so that i can just pull the colors that i need to go together and so this is the start that i have and i really like the amount of modeling on this rim i think this looks very very nice with this very primitive look just got started with the flag over there i think that's really fun this is going to be a fun one to stitch and again i might end up putting this in a square frame i don't know it's almost square so i think i could get away with it okay so this last one i have here in my stack to show you is summer at sherry hill i started this for one of my sister's birthdays and this is by brandon gervais i've been wanting to stitch this for a long time so i was really happy to get it started and um i'm stitching mine oh well i i have to show you this but i'll tell you about that in a minute let me show you my start okay so here are here's my start i'm doing um 36 count latte by xu designs and i love this i love how it's looking and i did all of i grabbed all of the call for with a few changes so here's my changes right here on the back of my card i think this must be one of my sample cards because it's stitched i mean it's printed on both sides but anyway you know as as the designer you always get like a bunch of samples and decide which one you want to do so i know that my cards that you get now are pr it's printed on one side and it's plain on the back and that's usually what i like to write on the back as a plain color okay so here's my start on that i want to lift this up so you can kind of see is that a good view cass yeah so look at that cute bird and the cherries i know i kind of have a theme of cherries in here too let's see on blue skin i've got a cherry tree on this one i've got the cherries and but you know it's it's spring i'm feeling i'm feeling pretty spring-like okay i want to show you this bag okay so i'm going to unclip this but look at this this bag that my friend annette she's on instagram she does not have a flosstube she's on instagram as sonetti so and she's just been my friend for a long time she lives here in utah but she made me this bag for my birthday and send it to me and um look she look how she did this she sewed the ring and then put a pair of my stork scissors with my little point protectors there inside and then can you can you see that casserole holding up and then she put the floss ring on here so that you can just add it you know tuck them inside your bag but you can have them outside on the top when you're stitching too and then she put these cute little poles on there and she made this one out of my uh one of my button collections my cute little buttons and she put a b charm on there but what she did was she took my flea market fabric so this is um all of these prints are from my flea market fabric collection and she did a 12-inch block using my economy paper my 12-inch economy paper that i've done a tutorial for that fat quarter shop does with the paper piecing so she she took this so she's appliqued something in the center of my economy block which is one of my flowers from my flea market flowers so long that i'm doing right now on my blog so she took that she appliqued and that is darling okay so it's big enough that i can put i can put my biddy boards in there or i can even put my small design board in there i can take these out if i don't want them you know to stay in there or i can just leave these little rings in there to hang them on but okay so i just want to want you to see how cute and adorable and darling that friend is and then wait till you see the back i'm like annette she's just so amazing so and she did another here's the block without the applique on top of it okay and that looks super cute so she pieced the back also well look what she did she she did one over one stitching and stitched a net and i stitching so look at that okay i want to bring this up close so you can see but that maybe i should have taken that thread off okay look at that that's one over one there's a knit with the with the brown hair and there's me with the blonde hair and of course yes i'm stitching with red thread but she put little quilt blocks by us too because we're both quilters and that's how i met annette she started taking my uh my quilting workshops and so i've known her for a lot of years and yes she is a sister stitcher and i just can't believe that she made this for me and surprised me with it and it's just so adorable so again 12 inch blocks and then she just added the top so i get a lot of questions about bags and so i wanted to talk let me throw that over there i wanted to talk to you about this a little bit because i'll show that in a minute i don't want to reveal that one yet so there's been quite a few um cloth tubers which i have been so excited to see have been using my quilt blocks so remember this bag that i showed you before that christy made for me but she used my quilt blocks which she does quite a bit use my quilt blocks from my books and pieces the blocks and then makes them into a bag so this tomato block right here i brought my book so i can show you kind of what i'm talking about i have two farm girl vintage books this is the first one this is the second one this is where the tomato came from and so i kind of marked a lot in here where oh my heck i forgot to okay i'll show you that in a second okay so here's the tomato block right here this is part of my corn and tomatoes block right here that christy used for this so in my books i have six inch and 12 inch cutting size so what she did was took the 12 inch block but just made the tomatoes so they end up being six inches big for that and then she used this is my background of my farm girl vintage fabric she used all of my fabrics this is one of my decorator weights and this is my decorator weight from the back but what i'm trying to say is i have seen several flosstubers taking um and using and doing wonderful bag tutorials of their own and showing my blocks that they are going to put in there so i do know that nicola from bumble stitches is um doing a project let me read i wrote this down so i didn't get it wrong project bag along so hashtag project bag along along with liz from elizabeth and constitu and so elizabeth anne constitutes and nicola both bumble stitches and elizabeth ankenstitch did bag tutorials and i know that they have ongoing projects for this project bag along where they're going to put my blocks inside there inside the bag use that for you know the starting point so i know that nicholas showed on her last floss tube the scrappy strawberry and so that's in my first farm girl vintage book so let me see i kind of put some little tags in here so that i wouldn't spend so much time trying to find everything but so this is that my scrappy strawberry and so again there's the six inch and the 12 inch and nicola did the 12 inch for hers and she's going to make a bag around it and she has a really fun bag tutorial too and i think um that she said that liz from elizabeth and can stitch is going to be doing the pie cherries block for my book so let me see let me show you what that one looks like these markings may not have may not have saved me as much time as i thought they would okay here it is so here's the pie cherries blog and so that's in farm girl vintage my first book right there this is what farm girl vintage two looks like and the inside of that but what i wanted to show you from that before i show you some other books is annette made me this bag as well can you see this whole thing in the screen okay look how cute that is i mean is that not adorable annette i'm just in love with it so this is my rise and shine rooster which is in farm girl vintage two so you can see it there in the cover quilt so rise and shine rooster again these books come in i always do a six inch and a 12 inch block there's so many there's a lot of good choices in here to do and i have done so many bags with these okay i'm going to open that all right so here's a 12 inch rise and shine rooster she used all of my prim fabrics i can see these are all prim for the block but for the background here she used my new b cross stitch in pebble so i have a new fabric collection out called b cross stitch of course right of light designs produces my fabric for me and distributes it these are all of the prints that are in be cross stitch and pretty excited about that and so here's the front and again annette she does such a fabulous job wait till you see the back but before i turn it to the back i want to show you she used some of my be cute lace again for the zipper pull and put another little b on there and then she again did did these little rings in here so in case you want to add your scissors or flosses or whatever and keep them up at the top so you're not digging down on the bot you know down on the bottom all the time but she used more patterns for my book now look what she did on the back oh my gosh look at that okay so for these little tiny baby chicks this is the friendly goat block let me i need to put something over the top of here okay so this is my friendly goat block right here so it comes in cutting instructions for a 12 inch or a six inch size now if you make the six inch block but only make the baby chicks in the six inch block this is how tiny they turn out are those not the cutest so she did those and then this is i did a cross stitch block in this book as well [Applause] let me show you that so here's the cross stitch block and again it comes in six and 12 inch and so she did the six inch size blocks and so these are four six inch blocks and so they end up being 12 inches which is the same size as this rooster and these are all out of my prim fabrics so thank you annette i love it so much and i just wanted to i brought my books out i brought two other ones out to show you that not only do these have 6 and 12 inch blocks that can be used for the bags but i've got my spelling bee book which is also 6 and 12 inch blocks yes i do have letters in uppercase and lowercase so you could personalize your bag with your initials or whatever and i do punctuation but i also have many picture blocks in here as well sewing machine typewriter the dog the butterfly the apple the canning jar the vintage telephone the little bug the camera the house here's another bee block i have and a little cake plate so speaking of the b block i know that i um follow crafty cottage stitches on their floss tube as well and that's a mother and daughter and jeanette is the mom and heather's the daughter and they do such fun stitching and they're so cute to watch and i do know i believe i don't know if they have a bag tutorial but i know that janette's been making some bags but i know that she's been doing some of my blocks and heather as well to go in there and she did my honeybee block from my i remember seeing that i know that jeanette did a six inch honeybee block and is putting it in a bag and i think she's just doing her own bag and um there's so many good bag tutorials out there and then i think that i saw heather do my scrappy strawberry for my first book but i also have my vintage christmas book that has 6 and 12 inch blocks as well so these are really fun some of them they don't have to be christmas themed but it's really fun to do some christmas bags with some christmas blocks as well so that's a great idea and so speaking of bag tutorials i thought i'd pull these in because like i said there's so many great bag tutorials out there so about five years ago on my blog i started doing a few of my back tutorials this was i think so this is my quilty zip pocket and quilty zip bag tutorials meaning they're the same size but see how this one's turned this way with the zipper on top and this one's turned this way on the bottom and i did my tutorial saying you can add as many squares as you want this one is not quilted this one's quilted you know with binding and this one i did with my calico days fabric so this one i did in 2015 i looked this morning up on my blog so i'll link to these tutorials and they're just constructed the same way if you want them bigger obviously for cross stitch for uh bigger project bags than you just add more squares but i did this one in 2015 and then i did this one shortly after that and with my calico days fabric but i just put applique on the top and this measures the same as it would for six squares if i just would have kept going so i have those tutorials as well step by step on my blog and but like i say there's really no shortage for for project bag tutorials there's some really great ones out there this is one that is made with my six inch honeybee block and it's got a pocket right here because what this is is in my farm girl vintage ii let me find that picture here i have here it is right here my pin pillows so see i made all of these pin pillows out of six inch block and they have a little pocket and you stuff them and make them into pillows so that you have your little pin cushions you have your scissors and things like that i don't know is that too small of a pitcher can i see that if i bring that up yep and so you can just instead of stuffing this you just you know put a back on it and put binding around it and then you've got your little pocket in the front too i keep this in i've got um my first set of our floss spools in here and some of my needles and so i normally keep this in the little cabinet right here in the hallway next to my sewing room and i'll be showing you that my little cupboard that i keep my flaws here um here in a minute i think i've showed you all of my cross stitch that i want to show you and my books lots of different ideas and so now i'm going to take you over and show you where i keep my floss i think i'll show you that first and then i'll just kind of take you around in my sewing room and show you the different different areas where i keep my linens and charts and things like that so i'll be right back okay so here this is the hallway that is just right off of my sewing room so right in here is where i keep my floss now i bought this right when i moved into the sewing room my sewing room if you guys have seen my um tour of my sewing room i've only been in it for a couple of years almost a couple years since my daughter cassidy right here got married it used to be her bedroom and so when i moved all my stuff up here i that's when i bought this cabinet at hobby lobby i was just there one day and i saw this cabinet with a whole bunch of drawers and thought that would be perfect to separate you know my flosses and what i need so that's what i do so before i open the drawers and show you inside i just wanted to tell you what i have i use these as a little catch-all now this is one way i keep organized because i don't have time to um you know when i get some floss in the mail for instance or if i went to joann's or whatever and picked up some floss a lot of times i'll i'll pick put those right here these are my dmc's and these are my overdies and then usually on the weekend as you can see i've gone longer than a weekend this is kind of piled up but i'll put them in here and then it's time to put them away in their proper drawers usually on the weekend and that stops me from just stacking things up or putting them in a basket or keeping them all in their separate bags and then i can't find them when it's time because i'm usually you know working on my um you know designing and things like that in the day so usually when i'm opening the mail i'll pull them out put my dmc's here and my overdies here and then i will put them in their assigned drawers so back here my first top two rows these six drawers hold my overdice and so let me open a drawer and i'll show you how i keep them so i keep keep them on these little vintage looking shower rings they're very inexpensive i have a ton of these i've always used them to just organize my flosses now i know i've told you before that i don't keep them in alphabetical order you know numer numerical order anything like that i just care about the color so obviously this drawer is for my greens but i do go as far as all of the week's die works or i don't mix up different brands on here meaning different companies so this this one has all gentle arts this one has classic color works so but within each shower ring there's no you know they're not in like i say numerical or anything like that this is another week's so i have several of each company just when it gets too full you can see you know some of them get so full like obviously i must have had a general arts that was really really full down in there and so i just started a new one so that i can go through it so that's how i can you know just start going through them and sometimes you know i usually try to put them away neater than this but it's it's pretty easy to just knead them up here's my other gentle arts and so like i say during the weekend i'll usually just grab this bowl go back into my sewing room probably and just throw like all the blues together all the greens together and stuff like that and then start dividing them and then putting them back in here so when i have a chart that calls for all weeks die works i don't have to go through all of my greens i can just pull out the week's diet works or vice versa you know so i have all my greens in there here's all my reds keep them the same way and and pinks as well when i said reds i keep reds and pinks this one is my neutrals like from grace i don't know why that's there but there it is so oh i also throw these here like when i finished a project so i showed you earlier that i just finished my oh joyous day so i'm going to take all of those off of my floss ring and put those on the top of the pile here and then it's time to put them away so i can play with my flosses this weekend i know what i'm doing this is getting way too full it normally is not this full so i really i've got some work to do but so i've got my browns grays blacks all in here and again within companies this is my oranges golds you know peaches things like that and again i have them some browns sometimes it's really hard to separate like this your browns from your golds and so you know as long as i have them separated by company again i just i go by color it does not matter to me what company it is or anything like that although i do find out i use mostly weak style works more than anything i tend to i mean gentle arts and weeks die works are kind of maybe the same but here i don't have as many but this is what i'm always using and these are my neutrals my whites my light beiges tans things like that this drawer sticks a little bit but it's good enough for who it's for and it works and then here i have all of my blues you know aquas denims to navy's and you know purples i keep those all together okay so that's what i have here now these next two drawers right here are my dmc so what i have here is let me pull this basket out this is my master dmc i don't know if you guys have seen this but i love these this is my uh paper from my week's diet works that's a conversion to dmc my list and but i love this thing because sometimes i mean believe it or not i do not have every dmc color that there is and sometimes you just need to see real floss not just a color of it but just what it looks like and i love this chart because you can look here oh it's kind of awkward sorry but you can look on the back here and it's like shopping in a grocery store because i'm like okay i need to see where you know three or four 304 five is what it looks like blah blah blah and it says it's on il13 so i just go over here on to aisle13 and then i find that color and i can see what it looks like which is this right here 3045 and i love that it has the real floss and so that helps oh dropping thread everywhere okay so that's where i keep um and you know in this drawer is my dmc and i just keep ordinary bags i keep them separated these are my browns and yellows these are my grays whites and neutrals but i just measured the drawers when i bought this container i mean sorry this cupboard and i bought these containers at the container store and i love them because i can just take them out of the drawer and take them into the sewing room with my chart and my fabrics and things like that and i can keep them separated by color and i can just pour the flosses in here you know like all the yellows and go through them so that's that side and then this side same thing more dmc grab that oh wrong basket okay so same thing dmc's i've got my reds oranges and pinks my greens my blues and purples got all the variegated dmc's here and the same thing from the container store so it's not fancy but it works for me they're separated by color and that's you know what works for me now in these two bottom drawers over here i have all of the anchor flosses and i don't use them a lot these are like my anchors that i haven't put away from when i did all creatures great and small but that's where i have all of the anchor classes in here when i need them and again i have them in a little plastic drawer so those are all together and then in this bottom drawer i have this basket let me pull it out instead of looking at the bottom i have all of my art floss so this is my um prim our floss set this is my very first rf floss set that i did and it has 10 spools in it this is this is has 10 spools but this is wool this is our fill wool so these are my premium wool threads done by our fill which i love and then this is my rfloss i don't even know this box i've opened up a million times i don't know if it's full almost empty but almost empty there's a newer one though so this is my 20 set let me open this there we go so i have that i keep those in here i've got keep my empty spools in here and this is what is this this must be a kit because this is from that quarter shop oh this is my thread set for my happy farm girl and of course that comes from fat quarter shop so that's what i keep in here and i normally keep my bee bag that i showed you um earlier with my little six inch b i keep that in here because that's what's in here is my arm floss okay so that's what's in this cabinet that's what these little catch-all bowls are for and then i'm just going to go around the corner and show you where i keep my silks all right so on this wall is where i keep my silks on my cupboard here because i keep it in this vintage sewing drawers which i love and so i have all the mpi silks in here thanks to kimberly from fat quarter shop i don't know if you knew that but she's carrying all the npis now but look at that so all of these well this one's divided so i'll show you that in a minute but these are all filled with npis and this one is a divided drawer so i just have different silks in here i have some silts of course and kits already heated up things like that but that's where i keep my little divided things and so that's where i keep in here and um on this little table here that i've painted with my paint i have vintage books in here i actually use this piece of furniture in my farm girl vintage to book photography i believe my book photography all takes place here in my home and so i'm using pieces for my home all the time in the pictures and this these are the kind of things that i just pick up thrifting and old books my sister-in-law made these little iron flowers and of course you know my love of raggedy ann dolls this is my prim stitch this is my prim village not my crimp stitch and this i painted in my paint pitchfork and framed it and it goes so well right here i think with the house and so i don't get into my silts you know like every day and like i kind of do my other cabinet so i feel pretty safe keeping them down here i just felt like my silks needed to go in this beautiful little drawer set and so i can always pick this up and bring it back over into my sewing room if i'm really going through you know for the silts but right here they're safe and sound and i know where to find them when i need them okay let's go back into the sewing room and i'll show you where i keep my charts all right so here we are back in the sewing room and you can see over here in the corner i've got two cabinets now i bought these at a furniture store several years ago here in utah and i just love that they are handy because they're final cabinets but they look like a piece of furniture so i love that and so in the furthest one over there against the wall is where i have like all my quilt patterns you know books things like that a lot of my drawing stuff with them and this one closest to the red cupboard is where i keep my cross stitch things and so let's go over there and i'll open a few drawers and show you what's inside okay so up here i can't even see what's up here because i'm so short but these are like charts that i've had for a long time magazines things like that you know i've been cross stitching for a lot of years so i just keep those up there that i don't get into too often but they're there this one these are all my patterns that i keep in here this is like my lights my oh remember when i showed you my stitching setup and i showed you these mag eyes well look they come in this white color now too so i just got these i'll put them put these in here you know for my extras of course now i can't get them back in because i want to okay so and then i just keep my lights in here some things maybe that i have started but basically these are for um you know lighting besides my lamp light that i showed you if you guys haven't seen that my stitching is set up it's like a couple three floss tubes ago i don't know i can't remember which one it is but i show you actually how i stitch my magnification my lights and things like that okay so what i have in here is my chart it may look very unorganized to you but it is actually pretty organized so what you can't really see is what we're pulling out see i love to use in my sewing room these magazine pattern holders and i keep those within my drawers because you know how file cabinets are sometimes things fall over and things like that but what how i have my patterns here is separated by designers not by christmas you know any holidays or anything like that i just have everything from that designer in one bag so here is my blackbird here is um all of my shakespeare's peddlers in here you know here's like my scarlet house and so i can just pull them out now because these magazine holders lose a little bit of space on the sides and i put the ones that only have smaller patterns meaning not letter size patterns i keep them all together here's all my not forgotten farm ones madam chantilly and so i keep those and i also have those there on the side so whenever i'm looking for a chart or you know more importantly when i'm wondering do i have that chart before i buy it again because i've seen it so many times and i can't remember if i bought it or not then i come in here and i just know like if it's by palm street sampler or somebody like that then i know i just find their bag pull it out and go through it and if i don't have it then i know i am safe to order it so and then that's the same thing for down here so you know i have more prairie school schooler patterns than anybody because i have those forever and they're my favorite so here's all my prairie schooler that takes up two maybe three of these let's see what's in here oh those are hands-on these are like a lot of quaker ones so and i do the same thing here so these are safety nash because they're all smaller ones anyway so that's how i keep my charts and i just kind of squish down the top of the bags it's not hurting the charts i don't bend those obviously and so that's where i keep my charts now over here in this cabinet is where i keep all of my cloths and linens so on this side whoops this side i'm having an avalanche oh so here's some cards library cards that i'm talking about those telling you that i put them in here you know i have some hoops down there in these baskets or cross stitches that i have finished so they're ready to go to the framers these are just like my vintage cloths what was that one that fell out this is prairie that's my cork and because they're in plastic bags sometimes i have a little avalanche but here's my sample yardage so i have that to stitch with so that's what i keep in here i have i don't know if you can see that okay can they see that those white containers from ikea i don't know if they still have that size but they're the smaller ones that they come with lids on them so they can stack easily i like that so before i show you the center i'll show you this side right here what i have in this side is kind of more for finishing so here's my double sticky tape from fat quarter shop here's like a frame a couple of frames here's a bunch of frames that i have purchased or painted or whatever and they're vintage or wherever i found them and they're just smaller so i put them in there and then i know you know what i want to finish something to look in here um this is that spray that i was showing showing you i have two of them here i have some trims and back here i have see those two containers with more finishing you know things and ideas that's what i have down there you can see oh i should pull these out and show you these little yeah you grab them i keep little finishing things in here but look at this whole thing this is old this is super duper old i love whitman's sampler boxes because obviously they have cross stitch on them can you get that other one but they changed for a few years i don't know if this is the same this is also old but not as old this is made out of 10 but it's the same this looks like it's a reproduction but i have some newer ones some older ones and i love vintage tins so they're pretty i'll just put them back up so they're pretty handy now um this middle one right here is where i keep all of my linens i have them separated by these are my um larger counts these are like 28 and 32 and these are my 36 and 40s which is kind of my favorite my go-to's and i don't have them separated per se by companies on who dyes them kind of have them separated first by size and maybe by size of fabrics so i'll have a lot of my larger cuts of fabric like my half yards or my one yards in one basket and then i have all my smaller ones um together so that when i'm you know pull a chart out then i can i don't know maybe i should just pull this top one off with this one i don't know i don't want to have an avalanche but these are the kind of things that i keep in there this is a smaller one so this is a pretty good example of when i buy something sometimes i'll buy a smaller one just to see if i like the color and then i can use that for one of my smaller stitches and if i really like the color then i'll buy the next size up and then even the next size up that's bigger so this here's a 12 by 17 and here's a 17 by 25 and apparently i really liked this earthen in berlin and so this is how i keep my linens these are all 36 in this basket and then i can just pull out the baskets i like things to where i have them stored but i always like to have separate baskets where you can pull them out and you know i can come over here you know to my little sofa and i usually you know spread everything all over the place when i'm trying to pick a cloth you know to go with my threads so that's that cabinet right there and then right here is my ottoman and here come over here cass and we'll open it up and um this is what i put my feet up on i showed you this in my my uh stitchy setup video but the last thing that i haven't showed you that i keep is like all of my cross stitch notions like you know things that your thread keeps just needles like just rulers whatever you know so that's what i keep in this ottoman because like yeah i could just have an ottoman that doesn't have any storage but that's to me wasted space so this is very handy so i keep my let's see i have notebooks in here you know i'm always using notebooks to write things down i keep a separate notebook for um okay let me pull these out and just show you what i've got here i'm always using a clipboard because i put my patterns on a clipboard sometimes and put them right here you know i showed you my little set up here's a blue one and uh i've showed you my setup before but sometimes the pattern is kind of flimsy when you just lay it on here so i usually like to clip it to the clipboard and then i'll put the clipboard on that and it keeps the pattern upright so that's what i use that for so i have this i use my prim calendar for all of my stars and to keep track of that but i have this cross stitch journal that you know i can keep track of projects that is from it so emma from fat quarter shop love that one now these are a couple that i got from kitten stitcher and um these are awesome because what i do is i have separate notebooks and i usually do this part here where when i'm going through a chart i'm going to start kidding it up then i'll write down the name of the chart and all of the threads that i need for it when i go shopping and then i write down if i ordered it online also like in a different book so i ordered this for this chart this color on this day because i don't know if you're like me but you get these different shipments and then like i'll put them over here in the bowl or something like that and i'll be like what was that for because it was one thread i was waiting for and then i can't remember what it went to so i always go to my books and i can see you know like this is what i needed and i bought it from here i ordered it this day and then i can just go through and shake it off when i got it i don't know it just kind of you know it sounds like it's a lot of work but it really isn't i just write it down when i ordered it and where and what it's for and um so this is where i keep you know that kind of things my notebooks some other bags this is look at that so christy made me the smaller bag a couple years ago out of my six inch block so these are three inch blocks tomatoes and so i keep those in there keep things like that another vintage tin to keep things in i've got you know floss away bags thread drops whatever i may need like that this is where i keep my big bag of you know like my shower curtain rings or floss rings like this you know i have all of that there this wooden drawer i pull it in and out all the time and see i've got other bags these are my bags that riding blake does for me this one that's one of my favorite the lady never discusses the size of her fabric stash and anyway so here let me just pull this i don't know you know what i mean by paraphernalia what you need for cross stitch so here's my lister notebook this is my this is my needle book now remember i showed you this i have a tutorial for my needle book here on my channel and so i show you how to do that and so i like to keep it in here and so when i put it in with a certain project then i can just fill it up with all my needles and things like that and take it this is a cleaner um you know like a glasses cleaner but it looks like a sampler so i keep that in there so i can clean my mag eyes my magnifying lenses or whatever this is a vintage pen that i can put on a pillow who knows what i this is like my job this is like literally my junk drawer right but it's stuff i use these are i remember i bought these at at market uh needlework market a couple years ago from stacy nash's daughter and these are all beeswax you know i use 100 beeswax on everything this is not sure why this i do use my washi tape in here for several things but this is a new set that's coming out with my stitch fabric this summer and so this is a wide one i normally put four in here so there's four different sizes but i decided to do three different sizes in this one so i could do a wide one that says stitch it looks just like that so that's gonna be fun for packaging keep my library cards in here these were this is what the package looks like these are from the stay sharp needle holders from fat quarter shop this is one of them these are my point protectors meaning do i have any scissors here with these are my measuring tapes i do measuring tapes that match my fabric collections constantly using those here's some more beeswax here's here's my needles these are my tapestry needles this is what i use to cross stitch there's all different sizes within each tube each tube is not different size there's several sizes within each tube and i mean i'm talk they're packed in there so that way i can have whatever size i don't care really what size it says on there i just care how it feels in each different fabric so i just pull out which one is the best for me um oh my gosh this is this is a new thread keep by sofia violet designs from gina and she sent me this with my last order and her daughter is making these is that too glary should i take it but look her daughter is embroidering this cute heart on this gingham and then she puts it into a thread keep and she uses my cute little buttons to put on there thank you gina i love that so i have i have that look i've got my little the vintage mr and mrs farmer what is that famous painting called i can't remember but anyway with needles on there you know stickers stickers i think that's from kitten stitcher business cards dovo scissors i keep you know this is just this is my uh point protectors when i was showing you these this is what i keep on my scissors so that when i put them in bags they're not poking holes in the bags i've showed you my counting pins before i have more thread keeps at the bottom of my drawer if you can ever get to the bottom you can see that it's got one of my 10-inch design boards and i love that because then i can just clear this out and use it to stitch here's another thread keep i recently got from the old needle shop and i've got some vintage buttons i showed you that before that i've got you know i just keep my needle minders in here of course um you know who doesn't need cotton candy lip smackers i do need it right now okay and i also keep this very handy i always keep like some wet wipes or whatever because that's how i keep my cross stitch clean is before i sit down to stitch even if i think my hands are clean or whatever i always just take a wet wipe and you know and use that on my hands and fingers and let it dry before i touch my stitching and that way i can keep it so i don't know i don't know why i'm ending up just like going through my junk drawer with you but anyway there it is these are the kind of things that i keep here in my ottoman holds a lot of stuff so my linens are in my red cupboard my charts are in my file cabinet and then just around the corner is where i keep my threads and so i know this is a long video and i hope you enjoy it anyway i do enjoy long videos i like to you know make some tea grab my stitching and enjoy it so i hope you do the same and i'm so happy that you join me today in my sewing room you can see how i keep my things organized and you can see my stitching project progress and i will be back in four weeks and i'll give you an update and show you even more stitching chat with you later
Channel: Lori Holt
Views: 90,913
Rating: 4.9312615 out of 5
Id: Ypx7_sJbnVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 30sec (5430 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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