FULL Monetization Process & 6 Months of My YouTube Paychecks

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you always hear people saying oh don't start youtube for pay i promise you you're not gonna make that much it's not that much money if you're doing it for the money you're doing it for the wrong reasons okay thanks sis i still want my coins here we go what's up beautiful people welcome back to my channel i'm erin and this is aaron on demand a place for entrepreneurs and content creators looking to build your brand business and impact and y'all we got a good one today i'm letting y'all all up in my business literally because we are talking all things youtube pay there are tons of videos out there on youtube pay how much people's first youtube paycheck is but we're gonna get really deep into um youtube pay and how it all works together in this video we're gonna talk about the following getting monetized in the actual monetization requirement when should you actually monetize once you become eligible should you activate it right away should you wait till you get a certain amount of traffic we're gonna dive into that we're also gonna talk about the process of getting paid we're going to touch on factors that contribute into how much you get paid and also i'm finally going to break down how much i have actually made on youtube so far month by month without further ado let's get into the video now the first thing is getting monetized and it's pretty common knowledge now that you need a thousand subscribers and 4 000 watch hours to become monetized but what a lot of people are missing is that you need 4 000 annual hours not just 4 000 total watch hours so if you started your channel three years ago and you are so excited that you hit 4 000 watch hours right now you're still not eligible to get monetized because it has to be 4 000 watch hours within one year youtube basically did that to make sure that channels are getting high enough traffic to get monetized they want to make sure that these are quality channels that have a good amount of traffic there is a way to check and see if you are actually eligible for monetization in youtube you don't have to just keep going back and calculating how many hours you have now youtube beta is the primary backend side of youtube but what i like to do is go into the creator studio sometimes for certain things because it's just easier to find that way so if you go into creator studio and then go to channel and click status you can see the status of all of these youtube functionalities um that you are eligible for at that stage of your channel so monetization is one of those things you can see as soon as you hit the marker of the thousand subscribers with the 4 000 annual watch hours you will see that that will turn into eligible under monetization so the next step is you are eligible for monetization how do you go about that process first thing you want to do is go into google adsense and create an account they're going to ask you some basic information they want your information so that when it's time to do your taxes you have all of the things that you need and they have all the information that they need so they're gonna ask for your personal information um if you have a business some business information and then your account information so that way they can direct deposit your money to you every month once you input your account information it will take a couple of days and they're going to send you a piece of paper in the mail this piece of paper is to confirm the address that you have put into your google adsense account so they will give you a code it's a pin number that is on this piece of paper you have to go into your google adsense account and insert the pin number that is on the paper that they mail to you once you do that they will also have to confirm your banking so they will send you like two cents or three cents or however random number of cents to your bank account and you have to confirm the number of cents that they sent into your bank account on google adsense as well and then once they have all of these holes filled they will then activate your monetization and you will be able to go into youtube and activate your monetization on all of your videos okay so now it's time to talk about when should you actually monetize once you've become eligible now i didn't do what i would recommend doing i was eligible to monetize in january of 2019. i started my channel in december of 2018 um by january of 2019 i had met the youtube requirements but i did not monetize for some strange reason i was thinking i don't have enough traffic i don't have enough subscribers i want to wait until i get some more traction before i start putting out ads and before you know i don't want people to be turned off by ads when my channel is so new and so small right now like i didn't want to give anybody a reason to not watch my videos if i had to do it all over again i would have just monetized when i was able to i instead waited all the way until april of 2019 to monetize i think i may have hit 10 to 12-ish subscribers around april and i was like okay let me just monetize because one of my videos was starting to get a lot of traction and i was like okay i'm losing money at this point so i monetized at the end of april of 2019 and i will honestly if once you are eligible to monetize i know this is not rocket science but i would just say go ahead and monetize right away there are people who give different advice they say wait they say don't bombard people with ads too early on but if you know it's your money so do as you please i think people on youtube are pretty much desensitized to the ads playing anyway so whether your channel is small if you have the eligibility to monetize then do it also something to note is that you can start the monetization process by creating the google adsense account getting all of the pieces of the puzzle together because it may take them a couple of weeks to send your um pin number in the mail it may take them time to send the money through um your through to your account um so the process can take a while for me it was done within the within a couple of weeks maybe one week but i have heard people say that it took weeks and months for them to actually get their monetization going so don't wait because you never know how long the process is actually going to take all right so now on to how you get paid youtube pays you once a month every 21st of the month so for the month of november i will get paid the following 21st of the month so november's pay from november 1st to november 30th i will get paid december 21st so from december 1st to december 31st i will get that money on january 21st so you always get paid the previous month's pay on this month's 21st if that makes sense that is how the payment works and you have to at least have made a hundred dollars in the month to get that pay the next month so youtube google adsense will not pay you even if you made 99 honey they do not care they will not send you that 99 until you hit that 100 threshold then they will send you your money so you won't lose the money you just won't get that money that next month when you were supposed to for that previous month the payment is made through direct deposit so it will just show up straight in in your bank account from google adsense and the 21st of the month is always a good day for me i love getting my google adsense pay so that is essentially how it works it's just direct deposit the 21st of every month if you hit the 100 threshold all right so how much do you get paid and i know you probably hear so many people saying child if you want to do youtube do not do it for the money because you don't even make that much on youtube ads okay sis but i still want my coins so how much can i get paid i would say that take that advice with a grain of salt because there are certain niches that do in fact get paid a lot more now um the thing is is that youtube ads is not the most you can get paid from youtube sponsorships pay way more than youtube ads if you have a business and you're feeding people into your business obviously you're gonna get paid way more than youtube ads so on a scale of like what is bringing in the most cash flow youtube ads is not the biggest cash flow that i get from overall having a youtube channel so i think that is the perspective that you should have with it although i do make good money from youtube ads so um don't believe the lies okay there are several factors that play into how much you do get paid though so i'm gonna go into those the first thing is your cpm now this is your cost per mill that's how youtube defines it and you can find this in your analytics i will show you guys when we go onto the computer but your cpm is a very important number let me get the the definition for y'all youtube defines your cpm as the effective cost per meal or the estimated average gross revenue per thousand playbacks on which an ad was shown independent of which specific playbacks the advertiser was charged for so it's kind of complicated but basically per thousand views of the ad this is how much you on average are making so some channels have a very low cpm like a couple of dollars my cpm is very high um and i'm learning that i make quite a bit more on youtube than the average youtuber so um we will get into my numbers toward the end of the video but i do want to share that cpm is a very important number um to determine how much you are looking at getting on youtube per thousand views it's an average type thing okay so another big factor in determining how much you get paid is your target audience or your niche what is your channel about channels that are about tech and entrepreneurship and finance um some of those you know kind of the big dog channels that entice people to buy and purchase those are channels that tend to have pretty high cpms also your target audience is probably more adults there are probably people who have money if you're looking up tech gadgets advertisers know that these types of people are probably looking to buy something so it is without it is kind of common knowledge that these channels tend to make more from youtube advertisements channels that are more general like lifestyle maybe travel beauty their cpm and their advertisements may not pay them quite as much that's just the rationale another thing to keep in mind with how much you're getting from your ads is how frequently you have ads showing now this is something that as a creator you do have some what of control over where your ads go how many ads you place into your videos but it is something you should be cognizant of because your audience also doesn't want to be bombarded with ads when i first monetized i didn't realize that i could go in and add advertisements into my videos at first i think it was only showing like one at the very beginning and i was still making a good amount of money from that but then when i started adding a couple of more sprinkles throughout my videos i saw a major increase in my ads revenue so that is something that you can do and as a creator that is very important i've had only one person complain um once i started adding a couple of more ads into my videos but you guys when you are youtube creator or creator of any sort you know how much time and energy and effort it takes to create these videos it is no joke and so um to sprinkle in a couple of ads it is you know it's like asking television a television channel like oh why did you have to make a commercial break they have to get paid so um the same thing applies for youtube especially now that people are really consuming content so aggressively it really does help when you add a couple more advertisements into your videos i saw a huge boost in my revenue and i will show you guys how to do that on the screen okay guys so we are on my youtube channel i'm going to go ahead and take you guys into the youtube studio beta to show you how to insert ads so what you want to do is you're going to go to this site menu and you're going to go to videos you're going to select the video that you want to add the ads to and you're going to go to the site menu into editor once you get into editor that is where you can go ahead and add your advertisements so um i've already added them to this video i've added three i don't do any more than three ads in a video but this is where you will go to make the magic happen you can go in there and add an ad break and you can drag it to wherever when it's selected blue you can drag it to wherever you want so if you have a great cliffhanger or if you're transitioning from one point to another that's a great place to add an advertisement so um you can go in and you can watch and see [Music] okay here's where i want to put an ad and then you drag it to that point so that's pretty much how you do it i'm not gonna add this advertisement because i already have enough ads in this video i'm gonna just discard the changes and then go back so that's how you add the advertisements another point i wanna make on determining how much you get paid from the ads is that subscribers do not matter although subscribers are important when you're pitching yourself to different brands and when brands see you and subscribers do say something but they are not monetized at all your monetization is solely based on views of the advertisement it's really not even accurate to the views of that specific video because if you have multiple views i mean if you have multiple advertisements in one video and someone only watches through one advertisement that does that that doesn't count for the other two advertisements that you've had in your videos so it really just depends on how many times the ads are played and that comes only from views so i'm going to go ahead and take you to the computer and show you my back-end analytics so you can see how much i've made from youtube so far now i'm going to show you guys how much i actually have made from youtube so far so i'm going to go to my dashboard and you can see um the last 28 days in your summary and your summary so right now you can see that i have made in the last 28 days 2 30 and 9 cents but if you want a more clear view of your month to month because each month is actually 30 to 31 days except for february so 28 days yes it's the last four weeks but it may not be accurate of what you've actually made for the entire month so you want to go into the analytics tab on the side of the screen and it will bring you in here so you can see all of your stats you can see um your views for the last 28 days um how much watch time you've had how many subscribers you've grown and your estimated revenue for those for that time period but like you can see up here that is from the fourth to the 31st so what i want to do is i want to select the entire month you can see the last 90 days the last year your lifetime on youtube or you can select um month to month so i'm going to go ahead and select october so for the month of october it is now november 1st as i'm recording this i made pretty much 2700 which is really good like i told you guys it is good money for me that is something that i can see and i can feel in my bank account i want to go ahead and show you guys how much i made months a month so we can see this is how much i've made in october and this has been my largest month with youtube i'm noticing that every month my income from youtube ads gets bigger because my channel is growing you can see that i gained two ten thousand um 200 subscribers this month which is huge um so thank you guys i'm going to go to the revenue tab at the top and click that so we can look at how much i've made month to month so um here's the cpm my cpm for the month of october was 22.19 which is very high you guys so like i was saying a lot of niches and a lot of youtubers get paid one to five dollars for their cpm um 22 dollars is a pretty large amount and i'm learning like i said that i make a fair amount on youtube so um down below you can see how much i have made per month now april i told you guys i started monetizing in april this month i i think i started the end of april was probably like april 20th so i think i had about 10 days so within 10 days i still was able to hit that 100 threshold bringing in um 182 dollars so that was good for my first month i was very surprised that i was able to accumulate that much now we can go in and see that in may i hit 7 50. um in june i did about 7 50 as well july was a very slow month for me because i started the e-brand club so i wasn't super into youtube um that month i was busy with a lot of other things so you do see a dip when you you don't put as much effort in like i said you get paid for the views that month and my views were significantly down 60 000 views as opposed to mid 100 000 so i made about half of what i was making in july august i got my act together and brought in about 12 50 um 1 252 september i brought in 1 754 and then in october i brought in 2 699 so i i gained about a thousand dollars from september to october which was a pretty big jump and you can see that my cpm has been steadily increasing um because my audience is growing i think my audience is becoming more refined with entrepreneurs and um you know people who are looking to grow their brand and their business so um my cpm is growing probably also because my watch time is increasing so um overall in youtube i have made a total of seven thousand seven hundred and twenty four dollars and four cents since april which is one two three four five six seven months so that is a good amount of money like i say you guys you can make a really good amount of money so this is a great spot to see just what you're looking like each month good bird's eye view of your revenue from youtube ads the last thing i want to break down before we go is how you get paid per month for videos that have been on your channel for a long time so you get paid for the views that you received on that specific video for the month you get paid for the views per month so if you got a million views in october on a video you don't get paid for those million views again in november and december and january you will get paid for say you by the next month you had 1.5 million views you will only get paid for those 500 000 views that you received in that current month so it's a little confusing but that is how it works i don't want people to think that you keep getting paid for old views okay all right you guys i hope this video was so helpful if it was don't forget to hit the notification bell in the next video i'm going to be showing you guys my streams of income um youtube has opened up so many doors for me and i want to be transparent about some of the streams of income that i have acquired since youtube because youtube ads is not the only way that i make money i do have a full business and i do a lot of stuff if you guys are interested in growing your youtube channel and turning your youtube channel into a business you should definitely consider joining my e-brand club i do youtube channel audits and i even go in and do youtube video audits to give very specific feedback on ways to make your channel and your videos better you guys so much of youtube is trial and error but it's also a lot of foundational skills that you need and without having someone there to tell you and to help you and to guide you it can take a really long time to overcome mistakes that are simple and easy so if you are interested in growing your brand through youtube then you should definitely check out my e-brand club all of the information is linked in the description box below upload every wednesday and most sundays i'll be trying my best y'all i'll see you on the next one peace
Channel: Erin On Demand
Views: 904,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monetization still under review, youtube monetization, get monetized on youtube, how long it takes to get monetized on youtube, the review process for youtube monetization, youtube monetization 2019, youtube monetization explained, why is my youtube channel still under review for monetization, get ads on your videos, google adsense, get monetized faster, officially monetized on youtube, youtube channel approved for ads, make money from my youtube videos, youtube, erin on demand
Id: 6NHqijjsVdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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