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pull that out oh my god hey guys we haven't seen each other in a couple weeks it has been so crazy here the last couple weeks i printed probably more shirts than i've ever printed in the entire time that i've been doing this the third anniversary of 38 rideco came up the other day which i had a massive sale for and the hugest flood of orders came in so that kept me pretty busy which that sale might still be on by the time you're watching this if there's even anything left there's seriously like i don't know 40 things left on the shelf the plan is to clear the shelf off because we got other stuff coming up that i've been working on that yeah that's also been taking up a lot of time but we're gonna find out more about that later so with all that going on this beautiful bastard has been sitting here and i haven't even turned it on yet so we're changing that today it's time to train on this thing and figure out how to work it and probably embroider our first thing today i hope when it comes to running one of these machines in the world of embroidery in general there's a lot to know it's not like you just jump in and start doing it even though that little voice in the back of my head is telling me otherwise right now i'm going to go against everything when it comes to how i would normally want to learn things and we're going to get some proper training on this machine today from my buddy josh who works at melco he's an embroidery ninja and we're going to start learning the setup learning how to put a design on something just learn this thing step by step how much do you want to bet that i'm going to start skipping steps along the way thinking that i'm better than i actually am at this comment below but there are a few things i can do beforehand to start speeding this process along that really don't seem too difficult the first thing obviously i gotta load it with thread i can adjust the clearance on that cap driver to make sure that's where it needs to be and i can get a bobbin loaded in there get the tension on that all figured out i don't really know what i'm talking about but thankfully melco has a whole bunch of videos on their youtube channel explaining a lot of this setup stuff so i went through all that last night really doesn't seem hard so let's start [Music] doing [Music] i wonder if i made it look like i knew what i was doing well i'm already a little bit more excited because i've been staring at this thing for two weeks with nothing on it got some thread on it it already looks cooler i can tell you right now this like toxic lime green color is my immediate favorite i want to put that on something well i think i'm almost ready to get josh in here to teach me some stuff but i just realized that i should probably at least half-ass figure out how to hoop a cap first it looks very complicated and i've got all this stuff sitting here i gotta mount this to something no idea where that's going yet these things like what the hell is this strap thing flapping around i gotta watch some videos first and learn how to do this but hey since we're talking about learning today's video is sponsored by skillshare skillshare is an online learning community packed with thousands of classes so that you can learn how to do basically anything that's awesome i've been a skillshare member for three years now anytime i want to learn something within any of the creative fields that i work in that's the first place that i go because it's like it filters out all the stuff that i don't really want to see and just leaves me with the goods did i mention it's less than 10 bucks a month seriously for the cost of some chicken nuggets you could learn how to do something really cool like edit videos i shouldn't have said that i really want to eat chicken nuggets now people ask me all the time how i learned to edit videos or what i use to edit videos well i am a final cut pro user as you can see and if you look on skillshare there is a ton of killer content to teach you how to use final cut pro from front to back from beginner to pro or really any video editing software that you want to learn and with skillshare generously sponsoring today's video they're giving away a two-month premium membership for free to the first 1000 of you guys who click the link down in the description below and join up to check it out it's got my stamp of approval because i can tell you right now i wouldn't be anywhere near where i'm at without it so it's worth it so that being said let's attempt to hoop a hat so first things first i gotta get this mounted onto the table this is called a gauge i don't know i'm gonna forget that at least 10 times until it drives into my brain and and it doesn't fit on the table at all where else can this thing go well that's as good a spot as any for now the worlds are really colliding here today i'm calling that good i'm gonna have to build some kind of mount for this thing later i guess but for now i'll take that [Music] well i watched melco's video on how to do this a couple times i think i've got the gist of what's going on by the way the dude in their videos voice i swear if you close your eyes and listen to it for like 30 seconds you will swear that is jim halper talking to you don't tell me it doesn't sound like jim halpert because it 100 does anyways this is our first try at hoop and a cap let's see how terrible this goes we're already off to a bad start okay this maybe doesn't seem as complicated as i thought it was going to be shouldn't have just said that because now i know something is going to get ridiculous on me i'm going to get mad feel it where that little beak trough oh shit strap to do strap stuff no idea what that is even supposed to be like that according to jimmy halpert well the guy said this was gonna happen i don't even have it tightened down yet and the thing started over here and shifted over there well we're close try it again i don't know how many times i'm gonna hit myself in the face with this stupid little strap i think i got it dead center in that mark it looks like it's on there i think i did it it really wasn't as difficult as i thought it was gonna be it took me two or three tries for each step of the process to figure it out and not bad for a first try it's definitely on there like it's not coming off my backing is right where it's supposed to be at so i guess we'll find out if this works right away [Music] sick so cap loaded up got another one hooped up and ready to go i think that's as far as i can go by myself although they do have a lot more videos on their channel where i can probably keep pushing through and actually put a design on this thing but i'm not going to be an idiot i've done that enough times on this channel already how to do stuff so i'm gonna get josh in here let's learn how to do this the right way [Music] what's up sir it's like the worst resolution of all time it's not good it's supposed to be 1080. maybe this is like full-blown potato cam i can't even see your face better or just still junkie oh it's getting better now you got that thing running yet or what nope somewhere for four hours starting your machine i filmed it so it looks really cool that's what made it take so long so i think what we can do tonight then um we'll do flats obviously we'll focus on flats well uh we're doing caps today okay we can focus on cap i've already got two of them hooped up ready to roll oh you're actually hooped too oh yeah i made sure i was way ahead of the game for you okay well you don't need me you're good to go that's why i said i was like i'm pretty tempted to just start pushing buttons and see what happens my favorite thing to do at trainings is like i gotta gauge the person and i'm like we go through all the steps everybody's all anxious and they're excited i'm like hit the green button and they hit it i'm like not that green button and like freak out like what another green button is there all right so i'll show you how to set these files up so what color you want to do this one we're gonna we're gonna do a white first why does yours look so much different than mine on the screen yours actually looks like a finished embroidered design mine looks like a here you can mess up top toolbar here if we go over you see where it says design origin here that's where you can put your crosshairs in yeah two more over is going to show stitches in 3d ah okay you see this little sliver over here that says uh background color oh yeah we click on that and then type in like 1800 and then hit apply now you get a better idea of what this is going to look like on a colorway okay sick boom file saved i gotta figure out how the shit to do dropbox in here i i've never used a windows computer i i don't know i probably haven't used a windows computer since like 2008 these things are the fucking worst i hate them so much it's friday in wisconsin so we had a fish fry so i missed him all right cheese curds at every goddamn gas station i stopped at oh there's cheese curds all over the place here literally everywhere god those things are good brats beer and cheese that's all we have that's all that's all anybody in wisconsin eats at all that's why you guys have some skinny people what we refer to as wisconsin skinny um you have your cam driver on right now oh yeah and it's jammed right to the top of the thing hold on let me take that up did you hit the center button no i think because there's a hat loaded on here and it's trying to jam itself through the top of the hat probably remember i don't turn on the machine for the first time with a cap driver on [Laughter] because i listened you know you already broke it lee that would that would line up with the way things go around here the first time doing things now this one will be a little bit easier of a setup than you're freaking rolling so let's hope so god that was a nightmare all right now we're good so now i can put this thing back on so before you turn that put that thing back on there because i don't want you clicking buttons while we're in a different hoop so over here on the right hand side where it says who oh yeah yeah yeah and go to red wh now you can go put that thing back on and now what it's going to do it's going to limit our x and y to only fit for the cap driver so see that makes sense okay so this is kind of standard throughout all of embroidery so one point is a tenth of a millimeter all right so like 10 points equals one millimeter if that makes it if you want to bust out the micrometer or get super nerdy and measure stuff out you can set your active feed absolutely perfect i do i have this like a sick like three thousand dollar micrometer set it's like i haven't used it yeah i used to build race engines and i haven't built an engine in years so now i guess i got a use for that that's awesome for embroidery yeah see that coming i think it's funny like when i'm at malcolm we're all like doing stuff because we definitely use the micrometers and stuff like that so i'm like you look like a bunch of nerds just sitting here like messing stuff up like that literally excites me that i get to do that now that's so awesome we can actually go to the machine and start loading stuff fuck yeah let's sew a damn hat [Music] oh shit it's already gone i don't know i can't see your thing stop for bob and break shit do you have your bobbin in there yeah it's in there do a trim immediate real quick and let's just check it that might be it i left this thing up oh shit so guess what lee you got a bird snack so you got a pretty big mess up so that's cool we're gonna have to shit the fuck it's so yeah i'm stuck to the thing it's going in there so now we get to try to go up underneath there with your scissors and trim off that thread see where that's getting stuck up in your in your rotary hook to your hat so the hat itself is stuck through that needle hole on the top of the rotary hook oh yeah yeah there's a lot in there it's pretty thick son of a bitch holy shit it's thick up in there all right so now we need to make sure our bobbin is and there's no more thread stuck in there let's pull that out oh my god my first drying embroidery it's going well oh the ball fell out you bastard that's the thing that left open is it close let's make sure that's closed okay now we're good round two fight gotta get my cool intro thingy hitting the button [Music] cool well it's way the fuck off center that's for sure this actually looks pretty bad i'm not gonna lie this looks like shit it's it's pretty ugly yeah i don't love that it started looking cool and then there's there's parts where it looks pretty fucking gross yeah i want to run it too and see if it's digitizing too yeah it could be too it could be both because there's parts of it too that like yeah just what is this attempt number five i think it's attempt number five or six take five hey your pinch rollers down yeah all right good pull it oh the thread came out of the thing why did it just do a trim there i have no idea [Music] not bad yours go all the way through already i think we got something here it's like it's not exactly perfect but it's pretty good i want to figure out how to adjust some of the stuff in here because i feel like the lettering the stitching in there could be a lot tighter yeah i noticed that on mine too there's a couple spots i think i noticed in the r yeah like the stitching in there could be way tighter at least we know we got one that works now so i can start dicking around here on my own for a little while and just ruin a bunch of hats and see what they see what happens but we got you sewing and a good hat so yeah man we got one finished product here so now i'm gonna film myself burning through a bunch more all right man i'll catch you later all right thanks a lot that's phase one of training out of the way thank you to josh for sticking around for so long and knocking it out with me so late at night because i really had no other time to do it we got way more to do we're gonna do that off camera so that i can actually pay attention really bummed that the skull design isn't working out right now this is the one that was supposed to be in this video but i gotta send this back to get some fixes in the digitizing i can tell you right now i already hate that part and i gotta learn how to digitize as fast as i possibly can because i hate relying on people for stuff at least i need to learn like 40 50 of it enough so that i can fix little things like this that need to get fixed but we've got one that turned out already and i only had to mess up what three or four times to get one to work and for my first day ever flipping on an embroidery machine because i don't know jack shit about embroidery to be honest with you i think that's pretty good i know when i started printing i messed up way more shirts than that before i ever got one to even be half okay to look at but i've got a whole bunch more hats to burn through i bought like 50 of them fully expecting to throw them all in the garbage it's just part of the game you gotta spend some money to learn this stuff so it is what it is so i'm gonna mess with this design for a little bit because i know this one is actually working i want to mess around with seeing how big i can actually push this thing on here because this is it's too small to me i'm not a big fan he also told me there's a couple density settings that i can mess with because i can already tell the digitizer set this thing up for production speed over production quality and there's just not a lot of density going on especially in the green color so i want to see if i can bring that in a little bit at least with whatever little settings that i can change in there and yeah just getting used to production in general hooping these things and pressing the proper buttons on the machine i think i've already forgotten a few of them so yeah this could get a little bit ugly but yeah let's burn through some more of these things and see what we can do [Music] i've tried setting up this design at a bunch of different sizes now and i'm gonna say i should have just listened to all the people who told me to go two and a quarter high maximum i didn't want to hear that i was like not two and a half we can knock this out no problem well i was clearly wrong about that the stuff at two and a half was working out but i was getting a lot of distortion going on and just it wasn't coming out nice even though the design looks better blown up that high on the hat it just the quality was it was lacking so i just kept bumping it down to 2.4 2.35 2.3 and i ended up back down at two and a quarter where everybody told me i should just start off with so yeah i learned a lesson there i'm gonna be honest i've had a bunch of issues that were all my fault i've had thread breaks we've had bobbins run out i've had placement issues going on we're learning here we're gonna make mistakes i'm gonna tell you right now if you're learning something new and you're not making a bunch of mistakes you ain't actually learning shit write that down because it feels like wisdom so this is what i got going on now it's it's okay but it definitely could be better so i think what i'm gonna try now is start backing down the speed on the machine a few people have told me yeah i'm running it way too fast so i'm just gonna start backing it down right now i'm running at 950 stitches per minute so i'm going to try one at 800 then one down at 700 maybe one down at 600 i don't know we're just gonna keep trying different things until we get the result that we're looking for well yeah that definitely makes a difference the first two before you mention it yes the placement way high on those i'm still figuring out how to set all that up on here and just it's going to take some time to get that dialed in there's a lot to learn on the first day doing this but on all the hats that i've done so far the black and the purple seem to be tight across the board no matter how fast the machine was going it really comes down to the green the outer circle and the lettering in there that's where i noticed it was tightening up more and more the slower i set this thing up the first two you can see it's kind of loose and janky and all over the place whereas this one at 650 it tightened up a hell of a lot more it's still not amazing by any means but i think that really comes down to the digitizing at this point you can see there's a really janky spot on the outer edge of the circle where it starts and it finishes that's kind of ugly there's a spot in the o at the bottom where for some reason it doesn't make that whole curve it just kind of stops and they square up together i don't know why that was set up like that and yeah a spot in the r the b and the u where there's some weird stuff kind of sticking out of there that has shown up on literally every single one of these so that's definitely a digitizing thing and i think i gotta back off my presser foot a little bit i don't really even know but i can see there's a little bit of marking going on towards the bottom half of that circle so i think it's probably just hammering the absolute shit out of this thing and if i back it off a little bit that might go away but i might cause issues for myself i don't know i don't really want to get too far ahead at this point so i think i'm going to run this off in one more colorway just to make sure it's ingrained in my brain how to set up that side of it within the computer and then we'll wrap this thing up [Music] dude this colorway is so damn good i don't even really like the color blue all that much but this is awesome especially with that kind of light silvery gray color i know it probably looks white on camera but it's like a really light gray and man it just this whole deal i like it a lot actually better it's still not entirely perfect obviously there's still that little bit of jankiness going on within the details of the design but as far as today goes super happy with the progress i've made the machine so far badass is all hell i love this thing the software for it i'm definitely starting to get the hang of it i'm really getting the hang of loading caps on and off of this thing and just figuring out the general operation of it it seems to be sinking in so for i don't know i've probably put like six or seven hours of time into this today from not knowing anything about embroidery before i started today to now knowing at least how to run this thing i think that's pretty good i will say though at this point this stuff is nowhere near up to my standards of quality like i'm not going to sell any of the things that i've made here today because they're just i wouldn't feel good about it i want anything that goes out the door with our name on it to be perfect and i think this is all just going to come down to like i said before the digitizing is going to be a big factor in it and probably a little bit more of machine setup on my end but mixing all that together i think in about a week or two we should start cranking out some really really nice stuff and of course i'm going to make a whole bunch more videos with this bastard so you'll be able to keep up the progress along the way and learn all the new stuff as i learn it and if you want to see all the other cool shit that happens around here because believe me i only show like 10 20 of it tops in these videos there's so much more awesome things going on so make sure you're following the instagram page right here at roguelab.mfg even if you don't want to see the cool stuff going on just follow it do me a favor i would appreciate it but i got to take my ass to bed now because it is 603 a.m it's been a pretty long night learning things but stoked we're going to do a lot more badass stuff with this thing thank you guys for watching we'll see you in the next one [Laughter] [Music] good thrower idiot this is so hard so hard to catch or watching through a little two inch screen in my face oh that was the one yes generously sponsoring yeah god i need to take some like some speech lessons or something maybe skillshare has that too i hope they do because i cannot spit words out anytime i turn the camera on and i'm not gonna dick around for this first try we're just gonna follow the instructions i can't believe i just said that this is the coolest thing to film ever there's so much cool shit that's going on this is so much easier to film than screen printing because i don't have to do anything i can literally just stand here and move around i'm gonna have way better fucking embroidery footage than any print video i've ever made oh god my fight bone oh i don't even particular i don't even particularly particularly i can't say the word particularly particularly particularly i don't even particular fuck i can't spit why can't i spit that word out particularly i'm switching it up i don't really like blue oh why can't i talk it's so late at night my brain doesn't work at all
Channel: Lee Stuart
Views: 197,132
Rating: 4.8316746 out of 5
Keywords: lee stuart, lee stuart 38, lee stewart, embroidery machine, machine embroidery, embroidery machine for beginners, embroidery tutorial, sewing for beginners, sewing machine, how to embroider, melco emt16x, melco embroidery machine, embroidery hat, beginner embroidery, first time embroidery, embroider logo, embroidery business, embroidery machine for hats, entrepreneur, embroidery for beginners, embroidery business from home, best embroidery machine, business from home
Id: uzRFiWhxZOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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