Is Her High School Sweetheart The Father? (Triple Episode) | Paternity Court

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Miss Curtis you say this court date is extremely important to you you're here to prove to your ex- fiance Mr Buckley that he fathered your 22-month-old son Xavier because his denial has left you homeless and in need of help yes your honor Mr Buckley you say Miss Curtis is a cheater and today the test will prove you are not the father is that correct yes your honor so miss Curtis you say today's results mean everything explain well your honor I grew up with a father I know how important it is to have a father in your life and Mr Buckley says it's very important for our child to grow up with the father and so with him being in and out of our lives and kicking us out of his out of his take your time I know it's difficult with him being in and out of our life and kicking us not only me but his son out of his apartment we landed in a homeless shelter I didn't and I was not as shant press Curtis I was known as resident 1625 sleeping in a twin-sized bed with my son that's not true did not kick her out sharing everything with other residents in the homeless shelter you say he kicked you out Miss Curtis he went to his landlord and his landlord sent me an eviction notice I had just had surgery is that true Mr Buckley yes that is true your honor but I I allowed her to live in my apartment at that time I was being nice to her she got mad at me because I was with someone else I didn't want a relationship with her she told me she was going to make my life a living hell while living in my apartment and that's why I called my landlord I was being nice to Mrs Curtis at this point did you believe her son Xavier was your biological child know your honor I know your honor Miss Curtis in your mind while you're living with Mr Buckley did you think he had accepted that Xavier was his biological child yes he said he had a little doubt in his mind but that when he looked at Xavier that was his son that was his shout that he loved our child he gave him his last name your honor don't think I can have kids for for multiple reasons it only takes one fast one one so you don't believe you can have children no your honor why your honor um I was in a relationship before and we tried to conceive a child we went to fertility specialist and we were on uh medicine and kept up with ovulation dates in the whole nine and it didn't happen as as soon as we SE separated she ended up having two other children and that's that happened in not only that relationship but with the following relationship that I was in um I just so you've never believed you could have children no your honor so what happens when Miss Curtis tells you I'm pregnant told her congratulations who is it no you didn't that's pretty much what I said no you said you told every other girl you were in relationship with congratulations who's the father but I was different that you were willing to step up and be his father which you haven't done I haven't done that because of you because of me yes it's just a drive away you got a car you can drive you were living in my apartment I allowed you to live in my apartment you left because I didn't want to be with you no I didn't leave cuz I didn't want to be with you yes every time I came over there it was pure heck we live I allowed you to you had your own apartment yes but every time I went home you asked us to come back over yes cuz you wanted to spend time with your son and I wasn't standing between that but you are now no I'm not standing between that but I'm not going to let you mess with my head you can leave me out of the equation and see your son that's your child don't play with me your honor I have multiple reasons to have doubt about Xavier being my child this is not about your relationship it really is about Xavier this child and his paternity that's it when she told you she was pregnant did you believe that there maybe was a miracle and you did Father this child not at first you H her no what happened um as the months continued to go along um I continued to get older and I I wanted a child I I accepted Xavier as my child even though I don't think I can have kids you Jo I know when I conceived I know know who I was with when I conceived I I know who you were with too and it wasn't just me it so staying at your house and spending Christmas with you who was I having sex with your brothers your uncle I know what happened during the conception period it was during the holidays yes it was Christmas she told I was supposed to go home for Christmas and I couldn't afford to go home so he volunteered for me to spend Christmas with him and his family y she also told me she had sex with someone while she was pregnant so why I was pregnant is different than when I conceived before he was conceived you were with other people no I wasn't I worked eight nine hours a day and then I went over to your apartment that means you got plenty of other hours left from leaving work at 4:30 and being at your house by 5:00 when do I have time between packing my clothes and getting a ride over there to have sex with somebody else cuz I'm not a five-minute quickie if you want more episodes of paternity court make sure to subscribe and click on the notification Bell so take me to the day you gave birth Miss Curtis I was in labor for 13 and 1 half hours Mr Buckley was with me for the whole 13 and 1 half hours I have pictures of him at the hospital I'd like to see those I end up having to have an emergency csection because little Xavier's oxygen level dropped and he was distress and they took me in for an emergency SE section and my mom came with me and when I woke up and they willed me by the nursery to see him Mr Buckley was standing there with tears running down his face that was the moment that I fell in love with Mr Buckley he was standing he' been standing there since he came into the nursery until I got rolled roded to my room about 2:30 that's a couple hours him standing there just looking at our beautiful son something that we we made together something that I never thought was possible something that I don't think is possible your honor but in this photo it doesn't look like I see tears in your eyes Mr Buckley what do you feel when you look at that picture it's impossible to to describe there's there's no way to put it into words um the I just don't like like I said I don't think I can have kids I've been there I tried and when you look at that picture it doesn't look like you don't believe it doesn't look like you aren't there it looks like you're in the moment and you're looking at your new baby what were you feeling in the moment my heart and my mind are at a constant battle um my heart wants them to be but my mind knows better what you see right there is my heart if your mind knew better why did you sign the birth certificate because of my hearts why'd you sign the acknowledgement of paternity you want to talk about you have doubts that you couldn't have kids I went through chemo and radiation they told me all my eggs were fried that I would never be a mother but I'm a mother to a beautiful little boy your honor Miss Curtis and I were not monogamous at the time um you weren't you can't say what I wasn't she is extremely promiscuous um my my witness here can tell you a little bit about that later but um so you're saying sir in addition to your doubt as it relates to your own medical challenges and not believing and being told you would not be able to father children you also believe that Miss Curtis was very promiscuous at the time correct your honor I'd like to hear from your witness please stand ma'am hello I'd like to hear from your witness please stand ma'am hello hello say your name for the court Ana Bunch Miss Bunch you are Mr Buckley's friend all right and what information do you have concerning um Xavier's paternity y I have a lot of information I actually bought a sketch with me I would like to see it the exhibit here please step to it this right here your honor this is my house my back door and this is Mrs Curtis's front door and as you can see I can see everything we were friends we've been friends I I told her I see you when she when we found out she was pregnant she had a boyfriend he passed away they were together and mind you there were other men so what you're saying is from your back door that's not true your honor I lived at the top of a hill she lived at the bottom this is my this is my house and this is hers and I lived on this end her back door is right here there's a straight line of sight from her back door to her front door she know and she done came and confided in me and told me about the other guys what exactly could you see from your door to her men coming out of this door and her running and her running up to the Africans up at the other apartments up top the Africans I was speaking teaching English to because he came from Africa and didn't speak English a lot that is a liot he didn't speak engl he spoke English to me thank you so much for your testimony ma'am so miss Curtis you are denying Miss bunch's accusations is that true yes your honor there was other men coming in and out of my house but I wasn't sleeping with those other men and there was no old boyfriend that was still lingering around we had stopped messing around before I even met Mr Buckley and he passed away she that's not true your honor I was I was told stories about her being with him while we were together she would go back to her apartment and mess around but at the time Xavier was conceived we were not in a relation ship were you in a relationship at the time Xavier was conceived Miss Curtis no your honor you were it was not me and Mr Buckley were just hanging out and kicking in and having sex casual sex so you're on the birth certificate Mr Buckley and I have Pro that too I'd like to see that are you currently paying child support um I'm on his job so he wouldn't have to I'm working right now I'm missing I don't work right now I just started back all right so here on the birth certificate father's name Xavier Buckley yes your honor that's you correct you signed it voluntarily yes I yes you're honor and there is there a child support order yes your honor there is yes how much per week are you obligated to pay um I'm not exactly sure um he was supposed to pay $216 a month and then when he quit his job they dropped it down to $80 a month I do everything on my own are you current on your child support sir no he's 3,00 behind J I just got my first child support statement in the mail so it's not like I've been neglecting it like I said she was living in my apartment no cuz you got child supports um papers when I was living there you checked the mail I wasn't there you were there cuz you asked me to call and have you taken off child support cuz you were willing to be with me no because you were Liv in my apartment I wasn't living there exactly so why would I take you off child support you were living in my apartment and you still not providing for your child Mr Buckley if you said you had you say it's your heart that drove you to sign the birth certificate even though your mind had doubts did you understand that because you sign that birth certificate you would be legally obligated to provide support for this child yes your honor my family made me well aware of that and my entire family begged me not to sign it like I said I did it out of my heart because even today if the results prove that you are not Xavier's biological father you are still deemed to be his legal father there is no guarantee that the court in your home state will remove you from that birth certificate or relieve you of that legal obligation do you understand I I do now your honor that's an obligation that extends minimally 18 years I could care less if my son grew up with this man in his life I've been doing this by myself for almost 2 years that's why I all allowed her to move into my apartment against my landlord's wishes and then made it so unbearably uncomfortable I was never there you come in all nights after being out kicking it want to sleep in the bed with us I would sleep on the couch you would get mad at me because I was trying and sleep on the couch no you would come and crawl in bed that's a that's a lie your honor it is obvious you all have so many unresolved issues I don't even know are you broken up it sounds like you're still together no we're not together you're honor you act like it this is about Xavier well that's why we're here this court exists because we want to protect Xavier we want him to know who his biological father is and we want to figure out how we can help you all move forward I have the results for you these results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows in the case of Curtis versus Buckley when it comes to 22mon Old Xavier Buckley it has been determined by this court Mr Buckley you are not his father baby [Applause] down I'm very sorry Miss Curtis I wasn't with anybody else obviously you were with someone else Jesus Lord Xavier was born 40 weeks after conception December 24th to September 24th is 40 weeks I need you to stop this right now babe he's not the father I don't know what you're wrestling with sweetheart but you are a ball of nerves anger you just wound up your honor I'm still willing to be Xavier's life the way he looks at me the way he runs up to me now all the drama and extracurricular stuff can be cut short I'm still willing to be in his life Miss Foster you say getting pregnant at the age of 17 pushed you into adulthood sooner than you expected you claim Mr deran is denying your fifth 15-month-old son Ian Duran Jr you are asking the court to order a paternity test so you can prove he is the father because you're struggling financially to make it on your own yes your honor Mr deran you say the court should not order a DNA test because you are 100% sure that you are not Ian Jr's father and you have proof so miss Foster has Mr Duran contributed anything at all for the baby no he has not um I'm a single parent um maybe once a pair of shoes when he was a little baby but other than that I pay for all the expenses shoes clothes car seat outings anything you can think of pretty much done by myself and so Mr D you haven't helped at all no I haven't and the simply fact because I haven't helped because I don't want to get too attached to a baby that's not mine he has your name yeah know I agree with that and the reason because he has my name is because because I was kind of like pushed to sign a birth certificate no that is not true we used to talk all the time about you know if we have children like I want to have I want my son to have my name I want to have my son to have my name your honor he is definitely the father of this child no doubt and you say you're struggling to make ends meet and that's why you're asking this court to order a paternity test and you also need help yes like my days are long I call for the babysitter the babysitter comes I get ready for work wait for the bus to come get on the bus go to work come home late nights you know he sleep most of the time so I don't even get to spend time with him when I get home it's sickening to even sit here and have to go through this he's not someone I just had a one night stand with we were in a relationship you submitted to the court your financial statements that outline how much money it's costing you yes I to raise Ian pretty much by yourself yes your honor I do you say your expenses just for you $750 that's food getting back and forth to work etc for the baby you're spending about $1,535 a month in diapers clothes food etc for the baby right yes your honor so that totals $2,285 which leaves you in the negative every month $637 yes so you're going under and you going under Fast Very and it's just like I wouldn't have to be in the negatives if I had a sit so you also submitted to the court that if Mr dirton contributed financially monthly just pretty much $750 for you $767 which would be his contribution you would have about $130 left over yes your honor Mr derton I mean the numbers don't lie without your contribution this young woman is is is she's sinking finan trying to take care of this child I understand that she is and you admit you have not participated financially to this point yes and the reason because every time we had sex I use condoms and that is not true and I have proof that not being true and that's why you're saying Mr deran the court should not order a paternity test there's no need because you say you used a condom every single time exactly because I spent my money on condoms so yeah clearly on condoms but not on the baby that's has to do with me it's not my baby she didn't even let me know she went to the doctor that does not matter I wanted to make sure that I was pregnant before I bring it to him you know nobody wants to just like okay you know I'm pregnant it's not even sure if it's not the case we did use condoms sometimes not all the time not 100% of the time no that's not true me and I broke up after that you know he wanted to talk he called me to a restaurant we sat down and we talked for him he just kept eyeing my phone so when he was eyeing my phone he took it he ran in the bathroom with it read some text messages that were between me and a guy that saw a picture we were talking on social media you know it was we were on a break me and were not together he was someone who was comforting me at the time it was not anything we never had sex or anything like that Mr deran what did you see on the phone I just saw messages with her and when I saw that I saw a picture too actually um she took a selfie with a guy in a car and it was the guy that she who took her to the doctor for the um the sonogram of the baby okay so wait let's there was another guy at your sonogram he was there when he was not we but if that's my child you would be willing to let me know things before you take a he wanted nothing to do with me like he ignored me when I was pregnant the entire time I barely spoke to him so it's just like somebody was there when when you were not I wasn't having sex with him he wasn't my boyfriend he was just there when you weren't and that night that same night that he took my phone and ran with it you know I finally got him to come to the house so I can just sit down and talk to him he didn't want to talk I wanted to have sex so we did and it was without a condom and I believe that's the night that my son was conceived so this is what you believe is the conception night when you all had the the the makeup sex pretty much yes your honor and you did not use protection no do you remember that night Mr deran um not quite I do not remember the night but I do remember buying condoms because I'm spending well you didn't use I'm spending my money on right it's one thing to buy them it's another thing to actually use them Mr Jan you said you signed the birth certificate yes Shan the child's named after you why did you sign it was a problem with the child being named after me she didn't want the child to be named after me so you lobbied for that um it took her mother and I think one of her friends to tell her it's the right thing to do if the baby's his but I'm confused you say this child is not yours and you have proof so I don't even have to order a in when we was in the um hospital room I didn't really want to embarrass her in front of her mom and her sisters and stuff but nobody forced you to sign anything he didn't have to sign a birth certificate he claimed child he claimed the child was not here tears or no tears it's just like nobody forced you to do anything you signed it because you wanted to reason I come to the hospital because I wanted to to try to be a man you left as a little boy I didn't want to get a to attached to this child because in my head this child is not mine I know for a fact this child is not mine condoms are 98% sure well we are the 2% because um I mean let's be honest they're not 100% effective and my trouble with your argument here today is that you say on the one hand there's no way in the world you could be this child's father on the other hand you saying your mother and everybody convinced her to name the child after you and you sign the birth certificate I'm trying to give you the opportunity to prove to me why it is absolutely unnecessary for me to order a test but the more you testify the more obvious it is to me that a test is needed [Music] now you say you're 100% sure besides the condoms and the fact that you buy them and you buy them and you buy them I get that what else how is it you know for certain this is not your child because um your honor the reason I know this is not my child is because I remember one time at school we didn't go to the same school so it's kind of hard to trust somebody that's not you I don't even see her every day so I had a phone call what one afternoon when we got out of school I had a phone call from a friend he was telling me that he saw ivy with someone else I have friends like people see me with it wasn't it wasn't that type of friend at all it wasn't that type of friend it was the type of friend you flirt with it was the type of friend that oh your boyfriend is not around so let me do this I never flirted with anybody never had sex with anybody else Ian is the one and only person that I've ever had sex with that's a lie so it's just like how can you prove that how can you prove that I have never had sex with anybody else it was my first and my last sitting here fighting who's the baby's F there is no other person that could be the child looks just like him that child don't look like me well I have a picture of Ian senior when he was a baby I'd like to see this evidence please you submitted pictures to the court yes yeah one is Ian Jr and the other is Mr deran as a child the exact same eyes exact same complexion if you were to remove the names you would not know who was who Mr deran do you see a resemblance no I don't you don't I have evidence right here that's saying the safety of um protection of condoms you are doing a condom ad today in this cor [Applause] because and listen I applaud you for wearing them and practicing safe sex I do but there is that 2% not you brought a witness I'd like to hear from her Miss Jones what do you know about this situation well this is my brother Mr D and he's like my best friend and one day we had a talk about Miss Foster and the baby and he stated that she is pregnant I didn't even know that was having in of course cuz they so young they are they kids so he also said that she cheated on him with her best friend and her best friend look exactly like my brother really they can go for twins it was the boy she took a selfie with who took her to the doctor and she a let me know nothing about that's why I have my doubts too because if they use condoms and she cheated on him around the time she conceived the baby so it's a possibility that he can be the father also because they look exactly alike that's what's going on in your mind and then it's crazy because his family was at work when they made sure my brother came down there to the hospital to sign a birth certificate basically they forced him to sign a birth when she know she know that he is not the father of that baby cuz grown man at the time Ian was 18 when he signed the birth certificate nobody can force anyone to sign any legal documents if they do not want to but at the same he had a choice that's what he Madeo having kids they go through things like like this let's get down to the bottom line the stakes are really high here because if this court does not order a paternity test Mr Duran's on the birth certificate you understand this you're standing here today saying we don't need to have a test that's not my child but you are that child's legal father because you signed your name on the birth certificate so by not wanting a paternity test you're basically saying this is not my child but I agree to be financially responsible for him for the rest of his life till he's 18 years old and I first got to the hospital I went there by myself I talked to my mom my mom was like you need to do the right thing so when I went to the hospital by myself I saw that she was with um her mother and her sister and when I got there I first held the baby as the picture you saw before when I held the baby I thought to myself this baby cannot be mine it was It was kind of hard I wasn't ready to be a father at all I felt like I was was holding a friend's child and her family stepped out and the doctor came back in with the um birth certificate and I was sitting there with Ivy I was like should I put my name on this and she was like why not she was even tearing up at the time then you make the decision I'm going to sign the birth certificate and the reason why I made the decision I signed the birth certificate because I didn't really want to embarrass her in front of her family it's embarrass you com up a move needed to be made so I said what the heck man like and you had put the ink on there well you understand that that's not getting it over with that's getting it started you know you're 19 you're 19 years old but you you have to understand signing a birth certificate isn't some arbitrary execution of you are saying I am the legal father of this child I'm taking responsibility for this child I am acknowledging that this is my child and I will take care of this child do you know you were saying that the time I did not understand that well you still don't understand it if you in here saying that you don't want a paternity test you need to be saying [Applause] please at the end of the day this Court's decision is going to be as to what's in the best interest of this child and in light of the testimony I've heard thus far it is obvious to me that it is necessary and imperative to order a paternity test I want you two to leave here here submit to the testing immediately and we will return to this courtroom for the results do you understand yes court is adjourned we're back in session in the case of foster versus Duran uh in our last session you were ordered to submit to paternity testing which you have and we have the results here today before we go to the results though have you all had had a time to think about your positions are you still believing Miss Foster that unequivocally Mr deran is the biological father of your son yes your honor and how about you Mr deran you first said that there was absolutely no way no way I still feel like that y 100% is not my baby Jerome let's go to the results okay these results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows in the case of foster versus Duran when it comes to 15-month-old Ian Duran Jr it has been determined by this court Mr deran you are the [Music] father sir can I say something please what would you like to say ma'am I don't think that I'm going to be able to get over the hurt I'm Overjoyed you know that he knows now you know that it's true you are the father but it's just like what are you going to do differently well that's a good question Miss Foster Miss Allan you say that after a brief affair with Mr Charles you discovered you were pregnant with your daughter Miss Baylor you say Mr Charles acknowledge eternity until his wife convinced him otherwise you intend to prove that Mr Childs is in fact your daughter's father is that correct yes sh Mr child you admit to the affair with Miss Allen but say she was involved with several other people around the time of conception you and your wife contend that you are not Ms Baylor's father is that correct yes your honor Miss Allen why is Mr Charles denying your daughter um his his Petty wife she been doing that for years she wasn't there when we were sleeping together or nothing so I don't think she have anything to do with this so you're basically blaming his wife yes she she should blame herself you honor what why did it take you 20 years to figure out that you should get a DNA T because I I need to the I need to go to the with with you let's talk one at a time cuz I do want to understand this how did you all even get together she was friends with cousins of mine and we got together like that we end up messing around or whatever nothing serious so you all get together you have mutual friends you start having sex obviously unprotected started like this we had a friend that got killed and me and him you know we would you know I would call and check on him and things like that then one day I just came through after a football game and he wanted to ride with me and so we went on and had drinks or whatever and then that's we start we we had sex is this the night you believe you conceived after the football game and the drinks yes was this the only time you were intimate with Mr child we just did it like maybe couple times after that okay so this didn't extend for a long time this is just a few encounters then you say you got pregnant and once you got pregnant did you tell Mr child I'm pregnant and I think it could be yours actually it was rumors so he came to me you spr the rumors people coming if I had family if I had family and I'm pregnant or whatever but why don't you tell them the truth you didn't know who the father was you knew that day one you were telling that you knew that from day that's not what you were saying though the rum that you put out hold on I I'm going to give both of you a chance to respond to the other but I want to understand Miss Allan what is your contention I told him I said she may be your child you told him directly yes I told him I said it's a possibility that she may not so you said it is a possibility it that she may not be yours ex so you acknowledge this doubt yeah okay so Mr child ma'am how did the story go in your assessment your honor listen wasn't no Hey listen I'm trying to get at you or anything like that no never that it just a moment that happened so I even asked her you know once I found out I heard she was pregnant hey are you PR you supposed to be pregnant by me oh I don't know I don't know if it's yours or not so I'm like okay I'll tell you what if the if you're pregnant in this m let's get a DNA test we can go and get this out of the way have no problem with taking care of her cuz she would have been my first I don't see her again for months probably longer than that you honor so Miss Allan When Miss Baylor was born you didn't invite him to the birth no did you invite any other man no did you inform the other possibility or the other possibilities that they may be the father as well you did yes okay if you say he might be the father why are are you in court today saying that he is the father because I was messing with him first how do you know from the what you mean how do I know that I had to go through the drama with Miss Johnson um up and down the road she following me she remember me chasing her up and down the street but she can't remember who father her child why am I living why am I living in her head rentree but she can't remember who father her child furthermore you he's always been there for my children so this this little I'm telling the truth why okay I think it's important to know too when we met her daughter the daughter told us that she had tested someone else why didn't you test him first so Miss Allan there has been testimony which indicates that you also tested another man yeah she didn't is that true okay that is true okay that is true tell the court about that that is true but that's was somebody that I wasn't even messing with him this was something that why you why would you test someone you aren messing with she was fishing he came out he came out and asked me and he said you know I was messing with your mom around the time I wanted I wanted to get a DNA test with you okay someone reached out to you Miss Baylor and said I think I may be your father and I want to have a test yeah I want to have a test but Miss Allan you say this person was never a consideration I told him that but he was insist on it I was like that is not I wasn't even messing with you back then so the bottom line is Miss she don't know that's the bottom line Alan you have not had a DNA test with any of the other true potential fathers right okay so shisha Miss Baylor were you always told Mr child was your biological father to be honest Jana I was about 14 when I first found out uh my sister's dad wasn't my dad just hearing rumors just going over my grandmother house in Bowling Green and uh that's where basically he is from and everybody would come to me like you're my cousin TJ's your dad I'm like I don't know who TJ is who was TJ and I went about it myself I found him on Facebook hit him up and I said look I don't I don't know what's going on but I do actually want to know and did I ever once deny you no you never did never once never once a child looking for a father Y and I stand a chance of being there I going be there I'm going be there you can ask her we we conversated talk everything so miss Baylor first you believed until you were 14 years old that your sibling's father was your biological father her stepfather then people were murmuring and you were told by whom that that was not your biological father well basically my stepdad was telling me stories and he said when he met my mom then she was already pregnant with me okay you know so your stepfather told you the truth yes so I I actually I don't know if he meant to but when he told me I was was just like I just started asking questions I just wanted to know right and I wanted to get to the bottom of it yes she she knew I told her sit down and told her the whole story yeah she told me after she didn't like tell me before but she told me after the fact when my stepdad did say that okay know she sit down and talk to me when I bring her to her attention like I don't know what's going on I'm confused confused too I know and that's why I'm trying to understand this because at the end of the day you have a right to understand exactly what happened y honor in 2006 I got in touch with Miss Bay and I told her that I wanted to meet sh 11 years ago you would have been nine Miss Bor so you made an attempt to meet Miss Baylor at 9 years old but you weren't informed till you were 14 met no ma'am I met her I I sat down and talked to her at Miss Allen's house I never denied that he would you tell her why would you tell her I felt like I never saw this man in my life like when people was telling me when I was 14 I'm like I don't know nobody Nam TJ I don't remember him or none of this you were only nine you don't remember him at all remember nothing and let me ask you this Mr child it seems as if you were making Earnest attempts to find out is it that you still had a question in your mind so you were just trying to see it through I just wanted to see it through your honor I'm saying like this if it was such a struggle for her to raise her by herself and you know where I am if I'm such a bad person go get child support when we went to child for child support I would have got a test and this would have been taken care of years ago I've been going on years on with people saying oh you know sh's your daughter oh you know sh's your daughter I don't want people looking at me like oh you're dead beat dad no I I do what I have to do to take care of my family so wait I want to ask Miss Allan if this was the man you truly believed was your child's father why didn't you ever pursu child support I basically was working and just taking care of her on my own or was it that you just really knew that you didn't know for sure if it was him well it didn't it didn't even matter because I just was of going the drama with her you you can't say that I went on with my life I took care of her by myself so Miss Allan you never in the court system pursued a a DNA test nothing no all right your honor she just made me feel like she wanted me to be the father by name so if someone asked her who sh's father was she could say me you know you I'm not being funny or anything but okay I was a good catch I'm not going to lie I was a good catch so so I can understand you know where she was coming from then I would have made sure she was fine I would have made sure the child was fine all that would have been good what I'm saying is there was no way to keep up with her you know when she had the baby honor she she brought the baby to my mom's house one time and I told her right then and there look n we can get this straight now so we don't have any problems in the future she disappeared and you say he didn't say that miss Mr Charles was doing other things and I'm not saying I was and I wasn't the only I wasn't even the only only one he was messing where he was messing with my cousins and all that stuff so that's why I just went on and about my business what does that have to do with the child at hand your yeah it doesn't but that's what I'm saying I've been going through your H she she's not concerned about her she concerned about her child yeah I'm concerned about her to you my name through the mud for years n how did I bring your name through the mud telling people see my baby we won't take a DNA test how is that not running my name through the mud people looking at me like I don't take care of a child you crazy it's funny to you it ain't funny to me I'm I'm not hey do what you got to do of course all I'm saying is we here for her listen listen y can I Mr child you have other children yes ma'am well taken care of she knows I would have took great care of this girl great care so Mr child and Miss Johnson do you have any additional doubt oh yes ma'am you do ma'am okay okay I have some evidence right here y let me see the evidence Dr will you describe what this evidence is Sir my first evidence is uh with my children all my children have six fingers y both of my kids are very tall and and look just like me all my kids look just like me you know I'm not saying that you know that doesn't mean she's not my child it's just that I feel I have strong genes so you know so you're saying all of your children all of your other children have been born with a sixth finger yes ma'am just like so and that's a physical characteristic you share with them yes ma'am right and when we were pregnant with the seven-year-old we had an ultrasound done and at that point as soon as he hit my stomach she lift her hand up and there it was dingling that six finger another digit is what they called it so if we asked them about that and they said it would be hereditary who got it Mr child are there other members of your family with this six finger no Miss Johnson on your side I don't have it but I found out later on my dad had six fingers but none of us like my brother or sister none of and so the genan could have come from your side it could have but it was just interesting none of us so interesting yep they don't have so Miss Allan are you still convinced that Mr child's is her biological father yes you do believe that I I I really do after today's results what are you hoping I mean if if he is you know the father I want them to have a relationship and I mean I'm out of it because she's 20 so at the same time if he's not then we move on that's that's fine with me I I just have to say you on your behalf and I don't mean to speak for you miss Baylor but this is something she has not moved on she deserves an answer and I don't know shines it's been a lot of talk about the past and what people do and what they did but I want you to know you matter you are all that matters in this moment what are your hopes basically I'm just hoping that I can just close this this chapter that I do have open in my life you know if it's not closing I'm I'mma keep trying to close the chapter there's nothing that I can be mad about because my mom been taking care of me S since you know exactly and and I want and I hope as the adults here in this situation you all can understand that I think it is so amazing that you can stand in this courtroom today and say you I'm not mad about it but I do want you to understand that it is perfectly okay for you to be heard about it and that's okay to admit this is a lot to have to process and every girl every boy he need your dad and even though you've had a wonderful experience being raised by your mother it sounds like you had a nice stepfather as well at 14 years old to get that kind of news and then from that point on for six more years beyond beyond that to have questions and confusion you can be strong and still acknowledge that you're hurt family are we ready for the results yes D let's do it it Jerome these results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows in the case of Baylor versus Childs when it comes to 20-year-old shisha Baylor it has been determined by this court Mr child you are not the father that's okay all right I'm very sorry Miss Baylor it's okay y you know at the same time it's okay honey it's okay I would like to apologize to the both of you okay for that no and we can move on that's fine I really wanted to give you the closure you need and deserve Miss Baylor and I'm sorry this was not the answer but I just want you to understand this is just one step this now takes this particular question out of the picture and now we move forward right that
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 113,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, tv full episodes, double episodes, compilations, highlights
Id: bkdVX1T0Jqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 11sec (2831 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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