He Says A Man Named "Papa Bear" Is The Real Father (Double Episode) | Paternity Court

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miss vaugh you are here to prove to your husband Mr Williams that he is the father of your one-year-old child Connor Williams you say the only reason the two of you got married was because of the pregnancy and now that you file for divorce he refuses to be a father now you're also suing the defendant for $1,275 for dayc care expenses is that correct yes Jud all right Mr Williams you say you got married under false pretenses and claim Miss vaugh only used you for your money you also believe Miss vaugh has a secret sugar daddy and have that man throughout your entire relationship and he's the real father yes your honor so miss Von tell me what has Mr Williams done for Connor Brian hasn't did anything for him the only thing he has done was buy two cases of diapers and furnish two outfits when he was a newborn and the child is one years old yes and he watched him while I was at work for a couple times but it's not it's not enough of a month full of Sundays that is not true I've done much more than that you cannot one you can't put a price on how much a man can support his child yes you can no you cannot every day Mr Williams you say you have supported this child yes of course he's one but you also saying now I've supported him but he's not mine yes I did because it was based on a love and a a belief that I was being married to miss vau so miss vau were you in a relationship a committed relation ship when you got PRN you were just dating committed relationship you were you were boyfriend and girlfriend yes you get pregnant yes but you also say Mr Williams the only reason you married her is because you thought this baby was yours yes your honor but now you have doubt yes she's presented with a lot of Doubt Brian was defending her honor after people on campus let him know that that was not his baby Brian knows that he's Connor's father hold on hold on one at a time you say you had people telling you she was promiscuous and she was having sex with other people and the child may not be yours because I did disclaim that at one point she was putting me in the dog housee so it gave me a lot of free time to not be with her and by the dogghouse I mean we were not being intimate we were not always together Brian's lying for days at a time did you have doubt Mr Williams when you married her yes your honor yes I had my doubts no you said you were pressured to marry her yes your honor at first my thought was it was just two young people um making a decision about what they were going to do based on the pregnancy and so I requested to meet her mother because I couldn't believe that a parent would be in support you find out was pregnant cuz your son his father and I requested to meet her we actually went to her house and after having the discussion with her and she shared with us then the next step was for them to get married because her grandchild her grandchild she never said their child her grandchild was not coming into this world a bastard so at that point we realized that she was the one driving the bus on this relationship and along the way I've tried to realize who's been pregnant who got pregnant by Brian the daughter of the mother because she's been running the whole time did you pressure Mr Williams your daughter to get married I raise my children if he's good enough to lay with you need to get married no premarital sex I raised my children in a church and that's the way that the church have taught us I married my children's father I married and I expect my children to marry whoever gets them pregnant or not to have sex until they get married and so you're you're saying yes these are my beliefs I believe get and I'm going to put it out there and so bottom line is you're admitting yes you could Mar yours because you have you kicked your son out the house you don't support him so I don't understand why you're prend like you it takes people to have sex exactly you should have Tau him not to have sex until he was married but I'm sorry you was never married Miss boy Miss boy stop don't why are you telling her she should have taught her son D not have sex thank you when your daughter's having sex with him exactly she's not the only one that F here and he's not the only one that it is clear that both of them correct were engaging in activities they were not prepared to see through when they were faced with plate and took care of my responsibility so I wasn't prepared then but I'm prepared now look suppos to do the same thing he's not doing it you know your son's not doing it you up there act one at a time one at a time let's get some order we getting through this thing because ultimately I see you all want to go back and forth and just jab one another with insults at the end of the day we're trying to do this for Connor there is a question as it relates to his paternity and it's affecting his life because he's one and the man that you say is his biological father is saying I don't believe I am yeah and you know what at one a baby recognizes their father Yes yes they call for their father this usually the first thing they one of the first things they say yes does he say dadad yes does he mean Mr Williams when he's saying it is that who he's talking about he doesn't know his father so how does he even know the word cuz Brian uh acted like he was the father up to a couple of months ago okay so you're saying he was present and then a couple months ago just started backing off yes I mean don't get it wrong even when he was there he still wasn't Furnishing uh any Revenue it was just him sitting there not watching and his mother can attest that he just sits there and plays on electronics while he's watching Conor so it's not like he was he was there his shell was there but he wasn't taking on the father row if you want more episodes of paternity court make sure to subscribe and click on the notification Bell in Mr Williams court papers he alludes to the fact that he thinks you have a sugar daddy what is this all about he is one of my um childhood friends and when I called and told him that Brian was not taking care of his responsibilities when I was short on a couple of things and I couldn't call and ask Brian for it he made sure he was there for it he has never once said that he was Connor's father he's always trying to get Brian to step up to the plate and be a father Mr Williams you say she's got a sugar daddy what is this all about in your mind it was it was a phone call that I received and it just pretty much took me over the edge I'm not sure how he obtained my number but he was telling me to babysit well why would I be babysitting my child so he told me to be there babysitting this man is telling you when to be there to take care of your child yes because wait a minute who is this person it's her papa bear that's her nickname for him Papa Bear yes how do you know that I've retrieved evidence from um her Facebook account jome will you hand me his evidence please and you say she calls him Papa Bear yes I do oh you do well all right so this is an exchange between Miss vaugh and papa bear Miss vaugh says I think he should get a DNA test and then papa bear says see this next message you see says Lil Connor will be calling me Daddy by next month it's anyway that he's not calling him daddy right now because that's not his father so you're reading these Facebook messages and you you've got your wife calling a man Papa Bear they're going back and forth on Facebook and he's saying by next month the baby will be calling me Daddy and you're reading messages about somebody needing to get a DNA test and you're feeling like this all is pointing to you and the fact that you may not be Conor's biological father yes your honor all right so did you confront Miss vaugh and say what are these messages and who is this person I've tried to contact her she started blocking my number when I would ask about you know her relationship when I was coming over to her house that they're already there not dressed and claiming that it's just a regular friendship wait when you come over to miss V's house what to see Connor yes ma'am because Pap bear and Miss vaugh are there and they don't have any clothes on yes your honor that's incorrect don't lie don't lie Miss vaugh I'm asking this respectfully are have you been intimate with papa bear is it an intimate relationship or just best friends we are an intimate relationship oh you are in an intimate relationship she still married though and he's the father oh where you get it from your mama no you get your behavior from your mother because you don't know my house let's get it correct Miss vau I want to be clear you're still married to Mr Williams separated yes sep will but you are intimate with this Papa Bear guy so you understand then if he reads these messages and knows that you're intimate with this man can you see why he would have doubt yes Miss Boyd what I want to understand is because I see you I mean you've got so much negative things to say about Mr Williams this is you know in hindsight do you regret making your daughter marry him because you the one set this up okay when she when she brought this nothing home I said why you bringing him home he's a project she said that's Brian B Brian no he's a project still to today hold on Miss Boyd I want to understand this because you're so angry and yet what I'm saying is is that you encourage them to get married I wish that I would have dogged him like I did because it drew her closer to him if I would have listened to everyone else and said no just let it ride cuz she's going to smarten up and she's going to ditch the loser but I kept on saying Tori he's a project he's a project Miss V in addition to the paternity issue you also say you have spent close to $550 in child care expenses for this year that you say Mr Williams has not helped you out at all you're sewing for half of those expenses which is 12200 $175 M for daycare do you have any evidence that you brought to court to validate those expenses thank you you're welcome H all right so these are the child the receipts for child care yes for Conor Williams you know his daddy's last name all right so this is three months of child care pretty much and I get no government assistance so it's straight cash that you having to pay to make sure your child is able to go to child care presumably so you can go to work or school or whatever you have to do Mr Williams this is $2,550 you know a child has to have someone to care for it she's saying she's been paying out this money so she can go to work but you aren't working have you helped her with this $2,550 or have you at least said while you're working I will watch him so we don't have to incur this expense yes your honor you have done which one of them have you done I was being the coming to her house in the last three months have you come to her house to watch the child yes your honor has he been there out of those three months that he's been in child care he watched him for two weeks but you know four weeks in every month four times three so for two weeks he did watch it but for the 850 that you've paid per month for the subsequent months he hasn't helped watching no your honor now she's saying that she nobody helped her with child care but I offered and she has yet to call me she Reed paying that support I was I was giving her my money I was giving my mother my money while I was staying in Frankfurt $4 twice $4 not $40 twice it was way more than $40 it even shocked my mother it was even shocking my mother that I was giving hery I was testifying to um give receiving her money and then she was going and telling me calling me back that I was she was using it to go partying with okay so I'mma break I'mma break some things down to you so you won't think I'm just one of these people spending his money on stuff Connor is not on government assistance anything I pay for Child Care Health Care lights water phone bill car insurance and anything else so if he only sends me $60 what is that to anything it's $60 it's subtracted from the amount that you so whether so so his $60 is putting it to the pool of bills did you admit to him that the money he gave you you spent partying yes okay so you did you spent the money he gave you partying because all right let's go to the results Jerome whatever get the results Miss vaugh I don't know why you're so Cavalier whatever get to the results what is that what is that about because cuz I'm I mean I'm just being honest I want you're the one in paternity court right I mean it's almost as if you've taken on such a victim mentality that you're forgetting as a young woman the only reason you here m is cuz you did it to yourself mhm cuz let me no no I mean I mean it's the truth you're right cuz you done got in here and you whatever what not this you breaking it down you got so much mouth a woman that's got that much mouth got enough sense to know when you go look at a young man like this if I lay down with him without no protection I'm going to be on my own woo you know what I'm saying look cuz I try to get Mr Williams to just get one thought together today it's been tough so I you know you the one said it was your boyfriend mhm so you got a lot to say today but um baby I made my mistakes make mistakes made them okay so sometimes you need to know when to just be humble and be quiet right that's what she's doing right you right so with that said let me get you all these results so we can figure out how to get this baby the mother and father that he deserves uh these results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows in the case of vau versus Williams as it pertains to 12-month-old Connor Williams it has been determined by this court Mr Williams you are the f father pay the lady pay the lady pay the lady Mr Williams you are the father Yes y you are the father you're going to have to raise that child together you're going to have to help be responsible for him care for him and your lack of bonding with him because of whatever your doubt was that's time he's lost when he could have had the love of his father today is about how do we move forward we got the truth this baby is here he's one that's his father you've got to take care of the child you owe her she came in here saying for three months I've spent $2,550 I've been paying for child care for this child so I can go out and get money that I need to take care of the child you're responsible for half those child care expenses so for that reason my judgment is for the pl of in the amount of $1,275 you owe her that Mr Matthews you say you've made many mistakes in your life but the worst is not being a good dad to the defendant's daughter Kiana you claim that has caused her to deny you are her daughter's father you are here to prove the truth she biologically is yours is that correct that's correct y Miss Shaw you admit your daughter believed that Mr Matthews was her dad but now stand in court to prove that another man is her biological father is that correct yes your honor Mr Matthews you say you've made mistakes tell me about that when I was younger I made a lot of mistakes in my life so I can understand that Miss Thompson would want to act the way she does when I tried to reach out to her on Facebook she was kind of angry at me because of my episodes in my life so you're saying you were not a good father not at all and so your belief is that this whole issue is surrounding your failure to be a good father that's true is that true Micha no your honor I tried to make things right a long time ago I tried to get a DNA test and when we went before the magistrate he looked at me and told him that he never slept with me yes it was true because you told the magistrate you had never had a sexual relationship with mha I would say that I was a woman out his went in there and lied okay amen so when he told this lie what happened I looked at him I turned around and looked at his wife and did somebody say wife yeah they both were married so you oh and you had a husband yes yes oh so you came to court with your wife correct no wonder you said you never had sex with this woman okay and you had a husband yes all right so you two were basically cheating on your spouses W with one another yes yor all right so you get to the magistrate he says I've never had sex with that woman and how does the magistrate rule the magistrate looked and asked me did I want to go forth and I told him no that wasn't what happened oh you were so angry at that point I was done I never approached him after that point his wife already knew at that point about Kiana and she didn't have a problem cuz Kiana was going to their house before this took place and everything it was just a blatant lie that Ain what Happ she was married I was married she was doing her own thing I was doing my own thing and the way I looked at it is we both was having fun we both of us young you know and when she told me she was pregnant I was too busy trying to enjoy myself cuz I wasn't trying to be with no one woman I already had a wife so the point is when you stood in the courtroom with your wife and you said you never slept with Miss Shaw and you knew you weren't telling the truth was that because you were scared to lose your wife or is that because you did not want to be bothered with a child little bit of both but Miss Shaw you said that Kiana had already been going over to their house yes so how old was K when you were at this magistrate hearing she was eight yeah eight years old yes you're nodding to K so you remember yeah I remember uh you remember going over his house yeah at least one time once I remember going over for Halloween and your mother told you you going over to your father's house yes and you knew he had a wife and other kids and other children what do you remember I remember it being really uncomfortable honestly it felt like I was the stepchild like you know his the way that he was with his other kids he wasn't like that with me so I to him to feel the way he felt about his other kids about me I did but I wasn't wasn't really there either you know I was if I wasn't at work I was ripping and running so missa I want to know from that point you decided I'm not even going to be bothered with trying to prove that he is right my daughter's biological father yes your but did you know for certain that he was or did you say that because you knew you had a paternity doubt but you just weren't going to be bothered with him because he lied um he was not the only only man that I had slept with other were you honest about that to Miss Thompson your daughter yes she's known all her life so why did you open the case against Mr Matthews if you always knew that there was another possibility cuz when my daughter would go to his house most of the time she'd be there with his wife and kids that's why she was crazy about his wife his kids those are like her siblings but for him to come in I want you then I don't want you I wanted to get out the way while she was still young that if he's not the father I don't have to put her through this abuse anymore that is not what even happened cuz when she first told me that I was the dad I didn't want to believe it CU I was doing my own things but every time I turned around I was bringing you fish sandwich when you was pregnant every time you turn around you was like baee I'm hungry and at the time you had a husband and is wa okay but you had threw him out yeah but then when I came over there you had me rubbing your stomach and all that good stuff I had you rubbing and yes you did yes you did and here it is bring me a fish sandwich over to the house tell you something that fish sandwich is magical when you're pregant yes I used to Crave those too that was funny you said that I said now that testimony is true yes it was something he worked the night shift and every night when he would get off he would come and feed me all right then and rub myself so you remember that but wait I want to understand this so you're pregnant but your husband's somewhere else right because your Lover's coming over to feed you some fish sandwiches M cuz my husband was still in and out at the same time when I got pregnant but that's 6 months I had threw him out of the house so he had him another girl I went and got me four of guys oh and was doing my thing and that's what I did it was a choice but I was young and dumb didn't have a full understanding of the damage it could cause till many years later so you got pregnant and you in that moment this this tit fortat thing you were doing with your husband it got real Kiana at what point did you hear that there could be another possibility besides Mr Matthews I always knew that her husband at the time could have been my father Mr Brooks um could have been my father and you know Mr Matthews so I always knew that it could have been so you grew up knowing that there were at least three possibilities of who could be your father yes did you in your mind say I would prefer this one or that one I know this one better did they all treat you oh you did have a preference Mr Matthews Mr Matthews was the man you wanted to be your father yes your honor why him it was just the way that I saw him with his other kids oh when's the last time you saw Mr Matthews um I was a junior in high school so it's been about 14 years oh my goodness so Mr Matthews your testimony is true you've been a pretty bad dad yeah I was a terrible father and that's why you're here to write your wrongs that's correct I enjoyed my life you know M amen you're right I mean let's be honest yes it's in the context of what your enjoyment was right Kiana wasn't having that much fun right that's true she was at your house watching you love on your other babies right and wishing as a child that she could experience that same kind of love but was feeling out of place yes so I want to understand this you have Kiana at your home your wife knows about Kiana yes did you accept in your mind that this is my daughter without question my grandmother you know went over there and seen the bay because where Miss sha was living at the time you know rumors fly around first my grandmother told my mother then my mother told me and I was like no you know I'm not going to sit back there and say yes what did they say she said well the baby look like you I was said no no it don't I'm not going to sit back cuz I didn't want my wife to know well my mother told my wife oh and when you under them kind of circumstances you don't want to sit back and admit that you know this a baby may be yours but when I seen her and I actually seen her face I fell in love with her but I wasn't sure that she was mine but I had to follow what they said because they were the older ones and my mom and my grandmother they let me know either you do what's right or we going to do something to you so what did you think happened to your father Miss Thompson honestly I just felt like he didn't want to be in touch with me did it ever lead you to seek out the other well you knew your mother's husband no I didn't know him you didn't really know him either no we tried to make it work for the for the kids sake cuz we had two sons together and after she was born when he looked at her and he said she's not mine because of that I could take a lot and deal with a lot but for her I was all she had so who was at the hospital when she was born he came up there yeah I did he came up there jod jod came up there wait who's my husband oh Mr Brooks so Mr Brooks came yeah Mr Matthews came and my deceased husband he came oh it was a it was basically a circus at that time it was not a were all of you all up there together no no they all knew exactly I'm I'm talking to you I'm talking to this when I'm doing this I never lied to anyone about anything yeah you did what I lie about what I lie about well I'm going interject with that woo speak some truth I didn't know that you two were still together we wasn't we were still married so if anytime he come over yes he can come and stay every time I came over there you made me feel like I was comfortable with ja you was comfortable yeah you br me down cooking dinner I mean I'm cooking dinner I'm I'm I'm sitting up there welcoming you because that's my house how can a woman sit back there said that you was married but you sit back to act like you was married no he didn't oh yes I did was not the only one married oh well seems like you all have unfinished business on many levels a lot of the times I feel like he only wanted to be around me to be around her wait a minute oh wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa because there's a lot of times where she's like oh I talked to Mr Matthews today and she would talk to him and I hadn't talked to him for 10 years so how can you talk to her but you're not talking to me I tried he only tried within the last two years and the only reason why I even responded to him was cuz my husband but he encouraged you right but the reason why I didn't is cuz you're here one year then you're gone five years or longer you know so I'm really a guarded person and I guard my heart she stubborn cuz I'm stubborn I'm a funny acting person I'm be the first one to met it I mean and and it don't leave you out either cuz you funny acting too I mean like she we came over you two are something else I mean with the flirting you two are do what you mean no no no anyway after the way that that things went went went I see why you wore your little suit too now Mr M you see m i I said he's real ready for court ain't he uhhuh go ahead what are you about to say Miss sha oh God and is the the the one that's been consistent was Mr Brooks mhm he's the father of my youngest son M and a lot of her like the way she fa she favors his mom and whatever she needed he was always there did she ever tell you that she believed Mr Brooks was really your biological father she did as I got older he also writes me on Facebook and he'll talk to me and stuff but I just don't I guess don't see it what's interesting is Mr Matthews is here to to prove that he is your biological father your mother is here to prove that Mr Brooks is your biological father who do you believe is your biological father a part of me want to believe that Mr Matthews is my biological father what part of you is that I guess the little girl part of me that never that always wanted to have a dad and I never know what it's like to go to a father daughter dance like my husband takes my daughter to and being able to have that Bond I would never know that I mean that really had to be confusing and you said as a child everyone had their dad M even like my brother's cuz she has four kids so all my brothers had their dads and I was just the only child who didn't have a dad I want you to take this opportunity to tell Mr Matthews what it felt like I mean he's testified over and over again how much fun he was having I'm a GIC person because of it it definitely affect affects me then and it still does now and I just I've been wanting this for a long time when I heard you say that I would be at his house and I would watch watch him love the other children and he didn't love me the same that broke my heart but that you were still excited to be there because you felt that there was a chance that he would love you the same no child should have to sit through that and it's okay to tell people while you were out having fun I was living in fear cuz to live with your guard up your whole life that's difficult too it's a bad way Jerome let's get the results for family thank you you're welcome in the case of Matthews versus Thompson Shaw when it comes to 29y Old Kiana Thompson it has been determined by this court Mr Brooks is not her father what is what are you feeling in this moment Miss Shaw that what she needed be the father he not going to be there and I know Mr Brooks would these results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows in the case of Matthews versus Thompson Shaw when it comes to 29-year-old Kiana Thompson it has been determined by this court Mr Matthews you are not the father I'm so sorry Tiana wow neither gentleman is her biological father She'll always be mine no matter what I love her was that something you had prepared yourself at all for honey no I'm Sorry Miss Shaw I I want to understand this so there were potentially five men who could be her biological father it was for my husband and four mhm do we know where the other two men are one is deceased and then there's one and he's in Philadelphia you know how to reach him yes I do all right thank goodness for scientific developments the things we have the ability to do as a court to help people solve these particular types of paternity issues and this courtroom is here for you so that we can get her the answer she needs concerning who her father really is
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 64,684
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, tv full episodes, double episodes, compilations, highlights
Id: GgMi3op9oGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 54sec (1914 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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