my mom thinks Ryan Reynolds is too sarcastic, so i made this video to annoy her

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and then you had another one with blake uh recently how old is that child that happened from sex and um we uh we yes we had uh just fyi um it uh is that she's two uh-huh yeah so she's just just in two so you've only had sex the twice yeah okay cause it's it's a mercenary job you know so yeah you know it's just clinical yeah so hoping for a third soon oh man let me see blade played hannibal king waiting national lampoon's van wilder oh yeah green lantern sorry [Music] [Applause] what's up gordon looks like uh looks like we got two beards in the room three if you count your wife let's dive in first question why such a i'm kidding i'm totally i'm kidding that's the second question i skipped ahead if you had a gun to your head do you consider deadpool the green lantern of good movies in the movie you're wearing spiders so uh well a lot like you'd imagine really tight index yeah running around in a big red body condom it's not easy [Music] [Applause] but you said that you worked out like a british person and i'm not entirely sure what you mean by this no no i i for the movie i i trained i tried to train like one tenth of what hugh jackman does right but but when in my normal life i yeah i train a little bit like a british person i've been to one british gym and everyone's sort of doing this if i may yeah it's a lot of this it's a lot of that's true that is it you're absolutely right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] um uh hugh jackman has uh eyebrow implants a lot of people don't know that does it say something nice or just say facts it's just anything okay facts are good uh hugh jackman has not worn underwear since x-men two ah all right [Music] [Applause] movie's called uh eddie the eagle and now you play eddie no right uh no no no um you did see it right man oh no i did yeah yeah i mean that's yeah come on did you guys get any notes from the studio to sew eddie's mouth shut make lasers shoot from his eyes you know i didn't but i thought it'd be a great idea as a story it totally makes sense 100 always brian asks hugh i heard that on x-men wolverine you had specially designed lifts put in your shoes so you would appear taller than one of your co-stars is this true or just a silly fact it's it's true i i did uh yeah my next question here is from um from a blake lively from new york city new york uh he writes hugh i tried calling you on the burner phone and you didn't answer are we still meeting at the gan's board hotel this afternoon i don't have much time because ryan's having a mani pedi from three to four yeah i'm having a mani pedi from three to four you're gonna yeah that's super weird i can't hear you i asked you not to dab do i know what do you not to dab i i can hear you and i still don't know [Music] [Applause] so you love being a dad i love it it's like it's really kind of made me a better person i think you know i i sort of miss being horrible i have seen frozen with my daughters so so many times and people don't know there's a lot of parents don't know this if you play frozen backwards it's actually a shot for shot remake of the [Music] [Applause] exorcist okay game on brolin okay you're so old you make dust look like a baby you're trying to process that right now you smell so bad nah i can hear it [Music] [Applause] what made deadpool so successful well it's a combination of things i mean you got a great director and tim miller you have incredible writers and rhett reese i'm so bored right now i don't even know if i'm peeing uh can we just cut the camera for just one second hey um how many times have you met your children what are you talking about i seen the kids every single day and night the cameras aren't rolling yes they are and even if they speak around why such a i already asked that question [Music] [Applause] talking about like how you act in the delivering room yeah yeah yeah for sure and you uh you decided to play a song yeah yeah yeah what did you play when your wife was in labor i jammed a little uh marvin gaye's let's get it on yeah how did that go it was like steak knives came out of her eyes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one of you people listen to that whole song and not have it eat your brain alive for a month because it's just so good little high school pricks you could you could shove your name you can shove your nae song up your ass you're so bad in goonies that when you come on screen people don't drink they punch themselves in the dick for five straight minutes josh what's your favorite color that's funny favorite color mediocre [Music] [Applause] and is she talking um yeah she's saying mama she like yeah i'm telling you you know what though you know what my wife doesn't realize though is that she calls me mama too i was gonna give this to you but i don't know if it's too late now it's like it's probably just doing that at this point just you know your second words will be done yeah just graffiti that if you're going in there your second word will be dada there you go that's true i'm gonna write i'm gonna write a book that's that's called uh daddy loves you ten percent more [Music] [Applause] [Music] um you're tall you're handsome you have the perfect amount of scruff and you still have no talent wow you're gonna say that with a straight face to 1998's mtv best kiss nominee ryan [Music] reynolds you
Channel: tossacointogeralt
Views: 563,330
Rating: 4.9597607 out of 5
Id: uqhsfByLmtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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