How to make Quilt Block Design Boards

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[Music] do hi everybody it's leanne from podunk pretties and today i want to come in and show you how to make these really easy design boards for your quilt blocks if you've never seen these before they're just like your design wall for your quilt but they're small for your quilt blocks so you can take them over your machine and they're really nice for when you're doing like a quilt sampler but i use them all the time for every quilt that i make i'll put a picture up over here somewhere of the quilt that's on my design wall right now and i use these boards for that but i made this video a year or two ago posted on facebook and never posted it on youtube and a friend of mine called this week and asked me if i could show her how to make these and i said well as a matter of fact i can i have a video let me find it so i found it did a little bit more editing made it a little bit better than what it was and decided i would do this little intro to let you know what was going on but this is the the board that i made during this video um and what's really special about these compared to everybody else's that's out there is that mine is made with things that you already have around your house so it's just going to cost you pennies and going and digging in your stash so let's get on with the video but what you're going to need is some cardboard luckily i can get my cardboard for free my husband gets it at his work and there it is all stacked up he gets it in various sizes some of it's thicker than others today i'm going to be working with a relatively thin piece so the cardboard doesn't have to be real thick um as you can see if i had to guess i'd say it's about an eighth of an inch thick um i would i would think that you know you could use um a paper towel box i would go to the grocery store and first of all ask them if they have any boxes that paper towels or something that come in tell them that you need some big boxes and i'm sure that they'll be able to be more than happy to give you some boxes um if not you can always go to a place like the ups store and buy cardboard boxes if that's your last resort but i do this do it this way because this is free to me so you can make them whatever size that you want the one we're going to be making today is 16 inches i've already cut out my square that's what this ruler was used for was to measure a 16 inch square and this is my old rotary cutter that's what it was used for then we need flannel i bought my flannel at joann's this is plain old white flannel it was 5.99 a yard and i had a 60 off coupon so i bought several yards of it you never know when you're going to need it it's also cut at 16 inches this is a 16 inch square of flannel the binding forum you could use a jelly roll or you could cut from yardage you can make this as scrappy as you like or one solid piece like i did i'm using some scraps from a quilt backing that i had left over so it's one continuous cut so you'll want to cut as many pieces you need to go around your square if you're doing a 16 inch square you're going to need for it to be you're going to need at least two pieces that are two and a half by width of fabric sewn together once you get them sewn together you're going to fold the edges in towards the middle and then fold it in half again the easiest way to do that is to actually press the seam in the middle first press the seam in the middle first then open it up and bring your edges in towards the middle and press it you want to do that all the way down we're going to need basting spray washable elmer's school glue spray this surface it doesn't take a lot um to make this stick and normally you would protect your your cutting area um from the spray but i'm just gonna do a quick little few spritz you can see them on there just to hold this in place yeah i'm gonna have a mess clean up later but you know that's how it goes so then you just take your flannel i think the best way to do it is to fold it in half fold your flannel in half let's see if i can get a hold of it and lay it up at the top smooth it out and just pull that the other down the rest of it down and smooth it out if it's not perfect don't worry about if it doesn't come all the way the edge that is no big deal no big deal at all so the next thing we're going to do is to add this binding board because we're going to have to iron the binding onto this but first we want to put down some drops of glue on the edge about you know it doesn't take a whole lot don't put a bunch of globs on there because this is just you know for tacking you could actually just put a dot like every half inch or so all the way around just enough to hold it in place because we're going to iron this and dry that glue real quick all right so just like on a quilt you're going to want to start this in the middle whoops i better tell you well we'll do that next start it in the middle i think it just gives it a better finish and we're trying to line that seam up that middle fold seam with the edge of the board and we'll just i've got my iron set on um linen but i always set my iron on linen no matter what very unless i'm working with fusible applique i just crank that baby up and let her rip oh we don't want to stick those corners down you want to leave those free and easy you see i just pulled that off rub that glue off of there on the next corner there again we're going to line that seam up with the edge of the fabric and it doesn't have to be perfect but you know you can be perfect if you want i don't have a problem with that all right and then we're going to give it a little to press to dry that glue okay before i glue this side down i just want to press this under i've got it unfolded i want to press it under see that just fold it under give it a little press because we're not going to sew the ends together now you can if you want you can do it just like a quilt and sew those ends together i'm just not that rambunctious well you want to put a little bit of glue on that fabric your binding fabric because we didn't put any on that just line it up there see that and again hit it with the iron all except for the corners all right now we're going to do the other side the exact same way okay now miter these corners the miter in the corners is just real simple you push that down in there let me see if i can zoom this in so you can see it move this up got this side we're just going to push it down push it in there and then push that one up it was just that easy and you've got a mitered corner don't you wish it was that easy on your quilt i guess it would be if we attached our binding this way give it a little shot of heat so it'll stay and you're going to want to do that on all four corners on both sides um i've changed my normal quarter inch foot over to a walking foot to help pull this through i've also changed my needle to a blue jean needle yeah these blue jean needles are kind of old but you know how often do i i need one of these kind of needles um for the thread i am using um serger thread just because um it's cheap you guys know me i can cheap out i do so let's see if we can get this going i'm wanting to stitch just right along the very edge here and i want to pull that bottom thread up so i'm taking a few small stitches forward and backwards and just stitch all the way around i'm gonna take my stitch length up length up to 3.0 and i am assisting this a little bit with my hands kind of giving it a little push because you know slim sheens aren't made for pushing cardboard through but it is doable to keep my stitches nice and straight i'm lining up um there's a little gap right here on my foot and i'm lining up that fabric with the right hand side of that gap let me see if i can zoom in a little bit more can you see that there's there's a gap right here i'm lining my fabric up with the inside gap so when i get to that corner i'm just going to take one stitch into the the 45 degree and then i'm gonna turn it that's what i'm trying to do anyway it doesn't always work out like we planned does it but i think it did yeah it's lighting up really good okay i'm back at the corner one stitch in the corner and pivot all right all right slow down now here's where the the the two fabrics joined i'm going to slow down a little bit just because it's a little bit heavier there i'm taking a real big risk by driving fast you know you got to live dangerously get a little wild crazy a little while well for some reason my camera shut off um before i got to finish this up but um i guess that'll work out for the better there we go there's the stitches on the front and on the corner and let's flip it over it did pretty good about catching it um got a little a little crazy here but all in all it turned out all right i think it'll hold up for to put fabric on anyway that's that's it guys okay now that we've got our board made i wanted to show you how i use them of course you know i bring them over here by my sewing machine we'll sew up my blocks and once that block is all together the block gets taken off the board put on the wall and my design boards can be put over here on the table right beside me just stacked nice and neat right back where they were and then they're ready to use the next time because right behind my boards is my cutting table my cutting mat so i can just pull the boards off as i get the blocks cut and get them stacked and bring them back over here where we can start the process all over again if this is your first time watching a video of mine on youtube please like share and subscribe it's just a little thing that you can do that helps me a lot thanks again guys thanks for stopping by my little spot in podunk
Channel: Podunk Pretties Quilting
Views: 11,410
Rating: 4.9543724 out of 5
Keywords: #quilting, #quiltblockdesignboard, #quiltdesignwall, #designwall, #quiltingtutorial, #minidesignboards
Id: 82DnHCdB42s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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