Testing the Aggressive Design of the US F-22 to its Extreme Limit

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foreign [Music] and welcome back to the fluctus channel [Music] one of the United States Air Force fleets is the F-22 [Music] described by pilots as a beast in aerial combat this F-22 Raptor is at the core of the next generation of air superiority Fighters for the Air Force to counter emerging worldwide threats foreign [Music] the plane is packed with exquisite technology that makes it not just Nimble but extremely smart and sneaky it takes advantage of the new technologies and fighter design on the horizon including Composite Materials lightweight Alloys Advanced flight Control Systems integrated avionics more powerful propulsion systems and most importantly stealth technology [Music] it resulted in an F-22 with a high angle of attack and controllable at very low speeds with high maneuverability the F-22 Raptor has a powerful npg77 aesa radar with a detection range of up to 350 kilometers foreign [Music] some improvements can make this radar jump up to a 450 kilometer detection range with long-range air-to-air missiles of 120 miles pick up potential information about enemy's military terrain hardware and troops [Music] it has powerful Jammers to confuse enemy radar by overloading them with several high frequency waves in short the fighters combination of stealth aerodynamic performance and mission systems enable unprecedented air combat capabilities [Music] it's hard not to be surprised that Pilots refer to this fighter as a beast in aerial combat because of its air dominance this jet has an interesting background and history in its development the F-22 Raptor was unveiled in 1997. influenced by the emerging World threats especially after the Soviet Union introduced the suhoi su-27 flanker and mikhayun MiG-29 in 1985. the USAF wanted the next generation of Fighters to be better in performance than the current generation fighter which is the F-15 Eagle with upgraded features and Technology its stealth technology is very interesting it uses the concept that human beings are able to see colors because certain wavelengths of energy are reflected back to the eyes the paint on the aircraft absorbs radio waves [Music] that the radar Source doesn't receive any radio waves Coatings prevent the jet from being located on enemy radar [Music] before the Advent of robot technology applying these Coatings required enormous human effort [Music] this process has Associated risks since working with low observable materials means everything deals with chemicals using robot technology makes the job easier and faster and removes the risk associated with these forms of chemicals [Music] in addition robotic coating technology saves the Air Force approximately 15 million dollars in costs this fighter jet also has an impressive ability to manipulate the direction of thrust from its engines and to control its altitude and angular velocity this capacity is known as thrust vector control which has great usability during combat the vectored thrust capable engine gives the aircraft the added maneuverability not available to aircraft with conventional engines hot exhaust gases from the engine and After Burner are directed out of the jet engine's back end by a nozzle a large area of clip delta type makes up the f-22's wings it's 2 000 pound Wings are Made of titanium and composite material [Music] large Leading Edge flaps on the wings help it move quickly at low speeds and Achieve an extreme angle of attack of more than 70 degrees making its highly mobile Leading Edge flaps one of its flight control surfaces F-22 military jet is equipped with three weapon Bays a large main Bay located on the bottom of the fuselage and two smaller Bays on the sides of the fuselage loading the Bays of this jet with weapons requires a high level of technical expertise foreign the crew members are usually tasked with loading the weapon safely and reliably in minimal time the team Works in unison to provide an efficiently loaded weapon Bay they also work with the utmost precaution since there are mechanisms that open the door when a missile is ejected from the plane for instance which must also be closed again to preserve stealth [Music] the F-22 has an aggressive maximum performance takeoff that can be hard to beat by other Fighters this is because it's a weighty fighter with wings larger than most other Jets thus it has better body lifting properties and more advanced aerodynamics it can climb up to 68 900 feet per minute which is around 350 meters per second it can achieve a very steep angle of vertical takeoff with a 90 degree twist to level off each of the two Pratt and Whitney turbo fans on the F-22 produces more than 35 thousand pounds of thrust because of this the F-22 is able to travel at a speed of 1 500 miles per hour in the military world the development of aerial refueling was one of the greatest leaps in fighter lethality this F-22 has an internal fuel capacity of nearly 18 000 pounds [Music] and can carry additional fuel tanks on its wings it can also be refueled midair the pilot pulls up the jet slightly behind and below the tanker after that the tanker extends its 50 foot long boom which has tiny flight control surfaces on it control surfaces the Boomer seated in the back of the aircraft guides the boom into the aircraft's fueling port a seal is created as soon as contact is made [Music] and fuel starts transferring at several thousand pounds per minute the director's lights on the tanker's bottom will then be used to maintain the precise position until the jet is fully topped off It generally takes five to ten minutes though the exact time depends on how much fuel is transferred foreign type of fighter jet in the F category is the Lockheed Martin F-35 lightning II [Music] it's a single seat single engine all-weather stealth multi-role combat aircraft [Music] it has advanced aerodynamics survivability in high threat environments [Music] and an enhanced ability to provide pilots and Allied assets across operational domains with robust situational awareness the development of this fighter is the result of the Joint Strike Fighter program to replace an aging Fleet of mission dedicated airframes a joint strike fire program is an effort for the Marine Corps to bring a new modern aircraft that's already been put into Buford and Miramar and even Iwakuni and Yuma and Arizona so it's already out there we just haven't gotten yet the Cherry Points [Music] the F-35 has a special helmet for its pilot and like I said go ahead and uh as far as far as it goes and go ahead and release it and I'll snug it down for Comfort yeah and this helmet is a technological Marvel it can show thermal images night vision and video from below the jet [Music] allowing Pilots to track targets without constantly looking away from their cockpit screens foreign is individually fitted to its pilot over the course of two days at a fitting facility Pilots have their heads measured and scanned before helmet assembly can start to ensure the ideal fit by simply turning their heads Pilots can view Mission critical data and gain improved situational awareness of the battlefield on display John Wayne the helmet allows pilots to see everything around the F-35 without having to tip the aircraft the helmet that we have and the ability to project information both day and night in the helmet and be able to cue weapons and cue sensors with your helmet and have that display to you it's a massive increase for situational awareness so if you've seen Iron Man then yes it could be compared to that level of situational awareness and I don't think of it as much of a helmet as it is part of the airplane because it's the way we interact with the airplane the F-35 can carry weapons internally in a stealth configuration and externally in permissible environments carrying over 18 000 pounds of total military weapons and ammunition it has a high range of gun strafing the military practice of attacking ground targets from low-flying aircraft with its mounted gun the addition of the Gatling guns will increase The lethality of the aircraft which already carries an impressive Arsenal [Music] the gun Airborne unit or gau22a a four-barrel 25 millimeter Gatling gun has been designed for rapid fire in order to cover an enemy with gunfire and Destroy targets quickly its creator claims it can fire 3 300 rounds per minute which is truly impressive the weapons incorporation into the F-35 stealth fighter improves its capacity to launch air-to-air attacks and offer close air support to ground troops the impressiveness of this aircraft and its air dominance has caught the attention of several countries around the world the intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities of the up-35 have a force multiplier effect enhancing the effectiveness of friendly air Naval and ground units by supplying them with crucial Battlefield data in real time it's not surprising to realize that several countries like Finland Switzerland Belgium Poland Germany Greece Canada South Korea and UAE among others are either using this jet or expecting its delivery foreign fighter aircraft in the U.S Air Force is the F-16 the military sometimes showcases the Weaponry of this Fighter by having a load competition this happens between different Crews where they compete against each other this competition usually covers a wide area of expertise demonstration including a written test uniform and toolbox inspection and the eventual loading portion the load portion is an interesting phase where the competing crews are evaluated on the speed and accuracy of loading ammunition into the aircraft in general the competition tests the knowledge and proficiency of the Airmen the F-16 is a compact multi-role fighter aircraft it has demonstrated its Effectiveness in air-to-air combat and air-to-surface attacks and is very maneuverable it can generate combat air power and can also perform low altitude strafe runs the fighter aircraft has attained several configurations and numerous enhancements designed to keep it at the Forefront of International Security strengthening its position as the world's foremost combat proven 4th generation multi-role fighter aircraft indeed the specific features of each of these aircraft make them special combat aircraft [Music] the amazing advancements in technology and specific features are all the more essential when it comes to destroying enemy equipment or personnel with their weapon base that's the end of this video I hope you enjoyed it make sure to subscribe to this channel so you don't miss any of our new content see you next time
Channel: Fluctus
Views: 3,550,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fighter, jet, pilots, radar, stealth, combat, thrust, weapons, F-22 raptor, strafe gun, aerial combat, vector thrust, aerial refueling, helmet fitting, Gatling gun
Id: HMDcwE6SdrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2022
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