My Gay Best Friend Got Me Pregnant (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Weir v. Wilson.</i> Thank you Jerome. Good day every one. AUDIENCE: Good day. Ms. Weir, you claim that after, one night of passion with the defendant, you ended up pregnant. But he's now denying paternity of your three year old son Ayont'a. You opened your case to prove he is the father, because you are tired, of raising your son alone. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Wilson, you say the plaintiff is running, out of potential fathers and is trying to pin, her baby on you. You say, you used a condom and there is no way you are Ayont'a's father. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. So Ms. Weir, you're raising your son alone. Yes ma'am, I am. And you want your son, to have a father and his life. <i> Yes, Your Honor, I do.</i> Take me back, to the nature of this relationship. How did you two meet? I met him probably like, eight years ago, just passing through the city. I was going to hair school at the time. I would see him, on my way to hair school. We would hang out, with each other you know. Potluck you know. He cooks something, and I cook something bring it over to his house or he'd come over to my house, you know. Long talks. You know. This is my gay best friend. You know. Oh yeah, gay best friend. Yeah. Okay. Okay, so wait, you all were friends? Yes, Your Honor. And at that time Mr. Wilson, you were dating men? Yes ma'am. And so you all would come over hang out potlucks. Yes, Your Honor. All right, so you didn't meet in a romantic way, where you immediately, started off dating. You were really good friends. All right, all right. Yes, Your Honor. And so, continue. We would just hang out. Go to the movies. You know, party together. Stuff like that. So, Mr. Wilson this was a great friendship, for you. Yes, Your Honor. How did you hit it off? I mean, what did you all have in common that made you such great friends? We would hang out with each, we had good conversations. We all, we liked mutual things. And plus I met her in passing because she did hair, you know. My gay best friend loved getting his hair done and doing all those type of stuff... What I'm saying, we just pretty much crossed and passed whatever together. And you were dating other people at this time? Yes ma'am. You were really good friends. Yes, Your Honor. All right. So now, take me to... The night were things shifted. Obviously, if you are here in Paternity Court your friendship turned... Yeah. So Ms. Weir, fill me in. Umm... I had called him over, you know, I was bored. I was home alone, you know. Was like doing a come over you know getting some drinks and chill, watch Netflix or something. When you do your neck like that, that means you up for something. Okay. That's what you said. Okay, go ahead, be honest. That's why we're here. So, he came on over, you know, we got to drinking. Watching little movies or whatever and I angle out. I made a move. And, he didn't push me away. So there was my reassurance. Okay. Maybe he wants this too. So wait, wait, wait. Hold on, wait, wait. You all just went from the potluck to the "potluck." Yes. Look, let me understand now. When did you started liking him? I liked him from day one. JUDGE LAKE: Oh. I did. I'm confident about my feeling. You know, he, he might think he's gay or whatever. You know, that's why I'm thinking to myself he's a cute guy, but he ain't met me. So... JUDGE LAKE: Okay. (BOTH CHUCKLES) So yeah, I mean I made that move. So when I made that move he didn't push me away. You know. So you had been planning on this, all the time. But you were waiting for the time, to make your move. Yes ma'am. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) So you, you really had eyes on your gay best friend. This is the guy you really wanted? Yes ma'am. And you get to this night you said, come on over let's do Netflix and chill. And he shows up. Yes. Now Mr. Wilson. When she said, "Hey you wanna come over and watch Netflix and chill out." Were you thinking she had any ulterior motive were you thinking this is another fun thing another potluck? Yes your honour I just thought we just going to be chilling. Like we always do, watch T. V., drink, just do what we normally do. She come and seduce me you know, we started drinking, I got intoxicated, one thing led to another. She seduced you how? Basically, after she got me drunk, she started feeling up on me and stuffs. So... And, and you know, it went from oral and from there... Okay, I asked the question... (GIGGLES) I asked the question. So Ms. Weir you had your plan all mapped out? Yes ma'am. You've no shame in your game, huh? No ma'am. Okay, so... You had decided this was going to be my man? I mean no, no. I didn't want him to be my man. Oh. He can still be the father. I'm not the father Your Honor. She was on dates with multiple guys and I'm not the father, Your Honor I'm not gonna take that lie. I'm just not, Your Honor I'm sorry. Did you use protection that night? Yes, Your Honor. I used the condom. Mr. Wilson... When... Mr. Wilson did not... I'm not going to... He did not... I used a condom... Your Honor, he did not use a condom. I know what I put on me, Your Honor. She's tested multiple people, trying to pin them, I love her and all. This is my godson, but this is not my child, Your Honor, this is... Your Honor, I don't play the pin-up game. I don't do that, it's not me. The only reason why we are here now because... I've already been there. He's the only person left. It's got to be him. Wait, I want to understand this. Did you or did you not have protected sex with Ms. Weir? I had protected sex, Your Honor. And you said Ms. Weir... He did not. You all did not use protection. No, we did not, Your Honor. Ms. Weir, Mr. Wilson says you were dating other guys. Were you dating other men at that time? Yes ma'am I was. Were you sexually active with the other men? Yes, ma'am I was. Were you using protection with those men? Some, I was. Some. How many other men? Three, four. Lot of them, Your Honor. she don't even know. How many? Say it loud and proud, you said you're a confident woman. Three. Three other men. Beside Mr. Wilson. I'm the one got tested. JUDGE LAKE: All right. So let's start with guy number one. What was the nature of your relationship with that guy? I had met him through a mutual friend. My friend had her own place and I would go over to her her house. Chill with her and her boyfriend. He was one of her boyfriend's friends. And me and him, you know, we became close, whatever, we got pretty close. Yeah, I messed around with him we kind of drifted off. But then when I got my own place, we got back to messing around with each other. And so why is he eliminated from being a potential father for Ayont'a? I had him tested and it came back that he wasn't the father. Oh. You've previously taking paternity tests. DNA tests? Yes, ma'am. All right, so let me to man number two. Okay. What was your relationship with him? I had met him inside of a restaurant. He was actually the manager. I came often there complaining because I had asked for them to have my food fresh. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) The manager he came from the back, you know. Right after that, he was like, you know, "Can I get your number?" Yes you can and eat all my food fresh. (AUDIENCE CHEERING) I need... Your Honor, I need... I've complained about my food and nobody asked for my phone number, Jerome. So he said, let me get you number and make sure your food is fresh. Why is he eliminated from being a potential father? Because I got a DNA test for him also. JUDGE LAKE: Oh. He was not the father. Say loud and proud you said you're a confident woman. So Mr. Wilson, we now had accounts of two different men she was dating at that time. Yes, Your Honor. And they both not been the father, after DNA testing. Both of them. What do you think? I mean, you said you can't be the father but... Yes, Your Honor. She had the DNA tests with the two other men. And they've been determined not be the child's biological father. I'm not the father, Your Honor. Like I said, I'm not the father I don't know, what to tell her you know, I love my godson and all, but I'm not the father, Your Honor. Mr. Wilson, Mr. Wilson. Please don't sit here and lie, please sir. I'm not going back and forth with you Ms. Weir. I know, I'm not the father Your Honor. Okay. All right, Ms. Weir, you said there was a third guy. Yes, Your Honor. A third man. What the nature of your relationship with this man? Okay, I had met him... Way back, probably like nine years ago and I had met him by being in this apartment complex and I had met him around the way, just walking around the pool. You know, he's like you know, "Hey can I get your number?" Yes you can. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) So I gave him my number and like you know... Me and him we actually started dating. Afterward, my child was born. He looked just like him. I messed him around for a sufficient time. So like, he looked just like him. So you felt like Ayont'a looks just like this third guy. Did you have him tested too? Yes ma'am, I did. JUDGE LAKE: You did. Here, you go, Your Honor. Jerome, please help me, with her evidence. So the probability of the paternity... <i> Zero percent.</i> (AUDIENCE MURMURING) <i> So that's three men tested.</i> <i>Yes, Your Honor.</i> And three men determined not to be Ayont'a's... Yes, Your Honor. Biological father. And you say Mr. Wilson is the only other man the only other possibility. Yes, Your Honor. My baby. Oh. He's adorable. You said the only other possibility? Yes, Your Honor. But Mr. Wilson, you say, you are not the biological father. No, Your Honor. So you don't believe you're the only other possibility? No, Your Honor, she'd been with multiple men. Multiple men, Your Honor, as she stated. I'm not the father, I love my godson dearly, Your Honor. But he's not my son. He's not. Let me just take a pause, for this cause Ms. Weir. Because you've now... Given me stories of three men that you've tested. This is gonna be the fourth. And, you're sleeping with all of these men unprotected. Do you feel like Mr. Wilson, you... Know for certain that there were more men besides the three? Yes, Your Honor, because like I said, we've been friends for a long time. Four. There was only four. It's been more than that, Your Honor. She's been telling me. Multiple times over the years and... Mr. Wilson. Please don't sit here and try to make it seem like something that it's not. Because this is not true. Ms. Weir. Your Honor, that is not true. It's not true. Okay, Your Honor. It's not. It's true. Even when she's pregnant the entire time? You were never thinking in your mind, this could be my biological child? No Your Honor, I mean, look at the pictures we look nothing alike. I mean, the ears, the nose. <i> The structure of my face, my head.</i> <i> He looks nothing like me.</i> <i> You know, I'm dark skin, Ayont'a is light skin.</i> He looks just like me. No. I mean, let's not go into the skin color. He looks a lot like his mother. But, but... He would look like me if he was my child. I'm sorry. Do you think she wants you to be the father because you're so close? And she always had a crush on you. What do think her motive is, for saying you are the child's father? To use you? Oh. Yes, Your Honor. I think, she's trying to use me. There, Your Honor. Wait, use you, why? Because she sees I'm moved away from Tennessee and done better for myself. I'm gone almost two years and now she's trying to pin a child on me. No, no. I've asked him to move back. That's all I asked. I'm not moving back here, Your Honor. To Tennessee, all I asked. I'm not moving back here. Wait, why are you asking him to move back to Tennessee? Because I know he's the father I just need him to help me. If it's a place to stay that he needs he can come stay with us. He can still do what he do. I wouldn't care. But my child very much does he needs his father in his life. And there's his father. He needs his father in his life. All right. So looks like the stakes are high. I mean, your friendship obviously, is a part of it, but most importantly Ayont'a, needs to know who his biological father is. It's important, that makes you emotional, when you think about it. Yes, ma'am. This going on four years. Four years, I've done this all by myself. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) <i> Is he doing okay? He's three years old.</i> <i> Look at him. Yeah he's doing great.</i> He's my baby. He doesn't ask where his daddy is? No he doesn't ask about his daddy. He asks about me. I'm all he knows. So he never even asks about his daddy. No. He asks about me. Well that let's me know, the stakes are in fact very high. When a child doesn't even ask about his daddy. All right, I believe I heard enough. It's time for the results. Jerome. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics. And they read, as follows. In the case of<i> Weir v. Wilson.</i> When it comes to three year old Ayont'a Weir. It has been determined by this court... Mr. Wilson. Yes, Your Honor. You... Are not the father. Thank you, Your Honor. You know, I'm sorry. I don't want to be the bad guy. I love her. And I love my godson. But I'm glad we got this out of the way and stuff now. I'm not his father. Ms. Weir. I have to ask you. We now know that there has to be at least another man out there. You've had four men tested. (MS. WEIR SOBBING) Do you have any idea who Ayont'a's biological father is? Yes. Yes, Your Honor. You do? Yes. And why didn't you mention this person in your testimony? (SOBBING) Because he's deceased. He's deceased. We have ways to still identify and confirm the DNA. We do this all the time. Because, look Ms. Weir. This is about Ayont'a having the opportunity to know who his father is. Even if he's not going to be able to share a life with him on this Earth. He can at least, know the family of the man, who's his biological father. Thank you Mr. Wilson. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) (SOBBING) And Mr. Wilson. Thank you for that. You can stand with her over there, if you like. And thank you for that and as a friend I hope you'll help her in her search. Of course, Your Honor. All right. I'm going to send you now to Dr. Jeff, okay? Okay. Take care of that beautiful little boy. I will. The court is adjourned.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 3,527,476
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show
Id: dArYHz_-VA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 14 2018
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