World's Fittest Woman- FULL DAY OF EATING

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[Music] good morning today we're going to go through what I eat throughout the day I start the day off with a cup of coffee I read my book and then once I've done that for roughly around about 20 minutes I go in and start my breakfast going into training so I want to have breakfast and fuel the body so that I have enough energy and I have oats in the morning so I'll have these quick oats and I'll add that with some honey also chop up a banana or if I don't have a banana I might put some frozen berries in I like to change it up and just keep a variety and I also have a bagel as well on my bagel sometimes if I prefer to have berries with my oats I'll actually have banana on my bagel or I might even choose to do peanut butter or honey they're typically my three go twos for breakfast so I understand that that seems like a lot of carbs especially for one meal but for me I am in about thirty minutes going to be training and exerting a lot of energy and so I'm wanting a high carb meal so that I have energy that's going to withhold majority of my training session and I know through an app that I use I will that's probably around about four hundred and thirty calories and it's around about a hundred grams of carbohydrates and so then after training I have my protein shake or I'll actually have you know on hand a sauce source of protein so a nice protein meal and then that's going to help with my recovery and you know obviously I've just put my body under a lot of strain through training and then I'm replenishing it so in the morning I make sure that I have my vitamins and I like to take my vitamins on a full stomach and I'll have at least 3 Omega 3 tablets then I'll also have my packet from first form the micro factor and this has 8 different tablets in it from multivitamins to a probiotic it has any oxidants and a couple of others that have like tablets that contain like some fruits and vegetables and and that kind of thing it's a wide variety of stuff and then I also have my zinc tablets and then some bean tablets from that are called revive and so they're more CBD and antioxidant tablets as well for me I believe that vitamins are very good because if you are missing certain produce through throughout your meals throughout the day these vitamins are going to make up for that and another thing that I always have and I have this before anything is to gali gummies which is apple cider vinegar so to gali gummies is actually equivalent to one shot of the liquid form apple cider vinegar which tastes quite raw and so this is a lot yummier and I still find that it provides the same benefits as well so they're the vitamins and supplements that I take in the morning all right I'm gonna get done here we're gonna head to the gym and then I'm going to go into a lot more detail for my post-workout meal so I've got my last piece to do and cuz I've been here for a little bit I'm I'm not starving but it's very important that I feel the body throughout my training sessions as well because you know I can be at a train at the gym for about four five six hours and so it's very important that I'm feeling my body before a workout or or a training piece and also afterwards so you know things like this my fruit even a tiny little meal like really helped me get through my training session so something like this it's a 115 calorie it's also got 15 grams of carbohydrates 10 grams of protein and do it fast so it's really great for training in between workouts immediately after workouts or even a little bit before so they're definitely easy option [Music] I've got done with all my training today and so I want to have my protein shake immediately after training just to fuel the body especially at least half an hour to an hour immediately after my last piece just because like my body is just really looking for that nutrients to recover and so in my shaker I have one scoop of for formula one from first form personal favorite flavor is our loop de fruit real it tastes like fruit loops it's amazing and then also I have a scoop of ignition which is just pure carbs so a protein scoop and also a carbohydrate scoop and and I'll just drink this down on my way home all right so I'm now having a lunch just got back from training I'm gonna be having some salmon I'm gonna slice up some apple and make a salad with this instant spinach leaves some avocado and I'm also going to drizzle some of this Italian zesty dressing fat free this is Shane so I think that it's a little funny but he has to get this this zesty fat-free dressing so I measure the majority of it so I'm gonna have 150 dreams of this exactly well actually 149 I'm gonna add 35 grams or eventually and then with my dressing gonna drizzle about 62 grams obviously this is like a personal preference that's about two servings so now I'm just going to slice up this Apple I've into my salad as well as a salmon and this is roughly around 300 calories and so I'll add everything that I've had for lunch into MyFitnessPal and also at the end of today I'm going to go through my Fitness Pal and show you the breakdown of all the calories all the macros that I've actually had throughout the day and I am trying to aim to hit about 2500 calories for today but I do find myself just under that mark so it really just depends on how I feel going to bed if I am hungry I'll eat a little bit more but if I feel satisfied I personally don't choose to over feed myself all right so my next meal will be dinner and tonight on the menu is gonna be Chipotle one of my favorites so I will break down what I actually have an order I normally have a ball so I'll see you then all right so dinnertime my favorite part of the day I don't know I really like breakfast too I think I just like eating period but basically just ordered my bowl from Chipotle so in my bowl I have chicken which is actually roughly around 180 calories I have white rice which is about 210 calories black beans which is 130 Cal's some guacamole so 230 Cal's some salsa which is only 25 Cal's I'll add some cheese cuz I'd serve and we're tired today 110 cows and then I'll put some lettuce in which is early 5 cows so that those are the ingredients that I put in my bowl and then which allows me still a little bit of leftover in my calories today in order to enjoy some a nice treat or dessert whatever I'm feeling when it comes to my tea time and just unwinding yeah Bon Appetit so the term if a fetcher macros eat it so when we first came upon macros we thought it was the best thing ever but what we found is that we starved ourselves all the way up until nighttime when we could have like half a block of chocolate and you know a handful of jelly lollies or candy and that probably lasted about three days because technically I was hitting my macros for the day but I was going to great lengths to pretty much like eat whatever junk food I could and then after after a day that definitely started taking a toll of my training and and I was so determined like no I'm gonna make this work and then by day three I was like crumbling so now I realised that by having salads or a lot of vegetables having things that you know are very healthy and wholesome I can have a lot of because there's not a lot of calories and it's fits incredible with my macros and that obviously allows me to to feel like I'm eating a lot but really I'm not and I'm also ensuring that I'm having good nutrients all right so it's a nighttime time for my sleepy tea I always like to have a nice warm drink just to unwind and typically it's actually with my dream so I have a scoop of that I'm boiling the kettle right now and I'll also have a protein bar for a nice satisfying treat to end the day and so when I look over my calories that I had day just today I had a total of 2,176 calories and for breakfast so just to break it down for breakfast I actually had 668 calories for lunch I had 303 calories for dinner I had 705 calories and then snacks that was throughout the day and you know I've just accumulated them I was a total of 500 so I do aim for 250 no sorry 2,500 250 would be very very short day I'd be starving and so right now I actually have 474 calories remaining if I wanted to eat but right now I feel very satisfied and I don't feel super tired at all and right now where we are in the seasons I am leading into a competition so I am trying to fuel the body with the right nutrients but I also don't want to go to bed feeling overfall so that it disturbs my sleep so that's also something that's very very important and then so how I tracked this is through an app called My Fitness Pal but I also talk to and communicate with a coach back home in Australia and she has helped me break down the macros that I need to make sure that I and ensure that I'm getting the right energy for my training and competing and so we've worked together and she has you know recommended these particular macros and so if I look at my macro breakdown for today carbohydrates in total was 261 fat's was 69 and proteins was 134 and so from you know that's definitely something that is like pretty much spot-on there's there's a little give-and-take throughout that but I am overall happy and especially with how I'm feeling in it and I keep saying that but for me it's so important and something that I've learned over the years is you really need to listen to the body maybe you've been recommended that you need this this and this but the body just isn't responding well to it in my opinion and from my experiences something needs to change because at the end of the day I just want to feel good and in order to feel good you need to listen to your body and I think that that's really crucial and something that's very very important especially when it comes to nutrition exercise recovery the reason you're looking after your body is to live a fulfilling life silent and have that balance and I think that that's just so important so on this video I'm going to actually record on the screen just to show you guys you know the breakdown of everything and I hope that this gives you guys a little bit of guidance and kind of shows you what I do especially leading into a competition and you'll also notice that there's variety for me it's very important that I don't get bored or worn out and so I always make sure that I change things up a little bit but still maintaining that consistency or feeling the body and having that optimal recovery so in the comments if you have any other questions feel free to ants ask them and I'll try my best to answer them and then also you know I'd love to hear your thoughts on what you've thought of my nutrition throughout the day as well so I hope you enjoy it don't forget to Like and subscribe and I'll catch you in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Tia-Clair Toomey & Shane Orr
Views: 628,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crossfit
Id: jQVfQO9a5Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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