Earn $500 Per Day To Copy & Paste Motivational Videos On YouTube (FULL TUTORIAL)

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so I'm about to show you how to make motivational and inspirational videos like these because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well-worn path these videos are getting millions of views and are making 300 to 500 or more a day it's going to be a super easy method I'm telling you anyone can do this from anywhere in the world you will not need a camera you will not have to show your face you will not have to use your voice you are just going to be copying and pasting videos and I'm going to show you everything you need to know and exactly how to do that right after this foreign what's up guys this is Monique and welcome back to the channel I am back with the news that you can use by first if you are new here hello bonjour Hola Aloha konichiwa wagon Shalom assalamu alaikum thanks for stopping by but don't be a stranger hit that subscribe button and join the family so I recently uploaded this video showing you how to make rain videos how to make ocean sounds just those relaxing meditation type study type videos but unfortunately it has been brought to my attention that YouTube is no longer monetizing those videos because they say that people are falling asleep to these videos and in order to monetize your videos YouTube has to place ads in them and if people are sleeping they're not watching the videos so advertisers don't want to put their stuff inside of those videos however if you know me then you know I was going to find another way because there are motivational videos and inspirational videos that millions of people around the world watch every day this is what this channel right here is making from these type of videos I use social blade to go and look to see what people are being paid and let me tell you something socialblade is not accurate they usually show way less than what people are making so there's a lot of money in these type of videos and guess what we're going to get it so that's enough talking we're going to jump right into how we're going to create these videos and that's going to be three important things that you're gonna need so we're going to start right over here at pexels and pixels is the best freestyle photos royalty free image and videos shared by creators so first question a lot of people have am I going to get a copyright strike no you are not they said that you can use this as long as you're not just going print out images turning them into posters and selling it as your own work so if we come over here to pixels we click on videos and when you're talking about motivation we can just type in motivation and look at this this is one of the things that you may see in a motivational video right here I'm going to go ahead and download that we'll use it later um also what comes up here is somebody that's boxing and that's going to be a good one to use if you're doing motivational exercise type videos so I'll just download that one too another one right here a person on a rock we're gonna go ahead on and just download that one it looks inspiring and to download as you can see I'm just clicking on that download arrow and it's going to download it here's the sky and the mountain some people climbing on it I'm just downloading a bunch of stuff because when you're creating these videos you're going to need a lot of different scenes that's going to go throughout it y'all know I hate to interrupt but please don't me a huge favor and like this video because it really helps me out now let's get back to it so when it comes to the music in your video there's actually some free music right here on YouTube that you can use in your audio library and you can go through it you can search motivation inspiration listen to the different sounds and then you download whichever one that you want and use it however I don't like to use YouTube what I typically use is epidemic sound epidemic sound has better quality music to me now there is a fee to use epidemic sound it is 9.99 a month for the personal account but there is a free 30-day trial and I'm gonna put a link down below for you to use I'm telling you guys to utilize this while it is free because this gives you a chance to test it out in those 30 days y'all please put up one video a day because if you just put one video out there in 30 days and expect to become a millionaire that's not going to work so when it comes to adding the new music I'll go to browse and then I'll go to moves and under the moves I go to epic epic is more like those dramatic type of cinematic sounds so I usually click on that and then I just scroll through you can break it down further by going into moods whether it's hopeful dreaming so I kind of like this one here [Music] I feel like this is a good option we're just gonna go with that and then if we don't like it then we can come back and change it later so we almost have all the ingredients we need for this masterpiece the last thing we need is the person that's going to be talking and we know it's not us and there's a place that we can get some free audio of people talking from and it's going to be internet archive and on here there's actually some free audio books that we can use and we'll just go up here and click on audio when it comes down you can go to audiobooks or Community audio and I'm gonna just click on audiobooks I'm going to look for positive affirmations because those are like a hot topic on YouTube and so the only thing that came up here is The Game of Life and how to play it one of the most important things though that you want to look at when you click on these things or to find out is if you can use this usage as long as it's public domain then it is fun to use you can click on these different titles here to see if you like how it sounds let's see he has only to watch the reaction of his words to know that they do not return void okay like that's something that we can possibly use but there's something else that I found that I like on here I found that there were more options here as far as positive affirmations and right here there's positive affirmations for daily happiness I glad stress and from my entire precious being and life okay so that's one that we can possibly use so when you're ready to download then you'll come over here to download options and there's the MP3 is what you want so now it's time to edit the video and I am going to be doing this with Final Cut Pro because I have a Mac that's what I use I also put down in the description some other options for people who may not have mac what type of stuff you can use to edit with so when we open up Final Cut Pro I had a project already open but I'm gonna go up here to file I'm going to go to event we'll call it motivation event and then from there I'm going to go back and make a project and then I'll just keep the project Untitled for now so what I'm going to do is just drag and drop all of the videos that I downloaded into my Final Cut Pro just like that you want to keep doing this because you're going to need as many different videos just to keep it exciting so right there that's about one minute and 50 seconds of videos and then you could arrange it however you want to if you prefer that to come first you just click on it and then you drag it and move it all around and that's pretty much it as far as that part is concerned and I would just probably get about 10 minutes of video so that mean I'll go back to pixel look for some more videos to download and you can also utilize these clips again you just copy and paste them don't do it in the exact same order I wouldn't at least and next we're going to take the music that we downloaded and we're gonna add that on over there just like that and so we're gonna take a listen to see what it sounds like let's see foreign [Music] what y'all think drop it down in the comments let me know if we picked the right song we got the right videos what you're thinking about this so far so what I do at this point I I've been the music all the way down and I just go through and I listen to the audio and just break it up into different parts pretty much like this [Music] stress and from my entire precious being and life at that point I felt like there was a good break so I'm gonna go ahead on highlight this and then I'm gonna go up here to trim hit blade or I have a Mac so I can hit command B on my Mac as well and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to space this out and then I'm going to listen to it again and see if I like this next part peace gentleness and soothing calmness flow blissfully through marvelous me and every moment so at that point I'm going to do the same thing I'm going to highlight it I'm going to hit blade or command B and denounce space again and once I finish pretty much breaking up the video I'm going to add the music back into it so that I can see how it all flows and I'll adjust it now if you want to turn the music up or down because you don't want the music too loud you want to adjust it right here with this Arrow you can go higher you can go lower and you want to make sure you have that at the right sound because how many times have you heard videos that were overpowering the words you could not really hear what was going on and you lost interest so you want to make sure everything is at a pretty good level and another thing you want to do too you don't want the videos too long like this one right here is extremely long so I want shortness and you can just click on the edge of it and bring it in some and I'll probably shorten that one too because you want that to be a nice flow you don't want the screen to be on one thing for too long because then you'll start to lose people's interest so once you get your videos in the order that you want them to flow once you shorten them to a good amount of time of them being on the screen and then you take that audio of that person speaking you should have something like this I gladly release all stress and negativity from my entire precious being and life peace gentleness and soothing calmness flow blissfully through marvelous me at every moment allowing my wonderful body intelligent mind and gracious soul to be content in every way goodness generosity and kindness are wonderfully attracted to me so that is pretty much how your video should look once you do all of those things y'all I told you this is pretty simple and then at that point you just go up here you hit download Apple device 1080 is what I usually use you'll title your project and when it comes to the title this is really important guys I advise you to go on YouTube search for whatever type of inspirational video you're making and then see what the title is that they are using because you want to use something similar so that you can kind of draw from the people they have been watching their video The millions of people and bring them into your channel and let them see look I can do this too so that title is probably going to be the most important thing because in order for people to come to your video they're going to have to search for you and find you so you want to keep in mind what are people searching for and how can I get them here that's what you always want to be thinking when you writing out your title and another thing I want you to know is that just like with the rain videos in order for you to start making money on these videos you will have to have 1 000 subscribers and 4 000 watch hours on YouTube that has not changed so it's going to take some work for you to get there but the thing is these are simple to make if you can start doing one a day I'm telling you that will help you to start building that audience and getting those views as long as you're doing the research and making sure that you're doing the right videos then people should start coming to you so I'm gonna make sure I leave a link to pixels to epidemic sound internet archive down below so that you can click on all of these things and utilize this and start making money y'all don't put this off anymore but other than that if you have not done so please like this video for me also subscribe to the channel and I thank you so much for watching until next time we are out peace foreign [Music]
Channel: Journey With The Hintons
Views: 618,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: meoxIVWup34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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