My First Horseback Riding Lesson EVER - Karolina Protsenko

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so we just drove up to my horseback riding lesson and i'm so excited so let's go i don't know anything oh my goodness well i will teach you everything i'm going to put you on honey today i have lots of horses so i start everybody on honey and then i move you around from horse to horse i base it on you so i don't teach all my students the same so what how quickly you learn we move you around and then when i know you're really really really comfortable i ride on another horse with you which is a lot of fun so you're gonna put that right on your head it's gonna protect your brain i love how excited she is this makes me so happy i love it love it um my best students are the ones that have that are like this that's exciting so you have you been around a lot of horses or just you wrote once i just rode once and i think it's really fun so i wanna that's awesome i'm so glad you guys from well let's get you going okay come on so um obviously the ranch five chickens so these are my girls so that's betty this is tina they're losing their feathers right now it's called molting during the different times of the year i don't know how much you know about chickens um the red one is rose and this is charlotte charlotte's actually what you call an easter egger she lays green eggs whoa yeah it's really cool um betty and rose are called rhode island reds and tina is an americana kind of cool huh and you can keep it in the shade did you bring water yes okay and you have sunscreen on yeah do you have i'm good you're good um when you ride out there it's like the beach you will get burned so see how tan i get and i'm italian so i get really dark so i put sunscreen on so when you come back you'll want to definitely put sunscreen on up there um if you need water drink it it's good and then dad it's up to you if you want to watch us and film that's great if you want to sit under the shade it's amazing how cool it is here and how hot it is when you step into the sun it's pretty extreme are you pretty athletic girl uh yes so that's what other sports do you do i i do a lot of dance and also i do tumbling and play basketball wow you're going to be a future stunt girl i always encourage the kids be athletic try new things all right let's go meet the horses so come on over so this is my arena obviously it's 200 by 100 feet maybe somewhere on down the road if you guys decide you want to get a horse you get to learn all the things you need for getting a horse you get to learn how to work them and things like that so that's why i teach all these things that's reggie saying hello hello that's a fly man you can pet him he's very sweet yeah there are flies unfortunately they're not that bad that's called a fly mask it keeps the flies out of their eyes he's really sweet he won't do anything to you you can pet his little nose he actually likes his butt scratched he's very funny he's like a big dog yeah he's really sweet he's actually a purebred polish arabian i have all different breeds of horses here so do you know all the breeds of horses no did you know there's lots of breeds of horses yes okay so he's up there's two types of arabians there's a polish arabian an egyptian arabian he's a polish arabian but he doesn't act like one he's very chill so we're not telling him that he's an arabian arabians are typically like a flighty horse he's just mr chill right are you my dude he's very friendly he's obviously photogenic he always photobombs it's very funny whenever you take pictures if you're near him he'll photobomb it's very funny so come on in we'll go in the barn you're going to ride honey that's honey she's a big girl but don't be intimidated by her she's oh reggie is 19. no 18. reggie's 18. she is big but don't be intimidated she's 24 24. yep if you take care of horses they can live to be in their 40s the oldest horse on record i believe was 63. wow yeah so um she's not owned by me um she's on loan to me um but she's a wonderful horse i work with a lot of kids with add adhd autism and then regular people so she's really good she's going to take really good care of you she's what's called a standard bread so she's half thorough bread and half saddle bread so she's actually gated so you can sit her trot that's why i start everybody on her you're not gonna bounce a whole lot you're just gonna sit okay so this is honey that's you can pet her she's real sweet that's what you're gonna ride she's very sweet she's gonna be like do you have a carrot so have you ever given her horse carrot uh yes once okay i'm gonna let you do one to my little girl this is sundance he's a mustang he looks the one from spirit yeah it does look like everyone says that he looks like spirit but his name is sundance i've had him for three years he's really cool this is tipper this is who i won the buckle on this is who i'm racing yeah she's actually a pony so she's very sweet if you lean forward say give me a kiss she'll kiss your cheek but she knows i have a carrot so i'm gonna have you put your hand like this put all your fingers together you're gonna lean she's not gonna hurt you you're gonna lean forward and let her take it right out of your hand see how gentle she is yes that's tipper tipper yep her show name is tiffany fancy that's who i race i'm little so that's why she's lit she's very fast though she's a 17 second barrel horse she's very fast he's a green that's my goofball yeah he's very goofy he's a very you have no idea he's very silly she's not going to hurt you she actually wants more carrots um you can pet her she's real sweet she was a rescue i got her when she was a year old and she just turned uh 19. all my horses your nose are pretty friendly it's a very quiet relaxing barn um yes i got a regular oh she knows i've carried in my pocket so we're gonna go meet walker and luna he's going to chase us down he's like do you have carrot for me horses love carrots yes they do so this is luna luna come say hi luna come say hi luna come here luna bugs come here come say hi hello come say hi to carolina say hi she's like i'm eating my breakfast she's like i'll just look at you so that's luna she's a quarter horse so quarter horse mustang standard bread polish arabian tippers a quarter arab so she's half quarter horse apparation and have you ever seen a tennessee walker no well this is walker the tennessee walker yeah i just got him i've had him for three and a half months he's very sweet can i come say hi walker come say hi dude he's like i'm eating my breakfast they're so huge yeah they're big he's really cool so a tennessee walker their gate they do it what's called pacing so you just sit and it's legs go d d d d d d d d it's really cool so you'll get to ride him he's very sweet i just started putting kids on him and he's great with the kids i've only had him for three and a half months but he's a really nice horse i got him for a dollar what yeah i got him for a dollar i got him for a dollar there's a lot of really nice horses out a lot of people lost their jobs so they can't afford their horses but he had some issues when i got him but i'm a trainer so i fixed most of them he was a little head shy so when you tried to touch his head he'd be like this now you touch his head and he's like hi you know but it's i train him he was just a mess so he's he's been my project but he's finally in my training program um i put adults on him because he can be a little bit of a strong horse so um but tipper's easy i've had her her whole life but yeah i've never it's it's really nice it's easy to there's all these really nice horses really cheap right now it's kind of sad um but yeah i got lucky with him he's just a really cool horse i love his name i know it's long huh do you see his tail yeah check out his tail well i don't know how well here i can open this he's not going to go anywhere he might just come through that i've never had a horse because someone said you want to come say hi and come say hi see you didn't do this before you can pet him you're not going to go anywhere say hi that's walker walker he's 21. yeah he's a sweet boy right so when he turns around you can his tail is it's like we're making we're putting it on our heads it's so long it's very long and thick so now you've met all my horses okay back up buddy maybe he'll come here watch out but i don't want to close the door on you let's put your hand let's see if he'll take it from me you get it he's not going to hurt you he's not going to hurt you you just got it you got to get used to it [Laughter] did he get it you want him to actually eat here not your fingers he slimed you you've been slimed so put your hand like that there you go now you got it good job i just wipe it on my jeans i'm going to teach you how to be a cowgirl how's that was that cool yes you got to get used to it you're never going to stay clean at a ranch know that you will not stay clean i'm surprised you wore white you can't stay clean at a ranch it is impossible i mean i just washed these jeans look how dirty i already am and i cleaned stalls this morning so all right are you ready yes okay you having fun so far yes okay i always like to have my new students meet all my horses because it's kind of like a nice icebreaker gives you a chance to know all the horses get to know me a little bit right do you do ballet yes i do ballet i could tell you have that that's why i was wondering about when you said that that's why i asked you to do figure skating because a lot of people who dance and do ballet do bigger skating because it's that same artistic fluidity it's very beautiful and you're light on your feet right come on in so i'm going to walk her in i'm going to turn her to my left you're going to come in with me i'm going to have you stand right over there oh she's talking to her boyfriend that's her boyfriend yeah walker came in and all the girls were like ooh who's the new guy see how they're all done hear them all talking so this is called the halter i'm going to take the halter off because when you lunge them we're going to stand in the middle okay okay and there she goes is she pretty cool yeah she's excited when horses are excited they snort and they stick their payload now what i like to do is like this like i showed you i'm pretty flexible i know you're a dancer so you're pretty flexible so you're gonna pick your leg up put in the teller stand stand say stand stand get your foot in the stirrup can you get it in there help you out a little bit all right grab your cancel pull yourself up one two three up pull your body up i'll give you a push there you go how you feel up there kiddo awesome did you get it there you go let's go straight hands forward hands forward just say walk walk look at the tree yeah there you go forward got it there you go put your hands forward yeah look at luna see luna and her stall okay see how that worked was that weird are you okay we weren't expecting that where are you so if she comes to me you're gonna open your right ring back to the rail i don't want you to look at me because if you look at me where's she gonna go exactly so anytime she comes to me you're gonna open your right ring and push her back to the rail do you feel better now see how now she's actually moving sit up tall chest out there you go hands forward and just say walk you're doing awesome so you're always going to put your reins in your left hand and petter is it is it still scary you're feeling a little more comfy more comfy you'll get used to it we're going to increase your speed you're controlling her are you realizing when you open your range she actually moves huh you are 100 in control of that horse okay you're doing awesome take a nice deep breath and have fun with it there if you're relaxed your horse is relaxed do you know the horses feel every emotion we feel i didn't know that they know when we're happy they know when we're sad that's why people like horses because for some reason they just make you feel better don't they right they know when we're mad they know when we're scared they know every emotion if they can feel a fly on their back they can feel every little nerve in your body okay she knows you're really happy i can i feel your energy i'm all about energy i can feel your happy energy okay so let's try this again i want to see if you can keep going around don't overthink it though okay just remember nice forward hands if she comes in towards me you're going to open your rail arm which is your right okay you want to say hope oh yes i'll say halt your horse you say oh good just like santa claus just not ho ho ho you're doing amazing all right let's open our right ring let's see you walk let's see if we can make two laps don't look at her look at where you want to go sit up nice and tall chest out good just say honey walk honey and you can give her a little squeeze if you wanted to go a little faster squeeze your legs a little bit more much better that was great give her a pat did you feel the difference yes okay good good job now how did that feel a lot easier this is how riding works the more you do it the better you get so open your right ring and aim towards your dad look at your dad and sit up nice and tall see is that crazy okay now walk towards the tree see that wild yeah good job sit up tall chest out good you look really good go ahead and keep walking and then you can get her a little more to the rail by opening your right ring see how you have control over now is that nice for her first lesson and actually control first time ever controlling a horse pretty amazing she's a very quick learner thank you look at her she's doing it all by herself now you're looking down you're getting shy now you can't get shy now come on just say why she did amazing today really good job you've cut her on the bed now you're a cowgirl you're riding one handed wow look at that smile that's a happy girl right there all right are you ready to try the dismount do you remember how to do it i think so take your time don't rush the the best thing advice i can give you with horseback riding oh take your time when you rush you make mistakes when you're learning you're still going to make mistakes but if you can take things slow and take your time with it you'll make less mistakes and you'll learn quicker there you go take your right hand off put it on the swell lean forward take your right foot out bring it all the way around put your right hand on the cancel step down and out you get your foot up oh don't let go of your horse pull the reins over i'm going to swap range with you so that was your first time ever trying a horse huh yes unbridled yeah then she'll just take it that easier yeah there you go stand do you like it i love it she's not gonna hurt she's checking out your camera she's photobombing it i think she's loving on your daughter though do you like honey i love her you have a great attitude i love it you learned really quickly you're a wonderful listener really good job today thank you so much i'm gonna give you an air hug because i can't give you a real hug but you did really awesome i'm really proud of you
Channel: Karolina Protsenko Vlog
Views: 274,683
Rating: 4.849987 out of 5
Keywords: horse, riding, karolina protsenko, first lesson, Learning
Id: OkVL8zV14Zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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