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so my first youtube check was hey y'all and welcome to my channel and welcome if you are new before i start this video make sure to like comment and subscribe so this is yana gets creative a channel basically all about content creation personal content creation business content creation and everything in between so today's video is going to be about my personal youtube channel so i'm going to be telling you guys how much i got paid off of my first youtube paycheck off of my other channel which is yana chambers it's my personal brand or my personal youtube channel which is basically just my me vlogging lifestyle work college and just everything in my life so first i'm going to be answering just some basic questions about getting monetized off of youtube so how do you even get monetized in the first place so in order to get paid off of youtube you have to hit 4 000 hours of watch time and have 1 000 subscribers so when it comes to the four thousand hours of watch time asked within 12 months so within a year that was the hardest thing for me because i kind of feel like i was making kind of short youtube videos like my videos would be eight minutes long and that's like nothing on youtube now so make sure to have over 10 minutes of footage or content when posting on youtube because i feel like once i started posting longer vlogs it kind of boosted up my um watch time hours and it made me hit that 4 000 hours a lot quicker i actually hit the 4 000 hours threshold before i got to a thousand subscribers which is very helpful because after 12 months that those hours kind of slowly disappear so i was happy to get the 4 000 hours out of the way i did have some videos kind of not blow up but it did get like 30 000 20 000 views so luckily that helped me a lot with my hours those those videos gave me like 300 hours on its own so that really helped in addition i do vlog so vlogs are usually pretty long anyways so my videos are usually like over 10 minutes 15 minutes so that helped um and then after that the thousand subscribers kind of just ran in so once you hit that 4 000 hours and then the thousand subscribers you get an email basically saying that you are eligible for the youtube partner program and you have to like get something in the mail to like verify that you know that it's actually you then you have to fill out a tax thing i'm not going to really get into that because that was difficult for me i had my um tax thing declined the first time i did it so it was a lot so i would say if you want to get into the whole taxes and verification go to a different video i'm just going to talk about how much i got paid i want to say it took about like three four days to get to for them to get back to me saying that i was in the program so it did not take that much um time the only thing that took a long time was me actually being able to um fill out the form because i did not know where to start so now that you're in the youtube partner program money kind of just starts rolling in from videos you know a couple dollars here a few dollars here so in order to get paid because it's direct deposit you basically get paid through google adsense and then i believe it's either the 21st or the 26th of every month you get direct deposited money into your account it's kind of just like a regular job like just direct deposit um but you have to hit a certain threshold before you get paid through direct deposit so you have to get a hundred dollars off of videos before you're able to get that money and you have to get a hundred dollars in that month so for example let's say in january i make eighty six dollars i'm not going to get paid for january because i did not hit that 100 threshold so once february comes around and i hit that 100 threshold i'll get paid for january and february so that's basically kind of how that works um you have to hit the 100 mark in order to get direct deposit it could be a hundred and one dollars it could be a hundred dollars in three cents as long as you hit the hundred dollars you will get paid when it comes to actually putting ads on your videos i let youtube do that for me um there's a certain um settings you can have where it kind of shows every app to everybody so you have those little banner ads at the bottom a video ad on the side and i just let youtube kind of do that for me in my vlogs on my personal channel i put a lot of black screens in between clips and um youtube kind of fills ads in for me with those black clips so that kind of helps so now no more rambling actually getting into how much i got paid so this is how the adsense um page looks like um it's basically just through google it's google adsense that's what it's called um and then you go down to payments and then it basically says how much i got paid let's see oh getting into the what you clicked on the video for my first ever youtube check was a hundred and three dollars and 43 cents i kind of feel like that's around the same cost of everybody else's first youtube check or the videos that i've watched it's like a hundred two dollars hundred three hundred four hundred five i hit 103.43 which is not bad at all for a college student for just like income to just spend on uber eats and ubers and lifts and stuff like that so i'm not complaining so i'm gonna break it down for you guys so i started getting paid off of youtube at the end of october i want to say it was the last week of october that i started getting monetized and had money start coming in so on october um i made 13.40 so obviously it was probably like the last days of october that i started making money so then from november 1st to november 30th i made 52.70 obviously 52 plus 13 does not equal the 100 threshold so i had to wait another month to get paid um from december 1st to december 31st i made 50.73 so my paycheck was not 100 it was 113 something i don't know why my adsense is a little wonky but i made a hundred and thirteen dollars and something since getting into later dates after that from from january 1st to january 31st i made 52.58 from february 1st to february 28th um i made 102.78 from march 1st to march 31st i made 50 45.42 so as you can see the longer month obviously i make more money and then when i post more obviously i make more money um because i'm in school it's kind of difficult to like post um multiple times a week but in february and in december i was on not a well on december i was on break so i was posting like this that's where all that money came from and then february it was kind of like a light month for school and then also it was homecoming week it was um different events going on on campus so people wanted to watch my videos more obviously so that's kind of what happened um so i have my payments info for this month the month of may so from may 1st to may 12th i made 84.99 which is not bad at all especially because i post once a week which is horrible i'm gonna get better at that but i post once a week so it's really not that bad as for an income especially because it's passive income i kind of just record my life and upload it and just money comes in so yeah that's basically how much i made off of youtube hopefully it wasn't super confusing i'm gonna put some screenshots there because my accent is a little weird i don't know why it's kind of like jumbled up when it comes to numbers but yeah hopefully that helps um maybe it motivates you to start your youtube channel um i feel like everybody says but i didn't start youtube to make money i didn't even think it was possible for me to make money off youtube but somehow some way it happened so it could if you could do it i mean if i could do it you can most stuff do it trust me because i've loved my life my my life is not that interesting and i'm making money off of it so yeah hope you guys like this video make sure to like comment and subscribe to this channel right here which is all about content and then also my personal channel which is all about my life college and work so once again make sure to like comment and subscribe bye guys
Channel: Yonna Gets Creative
Views: 227,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FP9Bei21DKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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