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[Music] [Music] the track and so we're going to be doing some 800 and some 200s we actually changing it up a little bit rather than going to the red track we're coming here to this school what did you call it - like a go-kart race track I don't even know if that's actually a thing it just looks like a lot bigger than what 400 meter a normal for intermediate track looks like so I just did a 400 meter jog and then I'm going to do some stretches I like to stretch out my hamstrings and especially warming up I like to try and do some dynamic stretches so I'll do some leg swings like I'll made over there I also do some walking lunges stretching out the hip flexors and then like I'll also do some like kind of running drills where I'm got high knees fast feet just getting the blood pumping and and prepping for the main piece if I'm having to focus on certain pieces if they're fast pace is if they're slow paces and you know for today specifically I'm going to be doing some run throughs just to kind of get the speed in my legs get those legs pumping and just start to feel the pace on what I'm trying to actually aim for per 100 meters so that I'm actually hitting those times for the 800s yeah so prior to CrossFit the main sport that I actually focused on dedicated a lot of my training to was actually track and field and so when it comes to track I definitely know a lot more of my I guess limitations and my paces and everything I feel very comfortable with them and it's something that I've done for quite some time now that I know how to recover when it comes to certain distances and especially when it comes to 800 and 1500s they were my main focus when I was doing track so for me that was something that you know I am able to understand where to push where to kind of I guess recover how to attack a band how to come off a bend and you know I have had those kinds of thoughts thought processes when I am doing this track session [Music] Wow so just got done with my track session it was good actually pages were manageable but the temperature was definitely a factor that I think enhance the session it's uh looks like it's going to storm so the humidity feels pretty thick right now which I love I actually I prefer to train in the heat I think it just adds that extra element to it and you know it's quite it's quite challenging obviously trying to maintain pieces think about technique and then also when you're feeling a little hot trying to just get comfortable with that everywhere I've lived it's always been a very hot climate and so I definitely think that I'm used to training more heat hotter areas but I also feel really good once I've sweat and I do think that it really just adds to me that next level but then I could say the same thing about being in cold weather so I really understand when people appreciate being cold because that is a whole nother challenge in itself as well trying to maintain being warm and everything when it's really really cold and it started raining had the gym so we had to pack up everything and leave quickly but typically after a track session I like to stretch out and there's three main stretches that I like to do I like to do my focusing on my hamstrings so I'll lean forward sometimes I'll have both legs nice and straight but if I want to get further deeper into the stretch I'll bend one leg and then be able to lean into it a little bit more the next stretch thought I would do is I'm also focusing on my ankles and also my cars and so I'm rhomboid like to call this low dragon and so I like to stretch out and sit in this position it really gives me a nice big pull all the way up through my calf especially from running and then the other one is a saddle seated struggle so I will be focusing on my half sari my hamstrings my quads and I'll lean back and really feel that stretch through my hams my quads and my hip flexors as well and that those three stretches are predominantly the ones that I like to are kind of like my go-to just because they focus on the major muscles that tend to feel a little sore after my session this wraps it up but I do want to just emphasize on how important it really is to stretch I know I do it a lot especially before and after my training sessions and you know especially through today it was it was a hot session it was tough but taking that time to unwind and you know fuel the body with a protein shake and you know staying hydrated that prepares me for an even better day tomorrow and I can't stress that enough so I hope you liked the video don't forget to Like and subscribe and I'll see you in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] but I call [Music] you
Channel: Tia-Clair Toomey & Shane Orr
Views: 111,274
Rating: 4.958683 out of 5
Keywords: crossfit
Id: VOqkQJyG9Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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